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‫‪2020‬‬ ‫‪2014‬‬


‫‪7‬‬ ‫•‬

‫األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit One: Lesson 1 | ‫ الدرس األول‬:‫الوحدة األولى‬

My toe is bleeding ‫إصبع قدمي ينزف‬


finger ‫اصبع‬

hand ‫يد‬
shoulder ‫كتف‬
wrist ‫معصم‬

knee ‫ركبة‬

ankle ‫كاحل‬
foot ‫قدم‬
feet ‫اقدام‬
toe ‫اصبع قدم‬
elbow ‫كوع‬

Minor Health Problems ‫مشاكل صحية طفيفة‬

My shoulder hurts. I did it playing tennis. I’ve got a terrible headache. Can I have some
‫يؤلمن حصل هذا عندما كنت العب التنس‬
‫ي‬ ‫كتف‬
‫ي‬ painkiller? ‫ هل يل ببعض المسكنات؟‬.‫أعات من صداع فظيع‬

I have a very bad cold. I can’t stop sneezing. I burnt my finger on the oven.
‫ ال أستطيع التوقف عن العطاس‬.‫أعات من نزلة برد شديدة‬
‫ي‬ ‫اصبع بالفرن‬
‫ي‬ ‫حرقت‬

I’ve got a bad wrist. I sprained it lifting weights in the I feel dizzy. I need to lie down.
gym. ‫ لويته عند رفع األثقال يف صالة األلعاب الرياضية‬.‫معصم‬
‫ي‬ ‫لمن‬
‫يؤ ي‬ ‫ انا بحاجة ال اإلستلقاء‬.‫اشعر بالدوار‬

I’ve got a pain in my knee.

ً It’s really swollen. I need this bucket because I think I’m going to
‫ انها متورمة جدا‬.‫تؤلمن‬
‫ي‬ ‫كبن‬
‫ر ي‬ be sick. ‫أنن سأتقيأ‬
‫ألنن أعتقد ي‬
‫أحتاج هذا الدلو ي‬
My toe is bleeding. I cut it on a piece of glass on the My lips are really dry and sore.
beach. ‫ جرحته بقطعة زجاج عىل الشاط‬.‫قدم ينف‬ ‫ي‬ ‫اصبع‬ ‫شفتاي جافتان و ملتهبتان‬

I’ve got a broken leg. I fractured it in a motorbike I’ve got a sore throat. It hurts so much that I
accident. ‫ كرستها يف حادث دراجة نارية‬.‫ساف‬ can’t swallow. ‫ إنه مؤلم‬.‫أعات من احتقان الحلق‬
‫اصبت بكرس يف ي‬ ‫أنن ال أستطيع االبتالع‬
‫للغاية لدرجة ي‬
I have a temperature of 39. I twisted my ankle playing football.
39 ‫ارت‬
‫درجة حر ي‬ ‫كاحىل أثناء لعب كرة القدم‬ ‫لويت‬

‫األستاذ عمار غالب‬ 2 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫نصيحة لتعلم المفردات‬
‫طريقة جيدة تتعلم بها كلمات جديدة تكون من خالل وضع الكلمات المنابطة يف مجاميع‬
Fruit: apples oranges grapes bananas strawberries
‫فاكهة‬ ‫تفاح‬ ‫برتقال‬ ‫عنب‬ ‫موز‬ ‫فراولة‬


Using a dictionary, check the meaning of any words you don't know.
‫ كتاب النشاط‬Write the words below in the correct set. There are five words in
A ‫ تمرين‬each set.
2 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ّ
‫تفحص ى‬
‫ اكتب الكلمات ف األسفل ف مجموعاتها‬.‫معن اي كلمة ال تعرفها بإستخدام القاموس‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬
‫ هناك خمس كلمات يف كل مجموعة‬.‫الصحيحة‬

ankle bandage blood bones breathe cough cream elbow faint heart knee
medicine plaster pills shoulder skin sneeze stomach swallow wrist

Set Words
Treatment: bandage cream medicine plaster pills
‫ع ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــالج‬ ‫ضمادة‬ ‫مرهم‬ ‫حبوب لصقة جروح دواء‬

Joints: ankle elbow knee shoulder wrist

‫مفاصل‬ ‫كاحل‬ ‫كوع‬ ‫ركبة‬ ‫معصم كتف‬

Verbs: breathe cough faint sneeze swallow

‫افعال‬ ‫يعطس يغم عليه يسعل يتنفس‬ ‫يبلع‬
Inside & outside
the body: blood bones heart skin stomach
‫داخل و خارج الجسم‬ ‫دم‬ ‫عظام‬ ‫جلد قلب‬ ‫معدة‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

C ‫تمرين‬
3 ‫صفحة‬ 227
‫أكمل كل جملة بكلمة من الصندوق‬

bleeding broken hurts pain sick sore dizzy sneeze

1. ‘Have you got a cold?’ ‘No, I always sneeze when I put pepper on my food.’
‘‫’هل اصابتك نزلة برد؟‬ ‘‫طعام‬ ً ‫ انا‬.‫’كال‬
‫دائما أعطس عندما اضع الفلفل يف‬

‫األستاذ عمار غالب‬ 3 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

2. He was sick three times in the night. I think the food at the restaurant where he ate wasn’t very
fresh. ‫ اعتقد ان السبب وراء هذا هو ان الطعام الذي تناوله يف المطعم لم يكن طازج‬.‫تقيأ ثالث مرات ليال‬

3. She cut her hand while she was chopping vegetables. It was a very deep cut and it was ________
a lot, so she had to go to hospital and have it stitched.
‫جدا ______ ر‬ ً ً ّ
‫ لذا كان يجب عليها ان تذهب للمستشف‬.‫بكنة‬ ‫ كان الجرح عميقا‬.‫جرحت اصبعها عندما كانت تقطع الخضوات‬
4. My back all the time. It only feels OK when I am lying down.
‫ي‬ ‫يؤلمن عندما‬
‫ي‬ ‫ وال‬.‫طول الوقت‬ ‫ظهري‬

5. She can’t play tennis. She has her right arm. .‫ذراعها اليمن‬ .‫ال تستطيع لعب كرة التنس‬

6. I went swimming yesterday and now my eyes are from the chemicals in the pool.
‫الن كانت يف المسبح‬
‫بسبب المواد الكيميائية ي‬ ‫سبحت البارحة واالن عيناي‬

7. Where exactly is the and how long have you had it? ‫بالتحديد وكم مض عىل‬ ‫اين هو‬
8. It was a very hot day and she hadn’t eaten or drunk anything all day. That’s why she suddenly
went pale and felt during the lesson.
‫ر‬ ‫ر‬ ً ً ً
‫اثناء الدرس‬ ‫ لهذا السبب شحبت فجأة و شعرت‬.‫شء طوال اليوم‬
‫كان يوما حارا جدا ولم تأكل او ترسب اي ي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Write the missing words. ‫اكتب الكلمات المفقودة‬ ‫صيغة السؤال باالمتحان الوزاري‬
1. joint in the arm, wrist (‫ دور أول‬2014)
2. joint in the leg, knee (‫ دور أول‬2015)

Complete the following with correctly spelt words. ‫إمالئيا‬ ‫يل بكلمات صحيحة‬
‫أكمل ما ي‬
1. ankle, joint; bandage, treatment. (‫ دور اول‬2016)
2. joint in the arm, elbow. (‫ دور ثاني احيائي‬2020 / ‫ دور اول تطبيقي‬2020 / ‫ دور ثاني‬2019 / ‫ تمهيدي‬2018 / ‫ دور ثاني‬2016)
3. joint in the leg, ankle (‫ دور ثالث ادبي و علمي‬2020 / ‫ دور اول‬2019 / ‫ دور ثالث‬2017 / ‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
4. Inside the body, heart. (‫ دور اول‬2017)
5. joint in the arm, wrist. (‫ دور اول ادبي‬2020 / ‫ دور اول خارج العراق‬2019 / ‫ دور ثالث‬2019 / ‫ دور ثاني‬2017)
6. joint in the leg, knee. (‫ دور ثاني تطبيقي و ادبي‬2020 / ‫ دور اول احيائي‬2020 / ‫ دور ثاني خارج العراق‬2018 / ‫ دور اول‬2018)

Complete the gaps. ‫أكمل الفراغات‬

1. cream, medicine; ankle, joint. (‫ دور اول – خارج العراق‬2016)
2. sore, throat; dry, cough. (‫ دور ثاني – خارج العراق‬2016)
3. ankles and knees are joints in the leg. (‫ دور ثاني – خارج العراق‬2017)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬4 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫الوحدة األولى‪ :‬الدرس الثاني | ‪Unit One: Lesson 2‬‬

‫كنت اتزلج و سقطت ‪I was ice-skating and I fell over‬‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫‪broken‬‬ ‫مكسور‬ ‫‪suddenly‬‬ ‫فجأة‬ ‫‪accident‬‬ ‫حادث‬
‫‪hurt‬‬ ‫يؤلم‬ ‫‪pool‬‬ ‫مسبح‬ ‫‪emergency‬‬ ‫طوارئ‬
‫‪pain‬‬ ‫الم‬ ‫‪suffer from‬‬ ‫يعاني من‬ ‫‪details‬‬ ‫تفاصيل‬
‫‪painkiller‬‬ ‫مسكن الم‬ ‫‪touch‬‬ ‫يلمس‬ ‫‪probably‬‬ ‫من المحتمل‬
‫‪stitch‬‬ ‫يخيّط‬ ‫‪spill‬‬ ‫يسكب‬ ‫‪soon‬‬ ‫ً‬
‫‪health‬‬ ‫صحة‬ ‫‪spilt‬‬ ‫سكب‬ ‫‪make sure‬‬ ‫تأكد‬
‫‪weight‬‬ ‫وزن‬ ‫‪x-ray‬‬ ‫اشعة اكس‬ ‫‪how‬‬ ‫كيف‬
‫‪height‬‬ ‫طول‬ ‫‪ice‬‬ ‫جليد‬ ‫‪long‬‬ ‫طويل‬
‫‪tall‬‬ ‫طويل‬ ‫‪skating‬‬ ‫تزلج‬ ‫‪how long‬‬ ‫ما المدة‬
‫‪short‬‬ ‫قصير‬ ‫‪ice-skating‬‬ ‫تزلج عىل الجليد‬ ‫‪injured‬‬ ‫مصاب‬
‫)فعل( ‪cut‬‬ ‫يجرح ‪ /‬يقص‬ ‫‪fell over‬‬ ‫سقط‬
‫)اسم( ‪cut‬‬ ‫جرح‬ ‫‪hospital‬‬ ‫مستشف‬
‫‪pale‬‬ ‫شاحب‬


‫ماضي ‪Past Simple‬‬

‫ى‬ ‫بسيط‬
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫ي‬ ‫الماض البسيط للتحدث عن افعال او مواقف انتهت يف‬
‫ي‬ ‫نستخدم‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫جملة مثبتة ‪Affirmative Sentence‬‬

‫‪Subject + verb in the past + complement‬‬
‫الماض ‪ +‬فاعل‬‫ى‬ ‫‪ +‬فعل بزمن‬ ‫تكملة‬

‫األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ي‬ ‫‪ -‬هناك طريقتان لتحويل الفعل ال‬

‫الطريقة األوىل‬
‫‪play → played‬‬ ‫‪knock → knocked‬‬ ‫‪repair → repaired‬‬ ‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫تكون بإضافة ‪ ed‬ال فعل‬
‫لعب → يلعب‬
‫َ‬ ‫طرقَ → يطرق‬ ‫صلّ َح → يصلّح‬

‫وتسم هذه األفعال القياسية ‪ regular verbs‬ألنها تتبع قواعد معينة ر‬

‫سنرسحها بعد قليل‪.‬‬

‫قواعد إضافة ‪ ed‬للفعل‬

‫‪ً .‬‬
‫‪work‬‬ ‫‪worked‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬نضيف (‪ )ed‬لمعظم األفعال‬
‫‪ً: .‬‬
‫‪smile‬‬ ‫‪smiled‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬إذا انتىه الفعل بحرف (‪ )e‬نضيف له (‪ )d‬فقط مثال‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬اذا انتىه الفعل بحرف صحيح وجاء قبله حرف علة نضاعف الحرف الصحيح ثم نضيف ‪ed‬‬
‫‪stop‬‬ ‫‪stopped‬‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫تنتىه بـ(‪ )en‬نضيف (‪ )ed‬دون تكرار الحرف األخن‬
‫ي‬ ‫الن‬
‫بإستثناء االفعال ي‬
‫‪listen‬‬ ‫‪listened‬‬
‫‪open‬‬ ‫‪opened‬‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .4‬إذا انتىه الفعل بحرف (‪ )y‬وكان قبله حرف صحيح يقلب (‪ )y‬ال (‪ )i‬ونضيف (‪)ed‬‬
‫‪study‬‬ ‫‪studied‬‬
‫‪carry‬‬ ‫‪carried‬‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫أما اذا جاء قبل (‪ )y‬حرف علة نضيف (‪ )ed‬فقط‬
‫‪enjoy‬‬ ‫‪enjoyed‬‬
‫‪play‬‬ ‫‪played‬‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬
‫‪1. I worked as a waiter for 2 years.‬‬ ‫عملت نادال لسنتي‬
‫‪2. My little brother cried last night.‬‬ ‫اخ الصغن ليلة البارحة‬ ‫بىك ي‬
‫‪3. Ali’s laptop suddenly stopped working.‬‬ ‫عىل المحمول عن العمل فجأة‬
‫ي‬ ‫حاسوب‬ ‫توقف‬

‫الطريقة الثانية‬

‫تكون بتغين الفعل بإكمله او يبف بدون أي تغين يف بعض الحاالت‪ .‬ادناه جدول لألفعال الشاذة‪:‬‬

‫فعل مجرد‬ ‫ى‬

‫الماض‬ ‫فعل مجرد‬ ‫ى‬
‫الماض‬ ‫فعل مجرد‬ ‫ى‬
‫الماض‬ ‫فعل مجرد‬ ‫ى‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫‪be‬‬ ‫كان ‪was/were‬‬ ‫‪fall‬‬ ‫سقط ‪fell‬‬ ‫‪let‬‬ ‫ترك ‪let‬‬ ‫‪sit‬‬ ‫جلس ‪sat‬‬
‫‪beat‬‬ ‫ضرب‪/‬هزم ‪beat‬‬ ‫‪feed‬‬ ‫اطعم ‪fed‬‬ ‫‪lie‬‬ ‫استلقى ‪lay‬‬ ‫‪sleep‬‬ ‫نام ‪slept‬‬
‫‪become‬‬ ‫اصبح ‪became‬‬ ‫‪feel‬‬ ‫شعر ‪felt‬‬ ‫‪light‬‬ ‫اضاء ‪lit‬‬ ‫‪smell‬‬ ‫شم ‪smelt‬‬

‫األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

begin began ‫بدأ‬ fight fought ‫حارب‬ lose lost ‫خسر‬ speak spoke ‫تحدّ ث‬
bite ّ
bit ‫عض‬ find found ‫وجد‬ make made ‫صنع‬ spell spelt ‫تهجئ‬
bleed bled ‫نزف‬ fly flew ‫طار‬ mean meant ‫عنى‬ spend spent ‫امضى‬
blow blew ‫عصف‬ forget forgot ‫نسى‬ meet met ‫التقى‬ spill spilt ‫سكب‬
break broke ‫كسر‬ freeze froze ‫جمّ د‬ pay paid ‫دفع‬ spread spread ‫انتشر‬
bring brought ‫احضر‬ get got ‫حصل‬ put put ‫وضع‬ stand stood ‫وقف‬
build built ‫بنى‬ give gave ‫اعطى‬ read read ‫قرأ‬ steal stole ‫سرق‬
burn burnt ‫حرق‬ go went ‫ذهب‬ ride rode ‫قاد‬ stick stuck ‫لصق‬
burst burst ‫اندفع‬ grow grew ‫نمى‬ ring rang ‫دق‬ sting stung ‫لسع‬
buy bought ‫اشترى‬ hang hung ‫ع ّلق‬ rise rose ‫نهض‬ swim swam ‫سبح‬
catch caught ‫امسك‬ have had ‫ملك‬ run ran ‫ركض‬ take took ‫اخذ‬
choose chose ‫اختار‬ hear heard ‫سمع‬ say said ‫قال‬ teach taught ‫درّس‬
come came ‫جاء‬ hide hid ‫اخفى‬ see saw ‫رأى‬ tell told ‫اخبر‬
cost cost ‫كلف‬ hit hit ‫ضرب‬ sell sold ‫باع‬ think thought ‫ف ّكر‬
cut cut ‫ قص‬/ ‫جرح‬ hold held ‫امسك‬ send sent ‫ارسل‬ throw threw ‫رمى‬
deal dealt ‫عامل‬ hurt hurt ‫آذى‬ set set ‫ضبط‬ understand understood ‫فهم‬
dig dug ‫حفر‬ keep kept ‫حافظ‬ shake ّ
shook ‫هز‬ wake woke ‫استيقظ‬
do did ‫فعل‬ know knew ‫عرف‬ shine shone ‫اشرق‬ wear wore ‫ارتدى‬
draw drew ‫رسم‬ lead led ‫قاد‬ shoot shot ‫اطلق‬ win won ‫فاز‬
drink drank ‫شرب‬ learn learnt ‫تع ّلم‬ shut shut ‫اغلق‬ withdraw withdrew ‫سحب‬
drive drove ‫ساق‬ leave left ‫غادر‬ sing sang ‫غنى‬ ّ write wrote ‫كتب‬
eat ate ‫اكل‬ lend lent ‫اعار‬ sink sank ‫غرق‬

Examples ‫امثلة‬

1. We spent our salary on clothes. ‫رصفنا راتبنا عىل المالبس‬

2. I forgot to call my manager. ‫نسيت ان اتصل بمديري‬
3. Mike swam in the river yesterday. ‫سبح مايك يف النهر البارحة‬

2 Negative Sentence ‫جملة منفية‬

Subject + did not + infinitive + complement

‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل مساعد‬+ ‫ صيغة المصدر‬+ ‫تكملة‬

Examples ‫امثلة‬
ً ّ
1. My parents did not sleep well last night. ‫والدي جيدا ليلة البارحة‬ ‫لم ينم‬
2. Sally’s brother did not sell his car. ‫سال سيارته‬‫لم يبيع اخ ي‬
3. I didn’t break the window. ‫أكرس النافذة‬
ِ ‫لم‬

.‫) اذا كان الكالم او الكتابة غن رسميان‬didn’t( ‫( ال‬did not) ‫باإلمكان اختصار‬

‫األستاذ عمار غالب‬ 7 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫سؤال ‪Question‬‬

‫? ‪Did + subject + infinitive + complement‬‬

‫تكملة ‪ +‬صيغة المصدر ‪ +‬فاعل ‪ +‬فعل مساعد‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫?‪1. Did you travel to Turkey last summer‬‬ ‫الماض؟‬

‫ي‬ ‫هل سافرت ال تركيا الصيف‬
‫?‪2. Did our parents arrive home‬‬ ‫هل وصل والداك المنل؟‬

‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫الماض البسيط يف اإلمتحان الوزاري؟‬
‫ي‬ ‫كيف اعرف ان هذه الجملة بزمن‬
‫الشء بي األقواس يف السؤال بكتابة (‪)Past Simple‬‬ ‫ُ‬
‫ببساطة ي ُذكر هذا ي‬
‫ماض بسيط‪.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫أما اذا لم يذكر فهناك تعابن زمنية ‪ time expressions‬يدل وجودها يف الجملة انها‬

‫للماض البسيط‬ ‫تعابي زمنية‬
‫ي‬ ‫ر‬

‫شهر‪ /‬فصل ‪last +‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬كلمة )‪ .(last‬واألمثلة كثنة‪:‬‬

‫الماض ‪last summer‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫الماض ‪ / last winter‬الصيف‬
‫ي‬ ‫الشتاء‬ ‫الماض ‪last June‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫الماض ‪ / last August‬حزيران‬
‫ي‬ ‫تموز‬

‫‪last night / last week / last month / last year / last Christmas / last Eid‬‬
‫الماض ‪ /‬الليلة الماضية‬
‫ي‬ ‫الماض ‪ /‬االسبوع‬
‫ي‬ ‫الماض ‪ /‬الشهر‬
‫ي‬ ‫الماض ‪ /‬العام‬
‫ي‬ ‫الماض ‪ /‬عيد الميالد‬
‫ي‬ ‫العيد‬

‫‪ .2‬كلمة )‪ .(ago‬واألمثلة كثنة‪:‬‬

‫‪5 minutes ago / 2 hours ago / 6 months ago / 3 years ago / a long time ago‬‬
‫منذ وقت طويل ‪ /‬منذ ‪ 3‬سنوات ‪ /‬منذ ‪ 6‬شهور ‪ /‬منذ ساعتان ‪ /‬منذ ‪ 5‬دقائق‬

‫سنة مضت او اشهر ى‬ ‫‪ً .‬‬

‫مض ‪in +‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬حرف الجر )‪(in‬‬
‫‪in 1990, in 2020, in 2013, in June, in February‬‬

‫‪ً .‬‬
‫سنة مضت ‪when +‬‬ ‫‪ .4‬كلمة )‪(when‬‬
‫عندما أصبح عمري ‪ 18‬سنة ذهبت للكلية ‪When I turned 18, I went to college.‬‬

‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .5‬كلمتا (‪ )before‬و (‪)after‬‬
‫عىل قبل ان يغادر المدرسة ‪I called my friend Ali before he left school.‬‬
‫بصديف ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫اتصلت‬
‫اخن من الجامعة وجدت عمل ‪After my sister graduated from university, she found a job.‬‬
‫بعد ان تخرجت ي‬

‫‪ 8‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫الفعل )يكون ‪ (be‬بزمن الماضي البسيط‬

‫يىل‪:‬‬ ‫ّ‬
‫الماض ال (‪ )was‬او (‪ )were‬بحسب فاعل الجملة وكما ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫يتضف (يتغن) الفعل (‪ )be‬يف الزمن‬

‫ه ‪ / She‬هو ‪ / He‬انا ‪I‬‬

‫ه (غن عاقل مفرد) ‪ / It‬ي‬
‫هو او ي‬ ‫)منف( ‪) / wasn’t‬مثبت( ‪was‬‬
‫انت انتما انتم اني ‪ / You‬نحن ‪We‬‬
‫هم هن ‪ / They‬أنت ِ‬ ‫)منف( ‪) / weren’t‬مثبت( ‪were‬‬
‫يأت‬ ‫ى‬ ‫مالحظة‪ :‬يف زمن‬
‫الماض البسيط ال ي‬
‫بعد االفعال ‪ was‬او ‪ were‬فعل آخر‪.‬‬
‫تأت صفة او مكان او وظيفة او عمر‪.‬‬‫بل ي‬
‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬ ‫كما يف األمثلة‪:‬‬

‫اصدقات متعبي بعد السباق ‪1. My friends were tired after the race.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫كانوا‬

‫عىل يف المنل‪ .‬كان يف المستشف ‪2. Ali wasn’t at home. He was at hospital.‬‬
‫لم يكن ي‬ ‫يف حالة السؤال‬
‫ّ‬ ‫نقلب الفعل مع الفاعل‬
‫هل كان عمرك ‪ 22‬سنة عندما توظفت؟ ?‪3. Were you 22 years old when you got a job‬‬

‫نعم كنت‪ / .‬كال لم اكن‪Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. .‬‬

‫ماضي مستمر ‪Past Continuous‬‬

‫الماض ولم ينته ىف وقتها و إنما إستمر ر‬
‫لفية‪.‬‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى ى‬
‫معي يف‬
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫الماض المستمر لحدث كان يحصل يف وقت ر‬
‫ي‬ ‫نستخدم‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫جملة مثبتة ‪Affirmative Sentence‬‬

‫‪Subject + was/were + verb (ing) + complement‬‬

‫‪ +‬فعل مضاف له ‪ + ing‬افعال مساعدة ‪ +‬فاعل‬ ‫تكملة‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬
‫مساء ‪1. Samer was driving at 10 p.m.‬‬ ‫كان سامر يقود الساعة ‪10‬‬
‫‪2. Sam and Julie were talking about their wedding at night.‬‬ ‫جول يتحدثان عن زفافهما ليال‬
‫ي‬ ‫كان سام و‬

‫األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫جملة منفية ‪Negative Sentence‬‬

‫النف‪ :‬نضيف (‪ )not‬لألفعال المساعدة (‪ )was‬او (‪)were‬‬

‫يف حالة ي‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬
‫مساء ‪1. Samer was not driving at 10 p.m.‬‬ ‫لم يكن سامر يقود الساعة ‪10‬‬
‫جول يتحدثان عن زفافهما ليال ‪2. Sam and Julie were not talking about their wedding at night.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫لم يكن سام و‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫سؤال ‪Question‬‬

‫يف حالة السؤال‪ :‬نضع الفعل المساعد (‪ )was‬او (‪ )were‬يف بداية الجملة‪.‬‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬
‫مساء؟ ?‪1. Was Samer driving at 10 p.m.‬‬ ‫هل كان سامر يقود الساعة ‪10‬‬
‫جول يتحدثان عن زفافهما ليال؟ ?‪2. Were Sam and Julie talking about their wedding at night‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫هل كان سام و‬

‫قواعد اضافة ‪ ing‬للفعل‬

‫‪make‬‬ ‫‪making‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬اذا انتىه الفعل بحرف (‪ )e‬واحد نحذفه ونضيف (‪)ing‬‬

‫‪agree‬‬ ‫‪agreeing‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬اذا انتىه الفعل ب ـ ـ (‪ )ee‬نضيف له (‪ )ing‬ر‬

‫‪see‬‬ ‫‪seeing‬‬

‫‪die‬‬ ‫‪dying‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬اذا انتىه الفعل بـ ـ (‪ )ie‬نغنها ال (‪ )y‬ونضيف (‪)ing‬‬

‫‪lie‬‬ ‫‪lying‬‬
‫‪sit‬‬ ‫‪sitting‬‬ ‫‪ .4‬اذا انتىه فعل يتألف من مقطع واحد بحرف علة وجاء قبله‬
‫‪stop‬‬ ‫‪stopping‬‬ ‫حرف صحيح (بإستثناء ‪ )h, w, x, y‬نضاعف الحرف الصحيح ونضيف (‪)ing‬‬
‫‪look‬‬ ‫‪looking‬‬ ‫اما اذا جاء قبله حرفا علة فال نضاعف الحرف الصحيح‬

‫‪commit‬‬ ‫‪committing‬‬ ‫‪ .5‬اذا انتىه الفعل بحرف صحيح مسبوق بحرف علة وكان المقطع األخن‬
‫‪rub‬‬ ‫‪rubbing‬‬ ‫مشدد‪ ,‬نضاعف الحرف الصحيح‬
‫‪cover‬‬ ‫‪covering‬‬ ‫ولكن يف هذه األفعال يكون المقطع األول مشدد وال نضاعف الحرف الصحيح‬
‫‪remember‬‬ ‫‪remembering‬‬

‫‪travel‬‬ ‫‪travelling‬‬ ‫‪ .6‬اذا انتىه الفعل بحرف علة مسبوق بحرف (‪ )l‬نضاعف هذا الحرف‬
‫استثناء واحد هنا هو الفعل (‪ )be‬يصبح (‪)being‬‬

‫‪ 10‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ما الفرق بين الماضي البسيط و الماضي المستمر‬

‫الماض البسيط عن حدث انته ىف وقت ر ى‬

‫معي‪.‬‬ ‫ى‬ ‫يتحدث‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫تناولت العشاء الساعة ‪ 10‬مساء (انتىه يف وقتها) ‪I had dinner at 10 p.m.‬‬
‫معي ولم ينته ىف وقتها و انما استمر ر‬
‫لفية و انته بعدها‪.‬‬ ‫الماض المستمر عن حدث كان يحصل ىف وقت ر ى‬
‫ى‬ ‫يتحدث‬
‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫مساء (كان يحصل يف وقتها) ‪I was having dinner at 10 p.m.‬‬ ‫كنت اتناول العشاء الساعة ‪10‬‬

‫‪As / While / When‬‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫بينما ‪As / While‬‬

‫‪Past Continuous + as / while + Past Continuous‬‬
‫ماض مستمر‬‫ماض مستمر ‪ + as / while +‬جملة ى‬‫جملة ى‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

‫تكملة → (‪ )ing‬فعل → ‪ + was / were‬فاعل‬ ‫‪+ as / while +‬‬ ‫تكملة → (‪ )ing‬فعل → ‪ → was / were‬فاعل‬

‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬

‫ي‬ ‫نستخدم هذه القاعدة لحدثان كانا يحصالن يف الوقت نفسه يف‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫كانت سوزان تطبخ بينما كان طفلها يزحف ‪1. Susan was cooking while her baby was crawling.‬‬
‫سيارت ‪2. Omar & Ali were playing tennis as I was washing my car.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫عىل يلعبان التنس بينما كنت اغسل‬
‫كان عمر و ي‬

‫مالحظة‪ :‬باإلمكان وضع ‪ as / while‬ى يف بداية الجملة رشط ان تكتب فارزة ى يف منتصف الجملة‪.‬‬

‫‪1. While Susan was cooking, her baby was crawling.‬‬

‫‪2. As Omar & Ali were playing tennis, I was washing my car.‬‬

‫‪ 11‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫بينما ‪As / While‬‬

‫‪Past Simple + as / while + Past Continuous‬‬
‫ماض مستمر ‪ + as / while +‬جملة ى‬
‫ماض بسيط‬ ‫جملة ى‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

‫الماض ‪ +‬فاعل‬ ‫تكملة → فعل بصيغة‬ ‫‪+ as / while +‬‬ ‫تكملة → (‪ )ing‬فعل → ‪ → was / were‬فاعل‬

‫نستخدم هذه القاعدة للتحدث عن حدث كان يحصل و قاطعه حدث آخر‬

‫قصية‬ ‫الماض البسيط للفعل الذي استغرق ر‬

‫فية‬ ‫ى‬ ‫الماض المستمر للفعل الذي استغرق ر‬
‫فية طويلة و‬ ‫ى‬ ‫نستخدم‬
‫ر‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫طرق والدي الباب بينما كنت ً‬

‫نائما ‪1. My dad knocked at the door while I was sleeping.‬‬

‫الماض المستمر معها( ‪- While I was sleeping, my dad knocked at the door.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫)ممكن وضع كلمة ‪ while‬يف بداية الجملة رشط ان ننقل‬

‫سيارت ‪2. I saw my teacher as I was driving my car.‬‬

‫ي‬ ‫مدرش بينما كنت اقود‬
‫ي‬ ‫رأيت‬

‫الماض المستمر معها( ‪- As I was driving my car, I saw my teacher.‬‬

‫ي‬ ‫)ممكن وضع كلمة ‪ as‬يف بداية الجملة رشط ان ننقل‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫عندما ‪When‬‬

‫‪Past Continuous + when / and + Past Simple‬‬
‫ماض بسيط ‪ + when / and +‬جملة ى‬
‫ماض مستمر‬ ‫جملة ى‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

‫الماض → فاعل ‪ + when/and +‬تكملة → )‪ (ing‬فعل ‪ + was/were +‬فاعل‬ ‫تكملة → فعل بصيغة‬

‫نستخدم هذه القاعدة للتحدث عن حدث كان يحصل و قاطعه حدث آخر‬

‫‪ 12‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫قصية‬ ‫الماض البسيط للفعل الذي استغرق ر‬
‫فية‬ ‫ى‬ ‫الماض المستمر للفعل الذي استغرق ر‬
‫فية طويلة و‬ ‫ى‬ ‫نستخدم‬
‫ر‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

Examples ‫امثلة‬

1. She was singing when the bell rang. ‫تغن عندما دق الجرس‬
‫كانت ي‬
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
- When the bell rang, she was singing. (‫الماض البسيط معها‬
‫ي‬ ‫ يف بداية الجملة رشط ان ننقل‬when ‫)ممكن وضع كلمة‬

2. I was cleaning my room and the power went out. ‫غرفن و انقطعت الكهرباء‬
‫ي‬ ‫كنت انظف‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Put one verb in the past continuous and one in the past
B ‫تمرين‬
5 ‫صفحة‬ 227
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫الماض البسيط‬
‫ي‬ ‫الماض المستمر و فعل آخر يف زمن‬
‫ي‬ ‫ضع فعل يف زمن‬

1. I (think) about you and then you (ring) me.

I was thinking about you and then you rang me.

2. While Ali (have) a shower, somebody (knock) at the front door.

While Ali was having a shower, somebody knocked at the front door.

3. I (clean) my room and I (find) £30 under my bed.


4. Luckily, Sharifa (not drive) very fast when the child (run) into the road.

5. A thief (take) our clothes while we (swim).


6. She (tell) us to be quiet as we (make) too much noise.


7. My sister (hide) my purse under the bed while I (not look).


8. As she (carry) the shopping from the car, my grandmother (slip) and (break) her ankle.


‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬13 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Complete these sentences with your own ideas. Put the
verbs in the past simple.
C ‫تمرين‬
6 ‫صفحة‬ 227
‫الماض البسيط‬ ‫ ضع األفعال بزمن‬.‫أكمل هذه الجمل من أفكارك‬

1. I was running and fell on the pavement. ‫كنت اركض و سقطت عىل الرصيف‬
2. I wasn’t looking where I was going and bumped into a man. ‫لم اكن انظر حيث اذهب و صدمت رجال‬

3. I was getting ready for school when ____________________________________________.

4. My little brother was playing football when ______________________________________.

5. I was thinking about _______________________________________ when the teacher suddenly


6. While I was waiting for the bus, ________________________________________________.

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Do as required ‫افعل كما مطلوب منك‬ ‫صيغة السؤال باالمتحان الوزاري‬

Re-write the sentences following the instructions between brackets

‫بي األقواس‬ ً
‫متبعا التعليمات ر ى‬ ‫اعد كتابة الجمل‬

1. Khaled (play) football when he broke his ankle. (correct ‫احيات دور اول( )صحح‬
‫ي‬ 2020/2018 ‫تمهيدي‬/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)
Khaled was playing football when he broke his ankle.

‫ ي‬2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2014)

2. A thief took our clothes as we (swim). (correct ‫ادت دور اول( )صحح‬
A thief took our clothes as we were swimming.

3. I (clean) my room and I (find) £30 under my bed. (‫ دور ثالث‬2014)

(Put one verb in the past continuous and one in the past simple) ‫بالماض البسيط‬
‫ي‬ ‫ماض مستمر وفعل اخر‬
‫ي‬ ‫ضع فعل بصيغة‬
I was cleaning my room and I found £30 under my bed.

4. My cousin hid my purse under the stairs while I (not look) (‫ تمهيدي‬2015)
(put the verb in the correct order)
My cousin hid my purse under the stairs while I wasn’t looking.

‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2015)

5. She (tell) us to be quiet as we (make) too much noise. (‫ثات خارج العراق‬
(Put one verb in the past continuous and one in the past simple) ‫بالماض البسيط‬
‫ي‬ ‫ماض مستمر وفعل اخر‬
‫ي‬ ‫ضع فعل بصيغة‬
She told us to be quiet as we were making too much noise.

6. While my baggage (go) through the X-ray machine, I walked through the metal detector. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
(Correct ‫)صحح‬
While my baggage was going through the X-ray machine, I walked through the metal detector.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬14 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

7. They……in the desert when they ………. a large snake (camp/see) (‫ دور اول‬2019 /‫ دور ثالث‬2015)
(Put the correct verb in the correct tense past continuous or past simple)
They were camping in the desert when the saw a large snake.

8. While he……..(skate), he fell over. (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)

(use the correct form of the verb ‫)استخدم الصيغة الصحيحة للفعل‬
While he was skating, he fell over.

9. My sister (hide) my purse under the bed while I (not look). (‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
(Put one verb in the past continuous and one in the past simple)
My sister hid my purse under the bed while I wasn’t looking.

10. My phone rang while we (watch) the movie. (correct the verb ‫ دور ثالث( )صحح الفعل‬2016)
My phone rang while we were watching the movie.

11. As he was running, he ……… (fall) down. (‫ دور اول خارج العراق‬2016)
(Put the verb in the correct form ‫)ضع الفعل بالصيغة الصحيحة‬
As he was running, he fell down.

12. While Salam was driving too fast, a boy (run) on the road. (‫ثات خارج العراق‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
(Correct the verb ‫)صحح الفعل‬
While Salam was driving too fast, a boy ran on the road.

13. While Ali was having a shower, somebody (knock) at the front door. (‫ خارج العراق‬1 ‫ دور‬2019 /‫ دور ثالث‬2017)
(Correct the verb ‫)صحح الفعل‬
While Ali was having a shower, somebody knocked at the front door.

14. I was eating breakfast and a bird (fly) into the kitchen. (‫ دور اول‬2018)
(Correct the form of the verb ‫)صحح صيغة الفعل‬
I was eating breakfast and a bird flew into the kitchen.

15. When I met her at the airport, Muna (wear) a long blue dress. (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
(Correct the form of the verb ‫)صحح صيغة الفعل‬
When I met her at the airport, Muna was wearing a blue dress.

16. As she (carry) the shopping from the car, my grandmother slipped and broke her ankle (‫ دور ثالث‬2019)
(Correct the form of the verb in bracket ‫)صحح صيغة الفعل يف القوس‬ (‫ثات‬
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
As she was carrying the shopping from the car, my grandmother slipped and broke her ankle.

17. I (think) about you and then you rang me. (‫ تمهيدي‬2020)
(Put the verb in the past continuous ‫الماض المستمر‬
‫ي‬ ‫)ضع الفعل بزمن‬
I was thinking about you and then you rang me.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬15 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit One: Lesson 3 | ‫ الدرس الثالث‬:‫الوحدة األولى‬

He was floating when he felt something push him ‫كان يعوم عندما شعر بشيء دفعه‬



!‫أنقذته الدالفين من سمكة القرش‬

‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
floating ‫يطفو‬ thought ‫اعتقد‬ die ‫يموت‬ while ‫بينما‬
push ‫يدفع‬ perhaps ‫ربما‬ screamed ‫صرخ‬ partner ‫شريك‬
airbed ‫فراش هوائي‬ hit ‫صدم‬/‫ضرب‬ loud ‫عال‬/‫صاخب‬ called ‫اتصل‬
dangerous ‫خطر‬ wood ‫خشب‬ could ‫استطاع‬ ambulance ‫سيارة اسعاف‬
watch out ‫احذر من‬ then ‫ثم‬ praying ‫يص ّلي‬ waiting ‫ينتظر‬
Red Sea ‫البحر األحمر‬ harder ‫اقوى‬ save ‫ينقذ‬ immediately ‫فورًا‬
first aid ‫اسعافات اولية‬ fell into ‫سقط في‬ when ‫عندما‬ frightening ‫مخيف‬
beach ‫شاطئ‬ saw ‫رأى‬ frightened ‫اخاف‬ breakfast ‫افطار‬
calm ‫هادئ‬ swim away ‫يسبح بعيدًا‬ at least ‫على األقل‬ swimmer ‫سبّاح‬
seaside ‫ساحل البحر‬ bit ‫عض‬ ّ circle ‫دائرة‬ was attacked ‫تعرّض للهجوم‬
town ‫بلدة‬ arm ‫ذراع‬ around ‫حول‬ piece ‫قطعة‬
tourist ‫سائح‬ who ‫الذي‬ near ‫قريب‬ lost ‫خسر‬/‫فقد‬
peacefully ‫بهدوء‬ losing ‫يخسر‬ heard ‫سمع‬ noise ‫ضوضاء‬
shore ‫شاطئ‬ a lot of ‫كثير من‬ screams ‫صرخات‬ protected ‫حمى‬
told ‫اخبر‬ blood ‫دم‬ rescued ‫انقذ‬ dry ‫جاف‬
reporters ‫مراسلين‬ about to ‫على وشك‬ boat ‫قارب‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Read the article on page 8 of the Student’s Book, then circle
the correct answer.
A ‫تمرين‬
6 ‫صفحة‬
‫ى‬ 227
‫ من كتاب الطالب ثم ضع دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح‬8 ‫اقرأ المقال يف صفحة‬

1. Zaid Tariq was

a) a bad swimmer.
b) on holiday.
c) working in Egypt.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬16 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

2. When he was attacked by the shark, he
a) was in a boat.
b) hit it with a piece of wood.
c) was lying on a plastic mattress.

3. Tariq
a) was bitten by the shark.
b) lost his arm.
c) wasn’t hurt at all.

4. Six dolphins
a) bit the shark.
b) made a lot of noise.
c) protected Tariq.

5. Tariq was rescued

a) by sea.
b) by air.
c) by two children.

6. When he got back to dry land, he was taken

a) straight back to his hotel.
b) back to Iraq.
c) to get medical attention.

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Answer the following questions using information from your textbook ‫مستخدما معلومات من منهجك‬ ‫اجب االسئلة التالية‬

1. Six dolphins …………

(a. bit the shark b. made a lot of noise c. protected Tariq.) (‫ثات‬
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2015)

2. Who rescued Tariq by boat? (‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2015)
Coastguard Jameel Elalawi heard Tariq’s screams and rescued him by boat.

3. Zaid Tariq was…………

(a. a bad swimmer b. on holiday c. working in Egypt) (‫علم تمهيدي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2015)

4. What was Zaid Tariq doing when the shark attacked him? (‫ دور اول خارج العراق‬2015)
He was floating peacefully 150 metres from the shore when the shark attacked him.

5. Why did Zaid Tariq scream? (‫تطبيف دور اول‬

‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2016)
He screamed because a shark bit his arm. He was losing a lot of blood and thought he was about
to die.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬17 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

6. When Zaid Tariq got back to the dry land he was taken ………….. (‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
(a. straight back to his hotel b. to get medical attention)

7. Zaid Tariq was bitten by the dolphins. (True / False) (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)

8. What was Zaid Tariq doing when he saw the Shark? (‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2017)
He was trying to swim away when the shark bit his arm.

9. Tariq was rescued by ………………. (a. two children b. sea) (‫ دور اول‬2017)

‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2017)

10. Was Zaid Tariq bitten by the shark? (‫ادت تمهيدي‬
Yes, he was.

11. What did the shark do to Tariq? (‫ دور اول‬2018)

The shark hit his airbed and bit his arm.

12. Why did Zaid Tariq start praying? (‫ دور اول خارج العراق‬2018)
Because he thought he was about to die and wanted God to save him.

13. Zaid thought perhaps his airbed had hit a piece of wood. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2019)
14. When Zaid Tariq was attacked by the shark, he ………… (‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020)
(a. was laying on a plastic mattress b. was in a boat c. hit it with a piece of wood)

15. Tariq was rescued by two children. ( True / False ). (‫ثات‬

‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

16. Who heard Tariq’s screams? (‫ميىل‬

‫ تك ي‬2020)
Coastguard Jameel Elalawi heard Tariq’s screams.


ing ‫ و‬ed ‫الفرق بين الصفات التي تنتهي بـ‬

.‫) شعور الناس او الحيوانات فقط‬ed(‫تنتىه بـ‬

‫ي‬ ‫ تصف الصفات ي‬.1
.‫شء آخر‬ ‫ قد يكون مسبب الشعور ناس او حيوانات او اي ر‬.‫) ُمسبب الشعور‬ing(‫ تصف الصفات الن تنتىه بـ‬.2
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

Examples ‫امثلة‬

ً ً ً ‫)رأى‬
He saw a frightening dog. He was frightened. (‫ كان (هو) خائفا‬.‫كلبا مخيفا‬

‫مسبب الشعور‬ ‫شعور الشخص‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬18 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫)شعرت بالملل ألن الدرس كان ممل( ‪I felt bored because the lesson was boring.‬‬

‫شعور الشخص‬ ‫مسبب الشعور‬

‫سؤال هل ممكن ان يكون مسبب الشعور ر‬
‫جواب بالتأكيد! ركز عىل هذا المثال‬

‫مثال ‪Example‬‬
‫ً ً‬
‫اخ يرتدي بدلة مومياء‪ .‬كان مخيفا جدا( ‪My brother was wearing mummy suit. He was so frightening.‬‬
‫)كان ي‬
‫رشح نالحظ يف المثال اعاله ان األخ كان ( ُمخيف ‪ )frightening‬ولم يكن (خائف ‪ .)frightened‬بمعن انه كان مسبب‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ ‫‪Underline the correct word.‬‬

‫تمرين ‪E‬‬
‫صفحة ‪8‬‬ ‫‪227‬‬
‫ارسم خط اسفل الكلمة الصحيحة‬

‫‪1. She is not very interested / interesting in fashion. She prefers books and music.‬‬
‫ليست مهتمة بالموضة‪ .‬تفضل الكتب و الموسيف‪.‬‬
‫‪2. I saw a very excited / exciting film on TV last night.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫رأيت ً‬
‫فلما مشوقا عىل التلفاز ليلة البارحة‪.‬‬
‫‪3. This book is very bored / boring. I fall asleep whenever I try to read it.‬‬
‫__________ ً‬
‫جدا‪ .‬انام كلما احاول أن أقرأه‪.‬‬ ‫هذا الكتاب‬
‫‪4. We were very frightened / frightening when our car broke down in the desert.‬‬
‫__________ ً‬
‫جدا عندما تعطلت سيارتنا يف الصحراء‪.‬‬ ‫كنا‬
‫‪5. He’s a very interested / interesting person. He has lots of great stories to tell.‬‬
‫هو شخص _______________‪ .‬لديه الكثن من القصص الرائعة لنويــها‪.‬‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬
‫ى‬ ‫ر‬
‫اخي احدى الكلمتان يف االقواس ‪Choose one of the two words between brackets‬‬ ‫صيغة السؤال باالمتحان الوزاري‬

‫علم تمهيدي( ‪1. This book is (bored/boring).‬‬

‫ي‬ ‫)‪ 2014‬تمهيدي ‪2020 /‬‬

‫)‪ 2014‬دور اول ‪ 2019 /‬خارج العراق دور اول( ‪2. It was the most (frightened/frightening) day of my life.‬‬

‫‪ 19‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

3. He’s a very (interested/interesting) person. He has lots of great stories to tell. (‫ دور ثالث‬2015)

4. What’s the most (excited/exciting) thing you have ever done? (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)

5. My flight was (tired/tiring) because it was a twelve-hours flight. (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)

6. We were very (frightened/frightening) when our car broke in the desert. (‫ دور ثالث‬2018 / ‫ تمهيدي‬2017)
(‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020) (‫ دور ثالث‬2019)

7. He was very (frightening/frightened) when he saw the spider. (‫ دور اول‬2017)

8. I saw a very (exciting/excited) film on TV last night. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬

‫ي‬ 2020 / ‫ثات و دور ثالث‬
‫ دور ي‬2017)

9. This book is very (bored/boring). I fall asleep whenever I try to read it. (‫ دور اول‬2019)
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

10. She is not very (interested/interesting) in fashion. (‫ادت تمهيدي‬

‫ ي‬2020)

11. He’s a very (interested/interesting) person. (‫احيات دور اول‬

‫ي‬ 2020)

Adjectives & Adverbs of Manner ‫الصفات و ظروف الحال‬

:‫ مثال‬.)ful( ‫تنتىه بعض الصفات بالحروف‬
‫ي‬ .1

beautiful ‫جميل‬ careful ‫حذر‬ peaceful ‫آمن‬

:‫ مثال‬.)fully( ‫تنتىه بعض ظروف الحال بالحروف‬
‫ي‬ .2

beautifully ‫بشكل جميل‬ carefully ‫بحذر‬ peacefully ‫بشكل آمن‬

ّ ‫امن بي الصفة و الظرف ف األمتحان الوزاري؟ أو كيف‬

‫؟‬fully ‫ و‬ful ‫امن بي‬ ّ ‫سؤال كيف اعرف او‬
)ful( ‫ و إذا لم يكن هناك فعل نختار الصفة‬.)fully( ‫حرك) قبل او بعد الفراغ نختار الظرف‬
‫ي‬ ‫جواب اذا كان هناك (فعل‬

Example ‫مثال‬ ‫حرك‬ ‫فعل‬

Mary is a (beautiful/beautifully) girl. She dances (beautiful/beautifully).

)beautiful( ‫حرك لذا اخننا‬

‫ي‬ ‫ال يوجد فعل‬ )beautifully( ‫حرك لذا اخننا‬
‫ي‬ ‫يوجد فعل‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬20 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Choose the correct alternative. ‫اخي البديل المناسب‬ ‫ر‬

‫افعل كما مطلوب منك‬
1. We hope that we can live (peaceful / peacefully) together. (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)
2. The film is (wonderful/wonderfully) directed. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)
3. We all dream of living (peaceful/peacefully) together. (‫ثات‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
4. The story was (beautifully/beautiful) written. (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ ‫ دور‬2020 /‫ تمهيدي‬2017)
5. He drives the car (careful/carefully). (‫ دور ثالث‬2017)
6. Sara (carefully/careful) lifted the box. (‫ دور اول‬2018)
7. The picture was (beautiful/beautifully) painted. (‫ادت دور اول‬‫ ي‬2020)

Unit One: Lesson 4 | ‫ الدرس الرابع‬:‫الوحدة األولى‬

Most smokers take it up as teenagers ‫يتعلمها معظم المدخنين عندما يكونون مراهقين‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
smokers ‫مدخنين‬ average ‫معدّ ل‬ measures ‫اجراءات‬
teenagers ‫مراهقين‬ approximately ‫تقريبًا‬ give up ‫يتوقف عن‬
quit ‫اقلع عن‬ government ‫حكومة‬ road ‫طريق‬
around ‫حوالي‬ currently ‫في الوقت الحالي‬ accidents ‫حوادث‬
die from ‫يموت بسبب‬ spend ‫يصرف‬ poisoning ‫تسمم‬
habit ‫عادة‬ anti-smoking ‫ضد التدخين‬ AIDS ‫مرض االيدز‬
illegal ‫غير قانوني‬ education ‫تعليم‬
sell ‫يبيع‬ campaign ‫حملة‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬21 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫‪ Write questions based on the text for the following answers.‬كتاب النشاط‬
‫‪There are several possible questions you could write, but‬‬
‫‪ just write one each time.‬تمرين ‪A‬‬ ‫‪227‬‬
‫صفحة ‪10‬‬ ‫ر‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ً‬
‫متبعا النص يف الكتاب اكتب اسئلة لألجوبة التالية هناك اكي من سؤال محتمل قد تكتبه‬
‫ولكن اكتب واحد فقط‪.‬‬

‫يف أي فئة عمرية يكون التدخي أعىل؟ ?‪Q: In which age group is smoking highest‬‬
‫إنها األعىل يف الفئة العمرية ‪A: It’s highest in the 20-24 age group. 24-20‬‬
‫قانونيا؟ ?‪Q: At what age is it legal to sell cigarettes‬‬ ‫يف أي سن يكون بيع السجائر‬
‫ف سن الثامنة ر‬
‫عرس ‪A: At 18.‬‬ ‫ي‬

‫من يبدأ ___________________ التدخي؟ ?‪Q: When ___________________ start smoking‬‬

‫عندما يكونون مراهقي ‪A: When they are teenagers.‬‬

‫كم ابكر ____________ عن __________؟ ?__________ ‪Q: How much earlier ________________ than‬‬
‫يموتون بمعدل ‪ 7‬سنوات اصغر ‪A: They die seven years earlier on average.‬‬

‫?________________________ ‪Q: _________________ under the age of‬‬

‫___________________ الذين تقل أعمارهم عن ____________________؟‬
‫سنويا ‪A: Around 450 a year.‬‬ ‫حوال ‪ 450‬شخص‬
‫?______________________________________________________________________________ ‪Q:‬‬
‫سنويا ‪A: Around £30 million a year.‬‬ ‫لين‬
‫حوال ‪ 30‬مليون جنيه إسن ي‬

‫افعال مر ّ‬
‫كبة ‪Phrasal Verbs‬‬
‫‪ )up/down/off‬و فعل مثل (‪ .)go / look / give‬يكون معن الفعل المركب احيانا‬
‫يتألف الفعل المركب من حرف جر (مثل ً ُ‬
‫مشابه للفعل الذي به و يختلف عنه احيانا أخر‪.‬‬
‫تمرض( ‪He gave up smoking when he got ill.‬‬ ‫)اقلع عن التدخي عندما ّ‬
‫‪ً: .‬‬
‫يأت االسم بي الفعل و حرف الجر مثال‬
‫قد ي‬
‫‪Turn off the light. / Turn the light off.‬‬

‫‪ً: .‬‬
‫‪Turn it off.‬‬ ‫يأت الضمن قبل حرف الجر مثال‬
‫يجب ان ي‬

‫‪ 22‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Write the sentences, putting the verbs and objects in the
B ‫ تمرين‬correct order. Where two answers are possible, write them
11 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ر‬ ً 227
‫ ي‬.‫اكتب الجمل واضعا الفعل و المفعول به باليتيب الصحيح‬
‫وف حال كان هناك جوابان‬
‫(وليس جواب واحد) اكتبهما‬

1. Can you / turn on / the television?

Can you turn on the television? Can you turn the television on? ‫هل تستطيع إطفاء التلفاز؟‬

2. I’ve already / turned on / it.

I’ve already turned it on. ‫شغلته بالفعل‬

3. Smoking is terrible. You should / give up / it.


4. When did you / take up / stamp-collecting?



5. I can’t remember when I / took up / it.


6. I like these shoes. Can I / try on / them?


7. Can you / turn down / the music?



8. I’ll / turn down / it / in a minute.


‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Put in the correct order. ‫باليتيب الصحيح‬ ‫ضع ر‬

‫افعل كما مطلوب منك‬
1. I like these shoes. Can I (try / on / them)? (‫ثات‬
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ادت تمهيدي‬
‫ ي‬2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2019/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
I like these shoes. Can I try them on?

