Football Coaching Strategies 48

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conhol the football, and suddenly,I can't block play that doesn't change from year to year.I prom-
anybody and I can't l'un \.ith th€ ball. ised to never,ever let that happen again.
So we went with an offense where we would ln the 1980 Beason,I gave ever:y singl€ coach
use the baseblock and run the football.We wodd on our staff a responsibility for a position on
simulate what Ohio State did becausewe wanted punt€. I told them if there was a breakdown at
to stop that Ohio State attack. We put in a de- that position on a punt that that coach was re-
lense that was based on speedand quickness so sponsible and that we had no long-term con-
we'd be able to pursue and to tackle. We used an hacts at Michigan. We suddenly approached it
agil€ defense because we werc not a big defen- with a lot more enthusiasm.
sive t€am. And we wanted to win the kicking game I took over th€ rcsponsibility of coaching the
every time we played. This may sound strange to punt retum. I have kept that responsibility, and
you, but we zeroed in on the best team in the I will never relinquish it. The man responsible
league, Ohio State. for the kicking game at Michigan is me! And if
I'm responsible for it, all of thoBe playem look at
Avoiding Lapses that and say, 'Hey, this is something special if
the old man is going to take all the time to con-
We used the phmse "You get bett€r or you get duct all the drills and do all the talking in prac-
worse;you never stay the same."we used it con- tice to make sure that kicking game iB done dght."
stantly and talked to the playerc about it: "Every In 1980,becauseof \ hat happenedlo us in
time you take the field to practice or play a gam€, 1979 and the renewed emphssis on the kicking
regardlessofthe oppositionor what we do, when game, we led the nation in net punting We werc
we go otr the field we're either better or we're th€ finest punting team in the United States of
wome. You're damned sure not gonna stay the
You've got to teach it every single day. Once
In rhe 19706,w. won our shareofchampion- you take for ganted that you'rc gonna have a
ships and our program was quite successful. We great team becauseyou\e got great talent, you've
were r-unning the football, we were playing d€- got another thing coming-because the single
fense, we had great, classic confrontations with most important factor is attitude. And the only
Ohio State in the last game ofthe year. way you're gonna have a great attitude is to coach
Aimosl eveD,ycar we played for lhe champi- it every single day on and off the field!
onship in the last game. Those games were some-
thing special.We were playing against the great- Keys to Winning Programs
est football coach and one ofthe great€st schools- Organization
particularly the ereatest football coach-the Big '
. Masteryofbasics
Ten Conference has ever seen, . Work ethic
We w€re succeBsfuland happy. And then I . Courage
learned very quickly that you can't become self- . Loyalty
€entered. You can't take for g"anted that even . Inteerity
afler 10 yeals of successthat the problems the
losing teams have you can't have just as quickly- Organization
in the wink olan eye. I learned this great lesson
in 1979,when we had pmbably the worst kicking If I were to tel you today how to \ .in, this is what
game in the history of college football. Id tell you. Be an organized guy. I would have
We d always placed such emphasis on the kick- those practiceswell-organizedand the staffwell-
ing game. We spent 15 minutes a day on it, every organized, and everybody knowing what they'rc
day We coached punting the same we\e coached gonna do.
it for 20 years, and yet 11'ehaal punts blocked, we If you don't have organization, and you're not
had punts rcturred on us, ard we averaged some- prepared, your team will never be competent.
thing like 36 yards a kick. We couldn't cover, we Thelrc only competent when they know you have
couldn't punt, we couldn't do an)'thing done a g"eat job of simulating what's going to
Wly did this happen?Becauseall ofus coaches happen to them in a game. And you can't do that
stood there that 15 minutes. We folded our arms. unl€ss you'r€ properly organized.
We didn't coach rtith the same enthusiasm and I had Bill Walsh at my clinic last summer'
with the same drive thai we should have, on a Walsh is a great coach. He's proved that. He was

