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1 Module- 2. | ! Sotellite Subsystem: Poversupply subsystem, Attitude ove, Ordre emtel, TT EC evd payload. Digyarent subsystems g a typical sotellel rn dunckon ts ty Ulbet selon e and facades fei ai teansgorna tt te ebehacal pole waing saline als | | | powers supply subsystem. | aud distibute to all subsystems Telemetry, Teaching § Command CTT §C) Thes Subsystem, mvswitors ond contels the Thermal conte] Subsystems. Sosellele wight prom kyt-gp stay ond g ile This encuves fe maintain He satel opernknnn! me Spal. 4 x 7 plat porns nathin spating lenparatute . \ Lent for IKE type G eqprnent ™ bond the Sotelel Attitude ond Debit Corda] x | This Subsystems hevintestn axed | Conte] orbit poth g Satellele | ——————— Propulsion sub system | omd Crime He antenna Aenanin i : Ths prviles te drut sagan | printed toward Lost piked loculica | Inport the hecessaty veleerly charges fo excecnlz olf mranenvers dnsing Le | Hinne of Satelit. Poy lead Subsystona, Thes Subsysbenn corviet dhajred inetrunnenteling Aa qpotred te Peeprening GE intended forshen, Mechantual Siructure + Mechanien! Steuctare provides Artenna Subsystens The granrenserk gop raoantng. Ths SeSepstene Prvvdes chant portion 4 Other subsystems dating cand tromamutting Siprate. power Supply subsystem The power Supply Subsysteny, grea, Controls and diedibnle elecbient poner te otha Subsystory mm board ME solzlisle plbfom power Supply tor Satelbele applicators is bated ay > Chenweol energy ——> Solar enxgy —r Nuclear energy eneigy decven pores serply | | Aang shee solos is the gover Od uninterepied Selmr emery onotable im fre spoce Cradcont flex at GEO ow bet is Ohant 1340 Hin) Lotteries store eleckiorhy in the form of Chemical enemy od oe wud Rytelher rxIk soles defrow elchicnl pores goverates Yo nncet Mr pone top| exnenb ag uke Safelite, These never ted ot Sole prcdcnm . The batberier nied Aue Ae Kechecyat le pred charged’ darting hen $olax Lndhiaknn & qellirg wm Ue sotellile Nuclat pene vmthargh advandagten Jor solar decron powe Srpply, not explovicd ¢of covrmurcinl Cotellil= becanw g cost and pews: envivennede Anzotdle Block diagram a Solar enugy devon pene Spslen- ‘ BOR—> Battery chasye Agulnber BDR— Bottuy his change Hepler dhe sanyor commporendle™ 4 Solna pores syslens ore + wolnk pared + eckat gate batteries > eprlters oon inventeys te Varian DE amd AC va Hay: Jeg Vossen Swbspslent Direng surlylt condn/| Protiing eclepie cardstion Battery is deconpld frm] buttoy pavde pew fe br by memne gf BdR | brs by meant G BPE ond Chertgeal neing Bee, 5 veal by Be i | a Solok Gl. | princeple 4 operodenr 4 Solos Gil}. dhe operabieved peenuple 4 basic Solan an tS | based om IK phebvettare edfech | Accerdeng A Hu phehveltnic eqyeet CPV), thee 1s gererahion of open Chrearh ve [tape | acws PN genet phan 1b is cop ced fe Sian Light | This epem circnst voltage lende b th flow keke current trough a toad reristance Crmreclid acres it aS The impinges gf phates emengy bands Io the | governs edi dlecken- hel pate The elichenchek. | pore cxthed eithey recombine oud Vreush amt | domcken 1st cechons | + or Stet daphege an ppesk Vp Yoo mrwving deyeeds Mo Inch awd hoks moving GLE Tov aud poy chatacteishe fignse shang hye poling ge sales cath The Seles al jererala 1 mosis a nes ot 6 Cethndn lege, The pruea vale OS | free a pont ef maneinmare penis alld Pasa The Bent fall valley annd