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Word Unit No Page

Brazil 1 14
Mexico 1 14
the USA 1 14
Japan 1 14
Turkey 1 14
Spain 1 14
the UK 1 14
Portugal 1 14
Russia 1 14
South Africa 1 14
Russian 1 14
Turkish 1 14
Mexican 1 14
Japanese 1 14
American 1 14
Brazilian 1 14
Portuguese 1 14
South African 1 14
Spanish 1 14
British 1 14
how 1 14
who 1 14
where 1 14
what 1 14
why 1 14
be 1 15
is 1 15
are 1 15
big 1 17
small 1 17
new 1 17
old 1 17
cheap 1 17
expensive 1 17
fast 1 17
slow 1 17
dirty 1 17
clean 1 17
How's it going? 1 19
See you later 1 19
awesome 1 19
I know 1 19
why 1 13
because 1 13
athlete 1 13
country 1 16
player 1 16
fan 1 16
beach 2 21
stadium 2 21
bus 2 21
school 2 21
hot 2 22
cold 2 22
hungry 2 22
thirsty 2 22
sad 2 22
worried 2 22
excited 2 22
bored 2 22
angry 2 22
tired 2 22
race 2 24
film 2 24
song 2 24
club 2 24
bad 2 25
exciting 2 25
funny 2 25
good 2 25
great 2 25
terrible 2 25
excellent 2 25
awful 2 25
me 2 25
you 2 25
him 2 25
her 2 25
it 2 25
us 2 25
them 2 25
mask 2 26
lion 2 26
dancer 2 26
tourist 2 26
theatre 2 26
house 2 26
sweets 2 26
carnival 2 26
beautiful 2 26
family 3 32
son 3 32
father 3 32
brother 3 32
grandfather 3 32
wife 3 32
grandmother 3 32
aunt 3 32
uncle 3 32
sister 3 32
cousin 3 32
mother 3 32
daughter 3 32
husband 2 31
home 3 31
apartment 3 31
my 3 33
your 3 33
his 3 33
her 3 33
its 3 33
our 3 33
their 3 33
this 3 34
that 3 34
these 3 34
those 3 34
bathroom 3 35
bedroom 3 35
kitchen 3 35
living room 3 35
hall 3 35
garage 3 35
garden 3 35
bed 3 35
fridge 3 35
sofa 3 35
cooker 3 35
shower 3 35
bath 3 35
armchair 3 35
toilet 3 35
Let's go 3 37
Oh, right 3 37
Really? 3 37
Just a minute 3 37
square 4 38
tower 4 38
palace 4 38
statue 4 38
famous 4 38
park 4 40
post office 4 40
train station 4 40
bank 4 40
chemist's 4 40
museum 4 40
supermarket 4 40
library 4 40
restaurant 4 40
some 4 40
any 4 40
in front of 4 41
behind 4 41
next to 4 41
on the corner (of) 4 41
opposite 4 41
between 4 41
listen 4 41
sit 4 41
open 4 41
look 4 41
turn 4 41
go 4 41
bookshop 4 42
shoe shop 4 42
comfortable 4 42
a hundred and thirty 4 42
a hundred and fifty 4 42
a hundred and seventy-five 4 42
two hundred 4 42
five hundred and sixty 4 42
a thousand 4 42
one thousand two hundred 4 42
two thousand 4 42
dollar 4 43
pound 4 43
euro 4 43
fifteen pounds 4 43
twenty-five dollars 4 43
two hundred and thirty euros 4 43
nine pounds ninety-nine 4 43
twenty-one dollars ninety-five cents 4 43
seventy-two euro fifty 4 43
sea 4 44
mountain 4 44
path 4 44
dragon 4 44
hundreds of 4 44
iguana 4 44
friendly 4 44
feed 4 44
lake 4 44
watch TV 5 48
play sport 5 48
sing 5 48
listen to music 5 48
perform 5 49
concert 5 49
feel 5 49
play 5 50
cheer 5 50
love 5 50
meet 5 50
make 5 50
help 5 50
get 5 50
teach 5 50
watch 5 50
go 5 50
finish 5 50
study 5 50
carry 5 50
fly 5 50
always 5 50
often 5 50
sometimes 5 50
never 5 50
play computer games 5 50
go shopping 5 50
dance 5 50
do homework 5 50
hang out with friends 5 50
chat to friends online 5 50
smartphone 5 53
tablet 5 53
laptop 5 53
games console 5 53
e-reader 5 53
GPS 5 53
MP3 player 5 53
headphones 5 53
Monday 5 53
Tuesday 5 53
Wednesday 5 53
Thursday 5 53
Friday 5 53
Saturday 5 53
Sunday 5 53
What's wrong? 5 55
I've got an idea 5 55
No way! 5 55
Come on 5 55
shaved 6 56
doctor 6 56
nurse 6 56
hair 6 56
body 6 58
arm 6 58
ear 6 58
eye 6 58
foot 6 58
hand 6 58
face 6 58
leg 6 58
mouth 6 58
nose 6 58
curly 6 60
grey 6 60
short 6 60
blonde 6 60
red 6 60
long 6 60
brown 6 60
wavy 6 60
straight 6 60
black 6 60
green 6 60
smile 6 61
glasses 6 61
moustache 6 61
beard 6 61
earring 6 61
tall 6 61
short 6 61
good-looking 6 60
wear 6 60
surprise 6 57
touch 6 62
put [your] hands together 6 62
stick out [your] tongue 6 62
bow [your] head 6 62
kiss sb's cheek 6 62
piece of silk 6 62
rub noses 6 62
skateboarding 7 66
gymnastics 7 66
football 7 66
golf 7 66
kick 7 66
hit 7 66
push 7 66
jump 7 66
spin 7 66
somersault 7 66
skipping rope 7 67
routine 7 67
can 7 68
can't 7 68
ice-skate 7 68
ride a bike 7 68
play volleyball 7 68
do tae kwon do 7 68
surf 7 68
play basketball 7 68
snowboard 7 68
play tennis 7 68
quarter past 7 69
half past 7 69
o' clock 7 69
quarter to 7 69
winner 7 70
win 7 70
final 7 70
organise 7 70
January 7 71
February 7 71
March 7 71
April 7 71
May 7 71
June 7 71
July 7 71
August 7 71
September 7 71
October 7 71
November 7 71
December 7 71
winter 7 71
spring 7 71
summer 7 71
autumn 7 71
first 7 71
second 7 71
third 7 71
fourth 7 71
fifth 7 71
sixth 7 71
seventh 7 71
eighth 7 71
ninth 7 71
tenth 7 71
eleventh 7 71
twelfth 7 71
thirteenth 7 71
twentieth 7 71
thirtieth 7 71
thirty first 7 71
stuff 7 73
Now what? 7 73
It's no big deal 7 73
I'm sure 7 73
violin 8 74
trumpet 8 74
musician 8 74
concert 8 74
singer 8 74
singing 8 76
dancing 8 76
leaving 8 76
running 8 76
sitting 8 76
reading 8 76
standing 8 76
cheering 8 76
getting 8 76
wearing 8 76
coming 8 76
taking 8 76
shopping 8 76
making 8 76
watching 8 76
playing 8 76
studying 8 76
like 8 78
love 8 78
hate 8 78
dress 8 79
coat 8 79
jeans 8 79
jumper 8 79
shirt 8 79
shoes 8 79
shorts 8 79
skirt 8 79
socks 8 79
T-shirt 8 79
trainers 8 79
trousers 8 79
wood 8 80
string 8 80
stick 8 80
blow 8 80
deep 8 80
hold 8 80
ground 8 80
orchestra 8 80
cloth 8 80
relaxing 8 80
chef 9 84
cooking 9 84
plate 9 84
soup 9 84
salad 9 84
steak 9 84
omelette 9 84
cake 9 84
young 9 85
star 9 85
must 9 86
mustn't 9 86
meat 9 86
fruit 9 86
vegetable 9 86
drink 9 86
chicken 9 86
beef 9 86
lamb 9 86
burger 9 86
potato 9 86
tomato 9 86
carrot 9 86
pepper 9 86
coffee 9 86
tea 9 86
juice 9 86
milk 9 86
banana 9 86
orange 9 86
apple 9 86
strawberry 9 86
menu 9 88
starter 9 88
main course 9 88
dessert 9 88
order 9 88
bread 9 89
cereal 9 89
yoghurt 9 89
jam 9 89
honey 9 89
egg 9 89
butter 9 89
breakfast 9 89
lunch 9 89
dinner 9 89
of course 9 91
be careful 9 91
a bit of 9 91
the thing is 9 91
astronaut 10 92
achievement 10 92
spacecraft 10 92
stamp 10 92
space 10 92
factory 10 92
sky diving 10 92
training 10 29
be born 10 92
lucky 10 92
in 10 94
at 10 94
last 10 94
yesterday 10 94
stay 10 96
storm 10 96
hurricane 10 96
monster 10 96
worked 10 97
moved 10 97
crashed 10 97
died 10 97
worried 10 97
helped 10 97
started 10 97
tried 10 97
weather 10 97
be raining 10 97
sunny 10 97
windy 10 97
cloudy 10 97
be snowing 10 97
hot 10 97
cold 10 97
warm 10 97
strange 10 98
improve 10 98
create 10 98
writer 10 98
shoulder 10 98
suit 10 98
wait 10 98
desert 10 98
sand 10 98
upside down 10 98
bear 11 102
horse 11 102
bird 11 102
cow 11 102
dog 11 102
elephant 11 102
gorilla 11 102
cat 11 102
snake 11 102
sheep 11 102
tiger 11 102
rabbit 11 102
ride 11 103
scared 11 103
woods 11 103
noise 11 103
put 11 104
ran 11 104
came 11 104
fell 11 104
found 11 104
got 11 104
gave 11 104
went 11 104
knew 11 104
made 11 104
saw 11 104
took 11 104
take a break 11 104
have a good time 11 104
make a mistake 11 104
make a noise 11 104
have a shower 11 104
do homework 11 104
take photographs 11 104
go on holiday 11 104
get angry 11 104
go away 11 104
get excited 11 104
do something 11 104
extinct 11 106
island 11 106
become 11 106
teeth 11 106
horn 11 106
could 11 107
couldn't 11 107
beautiful 11 107
boring 11 107
clean 11 107
clever 11 107
dangerous 11 107
dirty 11 107
horrible 11 107
interesting 11 107
lovely 11 107
safe 11 107
stupid 11 107
ugly 11 107
all right 11 109
suddenly 11 109
poor you 11 109
What happened? 11 109
bike 12 110
car 12 110
boat 12 110
underground train 12 110
bus 12 110
transport 12 110
traffic 12 111
presenter 12 111
airport 12 111
journey 12 111
pollute 12 111
motorbike 12 112
plane 12 112
helicopter 12 112
ferry 12 112
taxi 12 112
train 12 112
road 12 112
rail 12 112
water 12 112
air 12 112
quicker 12 112
bigger 12 112
cheaper 12 112
easier 12 112
healthier 12 112
more expensive 12 112
more dangerous 12 112
better 12 112
mountain 12 115
beach 12 115
river 12 115
sea 12 115
field 12 115
lake 12 115
farm 12 115
forest 12 115
engine 12 116
wheel 12 116
suitcase 12 116
bamboo 12 116
hill 12 116
floating 12 116
reed 12 116
Definition PoS
a country in South America noun
a country in North America noun
abbreviation for 'United States of America' noun
a country consisting of a group of islands near the east coast of Asia noun
a ​country in ​southeastern ​Europe and ​Western ​Asia noun
a country in western Europe noun
abbreviation for 'United Kingdom' noun
a country in western Europe noun
a ​country in ​eastern ​Europe and ​North ​Asia noun
a country in Southern Africa noun
coming from or relating to Russia adjective
coming from or relating to Turkey adjective
coming from or relating to Mexico adjective
coming from or relating to Japan adjective
coming from or relating to The United States of America adjective
coming from or relating to Brazil adjective
coming from or relating to Portugal adjective
coming from or relating to South Africa adjective
coming from or relating to Spain adjective
coming from or relating to The United Kingdom adjective
used to ask or talk about quantity, size, or age adverb
used to ask about someone's name or which person or group someone is talkingpronoun
used to ask about the place or position of someone or something adverb
used to ask for information about something pronoun
used to ask about the reason for something adverb
used to say something about a ​person, thing, or ​state, to show a ​permanent or ​temporary ​
verb quality, ​state, ​job, etc.
