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I couldn'tplay middle linebacheruhich Until you do that, you are helpless and you'll
uas my d.rean. The peopLe who uere be pulled from pillar to post and you'l] wonder,
naturcrllr quick mentdllr uere the ones "What in the worid's going on? I wonder why I
uho plaJed QB and nid.dle linebather I drink so much?" So many times you're not ev€n
just could.n't thinh fast enoueh. I could aware. It's th€ subliminal influences. The same
play center lfJohnny Unitas or Ban Stc'i thing happens to the kids we work with.
told ne what to do and told me what the I come from an environment where my play-
snap count was,I could.go up there,and I ers have been told, every single day,"YouI coach
cout l. make mr calls becauseI hneu uhere iB not good enoughto coachyou. He shouldr't be
I uas gonna go. I could.hike the ball, and here. He's not qualified. He's not one of us." A1l
I could uin on repetitions. those things.
So, I'xe lecLrrcd the DaLueof qualit! That's nobody's fault. That goeswith the terri-
repetition. If somebodycould teach the tory You may be going through something simi-
driL,eblochwith 150,000repetitions,and. lar. So I'm not complaining. I'm just telling yol1
lou could teach hou to delbat the driue about the €nvironment in which I've lived. What
block with 150 rcpetitions,and that talent it did waB force me to do something that I find
uas equat,uho do you think is gonna uin? ve4', very diffi cult-listen.

My mom grew up on a farm. She walked along Listening and Ledrning

behind a plow and picked €otton,andwas part of
I learned hou to Listenfrom my daughte\
an agrarian society that we had not long ago. Our
uho was then 17 years old.. She did.n't
ancestors in their liferime did not absorb as much
speakto me for 6 months. This chi.ld,uho
inforrnation as you and I absorb in one day.
has al.uaysbeenher own person and.has
Let's not kid ourselvesabout what coachingis
a brilliant nind she'sjust Lihe her
today. It is a lot more than it's ever been before.
mom-4ecided her dad uasn't uorth
And it's a lot toughex Players ar€ exposedto morc
talhing to. I didn't like that. We uent
distractjons and influences outside of family,
thrcueh some heII tosetheL
team, and schoolthan we were at their age.
I went tom being terribLy o/fentled., to
Just think about what you're pumping into
being angry, to pLaing the aduLt roLe-
your hain and whath going into those playem'
the pdrent role. I tried to hammer he.
heads.They're sittins there with those Walkmans
chanee her antl tell her who she wouLd
on the team bus; you'r€ wondering what in the
and uould not see.I tried to loch her up.I
world isgoinginto their brains;yourjob is on the
tried to shut off the telephone.I did. all
line in ftont of a national T\y' audience. You've
the stuff stupid da& do to beautiful
prepared as b€st you can, but the competition-
both from the opponenton the field andfromth€
Until one dar I her, "I loue you
distractions facing your team is awesome.
morc than mr oun litb. I'ue giten you
eoerythingl haue.Whatis it that'surone?"
Personal Responsibility She said, "Youtell me rou loue me,and I
for Actions hnou you thinh you mean that, but I don't
feel it uhen you sal it. WhenI try to talk
Becausewehave so many outside influencesand to Jou, rou neuer lkten. you're onl!
demands,it's easyto passthe buck when you fail. th.inhine about uhat you're gonna sa!
But excusesdon't get you anywhere.I'm talking wfi." I wept.And I almost fell out of the
as a coach in football as well as in life. Under- chai. becauseshe uas sht.
stand this: You ar€ today preciselywhat you had Then, lessthan a ueeh later,I askedour
planned to be up to this point. coaching staff's opinion on a uer!
Bill Curry has deterrnined what ever it is that important matter Ooe of the brightest
I'mgoingtobe today;I'm the onewho has shaped Iootball coachesI'ue euer knoun, Don
that destiny Nobody else.Theinstantyou accept Lindser, is agur who uiLLtett.youhou he
the responsibility lor your life, you have the ca- feels about things. you don't halte to
pacity to start to deal with the forces that are at about uhat's eoine on in Don's
work on your mind. mind. He'U teII rou e&ctb hou it is.

