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Evaluation Report

Dr. Yusrita Binti Mohd. Yusoff

273657 Siti Nabihah Binti Azmi
273453 Nurulain Najihah Binti Jamaludin
273612 Wan Nurul Hakimah Bt Wan Ismail
271704 Nurhanis Binti Hasim @ Hashim

14th January 2021
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Purpose of evaluation ............................................................................................................... 1
2.0 Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Instruments/ Materials.............................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 3
3.0 Result and Findings ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Section A: Background Information ......................................................................................... 5
3.2 Section B: Perceived Evaluation for Aesthetic .......................................................................... 7
3.3 Section C: Perceived Evaluation for Ease of Use .................................................................... 10
3.4 Section D: Perceived Evaluation for Satisfaction .................................................................... 13
3.5 Section E: perceived Evaluation for Overall Performance....................................................... 15
3.6 Conclusion............................................................................................................................. 18
4.0 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 18
References....................................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................ 21
1.0 Introduction

After several phases that we have gone through during the development of our website

(UniStu Community), we finally reach the significant phase of a production cycle and that is

evaluation part. In the development phase, we have considered many factors that contributes

to the features that need to meet the characteristic of an interesting website. According to Shum

S.B, the use of these digital media raises the value of accessibility as the web is used to

complete complicated activities such as research, knowledge gathering, networking and peer

collaboration. The effective implementation of these tasks must be proven during web

application design. Many websites today characterized by low usability, while millions of new

websites are expected started operating in the following years, further intensifying the problem

(Ivory et. al, 2002).

1.1 Purpose of evaluation

The purpose of the evaluation is to get feedbacks from users on how well the website

performs. Therefore, we focus on 4 attributes of findings. We perceive the evaluation for

aesthetic, ease of use, users’ satisfaction and last but not least, the overall performance of the

website. We chose these 4 attributes based on several research that has been conducted to

describe the specific features that constitute effective website design.

The way information is laid out on your site is extremely important. It needs to be done in

a way that is visually pleasing and engaging, while still making your intentions clear (Elliott,

B, 2019). While, Sprout Social once stated that the singular most important factor in software

adoption is ease of use. user satisfaction can actually affect user performance over a long period

of time. Besides, the better users like the system, the more likely they are to experience good

performance with it over the long term (Hartson, R,2012) and it is important to analyse and

keep track of your website's performance so that you improve it, as needed (Dennis,B.M, 2019).

2.0 Methodology

Formerly, we have conducted a survey that aims to systematically describe the performance

of our website based on users’ evaluation. To achieve the aim, we need a qualitative data and

therefore, a number of questions were prepared and distributed randomly to 30 university

students. We have adapted the survey questions from Questionnaire for User Interface

Satisfaction (QUIS), Ease of Use (USE) and also Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use

(PUEU). All of the questions were adapted according to the suitability for users to describe and

evaluate our website.

2.1 Instruments/ Materials

In order to make the survey success, we have used several instruments or materials to help

us to create, launch and distribute the survey. Below are the lists of the materials that we have


2.1.1 Google Form

We used Google Form to place our evaluation questions since Google Form let us to create

questions that based on 5-likert scale. When we finish created the form, we copied the link for

the respondents to access the questionnaire. We think that Google Form is one of the best

platforms to create such questionnaire because it is easy to use and also we can edit or do

correction to the questions whenever we want.

2.1.2 WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the platform we used to distribute the questionnaire. Since we could just

share the Google Form’s link to the respondent. Before we share the link, we choose several

of the respondent from our contact, then we ask them to spread the question to their other

friends. So that, we would have random respondents instead of just the people that we know.

In other way, we also think that WhatsApp is the best platform for us to contact with the

respondents during the process of gathering the evaluation.