the present simple he/she/it form of 'be' verb
the present simple you/we/they form of 'be' verb
large in size or amount adjective
little in size or amount adjective
recently made or having started to exist recently adjective
having lived or existed for many years adjective
costing little money or less than is usual or expected adjective
costing a lot of money adjective
moving or happening quickly, or able to move or happen quickly adjective
moving, happening, or doing something without much speed adjective
not clean adjective
not dirty adjective
used for saying hello to someone and asking about their life phrase
used for saying goodbye to someone you are going to meet again soon, especiallphrase
extremely good adjective
used when you agree with something someone has just said phrase
used to ask about the reason for something adverb
used to give a reason for something conjunction
a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especially one who comnoun
an area of land that has its own government, army, etc. noun
someone who takes part in a game or sport noun
someone who admires and supports a person, sport, sports team, etc. noun
an area of sand or small stones next to the sea noun
a large, open area with seats around it, used for playing and watching sports noun
a large vehicle in which people are driven from one place to another noun
a place where children go to be educated noun
having a high temperature adjective
having a low temperature adjective
wanting or needing food adjective
needing to drink adjective
unhappy or making you feel unhappy adjective
anxious because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that mig adjective
feeling very happy and enthusiastic adjective
feeling tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because you adjective
having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you wan adjective
feeling that you want to rest or sleep adjective
a competition in which people run, ride, drive, etc. against each other in order tonoun
a story shown in moving pictures, shown at the cinema or on television noun
a usually short piece of music with words which are sung noun
an organisation for people who want to take part in a sport or social activity togenoun
unpleasant; causing difficulties or harm adjective
making you feel very happy and enthusiastic adjective
making you smile or laugh adjective
enjoyable, pleasant or interesting adjective
very good or very important adjective
very bad, of low quality, or unpleasant adjective
extremely good adjective
very bad, of low quality, or unpleasant adjective
used after a verb or preposition to refer to the person who is speaking or writingpronoun
used to refer to the person or people you are speaking or writing to pronoun
used to refer to a man or boy that has just been mentioned pronoun
used to refer to a woman or girl that has just been mentioned pronoun
used to refer to something that has just been mentioned pronoun
used to refer to the person who is speaking or writing and one or more other pe pronoun
used to refer to a group of people, animals, or things that have just been menti pronoun
a covering for the face which protects, hides or decorates the person wearing it noun
a large, wild animal of the cat family, with light brown fur noun
someone who dances either as a job or for pleasure noun
someone who visits a place for pleasure and does not live there noun
a building with a stage where people go to watch plays noun
a building where people, usually one family or group, live noun
small pieces of sweet food, usually made of sugar or chocolate plural noun
a public celebration where people wear special clothes and dance and play musicnoun
very attractive adjective
a group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, andnoun
a male child noun
a male parent noun
a man or boy with the same parents as another person noun
the father of a person's mother or father noun
the woman that someone is married to noun
the mother of a person's father or mother noun
the sister of someone's father or mother, or the wife of someone's uncle noun
the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt noun
a girl or woman who has the same parents as another person noun
a child of a person's aunt or uncle noun
a female parent noun
a female child noun
the man that someone is married to noun
the place where you live or feel you belong noun
a set of rooms for living in, especially on one floor of a building noun
belonging to or relating to the person who is speaking or writing determiner
belonging or relating to the person or people you are speaking or writing to determiner
belonging to or relating to a man or boy that has just been mentioned determiner
belonging to or relating to a woman or girl that has just been mentioned determiner
belonging to or relating to something that has just been mentioned determiner
belonging to or relating to the person who is speaking or writing and one or mor determiner
belonging to or relating to a group of people, animals, or things that have just determiner
used to refer to something or someone that can be seen or pointed to pronoun
used to refer to something that can be seen or pointed to pronoun
the plural of 'this' pronoun
the plural of 'that' pronoun
a room with a bath and/or shower and often a toilet noun
a room used for sleeping in noun
a room where food is kept, prepared and cooked and where the dishes are was noun
the room in a house where people sit to relax and, for example, watch televisionnoun
a room or passage near the main door of a building, which leads to other rooms noun
a small building, often next to a house, that you can put a car in noun
a piece of land belonging to a house, where flowers and other plants are grown noun
a piece of furniture that you sleep on noun
a large container that uses electricity to keep food cold noun
a large, comfortable seat for more than one person noun
a large box-shaped device which is used to cook and heat food either by putting tnoun
a piece of bathroom equipment that you stand under to wash your whole body noun
the container that you sit or lie in to wash your body noun
a comfortable chair with sides that support your arms noun
a bowl that you sit on or stand near when you get rid of waste substances from noun
used to say that it is time to go somewhere phrase
used to say that you now understand something phrase
used to express interest or surprise adverb
used to ask someone to wait for a short time phrase
an open area with buildings around it, often in the centre of a town noun
a very tall, narrow building, or part of a building noun
a very large building where a king, queen or president lives noun
a model that looks like a person or animal, usually made from stone or metal noun
known and recognised by many people adjective
a large area of grass and trees in a city or town, where people can walk and enj noun
a place where stamps are sold and from where letters and parcels are sent noun
a building and the surrounding area where trains stop for people to get on and onoun
an organisation or place where you can borrow money, save money, etc. noun
a shop where you can buy medicines, make-up and products used for washing yonoun
a building where you can look at important objects connected with art, history, onoun
a large shop that sells food, drink, products for the home, etc. noun
a room or building that contains a collection of books and other written materia noun
a place where you can buy and eat a meal noun
used to refer to an amount of something without saying exactly how much or determiner
used in questions and negatives to mean 'some' determiner
close to the front part of something preposition
at or to the back of someone or something preposition
used when describing two people or things that are very close to each other wi preposition
at a point where two lines, surfaces, roads etc. meet preposition
in a position facing something or someone but on the other side preposition
in the space that separates two people, places, or things preposition
to give attention to someone or something in order to hear them verb
to move your body into a sitting position after you have been standing verb
to move something to a position that is not closed, or to make something changeverb
to turn your eyes in the direction of something or someone so that you can see verb
to change the direction in which you are moving, or to make a car do this verb
to move or travel somewhere verb
a shop where books are sold noun
a shop where shoes are sold noun
describes furniture, clothes, etc. that provide a pleasant feeling and that do not adjective
the number 130 number
the number 150 number
the number 175 number
the number 200 number
the number 560 number
the number 1,000 number
the number 1,200 number
the number 2,000 number
the unit of money used in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and some othenoun
the unit of money in the UK noun
the unit of money used in most European Union countries noun
the sum of £15.00 phrase
the sum of $25.00 phrase
the sum of €230.00 phrase
the sum of £9.99 phrase
the sum of $21.95 phrase
the sum of €72.50 phrase
a large area of salt water noun
a raised part of the Earth's surface, much larger than a hill, the top of which mi noun
a long, narrow track between one place and another noun
a big, imaginary creature which breathes out fire noun
used to show that there is a large number of something phrase
a large greyish-green lizard from tropical America noun
behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone adjective
to give food to a person, group or animal verb
a large area of water which has land all around it noun
to look at programmes on the television phrase
to take part in games or activities such as football or swimming that need physicalphrase
to make musical sounds with your voice verb
to use your ears to hear music phrase
to entertain people by acting, dancing, singing, playing music, etc. verb
a performance of music by one or more musicians or singers noun
to experience something physical or emotional verb
to make music with a musical instrument verb
to give a loud shout of approval or encouragement verb
to like something very much verb
to come to the same place as someone else by arrangement or by chance verb
to produce or create something verb
to provide advice, money, support, etc. to make it possible or easier for someo verb
to become verb
to give lessons in a particular subject at a school, university, etc. verb
to look at something for a period of time verb
to move or travel somewhere verb
to complete something, or come to the end of an activity verb
to learn about a subject, especially on an educational course or by reading booksverb
to hold something or someone with your hands, arms, or on your back and take verb
When a bird, insect or aircraft flies, it moves through the air. verb
every time, or at all times adverb
many times or regularly adverb
on some occasions but not always or often adverb
not ever, not one time adverb
to play games designed to be used on a computer phrase
to visit shops in order to buy things phrase
to move your feet and body to the rhythm of music verb
to do work your teacher has given you to do at home phrase
to spend time with friends phrase
to use the internet to talk to friends phrase
a mobile phone that can be used as a small computer and that connects to the i noun
a small, flat computer that is controlled by touching the screen noun
a computer that is small enough to be carried around and used where you are sitnoun
a piece of equipment for playing computer games noun
a small electronic device which allows you to read books on a screen noun
abbreviation for Global Positioning System: a system that can show the position of noun
a piece of electronic equipment for playing music that has been stored as MP3 finoun
a ​device with a ​part to ​cover each ​ear through which you can ​listen to ​music plural noun
the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday noun
the day of the week after Monday and before Wednesday noun
the day of the week after Tuesday and before Thursday noun
the day of the week after Wednesday and before Friday noun