covmapershing cnidant oh tanncnnm | Contech porter point ats lw thaw cpow cikewrk valteys end | Shert clrcus# entent, reupechvaly Por Back lentact Batterie: rnd onbened sotellis au eo Ni-Cd CAlicbel Coulnaiom oe Ni-MH CO Nick Mate) Hy che gens) — NimHe (Nich! Hydopem) oe Within fon beHery, Nickel Codrvnm bateries: This is Te mest cornet Wied tachntpntle bosuy, for houwheld apphanc’. The bowie galvanic et in Med battery wie cadrwinnn anede, 0 nickel hy drew Cothode ond om athalyne ebchelyle Then bodteticn are highly prem le rmenreny effect, C boty > pathally vcharged before recharying fepentedly it can forget thed it con be foster dackniped), The battary ned fo & reeyeud of spied ppropoly 0s Codnainm &@ trae In nodnte Nied baltuia ate mrosty wed in Leo seteilche Nicket snot) Hycbride betty: Than batteries are Cadandans free The anrede of str battery io mrad op of heyshogen Sheree rete alley sane! cothede o mode of nach! rtide The Borie call predees fr2V. These batteries howe haber ancigy denily compared Lo Mied bnttenied- | | | | | The batttien ure lero atpociial i rae off: compared Is Nicd batter. Bot thes bnttewes have pobhws at high amd few benrp ohatorhe. pont Hom winsnitabh for spate applionbicsy _phichel~ tyebrge betencee “he Nill, brtfey combinu tha techneliyy jasesios owe qral ails. The Sattey wes Mickel + fydea rks oa cota od Myon gn os AF achive element in Uz anode. THs Hperted deep Lachage pes tance onnd polerense fer ovetchnt gery motes gun ideal Chota in ring acve space Mpph' cabin. | The den edvorntages neliade IT heyy cast eave Lens Je fancekie clemnsih7 mm tow becbteey! Bethan fee Botery Lifhiuns ten beHesias predate tame oneagy ind baHesin bot Bol Meaghh leat Than, batteries do not supper from raenany effect os Niel } Nimw bolting, AS Lithium ignite ently bone spose! Kendhing Agr'red. LE, 660 ead men eadelelg wre Lithtana fea babery, Spin stebilped sutellele SIE eztinducn body ee Agin 2 RX DRL Three atin stabil Seteltele watt plot felne all $ beans Cp) ord Lewy CL) Kiseiau a Apna: Agacn = OXE A PKL Ann Oe ee ee Pxe “RK This sofa pare! en Hepatred in coe y Spin | SP salma Gait poral Ost be hans Hebilyel oylendical eelnt Git parcel ANT thm Eapreision fr. pout is Prey bohere P= Poe te be perernlid (Halb) Y = Solin fx nisi ding acre te he sales mreng (W/o) ne Nanrber seins Gal, ss 9 > erevedion ep Homer g solng Gest Eraprn ten gench golns tls Coo) [es enerty shred in Copawly gen at (tn Ah)X E, > Vellage g each at Cin V) X Deplt g Dischasp. C dod) x Dithneg efpiermey x a nal enupy tepired enury ttred a net | He ia tm belle = ef rece 3 Syl DeDx 9 E, anna ap batiey spthy = ee epee) spoupient = (oH) ptitede ond Britt Cwtrel heer Tha ofthe ond coe contol splint pug tans gow quoschions gp Condelling tebtal prt, eich is de prernd fe erie He satel Bp IM coyregt focokinn pn spate H prvucde intendid sonics aed athe Cork! whieh o exurkal te Ye pred i: fa space. prevent fhe snfellele from Frrabling ipl ip evinted, JET aandennnns “renneun prictid at a gined pint Ue Enslh ls Suadace. Attitade Sabelhdc is 15 eviewtading detesnanee by tele shep eetvtem 1 anesC Yau, Piteh § Lil) Spin stabslayabced ered Horse = asec stab lpolins ane Ur tre type g ath hede Comte! Systane ved, When JE sodallels & tm abt Shr obfitede conte! Spier rmanicteint onlin § Sodellelr panel acemtabely jam HT desived ° clevectina Fie Satellites orbyking for amd medium ecslke cetyl, Grevitaknn