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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering


Bhavya Goel - 19BCE0378

Aayushi Tiwari - 19BCE0666
Karan Chadha - 19BCB0044
Yash Raj Singh - 19BCE0288

Under the guidance of

Dr. Vishnu Srinivasa Murthy Y

School of Computer Science and Engineering

VIT, Vellore

December ’21

We thus certify that the project titled "Automated Drip

Monitoring System" that we submitted to VIT for the award of
the Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and
Engineering degree is a genuine record of work that we
completed under the supervision of Dr. Vishnu Srinivasa Murthy

Additionally, we declare that the work described in this project

has not been submitted to, or will not be submitted to, any other
institute or university for the granting of any other degree or
diploma, in part or whole.

Place: Vellore

Date: November 28, 2021

Signature of Candidates

Aayushi Tiwari

Bhavya Goel

Karan Chadha

Yash Raj Singh


We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. G.

Viswanathan, our esteemed Chancellor at VIT University, and Dr.
K. Ramesh Babu, our respected Dean, for allowing us to carry
out the project.

We would like to pay our respects to our guide, Dr. Vishnu

Srinivasa Murthy Y, for his direction and ideas, which enabled
us to complete the project on time. We are indebted to the
faculty and staff members who encouraged and supported us
throughout the endeavor. Finally, we'd want to express our
gratitude to our ever-loving parents for their blessings and to
our friends for their prompt assistance and support.

Signature of Candidates

Aayushi Tiwari
Bhavya Goel
Karan Chadha
Yash Raj Singh

Declaration Page No. 2

Acknowledgment Page No. 3
Abstract Page No. 5
Introduction Page No. 5
Motivation Page No. 6
Literature Review Page No. 7
Proposed Methodology Page No. 10
Tools Used Page No. 13
Code Page No. 13
Project Demonstration (Output) Page No. 16
Conclusion Page No. 18
References Page No. 18
This project elaborates on efficiently monitoring the drip level at hospitals
while also detecting any bubble formation in the liquid used. This process
is currently done manually by nurses when they periodically check the
drip. In addition to the functional efficiency of this project, it is also
cost-effective. Using a light sensor, an ultrasonic sensor, a light source, and
a microcontroller system, we provide a way to monitor the drip levels
automatically. An accompanying app notifies the concerned hospital staff
about issues and irregularities of the drip bottle.
To make our system more practical and convenient, we plan to add a
one-touch communication portal. The patient or their family member can
request assistance from a nurse instead of the family member going out to
call them, leaving the patient unattended. Apart from this, we will switch
from displaying a constant message of the flowing drip and bubble
formation to a pop-up, non-dismissable warning message for a more
efficient and user-friendly application.

Keywords - Microcontroller, Ultrasonic Sensor, Light Sensor, Internet of

Things, Arduino.


Better health is central to human happiness and well-being. Patients’

safety is fundamental to providing that happiness, and it is the absence of
preventable harm caused to the patient at the time of health care. Every
point in the process of caregiving contains a certain level of damage or
uncertainty. It is that intelligence that has to be taught to prevent
unnecessary risk during monitoring. With an increase in population, there
is an equal increase in mortality. Doctors use saline IV to replenish flush
wounds, deliver medications and sustain patients throughout different
therapies or surgeries. Technologies have constantly been changing for
every sector, creating beautiful tools and resources that make our lives
easier, better, and faster. Today everyone is going for digital
transformation. And, of course, the healthcare industries are going to have
a dramatic change in their services. Due to which the way of service
offering patients will soon change, and the outcomes will be very much
result-oriented. If IV is not monitored correctly, it may cause backflow of
blood once it becomes empty, which becomes dangerous for the patient.
Hence there arises the need for automatic saline monitoring systems that
must be implemented in hospitals.

Need for automatic saline monitoring: Ease of access to patient data

provides the ability to deliver higher-quality care to patients and prevents
the backflow of blood in IV tubes.