the day of the week after Thursday and before Saturday noun
the day of the week after Friday and before Sunday noun
the day of the week after Saturday and before Monday noun
used to ask about a problem phrase
used to say that you have a suggestion or plan phrase
used to say that you think something is impossible phrase
used to encourage someone to do something phrase
with all the hair cut off adjective
a person whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt noun
someone whose job is looking after people who are ill or hurt noun
the thin, thread-like parts that grow on your head noun
the whole physical structure that forms a person or animal noun
the long part at each side of the human body, ending in a hand noun
one of the two organs on your head that you hear with noun
one of the two organs in your face that you use to see with noun
one of the two flat parts on the ends of your legs that you stand on noun
one of the two parts on the ends of your arms that have fingers and a thumb noun
the front part of the head, where the eyes, nose and mouth are noun
one of the parts of the body of a human or animal that is used for standing and noun
the part of the face that is used for eating and speaking noun
the part of your face through which you breathe and smell noun
describes hair that has a lot of small, curved shapes adjective
the colour that is a mixture of black and white adjective
small in length adjective
describes hair which is a pale yellow colour adjective
describes hair which is an orange-brown colour adjective
having a large distance from one end to the other adjective
being the colour of chocolate or soil adjective
with slight curves adjective
not curved or bent adjective
the colour of the sky on a dark night adjective
the colour of grass adjective
a happy or friendly expression in which the corners of your mouth curve up noun
a piece of equipment with two transparent parts that you wear in front of your eplural noun
a line of hair that some men grow above their mouths noun
the hair that grows on a man's chin noun
a piece of jewellery that you wear on your ear noun
having a greater than average height adjective
small in height adjective
If someone is good-looking, they have an attractive face. adjective
to have clothing, jewellery, etc. on your body verb
an event that you did not expect to happen noun
to put your hand on something verb
to put your hands in a position where the palms and fingers touch each other phrase
to move your tongue so that it comes out of your mouth phrase
to move your head down so that your chin is close to your neck phrase
to put your lips on the side of someone's face phrase
a piece of a smooth, often expensive, cloth phrase
to press your nose against someone else's nose and move it from side to side phrase
the activity of moving using a board with small wheels noun
a sport in which you do physical exercises on the floor and on different pieces o noun
a large ball made of leather or plastic and filled with air, used in games of footbalnoun
a game on grass where players try to hit a small ball into a series of holes, using anoun
to hit someone or something with your foot verb
to touch someone or something quickly and with force using your hand or an objverb
to move someone or something by pressing them with your hands or body verb
to push your body up and away from the ground using your feet and legs verb
If something or someone spins, they turn around and around quickly. verb
when you roll your body forwards or backwards so that your feet go over your noun
a rope that you move over your head and then jump over as you move it under ynoun
a ​regular ​series of ​movements used in a ​performance noun
to be able to verb
the negative of the verb 'can' verb
to move across ice using boots with a thin metal part on the bottom verb
to travel using a bicycle phrase
to play a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a ball over a net phrase
to do a sport that is originally from Korea, in which people fight with their hands phrase
to ​ride on a ​wave as it comes towards ​land, while ​standing or ​lying on a ​special ​bverb
to play a game in which two teams try to win points by throwing a ball through aphrase
to stand on a large board and move across snow verb
to play a sport in which two or four people hit a small ball to each other over a nphrase
used to say that it is fifteen minutes after the hour phrase
used to say that it is thirty minutes after the hour phrase
used after the numbers one to twelve to mean exactly that hour when you tell t phrase
used to say that it is fifteen minutes before the hour phrase
someone who wins a game or competition noun
to get the most points in a competition or game verb
the last in a series of games, races or competitions, usually the one in which the noun
to make ​arrangements for something to ​happen verb
the first month of the year, after December and before February noun
the second month of the year, after January and before March noun
the third month of the year, after February and before April noun
the fourth month of the year, after March and before May noun
the fifth month of the year, after April and before June noun
the sixth month of the year, after May and before July noun
the seventh month of the year, after June and before August noun
the eighth month of the year, after July and before September noun
the ninth month of the year, after August and before October noun
the tenth month of the year, after September and before November noun
the eleventh month of the year, after October and before December noun
the twelfth and last month of the year noun
the coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring noun
the season of the year between winter and summer, when the weather becomesnoun
the season of the year between spring and autumn, when the weather is warmenoun
the season of the year between summer and winter, when leaves fall from the t noun
1st written as a word ordinal
2nd written as a word ordinal
3rd written as a word ordinal
4th written as a word ordinal
5th written as a word ordinal
6th written as a word ordinal
7th written as a word ordinal
8th written as a word ordinal
9th written as a word ordinal
10th written as a word ordinal
11th written as a word ordinal
12th written as a word ordinal
13th written as a word ordinal
20th written as a word ordinal
30th written as a word ordinal
31st written as a word ordinal
used to refer to a substance or a group of things or ideas, etc. without saying ex noun
used to ask what will happen next or what you should do next phrase
used to say that something is not important phrase
used to say that you are certain about something phrase
a wooden musical instrument with four strings, which you hold against your necknoun
a metal musical instrument that you play by blowing into it and pressing buttonsnoun
someone who plays a musical instrument, often as a job noun
a performance of music by one or more musicians or singers noun
a person who sings, especially as a job noun
the -ing form of 'sing' verb
the -ing form of 'dance' verb
the -ing form of 'leave' verb
the -ing form of 'run' verb
the -ing form of 'sit' verb
the -ing form of 'read' verb
the -ing form of 'stand' verb
the -ing form of 'cheer' verb
the -ing form of 'get' verb
the -ing form of 'wear' verb
the -ing form of 'come; verb
the -ing form of 'take' verb
the -ing form of 'shop' verb
the -ing form of 'make' verb
the -ing form of 'watch' verb
the -ing form of 'play' verb
the -ing form of 'study' verb
to enjoy something or feel that someone or something is pleasant verb
to like something very much verb
to dislike someone or something very much verb
a piece of clothing for women or girls which covers the top half of the body and noun
an outer piece of clothing with sleeves which is worn over other clothes, usually noun
trousers made of denim, a strong cotton material, which are worn informally plural noun
a piece of clothing usually made of wool which covers the top of your body and inoun
a piece of clothing worn on the top part of the body, often made of thin materia noun
a ​pair of ​coverings for ​your ​feet, usually made of a ​strong ​material such as ​leather
plural noun
a very short pair of trousers that stop above the knees plural noun
a piece of clothing for women and girls that hangs from the waist and does not hnoun
 a ​pair of coverings made from ​soft ​material that ​cover ​your ​feet plural noun
a piece of cotton clothing for the top part of the body with short sleeves and no cnoun
 a ​pair of ​light, ​comfortable ​shoes that can be ​worn for ​sport plural noun
a piece of clothing that covers the legs and has a separate part for each leg plural noun
the hard material that trees are made of noun
a piece of wire that is part of a musical instrument noun
a long, thin piece of wood, usually broken or fallen from a tree noun
to force air out through your mouth verb
A deep sound is low. adjective
to have something in your hand or arms verb
the surface of the Earth noun
a large group of musicians who play different instruments together noun
material made from cotton, wool, etc. noun
making you feel happy and comfortable because nothing is worrying you adjective
a skilled and trained cook who works in a hotel or restaurant, especially the mo noun
preparing and cooking food, or a particular way of preparing and cooking food noun
a flat, round object which is used for putting food on noun
a usually hot, liquid food made from vegetables, meat or fish noun
a cold mixture of vegetables that usually have not been cooked, sometimes eatenoun
a thick, flat piece of meat or fish noun
a food made with eggs that have been mixed and fried, often with other foods noun
a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar and eggs, mixed together and bakednoun
having lived or existed for only a short time and not old adjective
someone or something that is better than all the others in a group noun
used to say that it is necessary or important that something happens or is done verb
the negative of 'must' verb
the soft parts of animals, used as food noun
something such as an apple or orange that grows on a tree or a bush, contain se noun
a plant that you eat, for example a potato, onion, bean, etc. noun
 ​liquid that is taken into the ​body through the ​mouth noun
the meat of a chicken noun
the meat of a cow noun
the meat of a young sheep noun
meat or other food pressed into a round, flat shape and fried noun
a round vegetable with a brown, yellow, or red skin that grows in the ground noun
a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salad or as a vegetable noun
a long, thin orange vegetable that grows in the ground noun
a hollow green, red or yellow vegetable noun
a hot drink made from dark beans which are made into a powder noun
a hot drink that you make by pouring water onto dried leaves noun
the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables noun
a white liquid produced by cows and other female animals noun
a long curved fruit with a yellow skin noun
a round, sweet fruit with a thick orange skin and a centre that is divided into ma noun
a hard, round fruit that has a green or red skin and is white inside noun
a small, red fruit with a green leaf at the top and small, brown seeds on its surfa noun
a list of food and drinks that you can order in a restaurant noun
something that you eat as the first part of a meal noun
the largest or most important part of a meal noun
sweet food eaten after the main part of a meal noun
to ask for food, goods, etc. verb
a basic food made by mixing flour, water and sometimes yeast noun
a food that is made from grain and usually eaten with milk, especially in the mornoun
a thick, liquid food with a slightly sour taste which is made from milk noun
a sweet food made with fruit and sugar that you can put on bread noun
a sweet, sticky food that is made by bees noun
an oval object with a hard shell which is produced by female birds, especially ch noun
a pale yellow food made from cream that you put on bread or use in cooking noun
the food you eat in the morning after you wake up noun
