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Employee Satisfaction Survey

[Company Logo]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]

Date: [September 11, 2077]

Name (Optional): [Aegon Marbury]

Department: [Kitchen]
Position: [Sous Chef]

The purpose of this survey questionnaire is to assess your level of satisfaction working for
[Company Name]. To better help the company in determining how satisfied its employees are
as a part of its workforce, you are encouraged to respond to this survey truthfully. Place a
checkmark (✓) on the space corresponding to your chosen response.


How long have you been in this company?

❏ Less than a year

❏ One Year
❏ 2-3 Years
❏ 4-5 Years
❏ 5-10 Years
❏ Beyond 10 Years

A. Operations

Strongly Agree Strongly

Questions Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
I am comfortable with my workload
and day to day duties and

I find the company’s standard
operating procedures (SOP)
convenient, efficient, and effective.
The work stations have constantly has
sufficient supplies, tools, and
I have competent colleagues and
subordinate who can help me during
the operations.
My superiors provide immediate
Other departments are responsive to
requests and concerns from my
behalf and from my department.
The daily operations are consistently
swift and smooth sailing.
Problems caused by inadequacies of
supplies and shortcomings of the SOP
occur often.
The workplace or work environment
is safe and healthy.
[Add Other Input]

B. Salary, Benefits, & Compensation

Questions Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I am paid sufficiently with and my

I consistently receive my salary
before or on the designated pay
My monthly salary matches the
standard amount of my job title.
I receive incentives for showcasing
exceptional professionalism and going
the extra mile on my workload.

I receive satisfactory bonuses at the
end of the calendar year.
My mandatory employee benefits are
consistently complied to by the
I am satisfied with the company’s
own employee benefits and incentive
[Add Other Input]

Comments, Suggestions, & Concerns:

Thank you for answering this survey questionnaire truthfully and promptly. Confidentiality is
observed with your responses on this survey. This document will not be disclosed to anyone
outside of the Human Resource Department.

Employee’s Signature

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