Don uas giting his thoughts on this ted for the phony that you are. You,tl be dis-
subjett antl about halfuar through a counted. You'Il be out the window. And then they'Il
sententehe Just<nd af be victims on the t€levision-You've eot an awe-
.:on\ersotion.I tbticed it, hut ue uent an somc responsib;lity.
about our meeting.Afteruard I asked.Don Dr. Viktor Fmnkl is a Jewish man who spent
to fuin me in mJ office.I s.jid. "Hey,Don, six yeals in a cerman concentration camp. He
I a.shetlyour opinion, .1ndlou got about lived thmugh that nightmarc-the most brutal
haltual thrcugh rour thoueht an.t the physical, emotional, and spiritual conditons rn
rou stopped." the history ofmankind. He describedth€ actions
He s(rid. "Yes."I said,, "Wh1 uoultJ yu ol someofthe victims: "Thes€towe ng, dignified
clothat?" He saitl. "Ber:auseI (:an tell uhen ligurcs movedthrough rhe helt ofthe Hotocaust,
rau stop listen;n.g. When rou stop giving iheir two-inch-square bread away to the
listeninE, there's no set8e in me cont;nun| weaker inmates, and they draggedus throush it
with theirpowerThey showedus how to live and
I ias11Jearc't knau hou how to die;my life was never the same."
b listen ta anotherhuman being.Hou are D. Frankl concluded,"Here's what I tearned:
you gonna k:orn anrthing if rau can.t No circumstance,no condition,no gmup olpeopte,
no negative idea, no killing, no nothine can rc-
move from me the lundamental obligation I have
as a human being, which is to choosehow I will
tl andli ng Proles si ona t respond."
Besponsibilities So, ifyou'rc spondingyour time pointing fin,
gers and complaining and trying to decid€ who,s
I \\,ant to encourageyou to be enthusiastic abour
our profession,and help you understand that you t.ying to keep you from succeedingrmaybe you
have determined wherc you are today-not the ought to spend thai time getting your body in
alunni who don't like you, not the press who shape. Maybe you ough t to spend your time ieam-
jngsoma morcfbotball. Maybeyou ought to spend
$'rote an ugly article abotit you, not soma bjg
boosterwho taiks to your presidentand keepsyou your time not fbeling sorry for yourself, but feet-
from having firll suppoft. ing solry for that youngster who lives down the
That's all balon€y.It's 1oe. responsibilitywhat str€et and doesn'thave a mom and a dad. Maybe
you are. It's Bill Cunf,"s rcsponsibility what€ver you need to spend your tim€ doing thoso things,
has happenedto me and my family and myrcam. becausoit is in giving that you receive.
It's absolutelymy doing and no one ctse,sbecause Noi only will you win a lot ofgames but you,ll
I have the capacity,the cod,giv€n gift, to deat win. God knows,you'll win becausethey,ll die for
with that situation, what€ver ir is. The momenr you. You've changed some lives-and txaLs a
you accept that, you beejn to grow and under- privilege.

Wa can make a 6ig diff€r'encebecausethe chii- Integrity

dren who watch our games ure the sum€ ones r,!.ho Be honestevenwhan the other folks are not. Don,t
ar€ bombad€dby beer commercialsand poj,Los- be one to point the finger and say,.We can,t $in
mphy.And they're more interestedin whal Jou re becausethev arc cheating and buying players_,
doins than some ofthe sarbase.You can chanse Just bo, in that moment, tough as nails by being
lives by being what you're suppos€dto be honest when it's not fashionabl€to be honesr.
Those children who watch you, those children You see,the rcal losers are the cheaters.cod
who go overther€ andgo through those oflensrve bless 'em. We've all cheated ftom time to time.
iine drjlls, who've got big old fat stomachs and There's nobody in this room who,s pure as the
are 5-4 and 13 years old, they're eonna be tika drivon snow,least olalt Bilt Cun1. I,m ashamed
you.They'rogonnabe like you fol&. Thoy,resorna oftheyears tbat I lived whenl wasn'twhatl was
be like youare.And they're gonnaknow what you supposedto be.And I'm not what I'm supposedto
arc. So please don't stand therc and tell them, be now, but I know that I'm working toward be-
"Don't drink beer and don't set drunk"when you ing that, and I'm giving eve4'thing I've got to be
so out and dr-ink 14 beers every othcr nighr. that for the first time in my lif€.
They'll know it. They'll find out. Theyll sIllelt I've frnally figured this out:The cheatersdon't
it. They'll feel it. And you wilt instantty be $por- want to find out how th€ game will come out if