a meal that is eaten in the middle of the day noun
the main meal of the day that people usually eat in the evening noun
used to say 'yes' and emphasise your answer phrase
used to say that something could be dangerous phrase
a small amount of something phrase
used to introduce an answer, comment or explanation phrase
someone who travels into space noun
something that you have succeeded in doing noun
a vehicle which can travel outside the Earth and into space noun
a small, official piece of paper that you buy and stick onto a letter or parcel befornoun
the area outside the Earth's atmosphere, where the planets and the stars are noun
a building or set of buildings where large amounts of goods are made using mac noun
the sport of jumping out of an aircraft with a parachute (a large piece of cloth th noun
the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity noun
When a person or animal is born, they come out of their mother's body and startphrase
having good things happen to you by chance adjective
during part or all of a period of time preposition
used to show the time something happens preposition
the one before the present one determiner
on the day before today adverb
to continue to be in a place, job, etc. and not leave verb
very bad weather with a lot of rain, snow, wind, etc. noun
a violent storm with very strong winds noun
an imaginary creature that is large, ugly, and frightening noun
the past form of 'work' verb
the past form of 'move' verb
the past form of 'crash' verb
the past form of 'die' verb
the past form of 'worry' verb
the past form of 'help' verb
the past form of 'start' verb
the past form of 'try' verb
the conditions in the air above the Earth such as wind, rain or temperature noun
When it is raining, drops of water fall from clouds. phrase
bright because of light from the sun adjective
with a lot of wind adjective
When it is cloudy, there are clouds in the sky. adjective
When it is snowing, small, soft white pieces of ice falling from clouds. phrase
having a high temperature adjective
having a low temperature adjective
having a temperature between cool and hot adjective
If something is strange, it is surprising because it is unusual or unexpected. adjective
to get better or to make something better verb
to make something happen or exist verb
a person who writes books or articles to be published noun
one of the two ​parts of the ​body at each ​side of the ​neck that ​join the ​arms to the
​rest of the ​body
a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made from the same material noun
to stay in a place until something or someone arrives or someone or something iverb
a large, hot, dry area of land with very few plants noun
a substance that is found on beaches and in deserts, which is made from very sma noun
having the part which is usually at the top turned to be at the bottom adverb
a large, strong, wild animal with thick fur noun
a large animal with four legs, which people ride on noun
an animal that has wings and feathers, and is usually able to fly noun
a large female farm animal kept to produce meat and milk noun
an animal with fur, four legs and a tail, especially kept by people as a pet noun
a very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long nose noun
a big, black, hairy animal, like a large monkey noun
a small animal with fur, four legs and a tail that is kept as a pet noun
a long, thin creature with no legs that slides along the ground noun
a farm animal whose skin is covered with wool noun
a large wild cat that has yellow fur with black lines on it noun
a small animal with fur and long ears that lives in a hole in the ground noun
to travel by sitting on a horse verb
frightened or worried adjective
a large area of trees growing near each other plural noun
a sound, often a loud, unpleasant sound noun
to ​move something or someone into the ​stated ​place, ​position, or ​direction verb
the past form of 'run' verb
the past form of 'come' verb
the past form of 'fall' verb
the past form of 'find' verb
the past form of 'get' verb
the past form of 'give' verb
the past form of 'go' verb
the past form of 'know' verb
the past form of 'make' verb
the past form of 'see' verb
the past form of 'take' verb
to stop an activity for a short time, usually in order to rest or eat phrase
to enjoy yourself phrase
to do something that is not correct phrase
to make a sound, often a loud, unpleasant sound phrase
to wash your body while standing under a flow of water phrase
to do work your teacher has given you to do at home phrase
to use a camera to make pictures phrase
to go to a place away from where you live, for pleasure phrase
to start to have a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly or somphrase
to leave a place phrase
to start to feel happy and enthusiastic phrase
to take an action phrase
If a type of animal is extinct, it does not now exist. adjective
a piece of land completely surrounded by water noun
to ​start to be verb
the plural form of 'tooth' (one of the hard, white parts in your mouth which you uplural noun
one of the two hard, pointed growths on the heads of cows, goats, and some ot noun
used as the past form of 'can' to talk about what someone or something was abl verb
the negative form of 'could' verb
very attractive adjective
not interesting or exciting adjective
not dirty adjective
able to learn and understand things quickly and easily adjective
If someone or something is dangerous, they could harm you. adjective
not clean adjective
very unpleasant or bad adjective
Someone or something that is interesting keeps your attention because they are adjective
pleasant or enjoyable adjective
not in danger or likely to be harmed adjective
silly or not intelligent adjective
unpleasant to look at adjective
used to agree to a suggestion or request phrase
quickly and unexpectedly adverb
used to show that you are sorry for someone phrase
used to ask someone to tell you about an event phrase
a bicycle noun
a road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of peopnoun
a vehicle for travelling on water noun
a train that travels in tunnels beneath a city noun
a large vehicle in which people are driven from one place to another noun
a vehicle or system of vehicles for getting from one place to another noun
the cars, trucks, etc. using a road noun
someone who introduces a television or radio show noun
a place where aircraft regularly take off and land noun
when you travel from one place to another noun
to make water, air, soil, etc. dirty or harmful verb
a vehicle with two wheels and an engine noun
a vehicle that flies and has at least one engine and wings noun
an aircraft which flies using long, thin parts on top of it that turn round and rounnoun
a boat that regularly carries passengers and often vehicles across an area of wat noun
a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere noun
a long, thin vehicle which travels along metal tracks and carries people or goods noun
a long, hard surface built for vehicles to drive on noun
trains as a method of transport noun
the clear liquid which falls from the sky as rain noun
the mixture of gases which surrounds the Earth and which we breathe noun
the comparative of 'quick' adjective
the comparative of 'big' adjective
the comparative of 'cheap' adjective
the comparative of 'easy' adjective
the comparative of 'healthy' adjective
the comparative of 'expensive' adjective
the comparative of 'dangerous' adjective
the comparative of 'good' adjective
a raised part of the Earth's surface, much larger than a hill, the top of which mi noun
an area of sand or small stones next to the sea noun
a long, natural area of water that flows across the land and into a sea, lake, or a noun
a large area of salt water noun
an area of land used for growing crops or keeping animals noun
a large area of water which has land all around it noun
an area of land with fields and buildings, used for growing crops and/or keeping noun
a large area of trees growing closely together noun
the part of a vehicle that uses energy from oil, electricity or steam to make it m noun
a circular object fixed under a vehicle so that it moves smoothly over the groundnoun
a large rectangular case with a handle for carrying clothes and possessions while noun
a tall plant with hard hollow stems, often used for making furniture noun
a raised area of land, smaller than a mountain noun
on the surface of a liquid adjective
a tall, stiff plant like grass that grows near water noun
Example CEF
Pedro is from Brazil.
They are from Mexico.
Jacob is from the USA.
I'm from Japan.
She is from Turkey.
I'm from Spain.
She's from the UK.
You are from Portugal.
Moscow is a city in Russia.
Cape Town is a city in South Africa.
Is it the Russian flag?
She's Turkish.
They are Mexican.
I'm Japanese.
Jacob is American.
Pedro is Brazilian.
You are Portuguese.
It's South African.
I'm Spanish.
She's British.
How old are you? A1
Who's your favourite athlete? A1
Where are you from? A1
What is your name? A1
Why is she your favourite athlete? A1
I'm Andy. A1
He's a singer. A1
They are Brazilian. A1
He's a big man. A1
They live in a small apartment near Times Square. A1
a new car A1
an old man A1
cheap tickets A1
expensive jewellery A1
fast cars A1
a slow runner A1
a dirty football A2
a clean white shirt A1
Hi, Ruby. How's it going?
OK, Dan. See you later. A1
That is so awesome! A2
Yeah, I know!
Why is he your favourite singer? A1
Because she's awesome! A1
Who's your favourite athlete? B1
Spain is a beautiful country. A1
He's a football player. A1
I'm a Barcelona fan. A2
I'm on the beach. A1
I'm at the stadium. A2
I'm on the bus to school. A1
I'm at school. A1
a hot sunny day A1
cold weather A1
I'm not hungry. A1
Are you thirsty? A2
I'm sad. A1
I'm a little worried. A1
I feel excited! A1
Are they tired or bored? A1
Your mum is angry with you. A2
Are they tired or bored? A1
Well, there's a Formula One race at five. A2
There's a new film on at the cinema. A1
Listen to this song. A2
The new club for teenagers. A2
a bad film A1
an exciting computer game A1
a funny film A1
a good book A1
a great country A1
a terrible singer A2
an excellent actor A2
an awful actor B1
Do you like me? A1
Yes, I like you. A1
Do you like him? A1
Yes, I like her. A1
No, I don't like it. A1
He isn't very happy with us. A1
No, I don't like them. A1
This is a lion mask from China. B2
This is a lion mask from China. A2
The mask is on the head of one dancer. A2
Tourists love them. A2
They are masks for actors in the Greek theatre. A2
They go from house to house and say 'Trick or treat'. A1
People give them sweets. A2
Masks are an important part of the carnival in Venice, Italy. B2
The lion dances are very beautiful. A1
Kate’s family is from Berkshire in England. A1
George is Kate's son. A1
William is George's father. A1
James is Kate and Pippa's brother. A1
Prince Charles is George's grandfather. A2
Kate is William's wife. A1
His grandmother is Queen Elizabeth. A2
She's my aunt Mary. A2
He's my uncle Richard. A2
She has a sister called Pippa. A1
She's my cousin. A2
Kate is George's mother. A1
Charlotte is Kate's daughter. A1
William is Kate's husband. A1
Kate and William’s home is an apartment in Kensington Palace. A1
Kate and William’s home is an apartment in Kensington Palace. A2
My name's Steve. A1
What's your name? A1
His favourite team is Flamengo. A1
She's here on holiday with her mother and father. A1
The dog hurt its paws. A1
It's our first language. A1
Their names are Alex and Ricky. A1
This is my sister. A1
That's my brother. A1
These are my pens. A1
Those are my friends. A1
an ensuite bathroom A1
There is a great poster on your friend’s bedroom wall. A1
Their apartment is really big, with twenty bedrooms and three kitchens. A1
They listen to music in the living room. A1
The telephone is in the hall. A2
The car is in the garage. A2
The garden in Tom's house isn't very big. A1
I like your bed. A1
The fridge is in the kitchen. A2
Take a seat on the sofa. A2
an electric cooker A2
He likes to sing in the shower. A1
The bath is in the bathroom. A1
Sit down in the armchair. A2
The toilet is in the bathroom. A1
OK, guys, let's go. AA2
Oh, right. She looks like your sister!
