Chapter One

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The development of cannot globally cannot be achieved without the development of the rural
community. This is because 75 to 80 percent of the people in developing Countries living in rural area
need positive, relevant and prompts attention in their daily activities.

In other words, mass media should serve as a media of information dissemination to the society,
educating it and also as provider of entertainment.

In Nigeria today, the purpose of the media is mainly to inform, educate and entertain. These should be
the relationship which the mass media and the society must reflect.

According to Dennis and Defleur: Mass media can be described as devices for moving message
across distance or time to accomplish mass communication. While the mass media remains at the centre
of all individual and governmental affair performing these fundamental roles,, the society also should
relate with the media has provides of news events, consumers of the news and also as sustainers of the
media business.

Defleur and Ball Rokeach, 1988, state this, "the media plays a major role in the social learning
process and have influence on how individuals acquire new ideas, attitudes, and change orientation in
society. Media is a strong means of information to the mass. It facilitates the exchanges between the
sender and the receiver, authorities and people.

From late 20th century to 2005, a classification called the "seven mass media" became popular. In order
of introduction and they are:

 Print (books pamphlets, newspaper, magazines etc.) from the late 15 th century.
 Recordings (gramophone records, magnetic tapes, Cassettes, cartridge CDs, DVD) from the late
19th century.
 Cinema from about 1900.
 Radio from about 1910.
 Television from about 1950.
 Internet from about 1990.
 Mobile phones from about 2000.

All these classification known as mass media or mainstream media are integral institution in the
society that consist the various means by which vital information and accurate facts reaches large
number of the publics.

In the word of Akpan (1990:294) obviously, the media in these societies always work together towards
realizing their countries aspirations and their reporting given the coloration of their countries political
beliefs. The mass media are essential to society because they serve diverse and dispersed audience,
hence the symbol and message of the mass media are available a meant tor widespread consumption.
The basic functions of the mass media which could be explained as informer, educator, crusader, watch-
dog or social change agent will be explained under three traditional functions. They are:

a. Information

b. Education

c. Entertainment


Information is raw a material for development for both urban and rural dwellers. Prosperity, progress
and development of any nation depend on the nation ability to acquire, produce, access and use
pertinent information. A report an older rural people (2008:3) indicates that, “Access to information and
advices is key resource for a local people in maintaining active and independent lives. Media as the
access to information plays a critical role in letting people know their entitlements to welfare benefits
and sources of support to overcome social exclusion”.

To achieve this, information transparency on the political system by the media can help people
understand the operations of government, participate in political decision and most importantly hold
the government officials accountable of found harboring vital information.


Media impact Knowledge or educate the public through various means, intended to teach the critical-
reflective use of all medium, socialization as a means of information, entertainment, education and day
to-day organization to become subject and object of education. Media education concerns all
communication media and their combinations made possible by the so called new media. These this
communication media are constituent part of all text, regardless of the technology: the world, printed,
spoken, graphics, sounds stills and moving pictures.


An important function if mass communication is entertainment. This includes communication acts

primarily intended for amusement irrespective of any effect they might have.

Entertainment takes many different forms. These are sports, at local and international levels, national
soccer’s league, the world cup, athletics, and boxing etc. Other forms of entertainment are drama on
radio and television, motion pictures, short stories, cartoons.

The mass media act as the mass of relaxation and reducing social tension.

Mass media as the fourth Estate of government serves as an intermediary to a progressive society both
economically and socially and politically.

On the others hand rural development generally refers to the process of improving the quality of life
and economic well-being of the people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Rural
development aim at finding the ways to improve the rural lives with participation of the rural people
themselves so as to meet the require need of the rural areas. Rural development programs are usually
top-down from the local or regional authorities, regional, development agencies, NGOs, national
government or international development organization But then, local populations can also bring about
indigenous initiation for development. The term is not limited to the issues for developing countries. In

fact many of the developed countries have very active rural development programs .The main aim of the
rural government policy is to develop the undeveloped villages.

Conclusively, the spread of education and general awareness one hand and the revolutionarily
changes in communication and information technology on others hand have made media the most
potent means mass education and mass mobilization in our time. Media is now being increasingly
viewed as the most

Effective sought after means of communication. In fact, media now influence all works of our life,
personal, social and professional.


Okiy (2003:1) says that "rural development is a basis for economic development and
information is an important ingredient in development process. People in rural areas whether literate or
not should have access to any kind of information which will help them become capable and productive
in their social and political obligations, to become better inform citizens generally”. Similarly Diso
(1994;113) holds the view that'" Information must, as a matter of policy, be seen as a basic resource for
development if durable structure are to be provided for effective access and utilization which entails
information captioning, coordination, processing and dissemination ". In the Nigeria context,
accessibility to information by both urban and rural community is stated in its development plans, But
with emphasis to the support of government propaganda and many programmes that are not fully
relevant to the development of rural communities.