2. Stamp collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it / up / take)? (‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ تمهيدي‬2015/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
Stamp collecting is a nice hobby, when did you take it up?

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬23 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

3. Smoking is terrible. You should / give up / it. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2015)
Smoking is terrible. You should give it up.

4. I can’t remember when I / took up / it. (‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ دور اول خارج العراق‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
I can’t remember when I took it up. (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ ‫ دور‬2020 /‫علم تمهيدي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

5. Most smokers (take up / it) as teenagers. (‫ثات‬

‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2016)
Most teenagers take it up as teenagers.

6. These trousers were too long so (I / took up / them) to make them fit. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
These trousers were too long so I took them up to make them fit.

‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2017)

7. I’ve already / turned down / it. (‫ادت دور اول‬
I’ve already turned it down.

8. This pencil is really old. You can / throw away / it. (‫ دور اول‬2018)
This pencil is really old. You can throw it away.

9. I’ll turn down / it / in a minute. (‫احيات دور اول‬

‫ي‬ 2020)
I’ll turn it down in a minute.

10. Can you / turn down / it? (‫ دور ثالث‬2020)

Can you turn it down?

Prefixes )‫البادئات (ما يضاف يف أول الكلمة‬
)‫لك نجعلها متضادات (معاكسات‬
‫ قبل الصفات ي‬un, im, in, il, ir ‫نستخدم‬
ً .
:‫مثال‬ ‫ قبل أي حرف‬un ‫تأت‬
‫ي‬ 1

unhappy ‫غن سعيد‬ unpopular ‫ال تحظ بشعبية‬ unintelligent ‫ذك‬

‫غن ي‬
ً .
:‫مثال‬ ‫ فقط‬p ‫ او‬m ‫ قبل صفة تبدأ بحرف‬im ‫تأت‬
‫ي‬ 2

impossible‫مستحيل‬ immortal ‫خالد‬

ً .
:‫مثال‬ ‫ فقط‬l ‫ قبل صفة تبدأ بحرف‬il ‫تأت‬
‫ي‬ 3

illegal ‫قانوت‬
‫ي‬ ‫غن‬ illogical ‫منطف‬
‫ي‬ ‫غن‬ illegible ‫غن مقروء‬
ً .
:‫مثال‬ ‫ فقط‬r ‫ قبل صفة تبدأ بحرف‬ir ‫تأت‬
‫ي‬ 4

irresponsible ‫غن مسؤول‬ irregular ‫شاذ‬

ً .
:‫مثال‬ ‫ قبل معظم الحروف‬in ‫كما يمكننا اضافة‬ 5

inexpensive ‫ليس غال‬ inactive ‫غن نشيط‬ invisible ‫مرت‬

‫غن ي‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬24 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Make the opposites of these adjectives by putting the correct

prefix in front of them. Choose from un~, in~, im~.
‫تمرين‬ 227
12 ‫صفحة‬ ‫اكتب متضادات (معاكسات) هذه الصفات بإضافة البادئة الصحيحة‬
‫اخي من ر ى‬
im , in , un ‫بي‬

1. incorrect 4. ___efficient 7. ___usual 10. ___dependent

2. immoral 5. ___fortunate 8. ___polite 11. ___convenient
3. ___fair 6. ___patient 9. ___healthy 12. ___pleasant

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Write the missing words. ‫اكتب الكلمات المفقودة‬

‫افعل كما مطلوب منك‬
1. like, dislike; legal, illegal. (‫ تمهيدي‬2014)
2. polite, impolite; popular, unpopular. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2014)
3. fair, unfair; patient, impatient. (‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
4. approve, disapprove; fortunate, unfortunate. (‫ تمهيدي‬2015)
5. direct, indirect; polite, impolite. (‫ تمهيدي‬2015)
6. happy, unhappy; correct, incorrect. (‫ دور اول‬2015)
7. healthy, unhealthy; moral, immoral. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2015)
8. polite, impolite; conscious, unconscious. (‫ثات خارج العراق‬ ‫ دور ي‬2015)
9. polite, impolite; expensive, inexpensive. (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)
10. happy, unhappy; efficient, inefficient. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2016)
11. legal, illegal; moral, immoral. (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
12. correct, incorrect; happy, unhappy. (‫ تمهيدي‬2017)
13. fair, unfair, convenient; inconvenient. (‫ دور اول‬2017)
14. healthy, unhealthy; polite, impolite. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2017)
15. healthy, unhealthy; usual, unusual. (‫ دور ثالث‬2017)
16. The opposite of correct is incorrect. (‫ثات خارج العراق‬ ‫ دور ي‬2017)
17. polite, impolite; efficient, inefficient. (‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
18. healthy, unhealthy; legal, illegal. (‫ دور اول‬2018)
19. happy, unhappy; legal, illegal. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2018)
20. polite, impolite; dependent, independent. (‫ دور اول خارج العراق‬2018)
21. fair, unfair; moral, immoral. (‫ دور اول خارج العراق‬2019/‫ثات خارج العراق‬ ‫ دور ي‬2018)
22. usual, unusual; patient, impatient. (‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
23. usual, unusual; pleasant, unpleasant. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2019)
24. usual, unusual; happy, unhappy. (‫علم دور تمهيدي‬ ‫ي‬ 2020)
25. correct, incorrect; polite, impolite. (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ ‫ دور‬2020/‫ادت تمهيدي‬
‫ ي‬2020)
26. fair, unfair; pleasant, unpleasant. (‫احيات دور اول‬ ‫ي‬ 2020)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬25 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

27. usual, unusual; healthy, unhealthy. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬‫ي‬ 2020)
28. happy, unhappy; possible, impossible. (‫ثات‬ ‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
29. fair, unfair; intelligent, unintelligent. (‫ دور ثالث‬2020)

Unit One: Lesson 5 | ‫ الدرس الخامس‬:‫الوحدة األولى‬

Take some exercise every day ‫مارس بعض التمارين كل يوم‬


‫ كتاب الطالب‬Complete the health tips with the phrases in the box.
10 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬
‫أكمل النصائح الصحية بالعبارات الموجودة يف الصندوق‬

Be safe when you travel Don’t drink too much coffee Don’t smoke
‫كن آمن عندما تسافر‬ ‫ال تشرب القهوة بكثرة‬ ‫ال تدخن‬

Drink plenty of water Eat a balanced diet Get enough sleep

‫اشرب الكثير من الماء‬ ‫تناول نظا ًما غذائيًا متوازنًا‬ ً ‫نل قس‬
‫طا كافيًا من النوم‬

Look after your eyes Never miss breakfast Take some exercise every day
‫اعتني بعيناك‬ ‫تفوت اإلفطار أبدًا‬
ّ ‫ال‬ ‫مارس بعض التمارين كل يوم‬
See the dentist for regular checkups
‫راجع طبيب األسنان إلجراء فحوصات منتظمة‬

1 Get enough sleep. An average of eight hours a night is about right.

.‫مناسبا‬ ‫ فمعدل ثمان ساعات كل ليلة ُيعد‬.‫كافيا من النوم‬
ً ‫قسطا‬ ‫نل‬

2 Eat a balanced diet. Make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Avoid excessive
amounts of salt, sugar and animal fat.
ً ً ً
‫ تجنب اإلفراط يف تناول الملح والسكر‬.‫ تأكد من تناول الكثن من الفاكهة والخضوات الطازجة‬.‫غذائيا متوازنا‬ ‫نظاما‬ ‫تناول‬
.‫والدهون الحيوانية‬

3 Never miss breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day.
.‫ إنها أهم وجبة يف اليوم‬.‫ال تفوت وجبة اإلفطار‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬26 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

4 Take some exercise every day. Ideally, do sport three times a week for an hour. If you hate
sport, go for a 20-minute walk every day.
، ‫ إذا كنت تكره الرياضة‬.‫ مارس الرياضة ثالث مرات يف األسبوع لمدة ساعة‬، ‫ من الناحية المثالية‬.‫مارس بعض التمارين كل يوم‬
.‫ دقيقة كل يوم‬20 ‫تمش لمدة‬

5 Drink plenty of water – at least a litre and a half every day. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are NOT
water. .‫والمرسوبات الغازية ليست ماء‬ ‫ الشاي والقهوة‬.‫ عىل األقل لن ونصف كل يوم‬- ‫راشب الكثن من الماء‬

6 See the dentist for regular checkups. And brush your teeth three times a day.
.‫ ونظف أسنانك ثالث مرات يف اليوم‬.‫راجع طبيب األسنان إلجراء فحوصات منتظمة‬

7 Don’t drink too much coffee. Tea is better for your heart and can even lower your blood
‫ال ر‬
pressure. ‫ الشاي مفيد لقلبك ويمكن أن يخفض ضغط الدم‬.‫ترسب الكثن من القهوة‬

8 Don’t smoke. If you do, ask a doctor for help with giving it up.
.‫ فاطلب من الطبيب المساعدة لإلقالع عنه‬، ‫ إذا قمت بذلك‬.‫ال تدخن‬

9 Look after your eyes. Get them tested once a year. ‫ افحصهما مرة يف السنة‬.‫اعتن بعيناك‬

10 Be safe when you travel. Make sure you are up to date with vaccinations and take malaria
medication if necessary.
.‫ تأكد من أنك عىل دراية باللقاحات وتناول أدوية المالريا إذا لزم األمر‬.‫كن آمنا عند السفر‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

(Use an imperative to give advice ‫)إستخدم األمر إلعطاء نصيحة‬

1. Get enough sleep. An average of eight hours a night is about right. (‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ادت تمهيدي‬
‫ ي‬2020 / ‫ثات خارج العراق‬
‫ دور ي‬2018(
2. Drink plenty of water at least a litre and a half every day. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are Not
water. (‫ دور اول‬2016)

3. Look after your eyes. Get them tested once a year. (‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2017)
)‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020(
4. Never miss breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. (‫ دور اول خارج العراق‬2019/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018)
)‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020(

5. Don’t drink too much coffee. Tea is better for your heart and can even lower your blood
pressure. (‫ تمهيدي‬2019)

6. See the dentist for regular checkups. And brush your teeth three times a day. )‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020(

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬27 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫الكمية ‪Expressions of Quantity‬‬ ‫تعابي‬

‫نستخدم (بعض ‪( )some‬اي ‪( )any‬كثن من ‪( )a lot of‬كثن من ‪ )plenty of‬و (كفاية ‪ )enough‬مع‪:‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫● األسماء المعدودة بصيغة جمع (‪)plural countable nouns‬‬
‫كثن من الصناديق ‪, a lot of boxes‬كثن من األقالم ‪, plenty of pens‬بعض الناس ‪some people‬‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫● األسماء غن المعدودة (‪)uncountable nouns‬‬
‫جهد كثن ‪, a lot of effort‬كثن من الوقت ‪, plenty of time‬بعض السكر ‪some sugar‬‬

‫نستخدم (قليل من ‪ )a few‬و (كثن من ‪ )many‬مع األسماء المعدودة بصيغة جمع فقط وال نستخدمها مع األسماء غن‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫قليل من الناس ‪, a few people‬دقائق قليلة ‪a few minutes‬‬
‫ليس كثن من األصدقاء ‪, not many friends‬كثن جدا من الناس ‪too many people‬‬

‫نستخدم (قليل من ‪ )a little‬و (كثن من ‪ )much‬مع األسماء غن المعدودة فقط‪.‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬

‫قليل من النقود ‪, a little money‬قليل من الزيت ‪a little oil‬‬

‫ملح كثن جدا ‪, too much salt‬ليس بكثن من الزيت ‪not much oil‬‬

‫مالحظة مهمة جدا‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫الن تعتن معدودة يف اللغة العربية ولكنها غن معدودة باللغة االنجلنية‪ .‬لذا يجب حفظها كما ي‬
‫ه‬ ‫توجد بعض األسماء ي‬
‫معلومة ‪ /‬معلومات ‪, information‬نصيحة ‪ /‬نصائح ‪ , advice‬خن ‪ /‬اخبار ‪news‬‬
‫وقت ‪ , time‬مال ‪ /‬اموال ‪ , money‬خن ‪, bread‬لحم ‪ /‬لحوم ‪ , meat‬مساعدة ‪ /‬مساعدات ‪help‬‬


‫‪ Complete the questions with much or many.‬كتاب النشاط‬

‫تمرين ‪C‬‬
‫صفحة ‪13‬‬ ‫ً‬
‫مستخدما ‪ much‬او ‪many‬‬ ‫أكمل االسئلة‬ ‫‪227‬‬

‫?‪1. How much food do we need to bring to the picnic‬‬

‫?‪2. How many apples do we need‬‬
‫?‪3. How _______ meals do you eat a day‬‬

‫‪ 28‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

4. How _______ sleep did you get last night?
5. How _______ exercise does he take a week?
6. How _______ hours’ sleep did you get the night before?
7. How _______ time do you spend on your homework?
8. How _______ times a week do you wash your hair?

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the questions with a few or a little.

D ‫تمرين‬
13 ‫صفحة‬ ً 228
a little ‫ او‬a few ‫أكمل االسئلة مستخدما‬

1. There were only a few people at the party.

2. I’ve got a little work to finish, so can you wait a minute?
3. You’ll have to wait _______ minutes.
4. There’s only _______ orange juice left in the bottle.
5. How much money have you got left? Just _______.
6. I’ve met her _______ times.
7. Put your case in the car. There’s still _______ space left.
8. We need _______ more oranges.

‫وغي المعدودة‬
‫قائمة ببعض األسماء المعدودة ر‬

Countable nouns ‫اسماء معدودة‬ Uncountable nouns ‫غي معدودة‬

‫اسماء ر‬
Eyes ‫عيون‬ Fruit ‫فاكهة‬
Vegetables ‫خضار‬ Salt ‫ملح‬
Amounts ‫كميات‬ Sugar ‫سكر‬
Times ‫مرات‬ Sport ‫رياضة‬
Soft drinks ‫مرسوبات غازية‬ Coffee ‫قهوة‬
Teeth ‫اسنان‬ Water ‫ماء‬
Vaccinations ‫لقاحات‬ Medication ‫عالج‬
Balls ‫كرات‬ Sleep ‫نوم‬
Books ‫كتب‬ Exercise ‫تمرين‬
Days ‫ايام‬ Help ‫مساعدة‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. How (much/many) exercise does he take a week? (‫احيات دور اول‬ ‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)
2. We need a (little/few) more oranges. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2014)
3. Put your case in the car. There’s still ______ space left (a few – a little) (‫ دور ثالث‬2018 /‫ تمهيدي‬2015)
4. I’ve got (a few/ a little) work to finish, so can you wait a minute? (‫ادت تمهيدي‬ ‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2015)
5. There isn’t (much/a little) space to put all the stuff. (‫ثات خارج العراق‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬29 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

6. How (much/many) time do you spend on your homework? (‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2017)
7. How (many/much) apples do you need? (‫علم تمهيدي‬ ‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2017)
8. There is (a little/much) space in here. It’s just enough for one suitcase. (‫ثات خارج العراق‬ ‫ دور ي‬2017)
9. How (much/many) time is left? (‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
10. We need a (little/few) butter for this cake. (‫ دور اول‬2018)
11. I’ve met her a (few/little) times. (‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ دور اول خارج العراق‬2018)
12. You will have to wait a (few/little) minutes. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات خارج العراق‬ ‫ دور ي‬2018)
13. I don’t think I can fit in that parking place. There isn’t (many/much) space. (‫ثات‬ ‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
14. There’s only a (few/little) orange juice left in the bottle. (‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020 ‫ دور اول خارج العراق‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2019)
15. There weren’t (many/much) people at the meeting. (‫ثات‬ ‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
16. How (many/much) hours’ sleep did you get the night before? (‫تكميىل‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ دور‬2020)

Unit One: Lesson 6 | ‫ الدرس السادس‬:‫الوحدة األولى‬

Teachers used to be stricter ‫اعتاد المعلمون أن يكونوا أكثر صرامة‬


People used to travel by Girls didn’t use to go to Farmers didn’t use to

donkey cart. ‫اعتاد الناس‬ school. have tractors ‫لم يعتد‬
‫السفر بعربة يجرها حمار‬ ‫لم تعتد الفتيات الذهاب للمدرسة‬ .‫الفالحون عىل استخدام الجرارات‬

‫الكلمة‬ ‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫المعن‬

agree ‫يوافق‬ service ‫خدمة‬ entertainment ‫ترفيه‬ boring ‫ممل‬
definitely ‫حتمً ا‬ poverty ‫فقر‬ drums ‫طبول‬ violent ‫عنيف‬
right ‫صحيح‬ die ‫يموت‬ sing ‫يغني‬ dirty ‫وسخ‬
grandfather ‫جد‬ younger ‫اصغر عمرًا‬ dance ‫يرقص‬ safe ‫آمن‬
had ‫كان يملك‬ education ‫تعليم‬ nowadays ‫هذه األيام‬ dangerous ‫خطر‬
young ‫شاب‬ pollution ‫تلوث‬ silly ‫سخيف‬ crowded ‫مزدحم‬
freedom ‫حرية‬ rude ‫وقح‬ noisy ‫مزعج‬ polluted ‫ملوث‬
health ‫صحة‬ villages ‫قرى‬ quiet ‫هادئ‬ well-trained ‫مدرب جيدًا‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬30 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫كان معتاد عل ‪used to‬‬ ‫ً‬

‫كنت معتادا عىل التدخي ‪1. I used to smoke.‬‬
‫امثلة‬ ‫‪2. My brother used to go to the cinema.‬‬
‫‪ 1‬نستخدم ‪ used to‬للتحدث عن عادة كانت‬
‫الماض وال وجود لها اآلن‪ .‬تكون قاعدتها‬
‫ي‬ ‫موجودة يف‬ ‫اخ معتادا عىل الذهاب ال السينما‬
‫كان ي‬
‫(خال من أي اضافة) ‪used to +‬‬ ‫فعل مجرد‬ ‫‪3. Erik used to be overweight.‬‬
‫يعات من زيادة الوزن‬
‫كان ايريك ي‬
‫النف بالشكل ي‬
‫‪ 2‬تكون صيغة ي‬ ‫امثلة‬ ‫‪4. I didn’t use to eat carrot.‬‬
‫(خال من أي اضافة) ‪didn't use to +‬‬
‫ٍ‬ ‫فعل مجرد‬ ‫ً‬
‫لم اكن معتادا عىل اكل الجزر‬

‫التال‪:‬‬ ‫‪ 3‬تكون صيغة السؤال بالشكل‬ ‫?‪5. Did families use to be bigger‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫ً‬
‫(خال من أي ‪ + use to +‬فاعل ‪Did +‬‬ ‫فعل مجرد‬ ‫هل كانت العوائل اكن سابقا؟‬
‫اضافة)‬ ‫‪Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t‬‬

‫صيغ المقارنة و التفضيل ‪Comparative & Superlative forms‬‬

‫نستخدم صيغ المقارنة للمقارنة بي شيئي‪.‬‬

‫شء و مجموعة اشياء‪.‬‬‫ر‬
‫نستخدم صيغ التفضيل للمقارنة بي ي‬
‫ر ى‬
‫شيئي)‬ ‫قاعدة صيغة المقارنة (المقارنة ر ى‬


‫‪1.‬‬ ‫‪ + er + than‬صفة‬
‫‪2.‬‬ ‫‪ + than‬صفة ‪more +‬‬

‫سؤال من استخدم القاعدة رقم ‪ 1‬ومن استخدم القاعدة رقم ‪2‬؟‬

‫جواب إستخدم القاعدة رقم ‪ 1‬عندما تكون الصفة مكونة من مقطع واحدة‪.‬‬
‫إستخدم القاعدة رقم ‪ 2‬عندما تكون الصفحة مكونة من مقطعي او أكن‪.‬‬

‫سؤال كيف أعرف ان الصفة مكونة من مقطع واحد او مقطعي؟‬

‫جواب من خالل حروف العلة (‪ )a, i, e, o, u‬الموجودة يف الصفة‪ .‬فإذا كان هناك حرف علة واحدة يف الصفة تسم‬
‫(صفة ذات مقطع واحد) ونستخدم معها القاعدة رقم ‪.1‬‬
‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬
‫من ‪Ali is taller than me.‬‬
‫عىل اطول ي‬
‫)حرف علة واحدة وهو ‪ a‬ثم نطبق القاعدة بإضافة ‪ (er‬ي‬
‫هاتف اكن من هاتفك ‪My mobile phone is bigger than yours.‬‬‫ي‬ ‫)حرف علة واحدة وهو ‪ i‬ثم نطبق القاعدة بإضافة ‪(er‬‬

‫‪ 31‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫حرف علة (منفصالن عن بعضهما يف الكلمة تسم صفة ذات مقطعي) فأما نستخدم القاعدة رقم ‪ 1‬او ‪.2‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫أما اذا كان هناك‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬
‫)حرفا علة وهما ‪ o‬و ‪ i‬ثم نطبق القاعدة بإضافة ‪ (more‬التاري ــخ ر‬
‫اكن ملال من الجغرافيا ‪History is more boring than Geography.‬‬
‫خطرا من الطائرة ‪Travelling by car is more dangerous than travelling by plane.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫(اكن من حرف علة( السفر بالسيارة ر‬
‫اكن‬ ‫ر‬

‫مالحظة رقم ‪1‬‬

‫عتيان واحد‪.‬‬ ‫إذا كان حرفا العلة متصالن ُ‬

‫مالحظة رقم ‪2‬‬

‫نهمل حرف العلة إذا جاء يف نهاية الكلمة‬

‫مالحظة رقم ‪3‬‬

‫إذا انتهت الصفة ذات المقطع الواحدة بحرف صحيح مسبوق بعلة نقوم بمضاعفة الحرف الصحيح‬

‫عيناي اكن من عيناك ‪My eyes are bigger than yours.‬‬

‫مالحظة رقم ‪4‬‬

‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫نغي الـ‪ y‬اىل ‪ ier‬يف حالة المقارنة و ‪ iest‬يف حالة التفضيل‬
‫إذا انتهت الصفة بحرف ‪ y‬وجاء قبله حرف صحيح ر‬

‫اللغة االنجلنية اسهل من الرياضيات ‪English is easier than Mathematics.‬‬

‫شء ومجموعة اشياء)‬‫ى ر‬

‫قاعدة صيغة التفضيل (المقارنة ربي ي‬

‫‪1.‬‬ ‫‪ + est‬صفة ‪the +‬‬
‫‪2.‬‬ ‫صفة ‪the most +‬‬

‫سؤال من استخدم القاعدة رقم ‪ 1‬ومن استخدم القاعدة رقم ‪2‬؟‬

‫جواب إستخدم القاعدة رقم ‪ 1‬عندما تكون الصفة مكونة من مقطع واحدة‪.‬‬
‫إستخدم القاعدة رقم ‪ 2‬عندما تكون الصفحة مكونة من مقطعي او أكن‪.‬‬
‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬
‫الرسكة ‪Tony is the smartest employee in the company.‬‬ ‫توت اذك موظف ف ر‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫حيات ‪This is the most beautiful day in my life.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫هذا اجمل يوم يف‬

‫أدناه صفات شاذة ال تتبع القواعد المذكورة يف األعل‬

‫الصفة‬ ‫صيغة المقارنة‬ ‫صيغة التفضيل‬

‫جيد ‪good‬‬ ‫افضل من ‪better than‬‬ ‫األفضل ‪the best‬‬
‫شء ‪bad‬‬ ‫ي‬ ‫اسوء من ‪worse than‬‬ ‫األسوء ‪the worst‬‬
‫بعيد ‪far‬‬ ‫ابعد من ‪farther than‬‬ ‫األبعد ‪the farthest‬‬
‫كثن ‪many / much‬‬ ‫اكن من ‪more than‬‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ر‬
‫األكن ‪the most‬‬
‫قليل ‪little‬‬ ‫اقل من ‪less than‬‬ ‫األقل ‪the least‬‬

‫‪ 32‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


.‫إستخدم القاعدة أدناه إلظهار اإلختالف بي شيئي‬

is not (‫)مفرد‬ it used to be. (‫)مفرد‬
‫ فاعل‬+ + as ‫ صفة‬as +
are not (‫)جمع‬ they used to be. (‫)جمع‬

Examples ‫امثلة‬
My car isn’t as fast as it used to be. ‫سيارت شيعة كما كانت يف السابق‬
‫ي‬ ‫لم تعد‬
Teachers aren’t as good as they used to be. ‫لم يعد االساتذة جيدين كما كانوا يف السابق‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Compare life today with life 50 years ago. Write pairs of
B ‫ تمرين‬sentences using one of the adjectives in brackets each time.
15 ‫صفحة‬ ً ‫قارن ر ى‬
‫ اكتب زوجا من الجمل باستخدام إحدى‬.‫ سنة‬50 ‫بي يومنا هذا و الحياة قبل‬ 228
‫ى ى‬ ‫الصفات ر ى‬
‫قوسي يف كل مرة‬
‫ر‬ ‫بي‬

1. life (easy/hard/slow/fast)
Life is faster now than it used to be. ‫الحياة أشع اآلن مما كانت عليه من قبل‬
Life isn’t as easy as it used to be. ‫الحياة ليست سهلة كما كانت من قبل‬

2. films (funny/boring/violent/romantic)
ً ‫األفالم ر‬
Film are more violent than they used to be. ‫اكن عنفا مما كانت عليه من قبل‬
Films aren’t as romantic as they used to be. ‫األفالم ليست رومانسية كما كانت من قبل‬

3. streets (noisy/quiet/clean/dirty/safe/dangerous)


4. towns (big/small/crowded/polluted)


5. doctors (good/expensive/cheap/well-trained)


‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬33 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

(Use the correct form of – ‘used to’ ‫)إستخدم الصيغة الصحيحة ل ـ ـ ـ‬

1. She (wear) glasses, but now she has contact lenses. (‫ تمهيدي‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2017/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
She used to wear glasses, but now she has contact lenses. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2019)
2. He (have) his hair cut at the hairdresser’s but now his wife (cut) it for him. (‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
He used to have his hair cut at the hairdresser’s but now his wife cuts it for him.

3. I (have) a bicycle, but someone (steal) it last week. (‫علم تمهيدي‬

‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2015)
I used to have a bicycle, but someone stole it last week.

‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ثات‬
4. She (not be) so thin, but she got very ill last year and lost a lot of weight. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2015)
She didn’t use to be so thin, but she got very ill last year and lost a lot of weight. (‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
)‫ دور ثالث‬2020(

5. He (like) going out, but now he always wants to stay at home. (‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2015)
He used to like going out, but now he always wants to stay at home. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

6. Cities (not be) polluted. (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)

Cities did not use to be polluted.

7. I (like) travelling, but I don’t like it anymore. (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)

I used to like travelling, but I don’t like it anymore.

8. There (be) a house here, but they (knock) it down two years ago. (‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017)
There used to be a house here, but they knocked it down two years ago. (‫ادت تمهيدي‬ ‫ ي‬2020)
9. You / go to work by car? (‫ثات خارج العراق‬
‫ دور ي‬2017)
Did you use to go to work by car?

10. Salwa (eat) meat, but now she (be) a vegetarian. (‫ دور اول‬2018)
Salwa used to eat meat, but now she is a vegetarian.

11. She (not/talk) so much, but now she never stops talking. (‫ثات‬
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات خارج العراق‬
‫ دور ي‬2018)
She did not use to talk so much, but now she never stops talking.

12. Films (be) black and white, but now they are usually in colour. (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ ‫ دور‬2020)
Films used to be black and white, but now they are usually in colour.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬34 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit One: Lesson 7 | ‫ الدرس السابع‬:‫الوحدة األولى‬

Let’s start with diet ‫لنبدأ بالنظام الغذائي‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
people ‫ناس‬ main ‫رئيسي‬ get around ‫يتنقل‬ damage ‫آذى‬/‫تلف‬
should ‫ينبغي‬ reason ‫سبب‬ instead of ‫عوضا عن‬ً lungs ‫رئتان‬
responsibility ‫مسؤولية‬ contain ‫يحتوي على‬ even if ‫حتى و إن‬ generally ‫بشكل عام‬
government ‫حكومة‬ fat ‫شحم‬ distance ‫مسافة‬ medical ‫طبي‬
spend ‫ينفق‬ sugar ‫سكر‬ keep ‫يحافظ على‬ attention ‫عناية‬
health care ‫رعاية صحية‬ salt ‫ملح‬ heart ‫قلب‬ non-smokers ‫غير مدخنين‬
illnesses ‫امراض‬ as a result ‫نتيجة لـــــ‬ almost ‫تقريبًا‬ lead ‫يؤدي الى‬
lack ‫شحّ ة‬ overweight ‫بدين‬ nothing ‫ال شيء‬ bring up ‫ير بّي‬
diabetics ‫مصاب بالسكر‬ therefore ‫وبالتالي‬ worse ‫اسوء من‬
goes up ‫يرتفع‬ risk ‫خطورة‬ habit ‫عادة‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Circle the correct sentence ending based on the information

A ‫ تمرين‬in the article on page 12 of the Student’s Book.
16 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬ ً ‫ضع دائرة حول نهاية الجملة الصحيحة‬
‫بناء عل المعلومات الواردة يف المقالة‬
.‫ من كتاب الطالب‬12 ‫الموجودة ى يف الصفحة‬

1. The government spends millions on

a) anti-smoking campaigns.
b) people who have made themselves ill.
c) people who never take exercise.

2. Because of their bad diet, 60% of British people

a) are diabetic.
b) are overweight and could get diabetes.
c) are very unhealthy

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬35 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

3. People
a) no longer take enough exercise.
b) watch TV all day long.
c) should stop using their cars.

4. Smoking
a) is a dirty habit.
b) is a very expensive habit.
c) is destroying a lot of people’s health.

5. The government shouldn’t pay for people’s health care

a) unless they take proper care of themselves.
b) unless they have children.
c) unless they and their children are unhealthy.

Unit One: Lesson 9 | ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة األولى‬

Test Yourself ‫اختبر نفسك‬

A Write the opposite of these words by adding a prefix.
‫اكتب متضادات هذه الكلمات بإضافة بادئة‬
1 incorrect 6 ___healthy 11 ___pleasant
2 independent 7 ___intelligent 12 ___polite
3 ___fair 8 ___legal 13 ___popular
4 ___fortunate 9 ___moral 14 ___possible
5 ___happy 10 ___patient 15 ___usual

B Write the correct words ‫اكتب الكلمات الصحيحة‬

1 Name three joints in the arm: wrist elbow s________
2 Name two joints in the leg: k___ a___
3 Name two things for covering a cut: pl______ ba______

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬36 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

C Complete the words ‫اكمل الكلمات‬
1 I feel dizzy. I think I am going to faint.
2 I can’t swallow. I have a sore throat and a t____________ of 39 degrees. 228

3 You have to take the two of these p______ three times a day.
4 The sk___ of my legs is very dry so I have to put this cr______ on every day.
5 We often say ‘Bless you!’ when somebody sn______s. But we don’t say it if somebody c___ghs.

D Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous or past simple tense
‫الماض البسيط‬ ‫ى‬
‫الماض المستمر او‬ ‫ى‬
‫بزمن‬ ‫ضع األفعال ر ى‬
‫بي األقواس‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
Last year, my friend (1) got (get) hurt in a car accident. This is how it 228

(2) happened (happen). She and her brother Salam and her sister Khaleda
had spent the afternoon at Zubair, and they (3) _________ (return) to Basra.
Salam (4) ________________ (drive) and Khaleda (5) ______________ (sit) next to him in front.
Salam (6) _____________ (go) quite fast. Suddenly a little boy (7) ___________ (run) on to the
road. Salam (8) _________________ (put) his foot on the brake really hard and the car (9)
____________ (stop) dead. Luckily, he (10) _____________ (not hit) the little boy. Salam and
Khaleda (11) _____________ (wear) seat belts so they (12) __________________ (not get) hurt.
But Zeina, who (13) ____________ (fall) sideways and (16) ____________ (hit) her face hard against
the window. She (17) _____________ (break) a tooth and (18) ____________ (cut) her face and
hand. There (19) _____________ (be) a lot of blood. After the accident, they (20) ____________
(be) all very shocked. They (21) _______ (get) out of the car. Salam’s legs (22)
__________________ (shake) so they (23) _______________ (decide) to wait a bit before driving
home. Khaleda (24) _____________ (look) for her mobile to phone their father when a passing car
(25) ______________ (slow) down. Zeina (26) ______________ (recognize) the driver. It was a
family friend, Dr Latifa Mahmoud, from Haidari Medical Complex. She (27) ____________ (tell)
Zeina to get in the car with her and she (28) ________________ (drive) her to the Accident and
Emergency Department. They immediately (29) _____________ (stitch) the cuts on her face and
(30) ______________ (put) a bandage on her hand. Unfortunately, Zeina still has some scars on her
ace and a broken tooth.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬37 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

E Complete the sentences with much, many, few or little
little , few , many , much ‫مستخدما‬ ‫اكمل الجمل‬ 228
1. Hurry up. There isn’t much time before the bus leaves.
2. Can you lend me a little money? I’ve left my purse at home.
3. How _______ times do I have to tell you my mobile phone number? Why can’t you remember it?
4. We need a ________ more fruit to take on the picnic. Can you buy some, please?
5. I don’t think I can fit in that parking place. There isn’t _________ space.
6. There weren’t ________ people at the meeting. I think quite a ________ had left early.

F Write sentences with used to / didn’t use to and the present or past simple.
.‫الماض البسيط‬ ً
‫ و المضارع او‬used to / didn’t use to ‫مستخدما‬ ‫اكتب جمل‬
1. He (have) his hair cut at the hairdresser’s, but now his wife (cut) it for him.
He used to have his hair cut at the hairdresser’s, but now his wife cuts it for him.

2. I (have) a bicycle, but someone (steal) it last month.

I used to have a bicycle, but someone stole it last month.

3. He (like) going out, but now he always (want) to stay at home.


4. She (wear) glasses, but now she (have) contact lenses.


5. She (not / talk) so much, but now she never (stop) talking.

6. There (be) a house here, but they (knock) it down two years ago.

7. She (not / be) so thin, but she (get) very ill last year and (lose) a lot of weight.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬38 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit One: Lesson 10 | ‫ الدرس العاشر‬:‫الوحدة األولى‬

I’ll always be proud of him ‫سأكون فخورًا به دائمً ا‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
deadly ‫مميت‬ still ‫ال يزال‬ spilling ‫يصب‬ address ‫عنوان‬
disease ‫مرض‬ asleep ‫نائم‬ plan ‫خطة‬ ambulance ‫سيارة اسعاف‬
modern ‫عصري‬ shaking ‫يهز‬ emergency ‫طوارئ‬ arrived at ‫وصل الى‬
medicine ‫طب‬ no avail ‫بال جدوى‬ services ‫خدمات‬ had to ‫كان يجب‬
save ‫ينقذ‬ couldn't ‫لم يستطع‬ luckily ‫لحسن الحظ‬ chair ‫كرسي‬
woke ‫استيقظ‬ suffer from ‫يعاني من‬ without ‫بدون‬ paramedics ‫مسعفين‬
straight ‫مباشرة‬ diabetes ‫داء السكري‬ died ‫مات‬ rushed ‫اسرع‬
look for ‫يبحث عن‬ means ‫يعني‬ trip ‫رحلة‬ upstairs ‫طابق علوي‬
puzzled ‫محتار‬ control ‫يسيطر على‬ quickly ‫بسرعة‬ spotted ‫لمح‬
get dressed ‫يرتدي‬ blood sugar ‫سكر الدم‬ sweet ‫حلو‬ identity card ‫بطاقة تعريفية‬
idea ‫فكرة‬ injections ‫حقن‬ went back ‫رجع‬ at once ‫فورًا‬
sunny ‫مشمس‬ drop ‫ينخفض‬ taught ‫ع ّلم‬ raise ‫يرفع‬
no sign ‫ال اشارة‬ lose ‫يفقد‬ previous ‫سابق‬ regained ‫استعاد‬
bathroom ‫حمام‬ consciousness ‫الوعي‬ remember ‫يتذكر‬ intelligent ‫ذكي‬
empty ‫فارغ‬ during ‫خالل‬ on his own ‫بنفسه‬
too ً
‫ايضا‬ can ‫علبة‬ operator ّ
then ‫ثم‬ fridge ‫ثالجة‬ calm ‫هادئ‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Find words or phrases in the text on page 13 of the Student’s
Book that have a similar meaning to these words or phrases.
A ‫تمرين‬
24 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب‬13 ‫جد عن كلمات أو عبارات يف النص الموجود يف الصفحة‬
.‫المعن لهذه الكلمات أو العبارات‬ ‫ر‬
‫والن لها نفس‬ 228

1. surprised puzzled
2. pushing shaking
3. without success ___________
4. faint ______________________
5. dropping (water, milk, etc.) ___________
6. the police, fire department, ambulance ______________________
7. medical helpers (not doctors or nurses) ___________
8. woke up regained ___________

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬39 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Complete the following with correctly spelt words. ‫إمالئيا‬ ‫يل بكلمات صحيحة‬
‫أكمل ما ي‬
1. pushing, shaking; surprised, puzzled. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
‫ دور ي‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2017)
2. throw away, dispose of; without success, to no avail. (‫ثات‬

‫مصطف من كتاب الطالب‬ ‫وزاريات قطعة‬

● Why was Latifa proud of Mustafa? (‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2015/‫ دور اول‬2014)
Because he was calm, intelligent and he saved her life.

● Mustafa had to stand on a chair to ……….. (‫احيات دور اول‬

‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2015/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
to open the front door for the paramedics.

● Mustafa found his mother in the …….. {a. kitchen b. bedroom c. bathroom} (‫ دور ثالث‬2014)

● Mustafa’s father was suffering from diabetes. [True / False] (‫ تمهيدي‬2015)

● Where did Mustafa find his mother? (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2016/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
He found her in her bedroom.

● Mustafa’s mother suffers from high blood pressure. (True / False) (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
● Mustafa was puzzled because his mother……… (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)
normally came into his room first thing in the morning, woke him up and helped him to get

● What did Mustafa tell the emergency operator? (‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2016)
Mustafa told the emergency operator that his mother was sick and she needed a doctor.

● Mustafa’s blood pressure dropped too low. (True / False) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)

● How did Mustafa open the front door for the paramedics? (‫ تمهيدي‬2017)
Mustafa had to stand on a chair to open the front door for the paramedics.

● Why was Mustafa’s mother unconscious?

( ‫ادت‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2017/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016
‫)دور ي‬
Because the levels of sugar in her blood dropped too low.

● How did the paramedics know that Mustafa’s mother was a diabetic?
(‫ تمهيدي‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)
They spotted her insulin user’s identity card.

● Mustafa told the emergency operator that……… (‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2018)
his mother was sick and she needed a doctor.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬40 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ ي‬2020/‫ثات‬
● Mustafa’s mother will always be proud of him because …….. ( ‫ادت‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018
he was calm, intelligent and he saved her life.

● Why was Mustafa puzzled? (‫ دور اول‬2019)

He was puzzled because his mother normally came into his room first thing in the morning, woke
him up and helped him to get dressed.

● Mustafa found his mother in the kitchen. (True / False) (‫علم تمهيدي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
● Mustafa’s mother suffers from ………… (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020 )

● Mustafa found his mother in her bedroom. (True / False) (‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020)
● How did the paramedics treat Latifa? (‫ثات‬
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
The paramedics treated Latifa by giving her an injection to control her blood sugar.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬41 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫الوحدة الثانية‪ :‬الدرس األول | ‪Unit Two: Lesson 1‬‬

‫القانون و النظام ‪Law and Order‬‬


‫‪Security Camera‬‬ ‫‪Footprint‬‬ ‫‪Crime Scene‬‬

‫كاميرا األمن‬ ‫اثر القدم‬ ‫مشهد جريمة‬

‫‪Metal Detector‬‬ ‫‪Speed Limit‬‬ ‫‪X-Ray Machine‬‬

‫كاشف معادن‬ ‫حدود السرعة‬ ‫آلة أشعة أكس‬

‫‪Fingerprint‬‬ ‫‪Security Guard‬‬ ‫‪Radar Speed Gun‬‬

‫بصمة اصبع‬ ‫حارس أمن‬ ‫سالح قياس السرعة‬

‫‪ 42‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.
B ‫تمرين‬
27 ‫صفحة‬
.‫اكمل كل جملة بكلمة او عبارة من الصندوق‬ 228

used to watch were speeding was watching was walking

didn’t have used to like walked didn’t use to have

1. I used to like travelling, but I don’t like it anymore.

2. We were speeding when we saw the police car.
3. While my baggage was going through the x-ray machine, I _________through the metal detector.
4. We _______________security cameras, but now we have six of them.
5. I _______________my passport, so they didn’t let me get on the plane.
6. She _______________home from school when she heard the police siren.
7. I _______________action films on TV, but now I prefer documentaries.
8. The security guard saw the thieves because he _______________the screen.

Unit Two: Lesson 2 | ‫ الدرس الثاني‬:‫الوحدة الثانية‬

A police officer’s duties ‫واجبات ضابط الشرطة‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
partner ‫شريك‬ important ‫مهم‬ where ‫حيث‬ solve ‫يحل‬
have to ‫يجب ان‬ leading causes ‫اسباب رئيسية‬ happened ‫حصل‬ likely ‫على األرجح‬
follow ‫يتبع‬ wearing ‫يرتدي‬ evidence ‫دليل‬ crowded ‫مزدحم‬
together ‫سوي ًا‬ seat belts ‫حزام المقعد‬ like ‫مثل‬ areas ‫مناطق‬
safely ‫بإمان‬ get angry ‫يغضب‬ look for ‫يبحث عن‬ attract ‫يجذب‬
different ‫مختلف‬ prevent ‫يمنع‬ arrest ‫يعتقل‬ pickpockets ‫نشالين‬
direct ‫يوجّ ه‬ serious injuries ‫اصابات بليغة‬ criminal ‫مجرم‬ try to ‫يحاول ان‬
traffic ‫حركة المرور‬ remember ‫يتذكر‬ recognize ‫يميّز‬ steal ‫يسرق‬
make sure ‫يتأكد‬ get into ‫يدخل‬ experts ‫خبراء‬ wallets ‫محافظ جيب‬
mustn't ‫يجب ان ال‬ investigate ‫يحقق‬ interview ‫يقابل‬ sell ‫يبيع‬
roads ‫طرق‬ crimes ‫جرائم‬ witnesses ‫شهود‬ items ‫مواد‬
easily ‫بسهولة‬ robberies ‫سرقات‬ might ‫ربما‬ lost ‫ضائع‬
identify ‫يتعرف على‬ place ‫مكان‬ committed ‫ارتكب‬ looks like ‫يشبه‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬43 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫الضرورة ‪Necessity‬‬
‫للتعبي عن ى‬
‫الضورة استخدم أحد الصيغ التالية‪:‬‬ ‫ر‬

‫تكملة ‪ +‬صيغة مجردة للفعل ‪ + base form of the verb‬يجب ‪ + must‬فاعل ‪Subject‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫‪Drivers must wear seat belt.‬‬

‫مثال ‪Example‬‬
‫يجب ان يرتدي السائقي حزام المقعد‬

‫ي‬ ‫وف حالة السؤال نضع ‪ must‬يف بداية الجملة فتكون القاعدة‬

‫تكملة ‪ +‬صيغة مجردة للفعل ‪ + base form of the verb‬فاعل ‪ + Subject‬يجب ‪Must‬‬

‫مثال ‪Example‬‬ ‫?‪Must drivers wear seat belt‬‬

‫هل يجب عىل السائقي ارتداء حزام المقعد؟‬

‫تكملة ‪ +‬صيغة مجردة للفعل ‪ + base form of the verb‬بحاجة ل ـ ‪ + need to‬فاعل ‪Subject‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬

‫‪We need to hurry.‬‬

‫نحتاج ان نرسع‬
‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫‪Sally needs to buy a new mobile phone.‬‬

‫سال بحاجة ر‬
‫لرساء هاتف محمول جديد‪.‬‬ ‫ي‬

‫تكملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪ +‬يجب ان ‪I / We / You / They + have to‬‬

‫تكملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪ +‬يجب ان ‪He / She / It + has to‬‬

‫‪Layla and Sam have to wear uniform.‬‬

‫يجب عىل ليىل و سام ارتداء الزي الموحد‬
‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫‪Layla has to help her mom with the housework.‬‬

‫يجب ان تساعد ليىل والدتها باألعمال المنلية‬

‫‪ 44‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وف حالة السؤال نستخدم القواعد التالية‪:‬‬

‫‪Present Simple‬‬ ‫? تكملة الجملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪Do + I / we / you / they + have to +‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫? تكملة الجملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪Does + / he / she / it + have to +‬‬

‫?‪Do you have to pay a fine‬‬

‫هل يجب عليك ان تدفع غرامة؟‬
‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫?‪Does she have to go now‬‬

‫هل يجب عليها ان تذهب اآلن؟‬

‫‪Past Simple‬‬
‫ماض بسيط‬‫ى‬ ‫? تكملة الجملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪ + have to +‬فاعل ‪Did +‬‬
‫?‪Did Ali have to take his car to the mechanic‬‬
‫مثال ‪Example‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫عىل ان يأخذ سيارته ال‬
‫هل كان يجب عىل ي‬

‫منع ‪Prohibition‬‬

‫تكملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪ +‬يجب ان ال ‪ + mustn’t‬فاعل ‪Subject‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫‪John and Mike mustn’t throw rubbish in the street.‬‬

‫مثال ‪Example‬‬
‫يرم جون و مايك القمامة يف الشارع‪.‬‬
‫يجب ان ال ي‬

‫ليس من الضروري ‪Not Necessary‬‬

‫‪Present Simple‬‬ ‫تكملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪ +‬ال حاجة لـ ـ ‪I / We / You / They + don’t have to‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫مضارع بسيط‬
‫تكملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪ +‬ال حاجة لـ ـ ‪He / She / It + doesn’t have to‬‬

‫‪You don’t have to wash the car today. It looks very clean.‬‬
‫مثال ‪Example‬‬ ‫ً‬
‫ال حاجة ألن تغسل السيارة اليوم‪ .‬تبدو نظيفة جدا‬

‫‪ 45‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Past Simple
‫ماض بسيط‬‫ى‬ Subject ‫ فاعل‬+ didn’t have to ‫ ال حاجة لـ ـ‬+ ‫ فعل مجرد من األضافة‬+ ‫تكملة‬ 3

I didn’t have to repair the car. My brother did it.

Example ‫مثال‬
‫ لقد فعلها ي‬.‫لم تكن هناك حاجة ألصلح السيارة‬

Present Simple
‫مضارع بسيط‬ Subject ‫ فاعل‬+ needn’t ‫ ال حاجة لـ ـ‬+ ‫ فعل مجرد من األضافة‬+ ‫تكملة‬ 4

Sam needn’t go to the supermarket today because his wife went yesterday.
Example ‫مثال‬ ‫ال حاجة ألن يذهب سام ال السوبر ماركت اليوم ألن زوجته ذهبت البارحة‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Find words in the texts on page 17 of the Student’s Book that
mean the same as the words and phrases below.
A ‫تمرين‬
28 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬
‫تعن نفس‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ 229
‫والن ي‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب ي‬17 ‫جد كلمات يف النصوص الموجودة يف الصفحة‬
.‫الكلمات والعبارات أدناه‬

1. rules that everybody in the country must follow laws.

2. get information about a crime investigate.
3. put someone in prison ______________________.
4. a person who saw or heard something at the time of a crime ______________________.
5. a person who steals money from your pocket ______________________.

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Listen and answer the questions

B ‫تمرين‬
28 ‫صفحة‬
‫استمع و أجب عن االسئلة‬ 229

1. When is being a police officer dangerous? ً

‫خطنا؟‬ ً ‫من ُيعد كونك رش‬
It can be dangerous when you have to arrest somebody or stop a fight.
2. When is the police station open? ‫مفتوحا؟‬ ‫من يكون مركز ر‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬46 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

3. Why does the police officer like his job? (Two reasons) ‫لم يحب ضابط ر‬
)‫الرسطة عمله؟ (سببان‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Use must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to, need to and needn’t
to complete the sentences.
D ‫تمرين‬
29 ‫صفحة‬ 229
needn’t ‫ و‬,need to ,don’t have to ,have to ,mustn’t ,must ‫استخدم‬
‫لتكمل الجمل‬

1. When you get in a car, you must/need to/have to put on your seat belt.
2. There’s petrol in the car, so you don’t have to/needn’t go to the petrol station.
3. You’re driving too fast! You _________/ _________/ _________slow down.
4. Please put out your cigarette. You _________smoke in the police station.
5. You __________________/ _________pick me up in the car – I’ll get the bus.
6. Police officers _________/ _________/ _________to prevent crimes.
7. I _________be back later than 8 o’clock tonight or my parents will be angry.

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

‫اخي احدى الكلمتان ر ى‬
Choose one of the two words between brackets ‫بي األقواس‬

1. I (mustn’t / needn’t) be back later than 8 o’clock tonight or my parents will be angry.
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ادت تمهيدي‬
‫ ي‬2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)

2. Please. Put out your cigarette. You (mustn’t / must) smoke in the hospital.
(‫ دور ثالث‬2015/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)

3. You are driving too fast! You (have to / needn’t) slow down.
(‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2016/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)

4. When you get in a car, you (must / mustn’t) put on your seat belt.
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫علم تمهيدي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)

5. Hiba (needn’t / mustn’t) go to the supermarket today because Dana went yesterday. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)

6. You (mustn’t / don’t have to) speak to the driver when the bus is moving. It is dangerous.
(‫ دور ثالث‬2016)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬47 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

7. You (mustn’t / don’t have to) smoke in hospitals. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)

8. Drivers (mustn’t / don’t have to) jump red signals. (‫ثات‬

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)

9. There’s petrol in the car, so you (need to / needn’t) go to the petrol station. (‫ دور اول‬2017)

10. You (mustn’t / don’t have to) give me a lift. I’ll take the bus.
(‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)

11. You (must / needn’t) go to the store today. There is plenty of food in the fridge. (‫ دور اول‬2018)

12. You are driving too fast! You (need to / needn’t) slow down. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018)

13. Please put out your cigarette. You (need to / mustn’t) smoke in the police station.
(‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2019)

14. Police officers (must / don’t have to) prevent crimes. (‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020)

15. Abla (need to / needn’t) go to the supermarket today because Dana went yesterday.
‫ي‬ 2020)

‫ط من كتاب الطالب‬ ‫ر‬

‫وزاريات قطعة وا جبات الش ي‬

● One of the duties of a police officer is to ……… (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016/‫ تمهيدي‬2016)
direct traffic to make sure that drivers can use the roads easily.
Check that drivers and passengers are wearing their seat belts.
use radar speed gun to identify people who are driving too fast.
investigate crimes.
Look for evidence.
Help people
Prevent crimes and solve crimes.

‫ ي‬2020/‫ثات‬
● Why do people have to follow the law? (‫ادت تمهيدي‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
so that we can all live together safely.

● Do the police officers have a lot of different duties? (‫ تمهيدي‬2017)

Yes, they do.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬48 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

● How can witnesses help the police? (‫ثات‬
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
Witnesses can help the police by telling them what a criminal looks like or what time a crime was

● People have to follow the law so that ………

‫ ي‬2020/‫علم تمهيدي‬
(‫ادت دور اول‬ ‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018)
we can all live together safely.

● Footprints and fingerprints can be used by police officers to …… (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2019)
identify and arrest the criminal.

● Why do some officers direct traffic? (‫تكميىل‬

‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019)
To make sure that drivers can use the roads easily and without having any accidents.

● People have to follow the law so that we can all live together safely. (a. True b. False)
(‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
● Speeding is one of the leading causes of death on the road. (True / False) (‫ دور ثالث‬2020)

Unit Two: Lesson 3 | ‫ الدرس الثالث‬:‫الوحدة الثانية‬

Airport security ‫أمن المطار‬


Make a Polite Requests ‫اطلب طلبًا مؤدبًا‬ Make an offer ‫ق ّدم عرض‬

Would you put your bag on the conveyor belt, please? I’ll stay here with the bags
‫هال وضعت حقيبتك على الحزام الناقل من فضلك؟‬ if you want.
.‫سأبقى هنا مع الحقائب إن اردت‬
Could you empty your pockets, please?
‫هال فرغت جيوبك من فضلك؟‬

Can you get me an orange soda?