2.1.3 Questionnaire

The questionnaire had 20 general questions and was designed to capture some of the main

dimensions of how well the website performs and meet users’ satisfaction. The questions are

break into 5 section. Section A looks into users’ background information. Section B focuses

on the evaluation for aesthetic. Questions from Section C cover several aspects related to ease

of use of the website. Section D looks into users’ satisfaction and Section E perceives

evaluation for the overall performance of the website. The questionnaire consists of multiple-

choice questions with predefined answers offering respondents the possibility to choose and

rank among several options or the possibility to grade on a “strongly disagree” to “strongly

agree” scale (5-likert-scale).

2.2 Procedure

In order to make the process of getting the evaluation run smoothly, we have planned and

set everything up in any way we think the best for us to conduct the survey. Below we list down

all the things that we have done throughout this evaluation process.

2.2.1 Before getting evaluation

Before getting evaluation, we assessed resources and evaluability. This step assisted us to

determine whether our website is ready for the evaluation part or not. For this, we refer based

on the comments and suggestions we got from our HCI’s lecturer, Dr. Yusrita Binti Mohd.

Yusoff on the day we did the demo for high fidelity prototype for our website. We did a little

improvisation to make sure it is ready to proceed with the next step. After that we clarified

what to be evaluated. This second step helped us to develop an evaluability assessment with

clearly defined goal, respondents, strategies, outputs and outcomes. Then, we proceeded to

develop the questionnaire and checked again all the questions to make sure it is suitable and

ready enough to distribute to the respondents.

2.2.2 During getting evaluation

We started distribute the questionnaire on 10th January 2021. It takes almost two days to

get 30 respondents to answer the questionnaire. As soon as we achieved our target of

respondents which is 30, we stopped taking other submission of answers and only then we

could proceed to the next phase.

2.2.3 After getting evaluation

Right after we got all the respondents answer, we processed the data and analysed the

results. To do so, we have to do some interpretations and disseminate the results we get. After

that, we planned on how and what should be on our presentations of findings (written report,

slide show presentation, and also a short information video). Last but not least, we used our

evaluation results to make improvements on what we think should be improved based on the

answer that we got from the respondents.

3.0 Result and Findings

In this part, we will list all of the evaluation results that we get from the respondents

together with the interpretations of each findings.

3.1 Section A: Background Information

Based on Figure 1 below, out of 30 respondents that completed the questionnaire, 63.3% of the

respondents were female and 36.7% were male. Gender differences are not very noticeable

between men and women. Therefore, the result proves that most female show a high level of

interest in the website and it will not affect the overall of the results drastically.

Figure 1: Percentage gender of the respondents

Based on Figure 2, majority of the respondents that completed the questionnaire were aged

between 21-23 (46.7%). Meanwhile, 20% of respondents were aged between 24-26 and 30%

aged between 18-20. The lowest percentage of all respondents are aged between 26 and above.

Therefore, this pie chart show, respondents aged between 21-23 are interested in answering the

questionnaire from UniStu Community website.

Figure 2: Percentage age of the respondents

Based on Figure 3, most of the respondents were Malays (76.7%). Furthermore, there is a slight

difference in the percentage of respondents from the Chinese (13.3%) and Indians (10%) who

answered the questionnaire. These results show that the Malays showed keen on UniStu

Community website, because most of the respondents who answered the questionnaire are

Malay students.

Figure 3: Percentage nation of the respondents

Based on Figure 4, about 40% of the respondents were from year 2 students and 33.3% from

year 1 students. Meanwhile, there were also respondents from year 3 students (16.7%) and year

4 students (10%). The result of this pie chart indicates that year 2 students are very cooperative

to answer the questionnaire and are also attracted in browsing the UniStuCommunity website.

Figure 4: Percentage year of study of the respondents

3.2 Section B: Perceived Evaluation for Aesthetic

Based on Figure 5, about (53.3%) respondents strongly agree while (20%) respondents agree

that UniStu Community website a good reading characters on the screen. Moreover, about

seven respondents (23.3%) that stay natural and only one respondent (3.3%) disagree with the

statement. This result mean most of the respondents are clear and they can read the character

displayed on the screen. Perhaps there are some shortcomings in the character that makes a

respondent disagree with it.