telling those coachesout in the audiencehow he'd ers were in the huddle in a game and the play
won a game. He f€lt he'd won it becauseof his came in and it was 26, there wasnt a damned
organization, becausehe cloBedevery offensive one of 'em and you can talk to any guy who
pmctice sessionwith a play that he'd rr]n if it play€d Ohio State football-who didn't feel they
were fourth down and 25 from his own 3o-yard were gonna gain yardag€, becausehe had sold
line with 30 secondsleft on the clock. those men that no one can stop 26.
How many olyou coacheswork on that play? To me, that's important ilyou want to \
That is not a real goodsituation tobe in ifyou're the play's sound and you teach it that way. It
trailing But he works on it. It's a special play would have been easy for him to say,"OK, we're
where h€ puts three wide receivers out on one gonna run 26. You all know how to run it." No!
side and puts this euy (Jerry) Rice out on the oth€r That isn't the way Woodyput it in. He prt it in so
by himself. everyone would think, "This is the greatest thing
If they cover these three receivers ov€r here we could do.'
and leave on€ guy on Rice, they'rc gonna throw
the ball to Rice. Walsh worked on that. Th€y got
into a game that year in which a very similar situ-
Motivation and Courage
ation occurred, and he told the guys to run that The next thing you've got to do to be successful is
pals plal,. be willing to work. There's no substitut€ for hard
And all the guys said, "Hell's fire, we practrce work.Theres no substirurF for carcfulplanning.
thiB. We've got a shot. We might possibly hit this There's no substitute for putting in the time.
play becaus€we work on it." And damned il the Motivationl You must have your heart in your
guy didn't go back therc alld throw th€ ball to work so you can motivate others your coaching
Rice on a sheak mute for a touchdown and they colleaguesand the players on youi team. You must
set goals.Any t€arn that s not a goal-oriented team
Now that isn't gonna happen all the time, but is not going to have much chanceat success.
it damned sure never would have happened had There's no substitute for hard work. I admire
he not practiced that situation. You must antici- coacheswho are willing to put in the time. It's
paie and organize and practice every single thing not a pad-time job. Even though you may have
that possibly could happen in a game. other responsibilitiesto your school,as I have to
mine, coachingfootball is afull-timejob, and you
Mastery ol the Basica don't punch a time clock to do it.
The secondthing to do is master the basics,the In order to win, everybodyon the staff must
balic fundarDentalsofblocking and tackling, and undemtand that hisjob is important. One ofmy
you teach 'em with great enthusiasm. The great- pet peevesis the assistant coachwho is always
est teacher I have ever been arcund in college looking for the big break or the n€xt job or the
football by far, no one has ever compared-was next head coachingjob.
Woody Hayes. Anybody who wants to become succ€ssful in
Woody Hayes was the advocate of the old full- football should become the greatest coach, at
back off-tackle play A11old coachesknew Woody whatever rcsponsibility he has, andhe should be
was gonna run 26. He had all kinds of blocking happy doing it! I can say to you in all sinceritt I
adjustments up there to do it. I coachedwith him never had a bad job. I never had a job I didn't
lbr6years. For6 springs and 6 falls, as we put in lik€, whether I was a graduate assiBtant, or coa€h,
the ofTenseon the first day, the old man would go ing the guads or tackles or center, or whatever
to the board and. as if ir wab t hc greatpsrinvpn- it might be.
tion in fbotbau, he would describe to the staffthe I talked about discipline and the importance
26 play. ofit.I want teams with great courage,t€ams that
Bccausphe raught ir $irh such cnthusiasm, are able to play under great pressure.That s im-
you sat there and watched every move and you portant- There's pressure in Michigan football.
learn€d something diferent----€very time. Maybe There's pressure in your place. If you've ever
it wasjust a slight lateml step of the fullback, or taken a teenage kid and run him out in front of
maybe you were really gonna change the play and 105,000peopleand say,"We want to win . . ."
hav€ a new blocking adjustment rp front. That's pressure.That takes coulage.Football
When he took that play to the players, he teaches that. And when it's done properly, it's a
taught it with great enthusiasm. Whenthe play- great teaching aid lor these kids, becauselater

