Icc Assignment-2

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Going out with the other

Ethically responsible
actions and

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For this assignment, I interviewed my aunt. My aunt is called Anke and is 35 years old.
Next winter, we are going to Austria with the whole family to go skiing together. For
me, this is not a problem, but my aunt finds skiing very scary. She has been doing it for
many years, but the fear remains. During the holidays, things often improve and she
overcomes her fears. She is very nervous about going skiing again, but she says that
she is really looking forward to it, especially since we are going with the whole family
this year. She is more confident this year and that will help her to try again this year.

This mind map was created on the basis of her character traits, norms and values,
background, behaviour and statements. I have also researched her generation and
explained later in this document how it differs from mine.


Van Dinther, M. M. H. (2022, 14 januari). Sign up | Miro | Online Whiteboard for

Visual Collaboration. Https://Miro.Com/. Geraadpleegd op 26 januari 2022, van

I think it's great to see that she is going to try again this year. For me, skiing is no
challenge at all. I have been doing this since I was about 5/6 years old, so I am used to
the heights and the long descents. I found it especially special to see how much my
aunt wanted to do this. Despite her fears, she keeps trying and wants to surpass herself
again and again. After a few days, I asked her what the reason was for trying again
and again, because I would understand very well if she just let it go. She is not under
any pressure in our family and the choice is hers. She told me that she did this mainly
for that one special moment with the whole family. The whole experience she has when
she is on that mountain with her whole family is the most beautiful thing there is for
her and that is why she puts herself over that fear again and again.


For her, the memories are worth much more than the obstacles she has to
overcome. I think this says a lot about her values. She puts her family above
everything and then actually puts herself in second place. I see similarities
with myself in this. I would also sooner conquer a fear so that I can make
beautiful memories than let it go. However, I don't know if I would be able to
overcome a fear like this over and over again. It seems very frustrating to
me to try it over and over again and still be afraid. Anke herself said that
she found it very exhausting, but knows what a memory it is for her. I think
she is very good at what she does and I really wanted to help her overcome
her fear. By going down the mountain with her at her own pace, she found it
a lot less scary and she gained more confidence in herself. I saw how much
she started to enjoy it and that made me feel very good. I think that is so
clever and I admire that very much. I don't know if I would be able to do it,
to always be behind the group and not be able to keep up with the rest. I am
much more competitive than my aunt in that respect. She said she doesn't
care Plan
het begin hoe je aanpassingen
the descent takes, as long as she does it and gets down in one
in de omvang van het project, het
piece. For ofme,
budget het this was azult
tijdsschema great thing to hear and it has inspired me to look at
things wijzigingsbeheer.
It Dit zorgt ervoor
doesn't always have to be perfect, as long as you enjoy
dat elke voorgestelde.
it and keep surpassing yourself.

Meike van Dinther

ICC Assignment 03
Why do we differ and in what way?

I grew up in a very nice environment. I had a lot of

free choices and as long as everything could be
combined, my family supported me in everything.
They are always behind me and will do anything to
give me the confidence I need. My aunt actually has
the same background. Her family was also very big
and supported her in everything. She had a lot of
freedom and because she was the youngest in the
family, she was allowed a bit more than the rest at a
certain age. She has had a group of friends since
secondary school and this is similar to me. However,
she never really had the urge to prove herself. She
likes to do things her own way and as long as she
enjoys it, she's fine with it. She likes to surpass herself
time and time again, but if she doesn't succeed, she's
content with that too. This is certainly reflected in
this situation.

This shows that even though our home
situations are actually almost the same, we
still differ in terms of character. This may
partly be due to our upbringing, but I think
it is mainly down to what kind of person
we are.

Meike van Dinther

ICC Assignment 04

When I look at which topics come up most in our conversation and which
appeal to me the most, for me they are independence, courage, self-knowledge
and family. When I look at our conversation, these topics come up the most
and I will explain why.

My aunt is very independent in making her choices. She has all the space to
make her own choices and she certainly does. She does not have the urge to
prove herself over and over again to the rest of the family, but she sets her
own boundaries. I think this describes exactly what kind of person she is.
Despite choosing for her family, she always chooses for herself and that's very
clever if you know how to combine that.

The second subject that comes up is her bravery. She is always afraid to step
on the skis and make the descent, but she does it again and again. She
overcomes her fear and chooses the experience over her fear. This is
something that not many people would do and therefore I find it very clever
that she still does it.

Self-knowledge is also very much a part of her. She knows what she can do
and what she is less good at, and she keeps on improving. She will never
overestimate herself and she will never do things that she really doesn't know
how to do. She knows she has found a good balance in this and still dares to
jump into the deep end. I think that if you have this quality, you get very far in
life and people know what they can expect from you.

The final subject that comes to the fore is her love for her family. As already
described, she more or less puts her family above herself. The experiences are
much more important to her than her fears. She will do anything for her
family and will also make sure she gets everything out of the trip. I have a lot
of respect for her and I hope that later on I can enjoy the same with my

Meike van Dinther

ICC Assignment


My aunt and I went skiing together in Austria.

After 12 years, my aunt still suffers from a fear of
skiing and yet she keeps trying again and again.
She hopes that her fear will become less and less
and I would like to help her with that.


By talking to her, I learned that My aim was to make her fear less
the problem was not actually her and give her more self-
fear, but rather the feeling that confidence. I wanted to do this
she was not understood. She by going downstairs with her and
mainly had the idea that no one giving her an example. By
wanted to listen to her and after repeating this over and over
our conversation and our few again, I hoped that after a few
descents, that disappeared. She tries she would start to ski more
had become much more self- confidently.
assured and that was very nice to


By talking to her and discussing it, she felt more
understood. She felt much more at ease,
especially when we went down together at her
I had many conversations with her, why she didn't
dare and how that came about. Then I skied down
together with her and did everything at her pace.
pace. In the course of the week, she started to like When the rest of the family started to realise this,
it more and more and at the end of the holiday we split up the group and she could go down at
she didn't even find it scary anymore. Her fear her own pace. Nobody had any problems with this
was largely conquered. and she had a great time.




Meike van Dinther

ICC Assignment 05

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