‫هل يمكنك أن تحضر لي صودا برتقال؟‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬49 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫اقترح ‪Make a suggestion‬‬ ‫انصح ‪Give advice‬‬

‫?‪Shall we get some magazines before boarding‬‬ ‫‪You should always have‬‬
‫هال نجلب بعض المجالت قبل الركوب؟‬ ‫‪your baggage with you.‬‬
‫ينبغي ان تكون معك امتعتك‬
‫دائمً ا‪.‬‬
‫‪Let’s get some drinks too.‬‬
‫لنجلب بعض المشروبات ايض ًا‬


‫اعطاء النصيحة ‪Giving Advice‬‬

‫نستخدم ‪ should / shouldn’t‬لطلب و إعطاء النصيحة كما يف القاعدة‪:‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫‪Present/Future‬‬ ‫ينبغ ‪ / shouldn’t‬ى‬
‫تكملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪ +‬ال ى‬
‫مستقبل‪/‬مضارع‬ ‫ينبغ ‪ + should‬فاعل ‪Subject‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

‫‪You should put air in your tires. They look a bit flat.‬‬
‫ً‬ ‫مثبت‬
‫ينبع أن تضع الهواء يف إطارات سيارتك‪ .‬تبدو خالية من الهواء قليال‬

‫‪You shouldn’t stay up so late. You have to get up early in the morning.‬‬ ‫ى‬
‫ينبع أن تسهر حن وقت متأخر‪ .‬عليك أن تستيقظ مبكرا يف الصباح‬
‫ال ي‬

‫?‪Should I go to the doctor‬‬

‫ينبع ان اذهب ال الطبيب؟‬
‫ي‬ ‫هل‬

‫تقديم طلبات مهذبة ‪Making Polite Requests‬‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫?‪Would you get me glass of water‬‬

‫? تكملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪Would you +‬‬
‫هال أحضت يل كأس من الماء؟‬

‫? تكملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪Could you +‬‬ ‫?‪Could you show me your passport‬‬
‫أريتن جواز سفرك؟‬
‫ي‬ ‫هال‬

‫? تكملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪Can you +‬‬ ‫?‪Can you open your suitcase, please‬‬
‫هل يمكنك فتح حقيبتك من فضلك؟‬

‫? تكملة ‪ +‬فعل مجرد من األضافة ‪May I +‬‬ ‫?‪May I see your tickets, please‬‬
‫يمكنن رؤية تذاكركم من فضلكم؟‬
‫ي‬ ‫هل‬

‫‪ 50‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫تقديم اإلقتراحات ‪Making Suggestions‬‬
‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫?‪Shall we meet at 3:00 in the departure longue‬‬

‫? ‪ …….‬فعل مجرد من اإلضافة ‪Shall we +‬‬
‫نلتف الساعة ‪ 3:00‬يف صالة المغادرة؟‬
‫هل ي‬

‫‪…….‬فعل مجرد من اإلضافة ‪Let’s +‬‬ ‫لنشاهد الفلم ‪Let’s watch the film.‬‬

‫‪We could take a taxi to the airport if you like.‬‬

‫‪…….‬فعل مجرد من اإلضافة ‪We could +‬‬
‫يمكننا أن نستقل سيارة أجرة إل المطار إذا أردت‪.‬‬

‫تقديم عروض ‪Making Offers‬‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫? ‪…….‬إسم ‪Would you like +‬‬ ‫?‪Would you like a cup of coffee‬‬
‫هل ترغب يف كوب من القهوة؟‬
‫‪…….‬فعل مجرد من اإلضافة ‪Shall I +‬‬
‫?‪Shall I open the window‬‬
‫هل افتح النافذة؟‬
‫‪…….‬فعل مجرد من اإلضافة ‪I’ll +‬‬
‫‪I’ll help you with your suitcase.‬‬
‫بحمل حقيبتك‪.‬‬
‫ِ‬ ‫سأساعدك‬

‫توقعات ‪Making Expectations‬‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫? ‪ …….‬فعل مجرد من اإلضافة ‪ + should / shouldn’t +‬فاعل‬ ‫‪You studied a lot, so you should get a good‬‬
‫‪mark on your exam.‬‬
‫لقد درست ً‬
‫كثنا ‪ ،‬اعتقد انك ستحصل عىل درجة جيدة‬
‫يف امتحانك‬

‫‪We shouldn't get lost. We have a GPS‬‬

‫‪system in our car.‬‬
‫ال اعتقد اننا سنضيع‪ .‬لدينا نظام مالحة يف السيارة‬

‫‪ 51‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. I’ve studied hard for the test, so I think I’ll pass. (Expectation)
‫ي‬ 2020/‫علم تمهيدي‬‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2014)
I should pass the test.

2. Take a taxi to the airport. (Suggestion) (‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2014)

Shall we take a taxi to the airport?

Let’s take a taxi to the airport.
We could take a taxi to the airport.

3. You like exercising, so I don’t think you’ll have trouble getting fit. (Expectation)
‫ ي‬2020/‫ثات‬
(‫ادت تمهيدي‬ ‫ دور ي‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2017/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
You shouldn’t have trouble getting fit.

4. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give an advice)

(‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2015/‫ تمهيدي‬2015/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
You should keep your passport in a safe place.

5. They learnt a lot in the military, so I don’t think they will have trouble getting a job.
(Use should or shouldn’t to express expectation) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)

They shouldn’t have trouble getting a job.

6. Help you with your baggage. (offer) (‫ دور اول‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2016/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)

Would you like me to help you with your baggage?

Shall I help you with your baggage?
I’ll help you with your baggage.

7. This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one. (Re-write the sentence with
should or shouldn’t)
‫ ي‬2020/‫تطبيف دور اول‬
(‫ادت دور اول‬ ‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2015)

This new computer should be faster than the other one.

8. You have always wanted to fly. I think you will like the Air Force. (Use “should or shouldn’t” to
express expectation) (‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
You should like the Air Force.

9. go to the shops before the plane leaves. (Suggestion) (‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2015)
Shall we go to the shops before the plane leaves?
Let’s go to the shops before the plane leaves.
We could go to the shops before the plane leaves.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬52 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

10. meet at 3.00 in the departure lounge. (Suggestion) (‫ دور ثالث‬2015)

Shall we meet at 3.00 in the departure lounge?

Let’s meet at 3.00 in the departure lounge
We could meet at 3.00 in the departure lounge.

11. The hotel is luxurious. I think you will enjoy being there. (Show expectation using
should/shouldn’t) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015)

The hotel is luxurious. You should enjoy being there.

12. Offer to drive your brother to the match. (Use shall) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015)

Shall I drive you to the match?

13. Buy some magazines before boarding the plane. (Suggestion) (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
Shall we buy some magazines before boarding the plane?
Let’s buy some magazines before boarding the plane.
We could buy some magazines before boarding the plane.

14. They trained hard. I don’t think they will lose the match. (should / shouldn’t for expectation)
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
They trained hard. They shouldn’t lose the match.

15. Give me your passport. (Polite Request) (‫تكميىل‬

‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2016)

Would you give me your passport, please?

Could you give me your passport, please?
Can you give me your passport, please?

16. The journey normally takes four hours so I think we will get there about six. Use (should or
shouldn’t for expectation) (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
The journey normally takes four hours so we should get there about six.

17. Mary has so many friends, so I think there will be a very big crowd at the party. (Expectation)
(‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
Mary has so many friends, so there should be a very big crowd at the party.

18. leave keys in the flower pot. (Give advice) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)

You shouldn’t the keys in the flower pot.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬53 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

19. Show me your passport. (Make a request)
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
Would you show me your passport, please?
Could you show me your passport, please?
Can you show me your passport, please?
May I see your passport, please?

20. See your ticket. (Polite Request) (‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
May I see your ticket, please?

21. They left three hours early. I think they will be here by now. (Expectation) (‫ دور اول‬2018)
They left three hours early. They should be here by now.

22. Help your friend with his baggage (offer) (‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ات‬
‫ دور ث ي‬2018)
Shall I help you with your baggage?
I’ll help you with your baggage.

23. He learnt about computers in the military. So, I think he will be able to help me fix mine.
(Expectation) (‫ثات‬
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2019)
He learnt about computers in the military. So, he should be able to fix mine.

24. Take a taxi to the airport. (Make suggestion: Use “let’s”) (‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020)
Let’s take a taxi to the airport.

25. Open the window. (Offer: use “shall”) (‫ثات‬

‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
Shall I open the window?

26. She’s in 6th preparatory. I think she will graduate this summer. (Expectation: use “should”)
She’s in 6th preparatory. She should graduate this summer. (‫ثات‬
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

‫اخي احدى الكلمات ر ى‬
Choose one of the two words between brackets ‫بي األقواس‬

1. He studied hard. He (should / shouldn’t) pass the exam. (‫ دور اول‬2016)

(‫ دور ثالث‬2016)

2. I’ve studied hard for the exam. I (should / shouldn’t) fail. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)

3. The police found finger prints at the scene. They (should / shouldn’t) arrest the thief soon.
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)

4. We left two hours early. We (should / shouldn’t) miss the plane.

(‫ تمهيدي‬2016/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2017)

5. There are security cameras in the building. The security guard (should / shouldn’t) see if anyone
comes in. (‫ دور اول‬2017)
6. She’s in 6th preparatory. She (should / shouldn’t) graduate this summer. (‫ دور ثالث‬2019)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬54 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

7. We (should / shouldn’t) get lost. We have a GPS system in our car. (‫ دور ثالث‬2020)


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Match the words and the definitions. Write the words.
A ‫تمرين‬
29 ‫صفحة‬ 229
‫ اكتب الكلمات‬.‫طابق الكلمات و تعاريفها‬

empty baggage unattended declare dispose of

1. without someone looking after it unattended.

2. bags and suitcases that carry your possessions on a journey baggage.
3. there is nothing in it __________________.
4. throw away / get rid of __________________.
5. say you are carrying something you need to pay duty on __________________.

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Make sentences giving advice and making requests,

suggestions and offers. Use the phrases in the box.
B ‫تمرين‬
30 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬
‫كون جمل لتقديم نصائح و طلبات و ر‬
‫ استخدم العبارات يف الصندوق‬.‫اقياحات و عروض‬ ّ

give me your passport help you with your baggage keep your passport in a safe place
see your ticket go to the shops before the plane leaves take a taxi to the airport

1. Can you give me your passport, please?

2. Would you like me to help you with your baggage?
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
7. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
8. ___________________________________________________________________________________.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬55 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Two: Lesson 4 | ‫ الدرس الرابع‬:‫الوحدة الثانية‬

Applying for a job ‫تقديم على وظيفة‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
security ‫أمن‬ reliable ‫يعتمد علي‬ literate ‫متعلم‬ interested ‫مهتم‬
looking for ‫يبحث‬ factories ‫مصانع‬ necessary ‫ضروري‬
friendly ‫ودود‬ fit ‫سليم جسديًا‬ partner ‫رفيق‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Read the advert on page 19 of the Student’s Book and answer
these vocabulary questions.
A ‫تمرين‬
30 ‫صفحة‬ 229
.‫ ى يف كتاب الطالب و أجب عن اسئلة المفردات هذه‬19 ‫اقرأ اإلعالن بصفحة‬

1. Rewrite the following words and phrases without the abbreviations

‫اكتب الكلمات و العبارات التالية من دون اإلختصارات‬
a) Office bldgs. Office buildings.
b) 18 yrs. 18 years.
c) Spk. Engl. And Arab. _____________________.
d) avail. At w-e. _____________________.
e) driving lic. _____________________.

2. Find abbreviations in the advert which mean: ‫المعات التالية‬

‫ي‬ ‫الن تحمل‬
‫جد اإلختصارات يف اإلعالن ي‬

a) company co.
b) computer comp.
c) appointment __________.
d) experience __________.
e) Frequent __________.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬56 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Read the advert again and answer the questions about the job.
B ‫تمرين‬
31 ‫صفحة‬ 229
.‫الن تتعلق بالوظيفة‬
‫إقرأ اإلعالن مرة اخرى و اجب عل االسئلة ي‬

1. What kind of personality should you have to do this job? Why?

You should be friendly because you will have frequent contact with the public.
2. What do you need to be able to do to get this job?
3. Do you need to have worked as a security guard before to get this job?

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Read the extracts from the conversation and underline the best
D ‫تمرين‬
32 ‫صفحة‬ 229
‫إقرأ المقتطفات من الحوار و ضع خط تحت أفضل بديل‬

1. Could I speak to / I want to talk to Mr Hazem?

2. Will / May I ask who’s calling?
3. This / That is Samir Esam.
4. Just a moment / Just wait, please.
5. Good morning. Is that / Are you Mr Hazem?
6. I’m calling about / because your advert in yesterday’s paper.
7. All right then, would / do you like to come in for an appointment?
8. Yes, I would. What is a good time / When do I come?

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬57 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. You shouldn’t have any trouble doing the work a. she should get it by Monday.

2. It shouldn’t take me more than 15 minutes to b. because it’s very easy.

drive there
c. he should know how to use this software
3. They should be very comfortable
d. because there isn’t much traffic.
4. I can speak English and Arabic,

5. If he’s used computers before, e. because it’s a very nice hotel.

6. If you send the letter today, f. so I should be able to talk to most of the visitors

Write the missing words. ‫اكتب الكلمات المفقودة‬

1. computer, comp.; experience, exp. (‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)

2. appt, appointment; co, company. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬ ‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2015/‫ دور اول‬2014)
3. ex, experience; yrs, years. (‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
4. appt, appointment; exp, experience. (‫ثات‬ ‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016/‫ دور اول‬2015)
5. freq, frequent; comp, computer. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2015)
6. The abbreviation of computer is comp (‫ثات‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
7. company, co.; years, yrs. (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)
8. 18 years, 18 yrs; driving licence, driving lic. (‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2016)
9. years, yrs.; buildings, bldgs. (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
10. exp, experience; avail, available (‫ثات‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
11. freq, frequent; driving lic., driving licence. (‫ دور اول‬2017)
12. computer, comp; 18 years, 18 yrs. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2017)
13. computer, comp.; appointment, appt. (‫ادت تمهيدي‬ ‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2017)
14. Comp. is the abbreviation of computer. (‫ثات‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)
15. 18 yrs., 18 years; office bldgs., office buildings. (‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
16. co, company; comp., computer. (‫ دور اول‬2018)
17. driving lic, licence; office bldgs., buildings. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2018)
18. appt., appointment; freq., frequent. (‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
19. company, co; frequent, freq. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2019)
20. co, company; appt, appointment. (‫ادت دور اول‬ ‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2019)
21. yrs, years; freq, frequent. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019)
22. years, yrs; frequent, freq. (‫علم تمهيدي‬ ‫ي‬ 2020)
23. frequent, freq; company, co. (‫احيات دور اول‬ ‫ي‬ 2020)
24. driving lic, driving licence; avail. at w-e, available at weekends. (‫ثات‬ ‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
25. co., company; freq., frequent. (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ ‫ دور‬2020)
26. computer, comp; frequent, freq. (‫ دور ثالث‬2020)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬58 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Two: Lesson 5 | ‫ الدرس الخامس‬:‫الوحدة الثانية‬

Military jobs ‫وظائف الجيش‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
ever ‫سبق ان‬ protect ‫يحمي‬ weather ‫طقس‬ even ‫حتى‬
thought ‫ف ّكر‬ ground ‫األرض‬ temperature ‫درجة الحرارة‬ army base ‫قاعدة جيش‬
joining ‫اإللتحاق‬ ships ‫سفن‬ install ‫يثبت‬ experience ‫خبرة‬
different ‫متنوع‬ aircraft ‫طائرة حربية‬ maintain ‫يحافظ على‬ get ‫يحصل على‬
be able to ‫قادر على‬ airplanes ‫طائرات‬ non-technical ‫غير تقني‬ practice ‫تمرين‬
find ‫يجد‬ helicopters ‫سمتيات‬ transport ‫ينقل‬ skills ‫مهارات‬
right ‫مناسب‬ involve ‫تتضمن‬ equipment ‫معدات‬ useful ‫مفيد‬
branches ‫فروع‬ fighting ‫قتال‬ vehicle ‫مركبة‬ means ‫يعني‬
Land Force ‫قوة برية‬ interesting ‫مثير لإلهتمام‬ not like ‫ليس مثل‬ leave ‫يترك‬
Navy Force ‫قوة بحرية‬ specialist ‫مختص‬ off the road ‫خارج الطريق‬ civilian ‫مدني‬
Air Force ‫قوة جوية‬ keep ‫خزن‬ officer ‫ضابط‬
if ‫اذا‬ organize ‫تنظيم‬ responsibility ‫مسؤولية‬
choose ‫يختار‬ such as ‫مثل‬ supervise ‫يشرف على‬


Look at the words in bold in the text on page 20 of the Student’s

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Book and try to guess their meaning. Check your ideas in a
A ‫تمرين‬ dictionary.
33 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب و حاول ان‬20 ‫انظر اىل الكلمات باللون األسود الغامق يف نص صفحة‬ 229
‫ تفحص افكارك بقاموس‬.‫تحزر معانيها‬

1. branches → parts
2. join → become a member of
3. install → ____________________________.
4. maintain → ____________________________.
5. officer → ____________________________.
6. supervise → ____________________________.
7. civilian → ____________________________.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬59 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Rewrite the sentences with should or shouldn’t, as in the
D ‫تمرين‬
34 ‫صفحة‬ 229
‫ى‬ ً
‫ كما يف المثال‬shouldn’t ‫ او‬should ‫مستخدما‬ ‫أعد كتابة الجمل‬

1. You have always wanted to fly. I think you will like the Air Force
You have always wanted to fly. You should like the Air Force.

2. I’ve studied hard for the test, so I think I’ll pass.

You like exercising, so you shouldn’t have trouble getting fit.

3. You like exercising, so I don’t think you’ll have trouble getting fit.

4. They learn a lot in the military, so I don’t think they’ll have trouble getting a job.

5. This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one.


Unit Two: Lesson 6 | ‫ الدرس السادس‬:‫الوحدة الثانية‬

A robbery ‫سرقة‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
occurred ‫حدث‬ missing ‫مفقود‬ town ‫بلدة‬ go back ‫يرجع‬
owners ‫مالكي‬ immediately ً
‫حاال‬ same ‫نفس‬ big mess ‫فوضى عارمة‬
asleep ‫نائم‬ believe ‫يعتقد‬ responsible ‫مسؤول‬ luckily ‫لحسن الحظ‬
money ‫نقود‬ robber ‫سارق‬ homeowners ‫مالكي المنزل‬ burglar ‫لص‬
jewellery ‫مجوهرات‬ may ‫ربما‬ lock ‫يقفل‬ hurt ‫يؤذي‬
stolen ‫مسروق‬ through ‫خالل‬ ground floor ‫طابق ارضي‬ scared ‫خائف‬
injured ‫مصاب‬ witness ‫شاهد‬ closed ‫مغلق‬/‫اغلق‬ anymore ‫بعد االن‬
alerted ‫نبه‬ tall ‫طويل‬ won't ‫لن‬ angry ‫غاضب‬
loud noise ‫ضوضاء صاخبة‬ jacket ‫سترة‬ sound asleep ‫نوم عميق‬ Science ‫علوم‬
downstairs ‫طابق سفلي‬ arrested ‫اعتقل‬ all of a sudden ‫فجأة‬ report ‫تقرير‬
investigate ‫يتحرى‬ crime ‫جريمة‬ heard ‫سمع‬ hard disk ‫قرص صلب‬
broken ‫مكسور‬ yet ‫لحد االن‬ crash ‫تحطم‬ upset ‫مستاء‬
vase ‫مزهرية‬ none ‫ال شيء‬/‫ال احد‬ terrified ‫مرتعب‬ came in ‫دخل‬
floor ‫األرضية‬ property ‫ملكية‬ knew ‫عرف‬ replaced ‫استبدل‬
realized ‫ادرك‬ found ‫وجد‬ thought ‫اعتقد‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬60 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Scan the texts on page 21 of the Student’s Book, and circle the
correct answer.
A ‫تمرين‬
35 ‫صفحة‬ 230
‫ من كتاب الطالب و ضع دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح‬21 ‫تفحص النصوص يف صفحة‬

1. Who called the police?

a) Sue
b) Mr Smith
c) Mrs Smith

2. What woke Sue up?

a) a witness
b) the police
c) a loud noise

3. Who saw the robber?

a) a witness
b) the police
c) Sue

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Read the texts more carefully and answer the questions.
B ‫تمرين‬
35 ‫صفحة‬ 230
‫إقرأ النصوص بتمعن و اجب عن األسئلة‬

1. Why are the police reminding homeowners to lock their doors and windows?
Because this was the fifth robbery of the year.

2. Why is Sue happy that the robber left before her father went downstairs?
Because he didn’t get hurt.

3. How does Sue feel now?


4. Why is Sue upset that her father’s computer was stolen?


5. Why is Sue’s father getting the window lock replaced?


‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬61 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ ‫‪Complete the columns on the right with less formal words from‬‬
‫‪the e-mail.‬‬
‫تمرين ‪C‬‬
‫صفحة ‪36‬‬ ‫‪230‬‬
‫ر ى‬
‫اليمي بكلمات أقل رسمية من األيميل‬ ‫اكمل األعمدة عل‬

‫‪Formal‬‬ ‫‪Less formal‬‬ ‫‪Formal‬‬ ‫‪Less formal‬‬

‫‪occurred‬‬ ‫‪happened‬‬ ‫‪investigate‬‬ ‫__________‬

‫‪injured‬‬ ‫‪hurt‬‬ ‫‪property‬‬ ‫__________‬
‫‪alerted‬‬ ‫__________‬


‫‪have / get / make‬‬

‫شء يحصل لنا وال نقوم به بأنفسنا‪:‬‬‫ر‬

‫● استخدم هذه القاعدة للتحدث عن ي‬
‫الرئيش ‪ +‬مفعول به ‪ get +‬او ‪ + have‬فاعل‬
‫ي‬ ‫تضيف ثالث للفعل‬
‫ُ َ‬
‫‪My father had his computer stolen.‬‬ ‫شق حاسوب والدي‬ ‫ِ‬
‫امثلة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ُ‬
‫سيح ِ ُ‬
‫شخصا يستبدل القفل ‪My father is getting the lock replaced today.‬‬ ‫ض والدي‬

‫مالحظة‪ :‬قد ر‬
‫تتغي صيغة االفعال ‪ have‬او ‪ get‬بحسب زمن الجملة‬

‫بشء ما‪:‬‬ ‫ر‬
‫شء يجعلنا ان نقوم ي‬
‫● استخدم هذه القاعدة للتحدث عن شخص او ي‬
‫فعل مجرد من اإلضافة ‪ +‬مفعول به ‪ + make +‬فاعل‬

‫مثال‬ ‫غرفن ‪My father made me go back to my room.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫جعلن والدي ارجع ال‬

‫مالحظة‪ :‬قد ر‬
‫تتغي صيغة الفعل ‪ make‬بحسب زمن الجملة‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ ‫‪Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of have, get or‬‬
‫تمرين ‪D‬‬
‫صفحة ‪36‬‬ ‫‪230‬‬
‫مستخدما الصيغة الصحيحة لألفعال ‪ have‬او ‪ get‬او ‪make‬‬ ‫أعد كتابة الجمل‬

‫‪1. I asked somebody to cut my hair.‬‬

‫‪I had my hair cut.‬‬

‫‪ 62‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

2. She asked somebody to fix the window.
She got the window fixed.

3. He look outside because he heard a noise.


4. The leaves fell because of the wind.


5. A photographer took a picture of the witness.


‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. ‫بي األقواس‬ ً
‫متبعا اإلرشادات ر ى‬ ‫أعد كتابة الجمل‬

1. A photographer took a picture of the lady. The lady got ………. taken. (Complete) (‫ دور اول‬2014)
The lady got her picture taken.

2. The noise (made/had) her look outside. (Choose) (‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2014)
3. She had her picture (take/taken). (Choose) (‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)

4. The leaves fell because of the wind. The wind made….. (Complete)
The wind made the leaves fall. (‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015)

5. They arrived late because of the traffic jam. The traffic jam ….. (Complete: use “made”) (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
The traffic jam made them arrive late.

6. My father asked someone to fix the computer. My father ……. (Use “get”)
My father got the computer fixed. (‫ثات‬
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ادت تمهيدي‬
‫ ي‬2020/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016/‫ تمهيدي‬2016)

7. My mother asked somebody to paint the house. (Rewrite using the correct form of get or make)
My mother got the house painted. (‫ دور اول‬2016)
My mother made someone paint the house.

8. I asked the mechanic to check the brakes. (Re-write with the correct form of: have / make) (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
I had the brakes checked.
I made the mechanic check the brakes.

9. He looked outside because he heard a noise. (rewrite with the correct form of - make - )
The noise made him look outside. (‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2016)

10. I asked someone to paint my room off white. (Rewrite the sentence using get) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)
I got my room painted off white.

11. A photographer took her picture. She….. (Rewrite using the correct form of “have”)
She had her picture taken. (‫ثات‬
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2017)

13. She got the window (fix/fixed). (choose) (‫ دور ثالث‬2017/‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2017)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬63 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

14. I asked someone to cut my hair. I got my hair cut. (Complete) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017)

15. My father asked someone to repair the broken windows. My father….(Use get and complete the sentence)
My father got the broken windows repaired. (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)
16. My mother told me to turn down the music. (Rewrite using the correct form of “make”)
My mother made me turn down the music. (‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2018)

17. A photographer took a picture of the witness. The witness… (Rewrite the sentence with the correct form of “have”)
The witness had his/her picture taken. (‫ دور اول‬2018)

18. He asked somebody to cut his hair. (Rewrite using the correct form of “get”) (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018)
He got his hair cut.
19. Somebody stole my television. I….. (Rewrite the sentence with the correct form of “have”)
I had my television stolen. (‫ دور ثالث‬2018)

20. Yesterday my father asked somebody to clean the car. (Use the correct form of “get”) (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018)
Yesterday my father got his car cleaned.

21. He asked somebody to cut his hair. He…. (Re-write the sentence with the correct form of “have”)
He had his hair cut. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019)

22. Somebody stole my television. I had my television (steal/stolen). (Choose) (‫علم تمهيدي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

23. My father asked somebody to clean the car. (Re-write with the correct form of “have”)
My father had the car cleaned. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

24. My father told me to turn down the music. (Rewrite with the correct form of “make”) ( ‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020)
My father made me turn down the music.

25. Somebody stole their television. They…. (Rewrite with the correct form of “have”) (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
They had their television stolen.

Unit Two: Lesson 7 | ‫ الدرس السابع‬:‫الوحدة الثانية‬

A safety brochure ‫كتيّب األمان‬

‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
persuade ‫يقنع‬ replaced ‫يستبدل‬ hide ‫يخبئ‬ unlock ‫يفك قفل‬
sell ‫ييبع‬ sentimental ‫عاطفي‬ bushes ‫شجيرات‬ essential ‫ضروري‬
thieves ‫لصوص‬ value ‫قيمة‬ plant ‫يزرق‬ solid ‫صلب‬
realize ‫يدرك‬ basic ‫اساسي‬ near ‫قريب‬ examined ‫يتفحص‬
stolen ‫مسروق‬ measures ‫تدابير‬ without ‫بدون‬ expert ‫خبير‬
insurance ‫تأمين‬ locks ‫اقفال‬ impossible ‫مستحيل‬ secure ‫آمن‬
unbelievably ‫بشكل ال يصدق‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬64 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Two: Lesson 9 | ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة الثانية‬

Test Yourself ‫اختبر نفسك‬

A Underline the correct words. ‫ارسم خط اسفل الكلمات الصحيحة‬

1. The Land Force, the Navy and the Air Force are all branches / types of the military.
2. You must be 18 years old to belong / join the military.
3. The military needs people to care for / maintain its equipment and vehicles.
4. In the military, you can take a test to become an officer / official.
5. If you pass this test, you have more responsibility and you investigate / supervise other people.
6. When you leave the military, your training can help you find a criminal / civilian job.

B Complete the phrases below with words from the box. There is one extra word.
‫ هناك كلمة واحدة زائدة‬.‫اكمل العبارات ادناه بكلمات من الصندوق‬

belt ticket gun camera traffic machine detector limit

1. security camera 5. speeding ____________ 230

2. metal detector 6. radar speed ____________
3. x-ray ____________ 7. conveyor ____________
4. speed ____________

C Complete the sentences with an appropriate verb.

1. Drivers must obey the speed limit.
2. You mustn’t drive without your seat belt on.
3. Your car mustn’t ____________broken lights.
4. You can take the bus, so you don’t have to ____________your car. 230
5. When you ride a motorcycle, you must ____________a helmet.
6. You must ____________a fine when you get a ticket.
7. You must slow down at a roundabout, but you don’t have to ____________.
8. You must ____________people cross the street at a pedestrian crossing.
9. If you ____________a crime, the police will arrest you.

D Complete the articles with words from the box ‫اكمل المقاالت بكلمات من الصندوق‬

investigating witness fingerprints arrest 230

unattended disposed of pickpocket crime scene

The police got a call about a robbery last night. When they got to the (1) crime scene they found
footprints and (2) fingerprints they think were left by the criminal. They are still (3)
__________________ the crime, but they think they will (4) ______________ someone soon.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬65 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Police caught a (5) ___________ who had stolen several wallets and mobile phones at the airport.
The same man also stole some baggage that a passenger had left (6) _______________ in the
waiting room while he bought a magazine. The thief had (7) ___________ the stolen property when
the police found him, but they spoke to a (8) _____________ who said she had seen him steal the

E Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences. ‫طابق بدايات و نهايات الجمل‬

1. I must get up early tomorrow. a. on a weekend trip.
2. You needn’t take so much baggage. b. to drive a lorry.
3. We mustn’t forget. c. because I don’t want to be late again.
4. You need to get a special licence. d. wear a uniform at her new job.
5. She has to e. leave so soon
6. I don’t have to f. to take our passports.

F Underline the best word in the second sentence. ‫ارسم خط اسفل افضل كلمة بالجملة الثانية‬
1. We left two hours early. We should / shouldn’t miss the plane.
2. The police found fingerprints at the scene. They should / shouldn’t
arrest the thief soon.
3. He studied hard. He should / shouldn’t fail in the exam.
4. He learnt about computers in the military. He should / shouldn’t be able to help me fix mine.
5. There are security cameras in the building. The security guard should / shouldn’t see if anyone
comes in.
6. She’s in 6th Preparatory. She should / shouldn’t graduate this summer.

J Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of get, have or make.
make ‫ او‬have ‫ او‬get ‫مستخدما الصيغة الصحيحة لألفعال‬ ‫اعد كتابة الجمل‬
1. Somebody stole their television.
They had their television stolen. 230
2. My father asked somebody to fix the computer.
My father had/got the computer mixed.
3. My mother told me to turn down the music.
4. He asked somebody to cut his hair.
5. Yesterday my father asked somebody to clean the car.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬66 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Two: Lesson 10 | ‫ الدرس العاشر‬:‫الوحدة الثانية‬

Security technology ‫تكنولوجيا األمن‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
invented ‫اخترع‬ common ‫شائع‬ different ‫مختلف‬ fine ‫غرامة‬
detect ‫يكشف‬ enforcement ‫تطبيق‬ hand-held ‫ممسوك‬ claim ‫يزعم‬
aircraft ‫طائرة‬ waves ‫امواج‬ shaped ‫ش ّكل‬ correctly ‫بشكل صحيح‬
ships ‫سفن‬ towards ‫بإتجاه‬ vehicles ‫مركبات‬ trained ‫مدرب‬
including ‫يتضمن‬ bounce back ‫يرتد‬ licence plate ‫رقم المركبة‬ properly ‫بشكل مناسب‬
weather ‫طقس‬ moving ‫يتحرك‬ identify ‫يتعرف‬ maintenance ‫صيانة‬
prediction ‫تنبؤ‬ calculate ‫يحسب‬ owner ‫مالك‬ essential ‫ضروري‬
catch ‫يمسك‬ avoid ‫يتجنب‬ nearby ‫بالقرب من‬ tool ‫اداة‬
speeders ‫مسرعين‬ safe ‫آمن‬ illegal ‫غير قانوني‬ keep ‫يحتفظ‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Reread your text more carefully and write T (true) or F (false).
B ‫تمرين‬
47 ‫صفحة‬ 230
)‫أعد قراءى النص بعناية و اكتب (صح) او (خطأ‬

1. Police departments don’t use radar guns anymore. (False)

2. Radar guns can only calculate the speed of a car moving towards them. (False)
3. Some radar guns are shaped a bit like guns. ( )
4. A radar detector makes a beeping noise if it senses a radar being used in the area. ( )
5. There are main problems with radar detectors. ( )
6. Some people think radar guns don’t work well. ( )
7. Police must be trained to use the radar gun correctly. ( )
8. Radar guns don’t need any maintenance. ( )

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬67 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Answer the following using the information from your textbook ‫مستخدما المعلومات من منهجك‬ ‫التاىل‬ ‫اجب عن‬

1. What is a radar detector?

‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2016/‫ تمهيدي‬2016/‫ دور اول‬2014)
Radar detector is a machine that detects radar guns.
2. How does the radar speed gun work?
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2015/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
A radar speed gun works by sending radio waves towards a car. When the waves hit the car, they
bounce back towards the radar gun.
3. Radar guns don’t need any maintenance. (True/False) (‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)

4. Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are check and fixed regularly. (True/False)
(‫ تمهيدي‬2015)

‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور اول‬2015)

5. Police departments don’t use radar guns anymore. (True/False) (‫ادت دور اول‬
6. Police must be trained to use the radar gun correctly. (True/False) (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
7. Radar guns work by sending radio waves towards a car.
‫ دور ي‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2017/‫ثات‬
(‫ثات‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
8. Police officers started using radar speed guns to catch speeders over 50 years ago. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017)
9. The radar was invented during the World War II to detect enemy aircraft and ships
(‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017)
10. Some people think radar guns don’t work well. (True/False) (‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
11. Why do police officers use radar speed guns? (‫ دور اول‬2018)
Police officers use radar speed guns to catch speeders.
12. There are two main problems with radar detectors. (True/False) (‫علم تمهيدي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
13. How can drivers avoid radar speed gun? (‫ادت تمهيدي‬
‫ ي‬2020)
They use radar detectors that detect if a radar gun is being used nearby.
14. Radar guns can only calculate the speed of a car moving towards them. (True/False) (‫ثات‬
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

15. Some radar guns are shaped a bit like guns. (True/False) (‫ دور ثالث‬2020)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬68 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Three: Lesson 1 | ‫ الدرس األول‬:‫الوحدة الثالثة‬

I’d like to work in the tourist industry ‫اريد ان اعمل في قطاع السياحة‬

fine art education architecture scientific research

‫فنون جميلة‬ ‫تعليم‬ ‫هندسة معمارية‬ ‫بحث علمي‬

medicine engineering the tourist industry environment

‫طب‬ ‫هندسة‬ ‫قطاع السياحة‬ ‫بيئة‬

the media information technology the aviation industry the oil industry
‫اإلعالم‬ ‫تكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ ‫قطاع الطيران‬ ‫قطاع النفط‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬69 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Match the jobs and duties in the list below
A ‫تمرين‬
49 ‫صفحة‬ 230
‫طابق الوظائف بواجباتها يف القائمة ادناه‬

JOBS ‫وظائف‬ DUTIES ‫واجبات‬

1. architect ‫مهندس معماري‬ e a) flies a plane ‫يطن الطائرة‬

2. cameraman ‫مصور‬ j b) fixes and installs pipes for water ‫يصلح و ينصب انابيب الماء‬

3. engineer ‫مهندس‬ c) designs and builds machines, engines or roads ‫يبن االالت و محركات و طرق‬
‫يصمم و ي‬

4. flight attendant ‫مضيف طنان‬ d) does general office work ‫يفعل عمل المكتب‬

5. journalist ‫مراسل‬ e) designs buildings ‫يصمم بنايات‬

6. lawyer ‫محام‬
‫ي‬ f) gives advice to people about the law ‫ينصح الناس بما يتعلق بالقانون‬

7. lifeguard ‫منقذ سباحة‬ g) is responsible for the safety of swimmers ‫مسؤول عن سالمة السباحي‬

8. pilot ‫طيار‬ h) looks after passengers on a plane ‫يعتن بالراكبي عىل الطائرة‬

9. plumber ‫سمكري‬ i) operates on people in hospital ‫يجري العمليات للناس يف المستشف‬

10. surgeon ‫جراح‬ j) operates the camera for films or TV programmes ‫يدير الكامنا يف األفالم و برامج التلفاز‬

11. secretary ‫سكرتن‬ k) shows tourists around ‫يأخذ السائحون يف جولة‬

12. tour guide ‫سياخ‬

‫ي‬ ‫مرشد‬ l) writes articles for newspapers and magazines ‫يكتب مقاالت للجرائد و المجالت‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Write definitions for the following jobs.

C ‫تمرين‬
50 ‫صفحة‬ 231
‫اكتب تعاريف الوظائف التالية‬

1. A nurse is someone who looks after sick people and helps doctors.
‫يعتن بالمرض ويساعد األطباء‬
‫ي‬ ‫الممرضة شخص‬
2. A fashion designer is someone who designs clothes. ‫مصمم األزياء شخص يصمم المالبس‬

3. A hotel manager ____________________________________________________________.

4. A salesperson ____________________________________________________________.

5. A TV presenter ____________________________________________________________.

6. A marketing manager ____________________________________________________________.

7. A cartoonist ____________________________________________________________.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬70 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫الوحدة الثالثة‪ :‬الدرس الثاني | ‪Unit Three: Lesson 2‬‬

‫إذا جئت غدًا سأساعدك ‪If you come round tomorrow, I’ll help you‬‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫‪come round‬‬ ‫يغير رأيه‬ ‫‪favourite‬‬ ‫مفضل‬ ‫‪qualifications‬‬ ‫مؤهالت‬
‫‪yet‬‬ ‫لحد االن‬ ‫‪career‬‬ ‫سيرة مهنية‬ ‫‪university‬‬ ‫جامعة‬
‫‪ecology‬‬ ‫علم البيئة‬ ‫‪subjects‬‬ ‫مواد دراسة‬ ‫‪degree‬‬ ‫شهادة‬
‫‪environment‬‬ ‫بيئة‬ ‫‪exactly‬‬ ‫تحديدًا‬ ‫‪offer‬‬ ‫يقدّ م‬
‫‪science‬‬ ‫علوم‬ ‫‪involve‬‬ ‫يتضمن‬ ‫‪have to‬‬ ‫يجب ان‬
‫‪geography‬‬ ‫جغرافيا‬ ‫‪conserving‬‬ ‫حفظ‬ ‫‪come back‬‬ ‫يرجع‬
‫‪both‬‬ ‫كالهما‬ ‫‪purifying‬‬ ‫تنقية‬


‫الجمل الشرطية ‪If Conditionals‬‬

‫الرسط (‪ )main clause‬فإذا تحقق ر‬
‫الرسط سوف ينتج عنه‬ ‫الرسط (‪ )if clause‬و جملة جواب ر‬
‫الرسطية مقطعان‪ :‬جملة ر‬
‫للجمل ر‬

‫شء معي‪.‬‬ ‫ر‬


‫جواب ‪, main clause‬جملة الشرط ‪If clause‬‬

‫للجمل ر‬
‫الشطية ‪ 4‬انواع‪:‬‬

‫‪Zero Conditional‬‬

‫نستخدم هذا النوع من الجمل ر‬

‫الرسطية للتحدث عن حقائق‪.‬‬
‫الرسط يجب ان يتحقق جواب ر‬
‫الرسط‬ ‫فإذا تحقق ر‬

‫‪If + Present Simple, Present Simple‬‬
‫جملة مضارع بسيط ‪ ,‬جملة مضارع بسيط ‪ +‬اذا‬

‫‪ 71‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫مضارع بسيط‬

‫اذا ذاب الثلج يصبح ً‬

‫ماء ‪If ice melts, it turns into water.‬‬

‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫مضارع بسيط‬

‫اذا سافرت ستتعلم ً‬

‫كثنا عن البلدان األخرى ‪If you travel, you learn a lot about other countries.‬‬

‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫مضارع بسيط‬

‫سيغىل ‪If you heat water to 100°, it boils.‬‬

‫ي‬ ‫اذا سخنت الماء لدرجة ‪100‬‬

‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫مضارع بسيط‬

‫كثنا سيصبحون سميني ‪If people eat too much food, they get fat.‬‬ ‫ً‬
‫طعاما ً‬ ‫اذا اكل الناس‬

‫‪First Conditional‬‬

‫شء بالمستقبل‪.‬‬‫ر‬ ‫ر‬

‫نستخدم هذا النوع من الجمل الرسطية للتحدث عن احتمالية حصول ي‬
‫الرسط قد يتحقق جواب ر‬
‫الرسط‪.‬‬ ‫فإذا تحقق ر‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫قاعدة ‪1‬‬

‫فعل مجرد ‪ + be going to / will / can / may / might / should +‬فاعل ‪If + Present Simple,‬‬

‫مثال عن كل حالة‬
‫إذا حصل عىل فنا سيغادر األسبوع القادم ‪1 If he gets a visa, he is going to leave next week.‬‬
‫?‪2 If you pass, what will you do next year‬‬ ‫إذا نجحت ماذا ستفعل السنة القادمة؟‬
‫مبكرا بإمكاننا العمل عىل مشاريعنا سوية ‪3 If you get here early, we can work on our projects together.‬‬ ‫إذا وصلت هنا‬

‫إذا فعلت ذلك مرة اخرى قد ينعج ‪4 If you do that again, he may get really annoyed.‬‬
‫إذا لن يكون الجو ً‬
‫حارا جدا يوم غد قد العب التنس ‪5 If it isn’t too hot tomorrow, I might play tennis.‬‬

‫ينبع أن تعطيه أي منه ‪6 If he asks you for money, you shouldn’t give him any.‬‬
‫إذا طلب منك المال ال ي‬

‫قاعدة ‪2‬‬
‫جملة أمر ‪If + Present Simple,‬‬

‫مالحظة‪ :‬تبدأ جملة األمر بفعل‪ .‬مثال‪ Turn off the TV :‬اطف التلفاز‬
‫او فعل ‪ .don’t +‬مثال‪ Don’t turn off the TV :‬ال تطف التلفاز‬

‫إذا طلب منك المال ال تعطيه أي منه ‪If he asks you for money, don’t give him any.‬‬

‫‪ 72‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫قاعدة ‪3‬‬
‫‪If + Present Simple ,‬‬ ‫‪Present Progressive‬‬
‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫‪,‬‬ ‫مضارع مستمر‬

‫)‪ (ing‬فعل ‪ + am / is / are +‬فاعل‬

‫إذا حصل عىل تأشنة دخول سيغادر األسبوع المقبل ‪If he gets a visa, he’s leaving next week.‬‬

‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫فعل مجرد ‪will +‬‬

‫نظارت الشمسية ‪If it is sunny tomorrow, I will wear my sunglasses.‬‬ ‫ً‬

‫مشمسا يوم غد سأرتدي‬ ‫اذا كان الجو‬
‫مشمسا يوم غد ‪I will wear my sunglasses if it is sunny tomorrow.‬‬ ‫نظارت الشمسية إذا كان الجو‬ ‫سأرتدي‬

‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫فعل مجرد ‪will +‬‬

‫إذا درست بجهد ستنجح ‪If she studies hard, she will succeed.‬‬
‫ستنجح إذا درست بجهد ‪She will succeed if she studies hard.‬‬

‫وف هذه الحالة نحذف الفارزة يف منتصف الجملة كما يف األمثلة اعاله‪.‬‬ ‫ر‬
‫مالحظة‪ :‬من الممكن ان نضع الجملة الرسطية يف النهاية‪ .‬ي‬

‫امثلة إضافية‬

‫‪Zero conditional‬‬

‫ستموت النباتات اذا لم تسقيها ‪Plants die if you don’t water them.‬‬
‫إذا سخنت المعدن ‪ ،‬سيتمدد ‪If you heat metal, it expands.‬‬

‫‪First conditional‬‬

‫اذا مطرت سأبف بالبيت ‪If it rains, I will stay at home.‬‬

‫متأخرا ‪My brother will miss the bus if he wakes up late.‬‬ ‫اخ الحافلة إذا استيقظ‬
‫سيفوت ي‬

‫‪ 73‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Match the sentence halves and complete the sentences.
Add a comma (,) where necessary.
A ‫تمرين‬
51 ‫صفحة‬
‫الضورة‬ ‫ى‬
‫) عند ى‬،( ‫ أضف فاصلة‬.‫نصف الجملة وأكمل الجمل‬ ‫طابق‬

1b I can’t get to sleep. ‫لن استطيع النوم اذا رشبت الكثن من القهوة‬ a) if I come home late
ً ‫اذا أعرت اخ األقراص سيضيعها‬
2c If I lend my brother CDs, ‫دائما‬ b) if I drink a lot of coffee
3__ If you work in marketing, ‫اذا عملت يف التسويق سيكون عملك‬ c) he always loses them
ً d) you can be an interpreter
4__ If you’re good at languages. ‫جيدا يف اللغات‬ ‫اذا كنت‬
5__ My parents get worried. ‫سيقلق والداي‬ e) unless you keep it in the fridge
6__ You need to improve your English. ‫انت بحاجة لتحسي لغتك‬ f) your job is to encourage people to buy
7__ Food goes bad. ‫سيفسد الطعام‬ g) if you want to study in Britain

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Write these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in
B ‫تمرين‬ 231
51 ‫صفحة‬
‫بي األقواس‬ ً
‫مستخدما الصيغة الصحيحة لألفعال ر ى‬ ‫اكتب هذه الجمل‬

1. If I don’t pass (not pass) the high school exam this year, I’ll take (take) it again next year.

2. If she doesn’t apply (not apply) for a scholarship, of course she won’t get (not get) one.

3. If anyone _________ (need) advice about their application forms, I __________ (be) here
tomorrow to help.

4. If he ___________ (log on) to the British Council site, he _________ (find) quite a lot of useful
information about courses in Britain.

5. If you __________ (want) to do a degree in Britain, you ___________ (have to) do a one-year
foundation course first.

6. Unless he ___________ (make) a big effort this term, he __________________ (not get through)
the end-of-year-exams.

7. If you are offered a place at Carnegie University, _________________ (you accept) it?

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬74 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Complete these sentences in the first conditional
C ‫تمرين‬
53 ‫صفحة‬ 231
‫الشطية األوىل‬ ً
‫مستخدما ر‬ ‫اكمل هذه الجملة‬

1. If I do really well in the exams, my dad will be very proud of me.

ً ً ً
‫فخورا جدا يت‬ ‫ات‬
‫إذا ابليت حسنا يف اإلمتحانات سيكون ي‬
2. If you want to work in the media, you need to have a good character.
.‫إذا اردت العمل يف اإلعالم تحتاج ان تملك شخصية جيدة‬
3. If my parents can afford it, _________________________________________________.
4. If I don’t get a place at _________________________________________________.
5. If you want to study languages, _________________________________________________.

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Put the verb into the correct form ‫ضع الفعل بالصيغة الصحيحة‬

1. If my plane (not leave) on time, I’ll miss my connection this afternoon. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
If my plane doesn’t leave on time, I’ll miss my connection this afternoon.

2. If the traffic isn’t too heavy, I (be) at the airport at 12:30. (‫ دور اول‬2015)
If the traffic isn’t too heavy, I will be at the airport at 12:30.

3. If Noor (go) to the shop tomorrow, I won’t have to go. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
If Noor goes to the shop tomorrow, I won’t have to go.

4. If he (log on) to the British Council Site, he (find) quite a lot of useful information about courses
in Britain. (‫ دور ثالث‬2015)
If he logs on to the British Council site, he’ll find quite a lot of useful information about courses
In Britain.

5. Unless he makes a big effort this term, he (not get through) the end of – year exams.
Unless he makes a big effort this term, he won’t get through the end of – year exams.
(‫ دور اول‬2016)

6. If anyone (need) advice about their application forms, I’ll be here tomorrow to help.
If anyone needs advice about their application forms, I’ll be here tomorrow to help.
‫ دور ي‬2017)
7. If you apply for a job, you probably (get) it. (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)
If you apply for a job, you will probably get it.

8. If I open a student account, I (would/will) have to maintain a minimum balance. (‫ دور اول‬2018)

9. If you are offered a place at Carnegie University, (you accept) it? (‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
If you are offered a place at Carnegie University, will you accept it?

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬75 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

10. If he (want) to do a degree in Britain, he (have to) do a one-year foundation course first.
If he wants to do a degree in Britain, he will have to do a one-year foundation course first.
(‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019)

11. He gets angry if his sister (borrow) his CDs. (‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
He gets angry if his sister borrows his CDs.

Unit Three: Lesson 3 | ‫ الدرس الثالث‬:‫الوحدة الثالثة‬

If you could choose any job ‫إذا كان بمقدورك إختيار أي وظيفة‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
going to ‫سوف‬ train ‫يتدرب‬ anyway ‫على كل حال‬
career ‫سيرة مهنية‬ refused ‫رفض‬ mean ‫يعني‬
pilot ‫طيّار‬ joking ‫يمزح‬ a bit ً
come true ‫يتحقق‬ upset ‫مستاء‬ scared ‫خائف‬
approve ‫يوافق‬ successful ‫ناجح‬ heights ‫مرتفعات‬


Second Conditional

.‫شء بالمستقبل‬‫ر‬ ‫ر‬

‫نستخدم هذا النوع من الجمل الرسطية للتحدث عن عدم احتمالية او استحالة حصول ي‬

If + Past Simple, ‫ فاعل‬+ would/could/might + ‫فعل مجرد من األضافة‬
‫جملة ى‬
‫ماض بسيط‬

‫ماض بسيط‬ would + ‫فعل مجرد‬

If I had enough money, I would buy a car. (‫ ولكن يف الحقيقة لن يكون لدي‬.‫)لو تكون عندي نقود كافية سأشني سيارة‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬76 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ماض بسيط‬ could + ‫فعل مجرد‬

If Jack were you, he could quit his job. (‫ ولكن من غن الممكن ان يكون جاك مكانك‬..‫)لو يكون جاك يف مكانك سيستقيل من العمل‬

‫ هذه حالة شاذة نستخدم فيها‬.‫ كما هو معروف‬was ‫ وليس‬were ‫ الفعل‬Jack ‫ نالحظ ان يف الجملة الثانية جاء بعد‬:‫مالحظة‬
‫ مع كل اسم او ضمن‬were ‫الفعل‬

‫امثلة إضافية‬

Second conditional
If she had money, she would study in the USA. ‫لو تملك نقود ستدرس يف الواليات المتحدة‬
I wouldn’t leave the country if I were you. ‫لن اترك البلد لو كنت مكانك‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Write sentences in the second conditional using the

B ‫تمرين‬ verbs in brackets.
54 ‫صفحة‬ 231
‫مستخدما ر‬
‫الشطية الثانية لألفعال ر ى‬ ً
‫بي األقواس‬ ‫اكتب جمال‬

1. If I had (have) lots of money, I would buy (buy) a racehorse.

‫اذا اصبح لدي الكثن من المال سأشني حصان سباق‬
2. I wouldn’t have (not have) to spend so long on my homework if I had (have) a
computer of my own. ‫حاسوت الخاص‬ ‫ات املك‬ ً
‫ي‬ ‫اش لو ي‬
‫واجن الدر ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫مضطرا لقضاء وقت طويل يف‬ ‫لن اكون‬
3. Where _________________ (you choose) to live if you _____________ (can) anywhere in the
4. I ___________________ (learn) to parachute if my friend _________ (say) she would do it with
5. If I ___________ (be) you, I __________________ (not ask) his advice about anything.
6. She _____________ (look) much nicer if she _____________ (wear) contact lenses instead of
7. He _______________ (be) more attractive if he __________________ (shave) his beard off.
8. I ________________ (not marry) him even if he ____________ (be) the last man on earth!

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬77 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
C ‫تمرين‬
55 ‫صفحة‬ 231
‫مستخدما افكارك الخاصة‬ ‫اكمل الجمل‬

1. If I had my own car, I wouldn’t need a driver. ‫سيارت الخاصة لن احتاج لسائق‬
‫ي‬ ‫ات املك‬
‫لو ي‬
2. If my father won a million pounds, ______________________________________.
3. If I had one wish, __________________________________.
4. if I had three wishes, _______________________________________.