pull from Gnilk 6 vary sheep Sensna me need (7 determure di pravhen gp sotelbsle anc nik verpeck ipeuipitd oepovence deve chant arioy conde] i Anpered fe Cornet foe HAE Lakin forcer, hee pobbntbahinn fetid eppecle 4 por Prey alte om ee he piles of bite) prtancetug, TH B dome by fering Thrter TElennety tracking 4, Contr) /Lemmnond Sib syste (TTA C) The Precking, telemetry ord Commend Grr gc) Sadsyls panwttedt ond contol the Gaderbci wget frome byt ge Stee bond gi poke ia spect ip Sooke ttele | Slattt_ | Ns TEC en nen aa lee oie tee Ly pring z epeee ony 1 travel mei Me aici Paprming ON The fol maetry past gentherd aperannlics ow the fen Ge veer sebegslnd Gp ae sobettg, Tt Gancadis This inpttenatan amd teuninnlt fo weble Eyl cate) Canter The Command thant reuina ord executes ane Comte] Crna ncende from he Conta! cuter an eoste to Ger Chery fb UT plot gern punctons, cwpgeke prstkes and valeecly. Peylend: peylend ILE nest impertent Subsyeh ns ge ceny soteible Hh cam be crideved as [LE eroding ca satellele Pred perm ietended fronchinasy it depend on Nutting Angnvvencenlt prplond tn a Crmmmanicndins satesbir refeu | do tows ponder phirch at os Deceiver) Arvphyces/ Feotas enter. | Ths w dearnspander 3 tebinedics 9 ebenatnd Sach my series hegh gota demrynet Mie amtennes, filte, Con nef e amplipient, pepreny Nixes ond pe anpl pes | Sontelbele emaplyy Ly 5, 6%) ky sand Ka bonds dor | Commmuniembina pik Pree» | Ped, anne Local sul der as Peerive Ares evina ates C bond 6/4 Gh) 1 the most ppl bownd ed pr probing dewuske § jnternnhkored telephony Sovics. lens Ky (12-7 6A aud Ke (24-404) pamds re ole enlinsively mied In emre ef henuher fortenching sotelbil Andconnetey i tht nvest innpertant proplowd. je benate 5 nied a cata ed Aa a hg pena th kbd Sadinken in viel, 12 boards High veredntinn virible Conesnn, month specden) Scannep ond Pemate Mappers ate [AD rancin pryieeds mr bentd on Enslk epemelins sodelth Seirk fic Sobatlld bere payloads dhporde ght ee Rae Lyte sponte Pebscepes te Colbet Leger froma story avd tpece” OT arnt Sobel ls fo ra a mos lh, pl . ee ee y plesnne daltetod th shady solee bends} Lnbahinn belts, mangnet meter fp jrveut gal” peste wena ke Pe around planet, ga Bpodereste th deteknacne sede nch ute g Sopa rt tt ik_stofio! Eosik_ sth tn entik stukion is a terres tins stotins locolct Guslk's Seager, if Contd even be aerberne re oo cna thine pager Poe a frsth stokow inchade farenneber Sopslewr aces Syst partenns syslnd eo drackeny Syslenn faye cea) Interfase poeny powers stun Eval stint. — = — oe ets pores gq Erik stohen G ferrerfsnl Irbeaya — | | Evsik stews me clei geed mr the basis of Gevicet povided onnd dlaprnding on tke rg bored os aa Ie cenvices pruidd, Erk statins elnmipil Fhieed Sotelbelr sexvices CFSS) Enslt Stochion Bvoedent sotellte services (88) entlt station Mob setellole cebvices Coss) Ersit Shih band mr WT manye, Ente shaking ase divided fede IAT followny entepoite Single qanchinn statins Gpelewny stettecs Teper —~s Fixed Seteflile Eesik Stolins chpending om lp We Pe eatll strlen ote clomipred os Lnep Foti Stab on Prrdiame Gill Stok Sranf Gnlk” Stohr Very Sead tebaninals Hele Trnnt nat / Recive fonction Vey Sma poring ole Aratve ook pe oe The seevices invelnu tHe wey Ree. Services Gg ered elk Gfy 8 31dB IK oy, 2 25 18/k ay 2 de dB/k By 2 12delk 7 prt Cdivect & Howe) Cover blk arraleg ¥ Crnnnienitalis satellites fer lebpheny, dlatn crue acento, avd tne ond febvsnin brad cot feeds Fs eporntes exiles im © bad on kin band pss myed Ip B55 Sand Pheve dere veprtie much (anger do, Fis fromaponder nas Linens pelntazad nn Brondeast satelite Sovrees Eran shaken Under ths pronp ve have, Lensgp brslt Station — Sp 8 isd B/k Cfo crrrmnanty reuphos) Sant Gath Shutinn (for in dearbnn! reuptiva) Ite depires Mer pole eng bards 1007-19. 