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More common Amazon coding interview


16. K  largest elements from an 28. Rotate a given list to the right
array by  k  places, which is non-
17. Convert a Binary tree to DLL negative.

18. Given a binary tree  T , find the 29. Write a function that counts the
maximum path sum. The path total of set bits in a 32-bit
may start and end at any node integer.
in the tree. 30. How do you detect a loop in a
19. Rotate a matrix by 90 degrees singly linked list?

20. Assembly line scheduling 31. Reverse an array in groups

with dynamic programming 32. Given a binary tree, check if it’s
21. Implement a stack a mirror of itself
with  push() ,  min() , 33. Josephus problem for recursion
and  pop()  in O(1) time 34. Zero Sum Subarrays
22. How do you rotate an array by 35. Huffman Decoding for greedy
K? algorithms
23. Design Snake Game 36. Egg Dropping Puzzle for
using Object Oriented analysis dynamic programming
and design technique.
37. N-Queen Problem
24. Print all permutations of a
38. Check if strings are rotations of
given string using recursion
each other
25. Implement a queue using a
39. 0-1 Knapsack Problem
linked list
40. Unbounded knapsack problem
26. Find the longest increasing
41. Longest palindromic
subsequence of an array
27. Lowest common ancestor in a
42. Print  nth  number in the
Binary Search Tree and Binary
Fibonacci series
43. Longest common substring
44. Longest common subsequence

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