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Put the verb into the correct form ‫ضع الفعل بالصيغة الصحيحة‬

1. If I (have) lots of money, I would buy a race horse. (‫علم تمهيدي‬

‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2014)
If I had lots of money, I would buy a race horse.
2. If I (play) tennis, I would join the tennis club. (‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
If I played tennis, I would join the tennis club.
3. What would you buy first if you ….. (win) a million pounds.
What would you buy first if you won a million pounds? (‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2016/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015)
4. He (be) more attractive if he shaved his beard off. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
He would be more attractive if he shaved his beard off.
5. If I won a million pounds, ……………… (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)
If I won a million pounds, I would donate most of it to poor people.
6. If I were you, I (study) hard. (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
If I were you, I would study hard.
7. If I were a king, …………… (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017)
If I were a king, I would be rich.
8. If I played tennis, I (join) the tennis club. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2019)
If I played tennis, I would join the tennis club.
9. She would look much nicer if she (wear) contact lenses instead of glasses. (‫ دور ثالث‬2019)
She would look much nicer if she wore contact lenses instead of glasses.
10. What would you like to change if you (can) change one thing about your appearance?
What would you like to change if you could change one thing about your appearance?
(‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020)
11. If I (have) my own car, I’d take my friends on picnics every weekend. (‫ثات‬
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
If I had my own car, I’d take my friends on picnics every weekend.

12. I would learn to parachute if my friend (say) she would do it with me.
I would learn to parachute if my friend said she should do it with me.
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫خارج العراق دور ي‬/‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
13. If you (find) a snake in your bed, what would you do? (‫ دور ثالث‬2020)
If you found a snake in your bed, what would you do?

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬78 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ثات( !‪14. I (not/marry) him even if he was the last man on earth‬‬
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫)‪2020‬‬
‫!‪I wouldn’t marry him even if he was the last man on earth‬‬

‫الوحدة الثالثة‪ :‬الدرس الرابع | ‪Unit Three: Lesson 4‬‬

‫سألتني عندما قررت ‪She asked me when she had decided‬‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫‪meet‬‬ ‫يقابل‬ ‫‪futuristic‬‬ ‫مستقبلي‬ ‫‪structure‬‬ ‫هيكل‬
‫‪popular‬‬ ‫شعبي‬ ‫‪won‬‬ ‫فاز‬ ‫‪useful‬‬ ‫مفيد‬
‫‪architect‬‬ ‫مهندس معماري‬ ‫‪prizes‬‬ ‫جوائز‬ ‫‪born‬‬ ‫ولد‬
‫‪world‬‬ ‫عالم‬ ‫‪the first‬‬ ‫أول‬ ‫‪studied‬‬ ‫درس‬
‫‪London-based‬‬ ‫مقرها لندن‬ ‫‪woman‬‬ ‫امرأة‬ ‫‪mathematics‬‬ ‫رياضيات‬
‫‪what kind‬‬ ‫ما نوع‬ ‫‪chosen‬‬ ‫مختار‬ ‫‪moved to‬‬ ‫انتقل الى‬
‫‪buildings‬‬ ‫بنايات‬ ‫‪enough‬‬ ‫كفاية‬ ‫‪architecture‬‬ ‫هندسة معمارية‬
‫‪famous for‬‬ ‫مشهور بــــــ‬ ‫‪since‬‬ ‫منذ‬ ‫‪like‬‬ ‫مثل‬
‫‪modern‬‬ ‫عصري‬ ‫‪childhood‬‬ ‫طفولة‬ ‫‪universities‬‬ ‫جامعات‬
‫‪probably‬‬ ‫ربما‬ ‫‪fascinated‬‬ ‫مسحور بـــ‬ ‫‪teach‬‬ ‫يدرس‬


‫الكالم المنقول ‪Reported Speech‬‬

‫المباش و الكالم المنقول؟‬ ‫سؤال ما الفرق بي الكالم‬
‫حرفيا‪ .‬اما الكالم المنقول هو ان ننقل معن ما قاله شخص لشخص‬ ‫ر‬
‫المباش هو ان ننقل كالم شخص ما‬ ‫جواب يقصد بالكالم‬
‫حرف‪ .‬بمعن اننا نستطيع ان نغن بعض الكلمات بدون المساس بالمعن‪.‬‬‫ي‬ ‫اخر وليس رشط ان يكون الكالم‬

‫‪ 79‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫(؟‬Reported Speech) ‫المباش ال كالم منقول‬ ‫كيف احول الكالم‬

Statements (‫)جمل مثبتة و منفية‬

.)‫ابلغ‬ ً
told( ‫ اذا كان هناك شخصان يف الجملة نستخدم الفعل‬:‫اوال‬
.)‫ قال‬said( ‫اذا كان هناك شخص واحد يف الجملة نستخدم الفعل‬
“I will be there,” he said. (‫)شخص واحد‬
He said he will be there.

‫ ي‬:‫)شخصان‬
“I will call you, Mark,” she said. (‫ه و مارك‬
She told Mark that she would call him.

“I don’t want any water,” Mark said to Maria. (‫)شخصان مارك و ماريا‬
Mark told Maria that he didn’t want any water.
.‫ تتغن الضمائر و صفات التملك حن تتناسب مع معن الجملة‬:‫ثانيا‬
“You look great in your new dress,” said Kate. .‫"تبدين رائعة يف بدلتك الجديدة" قالت كيت‬
Kate said that I looked great in my new dress. .‫بدلن الجديدة‬
‫ي‬ ‫انن ابدو رائعة يف‬
‫كيت قالت ي‬

‫قائمة التغييرات‬

)Reported Speech( ‫يجب اجراء هذه التغينات عند تحويل الجملة ال الكالم المنقول‬

‫الحالة‬ ‫تتغير الى‬ ‫مثال‬

Present Simple Past Simple “I want to be a doctor,” said John.
‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫ماض بسيط‬
‫ي‬ John said that he wanted to be a doctor.
Present Continuous Past Progressive Julie said, “I’m reading a story”
(am/is/are + ing) (was/were + ing) Julie said that she was reading a story.
‫مضارع مستمر‬ ‫ماض مستمر‬‫ي‬
Past Perfect Simple “Mom made some sandwiches,” Peter said.
Past Simple
(had + ‫)تضيف ثالث‬ Peter said that his mom had made some sandwiches.
‫ماض بسيط‬
‫ي‬ ‫ماض تام بسيط‬‫ي‬
Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple My brother said, “I have made a mistake”
(has/have + ‫)تضيف ثالث‬ (had + ‫)تضيف ثالث‬ My brother said that he had made a mistake
‫مضارع تام بسيط‬ ‫ماض تام بسيط‬ ‫ي‬
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Andy said, “I’ve been waiting for an hour”
(has/have + been + ing) (had + been + ing) Andy said that he had been waiting for an hour.
‫مضارع تام مستمر‬ ‫ماض تام مستمر‬ ‫ي‬
will would “Everything will be OK,” Sandra said.
Sandra said that everything would be OK.
can could Martha said, “I can swim”
Martha said she could swim.
may might “You may be right,” Jo said.
Jo said that I might be right.
must had to Ali said, “We must go”
Ali said that they had to go.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬80 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

conditional sentence type 1 conditional sentence type 2 “If we take a taxi, we’ll get there quicker,” Diana said.
Diana said if they took a taxi, they would get there quicker.
Tina said, “I’ll call him now”
now then
Tina said she would call him then
“I saw the car here,” Eric said.
here there
Eric said that he had seen the car there.
Bill said, “I bought my car 2 years ago”
ago before
Bill said that he had bought his car 2 years before.
“I’m buying a car today,” Matt said.
today that day
Matt said the he was buying a car that day.
Lisa said, “We’re having a pizza tonight”
tonight that night
Lisa said that they were having a pizza that night.
yesterday the previous day “I visited the doctor yesterday,” dad said.
Dad said that he had visited the doctor the previous day.
tomorrow the next day “I’m flying to Spain tomorrow,” my sister said.
My sister said that she was flying to Spain the next day.
Mom said, “This is my sandwich”
this that
Mom said that that was her sandwich.
last the previous “I met her last year,” Colin said.
Colin said he had met her the previous year.
next the following Bob said, “I’ll finish the report next week”
Bob said he would finish the report the following week.

Reported Questions ‫اسئلة منقولة‬

asked :‫ يبدأ السؤال المنقول بالفعل‬:‫اوال‬
“Why did he come back?” he asked.
He asked why he had come back.

:‫المباش بأحد هذه الكلمات‬ ً
‫ اذا بدأ السؤال‬:‫ثانيا‬
what ‫ماذا‬, why ‫لماذا‬, when ‫من‬, where ‫اين‬, what time ‫ما الوقت‬, how long ‫كم المدة‬, how often ‫كم مرة‬
.‫نستخدمها يف السؤال المنقول‬
She asked, “What are you doing?”
She asked what I was doing.

.if ‫المباش بأحد الكلمات المذكورة يف األعىل نستخدم‬ ‫و إذا لم يبدأ السؤال‬
“Do you smoke?” my friend asked.
My friend asked if I smoked.

“Can you swim?” my neighbor asked.

My neighbor asked if I could swim.
‫مالحظة مهمة جدا‬
.‫المباش ال سؤال منقول يتحول تركيب الجملة من سؤال ال اثبات‬ ‫عند تحويل السؤال‬
.‫) من السؤال المباشة إن وجدت‬do / does / did( ‫تحذف األفعال المساعدة‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬81 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Reported Commands ‫اوامر منقولة‬

.) ordered ‫ او‬told ( ‫المباش ال أمر منقول بإستخدام احد الفعلي‬ ‫نحول األمر‬
“Stay there,” said mom.
Mom told me to stay there.

“Don’t be late,” said Fiona.

Fiona ordered me not to be late.

Reported Requests ‫طلبات منقولة‬

.)asked( ‫المباش ال طلب منقول بإستخدام الفعل‬ ‫نحول الطلب‬
“Don’t use my car, please,” she said.
She asked me not to use her car.


‫كتاب الطالب‬ Write the interviewer’s questions in reported speech.

29 ‫صفحة‬
‫المبن للمجهول‬ ‫اكتب اسئلة المقابل بصيغة‬

She asked her why she had wanted to be an architect.

She asked her about her background.
She asked her what kind of buildings she was famous for.
She asked her if her designs had won any prizes.
She asked her if Iraqi women could always be as successful as men in their careers.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬82 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Change into reported speech.
‫التضف بصيغة‬ ‫تم‬
B ‫تمرين‬
57 ‫صفحة‬ ‫السؤال‬
‫غي اىل كالم منقول‬ ‫ر‬

1. “How long have you been flying?” Mike asked.

He asked me how long I had been flying.
2. “Do you still like the job?” my friend asked.
He asked me if I still liked the job.

3. “What’s your favourite route?” the old man asked.


4. “How did you feel on your first solo flight?” my teacher asked.

5. “Have you ever had a scary experience when flying?” Waleed asked.

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Put the verb into the correct form ‫ضع الفعل بالصيغة الصحيحة‬

1. “Can I borrow some money?” She asked me…… (‫ثات‬

‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)
She asked me if she could borrow some money.

2. I asked Saab “How do you start your business?” (‫ دور اول‬2014)

I asked Saab how he started his business.

3. Latifa asked Zaha “When did you decide to be an architect?” (‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2014)
Latifa asked Zaha when she had decided to be an architect.

4. Will you be able to come to the party? I asked Layla….

I asked Layla if she would be able to come to the party.
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ادت تمهيدي‬
‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
5. “What’s your favourite route?” He asked me….. (‫ دور اول‬2015)
He asked me what my favourite route was.

6. “How long have you been waiting for Samir?” He asked me…. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
He asked me how long I had been waiting for Samir.

7. “Have you ever been to Europe?” He asked me. (‫ثات‬

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
He asked my if I had ever been to Europe.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬83 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

8. “What are you doing?” He asked me…….. (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)
He asked me what I was doing.

9. “Have you ever had a scary experience when flying?” She asked… (‫ دور اول‬2016)
She asked me if I had ever had a scary experience when flying.

10. “How long was the training?” He asked….. (‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2016)
He asked how long the training had been.

11. “Do you still like the job?” She asked me….. (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
She asked me if I still liked the job.

12. “When are you going to get out of bed?” My mother asked me.
My mother asked me when I was going to get out of bed.
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)

13. “How often do you clean your teeth?” He asked me…. (‫ تمهيدي‬2017)
He asked me how often I cleaned my teeth.

14. “What are you doing on Friday afternoon?” Adam asked me.
Adam asked me what I was doing on Friday afternoon.
(‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2028/‫ دور اول‬2017)

15. “Is the red jacket OK for you?” The shop assistant asked me. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017)
The shop assistant asked me if the red jacket was OK for me.

16. She asked me, “How did you feel on your first solo flight?”
She asked me how I had felt on my first solo flight.
‫ي‬ ‫ دور‬2020/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)
17. “How long have you been waiting for Faisal?” She asked me. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018)
She asked me how long I had been waiting for Faisal.

18. “Why haven’t you answered all the questions?” My English teacher asked me.
My English teacher asked me why I hadn’t answered all the questions.
‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور اول‬2019)
(‫ادت دور اول‬

19. “How short do you want your hair?” The hairdresser asked me. (‫علم تمهيدي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2019)
The hairdresser asked me how short I wanted my hair.

20. “Where has she been?” I asked. (‫ دور ثالث‬2019)

I asked where she had been.

21. “Where did you lose your purse?” I asked. (‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
I asked her where she had lost her purse.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬84 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫الوحدة الثالثة‪ :‬الدرس الخامس | ‪Unit Three: Lesson 5‬‬

‫اتمنى لو اني احظرت نظارتي الشمسية معي ‪I wish I’d brought my sunglasses‬‬


‫‪I wish I’d remembered to‬‬ ‫‪I wish I’d brought my‬‬ ‫‪If only you’d checked the oil‬‬
‫‪turn the oven off.‬‬ ‫‪sunglasses with me.‬‬ ‫‪before we left.‬‬
‫ى‬ ‫ر‬
‫نظارن‬ ‫ان احظرت‬‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫ان تذكرت اطفاء الفرن‬ ‫ى‬
‫اتمن لو ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫اتمن لو ي‬ ‫اتمن لو انك تفحصت الدهن قبل ان‬
‫الشمسية ي‬ ‫نغادر‬

‫‪If only he hadn’t tried to‬‬ ‫‪If only I hadn’t tripped‬‬ ‫‪I wish I’d listened to the‬‬
‫‪overtake that car.‬‬ ‫‪over that rock.‬‬ ‫‪weather forecast before I left‬‬
‫ى‬ ‫انن لم ر‬
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫انن استمعت ر‬
‫لنشة األنواء‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫اتمن لو أنه لم يحاول ان يتجاوز‬ ‫اتعي بتلك الصخرة‬ ‫اتمن لو ي‬ ‫اتمن لو ي‬
‫تلك السيارة‬ ‫الجوية قبل ان اغادر‬


‫الندم ‪Regret‬‬

‫الماض استخدم هذه القاعدة‬ ‫شء حصل او لم يحصل يف‬‫ر‬

‫ي‬ ‫للتعبن عن الندم عن ي‬
‫ماض تام بسيط ‪If only / I wish + Past Perfect Simple‬‬

‫(ت ـضيف ثالث للفعل ‪ + had +‬فاعل)‬

‫‪ 85‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Examples ‫امثلة‬

ً ‫اتمن لو ات لم آكل‬
I wish I hadn't eaten so much. ‫كثنا‬ ‫ي‬
I wish I had studied harder at school. ‫ات درست بجهد اكن يف المدرسة‬‫اتمن لو ي‬
Mary wishes she had listened to what her mother told her. ‫تتمن ماري لو انها انصتت للذي اخنتها به والدتها‬
If only I hadn’t spent so much money last month. ‫الماض‬‫ي‬ ‫ات لم انفق الكثن من النقود الشهر‬
‫اتمن لو ي‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Write regrets using If only or I wish for the situations
B ‫تمرين‬ below.
59 ‫صفحة‬ 231
‫ للمواقف ادناه‬I wish ‫ ا و‬if only ‫مستخدما‬ ‫اكتب عبا رات نادمة‬

1. Unfortunately, I ate three bars of chocolate. That’s why I felt sick.

.‫ لهذا السبب شعرت بالمرض‬.‫لسوء الحظ اكلت ثالث قطع من الشوكوالتة‬
If only I hadn’t eaten three bars of chocolate. ‫انن لم اتناول ثالث قطع من الشوكوالتة‬
‫اتمن لو ي‬
I wish I hadn’t eaten three bars of chocolate. ‫انن لم اتناول ثالث قطع من الشوكوالتة‬
‫اتمن لو ي‬

2. Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That’s why he didn’t win.
I wish he hadn’t fallen over. ‫اتمن لو انه لم يسقط‬
If only he hadn’t fallen over. ‫اتمن لو انه لم يسقط‬

3. Unfortunately, you were rude to your brother. Now he won’t give us a lift to the cinema.

4. Unfortunately, I spent all my money at the weekend. That’s why I can’t buy those shoes.

5. Unfortunately, they didn’t train every day. That’s why they lost the match.

6. Unfortunately, I left my camera at Faten’s house. That’s why I couldn’t get a picture of the

7. Unfortunately, she lost their address. That’s why she couldn’t write to them.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬86 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Write two regrets for each situation using:
C ‫تمرين‬ I wish … and If only …
60 ‫صفحة‬
If only ‫ و‬I wish ‫مستخدما‬ ‫اكتب ندمان لكل موقف‬

1. You were late for school today and got into serious trouble. .‫تأخرت عىل المدرسة و وقعت يف مشكلة كبنة‬

I wish I’d got up earlier. ‫ات استيقظت أبكر‬

‫اتمن لو ي‬
If only my father had given me a lift. ‫اوصلن‬
‫ي‬ ‫اتمن لو ان والدي‬
2. Your team lost the match on Saturday. ‫خرس فريقك المباراة يوم السبت‬

3. You got a bad mark in your last Science exam. ‫حصلت عىل درجة غن جيدة يف آخر امتحان علوم‬

4. Your brother is very annoyed with you. ‫اخوك منعج جدا تجاهك‬

5. You didn’t lock the car and a thief stole some valuable things of yours from it.
.‫لم تقفل السيارة و شق لص بعض اشيائك الثمينة منها‬


‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. She lost their address. That’s why she couldn’t write to them.
‫ي‬ ‫ دور‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2014)
I wish she hadn’t lost their address.

2. Unfortunately, I ate three bars of chocolate. That’s why I felt sick.

(‫علم تمهيدي‬‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
If only I hadn’t eaten three bars of chocolate.

3. Unfortunately, I spent all my money at the weekend. That’s why I can’t buy those bags.
(‫ دور اول‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
I wish I hadn’t spent all my money at the weekend.

4. They didn’t train every day. That’s why they lost the match.
(‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2015/‫ تمهيدي‬2015)
If only they had trained every day.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬87 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

5. Unfortunately, I didn’t wake up early. That’s why I missed the bus. (‫ دور اول‬2016/‫ دور اول‬2015)
I wish I had woken up early.

6. Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That’s why he didn’t win.
(‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
If only he hadn’t fallen over during the race.

7. You failed the driving test because you didn’t follow the rules. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015)
I wish I hadn’t failed the driving test.

8. You parked illegally and you got a fine. (‫ثات‬

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
If only I hadn’t parked illegally.

9. They lost the match. (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)

I wish they hadn’t lost the match.

10. You bought some shoes last week. You’ve decided you don’t like them.
(‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
If only I hadn’t bought these shoes.

11. You decided not to go to the park with your friends. Now you regret it. (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
If only I had gone to the park.

12. Unfortunately, you drove through red light. You failed the driving test. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)
If only I hadn’t driven through the red light.

13. He exceeded the speed limit, as a result; he failed the driving test. (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
I wish he hadn’t exceeded the speed limit.

14. You drank a lot of coffee. now you are in bed and you can’t sleep.
‫ ي‬2020/‫ثات‬
(‫ادت دور تمهيدي‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2017)
If only I hadn’t drunk a lot of coffee.

15. Unfortunately, you were rude to your brother. Now he won’t give us a lift to the cinema.
)‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2017(
If only I hadn’t been rude to my brother.

16. Unfortunately, she forgot their address. That’s why she couldn’t write to them.
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)
I wish she hadn’t forgotten their address.

17. Unfortunately, I missed my flight. That’s why I won’t get to Boston in time for the meeting.
)‫ دور اول‬2018(
I wish I hadn’t missed my flight.

18. You decided not to go to the park with your friends. Now you regret it.
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018)
I wish I had gone to the park with my friends.

19. You didn’t revise for your English exam and you got a bad mark. (‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
I wish I had revised for my English exam.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬88 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

22. You’ve eaten too much chocolate and now you feel sick. (‫ دور اول‬2019)
I wish I hadn’t eaten too much chocolate.

23. Unfortunately, I went to bed so late yesterday. that’s why I was tired. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2019)
I wish I hadn’t gone to bed so late yesterday.

24. You didn’t revise for your Geography exam and you got a bad mark. You feel sorry about this.
)‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020(
I wish I had revised for my Geography exam.

25. Unfortunately, I left my camera at Faten’s house. That’s why I couldn’t get a picture of the
dolphin. (‫ثات‬
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
If only I hadn’t left my camera at Faten’s house.

Unit Three: Lesson 6 | ‫ الدرس السادس‬:‫الوحدة الثالثة‬

If I’d been fitter ‫اتمنى لو اني كنت اكثر جديرًا‬


I wanted to be a pilot, but I started training to be a doctor, I considered studying engineering,

I failed the eye test. but I was scared of blood. but I was scared of heights.
ً ً ً
‫لكن فشلت يف اختبار‬
‫اردت ان اكون طيارا ي‬ ‫لكن كنت‬
‫بدأت التدريب ألصبح طبيبا ي‬ ‫لكن كنت خائفا‬
‫فكرت يف دراسة الهندسة ي‬
‫فحص العي‬ ‫خائفا من الدم‬ ‫من المرتفعات‬

I tried being a policeman, but I I wasn’t a good tour guide because

wasn’t fit enough. I didn’t speak enough languages.
‫جديرا‬ ً ‫حاولت ان اصبح رش‬
‫طيا لكن لم اكن‬ ‫ألت لم اتحدث ما‬
‫سياخ جيد ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫لم اكن مرشد‬
‫بما فيه الكفاية‬ ‫يكف من اللغات‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬89 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


Third Conditional

.‫الماض او للندم عىل حصل او لم يحصل‬ ‫تخيىل او لم يحصل يف‬ ‫شء‬‫ر‬ ‫ر‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫نستخدم هذا النوع من الجمل الرسطية للتحدث عن ي‬
If + Past Perfect , ‫ فاعل‬+ would/could + have +‫تضيف ثالث للفعل‬
)‫ فاعل‬+ had + ‫ماض تام (تضيف ثالث‬

‫ماض تام‬ could + have + ‫تضيف ثالث‬

If we had known about the problem yesterday, we could have solved it. ‫ لكنا حللناها‬، ‫لو علمنا بالمشكلة باألمس‬
‫ولكننا لم نعلم لذا لم نحلها‬
‫ماض تام‬
would + have + ‫تـ ـضيف ثالث‬ ‫ي‬

I would have helped you if you had told me about your problem. ‫تن بمشكلتك‬
‫كنت سأساعدك لو اخن ي‬

If we had trained harder, we might have won the match. ‫لو اننا تدربنا بجهد اكن لفزنا يف المباراة‬


‫كتاب النشاط‬ Make sentences in the third conditional by putting the

B ‫تمرين‬ verbs in the correct form.
62 ‫صفحة‬ 232
‫ى‬ ً
‫مستخدما ر‬ ّ
‫الشطية الثالثة بوضع األفعال يف صيغتها الصحيحة‬ ‫كون جمل‬

1. If I had known (know) about her problems, I would have lent her some money.
2. If we had left (leave) a little earlier, we would not have missed the bus.
3. We ______________________ (eat) at that restaurant if we had known it was so expensive.
4. I would have studied medicine if my parents ______________ (have) enough money to pay for
the course.
5. What would you have done if nobody ________________ (come) to rescue you?
6. We _________________________ (die) of thirst in the desert if Adam and Ali had not come for
us in their truck.
7. If Salwa hadn’t told me about the new time for the class, I ___________________ (be) really late.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬90 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫كتاب النشاط‬ Complete the sentences in the third conditional. Use an
C ‫تمرين‬ appropriate verb in the correct form.
63 ‫صفحة‬ 232
‫ استخدم الصيغة القواعدية الصحيحة للفعل‬.‫الشطية الثالثة‬ ً
‫مستخدما ر‬ ‫اكمل الجمل‬

1. I wouldn’t have missed the plane if I hadn’t got up so late.

2. We wouldn’t have camped there if we’d known about the snakes in the bushes.
3. If we had looked at a map, we ____________________________________________________.
4. If I hadn’t had the operation, _____________________________________________________.
5. You wouldn’t have broken your ankle if you _________________________________________.
6. If you had stayed in bed and rested, you ____________________________________________.
7. She wouldn’t have got sunburnt ___________________________________________________.
8. They would have won the match if _________________________________________________.

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Put the verb into the correct form ‫ضع الفعل بالصيغة الصحيحة‬

1. If you had stayed in bed and rested, you …. (got) better more quickly. (‫ تمهيدي‬2015)
If you had stayed in bed and rested, you might have got better more quickly.

2. If you had told me about your problem, ………………………..………………………… (‫ثات‬

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
If you had told me about your problem, I might have helped you.

3. If I (see) him yesterday, I would have told him your news. (‫ تمهيدي‬2017)
If I had seen him yesterday, I would have told him your news.

4. If I (not have) the operation, I would have died. (‫ دور اول‬2017)

If I hadn’t had the operation, I would have died.

5. If Nour (not get) a loan, he wouldn’t have been able to buy a car. (‫ دور اول‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
If Nour hadn’t got a loan, he wouldn’t have been able to buy a car.

6. We (not eat) at that restaurant if we had known it was so expensive. (‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2018)
We wouldn’t have eaten at that restaurant if we had known it was so expensive.

7. If I had known it was raining when I left, I (bring) an umbrella. (‫ دور ثالث‬2018)
If I had known it was raining when I left, I would have brought an umbrella.

8. I would have studied medicine if my parents (have) enough money to pay for the course.
I would have studied medicine if my parents had had enough money to pay for the course.
(‫ادت تمهيدي‬
‫ ي‬2020)
9. You would have met my Aunt Salima if you (come) to our party. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
You would have met my Aunt Salima if you had come to our party.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬91 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Three: Lesson 7 | ‫ الدرس السابع‬:‫الوحدة الثالثة‬

Learn English in the UK ‫تعلم االنجليزية في المملكة المتحدة‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
accommodation ‫سكن‬ surroundings ‫محيط‬ practise ‫يتمرن‬
advice ‫نصيحة‬ pace ‫خطوة‬ comfortable ‫مريح‬
canteen ‫مقصف‬ qualified ‫كفوء‬ application ‫تقديم‬
courses ‫دورات‬ individual ‫متفرد‬ form ‫استمارة‬
hostel ‫نُ ُزل‬ run ‫تمتد‬ recent ‫حديث‬
locations ‫مواقع‬ throughout ‫على طول‬ allergies ‫حساسيات‬
staff ‫طاقم‬ tailored ‫تناسب‬ details ‫تفاصيل‬
suit ‫يالئم‬ needs ‫احتياجات‬ medical ‫طبي‬
return ‫يرجع‬ friendly ‫ودود‬ permit ‫يسمح‬
international ‫عالمي‬ on hand ‫متوفر‬ date of birth ‫تاريخ الوالدة‬
college ‫كلية‬ offer ‫يقدم‬ gender ‫جنس‬
different ‫مختلف‬ expert ‫خبير‬ requirements ‫متطلبات‬
across ‫عبر‬ duration ‫مدة‬ condition ‫حالة‬
opt for ‫اختر‬ homestay ‫اقامة في منزل‬ private ‫ اهلي‬/ ‫خاص‬
village ‫قرية‬ opportunity ‫فرصة‬ indoors ‫داخل البنايات‬
countryside ‫ريف‬ be able to ‫قادرًا على‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬92 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Three: Lesson 9 | ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة الثالثة‬

Test Yourself ‫اختبر نفسك‬

A Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box. 232
‫اكمل الجمل بالكلمة الصحيحة من الصندوق‬

architect engineer flight attendant journalist lawyer lifeguard

pilot plumber secretary surgeon tour guide

1. Salwa works with the director of the company. She writes all his letters and answers the
telephone. She is his secretary.

2. Capitan Yousouf has been a pilot for ten years now. At the moment, he flies
planes from Europe to the Gulf.

3. Jameel nearly drowned at the beach yesterday. Luckily, the ___________________.saw him and
rescued him.

4. “Who designed that building?” “My uncle. He’s a famous ___________________, you know.”

5. My sister is a ___________________. She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day.

6. Have you read the article about dhows in this magazine? It’s by my aunt, who is a ____________.

B Circle the correct answers. ‫ضع دائرة حول اإلجابات الصحيحة‬

1. If you dislike something, you: 4. If you discourage someone, you:

a) like it very much. a) make them feel they can’t do something

b) don’t like it b) make them feel they can do something
c) used to like it c) make them feel ill

2. If you distrust someone, you: 5. If you disobey someone, you:

a) don’t agree with them. 232
a) do what they say
b) have confidence in them b) don’t do what they say
c) don’t have confidence in them c) don’t like them

3. If you disconnect your TV, you: 6. If something has disappeared, you:

a) need to buy a new TV a) have just found it again
b) can still see a picture b) can see it
c) can’t see the picture anymore c) can’t see it

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬93 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

C Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. ‫اكمل الجمل بكلمات مناسبة‬
1. I’m hungry. Let’s have lunch in the college canteen.
2. You’ll really enjoy studying there. All the staff are really
friendly and helpful.
3. Please fill in this form. Write your name here and all the other _____________ underneath.
4. What is your ___________________? Is it Mrs, Miss or Dr?
5. I would like to go on a computer ___________________to improve my skills.
6. I didn’t know what to do after leaving school, but one of my teachers gave me some very good
7. They didn’t know which class I should be in, so I did a test to find out what _____________my
English was.
8. I can’t get that job because I don’t have the right ___________________.
9. I want to go to ___________________and get a science degree.
10. I am interested in the environment. I would like ___________________a in ecology.

D Use the prompts to complete the sentences, using the correct conditionals.
‫استخدم الملقنات إلكمال الجمل وبإستخدام ر‬
‫الشطيات الصحيحة‬
1. What would you like to change if you could (can) change one thing about 232
your appearance?
2. If you go to bed now, you will probably feel (probably feel) better
in the morning.
3. What would you buy first if you ___________________ (win) a million pounds.
4. What would we have done if our car ___________________ (break down) in the desert?
5. I won’t help Sharifa with her Maths if she ___________________ (not lend) me her camera.
6. If you ___________________ (find) a snake in your bed, what would you do?

E Imagine you are in these situations. For each situation, write a sentence with I wish … or
If only… ‫ لكل حالة أكتب جملة تبدأ بـ ـ ـ ـ‬.‫تخيل أنك يف هذه المواقف‬
You’ve eaten too much chocolate and now you feel sick.
I wish I hadn’t eaten so much chocolate.
1. You drank a lot of coffee. Now you are in bed and you can’t sleep.

2. You decided not to go to the park with your friends. Now you regret it.

3. You didn’t revise for your Geography exam and you got a bad mark. You feel sorry about this.

4. You bought some shoes last week. You’ve decided you don’t like them.

5. You are at the park with your friends. You would like to take some photos but you have forgotten
to bring your camera.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬94 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

F Write who asked you each question and report the question.
‫اكتب من سألك كل سؤال و حوله اىل سؤال منقول‬

the shop assistant my mother the dentist my English teacher 232

the football coach the hairdresser

How short do you want your hair?

The hairdresser asked me how short I wanted my hair.

1. How often do you clean your teeth?


2. Why haven’t you answered all the questions?


3. Will you be free to play in the match on Saturday?


4. When are you going to get out of bed?


5. Is the red jacket OK for you?


G Write the direct questions as reported questions.

‫المباشة اىل اسئلة منقولة‬ ‫حول االسئلة‬
1. Can I borrow some money? 232
She asked me if she could borrow some money.

2. Where did you lose your purse?

I asked her _______________________________________________________.

3. How long have you been waiting for Faisal?

He asked me _______________________________________________________.

4. Will you be able to come to my party?

I asked Layla _______________________________________________________.

5. What are you doing on Friday afternoon?

Adam asked me _____________________________________________________.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬95 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Three: Lesson 10 | ‫ الدرس العاشر‬:‫الوحدة الثالثة‬

Focus on careers – conference interpreter ‫ركز على السير المهنية – مترجم مؤتمر‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
literally ‫حرفيًا‬ the UN ‫األمم المتحدة‬ particular ‫معين‬
annual ‫سنوي‬ earns ‫يكسب مال‬ tip of tongue ‫بطرف اللسان‬
about to ‫على وشك‬ amount ‫كمية‬ waste ‫يهدر‬
topic ‫موضوع‬ depends on ‫يعتمد على‬ rest ‫متبقي‬
get familiar ‫يتعرف‬ stressful ‫مجهد‬ think ‫يفكر‬
technical ‫تقني‬ take turns ‫يتبادل ادوار‬ explained ‫شرح‬
terms ‫مصطلحات‬ speech ‫خطاب‬ occasionally ‫احيانًا‬
general ‫عام‬ colleague ‫زميل‬ recently ‫مؤخرًا‬
ground ‫ارض‬ whenever ‫كلما‬ translated ‫ترجم‬
knowledge ‫معرفة‬ barrels ‫براميل‬ even ‫حتى‬
parents ‫والدان‬ memorize ‫يحفظ‬ in demand ‫قيد الطلب‬
both ‫كالهما‬ remaining ‫البقاء‬ out of a job ‫بال عمل‬
grew up ‫ ترعرع‬/ ‫نشأ‬ calm ‫هادئ‬ way ‫طريقة‬
postgraduate ‫دراسات عليا‬ pressure ‫ضغط‬ train ‫يتدرب‬
were accepted ‫ُقبلوا‬ quality ‫ميزة‬ diploma ‫شهادة دبلوم‬
‫منظمة‬ ِ ‫وصل‬ ّ
organization convey


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Look up the following words and phrases in a

A ‫ تمرين‬dictionary. Then use them in sentences that show their 233
74 ‫صفحة‬
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫ ثم استخدمها يف جمل تظهر معانيها‬.‫ابحث عن الكلمات و العبارات يف قاموس‬

technical terms postgraduate diploma stressful conference literal translation

There were speakers from every oil-producing country at the conference

1. Try to avoid too many technical terms if possible.

2. I want a ____________________ to help me with my research.
3. She will get a ____________________ in accounting.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬96 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

4. Working as a doctor is ____________________.
5. ‘Morning of light’ is the ____________________ of ‘Good morning’.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Find words or phrases in the text on page 33 of the

B ‫ تمرين‬Student’s Book that mean:
74 ‫صفحة‬
‫ى‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعان التالية‬
‫ي‬ ‫الن تحمل‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب و ي‬33 ‫جد كلمات و عبارات يف نص صفحة‬ 233

1. yearly = annual
2. things you put over your ears to listen privately = headphones
3. the box-like room where interpreters work = ____________________
4. in a difficult situation = ____________________
5. give an idea of the meaning = ____________________
6. wanted or needed = ____________________
7. unemployed = ____________________

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. unemployed → out of job (‫تكميىل‬‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2014)
2. in a difficult situation, under pressure (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
3. headphones → things you put over your ears to listen privately.
‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ثات‬
(‫ادت تمهيدي‬ ‫ دور ي‬2016)
4. wanted and needed → in demand (‫ادت تمهيدي‬ ‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور اول‬2017)
5. A booth is a box – like room where interpreters work. (‫ادت تمهيدي‬ ‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور اول‬2018)
6. convey the sense → give an idea of the meaning. (‫ دور ثالث‬2019)

‫سمية من كتاب الطالب‬

‫ر‬ ‫وزاريات قطعة‬
● Samira’s active language is …….. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)

● Why shouldn’t an interpreter was time thinking?

(‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
An interpreters shouldn’t waste time thinking because he/she will miss the rest of the speech.

● Freelance means people who can’t bear to be away from the office for more than a few hours.
(True / False)
(‫ تمهيدي‬2015)

● Samira Al Mahmoud is (an interpreter / a banker) (‫ثات‬

‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2015)
● Samira read about the subject of oil in order to …….. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
be familiar with technical terms.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬97 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

● Why should interpreters read newspapers? (‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2015)
to have good general knowledge and to know what is going on in the world.

● To train as an interpreter, you need to get a degree in ……………… and ………………

(‫ تمهيدي‬2016/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
English or Arabic and postgraduate diploma in interpreting.

● The course in conference interpreting was very (a. easy b. difficult) (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)

● To be a good interpreter you should think fast. (True / False) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)
● What are the qualifications of an interpreter? (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
An interpreter must remain calm under pressure and be able to think fast.

● Interpreters must have three active languages. (True / False)

(‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2017)

● Conference interpreters must translate each word literally. (True / False)

‫ ي‬2020/‫ثات‬
(‫ادت تمهيدي‬ ‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2017)

● Why shouldn’t interpreters think of the word that doesn’t come to them? ( ‫ خارج العراق دور‬2017
Because they mustn’t waste time trying to remember it and they will miss the rest of the

● After leaving school, Samira did a degree in English at the University of London.
(a. True b. False)
)‫ دور اول‬2019(

● A good interpreter follows the news and is well-informed on many topics. (True / False)
‫ دور ي‬2019(
● Samira Al Mahmoud was born in (a. Iraq b. Britain) (‫علم تمهيدي‬ ‫ي‬ 2020)
● It is very easy to get a place on an interpreting course. (True / False) (‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020)
● Samira’s active language is Arabic. (True / False) (‫ثات‬
‫ي‬ ‫دور‬ ‫ادت‬
‫ي‬ ‫و‬ ‫تطبيف‬
‫ي‬ 2020 )
● Samira was born in Britain. (True / False) (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ 2020 )

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬98 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Four: Lesson 1 | ‫ الدرس األول‬:‫الوحدة الرابعة‬

Rashid & Rana Designs ‫تصاميم راشد و رنا‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
been in touch ‫يبقى على تواصل‬ sales ‫مبيعات‬ singed ‫وقع‬ّ
recently ‫مؤخرًا‬ exporting ‫يصدّ ر‬ contracts ‫عقود‬
set up ‫يؤسس‬ even ‫حتى‬ stores ‫متاجر‬
produce ‫ينتج‬ compete ‫يتنافس‬ bought ‫اشتري‬
shirts ‫قمصان‬ cheap ‫رخيص‬ on our way ‫بطريقنا‬
designer ‫مصمم‬ original ‫أصلي‬ guess ‫احزر‬
marketing ‫تسويق‬ popular ‫رائج‬ airport ‫مطار‬
cousin ‫بنت عم‬ Gulf ‫خليج‬ flight ‫رحلة جوية‬
assistant ‫مساعد‬ bright ‫زاهر‬ apparently ‫على ما يبدو‬
invested ‫استثمر‬ spring ‫ربيع‬ got married ‫تزوج‬
business ‫عمل‬ silk ‫حرير‬ keep in touch ‫ابق على تواصل‬
yet ‫لحد االن‬ flew ‫طار‬ whenever ‫كلما‬
profit ‫ربح‬ interest ‫اهتمام‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the sentences with the past simple of an

A ‫ تمرين‬appropriate verb.
76 ‫صفحة‬ 233
‫الماض البسيط للفعل المناسب‬ ً
‫مستخدما‬ ‫اكمل الجمل‬

1. Rana sent an e-mail to Badria to tell her about her new clothes company.
2. She and her brother, Rashid, started the company last September.
3. They ___________ to Lebanon and Morocco to choose cloth two months ago.
4. They ___________ a lot of success at London Fashion Week.
5. They ___________ important new contracts there and ___________ a lot of shirts to influential
6. At Heathrow Airport, they ___________ an old school friend called Muna.
7. Muna ___________ married to Ghassan two years ago.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬99 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Put the correct verb in the correct tense: past
C ‫ تمرين‬continuous or past simple.
76 ‫صفحة‬ 233
‫الماض البسيط‬ ‫ى‬
‫الماض المستمر ا و‬ :‫ضع الفعل الصحيح بالـ ـزمن الصحيح‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

1. I was sitting in the park when somebody kicked a ball at me. (sit/kick)
2. We were driving to the beach when we heard a loud crash. (hear/drive)
3. They ___________ in the desert when they ___________ a large snake. (camp/see)
4. When I ___________ her at the airport, Muna ___________ a long blue dress. (meet/wear)
5. Khaled ___________ football when he ___________ his ankle. (play/break)

Unit Four: Lesson 2 | ‫ الدرس الثاني‬:‫الوحدة الرابعة‬

Oasis Sports and Leisure ‫الواحة للرياضة والترفيه‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
oasis ‫واحة‬ instructor ‫مرشد‬ matches ‫مباريات‬
leisure ‫وقت راحة‬ secondary ‫ثانوي‬ borrowed ‫ اقترض‬/ ‫استعار‬
meet ‫التقي‬ got annoyed ‫انزعج‬ modernized ‫حدّ ث‬
health club ‫نادي الصحة‬ facilities ‫مرافق‬ income ‫دخل‬
owns ‫يملك‬ equipment ‫معدات‬ luxury ‫فخم‬
chain ‫سلسلة‬ coach ‫يدرب‬ ambitious ‫طموح‬
interviewed ‫قابل‬ organize ‫ينظم‬ allowed ‫مسموح‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬100 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Four: Lesson 3 | ‫ الدرس الثالث‬:‫الوحدة الرابعة‬

How to be the best! ‫كيف تكون األفضل‬


‫ كتاب الطالب‬Match the sentence halves. 233

38 ‫صفحة‬
‫نصف الجمل‬ ‫طابق‬

1. If you want to have a successful restaurant, a) you don’t have to pay for
‫إذا كنت تريد أن يكون لديك مطعم ناجح‬ plane tickets.

2. To make a good impression at a job interview, b) you have to be ambitious.

ً ً
‫انطباعا جيدا يف مقابلة العمل‬ ‫لك تنك‬

3. If you want to have a successful party, c) you should turn your mobile
‫إذا كنت ترغب يف الحصول عىل حفلة ناجحة‬ off.

4. If you want to be successful in business, d) you must employ a good chef.

‫ناجحا يف العمل‬ ‫إذا كنت تريد أن تكون‬

5. To be a good secretary, e) you need good computer

ً ً skills.
‫سكرتنا جيدا‬ ‫لك تكون‬

6. If you want to be healthy, f) you must do a lot of exercise.

‫إذا كنت تريد أن تكون بصحة جيدة‬
g) you should dress well and be
7. If you work for an airline, punctual.
‫إذا كنت تعمل لدى رشكة طنان‬
h) you should make sure there is
8. When you are in a meeting,
plenty of good food.
‫عندما تكون يف اجتماع‬

8 5 6 3 1d 2g

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬101 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬



‫نستخدم ‪( mustn’t‬يجب ان ال)‪:‬‬

‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫ر‬
‫شء معي‬ ‫‪ .1‬لنقول اننا ال نريد ان نفعل ي‬
‫‪I mustn’t forget to call Sharifa. I told her I’d call her today.‬‬
‫يجب ان ال انش اإلتصال برسيفة‪ .‬قلت لها ي‬
‫انن سأتصل بها اليوم‬

‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫ر‬
‫‪ .2‬لنقول ان ي‬
‫شء ما ممنوع‬
‫‪You mustn’t drive without wearing seat belt.‬‬
‫يجب ان ال تسوق بدون ارتداء حزام المقعد‪.‬‬

‫عدم اإللزام‬
‫شء غن رصوري ان نقوم به‪.‬‬‫ر‬
‫داع) للتحدث عن ي‬
‫‪( don’t have to / doesn’t have to / didn’t have to‬ال ي‬
‫‪I / We / You / They‬‬ ‫‪don’t have to‬‬ ‫‪Present‬‬
‫‪He / She / It‬‬ ‫‪doesn’t have to‬‬ ‫مضارع‬


‫‪We don’t have to go by bus. We can take a taxi if you prefer.‬‬

‫داع ألن نذهب بالحافلة‪ .‬بإمكاننا ان نستقل سيارة األجرة إن كنت تفضل‪.‬‬
‫ال ي‬
‫‪Jack doesn’t have to change the broken light. I already did.‬‬
‫داع ألن يغن جاك المصباح المكسور‪ .‬لقد فعلتها‪.‬‬
‫ال ي‬

‫‪I / We / You / They / He / She / It‬‬ ‫‪didn’t have‬‬ ‫ى‬
‫داع ألن تحض يل هدية ‪You didn’t have to bring me a present.‬‬
‫لم يكن هناك ي‬
‫داع ألن يرتدي مايك و تينا زي موحد ‪Mike and Tina didn’t have to wear uniform.‬‬
‫لم يكن هناك ي‬

‫‪ 102‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Four: Lesson 4 | ‫ الدرس الرابع‬:‫الوحدة الرابعة‬

What’s your personality type? ‫ما شخصيتك؟‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
hardworking ‫مجتهد‬ society ‫مجتمع‬ valuable ‫ذو قيمة‬
competitive ‫تنافسي‬ suited to ‫يالئم‬ annoyed ‫منزعج‬
in a hurry ‫على عجلة من امره‬ research ‫بحث‬ interrupt ‫يقاطع‬
impatient ‫غير صبور‬ take the test ‫يجري اختبار‬ revising ‫يراجع‬
patient ‫صبور‬ find out ‫يكتشف‬ in advance ‫مقدمً ا‬
sociable ‫اجتماعي‬ appointments ‫مواعيد‬ equally ‫على حد سواء‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete these sentences.

B ‫تمرين‬
82 ‫صفحة‬ 233
‫اكمل هذه الجمل‬

1. He gets angry if his sister borrows his CDs.

2. I get embarrassed if someone hears me talking to myself.
3. She gets excited when _____________________________.
4. I’ll be happy if _____________________________.
5. They’ll be sorry if _____________________________.
6. Your brother will be annoyed if _____________________________.
7. My mother would be pleased if _____________________________.
8. My friend would be surprised if _____________________________.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Use the prompts to complete the sentences using the

correct conditionals.
C ‫تمرين‬
82 ‫صفحة‬ 233
‫الشطيات الصحيحة‬ ً
‫مستخدما ر‬ ‫استخدم الملقنات إلكمال الجمل‬

1. If I were (be) you, I would apply for that course this week.
2. I will help (help) you with your application form if you bring it round on Saturday.
3. What _____________ (you do) if you _____________ (wake up) and _____________ (find) you
had turned into a fly?
4. Ali would be really happy if he _____________ (can) spend the summer studying in London.
5. Which course ____________________ (Muna apply) for if she passes all her exams this year?
6. _____________________________ (your brother get) annoyed if he doesn’t win at chess?

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬103 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Four: Lesson 5 | ‫ الدرس الخامس‬:‫الوحدة الرابعة‬

If only… ...‫لو ان‬


I wish I’d arrived earlier and been more relaxed.

‫اتمن لو ات وصلت أبكر و شعرت براحة ر‬
1 ‫ي‬

I wish I hadn’t gone so fast down that hill.

.‫ات لم أقد برسعة عالية ألسفل تلك التل‬
‫اتمن لو ي‬
3 6 7
Fouad Salim is captain of a football team in
Baghdad. His team has just lost a big match. I wish I’d made them train harder.
‫فؤاد سالم كابي فريق كرم قدم يف بغداد خرس فريقه للتو‬ .‫ات جعلتهم يتدربون بجهد أكن‬
‫اتمن لو ي‬
‫مباراة مهمة‬

I’d have got the job if I hadn’t been so nervous.

.‫انن لم ارتبك‬
‫كنت سأحصل عىل الوظيفة لو ي‬
If only I’d seen that hole in the road.
.‫ات رأيت تلك الحفرة يف الطريق‬
‫اتمن لو ي‬
1 4 8 2
Khadija Nasser has just been to an
interview for a job with an oil company.
Unfortunately, she didn’t get the job. If only Hasan hadn’t got a red card.
.‫كانت خديجة نارص للتو يف مقابلة لعمل يف رشكة نفط‬
.‫اتمن لو ان حسن لم يحصل عىل بطاقة حمراء‬
.‫لسوء الحظ لم تحصل عىل الوظيفة‬ 6

We’d have won if we’d trained harder.

.‫كنا سنفوز لو اننا تدربنا بجهد اكن‬

If only I hadn’t done so badly on the typing test.

.‫ات لم اخفق يف امتحان الطباعة‬
‫اتمن لو ي‬
2 5 9
Nizar Ibrahim has just crashed his
This wouldn’t have happened if I’d slowed down.
friend’s new motorbike. It will cost a
9 ‫ات ابطأت‬
‫لم يكن ليحصل هذا لو ي‬
lot to repair it.
.‫حطم نزار ابراهيم للتو دراجة صديقه الجديدة‬
‫سيكلفه الكثن إلصالحها‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬104 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


Use each question to make:

‫كتاب الطالب‬
‫تمرين‬ a) one sentence with I wish; and
40 ‫ صفحة‬b) one third conditional sentence. 233
‫ و ب) جملة رشطية ثالثة‬I wish ‫اكمل كل سؤال لتكون أ) جملة واحدة مع‬

1. Why didn’t I ask Hisham to be in the team?

- I wish I’d asked Hisham to be in the team.
- We’d have won if I’d asked Hisham to be in the team.

2. Why didn’t I find out more about the company before the interview?
- I wish I’d found out more about the company before the interview.
- If I’d found out more about the company before the interview, I would have done better.