9564 inity Repon-d ( Enrepe, Puntio, Agron), 122-24 GHz fa ity Rap -2( Hock & Sok Avene), We 122 Bg in ITU Ragin 3 Crsin Aas fe oki) ay 2 Pde/k eenle wt relads rely heiwer pores levels os Conope- dept! Vides, ode Servicer Lecerved by telahvely grand oles hea. Mobil Sotellilr Suvices Falk stot eS Under the grenp, we have [nege CHE stmt ape ~4de/k predinn Goslk sinkinn Sire ~12uB/E enacl Ertl Stoker 42 ~24eB/k phe Inge annd peli Gull statins Myer Hrnctory and Small MS doesnot Aptre encking Grdelcle prune 0 IE newest coment nied paar Setelcls servi, Hw a FHP. F nacbrk Hat Coanscth Sofellcls (ribs! of pornadninl radwerk pacbile Sutelvk suvice ore pom ded be (E a be awd Leo satellite. wr ond Ghebnletnt ate kr tie mayer Merb Sodzibir Seevices. brvidew Leo cutelbila Fiery. Glcnd stat we Ay sotellies on bb sodelbter a ieridvnn epenhe Singh qumetnn seh mw: Then stnkimns may be ranint only, Aeeies ely oe balk. Sie commas exnnaple of singh faretion ehahun indede TVE0 Cteeviting weeive oat) Heo netnak gor TY dauphin cy om iadindannd Sockellele hadio dunia, tre Why sar (wey Seco spetes fess) ) Uae etdedesd steve for poss eee Gottiny Stobiend! Geitnay Sheba seve O Eells end) tate ae Sexe 04 fransit pong between Sinfiew we cmd ferrets Verisnt Prominvision Gehne logit pris eed evel by Maven wate ewe A grlneey Aecetwos Inge veel fp open | ot any yore fine. These inelade, (Ebphore Siprnly, | Elivinion mynls, date strennay toad foe AM Phan sipanls Crone i deppolant fornant, ie g. | vebions lanel of manliphneing wad faleermmnt rode Stand nods con nHOYPAt dete, fiserk ond aleg sedellotes, They A rete 4 hott rived tonay amd phe A beg sigan mramipelalees ackwiier be de Carried on Thx Ligne degre nated Ir fnterdet sotetlle ee Telpect se type g grienny gente fy fires ee Loc rded fm Grundkd pines frkeki try LOS fo sedellele pinks chow [er poaenhy gq meclher st bribery op SP oiler obsteck, These a fecrid entsid. de ay gud & hunk prvcks UT eronechurle, where Godson bop ate Linked Ie hunk and jn tare Come ik pepe The ew poten ophe acon bare Link, | eprvrt> mnt Busik stvhon Architechte: ps prayer Compaen East Shation iwelide BP Sechm bose band eqyuprent terrettin) interface in nd bck be tha oer soppet fowbly keke pout supply WEIE back up, ranntering anne! Condes/ Fhuinan) aard environment condthinay Bp Sechna powes spr Suppo focclibes The BF sechen mainly cwunheg f odennn Subsyclecs, p-comverter ound HPA Chagh paves dep) is UF uplink channel tard onlinna Lam ound doom Grrventer in down Kerk chances: _ The yr q mperwvater 3 convert IE be bund prt fe desired bund. tthe mp cover Siprol is thaw onnplipied fr clestred bevel bepete fot bh ford sysbea der INT train nal s8ion te Hh intended sodellele, Sinwlosly LNA owsplizies Weak signal sceived by JLT mudenna, Hern dorm converlid fe Ip devel beget 6 fed be Waodinr in baw bard sechen Th. ban bard Sector Popo me ble] demradvtadtion duamcion depevding wpen Ie priduiehion teehnryne ond multiple ecco rretiad employed. The butebond kekun connected fe