on they're going to have to make somedeosrons there thai I hircd at the Univedity ofAlabama.
more important than wheth er theyre gonna block What's gonna happen to them jfI quit?"
or tackle somebodtr You know the story: He went back and coached
again.He didn'twantto. Hewas sick, andhe was
Loyatty old and tired. He coachedone morc year, finally
quit, and soon afterward was dead.
I believe in loyalty, loyalty to yourseu and loyalty That, to me, demonstrated loyalty. He
to those who depend on you. The geatest example wouldn'tjust walk out on hisjob.It wasn't that
ofthat I\e ever been around was manyyears ago easy.Now, gentlemen, I call that loyalty. I see
when Texas A&M was trying to hire me. I was gxys flyinc around. jumping arnund. leaving
going to help Bear Bryant coachin the East-West people sittins cold and not knowins what
Shrine Game. they're doins. Bryant couldn't do that. Wh€n
He was going to be the head coach.He'd just he finally did leave,I'm sure there were people
b€cometh€ \.inningest coachin history in Divi- who were out in the cold.
Bion I; he was the greatest of all time. He and I
had coachedin some all-star gamesbeforc, and tntegfity
when they asked him to be the head coach,he
said he'd do it if I'd come-because he kn€w he I believe in honesty and int€gity As you d€al with
would have me do all the work. your pl ayers and your coachesand everybody else
I got out to San Franciscoand met him at the connectedwith football, gentlemen,you must be
Shrine Hospitalwe wercvisiting. I said,'l've got honest and you must do it with integdty.
to talk to you, coach."He said,'Yeah,I beenread- I don't feel sorry for those people who g€t
ing the pap€rs about yor. You and I better sit caught and put on probation. I don't feel sorry for
down and have a litUe talk." I said, "Great, as people who get the death penalty. We have rules
soon as we get back to the hotel." He said, "I'11 and rcgulations we have to opemte under, and
give you a call." when you break those rules you must pay the
He called and carne down to my suite, sat down, price.
and started to talk. He looked over and said, There's enough criticism at everylevel across
"Aren't you gonna offer me a d nk?" I got a bottle the country that we as coachescannot afford
ofbourbon. He potred himselfa d nk and said, to operate any otherwaythan witb honesty and
"Texas A&M wants to hire you, eh? I'll never for- integrity. That's yourjob, and if you can't win
get when I was down therc." legitimately that way, maybe you shouldn't
He went on and on. He told stoies and rcmi-
nisced about all his backeround and his coach- If) ou re In a sirualionwhereI great.easoni"
ing. Finally after about an hour and a half, he winning half your games, realize it, and nake
looked ovff at me and said, "Well, Bo, we\e talked sure the people around you realize it. We must
about you enough. Now we're gonna talk about conductou$elves so that we are abovereproach.
Thats the only way to sall your progmm.
I said, "Wlat kind ofproblems do you have?"I And that last thine I believe is that when we
thought he was gonna say something about his coach,every single one ofour playeN must feel,
h€alth. But he said, "Bo, I don't want to go back when his career is ended, that it was one ofthe
to the office. I don't want to call the ofFce. I don't most meaninetul exp€riences he's ever had or ever
want to recluit one more kid;I want to quit." will have. Ifit is not, then we'rc at fault.
I said, "Bear, everybody in the world expects All of us coach for on€ reason, and only one
you to quit at your aee.You'vejust broken the r€ason:what efect it bas on the guy we coach.I
rccord. You've done everything yol1 could possi don't mind filling that stadium at Michigan. I
bly do. Its time lor you to quit. Why dont you don't mind making millions of dollaN. But I'm
just go aheadand do it?" So I put on a little show. gonnatell'emone thing:We're only gonna do it if
I grabbed the phone and said, "Here, lefs call your it's in the best interests ofthose guys who play
president ght now." That's important. If they come back and say,
He said, "Oh, no. Itt not that easy.You'rc gonna "Hey, tbis was the greatest thing that ever hap
find that out some day I've got 47 people back pened to me," then it was all worth it.

1989Pro@dinss. Coach Schembechler uas caach at the Uniuercit! ol Mi.higan


rl * 3 A e l B ii g $ $ 1}t :: !? r * c $ F $ i l { g g * * [ g € & *, d
Things I've Learned From Goaching
: 1* E U€ ]] * g3$]i; 1 1i * X X Q e* * E{ $ $9 A g$'$$ i C
I'll never forget the frlst time I spoke at the At- there was a whole crowd of people in the lobby
lantic City coa€hesclinic way back in the old days, There was this kind of heary guy holdins court,
when Dr. Harry Scott was running it. He set me running the clinic. That was Woody Hayes.
up one night. We had a little dinner, and Harry Woody had just had ar undefeated season at
said, 'Joe, I've been reading everything you have Miami of Ohio and was in the proc$s of being
had to say about football. I've been wat{hing you, int€rviewed for the Ohio State job. He was in there
the way you have coached,and I've asked a friend talking about how he blocked the off-tackle play.
of mine who is an author to put together a book, We were there until four in the moming, and I
and I want you to have thtu. The title of the book was fascinated. That was my introduction to the
h Whdt I Knoo About Foorball by Joe Patemo." I American Football Coaches Association clruc.
col d hadly wait to get at the book. I opened it
up, and there were 200 €mprl pages.I still have
that book.
About Teaching
The first clinic I went to was back in 1950, I know most ofyou may have heard this before,
when I waE in my first year of coaching at Penn but first and foremost, what I have learned is that
State. Four of us got in the car and drove all night a coach must be a teacher. I was able to learn
fr.m SrateCollegeto Dallas.and ne werpgoing thft from a pe$on who I truly believ€ to be one of
to stay at the Baker Hotel. The university gave the best coachesand t€achem ever: Rip Engle.
us $50 each for expenses. We rented a room and Rip would never let us put in more than the kids
shared the expenses of the cax We walked into could handle. He was constantly evaluating the
the Baker Hotel about twelve or one at night, and assiBtant6 to determine how much new material
they were putting in and how quickly the kids
were comprehendingit.
I can't tell you how important that is. The
minute you have to play a kid that can't learn
quickly, can't handle some things you want to do,
all of a sudden your whole schemehas come down.
We couldnt do some things we do in our second-
ary if we didn't have four bright kids back there
who could handle sorn€ of the adjustments, the
checks, the change-ups on coverages.We can only
go as fast as the slowestlea.ner

About Players
In evaluatirg pemonnel, I've always believ€d that
the frrst thing was consistency, the second thing
was the RBI-the guy that can mak€ the big play
and $.in the same for you-and the third thing
was the guy that makes the major er'ror.You can't
play him. I try to remember what players can do
well. Ifyou hav€ a player that can do something
particularly well, don't forget it. In the €lutch,
that's what vou want to use.

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