3. Why did I ride my friend’s motorbike?



4. Why didn’t I check the brakes before I left home?



5. Why did I forget to tell them about my previous experience?



6. Why didn’t I score that penalty?



‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬105 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete each word with the right ending.
85 ‫صفحة‬
.‫اكمل كل كلمة بنهاية صحيحة‬

1. fracture ness
2. inefficient tion
3. unfortun_____ age
4. independ_____ al
5. unusu_____ fy
6. identi_____ vise
7. super_____ ate
8. wit_____ ent
9. applica_____ ure
10. discour_____ ient

Unit Four: Lesson 6 | ‫ الدرس السادس‬:‫الوحدة الرابعة‬

Ambitious, energetic staff wanted ‫بحاجة لكادر طموح و نشيط‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
advertisement ‫اعالن‬ equivalent ‫ما يعادله‬ impressed ‫مندهش‬
leading ‫يقود‬ competitive ‫تنافسي‬ reputation ‫سمعة‬
expanding ‫يتوسع‬ salary ‫راتب‬ sales assistant ‫بائع‬
vacancies ‫شواغر‬ terms ‫شروط‬ current ‫حالي‬
customer ‫زبون‬ conditions ‫ظروف‬ confirm ‫يؤكد‬
service ‫خدمة‬ apply ‫يقدّم‬ although ‫على الرغم من‬
based in ‫مقرها في‬ enclosing ‫أرفق‬ previous ‫سابق‬
alone ‫وحيدًا‬ keen to ‫متحمس لــ‬ look for ‫يبحث عن‬
necessary ‫ضروري‬ development ‫تطوير‬ yours sincerely ‫المخلص لك‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬106 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. ambitious → want to succeed. (‫ادت دور اول‬

‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ثات‬‫ دور ي‬2014)
2. vacancy → the company has a space for a new employee. (‫ثات‬ ‫ي‬ ‫دور‬ 2016/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
3. equivalent → the same as or similar to. (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
4. competitive salary → a good salary, compared with other employers.
‫ ي‬2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018)
(‫ادت دور اول‬
5. considerable → a lot of. (‫ دور اول‬2019)

Unit Five: Lesson 1 | ‫ الدرس األول‬:‫الوحدة الخامسة‬

Let’s do some sightseeing ‫لنشاهد بعض المعالم السياحية‬


‫ كتاب الطالب‬Make compound nouns by matching the words in the

‫تمرين‬ two columns.
44 ‫صفحة‬ 233
‫كون اسماء م ـ ـركبة بمطابقة الكلمات من العمودين‬

1. boarding card apartment

2. travel agency agency
3. five-star _________ card
4. package _________ deal
5. packed _________ front
6. ski _________ lunch
7. car _________ resort
8. self-catering _________ seeing
9. sight _________ hotel
10. sea _________ hire

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬107 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. packed lunch → hotels will often give you this if you’re going on a full – day excursion.
‫ دور ي‬2015(
2. boarding card → if you lost this, you can’t get on an airplane. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
3. Let’s go on a package/packed deal to Italy. (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)
4. packed → lunch (‫ثات‬‫ دور ي‬2017)
5. self – catering apartment → a place to stay where you cook your own food.
(‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
6. package → deal (‫ تمهيدي‬2019)


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Use the compound nouns on page 44 of the Student’s

A ‫ تمرين‬Book to complete the sentences below. 233
89 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب إلكمال الجمل يف األسفل‬44 ‫استخدم االسماء الم ـ ـ ـركبة من صفحة‬

1. If we get a self-catering apartment in Spain, we can buy food at the market and make our own
2. Let’s not go on a package deal to Italy. It would be more fun to choose our own hotels and
tours when we get there.
3. I can’t find my _______________. I won’t be able to get on the plane if I don’t find it.
4. Let’s go for a walk along the _________________ this evening and watch the sunset over the
5. I don’t like booking flights online. Let’s go and buy our tickets at that _____________________ in
Al Saad Street.
6. If you order it now, the hotel kitchen will make a ___________________ for anyone who is going
on the tour tomorrow.
7. I spent the morning at the beach and in the afternoon, we did some ___________________.
I took lots of photos of the Roman temples.
8. You can’t rely on public transport on that island. You should find out about _________________
so, you can travel more independently.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬108 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫اسماء مركبة ‪Compound Nouns‬‬

‫لألسماء المركبة ثالث صيغ‪:‬‬
‫‪ً: .‬‬
‫‪ .1‬اسمان منفصالن ( او صفة ‪ +‬اسم) مثال‬
‫‪travel + agency‬‬ ‫)اسم ‪ +‬اسم( وكالة سفر ‪travel agency‬‬
‫‪packed + lunch‬‬ ‫)صفة ‪ +‬اسم( غداء معلب ‪packed lunch‬‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫‪five + star hotel‬‬ ‫فندق خمس نجوم ‪five-star hotel‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬تفصلهما قاطعة ( ‪) -‬‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫‪sight + seeing‬‬ ‫جولة لمشاهدة معالم المدينة ‪sightseeing‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬غن منفصالن‬

‫الوحدة الخامسة‪ :‬الدرس الثاني | ‪Unit Five: Lesson 2‬‬

‫هل سبق لك أن أقمت في فندق غير عادي؟ ?‪Have you ever stayed in a really unusual hotel‬‬


‫‪ Choose the correct ending for each quiz question.‬كتاب الطالب‬

‫صفحة ‪45‬‬ ‫‪233‬‬
‫اخي التكملة الصحيحة لكل سؤال‬

‫?‪1. Have you ever stayed in a really unusual hotel‬‬

‫هل سبق لك ان نزلت يف فندق غريب للغاية؟‬

‫?‪2. Have you ever camped on a beach‬‬

‫هل سبق ان ّ‬
‫خيمت عىل الشاط؟‬

‫?____________________ ‪3. Have you ever flown in a‬‬

‫هل سبق لك ان حلقت ب ـ ـ_____________؟‬

‫‪ 109‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

4. Have you ever been sightseeing in an ________________________?
‫هل سبق لك ان قمت بجولة لمشاهدة معالم المدينة _____________________؟‬

5. Have you ever been cheated _________________________?

‫هل سبق ان خدعك _______________؟‬

6. Have you ever lost your _____________________________?

‫هل سبق ان اضعت ___________________؟‬

7. What’s the best holiday destination _____________________________?

‫ما افضل وجهة عطلة ________________________؟‬

8. What’s the strangest food ___________________________?

‫ما اغرب طعام _______________________________؟‬


Present Perfect Simple ‫المضارع التام البسيط‬

‫ فاعل‬+ have / has + ‫ تضيف ثالث للفعل‬+ ‫تكملة الجملة‬
)‫(فعل مساعد‬

I / We / You / They have / haven’t

He / She / It has / hasn’t
Examples ‫امثلة‬ has / have ‫ لألفعال المساعدة‬not ‫نضيف‬
I have made a sandwich. ‫حضت شطنة‬
Mike hasn’t come. ‫لم يأت مايك‬ ‫السؤال‬
Mike and Julie have bought a house. ‫جول منل‬ ‫اشنى مايك و‬ ‫ى‬
‫ي‬ ‫ يف بداية‬has / have ‫نضع األفعال المساعدة‬
Has my dad arrived home? ‫هل وصل والدي المنل؟‬
Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬110 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫كلمات ضرورية مع المضارع التام البسيط‬

‫ه بزمن المضارع التام البسيط‪.‬‬

‫تعتن هذه الكلمات دليل عىل ان الجملة ي‬
‫ئيش‪.‬‬ ‫وتأت يف جملة مثبتة لتنفيها‪ .‬ي‬
‫تأت بي الفعل المساعد و الر ي‬ ‫‪( never .1‬اطالقا)‪ .‬ي‬
‫‪I have never lied to my parents.‬‬
‫لم اكذب عىل والداي اطالقا‬

‫ئيش‪.‬‬ ‫‪( ever .2‬سبق أن)‪ .‬ي‬

‫وتأت يف جملة استفاهية قبل الفعل الر ي‬
‫?‪Have you ever eaten sushi‬‬
‫سوش؟‬‫ر‬ ‫هل سبق لك أن اكلت‬

‫وتأت يف نهاية جملة منفية او استفهامية‪.‬‬

‫‪( yet .3‬لحد االن)‪ .‬ي‬
‫‪My sister hasn’t returned from school yet.‬‬
‫اخن من المدرسة لحد االن‪.‬‬
‫لم ترجع ي‬

‫?‪Have you eaten yet‬‬

‫هل اكلت لحد االن ام ال؟‬

‫ئيش‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬
‫‪( just .4‬توا)‪ .‬ي‬
‫وتأت يف جملة مثبتة بي الفعل المساعد و الر ي‬
‫‪They’ve just finished the party.‬‬
‫انهوا الحفلة ًتوا‬
‫ئيش‪.‬‬ ‫‪( already .5‬مسبقا)‪ .‬ي‬
‫وتأت يف جملة مثبتة بي الفعل المساعد و الر ي‬
‫‪My younger brother has already had his breakfast.‬‬
‫اخ الصغن فطوره مسبقا‬
‫تناول ي‬


‫‪ Write true sentences with never about you, your family‬كتاب النشاط‬
‫‪ and your friends.‬تمرين ‪B‬‬
‫صفحة ‪91‬‬
‫ً‬ ‫ً‬
‫مستخدما كلمة ‪ never‬عن نفسك و عائلتك و اصدقائك‬ ‫اكتب جمال صحيحة‬

‫)‪1. animals (ride / hole / see / touch‬‬

‫ً‬ ‫ً‬
‫لم اركب فيال اطالقا ‪I’ve never ridden an elephant.‬‬
‫ً‬ ‫ً‬
‫عقربا اطالقا ‪My sister has never held a scorpion.‬‬ ‫أخن‬
‫لم تمسك ي‬
‫صديف وحيد القرن اطالقا ‪My friend has never seen a rhino.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫لم ير‬
‫ً‬ ‫ً‬
‫لم المس دولفينا اطالقا ‪I have never touched a dolphin.‬‬

‫‪ 111‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

2. a game (play)
I have never played tennis. ‫لم العب تنس اطالقا‬

3. food (eat / try / make)

We have never eaten Mexican food. ‫مكسيىك اطالقا‬ ‫ي‬ ‫لم نأكل طعام‬
My dad has never tried fajita. ‫لم يجرب والدي الفاهيتا اطالقا‬
I have never made a cake. ‫لم اعمل كيكة اطالقا‬

4. a place (be to / visit)

I have never been to Turkey. ‫لم ازر تركيا اطالقا‬
Mike and I have never visited the National Museum. ‫الوطن اطالقا‬
‫ي‬ ‫لم نزر انا و مايك المتحف‬

5. a sport or activity (do / run / swim, etc.)

I have never done gymnastics. ‫لم امارس رياضة الجمناستك اطالقا‬
They have never run in a marathon. ‫لم يركضوا يف ماراثون اطالقا‬
My brother has never swum in the river. ‫اخ يف النهر اطالقا‬
‫لم يسبح ي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. ……… (you/book) a hotel yet? (Complete with the correct form of the present perfect)
Have you booked a hotel yet? )‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014(

2. Have you (ever / never) camped in the desert? (‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2014)
3. I haven’t ……… (pack) my suitcase yet. (‫ تمهيدي‬2015)
I haven’t packed my suitcase yet.

4. ………. (you – ever – sleep) under the stars in the desert? (‫ تمهيدي‬2015)
Have you ever slept under the stars in the desert?

6. My sister (not be) to college for three days because of a cold. (Correct the form of the verb)
My sister hasn’t been to college for three days because of a cold. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
7. …….. (you / buy) any maps of London or guidebooks yet?
Have you bought any maps of London or guidebooks yet? (‫ دور ثالث‬2015)

8. A scorpion (hold) (write true sentence with “never” about you) (‫ دور اول‬2016)
I have never held a scorpion in my life.

9. Let’s take Jameel to the new Chinese restaurant. He never went there. (Correct the sentence)
Let’s take Jameel to the new Chinese restaurant. He has never been there.
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫علم تمهيدي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
10. I have been reading a story and so far I ………….. (finish) three sections. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)
I have been reading a story and so far I have finished three sections.

11. My parents aren’t at home this evening. They have (gone/go) out. (‫ دور اول‬2017)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬112 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

12. I bought him a new mobile phone last week and he already lost it. (Correct the sentence)
I bought him a new mobile phone last week and he has already lost it.
(‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2017)

13. (never / touch a snake). Make a true sentence about yourself. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017)
I have never touched a snake.

14. Sabah has (ever / never) travelled outside of Iraq. (‫ تمهيدي‬2018)

15. My sister isn’t at home at the moment. She has (been / gone) shopping. (‫ تمهيدي‬2018)

16. Look! Somebody …………….. (drop) their wallet on the pavement. (‫ دور ثالث‬2018)
Look! Somebody has dropped their wallet on the pavement.

17. You look nice. Did you change your hairstyle? (Correct the sentence) (‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
You look nice. Have you changed your hairstyle?

18. Have you (ever / never) stayed in a really unusual hotel? (‫ تمهيدي‬2019)

19. Have you (a. never / b. ever) flown in a helicopter? (‫ دور اول‬2019)

20. The teacher (now know) the class for a long time. (Correct the form of the verb in brackets)
The teacher hasn’t known the class for a long time. (‫ دور ثالث‬2019)

21. I’ve never (ride / ridden) an elephant. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬

‫ي‬ 2020)

Unit Five: Lesson 3 | ‫ الدرس الثالث‬:‫الوحدة الخامسة‬

I’ve been coming here since 2009 2009 ‫آتي هنا منذ عام‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
so far ‫لحد االن‬ organizing ‫ينظم‬ grown ‫نما‬
traveller ‫مسافر‬ manager ‫مدير‬ considerably ‫كثيرًا‬
in fact ‫في الحقيقة‬ honestly ‫بأمانة‬ achieved ‫حقق‬
thoroughly ‫بشكل كامل‬ expectations ‫طموحات‬ certainly ‫بالتأكيد‬
extend ‫يمدد‬ disappointed ‫خائب األمل‬ hesitate ‫يتردد‬
extra ‫اضافي‬ desert ‫صحراء‬ recommend ‫أوصي‬
excursions ‫رحالت‬ castles ‫قالع‬
discovered ‫اكتشف‬ ruins ‫آثار‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬113 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫المضارع التام المستمر ‪Present Perfect Continuous‬‬

‫تكملة الجملة ‪ + ing +‬فعل ‪ + have / has been +‬فاعل‬
‫(فعل مساعد)‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫ينتظرت ‪My dad has been waiting for me.‬‬

‫ي‬ ‫ات‬
‫كان ي‬
‫لم تكن تبحث عن مفاتيحها المفقودة ‪She hasn’t been looking for her missing keys.‬‬
‫?‪Have you been talking on the phone‬‬ ‫هل كنت تتحدث بالهاتف؟‬
‫باالمكان اختصار الفعل المساعد ‪ has‬ال (‪ )’s‬و الفعل المساعد ‪ have‬ال (‪)’ve‬‬
‫كان يحجز طاولة ‪He’s been booking a table.‬‬
‫كنا ننظف المنل ‪We’ve been cleaning the house.‬‬

‫التشابه بين المضارع التام البسيط و المضارع التام المستمر‬

‫الماض و استمرت ال الحارص‬

‫ي‬ ‫‪ .1‬نستخدم المضارع التام البسيط و المضارع التام المستمر مع افعال و حاالت بدأت يف‬
‫موجودا االن‪.‬‬ ‫او انتىه الفعل ولكن تأثنه ما زال‬

‫عملت طول اليوم (وال ازال اعمل لهذه اللحظة) ‪I have been working all day.‬‬
‫سال تحض كيكة (وال تزال تحضها) ‪Sally has been making a cake.‬‬ ‫كانت ي‬

‫كرس ولدي ساقه (انتىه الكرس ولكن تأثنه ال يزال ال هذه اللحظة وقد يكون عىل شكل ألم) ‪My son has broken his leg.‬‬
‫غسلت السيارة (وانتىه الفعل ولكن تأثنه موجود االن و هو ان السيارة نظيفة) ‪I have washed the car.‬‬

‫الماض و استمر لحد االن‪.‬‬

‫ي‬ ‫‪ .2‬نستخدم ‪ for‬و ‪ since‬مع المضارع التام البسيط و المضارع التام المستمر لحدث بدأ يف‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫يأت مع ‪ for‬مدة زمنية‬
‫لوقت طويل ‪, for a long time‬لثالث ساعات ‪, for 3 hours‬إلسبوع ‪, for a week‬لسنتان ‪for two years‬‬

‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫يأت مع ‪ since‬وقت بداية الحدث‬
‫الماض ‪, since last week‬منذ سنة ‪since 1999‬‬ ‫ً‬
‫صباحا ‪, since 10 a.m.‬منذ األسبوع‬ ‫ر‬
‫العاشة‬ ‫منذ‬
‫ماض بسيط ‪since +‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫)منذ ان تخرجت ‪ (since I graduated‬جملة‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫الن استغرقها الفعل‬
‫استخدم ‪ how long‬للسؤال عن المدة الزمنية ي‬
‫?‪Ali: How long have you been waiting for me‬‬ ‫كم مض لك عىل انتظاري؟‬
‫‪Osama: I’ve been waiting for you for 2 hours, since 7 p.m.‬‬ ‫انتظرتك لمدة ساعتان‪ ,‬من الساعة السابعة مساءً‬

‫‪ 114‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫اإلختالف بين المضارع التام البسيط و المضارع التام المستمر‬

‫وخصوصا مع ‪understand ,be ,like ,know‬‬ ‫‪ -‬استخدم المضارع التام البسيط مع افعال الحاالت‬
‫عىل لمدة ‪ 10‬سنوات (وال ازال اعرفه) ‪I have known Ali for 10 years.‬‬
‫اعرف ي‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫‪ -‬استخدم المضارع التام المستمر مع افعال حركية‬
‫كنت اتسوق ‪I’ve been shopping.‬‬


‫‪ Read the article and answer the questions.‬كتاب الطالب‬

‫تمرين‬ ‫‪234‬‬
‫صفحة ‪46‬‬
‫اقرأ المقال و أجب عن األسئلة‬

‫?‪1. How long has Steve Harper been coming to Iraq‬‬ ‫يأت للعراق؟‬
‫منذ من و ستيف هاربر ي‬
‫‪Since 2009.‬‬

‫?‪2. How many times has he visited the country‬‬ ‫كم مرة زار البلد؟‬
‫‪Fifteen times‬‬

‫?‪3. How long have Safar Tours been organizing tours‬‬ ‫منذ من و رشكة جوالت سفر تنظم جوالت؟‬

‫?‪4. How long has Steve known Ahmed‬‬ ‫منذ من و ستيف يعرف احمد؟‬

‫منذ من ر‬
‫ولرسكة جوالت سفر مكتب يف شارع السعدون؟ ?‪5. How long has Safar Tours had their office on Al Sa’doon Street‬‬

‫الن قضاها ستيف يف العراق لحد االن يف هذه الزيارة؟ ?‪6. How long has Steve been in Iraq so far on this visit‬‬
‫ما المدة ي‬

‫?‪7. What has he been doing since finishing his business‬‬ ‫ما الذي كان يعمله منذ ان انىه عمله؟‬

‫‪ 115‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Find the collocations for the following words in the text
A ‫ تمرين‬on page 46 of the Student’s Book.
93 ‫صفحة‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب‬46 ‫جد المتال زمات اللفظية للكلمات التالية من نص صفحة‬ 234

1. thoroughly enjoy.
2. I can honestly __________________________.
3. lived up to my __________________________.
3. to name a __________________________.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Choose for or since to complete the phrases.

B ‫تمرين‬ 234
94 ‫صفحة‬
‫ إلكمال العبارات‬since ‫ ا و‬for ‫اخي‬

since Friday. ‫منذ الجمعة‬ 6. ________ I was six 6 ‫منذ ان كان عمري‬
for ten years ‫لعرس سنوات‬ 7. ________ ages ‫لعصور‬
1. since I was at nursery school. ‫منذ ان كنت يف الروضة‬ 8. ________ I was born ‫منذ ان ولدت‬
2. since last January. ‫الماض‬
‫ي‬ ‫الثات‬
‫منذ كانون ي‬ 9. ________ the first of March ‫منذ األول من آذار‬
3. ________ yesterday. ‫منذ البارحة‬ 10. ________ about 1996 ‫حوال عام‬ ‫منذ‬
4. ________ three weeks. ‫لثالث اسابيع‬ 11. ________ two hours ‫لساعتان‬
5. ________ a month and a half ‫لشهر و نصف‬ ً
12. ________ a very long time ‫لفنة طويلة جدا‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar

D ‫ تمرين‬meaning to the first sentence, putting the verbs in
95 ‫ صفحة‬brackets in the present perfect simple.
‫واضعا األفعال ر ى‬
‫بي األقواس‬ ‫اكمل الجملة الثانية بحيث يكون لها نفس ى‬
‫معن الجملة األوىل‬ 234
‫بزمن المضارع التام البسيط‬

The last time I saw her was in 2001. (not see)

I haven’t seen her since 2001.

They got married three years ago. (be)

They’ve been married for three years.

1. We first met them in July. (know)


2. He bought that motorbike a long time ago. (have)


3. She last went to the dentist in September. (not be)


‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬116 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

4. We last ate there in July. (not eat)

5. He got angry at lunchtime. (be)


6. The last time he wrote or phone was six months ago. (not be in touch)

‫ كتاب النشاط‬For each situation, write questions using the words in

brackets. Use the present perfect simple or present perfect
continuous. Then write a suitable answer using since or for.
96 ‫صفحة‬ 234
‫ استخدم المضارع التام البسيط او‬.‫بي األقواس لكل حالة‬ ً
‫مستخدما الكلمات ر ى‬ ‫اكتب اسئلة‬
ً ً ً
for ‫ ا و‬since ‫مستخدما‬ ‫مناسبا‬ ‫ ثم اكتب جوابا‬.‫المضارع التام المستمر‬

You arrive late for your appointment. You ask:

(how long / wait?)
How long have you been waiting?
For ten minutes. / Since six o’clock.

1. You have a friend who is learning Japanese. You ask:

(how long / learn / Japanese?)
2. You meet a pilot. You ask:
(how long / be a pilot?)

3. You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask:

(how long / write?)

4. You are going to meet a friend of your cousin. You ask:

(how long / know?)

5. Your sister is busy cooking for a party. You ask:

(how long / cook?)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬117 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. Look! Somebody (has dropped / has been dropping) his wallet here. (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
2. I (a. didn’t go b. haven’t been) to China yet, but I would like to one day. (‫ دور ثالث‬2018)

3. I’m in a really good mood because (I’ve just finished / I’ve just been finishing) my exams.
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018(
4. She has been talking on the phone (for / since) the last 20 minutes.
(‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2016/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)
5. They’ve been talking (for / since) eight o’clock. (‫ دور اول‬2014)

6. Layla is in the kitchen. She (has been cooking / cooks) for three hours now. (‫ دور ثالث‬2014)

7. Have you worked here (since / for) you graduated? (‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2015)
8. They are films producers. They …… (make) films since they graduated from university.
They are film producers. They have been making films since they graduated from university.
)‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015(
9. How long/you/be a pilot? (Question use present perfect simple or continuous)
How long have you been a pilot? (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)

10. He has had that motorbike (since / for) three years. (‫ دور اول‬2016)

11. We haven’t met (since / for) we were in school. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)

12. I (cook) for two hours. (Present Perfect Simple or Continuous) (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
I have been cooking for two hours.

‫ ي‬2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2017)
13. I have had this car (since / for) November. (‫ادت تمهيدي‬

14. I haven’t seen her (since / for) 2001. (‫ثات‬

‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2017)

15. I’m sorry. I’m late. (How long / you / wait) ? (Use: present perfect simple or continuous)
I’m sorry. I’m late. How long have you been waiting? (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017)

16. I haven’t seen him ……….. ages. (since / for) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017)

17. He is a writer. He (write) for twenty years. (Use present perfect simple or continuous)
He is a writer. He has been writing for twenty years. (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)
18. The teacher hasn’t known the class (since / for) a long time. (‫ تمهيدي‬2018)

19. Souad looks tired. I don’t think she (sleep) very well recently. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019)
Souad looks tired. I don’t think she has slept very well recently.

20. We have been married (for / since) 2003. (‫علم تمهيدي‬

‫ي‬ 2020)

21. My family has lived in the same house (since / for) 15 years. (‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬118 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

22. My family has lived in the same house (since / for) 1970. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

23. Fadia didn’t’ speak to me since her sister’s wedding. (Re-write the sentence correctly)
‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ دور اول‬2015)
Fadia hasn’t spoken to me since her sister’s wedding. (‫ادت دور اول‬

24. They have been married (since / for) three years. (‫ دور ثالث‬2020)

‫وزاريات قطعة آنا من كتاب الطالب‬

1. What did Anna really like about the hotel? (‫ دور اول‬2014)
Anna liked the peaceful atmosphere.

2. Where did Anna and her cousin go by taxi? (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2014)
Anna and her cousin went by taxi on a tour of the island.
3. Name two activities Anna and her cousin did during the day. (‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
They hired a taxi and went on a tour of the island and they went for a camel ride on the beach.

‫وزاريات قطعة آنا من كتاب الطالب‬

1. What can high blood pressure cause? (‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2014)
It can cause strokes and heart attacks.

2. Some people don’t take holidays because……… (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2014)

they are workaholics.
they don’t leave their work in the hand of others.
they cannot bear to be away from the office.

3. Holidays can give us a chance to ……… {a. learn new activities b. recover from illnesses
c. stop talking about our problems} (‫ثات‬
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)

4. Workaholics are those people who …. (‫ثات‬‫احيات دور ي‬

‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2016/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
don't leave their work in the hand of others.
they put off taking holidays and breaks.
they don’t bear to be away from their office.
they think if they take breaks and holidays may be something will take place around the corner.

5. Holidays are important for everyone, not just the businessman. (True / False)
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2015)

6. How can we show our families that we care about them? (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015)
Giving them a significant amount of our time is how we show this.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬119 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

7. Define a workaholic. (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
A workaholic is someone who thinks that his/her work is too important to leave in the hands of

8. Why are holidays important? (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016/‫ تمهيدي‬2016)

Life is so fast and many people spend such a large part of their time working.
The stress of life and work can cause health problems.
Everyone including people who work need a change of scene and pace of life both brain and
body need a break.

9. Why do brain and body need a break? (‫ثات‬‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
Brain and body need a break because if we push them too far they will eventually let us down.
So as to be healthy and to be able to continue our life.
So as not to be unhealthy.

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017/‫ثات‬

10. Both the brain and the body need …. (‫ثات‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
a break.

11. We need to give families and friends….. (a. at least an hour of our time b. a lot of our time)
(‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017)

12. The stress of modern life can affect our ……. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017)

13. Some people find out too late that work is not the only thing in life. (True / False)
(‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018)

14. The pressure of the life will cause health problems. (True / False) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019)

15. The pressure of life will (a. cause health problems b. kill us c. make us lose our jobs)
(‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫علم تمهيدي‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
16. Some people find out too late that:
(a. they missed their holiday b. work isn’t the only thing in life c. they should have a different job)
(‫ادت تمهيدي‬
‫ ي‬2020)
17. The stress of modern life can cause….. (‫ادت دور اول‬
‫ ي‬2020)
severe problems. It can cause high blood pressure.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬120 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫الوحدة الخامسة‪ :‬الدرس الرابع | ‪Unit Five: Lesson 4‬‬

‫جربتها مرات قليلة ‪I’ve tried it a few times‬‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫‪tried‬‬ ‫حاول‬ ‫‪spent‬‬ ‫قضى‬ ‫‪service‬‬ ‫خدمة‬
‫‪a bit‬‬ ‫ً‬
‫قليال‬ ‫‪at least‬‬ ‫على األقل‬ ‫‪nearly‬‬ ‫تقريبًا‬
‫‪research‬‬ ‫بحث‬ ‫‪in the long run‬‬ ‫على المدى البعيد‬ ‫‪burnt‬‬ ‫حرق‬
‫‪places‬‬ ‫اماكن‬


‫اإلختالف بين المضارع التام البسيط و الماضي البسيط‬

‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫ينتىه بعد‬
‫ي‬ ‫‪ -‬استخدم المضارع التام البسيط إلحداث حصلت يف وقت لم‬
‫هذا اليوم ‪, today‬هذه السنة ‪, this year‬هذا الشهر ‪, this month‬هذا الصباح ‪this morning‬‬

‫ينتىه الصباح يف لحظة قول هذه الجملة) ‪I haven’t seen Sam this morning.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫لم ار سام هذا الصباح (لم‬
‫ينتىه اليوم يف لحظة قول هذه الجملة) ‪She has painted three walls today.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫صبغت ثالثة جدران اليوم (ولم‬

‫الماض وال عالقة له بالحارص اطالقا‪.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫الماض البسيط لحدث بدأ و إنتىه يف‬
‫ي‬ ‫‪ -‬استخدم‬
‫الماض ‪I visited Spain last summer.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫زرت اسبانيا الصيف‬
‫لم نحجز رحلة جوية ال موسكو قبل يومان ‪We didn’t book a flight to Moscow two days ago.‬‬

‫‪ 121‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

.‫ لنقول ان شخص ذهب لمكان و لم يرجع منه‬has gone to / have gone to ‫● نستخدم‬

‫ ذهب ال ي‬.‫)عادل يف عطلة‬

Adel is on holiday. He has gone to Dubai. (‫دت‬

Ali and Sarah aren’t here. They’ve gone to the mall. (‫ ذهبا ال المول‬.‫)عىل و سارة ليسا هنا‬

.‫ لنقول ان شخص ذهب لمكان و رجع منه‬has been to / have been to ‫● نستخدم‬

Latifa and her family have been on holiday in Dubai. They had a good time there.
)‫دت اآلن‬ ‫ استمتعوا بوقتهم هناك (ليست ي‬.‫دت‬
‫ه يف ي‬ ‫كانت لطيفة و عائلتها يف عطلة يف ي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. (Have you ever / Did you ever) spent the whole night awake looking at the stars?
(‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018)
2. How many letters (did you write / have you written) so far today? (‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Write the past participle of these irregular verbs.

A ‫تمرين‬
97 ‫صفحة‬ 234
‫اكتب التـ ـ ـضيف الثالث لهذه األفعال الشاذة‬

be been

buy __________ leave __________

do __________ meet __________
find __________ see __________
go __________ spend __________

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬122 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present
perfect. Choose an appropriate verb in each case.
B ‫تمرين‬
98 ‫صفحة‬ 234
‫ ر‬.‫اكمل الجمل بالصيغة الصحيحة لزمن المضارع التام‬
‫اخي الفعل المناسب لكل حالة‬

1. Let’s not watch this DVD. I have seen it four times already.
2. I have found my mobile at last. It was under the bed! Now I can phone Beth.
3. I _________________ a fantastic new CD. Do you want to come round and listen to it?
4. I _________________ to the cinema. I saw a really good film.
5. I can’t see the screen. I _________________ my glasses at home.
6. I’m afraid Souad _________________ out with her sister. They left about ten minutes ago.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the present
perfect or past simple.
C ‫تمرين‬
99 ‫صفحة‬ 234
‫الماض البسيط‬ ‫اكمل الحوار بالصيغة الصحيحة للمضارع التام او‬

A: I’m really excited because I’m going to London in the summer.

B: Have you bought your plane ticket yet?
A: Yes, I have (have). I _________________ (buy) it last week.
B: _____________________________ (you / book) a hotel yet?
A: No, I _________________. But my uncle and aunt in London
__________________________________ (just / write) to me inviting me to stay with them.
B: ______________________ (you / buy) any maps of London or guidebooks yet?
A: Yes, I _________________. I _________________ (buy) a map and two guidebooks last week.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬123 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Five: Lesson 5 | ‫ الدرس الخامس‬:‫الوحدة الخامسة‬

We couldn’t get a room because we hadn’t booked ‫لم نجد غرفة ألننا لم نحجز‬


‫ كتاب الطالب‬Match the sentence halves.

48 ‫صفحة‬
‫نصف الجملة‬ ‫طابق‬

1. (h) We couldn’t get a room because we hadn’t booked.

2. (b) I couldn’t board the place because I had lost my boarding card.
3. (g) She was nervous on the plane because she hadn’t flown before.
4. (d) The airline company gave me a new suitcase because mine had been damaged on the plane.
5. (a) I didn’t go on the excursion to Khor Al Zubeir in Basra because I had already been there twice.
6. (e) We complained to the manager because our room hadn’t been cleaned.
7. (c) We couldn’t hire a car because we’d left our driving licences behind.
8. (f) I didn’t recognize the place because it had changed so much.


Past Perfect Simple ‫ماضي تام بسيط‬

‫ فاعل‬+ had + ‫ تضيف ثالث للفعل‬+ ‫تكملة الجملة‬
)‫(فعل مساعد‬

Examples ‫امثلة‬

When it was time to go, I still hadn’t found my passport. ‫عندما حان موعد الذهاب كنت ال ازال لم اجد جواز سفري‬

Had you travelled abroad before or was last week trip your first?
‫الماض اول مرة لك؟‬
‫ي‬ ‫هل سافرت خارج البلد من قبل ام كانت رحلة االسبوع‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬124 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

:‫الماض يف الجملة‬ ‫اكن) يف‬‫نستخدم الماض التام البسيط عندما يكون هناك فعالن (او ر‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
.‫الماض التام البسيط‬
‫ي‬ ‫بزمن‬ ‫يكون‬ ‫الحصول‬ ‫حيث‬ ‫من‬ ‫األقدم‬ ‫و‬ ‫ الفعل األول‬.1
.‫الماض البسيط‬
‫ي‬ ‫الثات و األحدث من حيث الحصول يكون بزمن‬ ‫ الفعل ي‬.2

‫ كيف اعرف ان هذا الفعل هو األقدم وهذا الفعل هو األحدث؟‬-

)before, after, when, because( ‫من خالل معن الجملة او بعض الكلمات مثل‬

Examples ‫امثلة‬
‫كان يجب علينا رشاء مالبس جديدة‬
We had to buy new clothes because the airline had lost our baggage.
‫ألن الخطوط الجوية اضاعت حقائبنا‬

)‫ثات – حديث‬
‫(فعل ي‬ )‫(فعل اول – قديم‬
‫كنت أنتظر ف طابور تسجيل الوصول‬
I was waiting in the check-in line when I realized I had forgotten my passport. .‫كت أنن نسيت جواز سفري‬‫عندما أدر‬

)‫(فعل ثالث – حديث‬ )‫ثات –حديث‬

‫(فعل ي‬ )‫(فعل اول –قديم‬

‫زمن قصن بينها‬
‫الماض التام البسيط) لمجموعة افعال حصلت واحدة تلو االخرى بفارق ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫الماض البسيط (وليس‬
‫ي‬ ‫نستخدم‬
.‫بحيث تكون األحداث متسلسلة‬

I entered my room, made myself a sandwich and watched TV.

‫بنفش و شاهدت التلفاز‬
‫ي‬ ‫غرفن و اعددت شطنة‬
‫ي‬ ‫دخلت‬

We bought some postcards, then we went back to our hotel.

.‫اشنينا بضع طوابع ثم رجعنا ال فندقنا‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Put the verbs in the past simple or past perfect.

B ‫تمرين‬ 234
100 ‫صفحة‬
‫الماض التام‬ ‫ى‬
‫الماض البسيط او‬ ‫ضع االفعال بصيغة‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

I grew up in a small Turkish fishing village called Side. I left Side 20 years ago. Last week, I went back
there for the first time. It had changed beyond recognition. It wasn’t (not be) a village anymore. It
_____________ (grow) into a big tourist resort. They ______________ (build) apartment blocks and
hotels everywhere. I _______________ (look) so modern. They ____________ (make) a big road
along the seafront. They ______________ (close) my old primary school and now it ____________
(be) a hotel. My favourite café ____________________ (become) a souvenir shop for tourists. The
market _______________ (move) from the main square to an area near the bus station. They
__________________ (not plant) any trees in the new marketplace so there ____________ (be) no
shade to sit in.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬125 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. After we (speak) to the teacher, we left the classroom. (‫ تمهيدي‬2014)

After we had spoken to the teacher, we left the classroom.

2. A thief got into their house because they (haven’t locked / hadn’t locked) the door properly.
)‫ دور ثالث‬2014(

3. When we got to the cinema, the film (has / had) started.

‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2015)

4. I couldn’t board the plane because I ………… (lose) my boarding card. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015)
I couldn’t board the plane because I had lost my boarding card.

5. I ………. (lock) the door before I left the house. (Use past perfect or past simple) (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)
I had locked the door before I left the house.

6. He couldn’t recognize the place because it (changed / had changed) a lot. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)

7. I visited my birthplace town and it (changed) a lot. (‫ثات‬

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
I visited my birthplace town and it had changed a lot.

8. The wedding went well because they (organize) everything very carefully. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017)
They wedding went well because they had organized everything very carefully.

9. When I entered the classroom, the teacher (start) the lesson (Use past simple or past perfect)
When I entered the classroom, the teacher had started the lesson. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017)
10. I’ve woken up really late this morning and I was late for school. (Correct the sentence)
‫ دور ي‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
I woke up really late this morning and I was late for school. (‫ثات‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬126 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Five: Lesson 6 | ‫ الدرس السادس‬:‫الوحدة الخامسة‬

ً ‫كان الجو‬
The atmosphere was really peaceful ‫امنا‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
atmosphere ‫جو‬ delighted ‫مسرور‬ consisted of ‫تألف من‬
recently ‫مؤخرًا‬ overlooked ‫مُ طل على‬ fruit ‫فاكهة‬
returned ‫رجع‬ beach ‫شاطئ‬ honey ‫عسل‬
wonderful ‫رائع‬ although ‫على الرغم من‬ olives ‫زيتون‬
fortnight ‫اسبوعان‬ luxurious ‫فاخر‬ octopus ‫اخطبوط‬
islands ‫جُ ُزر‬ storey ‫طابق‬ bored ‫مالن‬
cost ‫يكلف‬ building ‫بناية‬ hired ‫أجّ ر‬
included ‫تضمن‬ attractive ‫جذاب‬ّ villages ‫ُقرى‬
ferry ‫عبّارة‬ private ‫خاص‬ windsurf ‫ركوب امواج‬
accommodation ‫إقامة‬ spectacular ‫خالب‬ cart ‫عربة‬
dinner ‫عشاء‬ view ‫منظر‬ hospitality ‫حسن الضيافة‬
entertainment ‫ترفيه‬ variety ‫مختلف‬ mint ‫نعناع‬
boarded ‫ركب‬ dishes ‫اطباق‬ magnificent ‫رائع‬
across ‫عبر‬ regional ‫محلي‬ coal ‫فحم‬
looked ‫كان يبدو‬ international ‫عالمي‬ breathing ‫يتنفس‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Scan the text on page 49 of the Student’s Book to find the
answers to these questions.
A ‫تمرين‬ 234
102 ‫صفحة‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب لتجد اجابات لهذه االسئلة‬49 ‫تفحص نص صفحة‬

1. Where did Anna and her cousin go on holiday?

Kerkennah Islands.

2. How long did they stay?

two weeks ‫ او‬a fortnight.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬127 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

3. How much did it cost?

4. What was the name of the nearest airport to the islands?


5.What sports facilities were there at the hotel?


6. What was the local seafood specialty?


7. Where di they go by taxi?


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Read the text carefully and answer these questions.

B ‫تمرين‬
102 ‫صفحة‬ 234
‫اقرأ النص بعناية و أجب عن هذه االسئلة‬

1. What did the cost of the holiday include?

Flight/accommodation/transfers/breakfast and dinner/entertainment.

2. How far from the beach was the hotel?

Very close ‫ او‬a short walk.

3. What did Anna really like about the hotel?


4. Name three activities Anna and her cousin did during the day.

5. What did they do when they didn’t go out in the evening?


‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬128 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Find words in the text that mean the following:
C ‫تمرين‬
103 ‫صفحة‬ 234
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعان التالية‬
‫ي‬ ‫جد كلمات يف النص تحمل‬

1. a boat that transports people and goods ferry

2. extremely comfortable luxurious
3. something which is wonderful to look at _____________________
4. something special to a locality _____________________
5. a fine welcome _____________________
6. a show/performance _____________________

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. ferry → a boat that transports people and goods. (‫تكميىل‬

‫ي‬ 2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
2. spectacular → something which is wonderful to look at. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2015)
3. hospitality → a fine welcome (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ دور اول‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2015)
4. speciality → something special to a locality. (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2019)
5. luxurious → extremely comfortable (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ 2020)

Unit Five: Lesson 7 | ‫ الدرس السابع‬:‫الوحدة الخامسة‬

Beautiful Kerkennah ‫جزيرة قرقنة الجميلة‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
situated ‫يقع‬ operate ‫يعمل‬ died ‫توفي‬
coast ‫ساحل‬ throughout ‫طوال‬ ideal ‫مثالي‬
inhabited ‫مسكون‬ festival ‫مهرجان‬ quiet ‫هادئ‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬129 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫عبارات تعريفية موص ّلة ‪Defining Relative Clauses‬‬

‫وف حال حذفت يصبح معن الجملة غن كامل‪ .‬وال نستخدم الفارزة فيها‪.‬‬
‫تأت بعد إسم لتعريفه وال يجوز حذفها‪ .‬ي‬
‫ه عبارة ي‬
‫تبدأ هذه العبارة بأحد هذه الكلمات‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬نستخدم (‪ )who‬إذا جاء قبلها اسم ر‬

‫‪I like the man who is ambitious.‬‬

‫يعجبن الرجل الطموح‬

‫‪ .2‬نستخدم (‪ )that‬إذا جاء قبلها اسم ر‬

‫برس او حيوان او جماد‪.‬‬

‫‪My friend Jack likes hotels that have a swimming pool.‬‬

‫الن تحتوي عىل مسبح‬
‫صديف جاك الفنادق ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫يحب‬

‫‪ .3‬نستخدم (‪ )which‬إذا جاء قبلها اسم جماد او حيوان فقط‪.‬‬

‫‪This is the new car which I told you about last night.‬‬
‫الن اخنتك عنها ليلة البارحة‬
‫هذه السيارة الجديدة ي‬

‫‪ .4‬نستخدم (‪ )where‬إذا جاء قبلها اسم مكان و جاء بعدها إسم او ضمن‪.‬‬

‫‪That is the office where my husband sits.‬‬

‫ي‬ ‫ذلك هو المكتب حيث يجلس‬

‫‪ .5‬نستخدم (‪ )whose‬إذا جاء قبلها اسم ر‬

‫برس او حيوان إلظهار الملكية‪.‬‬

‫‪The little girl whose doll was lost is sad.‬‬

‫الن ضاعت لعبتها حزينة‬
‫الفتاة ي‬

‫‪The man whose son is my dentist is standing over there.‬‬

‫اسنات واقف هناك‪.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫الرجل الذي ابنه طبيب‬

‫‪ 130‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Non-defining Relative Clauses ‫عبارات غير تعريفية موص ّلة‬

.‫ و نستخدم الفارزة فيها‬.‫وف حال حذفت لن يتأثر معن الجملة‬

‫ ي‬.‫تأت بعد إسم لتعريفه و يجوز حذفها‬
‫ه عبارة ي‬
Sami, who has never left the country, is going to England for his holiday.
‫سام الذي لم يغادر البلد اطالقا ذاهب ال إنكلنا يف عطلة‬

The Hilton Hotel, which is very close to the beach, is the best hotel in city.
‫ُيعد فندق هلتون القريب جدا للشاط أفضل فندق يف المدينة‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Combine these sentences with who, that or where to make

defining relative clauses.
B ‫تمرين‬
106 ‫صفحة‬ ّ 235
‫ لتكون عبارات تعريفية موصلة‬where ‫ ا و‬that ‫ ا و‬who ‫مستخدما‬ ‫إجمع هذه الجمل‬

1. I spoke to a lady on the phone. She told me to call back later.

They lady who I spoke to on the phone told me to call back later.

2. They’ve knocked down the restaurant. We had a meal there last year.
They’ve knocked down the restaurant where we had a meal last year.

3. I always go to that garage for repairs. It was closed today.

The garage _____________________________________________ was closed today.

4. His car has broken down. He bought it last month.

The car ______________________________________________ has broken down.

5. The book was missing. It has the information I wanted.

The book ______________________________________________________.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the sentences with who, which, where or whose

and add commas.
C ‫تمرين‬
106 ‫صفحة‬ 235
‫ و أضف فارزة‬whose ‫ ا و‬where ‫ ا و‬which ‫ ا و‬who ‫مستحدما‬ ‫اكمل الجمل‬

1. Riverside Cinema, where the tickets only cost £6 for students, usually has good foreign films.
2. Beirut, which is full of good cafes and restaurants, is a really interesting city.
3. My cousin Mike, ___________ loves skiing, is going to buy a holiday home in the Swiss Alps.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬131 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

4. My sister, _________ favourite food is pizza, is having her birthday party at an Italian restaurant.
5. Fatima, _____________ photo was in the newspaper yesterday, is a very talented girl.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence. The
sentence in brackets ( ) becomes the relative clause. Add
D ‫تمرين‬
commas where necessary.
106 ‫صفحة‬ 235
‫ تصبح الجملة ر ى‬.‫ضمي الوصل الصحيح لتكون جملة واحدة‬
‫بي األقواس عبارة‬ ‫ر‬ ‫استخدم‬
‫ أضف فواصل حيث يكون ذلك ممكن‬.‫واصلة‬

My Uncle Albert still rides a bike. (He is 86.)
My Uncle Albert, who is 86, still rides a bike.

The hotel has a swimming pool. (It is very big.)

The hotel has a swimming pool that is very big.

1. Salwa wants to be an interpreter. (She speaks three languages.)


2. The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool. (The pool opened two months ago.)

3. Bashir is going to buy a car very soon. (He passed his driving test last week.)

4. The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden. (You can have a meal there on summer evenings.)

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

Join by using the correct relative pronoun. ‫ضمي الوصل الصحيح‬ ً

‫مستخدما‬ ّ
‫وصل الجملتان‬

1. Salwa wants to be an interpreter. She speaks three languages.

Salwa, who speaks three languages, wants to be an interpreter.
(‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)

2. The story won the first prize. It pleased many writers. (‫ دور اول‬2014)
The story which pleased many writers, won the first prize.

3. My uncle Ali still rides a bike. (He is 80). (join – use – who-) (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
My uncle Ali, who is 80, still rides a bike.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬132 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

4. His car has broken down. He bought it last month. (‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
The car ………….. has broken down.
The car which he bought last month has broken down.

5. Horse riding, ………… is my brother Andy’s favourite sport, is expensive. [Use: Whose- Which]
Horse riding, which my brother Andy’s favourite sport, is expensive. )‫ تمهيدي‬2015(

6. The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool. (the pool opened two months ago)
‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2015)
The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool which opened two months ago.

7. The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden. (you can have a meal there on summer evenings).
)‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2015(
The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden where you can have a meal on summer evenings.

8. The university hostel was comfortable. I stayed there for four years. (Combine using where)
)‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015(
The university hostel where I stayed for four years was comfortable

9. The person stole the money. He must be punished. (Combine with who) (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
The person who stole the money must be punished.

10. Bashir is going to buy a car very soon. (He passed his driving test last week).
(‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ دور اول‬2016)
Bashir, who passed his driving test last week, is going to buy a car very soon.

11. The hotel has a swimming pool. (It is very big). (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
The hotel has a swimming pool which is very big.

12. My friend Adam caught three huge fish yesterday. He loves fishing. (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
My friend Adam, who loves fishing, caught three huge fish yesterday.

13. I always go to that garage for repairs. It was closed today. (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2017)
The garage ……………… was closed today.
The garage where I always go for repairs was closed today.

14. My grandmother still remembers her childhood. She is ninety years old.
(‫ دور اول‬2018/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017)
My grandmother, who is ninety years old, still remembers her childhood.

15. My uncle Albert still rides a bike. (He is 86). (‫ تمهيدي‬2018)

My uncle Albert, who is 86, still rides a bike.

16. I spoke to a lady on the phone. She told me to call back later.
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ادت تمهيدي‬
‫ ي‬2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
The lady ……………..told me to call back later.
The lady who I spoke to on the phone told me to call back later.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬133 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

17. The book was missing. It has the information I wanted. (‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫احيات دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
The book………………
The book which has the information I wanted was missing.

18. They’ve knocked down the restaurant. We had a meal there last year. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020)
They’ve knocked down the restaurant…………
They’ve knocked down the restaurant where we had a meal last year.

Unit Five: Lesson 9 | ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة الخامسة‬

Test Yourself ‫اختبر نفسك‬

A Write the compound nouns for the following definitions.
‫اكتب اسماء مركبة للتعاريف التالية‬
1. If you lose this, you can’t get on an airplane. Boarding card.
2. You can have a winter holiday here. Ski resort.
3. A luxurious place to stay. _______________________.
4. A place to stay where you cook your own food. _______________________.
5. Hotels will often give you this if you’re going on a full-day excursion. _______________________.
6. This protects you when you are driving or flying. _______________________.

B Choose the best collocation. ‫اختار افضل المتالزمات اللفظية‬

1. When the plane takes off, you have to fasten / attach your seat belt.
2. To cross the river we had to sail / board a ferry.
3. The ferry works / operates throughout the year.
4. The holiday completely lived up to my wishes / expectations. 235
5. I can honestly / absolutely say that it was the best holiday I ever had.
6. We considerably / thoroughly enjoyed all the entertainment.

C Use the correct endings to make adjectives from these nouns and verbs.
Note that sometimes this will affect spelling.
‫استخدم النهايات الصحيحة لتكون صفات من هذه االسماء و االفعال‬
1. attractive 5. excite
2. luxurious 6. colour
3. wonder 7. spectacle 235
4. peace 8. delight

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬134 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

D Complete the sentences by putting the verb in brackets in the present perfect simple.
Then underline the correct alternative – for or since.
‫اكمل الجمل بوضع االفعال ر ى‬
since ‫ او‬for ‫ ثم ارسم خط اسفل‬.‫بي االقوال بزمن المضارع التام البسيط‬
1. I have had (have) this car since / for November.
2. I haven’t seen (not see) Mahmoud since / for he came back from holiday.
3. My sister (not be) to college since / for three days because of a cold.
4. My family (live) in the same house since / for a long time. 235
5. The teacher (not know) the class since / for a long time.
6. (you work here) since / for you graduated?

E Present perfect or past simple? Tick ( ) the correct sentences and cross ( ) the six incorrect
sentences. Then rewrite them correctly. ‫ضع صح او خطأ امام الجمل و صحح الجمل الخطأ‬
I’ve just seen a really interesting programme about desert wildlife.
Let’s take Jameel to the new Chinese restaurant. He never went there.
He’s never been there.

1. Fadia didn’t speak to me since her sister’s wedding.

2. Has Salwa’s family moved house yet?

3. I bought him a new mobile phone last week and he already lost it.

4. I’m tired. I’ve just walked all the way back from the shops.

5. I’ve woken up really late this morning and I was late for school.

6. He’s lost his glasses and he can’t find them anywhere.

7. Adam has come back from Beirut yesterday.

8. We’ve all ben to the park last weekend.

9. What time have they gone to bed last night?

10. You look nice. Have you changed your hairstyle?

F Put the verb into the correct tense, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous.
‫ضع الفعل بزمن المضارع التام البسيط او المضارع التام المستمر‬
Where have you been? Have you been playing (you / play) football?
We have played (play) football three times this week already.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬135 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

1. Look! Somebody _________________ (drop) their wallet on the pavement.
2. Souad looks tired. I don’t think she _________________ (sleep) very well recently.
3. ‘_______________________(you / ever / sleep) under the stars in the desert?’ ‘No, never.’
4. ‘Tariq is away on holiday.’ ‘Oh, is he? Where _______________________ (he / go)?
5. I _______________ (lose) my passport. _____________________ (you / see) it anywhere?
6. I’m so sorry I’m late. How long ________________________ (you / wait)?
7. ‘Layla is learning Japanese.’ ‘How long _______________________ (she / study) it?
8. I _____________ (paint) a picture of Amina all day buy I ________________ (not / finish) it yet.

G Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form – past simple or past perfect – to complete the
sentences. ‫الماض التام‬ ‫ى‬
‫الماض البسيط او‬ ‫ضع االفعال ر ى‬
‫بي األقواس بزمن‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

1. Last week I met (meet) an old friend from primary school and he hadn’t changed
(not change) .
2. When I arrived (arrive) at Pete’s house, there (be) no one there. He had gone (go) 235
3. After we (speak) to the teacher, we (leave) the classroom.
4. When we (arrive) at the airport, we (discover) that the travel agent (change)
our hotel.
5. The wedding (go) well because they (organize) everything very carefully.

H Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun and add commas (,).
‫بضمي الوصل الصحيح و اضف فاصلة‬
‫ر‬ ‫اكمل الجمل‬
Khalil Gibran, who wrote a book called The Prophet, was a famous Lebanese poet.

1. Morocco is______ one of the most beautiful countries in the world attracts lots of 236
tourists every year.
2. The person ________ stole the money must be punished.
3. My friend Adam _____ loves fishing caught three huge fish yesterday.
4. Maria _____ camera cost more than £300 is still not very good at taking photos.
5. Horse riding ________ is my brother Andy’s favourite sport is expensive and dangerous in my
6. The restaurant _______ serves the best food is in the High Street.
7. Edinburgh ________ there’s a huge cultural festival every summer is an exciting place to spend
a holiday.
I Choose the correct words for each sentence. ‫اخي الكلمات الصحيحة لكل جملة‬

She’s been talking on the phone for the last 20 minutes.
a) since b) for c) with

1. I haven’t seen a good film ________ last January.

a) since b) for c) from

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬136 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

2. When we got to the cinema, the film _____ started.
a) already b) had c) has

3. How many letters _______ so far today?

a) did you write b) have you been writing c) have you written

4. Babylon City, _____ people like to go sightseeing, is a beautiful place.

a) which b) that c) where

5. I _______ to China yet, but I would like to one day.

a) didn’t go b) haven’t been c) haven’t gone

6. A thief got into their house because they ________ the door properly.
a) haven’t locked b) haven’t been locking c) hadn’t locked

7. Souhaib, _________ brother lives in California, is planning a trip to the USA soon.
a) which b) whose c) who’s

8. ___________ spend the whole night awake looking at the starts?

a) Have you ever b) Did you ever c) Had you ever

9. I’m in a really good mood because _____________ my exams.

a) I’ve just finished b) I’ve just been finishing c) I was just finishing

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. colour, colourful; luxury, luxurious. (‫ادت دور اول‬‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2016/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)
2. attract, attractive; delight, delightful. (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
3. excite, exciting; peace, peaceful. (‫ تمهيدي‬2015/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
4. beauty, beautiful; danger, dangerous. (‫ دور اول‬2016)
5. luxury, luxurious; colour, colourful. (‫تكميىل‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2018)
6. delight, delightful; spectacle, spectacular. (‫ثات‬‫احيات دور ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
7. excite, exciting; attract, attractive. (‫ دور ثالث‬2020)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬137 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Five: Lesson 10 | ‫ الدرس العاشر‬:‫الوحدة الخامسة‬

Why are holidays so important? ‫لم العطل مهمة جدًا؟‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
ensure ‫يتأكد من‬ get ‫يحصل على‬ too ً
breaks ‫استراحات‬ enough ‫كاف‬ occasional ‫متباعد‬
life ‫حياة‬ interrupted ‫منقطع‬ snatched ‫سريع‬/‫خاطف‬
spend ‫يقضي‬ indefinitely ‫ما ال نهاية‬ close ‫مُ قرّب‬
sufficient ‫كاف‬ both ‫كال‬ significant ‫ هام‬/ ‫كبير‬
pressure ‫ضغط‬ eventually ‫بالنهاية‬ amount ‫كمية‬
affect ‫يؤثر‬ let down ‫يخيب أمل‬ opportunity ‫فرصة‬
physical ‫جسدي‬ workaholics ‫مدمني عمل‬ businessman ‫رجل اعمال‬
mental ‫عقلي‬ important ‫مهم‬ worrying ‫يُقلق‬
‫صحة‬ in the hands ِ
health ‫في متناول‬ doesn't matter ‫ال يهم‬
stress ‫توتر‬ bear ‫يتحمل‬ whether ‫فيما لو‬
modern ‫عصري‬ put off ‫يؤجل‬ lying ‫يستلقي‬
cause ‫يسبب‬ deadline ‫موعد نهائي‬ trekking ‫رحلة طويلة‬
severe ‫خطر‬/‫شديد‬ deal ‫صفقة‬ through ‫خالل‬
high blood pressure ‫ضغط الدم العالي‬ people ‫ناس‬ rainforests ‫غابات مطرية‬
strokes ‫سكتات دماغية‬ risk ‫مخاطرة‬ vital ‫مهم‬
heart attacks ‫نوبات قلبية‬ hurting ‫ايذاء‬ switched off ‫مُ طفئ‬
effect ‫تأثير‬ personal ‫شخصي‬
minds ‫عقول‬ relationships ‫عالقات‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Read the text on page 51 of the Student’s Book and circle the
correct answer.
A ‫تمرين‬
117 ‫صفحة‬ 236
‫ من كتاب الطالب و ضع دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح‬51 ‫اقرأ نص صفحة‬

1. The pressure of life will:

a) kill us.
b) cause health problems.
c) make us lose our jobs.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬138 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

2. Some people don’t take holidays because:
a) they don’t think other people can do their work.
b) they want to make lots of money.
c) the company doesn’t let them.