In our current medical care system, monitoring patients in a hospital
throughout the day is a tiresome process. Sometimes Doctors or Nurses
are too busy, so they can't watch each patient causing many problems. The
medical work needs utmost care, and that too with accurate manners. An
example of such type of work in our hospital is injecting saline or
Intravenous (IV) fluids into a patient’s vein. If the drip system is not
monitored on time, it will cause problems like the backflow of fluid, blood
loss, etc. To reduce the workload and overcome such critical situations and
provide the ability to deliver higher-quality care to patients, we proposed a
system called Automated Drip Monitoring System.
The Glucose Monitoring System Consists of ARM, Load Cell, Solenoid Valve,
Keypad, Relay, and ESP8266. Drip bottle weight is estimated utilizing an
electronic load cell, and information will be sent to the Doctor using a WIFI
Module. Through this project, it can Measure the Drip bottle weight
monitoring using a load cell. Also, we can set the Flow control using the
electronic valve and hall flow sensor, which is very helpful in looking after
the patients in the hospitals for the observations, especially during the
night. And it also controls the reverse blood flow of the patient when the
glucose level is zero and shows all the data on the LCD, and checks the
body temperature of the patient through the temperature sensor, which is
placed on the patient's hand. If the patient wants the fan ON/OFF, then
through the flex sensor placed on the patient’s finger, they can operate
just bending the finger, which can make ON/OFF the fan in the room. This
paper overcomes the consequences that occur due to negligence of
monitoring the IV flow. Using proposed monitoring, one can observe the
level of the saline bottle from a distant position which will aid in building
an intelligent health care system. An affordable, precise, and efficient
system that undoubtedly works smoothly.
[2] Monitoring System of Heart Rate, Temperature and Infusion in Patients
Based on Microcontroller (Arduino Uno) (link)
The researchers intend to create a three-parameter monitoring system,
namely heart rate, body temperature, and intravenous drips for patients.
This monitoring system is designed to provide a sound warning indicator
in case of abnormal conditions in the monitored parameters. The test
results show that the device can display indicators of patient health
development with three parameters: heart rate, body temperature, and
infusion usage. In this study, the authors used the Prototype Model
research method. In the Prototype model, the process of creating a system
that is made will be structured. How many stages must be passed in the
making, namely gathering needs, designing, and evaluating? If the final
stage states that the system that has been created is not perfect or still
has flaws, the system will be re-evaluated and will go through the process
from the beginning. Based on the system design results and the
consequences of testing and analysis that have been carried out from the
three parameters using a heart rate sensor, temperature, and infusion
drop level displayed on the i2C LCD user interface, several conclusions can
be drawn. Namely, the device can display indicators of patient health
development with three parameters, heart rate, body temperature, and
infusion level.
Three sensors are connected to the microcontroller: a temperature sensor,
a glucose sensor, and a heartbeat sensor. The microcontroller will connect
three different sensors at this location. These sensors detect and record
the corresponding parameters. Following that, these records are
communicated to the PC unit. Later, the data is sent through wi-fi to the
internet cloud. It will operate as a bridge between the cloud and a doctor's
mobile application named Blynk. The doctor will obtain the patient's
information in this manner. The heartbeat sensor will detect the patient's
heartbeat and alert the doctor's mobile application. The LOW state will
display the glucose level sensor's readings. It displays an accurate reading
of the patient ward's room temperature. The heartbeat's average bit rate is
60. If it falls below this bit rate, it will display as runs abnormal. A robust
SHS is created to monitor and transmit current patient information in the
absence of the doctor. The technology records the patient's temperature,
blood pressure, and pulse rate and sends them to the doctor. By
monitoring and collecting the patient's sample data, the system confirms
the patient's state. The doctor evaluates and monitors the patient's health
status and then counsels the patient on health matters. Additional
features can be added to the system by utilizing the Blynk mobile
application. Doctors can raise awareness about diseases and their
symptoms by utilizing this smartphone application.
The proposed system consists of IR Sensor and Laser Sensor,
experimented on Raspberry Pi using Wi-Fi. The IR Sensor will monitor a
certain level of the fluid during the Intravenous Infusion. The Laser Sensor
is placed at the surface of the drip chamber to monitor the drip rate at
which the Intravenous Fluid flows through the thin tube into the patient
body. Whenever the level of the Intravenous Fluid precedes a certain level,
or when the fluid’s drip rate precedes or exceeds the actual rate at which
the fluid flows in the drip chamber, then an automatic notification alert is
sent the hospital staff. The hospital staff must install the App at which the
notification pops up, and the entire process would run using the Internet.
Any further medication which is to be given to the patient can be done by
the instructions provided by the doctor in the App simultaneously. This
paper proposes an automated way of monitoring the Intravenous Fluid in
the bottle and the drip rate speed in the drip chamber using a
microcontroller. This system can send data to the nurse’s and doctor’s
smartphone through the app wirelessly and display the output in the form
of the drip rate, the level of the intravenous fluid in the bottle, and what
further action could be taken on the patient on the doctor’s instruction.
This system has non-touch droplet monitoring, easy to reuse, and will fetch
accurate data regarding the drip-rate. It is also available at low cost, easy
to deploy, and integrated with the existing hospital management system. It
is beneficial for the nurses and the doctors, especially at the hospitals
where many patients are assigned to 2-3 nurses. Thus, this system is
user-friendly, and any naive user with a bit of training can easily use this
[5] The design of liquid drip speed monitoring device system based on
MCU (link)
This page proposed an intelligent transfusion control and monitoring
system, designed by using the AT89S52 microcontroller as the core, using
the keyboard and photoelectric sensor as the input module, digital tube,
and motor as the output module. The keyboard is independent, and the
photoelectric sensor can offer reliable detection for liquid drop speed and
the transfusion bottle page. When the fluid amount is less than the
warning value, the system sounds the alarm, and you can remove the alert
by hand movement. With the advantages of speed controllable and input
pulse power can be maintained on the motor, the system can control the
bottle through the upper and lower slow-moving liquid drip to control the
speed of intelligent purpose. This design mainly adopts infrared
photoelectric sensors. The SCM AT89C51 chip is a small and complex
system, which includes hardware design and software design. The minor
system of SCM is small in size, simple in structure, good in repeatability,
and high insecurity, greatly simplifying the entire procedure. In terms of
the whole design, the power supply circuit is a member of the invention,
which considers the use of power. The method of the power supply needs
to take into account the kinds of power supply systems. For example, the
design should use the single power supply program or the multiple power
solutions. The core system of the invention is SCM. The required power
supply of SCM is 5V. The working voltages of the luminous diode and
photo triode are +5V. Therefore, this design adopts the single power supply
scheme, and the single power supply boasts many advantages. It is simple,
which can meet the needs of the plan. In addition to the SCM system, the
power supply of the motor should also be considered. After full
consideration, the 5V power supply is relatively safe and does not affect
the engine’s work.
The block diagram represents the correct working of the model. First, it will
measure the level of solution left in the bottle through the ultrasonic
sensor. If there are any bubbles formed in that solution, there is an
obstacle in the path of the flowing solution, and the LDR will detect it
through a drip. The data produced by the ultrasonic sensor and LDR will
be sent to the firebase through the ESP8266 module. The same data will be
sent to the Mobile App, where the staff can convey appropriate warnings.

