AmelGhinaRahima - PS1C - Unibi UNIT 7

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Name: Amel Ghina Rahima

Class: PS1C

NPM: 9882405121411077


Fill in the blanks with either Present Perfect or Past Perfect. Then, practice the
dialogue with a partner.
At an office building
Diana : Hi, I‟m Diana. I will interview you for Young Entrepreneurs Magazine. How
long have you ___Worked____ 1. (work/ worked)?
Ms. Mustika : I don‟t know exactly. I think I have worked here for 15 years.
Diana : Have you ever ____thought__ 2.(think/ thought) that starting up a business is a

challenging thing to do , Ma‟am?

Ms. Mustika : Sure. I‟ve thought that it‟s not easy at all. Since I have
_experienced_3.(experienced/ experiencing) many ups and down in growing
own skin care company.
Diana : Have you __learnt__4.(learnt/ learn ) from your own experience in business?
Ms. Mustika : Actually I‟ve learnt a lot. However my family has __helped___5.(help/ helped)
me so much. They have been with me for years to grow this business.
Diana : It sounds cool! Have you _heard___6.(heard/ hear ) that you are one of the
most influential business women now?
Ms. Mustika : Don‟t mention it. I‟ve never __seen__ 7.(see / seen) myself that way.
Diana : You are so humble! Have you _celebrated___8.(celebrate/ celebrated) your
Ms. Mustika : Yes, I‟ve celebrated my success by inviting many women to work with me. I
just want to contribute to my environment, especially for women who need a
job very much. You know in this difficult time, it is not easy to get a job. I
have __ tried ___ 9. (try/ tried) my best to help.
Diana : Great. Have you _had__ 10.(had/ has) any advice for anyone who wants
to follow you?
Ms. Mustika : I think I'll give advice only based on what I have __been__ 11.(be/been)
going through. You must have passion and persistence in your chosen field.
Using calm resources and thoughtful ways to make your voice heard.
Diana : Anything else?
Ms. Mustika : Just when you think you can‟t go on, something fantastic happens and
refreshes your thought and drives you to the next place.
Diana : Wonderful. Had you taken up the association of entrepreneurs?
Ms. Mustika : Yes, I had. When I enrolled in the association, I had never __Joined__
12. (join/ joined) any association before.
Diana : Really? You'd published your first skin care brand by the time you were 20
years old. Hadn‟t you?
Ms. Mustika : No, I hadn‟t. I had ___ published__ 13. (publish/ published) my own brand by
the time I was 22. I had done my part as owner and manager at the same time.
Diana : Great. Had you ever__visited__14. (visited /visit) Los Angeles when you
studied international business there?
Ms. Mustika : Yes, I had. The skin care product development has had excellent results that
Diana : Thank you for your time and enlightening us, Ma‟am.
Ms. Mustika : With my pleasure.

The Answer

1. Worked 8. celebrated

2. thought 9. tried

3. experienced 10. had

4. learnt 11. been

5. helped 12. Joined

6. heard 13. published

7. seen 14. visited

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