3. Some people find out too late that:

a) they should have a different job.
b) work is not the only thing in life.
c) they missed their holiday.

4. We need to give families and friends:

a) a good holiday.
b) at least an hour of our time.
c) a lot of our time.

5. Holidays can give us a chance to:

a) learn new activities.
b) stop thinking about our problems.
c) recover from illnesses.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Answer this question

B ‫تمرين‬
118 ‫صفحة‬ 236
‫اجب عن هذ السؤال‬

Why does the writer believe that holidays are important?

• Life is fast and most people spend a lot of time working.

• ________________________________________________________________________.
• ________________________________________________________________________.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Find words or phrases in the text that mean

C ‫تمرين‬
118 ‫صفحة‬ 236
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫جد كلمات ا و عبا رات يف النص تحمل‬

1. make certain (paragraph A) ensure

2. forever (paragraph B) indefinitely
3. a time limit (paragraph C) ________________
4. about to happen (paragraph C) ________________
5. taken quickly (paragraph D) ________________
6. health (paragraph E) ________________
7. very important (paragraph E) ________________

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬139 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Six: Lesson 1 | ‫ الدرس األول‬:‫الوحدة السادسة‬

What does it all mean? ‫ماذا تعني كلها؟‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
bank statement ‫كشف بيان بنكي‬ date ‫تاريخ‬ deposit ‫ايداع‬
account ‫حساب‬ withdrawal ‫سحب‬ balance ‫رصيد‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Match the words and the definitions. Look back at the bank
statement on page 54 of the Student’s Book to help you.
A ‫تمرين‬
119 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى ى‬
‫ من كتاب‬54 ‫مضف يف صفحة‬
‫ي‬ ‫ انظر مرة اخرى اىل كشف بيان‬.‫طابق الكلمات بتعاريفها‬
‫الطالب ليساعدك‬

1. bank statement a) money that you put in your bank account

2. account number b) paper that tells you about what happened to your bank
account in the past month
3. balance c) the number that is used to identify your account
4. transaction d) money taken out of your account
5. withdrawal e) the total amount of money in your account
6. deposit f) activity in your bank account

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬140 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the following sentences with a non-defining
relative clause from the box. Put commas where necessary.
B ‫تمرين‬
119 ‫صفحة‬ ّ
‫ ضع فاصالت حيث يجب‬.‫غي تعريفية موصلة من الصندوق‬
‫اكمل الجمل التالية بعبارات ر‬

which is in the column on the right which I deposited on the 10th

who is Rami’s brother where I sometimes buy clothes
which you’ll get every month which I played yesterday for the first time

1. Your bank statement, which you’ll get every month, is very important.
2. Aziz, who is Rami’s brother, is very helpful.
3. The mall __________________________________ has fabulous shops.
4. The computer games ________________________________ are really great.
5. Don’t forget to check your bank balance _____________________________.
6. The cheque ______________________________ was for 450 pounds.

Unit Six: Lesson 2 | ‫ الدرس الثاني‬:‫الوحدة السادسة‬

Which account should I get? ‫ما الحساب الذي ينبغي ان احصل عليه؟‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
saving ‫إدخار‬ card ‫بطاقة‬ credit card ‫بطاقة ائتمان‬
future ‫مستقبل‬ monthly ‫شهري‬ branches ‫فروع‬
current account ‫حساب جار‬ minimum ‫حد أدنى‬
ATM ‫ماكينة صراف آلي‬ fee ‫رسوم‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬141 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


Read the information on page 55 of the Student’s Book.

‫كتاب النشاط‬
Answer the questions.
A ‫تمرين‬ 236
121 ‫صفحة‬
‫ أجب عن االسئلة‬.‫ من كتاب الطالب‬55 ‫اقرأ المعلومات يف صفحة‬

1. Which account is best if you want to save money to buy something expensive?
A savings account.
2. Which account can you get if you are 16?
A children’s account.
3. Which account requires a minimum balance?
4. If you think you might need to spend more money than you have in your account, which account
should you get?
5. Which account can you get only if you are at university?

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Match the verbs and nouns to make collocations.

B ‫تمرين‬
121 ‫صفحة‬ 236
‫طابق األفعال و األسماء لتكون متالزمات لفظية‬

open 5 million Iraqi dinars

pay interest
deposit a fee
make an account
maintain a withdrawal
charge a minimum balance

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬142 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


Passive Voice ‫مبني للمجهول‬

‫المبن للمجهول؟‬
‫ي‬ ‫ما هو‬
:‫المبن للمجهول بهذه الحاالت‬
‫ي‬ ‫ نستخدم‬-
‫ ال نعرف الفاعل‬.1
‫ ال تعتقد انه من المهم ان تقول من قام بالفعل‬.2
‫الشء الذي حصل اهم من الذي قام به‬‫ عندما يكون ي‬.3

‫المبن للمجهول؟‬
‫ي‬ ‫كيف اغن الجملة العادية ال جملة‬
.‫اوال نضع المفعول به يف بداية الجملة‬
.‫) ومن الممكن حذف الفاعل‬by( ‫ثانيا نضع الفاعل بعد الفعل مسبوق بكلمة‬ ً

Ali broke the window.

‫فعل فاعل‬ ‫مفعول به‬

The window was broken by Ali.

be + past participle (p.p.)
) ‫(تضيف ثالث للفعل‬

‫ إنتبه ألنها تتغن بحسب الزمن يف الجملة وكما ي‬.‫المبن للمجهول اعاله عىل الفعل‬
‫ي‬ ‫ثالثا نطبق قاعدة‬
‫الزمن‬ ‫الشكل القواعدي‬ ‫مثال‬
Present Simple Passive am/is/are + p.p. I do my homework.
‫مضارع بسيط مجهول‬ My homework is done (by me).
Past Simple Passive was / were + p.p. Mustafa repaired my car.
‫ماض بسيط مجهول‬‫ي‬ My car was repaired (by Mustafa)
Present Continuous Passive Alan is painting the bedroom.
am/is/are + being + p.p.
‫مضارع مستمر مجهول‬ The bedroom is being painted (by Alan)
Past Continuous Passive Was I sending the cheques to the wrong address?
was/were + being + p.p.
‫ماض مستمر مجهول‬ ‫ي‬ Were the cheques being sent to the wrong address?
Present Perfect Passive My sisters have made a cake.
have/has + been + p.p.
‫مضارع تام مجهول‬ A cake has been made.
Past Perfect Passive had + been + p.p. He had delivered the letters before 10 a.m.
‫ماض تام مجهول‬
‫ي‬ The letters had been delivered before 10 a.m.
Future Simple Passive The company will hire new workers.
will be + p.p.
‫مستقبل بسيط مجهول‬ New workers will be hired.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬143 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


Unscramble the words to make passive sentences.

‫كتاب النشاط‬
D ‫تمرين‬
122 ‫صفحة‬ 236
‫ضع الكلمات بطريقة مقروءة لتكون جملة مبنية للمجهول‬

1. Somebody stole my wallet last week. (wallet week was My last stolen)
My wallet was stolen last week.

2. Somebody robbed the bank yesterday. (was The yesterday bank robbed)

3. Somebody will pay the bill tomorrow. (tomorrow bill will The be paid)

4. People use these coins in Egypt. (Egypt are in used coins These)

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the
verb in brackets.
124 ‫صفحة‬ 236
‫بي األقواس‬ ‫ى‬
‫للمبن المجهول لألفعال ر ى‬ ‫اكمل الجمل بالشكل الصحيح‬

1. The cheque was signed (sign) last week.

2. A fee will be charged (charge) if you don’t have enough money in your account.
3. This letter ______________ (write) by my father.
4. The magazine _________________ (publish) every month.
5. I used my father’s car while my car ________________________ (repair).
6. My bedroom __________________ (paint), so I’m sleeping in the living room.
7. My ATM card ________________ (steal) yesterday, so I have to get a new one.
8. Bank statements ___________________ (send) at the end of each month.

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. Somebody will grade our homework over the weekend.

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2015/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)
Our homework will be graded over the weekend.

2. Somebody is cleaning the room right now. (‫ تمهيدي‬2016/‫ دور اول‬2014)

The room is being cleaned right now.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬144 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

3. Somebody took my wallet last week. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
My wallet was taken last week.

4. (was / The / Yesterday / bank / robbed) (unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
)‫ دور ثالث‬2014(
The bank was robbed yesterday.

5. (tomorrow – bill – will – The – be – paid) (unscramble to make a passive sentence) (‫ دور اول‬2015)
The bill will be paid tomorrow.

6. Somebody was opening the gates when we arrived. (‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2015)
The gates were being opened when we arrived.

7. My bedroom ………. (paint), so I’m sleeping in the living room. (Complete with the correct passive
form) (‫ دور ثالث‬2015)
My bed room was painted, so I’m sleeping in the living room.

8. The police found fingerprints in the crime scene. (‫ثات‬

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
Fingerprints were found in the crime scene.

9. My father wrote this letter. (‫ دور اول‬2016)

This letter was written by my father.

10. Somebody stole my wallet last week. (‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2016)
My wallet was stolen last week.

11. (renovated / bank / is / The / being) (unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
)‫ دور ثالث‬2016(
The bank is being renovated.

12. They signed the cheque last week. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)
The cheque was signed last week.

13. The previous owner cut down the trees last year. (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
The trees were cut down last year.

14. (Egypt / are / in / used / coins / These) (unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
)‫ تمهيدي‬2017(
These coins are used in Egypt.

15. My uncle deposited the money last week. (‫ دور اول‬2017)

The money was deposited last week.

16. (wallet / week / was / my / last / stolen) (unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
‫ دور ي‬2017(
My wallet was stolen last week.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬145 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

17. (a last restaurant month opened new was) (unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
)‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017(
A new restaurant was opened last month.

18. (have – stairs – avoid – been – The – accidents – to – repaired) (Put the words in the correct
order to make a passive sentence) (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
The stairs have been repaired to avoid accidents.

19. Somebody will clean the house every Saturday. (‫ دور اول‬2018)
The house will be cleaned every Saturday.

20. (by, The, down, the, previous, owner, were, trees, cut) (Put the words in the correct order to
make a passive sentence) (‫ دور ثالث‬2018)
The trees were cut down by the previous owner.

21. Somebody left these books in the classroom. (‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018)
These books were left in the classroom.

22. { was, delivered, when, mail, the? } (Put the words in the correct order to make a passive
question) (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2019)
When was the mail delivered?

23. Somebody will pay the bill tomorrow. (‫ دور ثالث‬2019)

The bill will be paid tomorrow.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬146 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Six: Lesson 3 | ‫ الدرس الثالث‬:‫الوحدة السادسة‬

Meet a banker ‫التقي موظف مصرف‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
particularly ً
‫خصوصا‬ lend ‫يعير‬/‫يقرض‬ quite ‫الى حد ما‬
interesting ‫مثير لإلهتمام‬ whether ‫فيما لو‬ knowledgeable ‫واسع المعرفة‬
variety ‫تنوع‬ bookshop ‫متجر كتب‬ subjects ‫مواضيع‬
skills ‫مهارات‬ might ‫ربما‬ chemical ‫كيميائي‬
convince ‫يقنع‬ improve ‫يحسن‬ّ products ‫منتجات‬
attract ‫يجذب إنتباه‬ plans ‫خطط‬ understand ‫يفهم‬
special ‫مميز‬ already ً
‫مسبقا‬ satisfying ‫مُ رضي‬
close to ‫قريب من‬ unfortunately ‫لسوء الحظ‬ requires ‫يتطلب‬
advise ‫ينصح‬ customers ‫زبائن‬ able to ‫قادر على‬
suitable ‫مناسب‬ approve ‫يوافق على‬ graphs ‫رسوم بيانية‬
needs ‫احتياجات‬ disappoint ‫يخيب أمل‬ charts ‫مخططات‬
main ‫رئيسي‬ clients ‫عمالء‬ quickly ‫بسرعة‬
responsibilities ‫مسؤوليات‬ individuals ‫أفراد‬ value ‫قيمة‬
decide ‫يقرر‬ types ‫انواع‬ structure ‫هيكل‬
loans ‫قروض‬ enjoyable ‫ممتع‬ neighborhood ‫حي‬
simply ‫ببساطة‬ extend ‫يوسع‬
ّ communicator ‫مُ حاور‬
project ‫مشروع‬ exciting ‫مشوّ ق‬ complex ‫معقد‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Decide if these statements about the text on page 56 of the

Student’s Book are true (T) or false (F).
A ‫تمرين‬
124 ‫صفحة‬ 236
‫ من كتاب الطالب صح او خطأ‬56 ‫قرر فيما لو ان هذه العبارات من نص صفحة‬

1. My job has a daily routine. (F)

2. We do not encourage students to open accounts. (F)
3. I have to assess new business ideas. ( )
4. Sometimes I can’t agree to give a loan. ( )
5. Bankers only need to know about financial subjects. ( )
6. I do all my work alone. ( )

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬147 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the sentences with the passive or active form of the
verb in brackets.
D ‫تمرين‬
126 ‫صفحة‬ 236
‫بي األقواس‬ ‫ى‬
‫المبن للمعلوم لألفعال ر ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫المبن للمجهول ا و‬ ً
‫مستخدما‬ ‫اكمل الجمل‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

1. The money in a bank account is used (use) in many ways.

2. The machine is being repaired (repair) at the moment.
3. The loan _____________ (pay back) with interest at the end of the year.
4. The decision _________________ (make) tomorrow by the bank manager.
5. Fatima _______________ (get) a loan last week to buy her flat.
6. The business ______________ (start) two years ago by two brothers.
7. Bankers usually ______________ (like) helping their customers.
8. Was the information _______________ (send) to you by mail last week?

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. A banker needs to be a good architect. (True / False) (‫ تمهيدي‬2015)

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015)

2. A difficult part of a banker’s job is that he cannot… (‫ثات‬
always approve a loan.

3. What is one of the skills required from a banker? (‫ثات‬

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
You have to be good at Maths and able to read and understand graphs and charts quickly.

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)

4. Banks that work with large companies can ……. (‫ثات‬
help them improve and extend their business.

5. What is the difficult part of the banker’s job? (‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ دور اول‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
A difficult part of the banker’s job is that he cannot always approve loans.

6. Bankers only need to know about financial subjects. (True / False) (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017)

7. How can bankers attract students to open accounts? (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
by offering special student accounts.

8. What makes the job of a banker interesting? (‫ دور ثالث‬2019)

the variety.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬148 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Six: Lesson 5 | ‫ الدرس الخامس‬:‫الوحدة السادسة‬

The big day ‫اليوم األهم‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
guess ‫احزر‬ no way ‫ال طريقة‬ traveler ‫مُ سافر‬
plane ‫طائرة‬ carry ‫يحمل‬ accepted ‫مقبول‬
soon ‫قريبًا‬ underground ‫قطار انفاق‬ definitely ‫بالتأكيد‬
sights ‫معالم‬ wonder ‫يتسائل‬ probably ‫من المحتمل‬
guidebook ‫دليل‬ tip ‫بقشيش‬ pound ‫جنيه استرليني‬
packed ‫حز م‬ safer ‫أكثر امانًا‬ exchange rate ‫سعر الصرف‬
suitcase ‫حقيبة سفر‬ signed ّ
‫وقع‬ almost ‫تقريبًا‬
bought ‫اشترى‬ in front of ‫أمام‬ careful ‫حذر‬
tried ‫حاول‬ cashier ‫أمين صندوق‬ spend ‫يصرف‬
heavy ‫ثقيل‬ else ‫آخر‬ bring ‫يجلب‬
get to ‫يصل الى‬ local ‫محلي‬ souvenir ‫هدية تذكارية‬
have to ‫يجب ان‬ currency ‫عُ ملة‬ keep in touch ‫ابق على تواصل‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Reread the e-mail on page 58 on the Student’s Book and

answer the questions.
A ‫تمرين‬
131 ‫صفحة‬ 237
‫ من كتاب الطالب و أجب عن األسئلة‬58 ‫أعد قراءة األيميل يف صفحة‬

1. What has Hazem done to prepare for his trip?

Packed. Bought some new clothes and some guidebooks. Got some traveller’s cheques.

2. How is Hazem going to travel around London?


3. How is Hazem going to keep in touch with Mazen while he’s on holiday?

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬149 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Match the clauses to make conditional sentences.
B ‫تمرين‬ ‘

131 ‫صفحة‬
‫طابق العبارات لتكون جمل رشطية‬

1. If the cases are too heavy, a) I’d come with you

2. If the traffic isn’t too heavy, b) you have to pay extra
3. If I had the time and the money, c) I would have lent you my guidebook.
4. If you spend a lot of money on me, d) I’ll be at the airport at 12.30.
5. If you’d told me you were going to London, e) I’ll be very cross.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in
E ‫تمرين‬ ‘

132 ‫صفحة‬ 237

‫اكمل الجمل بالصيغة الصحيحة لألفعال ر ى‬
‫بي األقواس‬

1. If my plane doesn’t leave (not leave) on time, I’ll miss my connection this afternoon.
2. If you hadn’t renewed (not renew) your passport last month, you wouldn’t have been allowed
to travel.
3. If I __________________ (not bring) some books, I usually get very bored on the plane.
4. If I have any currency left over after the trip, I _____________ (keep) it for my next visit.
5. If they didn’t have duty-free shops at the airport, people _______________ (not be) very happy.

Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

‫كتاب النشاط‬
‫تمرين‬ ‘

132 ‫صفحة‬ 237

‫اكمل الجمل من افكارك الخاصة‬

1. If you hadn’t come with me, I would have got lost.

2. If they hadn’t run out of petrol, they would have arrived on time.
3. If I hadn’t seen you at school, _______________________________________________.
4. If I went to London, _______________________________________________________.
5. If I had a bank account, ____________________________________________________.
6. If I didn’t know the word, __________________________________________________.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬150 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Six: Lesson 6 | ‫ الدرس السادس‬:‫الوحدة السادسة‬

A car loan ‫قرض سيارة‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
pay ‫يدفع مال‬ monthly ‫شهري‬ investment ‫استثمار‬
car loan ‫قرض سيارة‬ instalments ‫أقساط‬ go up in value ‫ترتفع القيمة‬
maybe ‫ربما‬ owner ‫مالك‬ suppose ‫يفترض‬
down payment ‫دُفعة اولى‬ actually ‫في الواقع‬ earn ‫يكسب‬
in advance ‫مقدمً ا‬ how long ‫كم المدة‬ luckily ‫لحسن الحظ‬
at all ً
‫إطالقا‬ interest ‫فوائد‬ car insurance ‫تأمين السيارة‬
certain ‫معين‬ worth ‫يستحق‬
even ‫حتى‬ sort ‫نوع‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Read the conversation on page 59 of the Student’s Book and

answer the questions.
A ‫تمرين‬ ‘

133 ‫صفحة‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب و أجب عن االسئلة‬59 ‫إقرأ المحادثة يف صفحة‬

1. How did Nour pay for his car?

With a car loan.
2. Did Nour make a down payment?
No, he didn’t.
3. How much does Nour have to pay every month?
4. How long for?
5. Why wasn’t the car very expensive?

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬151 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Read the conversation again on page 59 of the Student’s
B ‫ تمرين‬Book. Look at the words in bold. Write the meaning.
133 ‫صفحة‬ 237
‫ اكتب معانيها‬.‫ أنظر للكلمات باللون الغامق‬.‫ من كتاب الطالب‬59 ‫أعد قراءة الحوار يف صفحة‬

1. down payment
Part of the total cost that is paid first.
2. monthly instalments
Part of the total cost that is paid every month.
3. investments
4. go up in value
5. car insurance

Unit Six: Lesson 7 | ‫ الدرس السابع‬:‫الوحدة السادسة‬

Letters ‫رسائل‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
letter ‫رسالة‬ inform ‫يُبلغ‬ service ‫خدمة‬
enclosed ‫مُ رفق‬ available ‫متوفر‬ grateful ‫ممتن‬
requested ‫مطلوب‬ provide ‫يوفر‬ transfer ‫ينقل‬
accounts ‫حسابات‬ contact ‫تواصل مع‬ party ‫حفلة‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬152 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Read the letters on page 60 of the Student’s Book and answer
the questions.
A ‫تمرين‬ ‘

135 ‫صفحة‬
‫ى‬ 237
‫ من كتاب الطالب و اجب عن االسئلة‬60 ‫اقرأ الرسائل يف صفحة‬

1. When did the customer write to the bank?

10 April, 2013.
2. When will passwords be sent?
3. What would Fareed have done if he had a digital camera?
4. What does Fareed want his friend to do?

Unit Six: Lesson 8 | ‫ الدرس الثامن‬:‫الوحدة السادسة‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences.

A ‫تمرين‬
138 ‫صفحة‬
‫طابق بدايات و نهايات الجمل‬

1. Could you please let me know a) I would receive it within a week.

2. I was told that b) I could withdraw money on my way to work.
3. I am writing to inquire c) when I will receive my card?
4. If I had an ATM card, d) I would save a lot of time.
5. If I could check my account e) about my ATM card.
balance by telephone,

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬153 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Six: Lesson 9 | ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة السادسة‬

Test Yourself ‫اختبر نفسك‬

A Underline the correct alternative. ‫ارسم خط اسفل الكلمة الصحيحة‬

1. My father opened / made an account for men when I was quite young. 237
2. I deposited / installed 5 million Iraqi dinars this morning.
3. Banks usually pay / charge a fee if you are overdrawn.
4. If you stay / maintain a minimum balance, you don’t have to pay a fee.
5. I can take / make a withdrawal at an ATM at any time.
6. Some accounts cost / pay more interest than others.

B Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. ‫اكمل الجمل بكلمات صحيحة من الصندوق‬

withdrawal expired back valid branch down payment

statement instalments online
1. I’m afraid your card is no longer valid. It expired a week ago. 237
2. This bank ______________ shows I have a lot of money in my account.
3. There must be a mistake. I didn’t make this ______________ last week.
4. How many ______________ do you have to make to pay ___________ your loan?
5. My father lent me the money to put a ________________ on a new car.
6. If you have Internet access you can bank _______________.
7. There is a ________________ of our bank near the university.

C Complete the sentences. ‫اكمل الجمل‬

1. A current account comes with a cheque book.
2. You can withdraw money from an ATM machine.
3. The minimum _____________ is 1,000 Iraqi dinars.
4. The ____________________ of an investment can go down as well as up.
5. If you don’t have enough money to buy something, you can ask the bank for a _____________.

‫ارسم خط اسفل ر‬
D Underline the correct form in each conditional sentence. ‫الشطيات الصحيحة‬
1. If I open a student account, I would have to / will have to maintain a minimum
2. If I had known it was raining when I left, I would have / would had brought an
umbrella. 237
3. If I have seen / had seen him yesterday, I would have told him your news.
4. If we hadn’t gone / didn’t go swimming, we would have had time to go or
a boat ride.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬154 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

5. If I had / have a computer, we could search the Internet.
6. If I played / have played tennis, I would join the tennis club.

‫اكمل الجمل ر‬
E Complete these conditional sentences. ‫الشطية‬
1. If you go out in this rain, you’ll get wet. 237
2. If my father knew that I drive so fast, he’d be furious.
3. If you cook an egg for half an hour, ___________________________________.
4. If he’d asked me to help him, _____________________________________________________.
5. If he really wanted to go to university, ______________________________________________.
6. If the car hadn’t broken down, _____________________________________________________.
‫ضع الكلمات ر‬
‫باليتيب الصحيح ى‬
F Put the words in the correct order to make passive sentences. )‫(مبن للمجهول‬
1. was delivered When mail the?
When was the mail delivered?

2. next being are week The replaced windows. 237

The windows are being replaced next week.
3. be sold The end house will before the year the of.

4. by The down the previous owner were trees cut.


5. have stairs avoid been The accidents to repaired.


G Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. ‫بالمبن للمجهول‬ ‫اعد كتابة الجمل‬
1. Somebody left these books in the classroom.
These books were left in the classroom.

2. Somebody teaches History every day. 238

History is taught every day.

3. Somebody is cleaning the room right now.


4. Somebody will grade our homework over the weekend.


5. Somebody was opening the gates when we arrived.


‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬155 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

H Complete the sentences with the passive form of the correct verb. Each verb is used only once.
‫ استخدم كل فعل مرة واحدة فقط‬.‫المبن المجهول للفعل الصحيح‬ ‫اكمل الجمل بصيغة‬
inform build use buy include display

1. Fareed is always informed of changes in his account balance

by SMS. 238

2. Yesterday a message was displayed on his screen that said he was

3. Mobile phones ________________ by millions of people these days.
4. _____________ cameras _____________ in all mobile phones?
5. Mobile phones _______________ for many other things in the future.
6. Mobile phone towers __________________ all the time.

I Complete the conversation with active or passive forms of the verbs in the box.
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫المبن للمجهول لألفعال يف الصندوق‬
‫ي‬ ‫بالمبن للمعلوم او‬
‫ي‬ ‫اكمل الحوار‬
open have install mail want keep send

Mother: So Noor, have you opened your bank account?

Noor: Yes, I opened it yesterday. 238
Mother: Do you have an ATM card?
Noor: Not yet. It ___________________ to me this week.
Mother: How about a cheque book?
Noor: I should get one in about ten days. It _____________ for me at the bank until I can pick it up.
Mother: Can you bank online?
Noor: If I _______________ to. But I’m worried about hackers. I’d rather read my bank statement.
when it ______________ at the end of the month.
Mother: You needn’t worry. I _______________ a very good firewall when I bought the computer.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬156 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Six: Lesson 10 | ‫ الدرس العاشر‬:‫الوحدة السادسة‬

Making money ‫كسب المال‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
saving ‫إدخار مال‬ follow ‫يتبع‬ ّ profit ‫فائدة‬
instilled ‫راسخ‬ markets ‫أسواق‬ sold ‫مبيوع‬
early age ‫عُ مر مُ بكر‬ stocks ‫األسهم‬ prices ‫أسعار‬
pocket money ‫مال الجيب‬ shares ‫حُ صص‬ increased ‫إزدادت‬
at once ‫فورًا‬ hobby ‫هواية‬ once again ‫مرة أخرى‬
aside ‫جانبًا‬ risky ‫خ طر‬ safe ‫آمن‬
encouraged ‫مُ شجّ ع‬ however ‫إال أن‬ in the long term ‫على مدى بعيد‬
pension ‫راتب تقاعد‬ guarantees ‫ضمانات‬ rent ‫إيجار‬
retirement ‫تقاعد‬ major ‫رئيسي‬ mortgage ‫رهن عقاري‬
older ً‫أكبر سنا‬ as well as ‫ايضا‬ً investor ‫مُ ستثمر‬
ways ‫ُطرُق‬ gain ‫يحصل على‬ realize ‫يحقق‬
saving account ‫حساب توفير‬ fixed ‫ثابت‬ profit ‫فائدة‬
suit ‫يالئم‬ sum ‫كمّ ية‬ inherit ‫يرث‬
saver ‫مُ دّ خر‬ period ‫فترة‬ etc. ‫الى اخره‬
appropriate ‫مُ ناسب‬ through ‫خالل‬ sensible ‫منطقي‬
ِ ِ
invest ‫يستثمر‬ property ‫ملكية‬ retired ‫متقاعد‬
ِ ً
financially minded ‫تفكير مادي‬ significant ‫ملحوظ‬ younger ‫سنا‬ ‫اصغر‬


Circle the correct answer according to the text.

‫كتاب النشاط‬ ‘

B ‫تمرين‬
145 ‫صفحة‬ ً
‫ضع دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح وفقا للنص‬ 238

1. When we are children:

a) we start to save for when we are older.
b) we are taught the value of saving.
c) we often buy big things.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬157 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

2. We can get more interest:
a) if we keep our money in our account for a long time.
b) if we change accounts often.
c) if we put in a fixed amount.

3. Investing in stocks and shares:

a) is a good way for anyone to make money.
b) will always make a profit.
c) is fun for some people.

4. If you buy property:

a) you can make a lot of profit from rent.
b) you don’t need a loan.
c) you may get a lot of money when you sell it.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Find the words in the text that complete the following
C ‫تمرين‬ ‘

146 ‫صفحة‬ 238

‫جد الكلمات من النص لتكمل العبارات التالية‬

1. put some aside 6. a risky _________________

2. pension plans 7. major __________________
3. ______________ savers 8. break __________________
4. a fixed _____________ 9. realize the ______________
5. financially ____________

Unit Seven: Lesson 1 | ‫ الدرس األول‬:‫الوحدة السابعة‬

What can I study? ‫ماذا بإمكاني ان‬



‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
enhance ‫ُحسن‬
ِّ ‫ي‬ worried ‫قلق‬ hear ‫يسمع‬
chances ‫ُفرص‬ admitted ‫يُسمح به‬ on my way ‫في طريقي‬
enrolled ‫سجّ ل‬ attend ‫يحضر‬ workshop ‫ورشة عمل‬
summer ‫صيف‬ conferences ‫مؤتمرات‬ practice ‫تطبيق‬
sent ‫أرسل‬ once ‫مرة واحدة‬ software ‫برمجيات‬
application ‫تقديم‬ twice ‫مرتان‬ efficient ‫كفوء‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬158 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


Match the following definitions to the words in bold on page

‫كتاب النشاط‬
64 of the Student’s Book.
B ‫تمرين‬ ‘

148 ‫صفحة‬ 238

.‫ من كتاب الطالب‬64 ‫طابق التعريفات التالية بالكلمات المكتوبة بخط عريض ى يف الصفحة‬

1. get on a list of people. register

2. a large meeting to discuss something conference

3. a practical lesson _________________

4. a written request _________________

5. working quickly and well _________________

6. be on a list for a class _________________

7. make something better _________________

8. allowed into a place _________________

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Making word families can help you remember vocabulary.

Use the suffixes to help you complete the words in the box.
C ‫تمرين‬ ‘

148 ‫صفحة‬ ً 238

‫ استخدم اللواحق لتساعدك يف‬.‫تجميع الكلمات المتشابهة سويا يساعدك عل تذكر المفردات‬
‫إكمال الكلمات يف الصندوق‬

‫ اذا جاءت يف نهاية الكلمة عند اضافة اللواحق‬t ‫ و‬l ‫ تتضاعف الحروف‬.1
‫ يف نهاية الكلمة‬y ‫ ال‬i ‫ يتغن الحرف‬.2

~ment ~ance ~ation ~sion

Verb ‫فعل‬ Noun ‫إسم‬


‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬159 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

‫تمرين‬ 232
149 ‫صفحة‬
‫أكمل الجمل بكلمات من الصندوق‬

register application admitted conference enhance qualifications

1. You can enhance your computer skills by taking an evening class.

2. You must send your application to the school by 10 May if you want to start in July.
3. Many scientists will be giving presentations at the _____________ on the environment.
4. Because she is an excellent pianist, Ameena was __________ to a very good music school.
5. You can ______________ for this class by completing a form online.
6. When I left school, I had few ___________________, but I got a good job after taking a computer

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. apply, application; enhance, enhancement. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2016/‫ تمهيدي‬2016/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)

2. register, registration; apply, application. (‫ دور اول‬2017/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
3. enhance, enhancement; admit, admission. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2015)
4. apply, application; enroll, enrollment.
‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ثات‬
(‫ثات‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016/‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
5. enhance, enhancement; attend, attendance. (‫ تمهيدي‬2017)
6. attend, attendance; register, registration. (‫ دور ثالث‬2018)

Unit Seven: Lesson 2 | ‫ الدرس الثاني‬:‫الوحدة السابعة‬

A language school ‫مدرسة لغة‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
prepare ‫يتحضر‬ intensive ّ ُ‫م‬
‫كثف‬ select ‫يختار‬
improve ‫ُحسن‬ِّ ‫ي‬ preparation ‫إستعداد‬ right ‫مُ ناسب‬
prospects ‫آفاق‬ quick ‫سريع‬ register ‫يسجل‬
cultures ‫ثقافات‬ results ‫نتائج‬ in person ‫شخصيًا‬
offer ‫يُقدّ م‬ placement test ‫اختبار تحديد مستوى‬ each ‫ُكل‬
maximum ‫كحد أقصى‬ mandatory ‫إجباري‬ fees ‫أجور‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬160 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫مستقبل بسيط ‪Future Simple‬‬

‫القاعدة‬ ‫مثال‬
‫‪I will have a lot of work to do tomorrow.‬‬
‫حالة‬ ‫فعل مجرد ‪ + will +‬فاعل‬
‫سيكون لدي عمل كثن ألقوم به يوم غد‬
‫حالة ى‬ ‫‪They won’t finish their project on time.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫فعل مجرد ‪ + will not (won’t) +‬فاعل‬ ‫لن يكملوا ر‬
‫مرسوعهم بالوقت المحدد‬
‫?‪Will you see Kamal in the bank‬‬
‫السؤال‬ ‫? فعل مجرد ‪ +‬فاعل ‪Will +‬‬
‫هل سنى كمال يف المضف؟‬

‫نستخدم المستقبل البسيط (‪ )Future Simple‬ل ـ ـ ‪:‬‬

‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬إعطاء الرأي‬
‫‪I think it will rain.‬‬
‫اعتقد انها ستمطر (هذا ر ي ي‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬تنبؤات مستقبلية‬
‫‪I think he will be a successful business man.‬‬
‫اعتقد أنه سيكون رجل اعمال ناجح‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬التعبن عن األمل‬
‫‪I hope the train will arrive on time.‬‬
‫آمل ان يصل القطار يف وقته‬
‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .4‬الوعود‬
‫‪I won’t borrow your car again.‬‬
‫لن استعن سيارتك مرة أخرى‬

‫مضارع مستمر بداللة المستقبل ‪Present Continuous for Future‬‬

‫القاعدة‬ ‫مثال‬
‫‪Qadir is meeting me in front of the library.‬‬
‫حالة‬ ‫)‪ (ing‬فعل ‪ + am / is / are +‬فاعل‬
‫سيلتف يت قادر امام المكتبة‬
‫حالة ى‬ ‫‪He isn’t going home for the holidays.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫)‪ (ing‬فعل ‪ + am / is / are + not +‬فاعل‬
‫لن يذهب ال المنل لقضاء العطلة‬
‫?‪Are you driving to school this morning‬‬
‫السؤال‬ ‫? )‪ (ing‬فعل ‪ +‬فاعل ‪Am / Is / Are +‬‬
‫هل ستقود بالسيارة ال المدرسة صباح اليوم؟‬

‫شء مخطط له ان يحصل ى يف المستقبل‪.‬‬ ‫ر‬

‫نستخدم المضارع المستمر (‪ )Present Continuous‬للتحدث عن ي‬
‫•‬ ‫‪Salwa is taking an exam at nine o’clock tomorrow morning.‬‬
‫ستجري سلوى اإلمتحان يف الساعة التاسعة من صباح يوم غد‬

‫‪ 161‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫المستقبل بعبارة )‪Future (Going to‬‬

‫القاعدة‬ ‫مثال‬
‫‪I am going to work harder next year.‬‬
‫حالة‬ ‫فعل مجرد ‪ + am / is / are + going to +‬فاعل‬
‫سأعمل بجهد اكن العام المقبل‬
‫حالة ى‬ ‫‪We aren’t going to stay up late tonight.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫فعل مجرد ‪ + am / is / are + not + going to +‬فاعل‬
‫لن نسهر لوقت متأخر الليلة‬
‫?‪Is Ali going to apply to the programme‬‬
‫السؤال‬ ‫? فعل مجرد ‪ + going to +‬فاعل ‪Am / Is / Are +‬‬
‫عىل للننامج؟‬
‫هل سيقدم ي‬

‫‪ً .‬‬
‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ّ‬
‫شء بالمستقبل‬
‫نستخدم هذه الصيغة للتحدث عن نية او خطة لفعل ي‬
‫‪Jafar is going to learn a new language to improve his job prospects.‬‬
‫سيتعلم جعفر لغة جديدة لتحسي فرص عمله‬

‫مستقبل مستمر ‪Future Continuous‬‬

‫القاعدة‬ ‫مثال‬
‫‪Malak will be going to university in the autumn.‬‬
‫حالة‬ ‫)‪ (ing‬فعل‪ + will be +‬فاعل‬
‫ستكون مالك ذاهبة ال الجامعة يف الخريف‬
‫حالة ى‬ ‫‪I won’t be doing the washing up in the morning.‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫)‪ (ing‬فعل‪ + will not be (won’t be) +‬فاعل‬
‫لن اغسل المالبس يف الصباح‬
‫?‪Will you be cooking tonight‬‬
‫السؤال‬ ‫? )‪ (ing‬فعل‪ + be +‬فاعل ‪Will +‬‬
‫هل ستطبخ الليلة‬
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫نستخدم المستقبل المستمر (‪ )Future Continuous‬للتحدث عن فعل سيكون يحدث يف مدة محددة يف المستقبل ولن‬
‫ينته ى يف وقتها المذكور ى يف الجملة‪ .‬قد تكون هذه المدة ساعة او شهر او سنة‪.‬‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫•‬ ‫‪Between 10 and 11 tomorrow I’ll be writing a report.‬‬

‫بي الساعة ‪ 10‬و ‪ 11‬من يوم غد سأكتب التقرير‬

‫•‬ ‫‪Next year I will be studying English and Japanese.‬‬

‫العام القادم سأدرس االنجلنية و اليابانية‬

‫مضارع بسيط بداللة المستقبل ‪Present Simple for Future‬‬

‫زمن ثابت‪.‬‬ ‫ر‬
‫ش احداث مستقبلية مبنية عل جدول ي‬
‫إستخدم المضارع البسيط (‪ )Present Simple‬للتحدث ىعن ي‬
‫زمن ثابت يف المطار‪.‬‬
‫مثال‪ :‬رحالت الطائرات تكون مبنية عل جدول ي‬

‫‪ 162‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫مواعيد مغادرة القطار‪.‬‬
‫اليامج التلفزيونية‪.‬‬‫نشات األخبار او ر‬‫ر‬
‫الن تحدث وفق جدول‪.‬‬ ‫ر‬
‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬ ‫وغيها من األمور ي‬ ‫ر‬

‫•‬ ‫ستقلع الطائرة الساعة ‪ً 2‬‬

‫ظهرا ‪The plane takes off at 2 p.m.‬‬
‫•‬ ‫دروش يوم غد الساعة ‪My classes start tomorrow at nine o’clock. 9‬‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ستبدأ‬
‫•‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ر‬
‫تبدأ نرسة األخبار الساعة التاسعة مساء ‪The news bulletins start at 9.m.‬‬
‫•‬ ‫ً‬
‫عضا ‪My train arrives at 4 in the afternoon.‬‬ ‫سيصل قطاري الرابعة‬

‫مستقبل في الماضي ‪Future in the past‬‬

‫مثال) نريد ان نقول ما سيحدث ف مستقبل ذلك الوقت (الساعة ‪ً 3‬‬ ‫ً‬
‫ظهرا‬ ‫ي‬ ‫صباحا البارحة‬ ‫الماض (الساعة ‪9‬‬
‫ي‬ ‫عندما نتحدث عن‬
‫مثال)‪ .‬وبــهذه الحالة نحتاج ان نقوم بالتغينات التالية‪:‬‬

‫صيغ المستقبل‬ ‫الماض‬

‫ي‬ ‫صيغ مستقبل‬
‫فعل مجرد ‪will +‬‬ ‫فعل مجرد ‪would +‬‬
‫‪ + ing‬فعل ‪am / is / are +‬‬ ‫)‪ (ing‬فعل ‪was/were +‬‬
‫فعل مجرد ‪am / is / are + going to +‬‬ ‫فعل مجرد ‪was / were + going to +‬‬
‫)‪ (ing‬فعل ‪will be +‬‬ ‫)‪ (ing‬فعل ‪would be +‬‬
‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫ماض بسيط‬

‫امثلة ‪Examples‬‬

‫•‬ ‫‪I enrolled in a class on web design because I thought I would learn a lot.‬‬
‫ات سأتعلم الكثن‬
‫سجلت يف درس تعلم تصميم المواقع األلكنونية ألن اعتقدت ي‬
‫•‬ ‫‪She couldn’t come to the party because she was taking an exam on the next day.‬‬
‫المجء ال الحفلة ألنها أجرت إمتحان اليوم ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫لم تستطع‬

‫•‬ ‫‪I decided I was going to study languages when I was in 6th Preparatory.‬‬
‫قررت ان ادرس اللغات عندما كنت يف الصف السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫•‬ ‫‪I knew Rashida would be sleeping late that morning, so I didn’t call her until afternoon.‬‬
‫عرفت أن رشيدة ستكون نائمة لوقت متأخر ذلك الصباح لذا لم اتصل بها حن العض‬

‫•‬ ‫‪I went to the library at nine o’clock, but when I arrived, I saw it didn’t open until ten.‬‬
‫ذهبت ال المكتبة الساعة التاسعة و لكن عندما وصلت رأيت أنها لم تفتح ابوابها ال ان اصبحت الساعة ‪10‬‬

‫‪ 163‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the sentences using the words in bold in the

brochure on page 65 of the Student’s Book.
A ‫تمرين‬ ‘

149 ‫صفحة‬ 238

ُ ‫ى‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب‬65 ‫أكمل الجمل بالكلمات المكتوبة بخط غامق يف الكراس بصفحة‬

1. On the first day, the students take a placement test.

2. Many students take an intensive language course.
3. The ______________ number of students is 10.
4. You have to pay your _________________ in advance.
5. A qualification in English is ______________________ if you want to study in England.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Read the sentences 1–5. Decide what type they are. Write
letters a–e in the boxes.
C ‫تمرين‬ ‘

150 ‫صفحة‬
‫ى‬ 238
‫ يف الصناديق‬e ‫ اىل‬a ‫ اكتب الحروف من‬.‫ قرر ما نوع كل واحدة‬.5 ‫ اىل‬1 ‫إقرأ الجمل من‬

1. b I’m feeling really happy. Tomorrow a) Schedules

morning I’ll be sitting on a plane on (Present Simple)
my way to London.
2. e I’ve talked to my parents about next b) Fixed arrangements
year and I’ve decided I’m going to (Present Continuous)
study to be a doctor.
3. I’m sorry I can’t come out tonight, but c) Plans and intentions
I’m playing football at 6.30 and I will be (going to)
tired afterwards.
4. I hope to give you that book back d) Predictions
tomorrow. I think I’ll be able to finish (Future Simple)
it tonight.
e) Fixed time in the future with focus
5. The football match finishes at 8 p.m.
on the action (Future Continuous)

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. He is going to be a librarian. He decided he ………. (future in the past) (‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2014)
He decided he was going to be a librarian.

2. She is going to her computer course tomorrow. I found out she…….. (future in the past)
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ثات‬
)‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2016/‫ دور ثالث‬2014(
I found out she was going to her computer course.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬164 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

3. He’s going to a painting class this evening. I found out he ……… (Re-write using the future in the
past) (‫ تمهيدي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2015)
I found out he was going to a painting course.

4. The internet connection will be working again soon. Our teacher promised that… (future in the
past) (‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2015)
Our teacher promised that the internet connection would be working again soon.

5. Hasan thinks he will enjoy a career in graphic design.

Hasan thought …………., but now he isn’t so sure. (Future in the past)
(‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
Hasan thought he would enjoy a career in graphic design, but now he isn’t so sure.

6. I’m going to learn Chinese. I decided………. (Future in the past) (‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ دور ثالث‬2015)
I decided I was going to learn Chinese.

7. He is going to register in an English course. He decided………. (Complete using future in the past.)
)‫ تمهيدي‬2016(
He decided he was going to register in an English course.

8. He ………. (tell) Dana she passed the exam. (Put the verb in the correct future form) (‫ دور اول‬2016)
He is going to tell Dana she passed the exam.

9. He is going to be a lifeguard. He decided he…………….. (Future in the past) (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)

He decided he was going to be a lifeguard.

10. Ammar will be working late, so I won’t call him early in the morning. I knew Ammar ……………, so
I didn’t call him early in the morning. (Future in the past) (‫ دور اول‬2017)
I knew Ammar would be working late, so I didn’t call him early in the morning.

11. I’m going to learn English. I decided …………. (Future in the past) (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2017)
I decided I was going to learn English.

12. I’m very disappointed to hear that the health club is closing down. I was……. (Future in the past)
‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2018(
I was very disappointed to hear that the health club was closing down.

13. They can’t come to the beach because they’re taking an exam the next day. They couldn’t ………
(Future in the past) (‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2019)
They couldn’t come to the party because they were taking an exam the next day.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬165 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Seven: Lesson 3 | ‫ الدرس الثالث‬:‫الوحدة السابعة‬

Improve your computer skills ‫حسن مهاراتك الحاسوبية‬



‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
jobseekers ‫باحثين عن عمل‬ advertising ‫يُعلن‬
familiar ‫مط ّلع على‬ agencies ‫وكاالت‬
basic ‫أساسي‬ web design ‫تصميم مواقع انترنت‬
career ‫سيرة مهنية‬ maintain ‫يحافظ على‬
increasing ‫يزداد‬ education ‫تعليم‬
depending on ‫يعتمد على‬ advantage ‫ميزة‬
spreadsheets ‫جداول بيانات‬ self-disciplined ‫منضبط ذاتيًا‬
financial ‫مالي‬ without ‫بدون‬
artists ‫فنانين‬ explanations ‫تفسيرات‬
graphic design ‫تصميم بياني‬ complex ‫معقد‬
illustrations ‫رسوم توضيحية‬ practical ‫عملي‬
publishers ‫ناشرين‬ demonstration ‫برهنة‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Match the words in bold on page 66 of the Student’s Book

with the definitions below. 238
A ‫تمرين‬ ‘

151 ‫صفحة‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب بالتعاريف المذكورة ادناه‬66 ‫طابق الكلمات المكتوبة بخط غامق يف صفحة‬

1. able to make yourself do things even when you don’t want to do them self-disciplined.
2. a program that lets you arrange information in tables spreadsheet.
3. a person who is looking for a job ____________________.
4. creating a website ___________________.
5. creating pictures for books, brochures, etc. ___________________________.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬166 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Reread the article on page 66 of the Student’s Book and
B ‫ تمرين‬answer the following questions.
151 ‫صفحة‬
‫ى‬ 238
‫ من كتاب الطالب و أجب عن االسئلة التالية‬66 ‫أعد قراءة المقال يف صفحة‬

1. Give two reasons for improving computer skills.

To improve job prospects.
To help find a new career.

2. Why are spreadsheets used a lot in businesses?


3. What sort of company would a graphic designer work for?


4. Why is it becoming easier to find courses in computer skills?


5. What are the three main ways of studying computer skills?


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Put the verb in brackets in the correct future form. Use the
present simple, present continuous or going to + infinitive
E ‫تمرين‬ ‘

153 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬

‫ استخدم المضارع البسيط ا و المضارع‬.‫ضع األفعال ربي األقواس بصيغة المستقبل الصحيحة‬
(going to + ‫المستمر او صيغة )فعل مجرد‬

1. Some day, Ahmed is going to take (take) a computer class so he can get a better job.
2. My new class starts ‫ او‬is starting (start) tomorrow.
3. He __________________ (tell) Dana she passed the exam.
4. They ___________________ (leave) at 10.00.
5. We ____________________ (have) a party on Wednesday. Can you come?
6. The term __________________ (begin) on September 3.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬167 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Seven: Lesson 4 | ‫ الدرس الرابع‬:‫الوحدة السابعة‬

Summer courses ‫دورات صيفية‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
wide ‫واسع‬ simple ‫بسيط‬ designed for ‫مصمم لـــ‬
range ‫نطاق‬ dates ‫تواريخ‬ industries ‫صناعات‬
pleasure ‫متعة‬ vocabulary ‫مفردات‬ secretarial ‫سكرتيري‬
venue ‫مكان الحدث‬ protecting ‫يحمي‬ enhance ‫ُحسن‬
ّ ‫ي‬
no prior ‫ال سابق‬ environment ‫بيئة‬
knowledge ‫معرفة‬ campus ‫حرم جامعي‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Scan the course catalogue on page 67 of the Student’s Book

and answer the questions.
A ‫تمرين‬ ‘

154 ‫صفحة‬
‫ من كتاب الطالب و أجب عن األسئلة‬67 ‫تفحص فهرس الكورس يف صفحة‬ 239

1. Which course does not take place on the university campus?

Basic web design.

2. Which course meets twice a week?

English for work.

3. Which course is for beginners?


4. Which course is for people who already have a job?


5. What does venue mean?

a) where something takes place b) when something takes place

6. If you enhance your job prospects, you …

a) improve them b) reduce them

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬168 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences.
C ‫تمرين‬ ‘

155 ‫صفحة‬
.‫طابق بدايات و نهايات الجمل‬

1. When I was 10, a) saw that classes started in June.

2. I can’t stay long because b) I thought I would be a pilot.
3. Next semester we c) they were having dinner with a friend.
4. They didn’t stay for dinner because d) she was going to get to bed early.
5. She felt sleepy and decided e) you will get there on time
6. She studied English because f) will be studying Biology at school.
7. If you leave now, I think g) I’m meeting my brother at 6.00.
8. When I read the catalogue, I h) she knew she would be travelling for work.

Unit Seven: Lesson 5 | ‫ الدرس الخامس‬:‫الوحدة السابعة‬

Volunteers at the Children’s Hospital ‫متطوعين في مستشفى األطفال‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
volunteer ‫متطوع‬ librarian ‫موظف مكتبة‬ as a result ‫و عليه‬
natural ‫طبيعي‬ so ‫لذا‬ advise ‫ينصح‬
disasters ‫كوارث‬ nurses ‫ممرضات‬ contact ‫يتواصل مع‬
realize ‫يُدرك‬ supervise ‫يُشرف‬ charity ‫مؤسسة خيرية‬
decided ِ
‫قرر‬ management ‫إدارة‬ supporting ‫دعم‬
organization ‫منظمة‬ as well as ً
‫أيضا‬ being ill ً
‫ان تكون مريضا‬
being paid ‫يُدفع له أجرًا‬ experience ‫تجربة‬ scared ‫خائف‬
sites ‫مواقع‬ graduating ‫يتخرج‬ visit ‫يزور‬
opportunities ‫فرص‬ spring ‫ربيع‬ stories ‫قصص‬
such as ‫مثل‬ might ‫ربما‬ whereas ‫بينما‬
patients ‫مرضى‬ not sure ‫ليس متأكد‬ miss ‫يشتاق‬
directions ‫اتجاهات‬ right job ‫عمل مناسب‬ taught ‫ع ّلم‬
typing ‫كتابة‬ shift ‫مناوبة‬
letters ‫حروف‬ although ‫على الرغم من‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬169 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the text with linking words from the box.
C ‫تمرين‬ ‘

157 ‫صفحة‬ 239

.‫أكمل النص بكلمات رابطة من الصندوق‬

however for instance first unlike once so while

1 Once he leaves university, Mike is going to have more time for voluntary work. The work is quite
time-consuming. 2 However, Mike things it gives him a lot of skills that will be useful later in life.
He likes the variety of hospital work, 3 _______________________, working with patients and
supervising other staff.
4 __________________ most of his friends, Mike can’t use a computer. That will soon change. He
is going on a course next week, 5 _________________ in six months he should be good at using
spreadsheets and even web design.

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Underline the correct form of the verb.

D ‫تمرين‬ ‘

158 ‫صفحة‬
.‫ضع خط أسفل الصيغة القواعدية الصحيحة للفعل‬

1. She decided she is becoming / was going to become a volunteer after watching a programme on
2. Layla thought she would like / likes nursing, but now she’s not true.
3. Ibrahim can’t stay out late because he was starting / is starting his new job tomorrow.
4. Ibrahim had to leave early because he was having / had to meet his friends.
5. I know he will be sleeping / would be sleeping when I get home, as he always goes to bed early.
6. In my old job, my shift started / starts at 6.00 every Wednesday, and I worked until 9.00
7. The volunteer promised the children he was / would be back the following week.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬170 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Seven: Lesson 6 | ‫ الدرس السادس‬:‫الوحدة السابعة‬

Learning Experiences ‫تعلم التجارب‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Rewrite the sentences using the future in the past.

