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Call Centers build customer confidence &

customer loyalty.
Your customers could live anywhere in the world, or they might move around a lot. They may need
assistance when they’re in a different time zone, or they might work night shift or afternoons. Call
center customer service puts the customer in charge when it moves to a 24/7 paradigm.

When customers shop online, they often want to make sure they’re making a purchase from a
company that they can reach if a product doesn’t arrive, there’s a problem, or they have any

having a phone number for them to call increases the confidence of hundreds or thousands of
potential buyers even if only a small fraction of them ever call.

If they do call, they want to get a live person, not a voicemail box. A call center provides
confidence to buyers to make a purchase. Having a good experience speaking with an agent makes
them more likely to make subsequent purchases and recommend your business to others.

are more loyal when they can contact a company quickly and easily.

This provides more options for the client and opens new opportunities for companies to analyze
human behavior and use that information to improve the overall experience. However, the
telephone is still the preferred channel for many users, since talking to a human being is efficient
and creates a good relationship.

With voice and text analysis, companies can unlock a large source of information on the
sentiment, wishes and needs of customers. Conversations are captured, categorized and then
analyzed so that companies can use ideas to make better decisions, such as the acceptance of
marketing, sales or product strategies.

Where are they from?

Call centers were born in 1962 in united states with the Ford industry, they created the
first big telemarketing campaign in the history. This way, they used the telephone to make
contact with their future sellers, getting 20 millions of clients at the end of the year.

Fun facts
1. A Help Scout study revealed that customer service agents failed to provide adequate
answers 50% of the time.
2. According to a Webby research report, 70% of Millennials prefer some other channel
to voice.

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