Quality Management Software - RfI 002

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Quality Management Software
03 October 2021

1. Introduction and background ............................................................ 3

1.1. ZATCA profile ........................................................................................................ 3

1.2. QMS project background ...................................................................................... 3

2. Purpose of the RFI ............................................................................. 5

3. RFI responses and deadline ............................................................... 8

1. Introduction and background

1.1. ZATCA profile

he Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority underwent several developmental phases

and changed its name several times. It was established in 1355 AH / 1936 AD as
the “Zakat and Income Bureau“, and then it became the “Zakat and Income
Authority” in 1370 AH, and ultimately, the Royal Decree No. (A/133) dated
30/7/1437 AH, specified in Section 11 that the "Zakat and Income Authority" will
be converted into the "General Authority of Zakat and Tax" (GAZT), and chaired
by the Minister of Finance.

In accordance with its regulations, the Authority will be responsible for collecting
the Zakat and taxes, along with ensuring the best performance of its members in
carrying out the duties assigned to them. Basing their roles on the best practices
and the legal responsibilities, the Authority will make sure not to jeopardize or
interfere with the powers and responsibilities of other entities while making all
possible efforts to achieve its objectives.

1.2. QMS project background

The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) has obtained the International
Orgnization of Standards Certification for Quality Management (ISO 9001:2015,
ISO 27001, ISO 10002, ans ISO 22301) in June 2020, which states managing and
monitoring yearly Internal audits in the certified orgnization. Therefore, ZATCA
has planned through the Business Excellence Section to adopt and use a Quality
Management Software in order to regulate, manage, and well-control the
Internal Audits & findings activities to drive excellence and raise the complaince
level in the Authurity.

Currently, The Business Excellence Section at ZATCA has managed all the internal
and external audits along with its findings through Microsoft Excel to maintain
the standard certifocation and ensure process compliance as well.
2. Purpose of the RFI

As part of driving excellence and raising the process compliance level in addition to
digitizing the Internal Audits & Findings process, ZATCA aims to adopt a Quality
Management Software to take this essential and critical process to next level.

ZATCA is looking for a qualified vendor to offer and implement “Quality Management
Software” that covers multiple main requirements, such as, but not limited to:

1. Create a culture of excellence & compliance through effective management of

correction & corrective actions.

2. Managing Internal/External Audits & findings by:

a. Automate Audit planning and follow-ups.

b. Driving overall assignment (Smart assignment), ownership &

accountability (Workflows).

c. Viewing tasks & responsibilities based on Access levels.

d. Digital Audit Report (electronic forms through the software)

e. Log Audit NCRs under certain audits (Fields shall be matching ZATCA’s

NCIR form standard).

f. Planned & auto Closure Date based on Finding Categories.

g. Periodic Summaries customized based on user access :

i. Weekly Progress Summery (Automated email - Audits & Findings

Summery to all users based on access “Levels”).

ii. Monthly Executive Summary (Automated email – what has been

done, doing, to do).

h. Automated email notification in case of (Opening/ Closing/ Past Due/

Verification/ Reopening/ and Escalation) to concerned users.

i. Ability to present reports in dashboards.

j. Internal Audit Findings’ Closure Verification Option.

k. CAPA Mandatory Option.

l. RCAs (5 Whys) Mandatory Option.

m. Follow-up processes through digitized system (automatic Follow ups

“reminders” through ZATCA’s emails).

3. User friendly.

4. Drop Down Customization.

5. Software supports Arabic Language

6. Change Management

ZATCA is primarily interested in obtaining Quality Management Software for supporting

ISO 9001:2015 Compliance and other ISO standards in order to drive excellence. The
software is expected to ensure the compliance & fulfilment of all the technical
requirements specified in the Quality Management Software Requirements (PPT).

The software should cover all outlined requirements stated after the implementation.

ZATCA requests respondents to this RFI to share their views, insights and / or
recommendations on the following:
• The procedures to implement and / or pre-implement the Quality Management

• The procedures to manage renew, and/ or revoke issued license.

• The suggested SLAs and access capacity requirements that should be taken into
consideration when designing and / or implementing the Quality Management
3. RFI responses and deadline

Contact details:

‫معلومات اتصال ممثل الجهة الحكومية‬

‫هنادي علي محمد الشهراني‬ ‫االسم‬
‫مسؤول مشتريات أول‬ ‫الوظيفة‬
0114349384 ‫الهاتف‬
haalshahrani@zatca.gov.sa ‫البريد اإللكتروني‬

Responses to the RFI must be submitted no later than [5:00 PM] KSA time on [Nov 3rd,

Submissions shall be submitted through Etimad

Questions and clarifications can be submitted to Etimad.

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