Figure 5: Bar chart of respondents that can read characters on the screen

Based on Figure 6, most of respondents strongly agree (53.3%) and about (16.7%) agree with

the statement that the organization of information is well organized. However, there are

(26.7%) respondents stands natural (26.7%) and one of the respondents (3.3%) disagree with

the statement. Therefore, this shows that the information in UniStuCommunity website is well

organized and the shortcomings of this website will be improved to satisfy all of the


Figure 6: Bar chart of respondents who stated that the organization of information is well


Based on Figure 7, there are similar results for the percentage of respondents who strongly

agree (36.7%) and agree (36.7%) that the sequence of screens is regularly. Meanwhile, about

eight respondents stay natural (26.7%) with that statement. This result indicates that UniStu

Community website has provided an orderly and neat screen sequence because not a single of

respondent disagreed with this statement. Therefore, the sequence of screen will be improved

in order to meet the needs of the respondents.

Figure 7: Bar chart of respondents agree with the sequence of screen

Based on Figure 8, majority of the respondents strongly agree (51.7%) and agree (20.7%) that

UniStu Community website highlighting simplifies task for them to use it. Besides, about

(24.1%) respondents stay natural and only one of the respondents (3.4%) disagree with this

statement. From the outcomes, we can conclude that UniStu Community website has

highlighted simplifying tasks well to make it easier for users to find important information.

Figure 8: Bar chart of the highlighting simplifies task result

3.3 Section C: Perceived Evaluation for Ease of Use

Based on Figure 9, majority of the respondents strongly agree (63.3%) that the website is

simple to use. There are 5 respondents (16.7%) agree while the other six respondents (20%)

stay natural in this statement. This result shows that UniStu Community website is simple to

use and can be simply use by all students.

Figure 9: Bar chart of the respondents that feel the website is simple to use

Based on the Figure 10, about 17 (56.7%) respondents strongly agree while seven respondents

(23.3%) agree that the website is user friendly. Then, five respondents (16.7%) natural while

there is one respondent (3.3%) disagree with the statement. This result shows that UniStu

Community website is suitable for all but might not that user friendly for some people.

Figure 10: Bar chart of the respondents that think the website is user friendly

Based on the Figure 11, there are 12 respondents strongly agree (40%) and 11 respondents

(36.7%) agree with how both occasional and regular user would like the use of the website.

Despite that, there are seven respondents (23.3%) stay natural with the statement. Therefore,

this show that UniStu Community website is will be loved by the respondents and other people.

Besides, this result also proof that the website meets the tastes of the respondents because no

respondents do not agree with this statement.

Figure 11: Bar chart of the respondents that think the website is both occasional and regular
users would like it

Based on Figure 12, majority of the respondents strongly agree (56.7%) that the website is very

flexible to use. Furthermore, there is only a bit difference in the percentage of respondents who

are agree (23.3%) and natural (20%) to the statement. Therefore, this shows that UniStu

Community has been suitable and flexible to use anytime. This is because this website allows

user to visit the website anywhere and anytime without any problems.

Figure 12: Bar chart of the respondents that think the website is flexible to use

3.4 Section D: Perceived Evaluation for Satisfaction

Based on Figure 13, majority of the respondents strongly agree (56.7%) and agree (30%) that

they would recommend the website to their friend. However, there are four respondents

(13.3%) stay natural in this statement. This result shows that UniStu Community website has

attracted respondents to share this website to their friends.

Figure 13: Bar chart of the respondents would recommend this website to a friend

Based on the Figure 14, about sixteen (53.3%) respondents strongly agree while (33.3%) agree

that the website is pleasant to use. Then, only four respondents (13.3%) natural with the

statement. Therefore, UniStu Community website is pleasant and suitable to use for all

respondent. This is because this website is built to give pleasant to every user every time they

visit this website

Figure 14: Bar chart of the respondents that pleasant to use the website

Based on the Figure 15, majority of the respondents strongly agree (46.7%) and (36.7%)

respondents are agree with how the website work as what they want. Despite that, there are

also some respondents (13.3%) stay natural with the statement. Therefore, this show that

UniStu Community website is works well as desired by the respondent. Besides, this result also

proof that the website meets the tastes of the respondents because no respondents do not agree

with this statement.