Ruby? Really? A1
Just a minute. Where's my guitar?
a famous square A2
a famous tower B1
a famous palace B1
a famous statue B1
a famous statue A1
You play football in a park. A1
You send letters in a post office. A2
You get on a train at a train station. A1
The chemist's is next to the bank. A1
You buy medicine in a chemist's.
You look at interesting things in a museum. A1
You buy milk in a supermarket. A1
You read books in a library. A2
You eat lunch or dinner in a restaurant. A1
There are some restaurants and cafés in the park. A1
Are there any fun activities? A1
The museum is in front of the library. A2
The chemist's is behind the bank. A1
The restaurant is next to the park. A1
The post office is on the corner of Green Street and High Street. A2
The bank is opposite the post office. A2
The restaurant is between the post office and the park. A1
Listen to me. A1
Sit down, please. A1
Don't open the door. A1
Don't look at the answers. A1
Turn right. A2
Go down the street. A1
There are so many bookshops in town. A2
Where is the shoe shop?
And they’re very comfortable. A2
It's twenty-five dollars. A1
It's fifteen pounds. A2
It's seventy-two euros. A2
It's fifteen pounds.
It's twenty-five dollars.
It's two hundred and thirty euros.
It's nine pounds ninety-nine.
It's twenty-one dollars ninety-five cents.
It's seventy-two euros fifty.
Vancouver is a city near the sea and mountains. A1
Vancouver is a city near the sea and mountains. A2
There are paths for people on bicycles. A2
There are also things like a colourful dragon.
There are hundreds of beautiful cherry trees.
The iguanas are very friendly.
The iguanas are very friendly. A2
People in the city go there and feed them. B1
It has a lake and many museums. A2
I’m happy when I watch TV. A1
I like to play sport. A1
She chooses the songs and helps us to sing them. A1
I usually listen to music on my own. A1
Three times a year we perform our songs in front of the rest of the school in B1
Three times a year we perform our songs in front of the rest of the school in A2
I feel so happy when I’m on stage. A1
She plays the piano, too. A1
The teachers and the other students always cheer when we finish. B2
It’s a club for singing and I love singing. A1
We meet in the school hall every Tuesday. A1
You make so many friends at Glee club. A1
She chooses the songs and helps us to sing them. A1
She never gets angry with us. A1
She teaches Maths, but she just loves singing. A1
I’m happy when I watch TV. A1
We go swimming on Sundays. A1
I always finish my homework before bed. A1
I study English. A1
She carries the books. A1
He flies a plane. A1
He always does his homework after school. A1
We often hang out with friends in the park. A1
She sometimes goes shopping with her mum. A1
I never play computer games in the morning. A1
I never play computer games in the morning. A1
She sometimes goes shopping with her mum. A1
I often dance in the living room. A1
I never do homework in the morning. A1
We often hang out with friends in the park. A1
I always chat to friends online after school. A2
I use my smartphone to talk to my friends.
I use my tablet to shop. B1
I use my laptop to do homework. A2
I use my games console to play computer games.
I use my e-reader to read books.
I use my GPS to find out which way to go.
I use my MP3 player to listen to music. A2
I use my headphones to listen to music.
I start my new job on Monday. A1
We meet in the school hall every Tuesday. A1
Did you say the meeting is on Wednesday? A1
I play football every Thursday. A1
We meet in the school hall at lunchtime and every Friday. A1
My favourite day is Saturday. A1
I like Sunday because I always play football and I don’t go to school. A1
Hi, guys. What's wrong?
I've got an idea. Ruby, do you want to be in the play?
Me! No way!
Oh, come on, Ruby. Please. B1
a shaved head B1
a doctor and a nurse A1
a doctor and a nurse A2
long curly hair A1
Where on your body is your head? A1
It's an arm. A1
She's got an earring in her right ear. A1
My eyes aren't very good. A1
I hurt my left foot playing football. A1
Put your hands up. A1
She's got a long, thin face. A1
The dog has got short legs. A1
Open your mouth. A1
He's got a big nose. A1
It’s short and it’s curly. B1
The waiter has got grey hair. A1
It’s short and it’s curly. A1
long, blonde hair A2
red hair A1
She’s tall and she’s got long black hair. A1
My eyes are brown. A1
wavy, red hair
straight, brown hair A2
She’s tall and she’s got long black hair. A1
green eyes A1
He’s got a very nice smile. B1
She wears glasses. A1
He's got a moustache. B1
He's got a beard. A1
She's got an earring in her right ear. A2
She's quite tall, she is not short. A1
She's quite tall, she is not short. A1
He's quite tall and good-looking.
He’s got short curly black hair and he wears glasses. A1
But there is a terrible surprise for Kamryn the next day at school. A2
Do you touch the other person? B1
In Thailand, people put their hands together and bow.
When people in Tibet greet each other, they stick out their tongue. B2
In many countries in the East, people bow their heads when they greet each B2
In many countries around the world, friends greet by kissing on the cheek.
This is a piece of silk.
The Maori people in New Zealand rub noses together when they meet.
Skateboarding is a popular hobby with teenagers everywhere. A2
The Firecrackers are a group of young girls who do gymnastics. B1
Nikolai Kutsenko can do amazing things with a football. A1
He can hit a golf ball. A2
He can kick a ball well. A1
He can hit a golf ball. A2
He jumps on the skateboard and pushes it with his feet. A2
He jumps on the skateboard and pushes it with his feet. A2
They can jump and spin and do somersaults. C1
They can jump and spin and do somersaults.
The Firecrackers use a skipping rope at the same time.
But some gymnastics routines use music, too. B1
They can jump. A1
He can't read or write. A1
I can ice-skate but I can’t play volleyball. A2
He can't ride a bike. A2
I can ice-skate but I can’t play volleyball. A2
Can you do tae kwon do?
She can surf. A2
I like playing basketball. A1
We snowboard in winter. B1
Do you want to play tennis? A1
It’s quarter past four. A1
It's half past eight. A1
It's three o'clock. A1
It's quarter to one. A1
Bhutan win 4–0, but everyone decides that football is the real winner. A2
Bhutan win 4–0, but everyone decides that football is the real winner. A2
Two great teams, Brazil and Germany, are ready to play in the World Cup finaA2
He organises ‘the other final’.
the 1st January A1
the 27th February A1
the 26th March A1
the 20th April A1
the 30th May A1
the 24th June A1
the 22nd July A1
the 13th of August A1
the 23rd September A1
the 22nd October A1
the 5th November A1
the 23rd December A1
Winter is from December to February. A1
Spring is from March to May. A2
Summer is from June to August. A1
Autumn is from September to November. A2
I live on the first floor. A1
Her birthday is on the second of May. A1
the third road on the right A2
My birthday is on the fourth of December. A2
the fifth floor of the building A2
I have to return my library books on the sixth (of July). A2
It's the seventh (of May) today. A2
He finished eighth in the race. A2
The ninth letter of the alphabet is I. A2
My sister's birthday is on the tenth of July.
Our holiday is on the eleventh of October this year.
Today is the twelfth of September.
She lives on the thirteenth floor.
Our school’s Sports Day is on the twentieth of June.
Today is my aunt's thirtieth birthday.
This year is our school's thirty-first Maths competition.
I’ve got some stuff_x001F_ to do first, but I think 3.30 is OK. B1
Now what do we do?
It’s no big deal. I’m sure I can fix it.
It’s no big deal. I’m sure I can fix it.
They’re playing music on violins and trumpets and things. A2
They’re playing music on violins and trumpets and things. B1
The musicians and singers are leaving. B1
They’re giving a concert but they aren’t wearing special clothes. A2
The musicians and singers are leaving. A2
Now four people are singing! A1
And a little girl is dancing. A1
The musicians and singers are leaving. A1
Sally is running. A1
Some people are sitting on chairs. A1
Linda is reading. A1
Now about ten men and women are standing here. A2
Dave is standing and cheering. B2
What food are you getting? A1
They aren’t wearing special clothes. A1
OK, Sam, I'm coming now. A1
Harry is taking a photo. A1
Do you like shopping for clothes? A1
I'm making sandwiches for the party. A1
They are watching and clapping. A1
A man is playing a guitar and a woman is dancing. A1
He's studying English at a university there. A1
But I don't like the music. A1
He loves going to parties, and dancing. A1
I hate talking to boys. A2
She’s wearing a red dress. A1
Wear a coat today, it's cold. A1
Paul is wearing blue jeans, a white T-shirt and trainers. A1
I like your purple jumper. A2
He’s wearing grey trousers and a green shirt. A1
I hate wearing shoes and trousers. A1
Wear shorts today, it's hot. A2
The dancers in Turkey wear skirts that are different colours. A1
Mum, where are my socks? A2
Paul is wearing blue jeans, a white T-shirt and trainers. A1
You can't wear trainers to a party! A2
He’s wearing grey trousers and a green shirt. A1
It's made of wood. A2
It’s long and thin and has got one string. A2
You play the berimbau by hitting the string with a stick. B1
You blow into it, and it makes a very unusual deep sound. B1
You blow into it, and it makes a very unusual deep sound. A2
Didgeridoos are difficult to hold because they are between one and three meA2
The musician usually puts the didgeridoo on the ground. B1
Musicians play these in Indonesia, in an orchestra of many musicians. B1
You then hit the pots with a stick that has a piece of cloth around it. B2
Some people say that the sound is very relaxing. B1
Harry doesn’t want to be a star chef when he’s 20. A2
The ten-year-old New Yorker likes cooking. A1
And we must be very careful with hot plates. A1
He can make fantastic soups and salads, excellent omelettes and the best cakA1
He can make fantastic soups and salads, excellent omelettes and the best cakA2
This time he makes tomato soup, some salad, steak and carrot cake. A2
He can make fantastic soups and salads, excellent omelettes and the best cakA2
This time he makes tomato soup, some salad, steak and carrot cake. A1
More and more young people are interested in cooking. A1
Harry doesn’t want to be a star chef when he’s 20. A2
But what must you do to become a star chef? A2
And of course we mustn’t put them in our mouths. A2
I don't eat meat. A1
I eat fruit every day. A1
vegetable soup A1
Would you like a drink of water? A1
a chicken and tomato sandwich A2
roast beef B1
Lamb is delicious! B1
a burger and chips A2
boiled/baked/fried/roast potatoes A1
OK, first we need to add the tomato sauce. A1
This time he makes tomato soup, some salad, steak and carrot cake. A2
Can I cut the peppers for you? A2
Would you like some coffee? A1
Coffee and tea are drinks. A1
orange/lemon/grapefruit/tomato juice A1
a glass of milk A1
I’ d like a banana, please. A1
fruit juice (orange or apple) A1
fruit juice (orange or apple) A1
strawberry ice cream B1
Here are the menus. A2
What would you like for starters?