they play by the samerules as everybodyelse.So He'd already had keys offered to hin by an-
they don't. And they\e never won a game! And other coach.He said,"CoachCuny,I'm trying to
you know something? Ther€'ll be a day when they make you understand. I want the automobile. You
know it. I look back on every lie I've ever told and hear me? Read my lips." I was so shocked,I was
every deceptive act and every stupid thing I've sittins there $.ith my mouth hanging op€n. I fi-
done out of selfishness, and I've paid many times, nally found an honest kid who told me th€ truth
and I pay today with glrilt and anguish. about {hat he $anted to do with his life. He
I think the worst Bin you commit today ifyou're wanted to drive a brand new car becausehe'd
a coach is to t€ach a youngster that ith OK to never had one.He was poor
break a rule. Wlo's going to help that child 25 The dad took me outside and said, "I'm gonna
years from now when he's sitting across from the do you a favor. l m gonna reopcn this dibcusaion.
IRS and getting ready to go to jail and it crosses I'm gonna go tel my young son that he's off the
his mind, "My coach taught me it was OK to cut wall. Hc mighr rake the car.but I m gonnagive
you a chance to start over."
I don't think I want that on my conscience.And I sold that kid-and I've lost a lot more than
that's tough and that's hard to swallow when I've sold. He bought the idea that he wouldn't sell
you'rc getting your butt kicked in ihe football his soul for that automobile, and he would buy
game and you know you re standingfor a prin- hiB own car. And four yeals later, I swear I'm
ciple. Nobody cares about your principles. They walkins down the street, and I hear this rumble.
only care about that scoreboard,and you'll lose It Bcaredme,and I lookedback and there's about
yourjob or gain youl job- a $40,000black car with about 5,000horsepower,
I hired a coach one time, and we had our meet- and all I could see was teeth when I looked in
ings, and I said, "Men, we want to do this the there.
right wa)aWe're not going to break a single rule." Pat Si.illing smiled at me. He's a star in the
We broke for lunch, and the new coach came up National Football League, and he has a diploma
to me and said, "I need to talk to you, BiI. We'rc hom tbe Georgia Institute ofTecbnology, and I'm
not gonna break any rules?" proud of Pat Swilling. He bought his own car. H€
I said, 'That's right." He said, "You knoq no- didn't let somebodybuy his soul.He's a man. God
body does that." I said, "Yeah, I know. We haven't bless him.
always done it, eithe! but we'rc to." He said,
"Every rule? We're gonna get killed. What if we
lose our jobs?"
I said, 'I've never heard it put that way If we
lose our jobs, we'1l go get other jobB. We'll have
our integrity, but we won't be swayed by a sys-
t€m that destroys childr€n."
I don't think that's par-ticularly noble. I don't
think that makes me anlthing geat. I think that 3
the Ame can way, isn't it? Is that what we're
suppoBedto stand for? Is that what Amenca was
at one time? lghere in th€ hell did this happen,
men? Why is it such a big story when somebody's
Ne\er quit on your principles. I'm not talking
about you never changngjobs or changing direc-
tions. I'm talking about rever quittine on whatt
I sat in a house with a great player one nieht.
I said, "Son, what do you want to do with your
life? I'm here to help you." He said, "I want the
car." I said, "Excuse me?" His mom was sitting
therc, his dad; God was wat{hing, everybodjr He
said, "I want the car."