The information received by the rural dwellers is cither not reliable or distorted in the process of
transmission. This unhealthy situation constitutes a major delay, which keeps the rural communities in
Nigeria and other developing countries far away from development indicators. The developed countries
undertake rural projects to reduce the gap between the urban and rural communities to the barest
level. A report on a rural project (2007) outlined that "Access to and the ability to use information and
knowledge are not equally distributed (between urban and rural communities).

Consequently up on this, a big controversy over TIIE INFLUENCE OF MASS MEDIA ON RURAL
has emerged over the years among people. Hence, it is apparent that there is a need for research to be
carried out to know empirically the disposition of the influence of mass media in rural communities.


The purpose of this research work is to know how influential mass media in rural communities
as a social development tool. It's also to see how influential the message passed through the media has
change the communities in terms of paving way for new idea and development.

The essence of this study is also to evaluate the positive and negative impact of mass media in the
community development of Eruwa. Reporting through the analysis of vital role that mass media play in
bringing about development in rural communities.


A. To shed more light on what other researchers or authors had written based on the similar topic.

B. To ensure that the same quantitative and qualitative information is available for the whole population
in the rural area or community like Eruwa through mass media.

C. To promote dialogue and popular and popular participation in the communities and the exchange of
information, knowledge and techniques among these communities.

D. To enable all those who wishes to broadcast information or to introduce innovations into the
different sectors or rural development to have social and educational communication instrument at
their disposal.

E. To provide all parties in the rural world like Eruwa with training information and communication
based on strategies of dialogue, unity and participation rather than a vertical flow of messages.


To elicit the data necessary to proper answers to the research problem, the following research questions
are drawn.

1. What is mass media?

2. What are the roles of mass media in the community?

3 What are the opinions of the people on mass media?

4. Do people in community sees mass media as a social development tool?

5. What are the effects of mass media in the area of social development?


The benefit of this study is numerous. This research work will help slate clearly the roles played
by the media to the public.

The mass media has contributed to the information, education and entertainment of the public most
especially those in the rural area or sector in the development of education, national cultural heritage,
promotion of songs and music etc.

Mass media has helped to collect and exchange information among all those concerned in the rural
community in the planning of development initiative with the aim of reaching a consensor of the
development problem been faced and the option for their solution.

Mass media mobilize people for development action and assisted in solving problem and
misunderstanding that arises during development plan implementation.

It has enhances the teaching and communication skills and development agent (at all levels) so that
people at the rural area may dialogue more effectively with their fellow.


The research work will be limited to the people of Eruwa in Ibarapa East Local Government
community. Eruwa is a community set among hills and its medium size population of both young and

The scope of research shall be limited to the influence of mass media in rural community as a social
development tool. Findings and study shall be conducted for the interval of four months of the period
allotted by The Polytechnic Ibadan for fulfilment of the requirements for ordinary national diploma in
mass communication department.


Outlined below are the limitations faced at the course of carrying out this research:

1. Fund is one of the limitation faced due to fact that, the quality of any research work depends
mostly on money which will be used to purchase the necessary material that will be needed
during the course of carrying out the research.
2. The unavailability of most book materials from the school library actually slowed the research
3. Time constrain was also part of the limitation because the success of any research work also
depend on lime but it was not too easy because their where assignments to do, class to attend
and test to read and prepare for.


1. MASS: The tem mass is a reference to a large number of people or things. According to the Cambridge
International Dictionary, mass media is a large number of people or to come together in large numbers.

2. MASS MEDIA: The mass media are diversified media technologies that are intended to reach a large
audience by mass communication. The technologies through which this communication take places
varies. Broadcast media such as radio, recorded music, films and television transmit their information
electronically, print media use a physical object such as a newspaper, books, pamphlet or comics to
distribute their information. Outdoor media is a form of mass media that comprises billboards. Thc
digital mass comprises both internet and mobile.

It was also described by Crystal in the Cambridge Encyclopedia as the means of producing and
disseminating news information and entertainment to a universal audience typically through the press
(newspaper, magazine, cinema, radio, television and even paperback publishing).

3. RURAL COMMUNITY: Rural community is a geographical secluded community which as a low

population density. A rural community is a land that is typically devoted to agriculture and most rural
community are not urbanised; they are made up of small towns. In general, a rural area is geographic
area that is located outside cities and typical rural area have a low population density and small


Social development is a process that results in the transformation of social structures to improve the
capacity of a society in order to fulfil its objectives. It aims specifically in developing power to elevate

expansion of human activities. It’s also the qualitative changes in the structure and framework of the
society that help the society to better realize its aims and objectives. Development is a process of social
change not merely a set of policies and programs instituted for some specific results.