Figure 15: Bar chart of respondents state the website is works the way they want it to work

Based on Figure 16, about (60%) respondents strongly agree that the website is successfully

every time they use. Furthermore, there is only a bit difference in the percentage of respondents

who are agree (23.3%) and natural (16.7%) to the statement. This show that UniStu Community

has been built successfully because the respondents can use it successfully every time they

want to use.

Figure 16: Bar chart of respondents that can use the website successfully every time

3.5 Section E: perceived Evaluation for Overall Performance

Based on Figure 17, majority of the respondent strongly agree (40%) and agree (36.7%) that

the website has all the functions and capabilities they expect to have. However, there are seven

respondents (23.3%) stay natural in this statement. This result shows that UniStu Community

website has all the functions and capabilities they expect to have.

Figure 17: Bar chart of the website has all the functions and capabilities the respondent
expects to have

Based on Figure 18, majority of the respondent strongly agree (50%) while (36.7%) agree that

the organization of information on the website screen was clear. Next, there are four

respondents (13.3%) stay natural in this statement. This result shows that UniStu Community

website has the organization of information on the website screen clearly.

Figure 18: Bar chart of the organization of information on the website screen was clear

Based on Figure 19, (60%) of the respondent strongly agree and (33.3%) agree that they enjoy

their time using this website. There are (6.7%) stay natural with this statement. So, this result

shows that UniStu Community website has made the respondent enjoy their time using the


Figure 19: Bar chart of the respondent enjoy their time using this website

Based on Figure 20, majority of the respondent (60%) strongly agree and (26.7%) agree that

they are satisfied with how easy to use the website. Only (13.3%) of the respondent stay natural

with this statement. Then, this result proof that the respondent satisfied with how easy it is to

use UniStu Community website.

Figure 20: Bar chart of the respondent satisfied with how easy it is to use the website

3.6 Conclusion

To conclude, based on all the results and findings, we can conclude that majority of the

respondents are satisfied with our websites. If we look at every question in the survey, “strongly

agree” or we clarified it as highest positive scale, record the highest respond of all. Therefore,

we can say that majority of people satisfy with the website.

4.0 Conclusion

After getting the evaluation, we can conclude that even though majority of the respondents

satisfied with the website, but still we need to keep on improving. We also learned from the

evaluation on how certain people think that the website still did not meet their satisfactions.

Therefore, we planned to improve our website by taking all the negative respond from the

respondent and try to fix the problem. For example, there are still some of the respondent think

that it is still not easy for them to read the characteristic on the screen. Then, we will try to fix

the problem to ease people to read everything on the screen.

We also received some suggestions from our close friends and also family members to

enhance the website in terms of the contents and sharing. As they think that the usefulness of

the website is also very crucial for users to get some benefits from the website. We have

considered the suggestion and we are now on our way to improve the website as well. Lastly,

we hope the website can give people benefits and make every user feel happy and satisfied

with it. As we are here to give our cooperation and to help those in need, so that we hope we

are helping in the best way as we can.


Dennis, B. M. (2019, July 8). How to Evaluate the Performance of Your Website |

Elliott, B. (2019, May 8). Why Website Aesthetics Matter and How to Freshen Yours Up.
Element Three.

Hartson, R. (2012). User Satisfaction - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. ScienceDirect.

Ivory M.Y., Sinha R. and Hearst. M.A.: ìImproving Web Site Designî, IEEE Internet
Computing, pp.56-63, March-April 2002.
Shum S. B.: ìThe Missing Link: Hypermedia Usability Research & the Webî, ACM SIG-CHI
Bulletin, Vol.28, No.4, pp.68-75, 1996.

Sprout Social. (2021). What is Ease of Use?

Website Images

Questionnaire Images


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