Rules and Discipline That's not true. You believe in Bomething.

Maybe money.Maybe coach of the year honors.
Wehaue two basic trai.ninq rules: Or maybeeren winning rhe nationalchampion-
. Tredt other people the uo! lou uant tr) 6hip orthe SuperBowl.Ihope not, becausewhen
you get to all those placesth€re ain'tmuch therc.
. Don't embarrassyour,our teanL, When you get there, you look at the world
ar our school. championshipring and say,"Well, is this it? Wlat
do I do now? I've got to win another one."lts not
Thse tuo rutes haL)euortud for w, euen much. Ii's not what it's cracked up to be. But a
uhen we uent into situat;ons where the.e peftonal faitb is the mck in a foundation.
had been a lot of problems. Our pLayers It took me a lot of years to learn that it is in
tahe the responsibilitr to foLlou thde Christ that I have an)'thing significant to con-
sui.lelinesand hat e d quality, tdbute to anybody. He has r€deemed me and
disciplined proqram. savedme fiom myself.He's my hero,and I thank

Focus on Priorities That's a personal matter. I don't impose that

on my staff or my players. I leave that for them
When I was a child, I used to lov€ to get those to decide, but I want them to understand that
rnagnifying glasses out olCracker Jack boxes and they must make some kind of decision about that.
go out in the woods on a cold day. It fascinated
me. The temperature would be 35 degreesbut I Famity
could take the sun 93 million miles away and get
those Iays to wherc I corld cet a pile ofleaves on The secondpriority is /antry and I leamed thai
lire. from Vinc€ Lombardi. We werc a family on the
I got in a little trouble around the neighbor- Green Bay Packers, and that's how I always think
hood, but it fircd me up. Those Iays that ema-
nated so far away that we can't even imagrne the Lomhardisaid."C reatph)sicdlcondilioninC is
distancocould be brought to a uselul purpose by absolut€ly tundamental to victory Winning is not
focusingthat €nergy.Bi)l Curry can learn by rep- a sometime thing. You don't do things right some
etition, properly directed andfocused,and so can ofthe tim€. You don't win some of the time. You
that young offensi ve center or young quafterback do things fight all the time."
or child whom you're rcsponsiblefor. As soon as Why do you think I learned thosethings? I had
you acceptresponsibility for focus,then you can no choice.I'd say,"If he makes that speechone
begin to make progress. more time, I'm gonna throw up" and a teammate
In our program, or any program, there will be would say, "No, you're not. You'rc gonna sit right
priodties. Now, you may scoff and say, "I'm not where you are and you'r€ gonna listen one more
inruall thar prioril)-setlingandgoal-Aell ing. Yes.
When somebodytoldme that CoachLombardi
Your goal may be to go out and chase women went to church every day, I said, "No way. No-
atter practice. That may b€ what you love to do, body who goesto church every day talks like that."
and that's fine. We've all seenthat, and we've aI His language could really shockyou.
known thai thai's suppGedto be associat€dwith So I went to Bart Star and said, "DoesCoach
our prcfession. You. goal may be to go out and rcallygo to masseverymorning?"He said,"Coach
see how many be€I8 you can drink. But you've is such a devout Christian h€ goes to mass every
got priodties, and those childrcn are going to single moming, but aft€r you\e been working for
minor your priorilies. this man about three w€eks, you're gonna under-
stand this man nedristo go to mass every morn-
Perconat Faith
Coach talked family, and he meant it. Ifyou
Here are or1l priorities. Number ote, personal came to him with a family problem, he'd always
&it4. It's critical to me that our players and our take time for you. lvhen I went to see him in the
staff undefttand the fundamental realities of bospital when he was dying, he grabbedmy hand.
human €xperience,which is that €ach ofus has I said, "Coach,you've meant a lot to my life-" He
faith. Again, you may scoffand say,"Well,I don't said,'You can mean a lot to mine ifyou'Il pray."
have faitb.I don't believein God.I'm an atheist." He wasn't about to give up to cancer.It was his

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