I'd like a jacket potato for my main course, please. A2
Would you like a dessert? A2
What would you like to order? A2
a slice of bread A1
a bowl of cereal A2
a low-fat strawberry yoghurt
strawberry/raspberry jam A2
We had a cup of tea and toast with honey. A2
a hard-boiled/soft-boiled egg A1
Have some bread and butter. A1
What do you want for breakfast? A1
What's for lunch? A1
For dinner we often eat meat. A1
Of course. No problem.
Just be careful with the knife.
I’m putting a bit of cheese on the pizza.
The thing is, Ruby hates cheese.
It was her dream to be an astronaut and to go into space.
An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for such a young athletB1
The name of her spacecraft was Vostok 6.
Her face was on stamps in several countries. A2
It was her dream to be an astronaut and to go into space. A2
Her hobby was sky diving. A2
The training programme wasn’t very easy. B1
Valentina Tereshkova was born in Russia on 6th March, 1937. A2
She was the lucky one. A2
In the year 2000, there was a big celebration in London. A1
Lillian was at the park at quarter past eleven. A1
She was at the cinema with her mum last night. A1
I was at home at quarter past eleven, yesterday morning. A1
He can stay underwater for a long time. A1
She can make rain, sunshine, hurricanes, clouds and storms. A2
She can make rain, sunshine, hurricanes, clouds and storms.
Tyson is a monster. B1
Her dad worked as a photographer. A1
When Storm was six, she moved to Cairo. A2
One day a plane crashed into their house. B1
Storm's parents died, and she was alone in the big city. A1
Percy was never afraid and he never worried about his life. A1
He helped the people he liked. A1
Storm’s story started in New York, where she was born. A1
Later, Percy and Tyson tried to help each other in their many adventures. A2
Storm has control over the weather. A1
It's raining.
It’s sunny. A2
It's windy. A2
It's cloudy. A2
It's snowing. A2
It's hot. A1
It's cold. A1
It's warm. A1
There are many strange and wonderful statues all over the world. A2
He improved the city for people. A2
For example, he created a lot of parks. B1
Franz Kafka was a writer from Prague. B1
He’s sitting on the shoulders of an empty suit! B1
He’s sitting on the shoulders of an empty suit! A2
For eight more years Hachiko waited at the station every day. A1
In the middle of the Atacama Desert in Chile a big hand comes out of the sanA2
In the middle of the Atacama Desert in Chile a big hand comes out of the sanB1
There’s a statue of him at the University – upside down! B2
Erin knew there were bears in the woods. A2
It was very near to an eight-year-old boy who was on his horse. A1
This animal was a bird but it couldn’t fly. A1
a dairy cow A1
The Europeans took animals such as dogs and cats to the island. A1
We saw elephants, tigers, and snakes at the zoo. A2
There's a gorilla at the zoo.
The Europeans took animals such as dogs and cats to the island. A1
We saw elephants, tigers, and snakes at the zoo. A2
This cheese is made from sheep's milk. A1
We saw elephants, tigers, and snakes at the zoo. B1
She has a pet rabbit. A2
In July 2011, she took a group of eight people on horses for a ride in the wooA1
The boy’s horse saw the bear and got very scared. B1
Erin knew there were bears in the woods. A2
The bear made a terrible noise. A1
Erin put Tonk between the bear and the boy. A1
Together they ran at the bear three times. A1
Suddenly, an angry, 300 kilogram grizzly bear came out from the trees. A1
Then the boy fell off the horse. A2
She found the bear near the boy and his horse. A1
The boy’s horse saw the bear and got very scared. A1
She gave Tonk a kick and they went after the bear. A1
She gave Tonk a kick and they went after the bear. A1
Erin knew there were bears in the woods. A1
The bear made a terrible noise. A1
The boy’s horse saw the bear and got very scared. A1
In July 2011, she took a group of eight people on horses for a ride in the wooA1
I always take a break when I study.
I have a good time at the weekend.
I don't often make mistakes with my homework.
The bear made a terrible noise.
I have a shower in the morning.
I didn't do my homework last night.
Last weekend, I took a lot of photographs with my phone.
My family didn't go on holiday last year.
I get angry when my brother takes my things.
After a while, the bear went away. B1
I always get excited when I go on holiday.
We need to do something to help him!
These animals don’t exist today; they’re extinct. C1
It lived on the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean.
And in 1681, it became extinct.
It had two very big teeth that it used to kill animals.
It had two horns – the big one was sometimes one metre long.
You could see these teeth even when the cat’s mouth was closed.
It couldn't fly.
Erin thought Tonk was a beautiful horse.
a boring TV programme
a clean white shirt
Both children were clever.
Sometimes snakes are dangerous.
a dirty car
Dan! Don’t be horrible!
I talked to my friends but they didn’t say anything interesting.
a lovely meal/evening
In some cities you don't feel safe going out alone at night.
How could you be so stupid?
a big, fat, ugly spider
All right. I sat down and there was a spider on my bed!
I went into my bedroom, and suddenly I saw … oh, it’s stupid.
Poor you!
We’re your friends. What happened?
One presenter went by bike.
One went by car.
The last one travelled by speedboat up the River Thames.
He took the underground train.
I go to school by bus.
Each of the presenters chose a different type of transport to make the same 27-kilometre j
A lot of big cities, like London, have got many traffic problems.
The presenters of a popular TV car show decided to find out.
Who got to City Airport in East London first?
Sometimes a journey of a few kilometres can take more than an hour.
It’s also better for our cities because bikes don’t pollute the air.
Any one with my mum on her motorbike.
We visit them every year and, of course, we go by plane.
The injured were flown to hospital by helicopter.
a car ferry
I took a taxi from the station to the hotel.
We always go by train.
It’s a bus that can go on the roads but it can also travel on the water.
It uses the same rails as the national trains.
It’s a bus that can go on the roads but it can also travel on the water.
A helicopter travels in the air.
Planes are quicker than ferries.
Cars are bigger than motorcycles
It’s cheaper than public transport and healthier for you than a car.
Taking the train is easier than driving.
It’s cheaper than public transport and healthier for you than a car.
The train is more expensive than the ferry.
They made a joke and said the bike wasn’t a real winner because it was more dangerous.
It’s also better for our cities because bikes don’t pollute the air.
My favourite journey is to the mountains to ski.
It’s got really beautiful beaches and we always have a great time.
Every morning I walk across the fields and then along the river.
Every year my family goes on holiday to a small town by the sea.
corn fields
Lake Titicaca is a large lake between Peru and Bolivia.
We live on a farm and my school is about one kilometre away.
I just love watching the mountains and forests go past.
It’s got an engine on it and wheels from old trains.
They got anbig
are engine on it
enough forand
to fourfrom old and
people trains.
a suitcase.

This simple train is made from pieces of bamboo.

It’s an exciting way of getting down a hill.
The Uro people live in floating villages on the water.
They use a local reed called totora to build their homes and boats.
IPA Translation
brəˈzɪl Brasil
ˈmek.sɪ.kəʊ México
ˌjuː.esˈeɪ Estados Unidos
dʒəˈpæn Japón
ˈtɜː.ki Turquía
speɪn España
ˌjuːˈkeɪ Reino Unido
ˈpɔː.tʃə.gəl Portugal
ˈrʌ.ʃə Rusia
ˌsaʊθ ˈæfrɪkə Sudáfrica
ˈrʌʃ.ən ruso
ˈtɜː.kɪʃ turco
ˈmek.sɪ.kən mexicano
ˌdzæp.əˈniːz japonés
əˈmer.ɪ.kən estadounidense
brəˈzɪl.i.ən brasileño
ˌpɔː.tʃəˈgiːz portugués
ˌsaʊθ ˈæfrɪkən sudafricano
ˈspæn.ɪʃ español
ˈbrɪt.ɪʃ británico
haʊ ¿Cuántos años tiene?
huː quién
weə dónde
wɒt qué
waɪ por qué
biː ser
ɪz es
ɑː eres, somos, sois, son
bɪg grande
smɔːl pequeño
njuː nuevo
əʊld viejo
tʃiːp barato
ɪkˈspen.sɪv caro
fɑːst veloz
sləʊ lento
ˈdɜː.ti sucio
kliːn limpio
ˌhaʊz ɪt ˈgəʊ.ɪŋ ¿Cómo va? ¿Qué tal?