torvestan! hefwock theang® — Srulebl nfepece base ferreitne) interface In atdition fori stutinn Aus support poly fe moniter g Contol, pect sepply Chock mp) ot envirm™ nmevtn ene ey, ant A VSAT remote _teinunal. as SuleIll war Ce tet rnsd oe Cutler anc | cme a yay A OVSAT fennninn Contre RF ection, The dirk omtennn fs typically oss— 24m hinmater, The Indes Unik siz g video recerder coteiny pesebamd Kebim. jrclada redwinter, demredtales pamitiplaee wrrd denrwltiplenee nik (nlerpnces Tha Cop ache of Erstk statin dapends np aalhe appends pec, Eesle Stes can lent Corp den POS Enel Studion shew blew { ar 5 a = the [ i Qe de & [ar Z . TT] a SHE cage 7 Po : ! a, Fustk stuton Hasd wate! Mest gd HE Entile ctolitia atl nt Coligny inde mea As thre yes as RE equeprrent — IP ond banband equpmenk > Terrestre! interac epniprert - RE eyvprnent: RE Cqwpnnet covuists 4 wprconvettens, BPA ard hE trammut antenna jr Uo trawinn't home, a 4 cm] The Oontpet HRA fo ie The kative chanrel consi doen urveli, * The teonrsnnst oand fatrive Pasching oo tnssicd | Ob UE Senne wrhonne | pantinly Tchad Prctennas: Diy tent ver ele 4 repbcter artinnns me cremnenly td Ae Entik station awtanna. Theat ve plector anlinnr pen antenna Sept pol Gouymien entree: poinme dren deol foretebe repheter arvtenna rep lector Ths amlinna i used Khan avitnna diameter 1S es thin he omy Ae eR re only Gntil sth. The nretndiors back of tha 4 blocky gq mon | denne dene bp gee nnd fh ntchantind Sopperh syphos | oppet fed wok rod pocobele rupleter eantenna, —— ==> Pirechnn 9 Moun Team eo —— Cossegrnvin omlinns evecermu IG shartcenny 4 pone poms get prrsebolre reflector Jits antenne wier Aypubelic vepbote Ancering We pave fo te qed, which & plaud inprnt nani rept, Hove promt ond ehekonits ty plead at AT pire fons penkned on ees eee op ee elt cere are nb pestible tn Cowtegrntin amtenns eee Direchinn Tanprs vet ailing 1S IE eutennn. | Awelhs corner gontemne tonyigntilend piven entenne ues concn See RG wepcter Hehend JIE petnemey foort wtih beuney J nines back Beth UG dosh. afpat peed empl pore nie posible in MG type ge satonne, pivectron Q pate He rece Se HPA: High pone Amphgtes Eipp, hick GS pradnet gp power owt a HPA rims ave perde [aides amd gota 9 IT fount antenna, cs inapertent dactw deaihvy vp hee 4 Gnsll Staten Diggusnt Aype ge poner ana hier Fes Stoknn inclode — trave thing ware fake CruT) Aue HEM er Klystren Any pes — Geld stale Pourer Avy biper(sspa'y wend Hea evdpt vers artouna dianrefer veld tele. For C bawd feamsperda #& hag A awtenan drennedeh found 4 fe Em ge W HP. aud if dannetes jmovensed fo (oma, Pre Atducys A Boon HPA~ Ht Chand Goa 0 Ku band 1 ah Ke band 3964 Arctinns Lannater Cm) SSPA's Ore nied {7 relobvely loser pores opphy pitah Hohe based carmpheyrer wee! ethan BT Atprivel powe bref oe High Elysian & Reksotsbonnd andi device powdng ee beendedlt g IT weden of oko nific tara th me Soy lig Age, hase ot TAT Dw pr bad Ange Hg bowdisdit oo Insp ma oo Klystran Or lon eapewnivee , sinaph Is opal § | ony do naninton. Whne n S5PAI me Aehinkle end cheeper competed Ji klyshen cand ter Any pal re mate. | _— Commonly weed amphipeer eonpigeralins 40 pel Conse opcekinn Ineclade Singh amply Lng meatkph aumphpter o4 shorn. Hea ut Len | 37 | Gens rere Sesteh n ial ‘Sinit, hqud Carries sts ips HPA i Bo Gomabi i |e b Neteats bond Carrie siqoats Z Matkph. Auphyce BA erage

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