A ‫تمرين‬ ‘

159 ‫صفحة‬ ‫ى‬ 239

.‫الماض‬ ً
‫مستخدما المستقبل يف‬ ‫أعد كتابة الجمل‬

1. I’ve decided I am going to learn Arabic.

I decided I was going to learn Arabic.
2. My employer says the company will give me on-the-job training.
My employer said the company would give me on-the-job training.
3. He is going to a painting class this evening.
I found out he ________________________________________________________.
4. I know the classes start in the summer.
I knew ______________________________________________________________.
5. I am very disappointed to learn the owner will be closing the company in the autumn.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬171 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Seven: Lesson 7 | ‫ الدرس السابع‬:‫الوحدة السابعة‬

Books and the Internet ‫الكتب و األنترنت‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
on the whole ‫على العموم‬ easier ‫أسهل‬ essay ‫مقال‬
useful ‫مفيد‬ reliable ‫يُعتمد عليه‬ advantages ‫محاسن‬
general ‫عام‬ in-depth ‫فصل‬ّ ُ‫م‬ disadvantages ‫مساوئ‬
information ‫معلومات‬ longer ‫أطول‬ sources ‫مصادر‬
about ‫حول‬ in addition ‫باإلضافة‬ for instance ‫على سبيل المثال‬
topic ‫موضوع‬ content ‫مُ حتوى‬ encyclopedia ‫موسوعة‬
better ‫أفضل‬ wherever ‫اينما‬ even ‫حتى‬
unlike ‫على عكس‬ although ‫بالرغم من‬ cheaper ‫أرخص‬
authors ‫مؤلفين‬ convenient ‫مريح‬ however ‫إال أن‬
identify ‫يتعرف على‬ ordering ‫طلب‬ once ‫بمجرد أن‬
therefore ‫لذلك‬ arrival ‫وصول‬ whatever ‫أيًا كان‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Read the essay again and answer the questions.

C ‫تمرين‬ ‘

161 ‫صفحة‬ 239

.‫إقرأ المقال مرة أخرى و أجب عن االسئلة‬

1. According to the writer, what are the advantages of the Internet?

It is convenient. There are many sources of information.

2. What is the main disadvantage of the Internet?


3. What are the advantages of books?


‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬172 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

4. Some people think that the Internet is more convenient to use than a book. What does the writer

Unit Seven: Lesson 9 | ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة السابعة‬

Test Yourself ‫اختبر نفسك‬

A Match a word from the column on the left with a word from the column on the right
to make compound nouns. ‫طابق الكلمات يف العامودين‬
1. internet c a) design
2. course e b) skills
3. self c) connection
4. web d) discipline
5. computer e) fees

B Write words for these definitions. ‫اكتب الكلمات لهذه التعاريف‬

1. A computer program that is useful if you are working

with numbers. spreadsheet.
2. The place where you hold a course or concert,
for example. venue.
3. improve (for example, job prospects) ____________________.
4. An organization that provides help or raises money for people in need. ____________________
5. Talk or communicate informally, for example on the Internet. ________________________.

C Complete the sentences. ‫اكمل الجمل‬

1. I’d like to train as a librarian because I love books and libraries.

2. She’s a medical student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years’ time. 239
3. Next year I plan to ___________________ on a course to improve my English.
4. If you are a manager, you have to __________________ other employees.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬173 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

5. Last summer my father, who is a scientist, attended a big ______________ in London.

D Choose the best alternative. ‫اخي الكلمة او العبارة الصحيحة‬

1. Dana is going to volunteer / volunteers at the hospital when she has more time. 239
2. Volunteer training will be beginning / begins on the first of the month.
3. She is meeting / meets the director tomorrow morning.
4. I think she will like / will be liking the work.
5. She learns / will be learning a lot of new skills.

E Circle the correct ending for the sentences. ‫ضع دائرة حول النهاية الصحيحة‬

1. If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late. The train …

a) leaves at 11.00. b) will leave at 11.00.

2. I’m sorry I can’t go with you. I … 239

a) will go to the dentist’s then. b) am going to the dentist’s then.

3. Your room is a mess. When …

a) are you going to clean it up? b) do you clean it up?

4. Think of me tomorrow at 9.00. I …

a) will be taking a really difficult exam. b) will take a really difficult exam.

5. She didn’t pass the exam last time. I hope …

a) she will be doing better this time. b) she will do better this time.

F Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form to complete the conversation.
In some cases, more than one form is possible. ‫ضع االفعال بزمن المستقبل الصحيح‬

Nour: I’m taking ‫ او‬I’m going to take (take) a computer class at the university.
Aziz: That’s a good idea. I’m going to take (take) an English class if I can
find one near my house. 240
Nour: Have you tried to Speakwell Language School? That’s near your house.
Aziz: No. When _________________ classes _______________ start?
Nour: Classes _________________ (begin) next week.
Aziz: That’s too bad. I ________________ (visit) my uncle next week. We _______________
(leave) on Monday. I think I’ll be back Friday morning. I’ll call you when I arrive.
Nour: OK. But call me in the afternoon. In the morning I _________________ (sit) in my computer

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬174 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ً
G Rewrite the sentences using the future in the past. ‫الماض‬
‫ي‬ ‫مستخدما المستقبل يف‬ ‫اعد كتابة الجمل‬
I’m going to learn Chinese.
I decided I was going to learn Chinese.

I know the course will start in September. 240

I knew the course would start in September.

1. She’s going to her computer course tomorrow night.

I found out she ____________________________________________________________.
2. He’s going to be a librarian.
He decided he _____________________________________________________________.
3. Hasan thinks he will enjoy a career in graphic design.
Hasan thought _______________________________________, but now he’s not so sure.
4. Ammar will be working late, so I won’t call him early in the morning.
I knew Ammar ________________________________, so I didn’t call him early in the morning.
5. The Internet connection will be working again soon.
Our teacher promised that _____________________________________________________.
6. They can’t come to the beach because they’re taking an exam the next day.
They couldn’t ________________________________________________________________.
7. I’m very disappointed to hear that the health club is closing down.
I was _______________________________________________________________________.

Unit Seven: Lesson 10 | ‫ الدرس العاشر‬:‫الوحدة السابعة‬

Using the library ‫استخدام المكتبة‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
accounts ‫حسابات‬ whole ‫كامل‬ interviews ‫مقابالت‬
for a while ‫لفترة قصيرة‬ section ‫قسم‬ body language ‫لغة جسد‬
rest ‫متبقي‬ qualifications ‫مؤهالت‬ since ‫بسبب‬
regularly ‫بشكل منتظم‬ unusual ‫غير اعتيادي‬ materials ‫مواد‬
astounded ‫مندهش‬ appearing ‫يظهر‬ examinations ‫امتحانات‬
available ‫متوفر‬ advice ‫ينصح‬ useful ‫مفيد‬
looking for ‫يبحث عن‬ get through ‫ينجح‬ pay off ‫يدفع دين‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬175 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬What do these words mean in the text? Circle the correct
B ‫تمرين‬ ‘

170 ‫صفحة‬ 240

.‫تعن هذه الكلمات ى يف النص؟ ضع دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح‬
‫ماذا ي‬

1. astounded
a) disappointed
b) surprised
c) upset

2. body language
a) how you sit and move
b) how you dress
c) how you talk

3. appropriately
a) in the correct way
b) at the right time
c) for the right reasons

4. since
a) from this time
b) although
c) because

5. pay off
a) bring a lot of money
b) bring the right results
c) help me become a librarian

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. Why are new jobs appearing all the time? (‫ تمهيدي‬2014)

Because of the new technology.

2. Why did the writer go to the Central Library of Baghdad regularly?

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017/‫ثات‬
(‫ثات‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015)
He went to the Central Library of Baghdad to look for information that might help him.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬176 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

3. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful?
‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2016)
The daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library is useful to know what jobs are

4. At the library, the writer can learn how to apply for jobs. (True / False) (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2017)

5. The writer can borrow DVDs from the library. (True / False) (‫ثات‬
6. The writer has learnt a lot about how important body language is in an interview. (True / False)
(‫ دور ثالث‬2017)
7. Why does the writer need to improve his English language? (‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
The writer needs to improve his English language since he wants to travel.

8. The writer decided to look for a new job because he failed in his work for the bank. (True / False)
)‫ دور اول‬2018(
9. The write could get information about evening and summer classes at the library. (True / False)
)‫ دور ثالث‬2018(
10. When the writer was working in a bank, he gave people information about travelling.
(True / False)
)‫ تمهيدي‬2019(
11. Books with advice in the library help people to……… (‫ دور اول‬2019)
Find job vacancies.

12. At the library the writer can learn how to apply for jobs. (True / False) (‫ دور ثالث‬2019)

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬177 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Eight: Lesson 1 | ‫ الدرس األول‬:‫الوحدة الثامنة‬

Our natural resources ‫مواردنا الطبيعية‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
natural ‫طبيعي‬ quickly ‫بسرعة‬ logging ‫قطع األشجار‬
resources ‫موارد‬ considered ‫يُعتبر‬ process ‫عملية‬
nature ‫طبيعة‬ nonrenewable ‫غير متجدد‬ deforestation ‫إزالة الغابات‬
land ‫أرض‬ form ‫يتكون‬ endanger ‫يهدد بإنقراض‬
trees ‫أشجار‬ concentrate ‫يركز على‬ habitat ‫مسكن‬
grow ‫يزرع‬ methods ‫ُطرُق‬ plant ‫نبات‬
energy ‫طاقة‬ harm ‫يضر‬ destruction ‫تدمير‬
essential ‫ضروري‬ environment ‫بيئة‬ rainforest ‫غابة مطرية‬
human life ‫حياة بشري‬ coal ‫فحم‬ source ‫مصدر‬
wisely ‫بحكمة‬ contribute ‫يُساهم‬ fortunately ‫لحسن الحظ‬
renewable ‫متجدد‬ global warming ‫إحتباس حراري‬ scientists ‫علماء‬
disappear ‫يختفي‬ disastrous ‫كارثي‬ limit ‫يحد من‬
completely ‫بشكل كامل‬ activity ‫نشاط‬ damage ‫ضرر‬
replace ‫يستبدل‬ cut down ‫يُقطع‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Match these words from the text on page 74 of the Student’s
Book with their definitions.
A ‫تمرين‬ ‘

172 ‫صفحة‬ 240

‫ من كتاب الطالب بتعاريفها‬74 ‫طابق هذه الكلمات من نص صفحة‬

1. efficiently c a) cutting down trees for wood

2. essential b) in a sensible manner
3. logging c) working well and quickly
4. wisely d) extremely necessary

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬178 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Read the texts again and answer the questions.
B ‫تمرين‬ ‘

172 ‫صفحة‬ 240

.‫إقرأ النصوص مرة اخرى و أجب عن االسئلة‬

1. Why are natural resources essential to human life?

Because we use them for many things, such as food, water and energy.

2. What is the difference between a renewable and a nonrenewable resource?

Renewable resources don’t disappear when they are used. Nonrenewable resources will
eventually disappear.

3. Find two examples of a renewable resource in the text and one example of a nonrenewable

4. How do greenhouse gases harm the environment?


5. What is deforestation? How does the text say that deforestation harms the environment?


Prefixes and Suffixes ‫لواصق بداية و نهاية الكلمة‬

‫الصق بداية الكلمة‬ ‫معناه‬ ‫مثال‬

anti ‫مضاد‬ antipollution
bi ‫اثنان‬ bicycle
co ‫سوية‬ coworker
de ‫ ي‬/ ‫ يحذف‬/ ‫يقلل‬
‫يلع‬ defrost
eco ‫بيئة‬ ecosystem
inter ‫بي‬ international
micro ‫صغن جدا‬ microscope
re ‫مرة أخرى‬ reread
tele ‫لمسافة‬ television
trans ‫ِع َن‬ transcontinental

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬179 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫الصق نهاية الكلمة‬ ‫معناه‬ ‫مثال‬
able ‫قادر عىل‬ renewable
al ‫متعلق ب ـ‬ environmental
ation ‫ عملية‬/ ‫فعل‬ celebration
en ‫مصنوع من‬ wooden
ful ‫مىلء ب ـ‬‫ي‬ harmful
ist ‫شخص يقوم بـ ـ‬ scientist
less ‫بدون‬ heartless
ly ‫بهذه الطريقة‬ quietly
ology ‫علم الـ ـ‬ geology
ship ‫مهارة‬ craftsmanship


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Guess the meanings of the following words.

C ‫تمرين‬ ‘

173 ‫صفحة‬
‫معان الكلمات التالية‬
‫ي‬ ‫إحزر‬ 240

deoxygenation removing oxygen from something

depopulation ________________________________
devaluation _________________________________

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬180 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Eight: Lesson 2 | ‫ الدرس الثاني‬:‫الوحدة الثامنة‬

Recycling waste ‫اعادة تدوير القمامة‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
products ‫منتجات‬ throw away ‫يتخلص من‬ recycle ‫يُعيد تدوير‬
in common ‫مشترك‬ burnt ‫تُحرق‬ simple ‫بسيط‬
dealing ‫تعامل مع‬ buried ‫تُدفن‬ method ‫طريقة‬
waste ‫قمامة‬ cause ‫يسبب‬ envelopes ‫ظروف‬
major ‫رئيسي‬ pollution ‫تلوث‬ so on ‫و هكذا‬
problem ‫مشكلة‬ stream ‫مجرى‬ glass ‫زجاج‬
most ‫معظم‬ polluted ‫ملوث‬ paper ‫ورق‬
statistics ‫إحصائيات‬ solution ‫حل‬ protect ‫يحمي‬
industrial ‫صناعي‬ encourage ‫يشجع‬ environment ‫بيئة‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Match these words with their definitions:

A ‫تمرين‬ ‘

174 ‫صفحة‬ 240

.‫طابق هذه الكلمات بتعاريفها‬

1. bury a) the process of damaging the air, water or land with chemicals
2. waste b) useless materials that are left after you have used something
3. pollution c) to put something in the ground and cover it with earth
4. encourage d) to suggest that someone does something that you believe would be good

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬181 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Eight: Lesson 3 | ‫ الدرس الثالث‬:‫الوحدة الثامنة‬

A Renewable resource ‫مورد متجدد‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
wind power ‫طاقة الرياح‬ run out ‫ينفذ‬ rely on ‫يعتمد على‬
thousands ‫اآلالف‬ agriculture ‫زراعة‬ additional ‫إضافي‬
grind ‫يطحن‬ unattractive ‫غير جذاب‬ ridiculous ‫سخيف‬
corn ‫ذرة‬ spoil ‫يفسد‬ ugly ‫قبيح‬
flour ‫طحين‬ landscape ‫منظر طبيعي‬ sea ‫بحر‬
bread ‫خبز‬ quieter ‫أكثر هدوءً ا‬ fishing ‫صيد األسماك‬
developed ‫متطور‬ expense ‫تكلفة‬ scare ‫يخيف‬
purposes ‫أغراض‬ installing ‫تثبيت‬ earn a living ‫يكسب عيشه‬
clean energy ‫طاقة نظيفة‬ maintaining ‫صيانة‬ interfere ‫يتداخل مع‬
air ‫هواء‬ supply ‫يجهز‬ go ahead ‫يستمر‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Read the article more carefully and write short answers to the
B ‫تمرين‬
175 ‫صفحة‬ 240
‫قصية لهذه األسئلة‬ ‫إقرأ المقال بحذر ر‬
‫اكي و أكتب اجوبة‬

1. In what ways has wind power been used for thousands of years?
To power sailing boats and grind corn.

2. What is the most important aspect of wind power?

It is clean energy.

3. Why does the author say wind power is efficient?


4. What two complaints do people who live near wind turbines have about them?

5. Why can’t we only use wind power to supply our energy?


‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬182 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب النشاط‬Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into
the correct form.
D ‫تمرين‬
175 ‫صفحة‬ 240
‫أكمل الجمل بوضع األفعال ر ى‬
‫بي األقواس بالصيغة القواعدية الصحيحة‬

1. If they built (build) more wind farms on the coast, they would scare away the fish.
2. If solar farms were built, they would provide (provide) a cheap form of energy.
3. If birds _______________ (fly) into wind turbines, they will be killed.
4. If wind turbines _________ (be) less noisy, people wouldn’t complain about them so much.
5. If we ___________ (find) alternative sources of energy, we will be able to meet all our energy needs.

‫وزاريات محلولة‬

‫ دور ي‬2016/‫ دور اول‬2014)

1. What is the most important aspect of wind power? (‫ثات‬
Wind power is clean energy.

2. Why can’t we only use wind power to supply our energy? (‫ دور اول‬2015)

3. Why does the author say wind power is efficient? (‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2015)
Wind power doesn’t supply our needs of energy.

4. Wind power is efficient because…… (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2015)

wind turbines are quite tall, the land under the turbines can still be used for agriculture.

5. People complain that wind turbines are…….. and……….. (‫ثات‬

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2015)
unattractive and noisy.

6. People think that wind turbines are unattractive and………. (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)


7. What two complains do people who live near wind turbines have about them?
They are unattractive and noisy. (‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ دور اول‬2016)

8. In what ways has wind power been used for thousands of years?
(‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
Wind power has been used for thousands of years for a. power sailing boats and b. grind corn
into flour for bread

9. Wind power is renewable because it …………. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)

is caused by changing temperatures in the air, and it will never run out.

‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ثات‬
10. The main advantage of wind power is that it is…….. (‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2017)
clean energy.

11. In Europe the wind was used for a long time to……… (‫ تمهيدي‬2018)
grind corn into flour for bread.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬183 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

12. Wind is caused by……. (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018)
changing temperatures in the air, and it will never run out.

13. People who live near the turbines find them …………. and think …….. (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2019)
unattractive and think they spoil the landscape.

14. Wind power doesn’t produce any waste or green house gases. (True / False)
(‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019)

Unit Eight: Lesson 4 | ‫ الدرس الرابع‬:‫الوحدة الثامنة‬

Careers connected with the environment ‫سير مهنية تتعلق لها عالقة بالبيئة‬


4A 3B

Park Ranger Water Quality Planner

Collects information about animals in Monitors the quality of the water.
their natural habitat. Enforces laws for Investigates pollution problems and
protecting them. looks for solutions.
.‫يجمع معلومات عن الحيوانات يف مساكنها الطبيعية‬ ‫ يتحرى عن مشاكل التلوث و‬.‫يراقب جودة الماء‬
‫ليحم الحيوانات‬
‫ي‬ ‫يطبق القواني‬ ‫يبحث عن الحلول‬

2C 1D

Recycling Coordinator Health, safety and environment manager

Encourages people to sort their rubbish. Makes sure a factory is following
Gives people information about where to regulations to keep people and the
put glass, plastic and paper products. environment healthy.
‫يعظ الناس معلومات‬
‫ي‬ .‫يشجع الناس عىل ترتيب مخلفاتهم‬ ‫يتأكد من أن المصنع يتبع القواني للحفاظ عىل‬
‫حول مكان وضع منتجات الزجاج و البالستك و الورق‬ .‫صحة الناس والبيئة‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬184 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Listen again and mark the sentences true (T) or false (F).
A ‫تمرين‬
177 ‫صفحة‬ 240
‫إستمع مرة اخرى و ضع صح او خطأ‬

1. The park ranger spends a lot of time in an office. F

2. People are not allowed to kill animals in the park. T
3. Workers in a refinery have to follow a lot of rules.
4. The health, safety and environment manager makes sure people are not
in danger in their workplace.
5. The recycling coordinator doesn’t talk to the public much.
6. Most people really want to help in the recycling programme.
7. The water quality planner is the leader of a team.

Unit Eight: Lesson 6 | ‫ الدرس السادس‬:‫الوحدة الثامنة‬

Test Yourself ‫اختبر نفسك‬

A Complete the sentences with the words from the box. ‫اكمل الجمل بكلمات من الصندوق‬

buried wisely limit replace renewable deforestation spoil essential regulations

1. If deforestation continues, many species of animal will disappear completely.

2. Scientists are finding ways to limit damage to the environment.
3. Wind is a _______________ source of energy.
4. We have to follow a lot of safety ________________ at work.
5. We need to _______________ the trees that are cut down.
6. We need to use the Earth’s resources ________________.
7. It is ____________ that something is done about the destruction of the rainforests.
8. Waste is often burnt or ______________.
9. Some people say that wind farms _________________ the landscape.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬185 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

B Complete the phrases with the words from the box. Use each word once only. There is one
extra word. ‫ هناك كلمة زائدة‬.‫ استخدم كل كلمة مرة واحدة فقط‬.‫اكمل العبارات بكلمات من الصندوق‬
resource ranger renewable turbine gas warming landfill

1. park ranger 4. natural ________________

2. renewable energy source 5. greenhouse ______________ 241

3. wind ________________ 6. global ____________

C The underlined sentences about future plans were all spoken a few days ago. It is now three
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
days later. Rewrite them as future in the past. ‫الماض‬
‫ي‬ ‫اعد كتابة الجمل بمستقبل يف‬

Adnan: I’m going to visit my brother in Beirut. I haven’t seen him for two months.
I’m going to stay there until Saturday. 241

Hasan: I’m playing basketball.

Badria: I’m not sure what I’m doing this weekend. I think I’ll probably go to the shopping mall with
my friends.

Fawsia: I’m going to study for my exams. I need to read through all my notes again.

1. Adnan decided he was going to visit his brother in Beirut.

2. Hasan couldn’t meet his friends because _____________________________________________.
3. Badria thought __________________________________________________________________.
4. Fawsia promised her mother _______________________________________________________.

D Match the beginnings of these active and passive sentences with their endings. ‫وصل الجمل‬

1. Many wind turbines a) can be used for agriculture

2. People who live near wind farms b) have been built in Europe.
3. The land under the wind turbines c) complain about the noise.
4. Building a wind turbine d) is an expensive project.
5. Wind power e) has been used for thousands of years.

E Complete the sentences with a passive or active form. ‫مبن للمعلوم‬ ‫ى‬
‫بمبن للمجهول او ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫اكمل الجمل‬

Shaumari is (be) a nature reserve in Jordan.

It was created (create) in 1975 and has an area of 22 km². 241
It _______________ (make) to protect some of the most endangered
species in the Middle East.
In the reserve, hunting ____________________ (prohibit), and no one _______________ (allow) to
destroy the animals’ habitats. One of the endangered animals that _______________ (live) in the

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬186 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

park is the oryx. There were only eleven oryx in 1978, but their numbers ______________
(increase). There are now more than 200 oryx at Shaumari.

F Read the text about deforestation in Togo. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect
simple, present perfect continuous or future perfect.
‫ضع االفعال ر ى‬
‫بي االقواس بزمن المضارع التام البسيط او المضارع التام المستمر او المستقبل التام‬

Togo has a varied climate. It has tropical rainforests in

the southwest of the country. Between 1990 and 2000, 241

Togo’s rate of deforestation was 2.91% per year.

Since 2000, it has increased (increase) to 4.12% per year.
Forests have been disappearing (disappear) in Togo because of
a need for land for agriculture. The population has risen rapidly. It is now 5,332,000, and by 2025
________________ (rise) to 8,762,000. Togo’s forests also produce fine woods, which rich countries
_________________ (import) to use for furniture. Because of the concern about deforestation, the
authorities ________________ (open) several national parks.

G Read about Adnan, then complete the conditional sentences about the story.
‫اقرأ قطعة عدنان ادناه ثم اكمل الجمل ر‬
Adnan has had a bad day. Last week he decided to go and visit his brother
in Beirut. Since he can’t drive, he asked his brother Samir to drive him to the
airport. Unfortunately, Samir got lost on his to Adnan’s house and arrived
at his house very late. When they got to the airport, Samir drove away, and
Adnan ran to catch his flight. But the plane had already left. He had to buy another ticket for the
next flight. The next flight leaves in five hours’ time! He would like to call his brother to tell him he
will be late, but he forgot his mobile phone at home. And he didn’t think to bring a book, so he
can’t read to pass the time. Even worse, he doesn’t have any money on him, so he can’t buy
anything to drink.

1. If Samir hadn’t got lost, he wouldn’t have arrived at Adnan’s house so late.
2. If the plant hadn’t already left, he wouldn’t have had to buy another ticket.
3. If he had his mobile phone with him, _________________________________________________
4. If he had a book, _________________________________________________________________
5. If he had some money on him, ______________________________________________________

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬187 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Unit Eight: Lesson 7 | ‫ الدرس السابع‬:‫الوحدة الثامنة‬

The Euphrates River ‫نهر الفرات‬


‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعن‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫ى‬
Euphrates ‫فرات‬ join ‫يجتمع‬ generate ‫يو ّلد‬
river ‫نهر‬ birthplace ‫مكان والدة‬ electricity ‫كهرباء‬
the longest ‫األطول‬ earliest ‫أولى‬ extremely ‫جدًا‬
Middle East ‫الشرق األوسط‬ civilization ‫حضارة‬ supplies ‫يجهز‬
mountains ‫جبال‬ ancient ‫قديم جدًا‬ percentage ‫نسبة‬
flow ‫يجري‬ banks ‫ضفاف‬ series ‫سلسلة‬
upper part ‫جزء علوي‬ region ‫منطقة‬ planned ‫مخطط‬
steep ‫شديد‬ dams ‫سدود‬ wheat ‫قمح‬
gorge ‫ممر‬ forms ‫يكوّ ن‬ barley ‫شعير‬
navigation ‫مالحة‬ reservoir ‫خزان‬ lentils ‫عدس‬
lower part ‫جزء سفلي‬ irrigating ‫ري‬ lake ‫بحيرة‬
shallow ‫ضحل‬ crops ‫محاصيل‬ sailing ‫إبحار‬
southern ‫جنوبي‬ plant ‫مصنع‬ hold ‫ينظم‬


‫ كتاب النشاط‬Find words in the text that have the following meanings.
B ‫تمرين‬
185 ‫صفحة‬ 241
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
‫المعان التالية‬
‫ي‬ ‫جد كلمات يف النص تحمل‬

1. the opposite of deep shallow.

2. the remains of a building ___________________
3. an area that contains water for distribution ________________
4. a general word for cotton, wheat, barley and so on ________________

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬188 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫وزاريات محلولة‬

1. Who is Mohammed Khudhair? (‫ادت دور اول‬‫ ي‬2020/‫ادت تمهيدي‬

‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور ثالث‬2014/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
Mohammed Khudhair is an Iraqi writer.

2. What moral lessons does the writer want to give in the swing?
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2014)
War destroys everything. It leads to nothing but death, deprivation and destruction.
It is a severe condemnation of war.
It is a sincere invitation to sustain family life.

3. Do you find it easy to sympathise with the woman? Why? (‫ تمهيدي‬2014)

It is easy to sympathise with the woman because she needs to live with other creatures.

5. Where did the woman in “The Canary” use to hang the canary cage?
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ دور اول‬2017/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016/‫ دور اول‬2014)
The woman used to hang the canary cage on the big nail to the right of the front door.

6. Where was Mohammed Khudhair born? (‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ دور اول‬2014)

Mohammed Khudhair was born in Basra.

7. What did the woman in “The Canary” suffer from?

‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2014)
She suffered from loneliness.

‫ دور ي‬2015/‫ دور اول‬2014)

8. When did Mohammed Khudhair write “The Swing”? (‫ثات‬
Mohammed Khudhair wrote “The Swing” after the summer of 1967 war against Israel.

9. How does the story of “The Canary” end?

‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور اول‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2017/‫ثات‬
(‫ادت دور اول‬ ‫ دور ي‬2017/‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2015/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
The story ends with the death of the canary.

10. What does the story of “The Swing” stress on?

‫ ي‬2020/‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ثات‬
(‫ادت دور اول‬ ‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2015/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2014)
The story stresses that war destroys everything. It leads to nothing but death, deprivation and

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬189 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ ي‬2020/‫ثات‬
11. Could the woman in the Canary have another bird? (‫ادت تمهيدي‬ ‫ دور ي‬2019/‫ دور ثالث‬2014)
No, she couldn’t.
12. What does “The Swing” tell about? (‫ دور اول‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2015/‫ دور اول‬2015)
The Swing tells about a soldier, Sattar, who has just returned from the hell of war carrying a
message for the family of his friend who was killed in battle.

13. In “The Canary” what were the people carried away by? (‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2015)
They were carried away by the wonderful singing of the canary.

14. What did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner?
He hopped, hopped from one perch to another, tapped against the bars to attract her
attention, sip a little water.
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2019/‫ دور اول‬2015)
15. Was the Canary perfect company to the woman? (‫علم تمهيدي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ دور اول‬2016/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2015)
Yes, he was.

16. Name two of Mohammed Khudair’s works? (‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2015)
The Black Kingdom and Gardens of Faces.

17. Why did the woman’s heart feel hollow? (‫ تمهيدي‬2018/‫ثات‬

‫ دور ي‬2015)
Because the canary died.

18. Why did Sattar come to his friend’s house? (‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ثات‬ ‫ دور ي‬2015)
Sattar came to his friend’s house to tell Ali’s family that his friend, Ali, was killed in battle.

19. How did the woman in “The Canary” describe her heart after the death of the Canary?
She described her heart as hollow )‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016/‫ دور اول‬2015(

20. How did Sattar convey his message to the little girl?
He tried to convince the child that her father is like smoke and she can see him only when she
closes her eyes.
‫ خارج العراق دور‬2019 / ‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017 / ‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016 / ‫ تمهيدي‬2016/ ‫ تمهيدي‬2014(
)‫ دور ثالث‬2018/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2019/‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫اول‬
21. What was the canary to the woman?
‫ادت دور ي‬
‫تطبيف و ي‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019/‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2016)
He was perfect company.

22. Where was Katherine Mansfield born? (‫ تمهيدي‬2016)

She was born in New Zealand.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬190 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

23. Why does Katherine Mansfield remain famous?
(‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ تمهيدي‬2019/‫ دور اول‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2016)
She remains famous for her collections of poems and short stories, especially Bliss and The
Garden Party.
24. Why was the woman in “The Canary” happy to have the canary?
(‫ثات‬ ‫ احي ي‬2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018/‫ دور اول‬2018/‫ تمهيدي‬2017/‫ دور اول‬2016)
‫ات دور ي‬
Because the canary made her forget her loneliness.

25. Will the woman in “The Canary” have another bird? (‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
No, she will not.

26. How old was Mohammed Khudair when he wrote “The Swing”? (‫تطبيف دور اول‬
‫ي‬ 2020/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
He was 25 years old.

27. How did the Canary greet his owner in the morning? (‫ دور ثالث‬2019/‫ثات‬
‫ دور ي‬2016)
He greeted her with a drowsy little note.

28. In the Canary what did the washerwoman use to say every Monday? (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
Why didn’t she keep a nice fox terrier?

‫ دور ي‬2018/‫ دور ثالث‬2016)

29. How did the canary sing? (‫ثات‬
The canary sang wonderfully.

30. How did Sattar describe the child’s father? (‫ دور ثالث‬2016)
Sattar described the child’s father as smoke.

31. What does Mohammed Khudhair think of war? (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)
He thinks that war destroys everything. It leads to nothing but death, deprivation and

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2016)

33. When did Katherine Mansfield become famous? (‫ثات‬
She became famous in 1908 when she moved back to London.

34. How did the woman scold her canary? (‫ثات‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
She said that he was a regular little actor.

35. Why couldn’t the woman in The Canary take the nail out? (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2016)
Because she doesn’t want to forget that the cage of her bird was hanging there.
36. When did Mohammed Khudhair achieve fame? (‫ خارج العراق دور ثا يت‬2016)
He achieved fame in the Middle East after publishing his two short stories ‘The Swing’ and
‘Melodies on the String of Rubaaba’ in the Beirut Arts magazine.

37. What does Sattar try to tell Haleema? (‫ دور اول‬2017)

He tries to tell Haleema that her father was killed in battle.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬191 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

38. What did the woman in “The Canary” use to see from the window? (‫ دور اول‬2017)
She used to see people stop at the gate to listen, or they would lean over the fence by the
mock-orange for quite a long time.

39. How was Mohammed Khudhair’s experience in war and politics? (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2017)
He had crude experience in war and politics.

40. How did Haleema’s father die? (‫ثات‬

‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)
He was killed in battle.

41. What did the woman decide after the death of the canary?
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018/‫ثات‬
(‫ثات‬ ‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)
She decided not to have another bird.

42. Why wasn’t the canary like the other canaries? (‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2017)
Because it sang wonderfully unlike the singing of other canaries.

46. What prizes has Mohammed Khudhair won? (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2018)
He has won the Sultan Al Owais’s Award in the United Arab Emirates in 2004 and the Gold Pen
Award from the General Union of Iraqi Writers in 2008.

47. Was Mohammed Khudhair fully aware of conditions of story – writing?

(‫ دور ثالث‬2020 /‫ثات‬
‫ خارج العراق دور ي‬2018)
Yes, he was.

50. Who is Katherine Mansfield? (‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019)

She is a well-known modernist writer from New Zealand.

51. Why did Katherine Mansfield move to London in 1903? (‫ دور ثالث‬2020/‫ خارج العراق دور اول‬2019)
She moved to London to study music at Queen’s College.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬192 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬


‫انشاءات الوحدة األوىل‬

Cigarette advertising should be illegal

Cigarettes are very harmful to the health of smokers and passive smokers. Let us start with
the cigarette advertisements, they can be seen everywhere, in the streets, on the walls, and
even on clothes. Everyone sees them, children and young people, they give a positive
message to the public, because they show successful, popular and attractive people smoking,
such as famous singers and actors. They give a message as if smoking is the way of success
and fame. They do not mention the dangers of smoking. In my opinion, young people are
easily influenced because they have a desire to imitate others. As a result, they could be
influenced by cigarette advertisements. Personally, I think cigarette advertising should be
illegal because these advertisements do not warn or remind people about the bad effects of

‫غي قانونية‬ ‫ى‬

‫ينبغ ان تكون السجائر ر‬
‫ يمكن رؤيتها في كل‬، ‫ لنبدأ بإعالنات السجائر‬.‫السجائر ضارة جدًا بصحة المدخنين والمدخنين السلبيين‬
‫ يوجهون رسالة‬، ‫أطفاال وصغارًا‬ ، ‫ الجميع يراهم‬.‫ وحتى على المالبس‬، ‫ على الجدران‬، ‫ في الشوارع‬، ‫مكان‬
‫ مثل المطربين‬، ‫أشخاصا ناجحين ومشهورين وجذابين يدخنون‬ ‫ ألنهم يظهرون‬، ‫إيجابية للجمهور‬
‫ ال يذكرون مخاطر‬.‫ يوصلون رسالة كما لو أن التدخين هو طريق النجاح والشهرة‬.‫والممثلين المشهورين‬
‫ يمكن أن‬، ‫ نتيجة لذلك‬.‫ يتأثر الشباب بسهولة ألن لديهم الرغبة في تقليد اآلخرين‬، ‫ في رأيي‬.‫التدخين‬
‫ أنا شخصي ًا أعتقد أن اإلعالن عن السجائر ينبغي أن يكون غير قانوني ألن هذه‬.‫يتأثروا بإعالنات السجائر‬
.‫اإلعالنات ال تحذر الناس أو تذكرهم باآلثار السيئة للتدخين‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬193 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

How to reduce the number of car accidents

There are thousands of car accidents a year which cause serious injuries. Most of these
accidents have one of the following causes. Firstly, the driver is driving too fast. This is what
happened to my cousin last week. He was driving 120/mph when he had an accident. Luckily,
he did not die. A second cause of accidents is when drivers do not concentrate. This happens
because they sometimes use the mobile phone to call someone. As a result, they get
distracted and make accidents. There are several ways the government could deal with this
problem. Firstly, they could install more speed cameras to keep track of careless drivers and
impose heavier fines. In my opinion, the best solution would be to raise the awareness of
drivers for their safety and the safety of the society.

‫كيف نقلل من اعداد حوادث السيارات‬

‫ معظم هذه الحوادث لها أحد‬.‫هناك اآلالف من حوادث السيارات كل عام والتي تسبب إصابات خطيرة‬
‫ كان يقود‬.‫ هذا ما حدث البن عمي األسبوع الماضي‬.‫ يقود السائق بسرعة عالية‬، ‫أوال‬ .‫األسباب التالية‬
‫ السبب الثاني للحوادث هو‬.‫ لم يمت‬، ‫ لحسن الحظ‬.‫ميل في الساعة عندما تعرض لحادث‬/120 ‫بسرعة‬
‫ نتيجة‬.‫ يحدث هذا ألنهم يستخدمون الهاتف المحمول أحيانًا لالتصال بشخص ما‬.‫عدم تركيز السائقين‬
‫ هناك عدة طرق يمكن للحكومة أن تتعامل بها مع هذه‬.‫ يتشتت انتباههم ويسببون حوادث‬، ‫لذلك‬
‫ يمكنها تثبيت المزيد من كاميرات السرعة لتتبع السائقين المهملين وفرض غرامات‬، ‫أوال‬ .‫المشكلة‬
.‫ سيكون الحل األفضل بزيادة وعي السائقين ألجل سالمتهم وسالمة المجتمع‬، ‫ برأيي‬.‫باهظة‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬194 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ايميل الوحدة الثانية‬

Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security company tomorrow
morning at 9.00. It takes thirty minutes to from his house to the security company. The manager
sent him directions and a map. Write a letter to Ahmed of 100 to 120 words giving him advice on
how to get the job. Use you should or you shouldn’t in your letter at least five times. Write two

• Paragraph 1: advice on getting to the interview

• Paragraph 2: advice on the interview; what to wear, what to say, etc.

Dear Ahmed,
I’d like to give you some advice regarding your application for the job of security guard
tomorrow morning. The manager sent you the directions and a map, so, you shouldn’t face
any difficulty finding the company, it takes only thirty minutes to go from your house to the
security company. So, you should be there in time.
Remember that you should also dress appropriately. When answering the questions, focus
on your strengths. You should convince the employer that you’re the best for this job. Let him
know you’re willing to do whatever is necessary to get the job done. This may mean working
overtime even at weekends. The employer should feel you will be cooperative with your
partners and friendly to people you will contact with.
،‫عزيزي احمد‬
‫ أرسل لك المدير‬.‫أود أن أقدم لك بعض النصائح بخصوص طلبك لوظيفة حارس األمن صباح الغد‬
‫ يستغرق األمر ثالثين‬، ‫ ال ينبغي أن تواجه أي صعوبة في العثور على الشركة‬، ‫ لذلك‬، ‫االتجاهات وخريطة‬
.‫ يجب أن تكون هناك في الوقت المناسب‬، ‫ لذا‬.‫دقيقة فقط للذهاب من منزلك إلى شركة األمن‬
ً ‫تذكر أنه يجب عليك‬
‫ يجب أن‬.‫ ركز على نقاط قوتك‬، ‫ عند اإلجابة على األسئلة‬.‫أيضا ارتداء مالبس مناسبة‬
‫ دعه يعرف أنك على استعداد لفعل كل ما هو‬.‫تقنع صاحب العمل أنك األفضل في هذه الوظيفة‬
‫ ينبغي أن‬.‫ قد يعني هذا العمل لساعات إضافية حتى في عطالت نهاية األسبوع‬.‫ضروري إلنجاز العمل‬
.‫يشعر صاحب العمل أنك ستتعاون مع شركائك وستكون ودودًا مع األشخاص الذين ستتواصل معهم‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬195 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫انشاء الوحدة الثالثة‬

Write 100 to 120 words on the advantages of studying English in Britain.

It is a good idea to go to Britain if you plan to study English language. You can hear people
speaking English in many different situations. There are lots of opportunities to practice
speaking, especially if you stay with a British family because you will live, eat and speak with
Firstly, you can watch TV. and films in English language. Secondly, you will listen to the radio.
Also, you can read English newspapers, adverts and magazines, because they are available
everywhere. I think you can observe the British way of life in the streets, markets and parks.
Finally, if you study English in England, you will have more to learn than when you are in your

‫ يمكنك سماع أشخاص‬.‫إنها لفكرة جيدة أن تذهب إلى بريطانيا إذا كنت تخطط لدراسة اللغة اإلنجليزية‬
‫ خاصة‬، ‫ هناك الكثير من الفرص لممارسة التحدث‬.‫يتحدثون اإلنجليزية في العديد من المواقف المختلفة‬
.‫إذا كنت تقيم مع عائلة بريطانية ألنك ستعيش وتأكل وتتحدث معهم‬

ً ‫ يمكنك‬.‫ سوف تستمع إلى الراديو‬، ‫ ثاني ًا‬.‫ وأفالم باللغة اإلنجليزية‬.‫ يمكنك مشاهدة التلفزيون‬، ‫أوال‬
‫أيضا‬ ً

‫ أعتقد أنه يمكنك مراقبة‬.‫ ألنها متوفرة في كل مكان‬، ‫قراءة الصحف واإلعالنات والمجالت اإلنجليزية‬
‫ إذا كنت تدرس اللغة اإلنجليزية في‬، ‫ أخيرًا‬.‫أسلوب الحياة البريطاني في الشوارع واألسواق والمتنزهات‬
.‫ فسيكون لديك الكثير لتتعلمه أكثر مما كنت في بلدك‬، ‫إنجلترا‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬196 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ايميالت الوحدة الرابعة‬

Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words telling a friend about a company you have recently
set up with a friend or relative.

Dear Huda,
I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch recently because I was so busy with my new job. My sister
Suha and I set up our own company last September. It’s called Ahmed & Suha footwear. We
produce many kinds of shoes. I am the designer and my sister is the assistant. We invested a
lot of money in the business and we are exporting a lot of kinds of shoes to the UAE, Kuwait
and Egypt. Three months ago, we went to Paris to show our new kinds of shoes. There was
a lot of interest in our designs.
Let’s keep in touch. Come and stay with us whenever you like.
Your friend,

، ‫عزيزتي هدى‬
‫ أختي سها و انا أنشأنا‬.‫ ألنني كنت مشغو ًلا جدًا بعملي الجديد‬، ‫أنا آسف ألنني لم أكن على اتصال مؤخرًا‬
‫ أنا‬.‫ ونحن ننتج أنواع كثيرة من األحذية‬.‫ تدعى احذية احمد و سهى‬.‫شركتنا الخاصة في سبتمبر الماضي‬
‫ لقد استثمرنا الكثير من المال في األعمال ونصدر الكثير من أنواع‬.‫المصمم وأختي هي المساعد‬
‫ ذهبنا إلى باريس لعرض أنواع األحذية الجديدة‬، ‫ قبل ثالثة أشهر‬.‫األحذية إلى اإلمارات والكويت ومصر‬
.‫ تعالي وابقي معنا وقتما تشاءي‬.‫ لنبقى على تواصل‬.‫ كان هناك الكثير من االهتمام في تصاميمنا‬.‫لدينا‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬197 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words about a really bad day out where everything went wrong.

Dear Sahar,
I had a terrible day last Saturday. I wish I had stayed in bed then all this would not have
happened. I got up late because I forgot to set my alarm clock. It was raining heavily. While I
was running to catch my bus, I slipped and I fell down. I reached my office late and I was very
wet. In the evening, while I was cooking, a close friend called me on the mobile. It was a long
phone call, and I forgot about my dinner. As soon as I saw the smoke getting out of the
kitchen, I realized that I burned my food. I went to bed without eating anything.
Yours sincerely,

، ‫عزيز علي‬

.‫ لما حدث كل هذا‬، ‫ كنت أتمنى لو أنني بقيت في السرير‬.‫قضيت يوم رهيب يوم السبت الماضي‬
، ‫ وبينما كنت أركض للحافلة‬.‫ كانت السماء تمطر بغزارة‬.‫استيقظت متأخرًا ألنني نسيت ضبط المنبه‬
‫ بينما كنت‬، ‫ في المساء‬.‫قليال وكنت مبت ًلا للغاية‬
ً ‫ وصلت إلى مكتبي في وقت متأخر‬.‫انزلقت وسقطت‬
‫ ونسيت تناول‬، ‫ كانت مكالمة هاتفية طويلة‬.‫ اتصل بي صديق مقرب على الهاتف المحمول‬، ‫أطبخ‬
‫ ذهبت إلى الفراش بدون‬.‫ أدركت أنني أحرقت طعامي‬، ‫ بمجرد أن رأيت الدخان يخرج من المطبخ‬.‫العشاء‬
.‫تناول أي شيء‬

‫المخلص لك‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬198 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫انشاءات الوحدة الخامسة‬

A wonderful holiday I have had

Last month I went on a holiday to the north of Iraq, I went with my family. It was a package
deal and cost us 200 $ each. We stayed in a five-star hotel in Arbil. It has big rooms, a
wonderful restaurant and two swimming pools. It was clean and tidy. According to the
program of the holiday, they took us to several places including the malls, mosques, museums
and a free tour. In the evening, we visited the castle of Arbil and had supper in a luxurious
restaurant. The best thing about the holiday was that we visited a variety of places, old and
modern. The weather was wonderful and the holiday was really fantastic.

‫عطلة رائعة قضيتها‬

‫ لقد كانت صفقة شاملة وكلفتنا‬.‫ ذهبت مع عائلتي‬، ‫ذهبت الشهر الماضي في عطلة إلى شمال العراق‬
‫ يحتوي على غرف كبيرة ومطعم رائع‬.‫ أقمنا في فندق خمس نجوم في أربيل‬.‫ دوالر لكل منها‬200
‫ وبحسب برنامج العيد فقد أخذونا إلى عدة أماكن منها الموالت‬.‫ كانت نظيفة ومرتبة‬.‫ومسبحين‬
‫ في المساء قمنا بزيارة قلعة أربيل وتناولنا العشاء في مطعم‬.‫والمساجد والمتاحف وجولة مجانية‬
‫ كان‬.‫ أفضل ما في العطلة هو أننا قمنا بزيارة مجموعة متنوعة من األماكن القديمة والحديثة‬.‫فاخر‬
ً ‫رائعا وكانت العطلة رائعة‬
.‫حقا‬ ً ‫الطقس‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬199 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

Advice to Tourists in Iraq

When you visit a country, you should know something about the history of that country. If
you want to visit Iraq, you should keep in mind that Iraq has many places to see. First of all,
there are a lot of historical places such as the ruins of Babylon, south of Baghdad, Ur City in
Nasiriya and the ruins of Hatra in Mosul. In addition to that, you should enjoy the beautiful
views in the north of Iraq where the beautiful nature, green lands and high mountains, you
should visit the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad. Finally, don’t forget to have some
delicious Iraqi dishes. In my opinion, a good journey demands that you have a camera to keep
your memories of the nice places you will visit.

‫نصائح للسياح يف العراق‬
‫ يجب أن‬، ‫ إذا كنت ترغب في زيارة العراق‬.‫شيئا عن تاريخ ذلك البلد‬ ‫ يجب أن تعرف‬، ‫عندما تزور بلدًا ما‬
‫ هناك‬، ‫ أوال وقبل كل شيء‬.‫تضع في اعتبارك أن هناك العديد من األماكن التي يمكنك زيارتها في العراق‬
‫الكثير من األماكن التاريخية مثل أنقاض بابل وجنوب بغداد ومدينة أور في الناصرية وأطالل الحضر في‬
‫ يجب أن تتمتع بالمناظر الجميلة في شمال العراق حيث الطبيعة الخالبة‬، ‫ باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬.‫الموصل‬
‫ ال‬، ‫ أخيرًا‬.‫ يجب عليك زيارة المتحف الوطني العراقي في بغداد‬، ‫واألراضي الخضراء والجبال الشاهقة‬
‫ تتطلب الرحلة الجيدة أن يكون لديك كاميرا‬، ‫ في رأيي‬.‫تنس تناول بعض األطباق العراقية اللذيذة‬
.‫لالحتفاظ بذكرياتك عن األماكن الجميلة التي ستزورها‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬200 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ايميل الوحدة السادسة‬

Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you
didn’t make. Write 100 to 120 words.

Dear Mr. John,

I would like to thank you for the bank’s good service, but there is something strange
happened, I received my statement yesterday and I was surprised because I found in it a
withdrawal I hadn’t done. The date of the withdrawal shows that it had been done on the
first of July. At that time, I was on a tour in Jordan. So, how could I have done such a
withdrawal! There is no doubt you will check it up properly and inform me about that. Please,
you should be aware that mistakes may happen for many people in the future. I’m looking
forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ahmed Sami

، ‫عزيزي السيد جون‬

‫ تلقيت بياني أمس وفوجئت ألنني‬، ‫ ولكن حدث شيء غريب‬، ‫أود أن أشكرك على الخدمة الجيدة للبنك‬
‫ كنت‬، ‫ في ذلك الوقت‬.‫ يوضح تاريخ االنسحاب أنه تم في األول من يوليو‬.‫وجدت فيه انسحابًا لم أفعله‬
‫ كيف يمكن أن أفعل هذا االنسحاب! ليس هناك شك في أنك سوف تحقق ذلك‬.‫في جولة في األردن‬
‫ يجب أن تدرك أن هذا الخطأ قد يحدث لكثير من الناس في‬، ‫ من فضلك‬.‫بشكل صحيح وتبلغني بذلك‬
،‫ تفضلوا بقبول فائق االحترام‬.‫ أنا أتطلع إلى االستماع منك‬.‫المستقبل‬
‫احمد سامي‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬201 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫انشاء الوحدة السابعة‬

Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement: ‘Studying while you’re working is
worth all the hard work.’ Your essay should have a short introduction and a conclusion.
Remember to use linking words and phrases. You should write 100–120 words.

Working and studying are worth all hard work, but you have to be successful in your job and that
needs skills, so you should learn more and more to get more skills to improve your work. So, you
should enroll in many courses and study as much as you could to get a degree that gives you a better
job. It is not easy to study while you’re working because you need a lot of money for your expense,
in addition to that, you can’t spend enough time with your family or have any entertainment. Finally,
although studying while you’re working is very difficult but success in your life needs all the hard

‫ ولكن عليك أن تكون ناجحً ا في عملك وتحتاج إلى‬، ‫إن العمل والدراسة يستحقان كل العمل الشاق‬
‫ لذلك‬.‫ لذلك يجب أن تتعلم المزيد والمزيد للحصول على المزيد من المهارات لتحسين عملك‬، ‫مهارات‬
‫يجب عليك التسجيل في العديد من الدورات والدراسة قدر اإلمكان للحصول على شهادة تمنحك وظيفة‬
، ‫ ليس من السهل الدراسة أثناء عملك ألنك تحتاج إلى الكثير من المال لتغطية نفقاتك‬.‫أفضل‬
‫ على الرغم‬، ‫ أخيرًا‬.‫ ال يمكنك قضاء وقت كاف مع أسرتك أو الحصول على أي ترفيه‬، ‫باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬
.‫ إال أن النجاح في حياتك يحتاج إلى كل العمل الشاق‬، ‫من صعوبة الدراسة أثناء عملك‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬202 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫انشاء الوحدة الثامنة‬

Write 100 to 120 words about ways people can help to improve the environment.

We all dream to live in a safe and healthy environment because it is a very important thing.
Improving the environment demands that we have to avoid all that lead to dirtiness such as
rubbish and other waste materials. Bottles, cans plastic and paper can be sorted, put in
special bags and delivered to be taken to special places where they can be recycled. We need
not burn them or bury them and this will help get rid of millions of tons of rubbish. That will
help us get a clean healthy environment. Finally, improving the environment means a better
future for our future generations.

‫ يتطلب تحسين البيئة أن نتجنب كل ما‬.‫جميعا بالعيش في بيئة آمنة وصحية ألنها شيء مهم جدًا‬ ‫نحلم‬
‫ يمكن فرز الزجاجات والعلب البالستيكية والورقية‬.‫يؤدي إلى األوساخ مثل القمامة وغيرها من النفايات‬
‫ ال نحتاج إلى‬.‫ووضعها في أكياس خاصة وتسليمها لنقلها إلى أماكن خاصة حيث يمكن إعادة تدويرها‬
‫ سيساعدنا ذلك في‬.‫حرقها أو دفنها وهذا سيساعد في التخلص من ماليين األطنان من القمامة‬
.‫ تحسين البيئة يعني مستقب ًلا أفضل ألجيالنا القادمة‬، ‫ أخيرًا‬.‫الحصول على بيئة صحية نظيفة‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬203 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫قطع خارجية‬

‫ دور اول‬2014

Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. About 1.5 million people a year
die from diabetes, and no real cure has been discovered for the disease. People who suffer from
diabetes have high blood sugar levels, because their bodies are not able to produce enough insulin.
Diabetes can be sometimes inherited from your parents, but also be caused by your lifestyle: being
overweight, having a poor diet or being stressed can also cause diabetes. The effects of diabetes can
include feeling very thirst or hungry, losing weight very quickly, problems with your eyes and skin and
heart disease. Although there is no cure for diabetes, it can be treated by injections of insulin, as well
as losing weight and taking regular exercise.