ˌsiː juː ˈleɪ.tə Hasta luego
ˈɔː.səm formidable
aɪ ˈnəʊ Lo sé
waɪ por qué
bɪˈkəz porque
ˈæθ.liːt atleta
ˈkʌn.tri país
ˈpleɪ.ə jugador
fæn aficionado, seguidor
biːtʃ playa
ˈsteɪ.di.əm estadio
bʌs bus
skuːl escuela
hɒt caliente
kəʊld frío
ˈhʌŋ.gri hambriento
ˈθɜː.sti sediento
sæd triste
ˈwʌ preocupado
ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd entusiasmado
bɔːd aburrido
ˈæŋ.gri enojado
taɪəd cansado
reɪs carrera
fɪlm película
sɒŋ canción
klʌb club
bæd malo
ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪŋ emocionante
ˈfʌn.i divertido
gʊd bueno
greɪt estupendo
ˈter.ə.bl ̩ terrible
ˈek.səl.ənt excelente
ˈɔː.fəl espantoso
miː me, mi
juː tú, vosotros, ustedes, te, ti, los, les
hɪm lo, le, a él
hɜː la, le, a ella
ɪt lo, la
ʌs nos, a nosotros
ðem les, las, los, a ellos, a ellas, se
mɑːsk máscara
ˈlaɪ.ən león
ˈdɑːn.sə bailarín
ˈtʊə.rɪst turista
ˈθɪə.tə teatro
haʊs casa
swiːts dulces
ˈkɑː.nɪ.vəl carnaval
ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl bello
ˈfæm.əl.i familia
sʌn hijo
ˈfɑː.ðə padre
ˈbrʌð.ə hermano
ˈgræn.fɑː.ðə abuelo
waɪf esposa
ˈgræn.mʌð.ə abuela
ɑːnt tía
ˈʌŋ.kl ̩ tío
ˈsɪs.tə hermana
ˈkʌz.ən primo
ˈmʌð.ə madre
ˈdɔː.tə hija
ˈhʌz.bənd esposo
həʊm hogar
əˈpɑːt.mənt apartamento
maɪ mi
jɔː tu, su
hɪz su, sus
hɜː su, sus
ɪts su, sus
aʊə nuestro
ðeə sus
ðɪs este
ðæt ese
ðiːz estos
ðəʊz esos
ˈbɑːθ.rʊm baño
ˈbed.rʊm dormitorio
ˈkɪtʃ.ən cocina
ˈlɪv.ɪŋ ˌrʊm sala de estar
hɔːl salón
ˈgær.ɑːʒ garaje, cochera
ˈgɑː.dən jardín
bed cama
frɪdʒ nevera
ˈsəʊ.fə sofá
ˈkʊk.ə estufa
ʃaʊə ducha
bɑːθ baño
ˈɑːm.tʃeə sillón
ˈtɔɪ.lət retrete, inodoro
lets ˈgəʊ Vamos
əʊ ˈraɪt Ah, bueno
ˈrɪə.li ¿De verdad?
ˌdʒʌst ə ˈmɪn.ɪt Un momento
skweə plaza
taʊə torre
ˈpæl.ɪs palacio
ˈstætʃ.uː estatua
ˈfeɪ.məs famoso
pɑːk parque
ˈpəʊst ˌɒf.ɪs oficina de correos
ˈtreɪn ˌsteɪ.ʃən estación de tren
bæŋk banco
ˈkem.ɪsts farmacia
mjuːˈziː.əm museo
ˈsuː.pəˌmɑː.kɪt supermercado
ˈlaɪ.brər.i biblioteca
ˈres.trɒnt restaurante
sʌm algunos
ˈen.i algunos
ɪn ˈfrʌnt əv delante de
bɪˈhaɪnd detrás
ˈnekst tuː al lado de
ɒn ðə ˈkɔː.nər (ɒv) en la esquina de
ˈɒp.ə.zɪt enfrente
bɪˈtwiːn entre
ˈlɪs.ən escuchar
sɪt sentarse
ˈəʊ.pən abrir
lʊk mirar
tɜːn girar, doblar
gəʊ ir
ˈbʊk.ʃɒp librería
ˈʃuː ˌʃɒp zapatería
ˈkʌm.fə.tə.bl ̩ cómodo
ə ˌhʌn.drəd ənd ˈθɜː.ti ciento treinta
ə ˌhʌn.drəd ənd ˈfɪf.ti ciento cincuenta
ə ˌhʌn.drəd ənd sev.ən.ti ˈf ciento setenta y cinco
ˌtuː ˈhʌn.drəd doscientos
ˌfaɪv hʌn.drəd ənd ˈsɪk.sti quinientos sesenta
ə ˈθaʊ.zənd mil
ˌwʌn θaʊ.zənd tuː ˈhʌn.drə mil doscientos
ˌtuː ˈθaʊ.zənd dos mil
ˈdɒl.ə dólar
paʊnd libra
ˈjʊə.rəʊ euro
ˌfɪf.tiːn ˈpaʊndz quince libras
ˌtwen.ti.faɪv ˈdɒl.əz veinticinco dólares
ˌtuː hʌn.drəd ænd ˌθɜː.ti ˈj doscientos treinta euros
ˌnaɪn paʊndz ˌnaɪn.tiˈnaɪn nueve libras con noventa y nueve
ˌtwen.ti.wʌn ˌdɒl.əz ˌnaɪn.tiveintiún dólares con noventa y cinco centavos
ˌsev.ən.ti.tuː ˌjʊə.rəʊz ˈfɪf.tisetenta y dos euros con cincuenta
siː mar
ˈmaʊn.tɪn montaña
pɑːθ sendero, camino
ˈdræg.ən dragón
ˈhʌn.drədz əv cientos de
ɪˈɡwɑː.nə iguana
ˈ simpático, amigable
fiːd dar de comer, alimentar
leɪk lago
ˌwɒtʃ tiːˈviː ver la televisión
ˌpleɪ ˈspɔːt hacer deporte
sɪŋ cantar
ˌlɪs.ən tə ˈmjuː.zɪk escuchar música
pəˈfɔːm interpretar
ˈkɒn.sət concierto
fiːl sentir
pleɪ tocar
tʃɪə ovacionar
lʌv amar
miːt quedar, reunirse
meɪk hacer
help ayudar
get ponerse
tiːtʃ dar clases, enseñar
wɒtʃ mirar
gəʊ ir
ˈfɪn.ɪʃ terminar
ˈstʌd.i estudiar
ˈkær.i llevar
flaɪ volar
ˈɔːl.weɪz siempre
ˈɒf.ən a menudo
ˈsʌm.taɪmz a veces
ˈnev.ə nunca
ˌpleɪ kəmˈpjuː.tə ɡeɪmz jugar a los videojuegos
ˌgəʊ ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ ir de compras
dɑːns bailar
ˌdu: ˈhəʊm.wɜːk hacer la tarea
hæŋ ˌaʊt wɪð ˈfrendz salir con amigos
ˌtʃæt tə ˌfrendz ɒnˈlaɪn charlar con amigos por Internet
ˈsmɑːt.fəʊn teléfono inteligente
ˈtæb.lət tableta
ˈlæp.tɒp portátil
ˈɡeɪmz ˌkɒnsəʊl consola de juegos
ˈiː.riː.də lector electrónico
ˌdʒiː.piːˈes GPS
em.piːˈθriː ˌpleɪ.ə reproductor de MP3
ˈhed.fəʊnz auriculares
ˈmʌn.deɪ lunes
ˈtjuːz.deɪ martes
ˈwenz.deɪ miércoles
ˈθɜːz.deɪ jueves
ˈfraɪ.deɪ viernes
ˈsæt.ə.deɪ sábado
ˈsʌn.deɪ domingo
ˌwɒts ˈrɒŋ ¿Qué pasa?
ˈaɪv ɡɒt ən aɪˌdɪə No tengo ni idea
ˌnəʊ ˈweɪ ¡De ninguna manera!
kʌm ˈɒn Vamos
ʃeɪvd rasurado
ˈdɒk.tə doctor
nɜːs enfermero
heə pelo
ˈbɒd.i cuerpo
ɑːm brazo
ɪə oreja, oído
aɪ ojo
fʊt pie
hænd mano
feɪs cara
leg pierna
maʊθ boca
nəʊz nariz
ˈkɜː.li rizado
greɪ gris
ʃɔːt corto
blɒnd rubio
red rojo
lɒŋ largo
braʊn marrón, castaño
ˈweɪ.vi ondulado
streɪt liso, lacio
blæk negro
griːn verde
smaɪl sonrisa
ˈglɑːsɪz gafas
mʊˈstɑːʃ bigote
bɪəd barba
ˈɪə.rɪŋ arete
tɔːl alto
ʃɔːt bajo
ˌgʊdˈlʊk.ɪŋ atractivo
weə vestir, llevar
səˈpraɪz sorpresa
tʌtʃ tocar
ˌpʊt jɔː ˈhændz təˌgeð.ə juntar las manos
ˌstɪk aʊt jɔː ˈtʌŋ sacar la lengua
ˌbaʊ jɔː ˈhed inclinar la cabeza
ˌkɪs sʌm.wʌnz ˈtʃiːk besar en la mejilla
ˌpiːs əv ˈsɪlk corte de seda
ˌrʌb ˈnəʊ.zɪz rozarse nariz con nariz
ˈskeɪtˌbɔː.dɪŋ skateboard
dʒɪmˈnæs.tɪks gimnasia
ˈfʊt.bɔːl fútbol
gɒlf golf
kɪk patear
hɪt golpear
pʊʃ impulsar
dʒʌmp saltar
spɪn girar
ˈsʌm.ə.sɔːlt voltereta
ˈskɪp.ɪŋ ˌrəʊp cuerda para saltar
ruːˈtiːn rutina
kæn poder
kɑːnt no poder
ˈaɪs.skeɪt patinar sobre hielo
ˌraɪd ə ˈbaɪk montar en bicicleta
ˌpleɪ ˈvɒl.i.bɔːl jugar al voleibol
du: ˌtaɪ ˈkwɒn dəʊ practicar tae kwon do
sɜːf surfear
ˌpleɪ ˈbɑː.skɪt.bɔːl jugar al baloncesto
ˈsnəʊ.bɔːd practicar el snowboard
ˌpleɪ ˈten.ɪs jugar al tenis
ˈkwɔː.tə ˌpɑːst y cuarto
ˈhɑːf ˌpɑːst y media
əˈklɒk en punto
ˈkwɔː.tə tuː menos cuarto
ˈwɪn.ə ganador
wɪn ganar
ˈfaɪ.nəl final
ˈɔː.ɡən.aɪz organizar
ˈdʒæn.jʊ.ri enero
ˈər.i febrero
mɑːtʃ marzo
ˈeɪ.prəl abril
meɪ mayo
dʒuːn junio
dʒʊˈlaɪ julio
ˈɔː.gəst agosto
sepˈtem.bə septiembre
ɒkˈtəʊ.bə octubre
nəʊˈvem.bə noviembre
dɪˈsem.bə diciembre
ˈwɪn.tə invierno
sprɪŋ primavera
ˈsʌm.ə verano
ˈɔː.təm otoño
ˈfɜːst primero
ˈsek.ənd segundo
θɜːd tercero
fɔːθ cuarto
fɪfθ quinto
sɪksθ sexto
ˈsev.ənθ séptimo
eɪtθ octavo
naɪnθ noveno
tenθ décimo
ɪˈlev.ənθ undécimo
twelfθ decimosegundo
θɜːˈtiːnθ decimotercero
ˈtwen.ti.əθ vigésimo
ˈθɜː.ti.əθ trigésimo
ˌθɜː.ti ˈfɜːst trigésimo primero
stʌf cosas
ˈnaʊ ˌwɒt ¿Ahora qué?