1. Arduino UNO
2. HCSR-04 Ultrasonic Sensor
3. Photo-resistor / Light Sensor
4. Esp8266-01 WiFi Module
5. Android Studio
6. Light Source

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define RX 2
#define TX 3
#define echoPin 4 // attach pin D4
Arduino to pin Echo of HC-SR04
#define trigPin 5 //attach pin D5 Arduino
to pin Trig of HC-SR04
long duration; // variable for the
duration of sound wave travel
int distance; // variable for the
distance measurement
int sensorPin = A0; // select the input pin
for LDr
int sensorValue = 0; // variable to store
the value coming from the sensor


String API = "XUK50SN1ZZGSK5W7"; // Write API KEY OF
String HOST = "";
String PORT = "80";
String field1 = "field1";
String field2 = "field2";

int countTrueCommand;
int countTimeCommand;
boolean found = false;
String values1;
String values2;
SoftwareSerial esp8266(RX,TX);
void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as
sendCommand("AT+CWJAP=\""+ AP +"\",\""+ PASS +"\"",20,"OK");

void loop()
values1 = getSensor1Data(); // LDR.
Fetches light level from the LDR
values2= getSensor2Data() ; // HCSR04.
Fetches the distance as measured by the ultrasonic sensor
String getData = "GET /update?api_key="+ API +"&"+ field1
+"="+String(values1)+"&"+ field2 +"="+ String(values2);
sendCommand("AT+CIPSTART=0,\"TCP\",\""+ HOST +"\","+ PORT,15,"OK");
sendCommand("AT+CIPSEND=0," +String(getData.length()+4),4,">");

String getSensor1Data(){
sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // read the
value from the sensor
Serial.println(sensorValue); //prints
the values coming from the sensor on the screen

delay (10);
return String(sensorValue); // LDR
String getSensor2Data(){
// Clears the trigPin condition
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
// Sets the trigPin HIGH (ACTIVE) for 10 microseconds
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
// Calculating the distance
distance = duration * 0.034 / 2;
// Displays the distance on the Serial Monitor
distance = 12-distance;// height of container used is 12cm

return String(distance);// ultrasonic data


void sendCommand(String command, int maxTime, char readReplay[]) {

Serial.print(". at command => ");
Serial.print(" ");
while(countTimeCommand < (maxTime*1))
found = true;
if(found == true)
countTimeCommand = 0;
if(found == false)
countTrueCommand = 0;
countTimeCommand = 0;
found = false;
Demonstration Video -
In this project, we reviewed the functioning of a Drip Monitoring System
and its associated risks. Here, we knocked down an actual problem that is -
real-time patient monitoring in hospitals. Our proposed system can be
used in homes and elderly people, which will reduce their chances of
getting admitted to the hospitals and getting good care at home.
The use of such a device will reduce the complications associated with IV
drip usage at the hospitals and will ease the workload of the doctors and

[1] Yesica Devis, Yuda Irawan, Junadhi, Fransiskus Zoromi, Herianto and
Mohd Rinaldi Amartha (2021). Monitoring System of Heart Rate,
Temperature, and Infusion in Patients Based on Microcontroller (Arduino
Uno). IOPScience.

[2] Ms. Mouna M. Naravani, Ms. Shweta S Khavatakoppa, Ms. Akshata

Gudgunti, Ms. Shruti Yaranal, Ms. Poornima Kambi (2017). A Smart
Healthcare Monitoring System Based on IoT. IJEAST.

[3] N.Y. Suma Keerthi, Arishela Raju, Nandavaram Sowmya, Dr. B Krishna
(2020). Intravenous Infusion Monitoring System. IJRDST.

[4] Shiyong Zheng, Zhao Li, Biqing Li (2017). The Design of Liquid Drip
Speed Monitoring Device System Based on MCU. AIP.

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