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world.

2. Write two main causes of diabetes.

1. They inherit it from their parents.
2. It’s caused by the lifestyle.
3. Being overweight.
4. Having a poor diet.
5. Being stressed.
‫أي اثني يختارها الطالب تكون صحيحة‬

3. How can diabetes be treated?

It can be treated by injections of insulin, losing weight and taking regular exercise.

4. Scientists have discovered cure for diabetes. (a. true b. false)

5. Diabetes can be treated by … a. drinking water b. eating more c. regular exercise

6. Give a suitable title to the passage.


‫او اي عنوان آخر مناسب موجود ضمن القطعة ما عدا‬

a nice story ‫ او‬a short story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬204 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور ي‬2014

Smoking is considered to be dangerous to the health, it is especially difficult for children. Our
tobacconist, Mr. Kamal, has always been careful about his. If his customers are very young, he always
asks them whom the cigarettes are for. One day, a little girl walked boldly into his shop and
demanded twenty cigarettes. She had the exact amount of money in her hand and seemed very sure
of herself. Mr. Kamal was so surprised by her confident manner that he forgot to ask his usual
question. Instead, he asked her what kind of cigarettes she wanted. The girl replied promptly and
handed him the money. While he was giving her the cigarettes, Mr. Kamal said laughingly that as she
was so young, she should hide the packet in her pocket in case a policeman saw it. However, the little
girl didn’t seem to find this very funny. Without smiling, she took the packet and walked towards the
door. Suddenly she stopped and looked steadily at Mr. Kamal and declared “My dad is a policeman”
and with that she walked quickly out of the shop.

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. Why did the little girl go to the shop?
The little girl went to the shop to buy twenty cigarettes.

2. What did Mr. Kamal advise the girl after giving her the cigarettes?
Mr. Kamal advised the girl to hide the packet in her pocket.

3. What was the reason that the girl wasn’t afraid of the police?
The girl wasn’t afraid of the police because her father was a policeman.

4. What was Mr. Kamal?

He was a tobacconist.

5. Did Mr. Kamal ask the girl whom the cigarettes were for?
No, he didn’t.

6. Give a suitable title to the passage.

Mr. Kamal ‫ او‬The girl
‫او اي جواب آخر له عالقة بالقطعة‬

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬205 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور اول‬2015

A professor of medicine wanted to test his students who were about to be doctors. He told them that
in order to be good doctors there were two things most important for them. One was to observe well
and carefully and the other was not to be disgusted at unpleasant things. In front of him was a bowl
of dirty dish – water with a bad smell. To test them, he put a finger first in the water and then in his
mouth and asked them all to do the same thing. In spite of the unpleasantness of the water, they
students came up one by one and put a finger in the water and then in the mouth bearing the
unpleasant test as they could at the end of it all the professor said “I must congratulate you on all
having one the qualities necessary, but one alone. You do not let horrible things disgust you, but
neither unfortunately, do you observe carefully, or you would have noticed that I put my second
finger in that water, it was the third one that I put in my mouth.”

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. What did the professor do to test his students?
The professor put his finger in the water and then in his mouth and asked them all to do the
same thing.

2. What quality did the students succeed in?

The students succeeded in bearing the unpleasant taste of the dirty water.

3. What qualities did the professor think that young doctors should have?
The professor thought that young doctors should have two qualities: observing well and carefully
and not to be disgusted at unpleasant things.

4. Why did the students fail in the other?

Because they didn’t observe carefully.

5. Which finger did the doctor put in his mouth?

He put the third finger in his mouth.

6. Give a suitable title to the passage.

The Professor ‫ او‬The Good Doctors ‫ او‬The Professor and the Students ‫ او‬The Professor’s Test
‫او اي عنوان آخر مناسب ما عدا‬
A short story ‫ او‬A nice story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬206 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور ي‬2015

After living and working in London for more than a year, Linda still felt lonely. She had done all
kinds of things in order to make friends buy she still had none. Her only friend was Prince Albert, a
dog that belonged to the old woman who rented Linda a room in her house. One day Linda and
Prince Albert were walking in small street when the dog pulled her towards a lamp post. There was
a car parked there. A man was sitting behind the wheel “Hey! Clear off! Don’t come near this car!
Understand!” he said in a low but clear voice. Linda heard another voice behind her “Get away from
the car!” the dog began to bark at the second man who was holding a large bag and jumped at him.
A police car came suddenly and the two men were caught. They were bank robbers.

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. Was Linda happy in London?
No, she wasn’t.

2. What was the second man carrying?

The second man was carrying a large bag.

3. What were the two men?

They were bank robbers.

4. Did Linda have many friends?

No, she didn’t.

5. What was the name of the dog?

Prince Albert.

6. Give a suitable title to the passage.

Linda ‫ او‬Linda and the dog
‫او اي عنوان مناسب آخر‬

‫ال يجوز‬
Short story ‫ او‬a nice story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬207 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور اول‬2016

A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a lecture at a university to a large group
of students. As most of them couldn’t understand spoken English, he had to have an interpreter.
During his lecture he told an amusing story which went on for rather a long time. At last he stopped
to allow the interpreter to translate it into Japanese, and was very surprised when the man did this
in a few seconds, after which all the students laughed loudly. After the lecture, the writer thanked
the interpreter for his good work and then said to him “Now please tell me how you translated that
long story of mine into such a short Japanese one.” “I didn’t tell the story at all,” the interpreter
answered with a smile. “I just said,” “the honourable lecturer has just told a funny story. You will all
laugh, please.”

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. Did the famous writer speak Japanese well?
No, he didn’t.

2. Why was the writer surprised?

Because the interpreter translated an amusing story in a few seconds.

3. What invitation did the writer in the story receive?

The writer in the story received an invitation to give a lecture at a university to a large group of

4. Who took rather a long time to tell the story?

A famous writer.

5. The interpreter told the students a different funny story. (True / False)
6. Why did the students laugh?
The interpreter told them to laugh.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬208 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور ي‬2016

Mr. Jones had a few days’ holiday, so he said “I’m going to go to the mountains by train.” He put on
his best clothes, took a small bag, went to the station and got into the train. He had a beautiful hat,
and he often put his head out of the window during the trip and looked at the mountains. But the
wind pulled his hat off. Mr. Jones quickly took his old bag and threw that out of the window, too.
The other people in the carriage laughed. “Is your bag going to bring your beautiful hat back?” they
asked. “No.” Mr. Jones answered, “but there’s no name and no address in my hat, and there’s a
name and an address on the bag. Someone’s going to find both of them near each other, and he’s
going to send me the bag and the hat.”

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. How did Mr. Jones go to the mountains?
He went to the mountains by trains.

2. Mr. Jones threw his hat out of the window. (True / False)
3. Why did the people in the carriage laugh at Mr. Jones?
The people laughed at him because he threw his bag out of the window.

4. Why did Mr. Jones throw his bag out of the window?
Mr. Jones threw his bag out of the window because there’s his name and his address on it.

5. What did Mr. Jones often do during the trip?

He often put his head out of the window.

6. Give a suitable title.

Mr. Jones on a holiday.
Mr. Jones
Mr. Jones and the hat.

‫او اي عنوان آخر مناسب ما عدا ان يكون‬

A short story ‫ او‬A nice story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬209 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور ثالث‬2016

At last firemen have put out a big forest fire. Since then, they have been trying to find out how the
fire began. Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people
carelessly throw a way. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to
find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This
morning, however, a fireman accidently discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snake
which was wound round the electric wires. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The
explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched up the snake from the group and
then dropped it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it
sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. What caused the fire?
The remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires.

2. Who has just solved the mystery?

A fireman.

3. Were the firemen able to put out the fire?

Yes, they were.

4. The fire was caused by a cigarette end. (True / False)

5. Where did the snake wind itself?
The snake wound itself round the wires.

6. Give a suitable title.

The bird and the snake.
The snake
A big forest fire

‫او اي عنوان مناسب ما عدا‬

A short story ‫ او‬A nice story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬210 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور اول‬2017

Mr. Grey was the manager of a small office in London. He lived in the country, and came up to work
by train. He liked walking from the station to his office unless it was raining, because it gave him
some exercise. One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said
to him, “you may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in
my pockets. I stopped you in this street and asked you to lend me some money, and you lent me
five pounds, because you said that you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on
the road to success.” Mr. Grey thought for a few moments and then said, “yes, I remember you. Go
on with your story.” “Well,” answered the stranger, “are you still willing to take a chance?”

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. Where did Mr. Grey work?
He worked in a small office in London.

2. Why did Mr. Grey like walking from the station to his office?
Mr. Grey liked walking from the station to his office because it gave him some exercise.

3. Now the stranger wanted to give Mr. Grey his money back. (True / False)
4. How much did Mr. Grey lend the stranger seven years ago?
Mr. Grey lent the stranger five pounds seven years ago.

5. How did Mr. Grey get from his house to the office?
He got from his house to the office by train.

6. Give the passage a suitable title.

Mr. Grey.
Mr. Grey and the stranger.
The stranger
Five pounds

‫او اي عنوان آخر مناسب له عالقة بالقطعة ما عدا‬

A nice story ‫ او‬a short story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬211 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور ي‬2017

A woman in blue jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. Then she went in and asked to
see a dress that was in the window. The assistant who served her did not like the way she was
dressed. He told her that the dress was sold. The woman walked out of the shop angrily and
decided to punish the assistant next day. she returned to the shop the following morning dressed in
a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After looking for the rude
assistant, she asked for the same dress. Not realizing who she was, the assistant was happy to serve
her this time. He climbed into the shop window to get the dress. As soon as she saw it, the woman
said she didn’t like it. She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the
window before buying the dress she had first asked for.

1. Where did the woman stand?

She stood at the window of an expensive shop.

2. Why didn’t the assistant like to serve the woman for the first time?
The assistant didn’t like to serve the woman because she didn’t like the way she was dressed.

3. How did the woman enjoy herself?

She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before buying
the dress she had first asked for.

4. What did the woman enjoy herself?

She bought the dress.

5. The woman wanted to buy a (a. shirt b. dress).

6. Give the passage a suitable title.
A woman and the assistant
An expensive shop
A woman
The assistant

‫او اي عنوان آخر مناسب ما عدا‬

A short story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬212 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور ثالث‬2017

Ahmed was a very just judge. One day he sent a thief to prison for two years for stealing some
money. When the thief came out of prison, he went to the judge and said, “How should I make a
living?” “No one will give a job to a man who has been in prison.” The judge realized that the thief
had become a good man, so he decided to let him work in his house as a gardener. One day some
thieves tried to rob the judge’s house. The gardener made loud cries that frightened the thieves.
The judge realized again that bad people could be good ones if they had good chances.

1. Why did the judge put the thief in prison?

The judge put the thief in prison for stealing some money.

2. The judge realized that the thief became a good man. (True / False)
3. How was the gardener able to frighten the thieves?
The gardener was able to frighten the thieves by making loud cries.

4. Could bad people be good ones one day?

Yes, they could.

5. Was the old thief faithful to his master?

Yes, he was.

6. Give the passage a suitable title.

A very just judge.
The judge
The judge and the thief
Ahmed, the judge

‫او اي عنوان مناسب آخر ما عدا‬

A short story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬213 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور اول‬2018

Water is the most important liquid on Earth. We can’t live without it. Without water we will die of
thirst. Three – quarters of our planet is covered by water. Most is in oceans, seas and rivers. Some
is frozen and forms ice caps at the North and South poles. Water goes round and round in a process
called the water cycle. Clouds in the sky contain water as a gas – water vapor. This gas becomes
liquid and falls to Earth as rains or snow. The rain brings water to seas, rivers and lakes. Water also
goes into the soil and it is taken up by plants. Like all animals, you need water to stay alive. Your
body loses water when you breathe or sweat. You can go for many weeks without food, but if you
go for three or four days without water, you could die. Plants, too, need water to live. It is therefore
necessary that we make use of our water carefully. We must try not to pollute the water sources in
the world. We should also use water wisely so that there will be enough of it left for our future

1. What is the water cycle?

Water goes round and round in a process.

2. Three quarters of our planet is covered by water. (True / False)

3. When does your body lose water?
My body loses water when I breathe or sweat.

4. What do clouds in the sky contain?

Clouds in the sky contain water as a gas water vapor.

5. Why is water very important to us?

Because we can’t live without water.

6. Give a suitable title.

A water cycle
An important liquid

‫اي عنوان له عالقة بالقطعة ما عدا‬

A short story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬214 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور ي‬2018

Mr. Brown used to travel by train and always liked more comfort. So, when he got into a train, he
used to put his suitcase on the seat beside him and pretend it belonged to another passenger who
had gone to buy something. One day he did this when the train was very crowded. Other
passengers came and sat on the other seats, except the one that his suitcase was lying on. Then, an
old man arrived, looked at Mr. Brown’s suitcase and said “Is this somebody’s seat?” “yes”,
answered Mr. Brown. “A friend of mine is travelling with me, and he has gone to buy a newspaper.
He will return soon.” Mr. Brown opened the window and looked out to make the old man think that
he was anxious about his friend. “All right”, said the old man. “I will sit here until your friend comes
back, and then I’ll stand somewhere.” Mr. Brown could say nothing and all the other passengers
were watching and listening. Several minutes passed, the whistle blew, and the train began to
move. Mr. Brown’s friend didn’t come back. The old man jumped and said, “I’m sorry, your friend
seems to have missed the train. We don’t want him to be separated from his suitcase. So, I’ll throw
it out of the window.”

1. Mr. Brown put the suitcase on the seat beside him to…….
(a. book the seat for his friend b. sit comfortably)

2. Whom did the suitcase belong to?

Mr. Brown.

3. Why did the old man throw the suitcase out of the window?
He didn’t want him to be separated from his suitcase.

4. On that day there were (a. a lot of b. few) people on the train.
5. Did the old man sit on the seat beside Mr. Brown?
Yes, he did.

6. Give the passage a suitable title.

Mr. Brown
The suitcase
The old man and the suitcase.

‫او اي عنوان اخر مناسب ما عدا‬

Short story ‫ او‬Nice story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬215 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور ثالث‬2018

Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end. A famous actor was once case in the
role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned for twenty years. In the last act, a jailer would
always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand it to the aristocrat. The aristocrat
always insisted that the letter should be written out in full. One night the jailer decide to play a joke
on his colleague to find out if he had managed to learn the content of the letter by heart. The
curtain went up on the final act of the play. The aristocrat was sitting alone behind bars in his dark
cell. The jailer appeared with the letter and handed it to the aristocrat. But the copy he gave him
had not been written out as usual. The letter was simply a blank sheet of paper. The jailer looked
on eagerly to see if his fellow actor had at last learned his lines. The aristocrat said “The light is dim.
Read the letter to me.” The jailer replied “The light is indeed dim. I must get my glasses.” With this,
he hurried off the stage. Then the jailer returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the
usual copy of the letter which he proceeded to read to the aristocrat.

1. What would the jailer bring to the aristocrat in the last act?
The jailer would bring to the aristocrat in the last act a letter.

2. Why did the jailer decide to play a joke on his colleague?

The jailer decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if he had managed to learn the
content of the letter by heart.

3. Where was the aristocrat sitting?

The aristocrat was sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell.

4. Who read the letter at last?

The jailer read the letter.

5. Did the aristocrat learn the letter by heart?

No, he didn’t.

6. Give the passage a suitable title.

The jailer
The letter
The aristocrat and the jailer
A joke

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬216 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ تمهيدي‬2019

John lived with his mother in a rather big house, and when she died, the house became too big for
him so he bought a smaller one in the next street. There was a very nice old clock in his first house,
and when the men came to take his furniture to the new house. John thought, “I’m not going to let
them carry my beautiful old clock in their truck. Perhaps they’ll break it, and then mending it will be
very expensive.” So he picked it up and began to carry it down the road in his arms. It was heavy, so
he stopped two or three times to have a rest. Then suddenly a small boy came along the road. He
stopped and looked at John for a few seconds. Then he said to John, “You’re a stupid man, aren’t
you? Why don’t you buy a watch like everybody else?”

1. Why did John buy a smaller house?

Because his mother died and he thought the house became too big for him to live alone in it.

2. How did John take the clock to the new house?

John took the clock to the new house by picking it up and began to carry it down the road in his

3. Why did he not want to let the men carry his clock in their truck?
Because they’ll break it, and then mending it will be very expensive.

4. What did the small boy say?

The small boy said “you’re a stupid man, aren’t you? Why don’t you buy a watch like everybody

5. Why did John stop two or three times on the way?

Because it was heavy and he wanted to have a rest.

6. Give the passage a suitable title.

Big clock
John and Clock
A stupid man

‫او اي عنوان اخر مناسب ما عدا‬

A Short Nice

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬217 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور اول‬2019

Fareed was the son of a farmer. His father’s farm was poor, and Fareed worked on it for a long
time, buy then his father died. Fareed said “I needn’t stay there now. I’ll sell this farm and buy one
in a better place. Then I’ll soon be rich.” He bought a farm in the north of the country, but then his
new neighbors said to him, “The weather’s often very bad here. The wind’s very strong, and it
breaks windows and doors. You must build a room under the ground, and then you and your family
can go down there, and you’ll be safe from the wind.” So Fareed built a room under the ground. It
was a lot of work, because the ground was hard. But after that, the weather was good for a very
long time. There was no wind, and Fareed spoke angrily. He said, “Why did I listen to my neighbors?
I didn’t have to make that room under the ground. The wind never blows strongly here.” But then
one day there was a very strong wind, and Fareed and his family had to go down into their room
under the ground. They were there for a long time. Then the wind stopped, and they came up. All
the windows and doors in their house were broken. Fareed was not angry about his work now. He
smiled happily and said “Ah! I’m glad I built that room!”

1. What was Fareed’s father?

Fareed’s father was a farmer.

2. Why did Fareed leave his father’s farm?

Fareed left his father’s farm because the farm was poor.

3. What did the wind do to Fareed’s house?

It broke all the windows and doors in their house.

4. Why did he build a room under the ground?

He built a room under the ground because his new neighbors told him that the weather was very
bad here.

5. Who went with Fareed into the room under the ground?
(a. His family did b. His new neighbors did)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
The farm
Bad weather
The strong wind

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬218 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور ي‬2019

Ibrahim sold cheap shoes. He had a small lorry, and he bought the shoes from the factory and took
them from one house to another and tried to sell them to people. He sold a lot of his shoes in small
villages, because there were not many shops there, and people did not want to go to the town and
buy their shoes there. One day Ibrahim drove along the street of a village and stopped in front of
one of the houses. There was a small boy beside the door. Ibrahim opened the window of his lorry
and called to the boy. “Hello. Is your mother at home?” The boy looked at him. Then he answered,
“Yes, she is.” “That’s good,” Ibrahim said, and he smiled. He got out of his lorry, took some shoes
from the back and went to the door of the house. He knocked at the door again and waited for two
minutes, but again the door didn’t open. Then Ibrahim looked at the small boy and said in an angry
voice, “your mother is not at home.” “She is,” the small boy answered. “Then why hasn’t she
opened the door?” Ibrahim asked. “Because this isn’t my house.” The small boy answered.

1. What did Ibrahim sell?

Ibrahim sold cheap shoes.

2. Who bought a lot of Ibrahim’s shoes?

People in small villages.

3. What did Ibrahim see in front of one house in a village?

He saw a small boy beside the door.

4. The boy’s mother was not in the house because: (a. She was at the shops. b. It was not her house)
5. Ibrahim took the boy in his lorry. (a. True b. False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
A small boy
The village
Cheap shoes

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬219 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ دور ثالث‬2019

Whitebridge was a small village, and old people often came and lived there. Some of them had a lot
of old furniture, and they often did not want some of it, because they were in a smaller house now,
so every Saturday morning they put it out, and other people came and looked at it, and sometimes
they took it away because they wanted it. Every Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Morton put a very ugly old
bear’s head out at the side of their gate, but nobody wanted it. Then last Saturday, they wronte,
“I’m very lonely here. Please take me.” On a piece of paper and put it near the bear’s head. They
went to the town, and came home in the evening. There were now two bears’ heads in front of
their house, and there was another piece of paper. It is said, “I was lonely, too.”

1. Why did old people in Whitebridge often sell their old furniture?
Because they did not often want some of it. ‫ او‬Because they were in a smaller house now.

2. What did Mr. and Mrs. Morton put out every Saturday?
Every Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Morton put a very ugly old bear’s head out at the side of their gate.

3. What did Mr. and Mrs. Morton write on a piece of paper?

They wrote, “I’m very lonely here. Please take me.”

4. Where did they put the paper?

They put it near the bear’s head.

5. Nobody wanted the bear’s head. (True / False)

6. Give the passage a suitable title.
A small village
Whitebridge village
Mr. and Mrs. Morton

‫او اي عنوان آخر مناسب ما عدا‬

A short story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬220 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ تمهيدي‬2020

Food is one key to a comfortable life. We eat vegetables and fruit. We also eat animal products like
milk, eggs and meat. Food is necessary for us to live, move and work. To be useful, it would be
organized with correct amounts. Food can be in different groups. A group of food gives us power. A
second group gives us vitamins. A third group builds our body. The way we feel may be the result of
the kind of food we eat. We may feel happy when we eat chocolate. We may feel sleepy when we
eat rich food. We may be upset when we eat the food we don’t like. Food is essential, but we
should choose the food that is healthy and belongs to different groups.

1. Why do we eat?
We eat vegetables and fruit. We also eat animal products like milk, eggs, and meat.

2. Why is food necessary?

Food is necessary for us to live, move and work.

3. Food is one key to a comfortable life. (True / False)

4. Food can be in different groups. (True / False)
5. What food should we choose?
We should choose the food that is healthy and belongs to different groups.

6. Give the passage a suitable title.

Healthy Food

‫او اي عنوان اخر مناسب ما عدا‬

A short story ‫ او‬A nice story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬221 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ي‬ ‫ دور اول‬2020

A certain old gentleman was very unhappy about modern education, and thought that young
people nowadays were not being taught the importance of knowing the difference between right
and wrong. One day he was taking a walk in the park near his home when he saw some young boys
standing around a small cat. The old gentleman went up to the boys and asked them what was
happening. One of the boys said to him, “We’re having a game. We’re telling lies, and the one who
tells the biggest one gets to keep the cat.” The old gentleman thought that this was a good
opportunity to teach the boys a useful lesson, so he said to them, “I’ve never told a lie in my life.”
All at once there was a great shout from all the boys, and they said, “You’ve won! You can take the

1. How did the old gentleman feel about modern education?

He felt very unhappy about modern education.

2. The boys let the old gentleman have the cat because……
(a. he had told the biggest lie b. he was older than they were)
3. What did the old gentleman think young people should be taught?
He thought that young people should be taught the importance of knowing the difference
between right and wrong.

4. What did the old gentleman see in the park one day?
He saw some young boys standing around a small cat.

5. The old gentleman wanted more attention to be paid to morals. (a. True b. False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
The old gentleman
The biggest lie
Modern Education
A useful lesson

‫او اي عنوان اخر له عالقة بالقطعة ما عدا‬

A nice story ‫ او‬A short story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬222 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫تطبيف‬ ‫ دور اول‬2020

Mr. Johnson was a rich old man. He lived in a beautiful house in the country with lots of servants,
but his wife was dead, and he did not have any children. Then he died suddenly, and people said,
“His servants killed him, because they wanted his money.” But the servants said, “No, he killed
himself.” The policed came and asked the servants a lot of questions, and after a few weeks, there
was a big trial. There were two famous lawyers and several important witnesses. “Tell me,” one of
the lawyers said to a witness one day, “did Mr. Johnson often talk to himself when he was alone?”
“I don’t know,” the witness answered at once, “You don’t know?” “Because I was never with him
when he was alone,” the witness answered.

1. Mr. Johnson was a rich old man. (True / False)

2. Where did Mr. Johnson live?
He lived in a beautiful house in the country.

3. What did people say when Mr. Johnson died?

“His servants killed him” ‫ او‬People said that his servants had killed him.

4. What did the police do?

The police came and asked the servants a lot of questions.

5. The witness said, “Mr. Johnson often talked to himself.” (True / False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
Mr. Johnson
Mr. Johnson’s death

‫او اي عنوان اخر مناسب ما عدا‬

A short story ‫ او‬A nice story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬223 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ي‬ ‫ثان‬
‫ دور ي‬2020

Mr. Scott thought that he was very good at fixing household appliances when they broke, so when
Mrs. Scott told him that she needed a new vacuum cleaner, he said, “What’s wrong with the old
one? I can easily fix it.” Mr. Scott fixed the vacuum cleaner, but the same thing happened again
several times, until one day, after he had unscrewed all the parts, and had gone to have lunch, Mrs.
Scott added a few extra to the pile on the floor. “Do you know,” she said to her friend, Mrs. Brown,
the next morning, “If I’d just taken away a few pieces, he’d have noticed that they were missing,
and would have gone out and bought some more. But when couldn’t find places for all the pieces
that were on the floor, he gave up and agreed to buy me a new machine.”

1. What did Mr. Scott say when his wife asked for a new vacuum cleaner?
Mr. Scott said “What’s wrong with the old one? I can easily fix it.”

2. How many times did he fix the vacuum cleaner?

He fixed the vacuum cleaner several times.

3. What did Mrs. Scott do one day when her husband went to have lunch?
Mrs. Scott added a few extra pieces to the pile on the floor.

4. What did Mrs. Scott have done if some of the pieces of the vacuum cleaner were missing?
Mrs. Scott would have gone out and bought some more.

5. Mrs. Scott was smart enough to get a new vacuum cleaner. (True / False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
Mr. Scott
Mrs. Scott
A new vacuum cleaner
Household appliances

‫او اي عنوان اخر مناسب للقطعة ما عدا‬

A nice story ‫ او‬A short story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬224 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ر‬ ‫ى‬
‫تطبيف و ر ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫ثان‬
‫ دور ي‬2020

The computer is one of the most important inventions of the modern world. Computers were huge
and very expensive so no one could buy them. Now they are much smaller and there is a computer
in almost every house. The strange thing about computers is that they are developing all the time.
Computers help doctors to know the diseases in order to decide the best medicine. They also help
scientists to solve complicated problems. Pilots use computers to help them know their directions.
Teachers also use them to make lessons interesting. Students can use computers to find the
information they need. However, most young people use them for playing games.

1. How do computers help doctors?

To know the disease in order to decide the best medicine.

2. How were computers in the past different from computers now?

In the past computers were huge and very expensive.

3. How do computers help scientists?

To solve complicated problems.

4. Pilots use computers to know directions. (True / False)

5. Computers are developing all the time. (True / False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
The most important inventions
The computer

‫او اي عنوان مناسب للقطعة ما عدا‬

A nice story ‫ او‬A short story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬225 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ تمهيدي‬2021

Mr. Thompson did not learn to drive a carl until he was almost thirty, because he was a very
nervous person who always had the convenience of someone else to drive him first his mother and
then his wife. But at last he decided to take lessons, and managed to pass his driving test on the
second try, although he still wasn’t very good at parking. A week later he drove into town by
himself and was trying to park between two other cars when he damaged one of them slightly.
When he wrote to the insurance company about the accident, they sent him a form to fill in, and
one of the questions on the form was, “How could the drive of the other car have prevented the
accident from happening?” Mr. Thompson thought for a minute and then wrote, “He could have
parked his car on another street.”

1. Why didn’t Mr. Thompson learn to driver sooner?

Because he was a very nervous person.
Because he always had the convenience of someone else to drive him, first his mother and then
his wife.

2. When did Mr. Thompson pass his driving test?

He passed his driving test on the second attempt.

3. How did Mr. Thompson have an accident?

By trying to park between two other cars.

4. Who did the write to then?

He wrote to the insurance company.

5. Mr. Thompson was very good at parking. (a. True b. False)

6. Give the passage a suitable title.
Mr. Thompson
Driving test
The nervous person

‫او اي عتوان اخر مناسب للقطعة ما عدا‬

A short story ‫ او‬A nice story

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬226 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫حلول تمارين كتاب النشاط‬

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 3 ‫صفحة‬
3. bleeding 4. Hurts 5. Broken 6. Sore 7. Pain 8. Dizzy

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 5 ‫صفحة‬
3. I was cleaning my room and I found £30 under my bed.
4. Luckily, Sharifa was not driving very fast when the child ran into the road.
5. A thief took our clothes while we were swimming.
6. She told us to be quiet as we were making too much noise.
7. My sister hid my purse under the bed while I was not looking.
8. As she was carrying the shopping from the car, my grandmother slipped and broke her ankle.

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 6 ‫صفحة‬
3. …. when it started raining.
4. ….he broke his leg.
5. ….. my exam when the teacher suddenly called my name.
6. my mobile phone rang.

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 6 ‫صفحة‬
3. a 4. c 5. a 6. C

E ‫ تمرين‬/ 8 ‫صفحة‬
3. boring 4. frightened 5. Interesting

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 10 ‫صفحة‬
Q: When do most people start smoking?
Q: How much earlier do smokers die than non-smokers?
Q: How many people under the age of 16 start smoking every year?
Q: How much does the British Government spend a year on anti-smoking education campaigns?

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 11 ‫صفحة‬
3. You should give it up.
4. When did you take up stamp-collecting? ‫ او‬When did you take stamp-collecting up?
5. I can’t remember when I took it up.
6. Can I try them on?
7. Can you turn down the music? ‫ او‬Can you turn the music down?
8. I’ll turn it down in a minute.

‫ تمرين‬/ 12 ‫صفحة‬
3. unfair 4. inefficient 5. unfortunate 6. impatient 7. unusual 8. impolite 9. unhealthy
10. independent 11. inconvenient 12. Unpleasant

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 13 ‫صفحة‬
3. many 4. much 5. much 6. many 7. much 8. Many

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬227 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 13 ‫صفحة‬

3. a few 4. a little 5. a little 6. a few 7. a little 8. a few

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 15 ‫صفحة‬
3. Streets are more dangerous than they used to be. / Streets aren’t as clean as they used to be.
4. Towns are more crowded than they used to be. / Towns aren’t as polluted as they used to be.
5. Doctors are better trained than they used to be. / Doctors aren’t as cheap as they used to be.

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 16 ‫صفحة‬
3. a 4. c 5. a

Unit One: Lesson 9 ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة األوىل‬

3. unfair 4. unfortunate 5. unhappy 6. unhealthy 7. unintelligent 8. illegal 9. immoral
10. impatient 11. unpleasant 12. impolite 13. unpopular 14. impossible 15. Unusual

1. shoulder 2. knee, ankle 3. plaster, bandage

3. pills 4. skin; cream 5. sneezes; coughs

3. were returning 4. was driving 5. was sitting 6. was going 7. ran 8. put 9. Stopped
10. did not hit 11. were wearing 12. did not get 13. was sitting 14. was not wearing 15. Fell
16. hit 17. broke 18. cut 19. was 20. were 21. got 22. were shaking 23. Decided
24. was looking 25. slowed 26. recognized 27. told 28. drove 29. stitched 30. Put

3. many 4. little 5. much 6. many; few

3. He used to like going out, but now he always wants to stay at home.
4. She used to wear glasses, but now she has contact lenses.
5. She didn’t use to talk so much, but now she never stops talking.
6. There used to be a house here, but they knocked it down two years ago.
7. She didn’t use to be so thin, but she got very ill last year and lost a lot of weight.

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 24 ‫صفحة‬
3. to no avail 4. lose consciousness 5. spilling 6. The emergency services 7. Paramedics
8. regained consciousness

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 27 ‫صفحة‬
3. walked 4. didn't use to have 5. didn't have 6. was walking 7. used to watch 8. was watching

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬228 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 28 ‫صفحة‬
3. arrest 4. witness 5. Pickpocket

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 28 ‫صفحة‬
2. It is open all the time. 3. He likes solving crimes. / He likes the feeling that he’s helping people.

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 29 ‫صفحة‬
3. You’re driving too fast! You must/need to/have to slow down.
4. Please put out your cigarette. You mustn’t smoke in the police station.
5. You don’t have to/needn’t pick me up in the car – I’ll get the bus.
6. Police officers must/have to/need to prevent crimes.
7. I mustn’t be back later than 8 o’clock tonight or my parents will be angry.

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 29 ‫صفحة‬
3. empty 4. dispose of 5. declare

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 30 ‫صفحة‬
3. You should keep your passport in a safe place.
4. May I / Could I / Can I see your ticket, please?
5. Let’s go to the shops before the plane leaves.
6. Shall we / Can we go to the shops before the plane leaves?
7. We should / Let’s take a taxi to the airport.
8. Shall we / Can we take a taxi to the airport?

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 30 ‫صفحة‬
1. c) speak English and Arabic d) available at weekends e) driving licence
2. c) appt. d) exp. e) freq.

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 31 ‫صفحة‬
2. You need to be able to work weekends/use a computer/drive a car.
3. No.

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 32 ‫صفحة‬
3. This 4. Just a moment 5. Is that 6. about 7. would 8. What is a good time

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 33 ‫صفحة‬
3. put in 4. make sure it keeps working 5. Someone in a higher position 6. be in charge of
7. outside the military

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 34 ‫صفحة‬
3. You like exercising, so you shouldn’t have trouble getting fit.
4. They learn a lot in the military, so they shouldn’t have trouble getting a job.
5. This is a new computer, so it should be faster than the other one.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬229 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 35 ‫صفحة‬
2. c 3. a

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 35 ‫صفحة‬
3. Really angry 4. Because her Science report was on the hard disk
5. Because the robber got in the house through the window.

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 35 ‫صفحة‬
alerted → called
investigate → find out
property → stuff

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 36 ‫صفحة‬
3. The noise made him look outside. 4. The wind made the leaves fall. 5. The witness had his/her picture taken.

Unit Two: Lesson 9 ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة الثانية‬

3. maintain 4. officer 5. supervise 6. Civilian

3. x-ray machine 4. speed limit 5. speeding ticket 6. radar speed gun 7. conveyor belt

3. have 4. take 5. wear 6. pay 7. stop 8. let 9. Commit

3. investigating 4. arrest 5. pickpocket 6. unattended 7. disposed of 8. Witness

3. f 4. b 5. d 6. E

3. shouldn’t 4. should 5. should 6. should

3. My mother made me turn down the music. 4. He had his hair cut. 5. Yesterday my father had/got the car cleaned

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 47 ‫صفحة‬
3. T 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 49 ‫صفحة‬
3. c 4. h 5. l 6. f 7. g 8. a 9. b 10. i 11. d 12. K

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬230 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 50 ‫صفحة‬
3. A hotel manager is someone who is responsible for running a hotel.
4. A salesperson is someone who sells things in a shop.
5. A TV presenter is someone who introduces programmes on television.
6. A marketing manager is someone who is responsible for advertising and selling products.
7. A cartoonist is someone who draws amusing pictures.

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 51 ‫صفحة‬
3. f If you work in marketing, your job is to encourage people to buy.
4. d If you’re good at languages, you can be an interpreter.
5. a My parents get worried if I come home late.
6. g You need to improve your English if you want to study in Britain.
7. c Food goes bad unless you keep it in the fridge.

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 51 ‫صفحة‬
3. If anyone needs advice about their application forms, I’ll be here tomorrow to help.
4. If he logs on to the British Council site, he’ll find quite a lot of useful information about courses in Britain.
5. If you want to do a degree in Britain, you’ll have to do a one-year foundation course first.
6. Unless he makes a big effort this term, he won’t get through the end-of-year exams.
7. If you are offered a place at Carnegie University, will you accept it?

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 53 ‫صفحة‬
3. If my parents can afford it, they will buy me a new mobile phone.
4. If I don’t get a place at the first row at the cinema, I won’t go.
5. If you want to study languages, you need to have a lot of time.

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 54 ‫صفحة‬
3. Where would you choose to live if you could live anywhere in the world?
4. I would learn to parachute if my friend said she would do it with me.
5. If I were you, I wouldn’t ask his advice about anything.
6. She would look much nicer if she wore contact lenses instead of glasses.
7. He would be more attractive if he shaved his beard off.
8. I wouldn’t marry him even if he was/were the last man on earth!

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 55 ‫صفحة‬
2. If my father won a million pounds, we would be very rich.
3. If I had one wish, I would want to fly.
4. If I had three wishes, I would wish for money, happiness and long life.

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 57 ‫صفحة‬
3. The old man asked me what my favourite route was.
4. My teacher asked me how I had felt on my first solo flight.
5. Waleed asked me if I had ever had a scary experience when flying.

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 59 ‫صفحة‬
3. I wish / If only you hadn’t been rude to your brother.
4. I wish / If only I hadn’t spent all my money at the weekend.
5. I wish / If only they had trained every day.
6. I wish / If only I hadn’t left my camera at Faten’s house
7. I wish / If only she hadn’t lost their address.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬231 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 60 ‫صفحة‬
2. I wish they’d had more training. ‫ او‬If only they had changed the goalkeeper.
3. I wish I’d had some extra tuition. ‫ او‬If only I hadn’t spent so long studying for the English exam.
4. I wish I’d asked him if I could borrow his MP3 player ‫ او‬If only I hadn’t dropped his MP3 player.
5. I wish I hadn’t left my things in the car. ‫ او‬If only I’d locked the car.

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 62 ‫صفحة‬
3. wouldn’t have eaten 4. had had 5. had come 6. could/would have died 7. would have been

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 63 ‫صفحة‬
3. If we had looked at a map, we wouldn’t have got lost.
4. If I hadn’t had the operation, I would have died.
5. You wouldn’t have broken your ankle if you hadn’t worn those ridiculous shoes.
6. If you had stayed in bed and rested, you would have got better more quickly.
7. She wouldn’t have got sunburnt if she had worn a hat.
8. They would have won the match if their best player hadn’t been sent off.

Unit Three: Lesson 9 ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة الثالثة‬

3. lifeguard 4. architect 5. tour guide 6. Journalist

3. c 4. a 5. b 6. C

3. details 4. title 5. course 6. advice 7. level 8. qualifications 9. university 10. career

3. won 4. had broken down 5. doesn't lend 6. Found

1. I wish I hadn’t drunk so much coffee. 2. I wish I had gone to the park with my friends.
3. I wish I had revised for my Geography exam. 4. I wish I hadn’t bought these shoes.
5. I wish I had brought my camera

1. The dentist asked me how often I cleaned my teeth.
2. My English teacher asked me why I hadn’t answered all the questions.
3. The football coach asked me if I would be free to play in the match on Saturday.
4. My mother asked me when I was going to get out of bed.
5. The shop assistant asked me if the red jacket was OK for me.

2. I asked her where she had lost her purse. 3. He asked me how long I had been waiting for Faisal.
4. I asked Layla if she would be able to come to my party. 5. Adam asked me what I was doing on Friday afternoon.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬232 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 74 ‫صفحة‬
2. postgraduate 3. diploma 4. stressful 5. literal translation

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 74 ‫صفحة‬
3. booth 4. under pressure 5. convey the sense 6. in demand 7. out of a job

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 76 ‫صفحة‬
3. went 4. had 5. made/sold 6.saw/met 7. Got

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 77 ‫صفحة‬
3. They were camping in the desert when they saw a large snake.
4. When I met her at the airport, Muna was wearing a long blue dress.
5. Khaled was playing football when he broke his ankle.

‫ كتاب طالب‬/ 38 ‫صفحة‬

3. h 4. b 5. e 6. f 7. a 8. C

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 82 ‫صفحة‬
3. …..her mother cooks her favourite meal. 4. ….. I do well in the test. 5. ….. they are late for class.
6. ….. he catches you in his room. 7. ….. I got into a top university. 8. ….. we didn’t eat lunch together.

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 82 ‫صفحة‬
3. would you do; woke up; found 4. could 5. will Muna apply 6. Does your brother get

‫ كتاب طالب‬/ 40 ‫صفحة‬

3. I wish I hadn’t ridden my friend’s motorbike. / If I hadn’t ridden the motorbike, I wouldn’t have crashed it.
4. I wish I’d checked the brakes before I left home. / If I’d check the brakes before I left home, I wouldn’t have crashed.
5. I wish I’d remembered to tell them about my previous experience.
If I’d remembered to tell them about my previous experience, I would have got the job.
6. I wish I’d scored that penalty. / If I’d scored that penalty, we would have won the match.

‫ تمرين‬/ 85 ‫صفحة‬
3. unfortunate 4. independent 5. unusual 6. identify 7. supervise 8. Witness
9. application 10. discourage

‫ كتاب طالب‬/ 44 ‫صفحة‬

3. five-star hotel 4. package deal 5. packed lunch 6. ski resort 7. car hire
8. self-catering apartment 9. sightseeing 10. seafront

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 89 ‫صفحة‬
3. boarding card 4. seafront 5. travel agency 6. packed lunch 7. sightseeing 8. car hire

‫ كتاب طالب‬/ 45 ‫صفحة‬

3. helicopter? 4. open-top bus? 5. by a taxi driver? 6. passport while on holiday?
7. you’ve every been to? 8. you've ever eaten abroad?

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬233 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫ كتاب طالب‬/ 46 ‫صفحة‬
3. for over 30 years 4. for three years 5. since last July 6. for eight days so far on this visit.
7. he has been going on tours around the country since finishing his business.

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 93 ‫صفحة‬
2. say 3. expectations 4. few

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 94 ‫صفحة‬
3. since 4. for 5. for 6. since 7. for 8. since 9. since 10. since 11. for 12. For

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 95 ‫صفحة‬
1. We’ve known them since July. 2. He’s had that motorbike for a long time.
3. She hasn’t been to the dentist since September. 4. We haven’t eaten there since July.
5. He’s been angry since lunchtime. 6. He hasn’t been in touch for six months.

‫ تمرين‬/ 96 ‫صفحة‬
1. How long have you been learning Japanese? 2. How long have you been a pilot?
3. How long have you been writing? 4. How long have you known her?
5. How long have you been cooking?

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 97 ‫صفحة‬
buy →bought do → done find → found go → gone leave → left meet → met see → seen
spend → seen

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 98 ‫صفحة‬
3. have bought 4. have been 5. have left 6. has gone

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 99 ‫صفحة‬
3. bought 4. Have you booked 5. haven't 6. have just written 7. Have you bought 8. have
9. bought

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 100 ‫صفحة‬

3. had grown 4. had built 5. looked 6. had made 7. had closed 8. was 9. had become
10. had moved 11. hadn't planted 12. Was

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 102 ‫صفحة‬

3. £180 4. Sfax 5. swimming pool, tennis courts 6. octopus 7. on a tour of the island

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 102 ‫صفحة‬

3. the peaceful atmosphere. 4. they went to the Roman theatre, they went on a donkey cart ride, they toured the
island in a taxi, they went for a camel ride, they learnt to windsurf.
5. They watched the free entertainment at the hotel.

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 103 ‫صفحة‬

3. spectacular 4. speciality 5. hospitality 6. Display

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬234 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 106 ‫صفحة‬
3. The garage that I always go to for repairs was closed today. ‫ او‬The garage where I always go for repairs was closed
4. The car that he bought last month has broken down.
5. The books that has the information I wanted was missing.

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 106 ‫صفحة‬

3. who 4. whose 5. whose

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 106 ‫صفحة‬

1. Salwa, who speaks three languages, wants to be an interpreter.
2. The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool that opened two months ago.
3. Bashir, who passed his driving test last week, is going to buy a car very soon.
4. The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden where you can have a meal on summer evenings.

Unit Five: Lesson 9 ‫ الدرس‬:‫الوحدة الخامسة‬

3. five-star hotel 4. self-catering apartment 5. packed lunch 6. seat belt

3. operates 4. expectations 5. honestly 6. Thoroughly

3. wonderful 4. peaceful 5. exciting 6. colourful 7. spectacular 8. Delightful

3. hasn’t been; for 4. has lived; for 5. hasn't know; for 6. Have you worked here; since

1. X Fadia hasn’t spoken to me since her sister’s wedding.
3. X I bought him a new mobile phone last week and he’s already lost it.
5. X I woke up really late this morning and I was late for school.
7. X Adam came back from Beirut yesterday.
8. X We all went to the park last weekend.
9. X What time did they go to bed last night?

1. has dropped 2. has been sleeping 3. Have you ever slept 4. has he gone 5. have lost; Have you seen
6. have you been waiting 7. has she been studying 8. have been painting

3. had spoken; left 4. arrived; discovered; had changed 5. went; had organized

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬235 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

1. which 2. who 3. who 4. whose 5. which 6. that 7. Where

1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. a

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 117 ‫صفحة‬

3. b 4. c 5. b

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 118 ‫صفحة‬

• The stress of life and work in particular can cause health problems.
• Everyone, including people who work, need a change of scene and pace of life; both brain and body need a

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 118 ‫صفحة‬

3. deadline 4. around the corner 5. snatched 6. wellbeing 7. Vital

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 119 ‫صفحة‬

3. e 4. f 5. d 6. a

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 119 ‫صفحة‬

3. The mall, where I sometimes buy clothes, has fabulous shops.
4. The computer games, which I played yesterday for the first time, are really great.
5. Don’t forget to check your bank balance, which is in the column on the right.
6. The cheque, which I deposited on the 10th, was for 450 pounds.

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 121 ‫صفحة‬

3. a current account 4. a current account 5. a university student account

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 121 ‫صفحة‬

pay interest deposit 5 million Iraqi dinars make a withdrawal maintain a minimum balance
charge a fee

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 122 ‫صفحة‬

2. The bank was robbed yesterday. 3. The bill will be paid tomorrow. 4. These coins are used in Egypt.

‫ تمرين‬/ 124 ‫صفحة‬

3. was written 4. is published 5. was being repaired 6. is being painted 7. was stolen 8. are sent

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 124 ‫صفحة‬

3. True 4. True 5. False 6. False

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 126 ‫صفحة‬

3. is paid back 4. will be made 5. got 6. was started 7. like 8. Sent

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬236 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 131 ‫صفحة‬
2. By taxi, Underground and bus. 3. By e-mail from an Internet café.

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 131 ‫صفحة‬

3. a 4. e 5. c

E ‫ تمرين‬/ 132 ‫صفحة‬

3. don’t bring 4. I’ll keep 5. wouldn't be

‫ تمرين‬/ 132 ‫صفحة‬

3. If I hadn’t seen you at school, I would have called you.
4. If I went to London, I would start a business.
5. If I had a bank account, I would deposit all my money.
6. If I didn’t know the word, I would look it up in the dictionary.

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 133 ‫صفحة‬

3. 2 million Iraqi dinars 4. Five years. 5. Because it’s not a new car.

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 133 ‫صفحة‬

3. Something you buy that makes money. 4. The amount you can sell something for increases.
5. Money you pay to a company so you can get money if your car is lost or damaged.

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 135 ‫صفحة‬

2. Three days after opening an account. 3. He would have taken some photos, too.
4. Buy him a camera like this.

Unit Six: Lesson 9 ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة السادسة‬

3. charge 4. maintain 5. make

2. statement 3. withdrawal 4. instalments; back 5. Down payment 6. online 7. branch

3. balance 4. value 5. loan

3. had seen 4. hadn't gone 5. had 6. played

3. , it goes hard. 4. , I’d have said yes. 5. , he’d work harder. 6. , we wouldn’t have been late.

3. The house will be sold before the end of the year. 4. The trees were cut down by the previous owner.
5. The stairs have been repaired to avoid accidents.

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬237 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

3. The room is being cleaned right now. 4. Our homework will be graded over the weekend.
5. The gates were being opened when we arrived.

3. are bought 4. Are; included 5. will be used 6. are being built

Not yet. It is being sent to me this week. I should get one in about ten days. It will be kept for me……
If I want to. I’d rather read my bank statement when it is sent at the….
You needn’t worry. I installed a very good firewall…

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 145 ‫صفحة‬

2. a 3. c 4. c

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 146 ‫صفحة‬

3. regular savers 4. A fixed sum 5. financially minded 6. a risky business 7. major players
8. break even 9. realize the profit

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 148 ‫صفحة‬

3. workshop 4. application 5. efficient 6. enrol 7. enhance 8. admitted

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 148 ‫صفحة‬

enhance → enhancement enrol → enrolment apply → application admit → admission / admittance
attend → attendance register → registration

‫ تمرين‬/ 149 ‫صفحة‬

3. conference 4. admitted 5. register 6. qualifications

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 149 ‫صفحة‬

3. maximum 4. course fees 5. mandatory

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 150 ‫صفحة‬

3. b 4. d 5. A

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 151 ‫صفحة‬

3. jobseeker 4. web design 5. graphic design

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 151 ‫صفحة‬

2. Because they can show information in a table for. / Because they are good for showing financial information.
3. A publisher, advertising agency or TV station.
4. Because you can study whenever you want.
5. On a course, online o

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬238 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

E ‫ تمرين‬/ 153 ‫صفحة‬
3. ’s going to tell 4. ’re leaving 5. ’re having 6. Begins

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 154 ‫صفحة‬

3. Basic web design 4. Protecting our environment 5. a) where something takes place 6. a) improve them

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 155 ‫صفحة‬

3. Next semester we will be studying Biology at school.
4. They didn’t stay for dinner because they were having dinner with a friend.
5. She felt sleepy and decided she was going to get to bed early.
6. She studied English because she knew she would be travelling for work.
7. If you leave now, I think you will get there on time.
8. When I read the catalogue, I saw that classes started in June.

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 157 ‫صفحة‬

3. for instance 4. Unlike 5. so

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 158 ‫صفحة‬

3. is starting 4. had to 5. will be sleeping 6. started 7. would be

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 159 ‫صفحة‬

3. I found out he was going to a painting class that evening. 4. I knew the classes started in the summer.
5. I was very disappointed to learn the owner would be closing the company in the autumn.

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 161 ‫صفحة‬

2. The information is not always reliable.
3. The information is more reliable. You can find more in-depth information. The ideas are better developed. They are
more convenient. You can buy them easily.
4. The Internet is fine for general information but books help you learn better.

Unit Seven: Lesson 9 ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة السابعة‬

3. d 4. a 5. b

3. enhance 4. charity 5. chat

3. enrol 4. supervise 5. conference

3. is meeting 4. will like 5. will be learning

3. a 4. a 5. b

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬239 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

When do classes start? Classes will begin next week. I’m visiting my uncle next week.
We’re leaving on Monday. I think I’ll be back Friday morning. …I’ll be sitting in my computer class!

1. I found out she was going to her computer course tomorrow night.
2. He decide he was going to be a librarian.
3. Hasan thought he would enjoy a career in graphic design, but now he’s not so sure.
4. I knew Ammar would be working late, so I didn’t call him early in the morning.
5. Our teacher promised that the Internet connection would be working again soon.
6. They couldn’t come to the beach because they were taking an exam the next day.
7. I was very disappointed to hear that the health club was closing down.

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 170 ‫صفحة‬

3. a 4. c 5. b

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 172 ‫صفحة‬

2. d 3. a 4. b

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 172 ‫صفحة‬

3. Renewable: trees, energy from the sun. Nonrenewable: petrol.
4. Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming.
5. Deforestation happens when large numbers of trees are cut down and they cannot be replaced. It endangers plant
and animal habitats.

C ‫ تمرين‬/ 173 ‫صفحة‬

2. reducing the population of an area. 3. reducing the value of something

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 174 ‫صفحة‬

2. b 3. a 4. d

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 175 ‫صفحة‬

3. Because the land under the turbines can also be used for agriculture.
4. They are unattractive and they are noisy.
5. It can’t supply enough energy to meet our needs.

D ‫ تمرين‬/ 175 ‫صفحة‬

3. fly 4. were 5. find

A ‫ تمرين‬/ 177 ‫صفحة‬

3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T

Unit Eight: Lesson 9 ‫ الدرس التاسع‬:‫الوحدة الثامنة‬

3. renewable 4. regulations 5. replace 6. wisely 7. essential 8. buried 9. Spoil

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬240 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

3. wind turbine 4. natural resource 5. greenhouse gas 6. global warming

2. Hasan couldn’t meet his friends because he was playing basketball.
3. Badria thought she would probably go to the shopping mall with her friends.
4. Fawsia promised her mother she was going to study for her exams.

3. The land under the turbines can be used for agriculture.
4. Building a wind turbine is an expensive project.
5. Wind power has been used for thousands of years.

It was made to protect……….. hunting is prohibited and no one is allowed to destroy……
endangered animals that lives….. their numbers have increased…..

will have risen…. have been importing…. have opened…

3. If he had his mobile phone with him, he could call his brother to tell him he will be late.
4. If he had a book, he could read to pass the time.
5. If he had some money on him, he could buy something to drink.

B ‫ تمرين‬/ 185 ‫صفحة‬

2. ruins 3. reservoir 4. crops

‫ األستاذ عمار غالب‬241 ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

‫تصاريف األفعال الشاذة‬

‫‪ 242‬األستاذ عمار غالب‬ ‫السادس اإلعدادي‬

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