ɪts ˌnəʊ bɪg ˈdɪəl No es nada del otro mundo
aɪm ˈʃɔː Estoy seguro
ˌvaɪəˈlɪn violín
ˈtrʌm.pɪt trompeta
mjuːˈzɪʃ.ən músico
ˈkɒn.sət concierto
ˈsɪŋ.ə cantante
ˈsɪŋ.ɪŋ cantar
ˈdɑːnts.ɪŋ bailar
ˈliː.vɪŋ marcharse
ˈrʌn.ɪŋ correr
ˈsɪt.ɪŋ sentarse
ˈriː.dɪŋ leer
ˈstæn.dɪŋ estar de pie
ˈtʃɪə.rɪŋ animar, vitorear
ɡet.ɪŋ agarrar
ˈweə.rɪŋ vestir, llevar
ˈkʌm.ɪŋ venir
ˈteɪ.kɪŋ tomar
ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ comprar
ˈmeɪ.kɪŋ hacer
wɒtʃ.ɪŋ mirar
pleɪ.ɪŋ tocar
ˈstʌd.i.ɪŋ estudiar
laɪk gustar
lʌv amar
heɪt detestar
dres vestido
kəʊt abrigo
dʒiːnz bluyín
ˈdʒʌm.pə suéter
ʃɜːt camisa
ʃuːz zapatos
ʃɔːts pantalones cortos
skɜːt falda
sɒks calcetines
ˈtiː.ʃɜːt camiseta
ˈtreɪ.nəz zapatillas de tenis
ˈtraʊ.zəz pantalones
wʊd madera
strɪŋ cuerda
stɪk vara
bləʊ soplar
diːp profundo
həʊld sostener
graʊnd suelo
ˈɔː.kɪ.strə orquesta
klɒθ tela
rɪˈlæk.sɪŋ relajante
ʃef cocinero
ˈkʊk.ɪŋ cocinar
pleɪt plato
suːp sopa
ˈsæl.əd ensalada
steɪk bife, filete
ˈɒm.lət tortilla
keɪk torta
jʌŋ joven
stɑː estrella
mʌst deber
ˈmʌs.ənt no deber
miːt carne
fruːt fruta
ˈvedʒ.tə.bl ̩ verdura
drɪŋk bebida
ˈtʃɪk.ɪn pollo
biːf carne de res
læm cordero
ˈbɜː.gə hamburguesa
pəˈteɪ.təʊ papa
təˈmɑː.təʊ tomate
ˈkær.ət zanahoria
ˈpep.ə ají, pimiento
ˈkɒf.i café
tiː té
dʒuːs jugo
mɪlk leche
bəˈnɑː.nə banana
ˈɒr.ɪndʒ naranja
ˈæp.l ̩ manzana
ˈstrɔː.bər.i fresa
ˈmen.juː menú
ˈstɑː.tə entrada
ˈmeɪn ˌkɔːs plato principal
dɪˈzɜːt postre
ˈɔː.də pedir
bred pan
ˈsɪə.ri.əl cereal
ˈjɒgət yogur
dʒæm mermelada
ˈhʌn.i miel
eg huevo
ˈbʌt.ə mantequilla
ˈbrek.fəst desayuno
lʌntʃ almuerzo
ˈdɪn.ə cena
əv ˈkɔːs por supuesto
biː ˈkeə.fəl tener cuidado
ə ˈbɪt əv un poco de
ðə ˌθɪŋ ˈɪz resulta que
ˈæs.trə.nɔːt astronauta
əˈtʃiːv.mənt logro
ˈspeɪs.krɑːft nave espacial
stæmp estampilla
speɪs espacio
ˈfæk.tər.i fábrica
ˈskaɪ ˌdaɪ.vɪŋ paracaidismo
ˈtreɪ.nɪŋ entrenamiento
bi: ˈbɔːn nacer
ˈlʌk.i afortunado
ɪn en
æt a
lɑːst pasado
ˈjes.tə.deɪ ayer
steɪ quedarse
stɔːm tormenta
ˈhʌr.ɪ.kən huracán
ˈmɒn.stə monstruo
wɜːkt pasado del verbo trabajar
muːvd pasado del verbo mudarse
kræʃt pasado del verbo estrellarse
daɪd pasado del verbo morir
ˈwʌ pasado del verbo preocuparse
helpt pasado del verbo ayudar
ˈstɑː.tɪd pasado del verbo empezar
traɪd pasado del verbo intentar
ˈweð.ə clima
bi: ˈreɪn.ɪŋ llover
ˈsʌn.i soleado
ˈwɪn.di ventoso
ˈklaʊ.di nublado
bi: ˈsnəʊ.ɪŋ nevar
hɒt calor
kəʊld frío
wɔːm templado
streɪndʒ extraño
ɪmˈpruːv mejorar
kriˈeɪt crear
ˈraɪ.tə escritor
ˈʃəʊl.də hombro
suːt traje
weɪt esperar
ˈdez.ət desierto
sænd arena
ˌʌp.sɑɪd ˈdaʊn boca abajo
beə oso
hɔːs caballo
bɜːd pájaro
kaʊ vaca
dɒg perro
ˈel.ɪ.fənt elefante
gəˈrɪl.ə gorila
kæt gato
sneɪk serpiente
ʃiːp oveja
ˈtaɪ.gə tigre
ˈræb.ɪt conejo
raɪd montar
skeəd asustado
wʊdz bosque
nɔɪz ruido
pʊt poner
ræn pasado del verbo correr
keɪm pasado del verbo venir
fel pasado del verbo caer
faʊnd pasado del verbo encontrar
ɡɒt pasado del verbo ponerse
ɡeɪv pasado del verbo dar
went pasado del verbo ir
njuː pasado del verbo saber
meɪd pasado del verbo hacer
sɔː pasado del verbo ver
tʊk pasado del verbo tomar
ˌteɪk ə ˈbreɪk tomarse un descanso
ˌhæv ə gʊd ˈtaɪm pasarlo bien
ˌmeɪk ə mɪˈsteɪk cometer un error
ˌmeɪk ə ˈnɔɪz hacer ruido
ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə ducharse
ˌdu: ˈhəʊm.wɜːk hacer la tarea
ˌteɪk ˈfəʊ.tə.ɡrɑːfs tomar fotografías
ˌgəʊ ɒn ˈhɒl.ɪ.deɪ ir de vacaciones
ˌget ˈæŋ.gri enfadarse
ˌgəʊ əˈweɪ marcharse
ˌget ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd entusiasmarse
ˈdu: ˌsʌm.θɪŋ hacer algo
ɪkˈstɪŋkt extinto
ˈaɪ.lənd isla
bɪˈkʌm volverse
tiːθ dientes
hɔːn cuerno
kʊd pasado del verbo poder
ˈkʊd.ənt pasado del verbo poder en forma negativa
ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl bello
ˈbɔː.rɪŋ ser aburrido
kliːn limpio
ˈklev.ə inteligente
ˈdeɪn.dʒər.əs peligroso
ˈdɜː.ti sucio
ˈhɒr.ɪ.bl ̩ horrible
ˈɪn.trəs.tɪŋ interesante
ˈlʌ encantador
seɪf seguro
ˈstjuː.pɪd estúpido
ˈʌ feo
ˌɔːl ˈraɪt vale, está bien
ˈsʌd.ə de repente
ˌpɔː ˈjuː pobrecito
ˌwɒt ˈhæp.ənd ¿Qué ha pasado?
baɪk bicicleta
kɑː carro
bəʊt barco
ˈʌn.də.graʊnd ˌtreɪn tren subterráneo
bʌs autobús
ˈtræn.spɔːt transporte
ˈtræf.ɪk tráfico
prɪˈzen.tə presentador
ˈeə.pɔːt aeropuerto
ˈdʒɜː.ni trayecto
pəˈluːt contaminar
ˈməʊ.tə.baɪk motocicleta
pleɪn avión
ˈhel.ɪ.kɒp.tə helicóptero
ˈfer.i transbordador
ˈtæ taxi
treɪn tren
rəʊd carretera
reɪl vía férrea
ˈwɔː.tə agua
eə aire
kwɪk.ə más veloz
bɪɡ.ə mayor
tʃiː.pə más barato
ˈiː.zi.ə más fácil
ˈhel.θi.ə más saludable
ˌmɔːr ɪkˈspen.sɪv más caro
ˌmɔː ˈdeɪn.dʒər.əs más peligroso
ˈbet.ə mejor
ˈmaʊn.tɪn montaña
biːtʃ playa
ˈrɪv.ə río
siː mar
fiːld campo
leɪk lago
fɑːm granja
ˈfɒr.ɪst bosque
ˈen.dʒɪn motor
wiːl rueda
ˈsuːt.keɪs maleta
bæmˈbuː bambú
hɪl colina
ˈfləʊ.tɪŋ flotar
riːd junco
nco centavos

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