1. Ojenike Bolaito, Adedokun S. Olugbade, Mass media practice and the Nigeria society. Akacom
publication LTD. Ibadan (2006)

2. Defleur and Dennis (1998), Understanding Mass communication lberal Art perspective, USA;
Houghton Mifftin Company P.1781

3. Delivering for older person in rural areas: A good practice guide, http\ older rural people. Pdf \age
concern. (2008)

4. Diso, LI. (1994) Information policies and government guidance in Nigeria: what hope for communities!
Resources sharing and information networks 9(2): 141-151

5. Okiyi R.B. (2003). Information for rural development: challenges for Nigeria rural public library. Library
reviews 52(3):126-131



Information is a raw material for development of rural dwellers. Prosperity, progress and
development of any society depends on the ability to acquire, produce, access and use similar or
relating information. A report on rural people (2008) states "Access to information is a key resources for
local people in maintaining active and independent lives. Access to information is also critical to letting
people know their entitlements to welfare benefits and sources of support to overcome social exclusion.

Bell (1974) holds the view that "the dependence upon information to create innovation and
change, place a high premium on the ability of nations to access and use information to create advance
in society".

Alegbeleye and Aina (1985) believes "Development can only be effective if rural dwellers have
access to the relevant, diverse information for their activities".

Okiy (2003) says that "Rural development is a basis for economic and social development and
information is an important ingredient in development process, People in rural areas whether literate or
not should have access to any kind of information which will help them to become capable and
productive in their social obligations to become informed citizens generally".

Similarly, Diso (1994) holds the view that "information must as a policy, be seen as a basic
resource for development if durable structures are to be provided for effective access and utilization
which entails information captivating, coordination, processing and dissemination.

Effective information service in the rural community chances development. Success of rural
development programmes depends on effective use of information in our daily activities. Issa (1998)
observes that "the rural populance suffers from acute low productivity, social and economic
retrogression due mainly to ignorance which is also a direct consequence of either inadequate or total
lack of information provision on them. Our rural. Communities suffer most time not because we don't
have what it takes to survive but because we lack proper information of how to go about it".

Diso (2005) states "the structural and infrastructural problems, official corruption, unstable
political and economic policies, growing insecurity and unstable power supply prevent this
development". Information services that will greatly enhance their productivity, transform the
community into a lively and enlightened one, and empower their economic base is not effective and
relevant and the service is not fashioned towards the above mentioned objectives.

Generally, in rural areas, there is a acute shortage of information services. This makes the rural
community incapacitated and makes it difficult to associate with other communities to develop and
make progress.


It is impossible to underestimate the impact of mass media on every single person and the
society as a whole, Mass media should be an independent body whose main function is to reflect the
reality, and provide people with new information concerning economical, political and developmental
aspects of the community. The media there fore is a fundamental institution of the society.

According to Goke and Raufu (2003) states that: while the mass media makes use of the people
in the society for the day-to-day running of its activities; the people make use of the news while the
society, especially the government provide the facilities etc. The society, people and government need
the mass media to progress in respect of the media providing them with information, entertainment and
education as well as serving as multipliers of resources of knowledge and information, among other

Marshalln Moluhan called mass media "extension of man". G.L Kreps and B.C Thomton believes
mass media extends "people ability to communicate, to speak to others Far away, to hear messages, and
to see images that would be unavailable without the media"(1992).

The mass media are capable of facilitating short-tem, intermediate-term and long-term effects
on audience. Short-term objectives include exposing audiences to concepts, creating awareness and
knowledge. Intermediate-term objectives includes all of the above, as well as charges in activities,
behaviors and perceptions, of social norms. Finally, long-term objectives incorporate all the
aforementioned tasks, in addition to focused restructuring of perceived social norms and maintenance
of behavior change. Evidences of achieving these three objectives is useful in evaluating the
effectiveness of mass media in the society.


The basic functions of mass media as stated earlier includes

1. To inform

2. To educate

3. To entertain

There are other functions which mass media perform in the community which has been outlined by
authors and can be called conceptual functions of mass communication some of who are Dominick
(1983), Whitney and Lasswell (1948). They includes:

a. Surveillance of the environment

b. Correlation
c. Transmission of social heritage
d. Persuasion


Surveillance according to Lasswell (1948) as quoted by Daramola, means keeping close watch
over something. In the content of mass media, surveillance means that the first function of mass media
is to inform and provide information to the society and keep watch on the government activities to see
how well they have been able to manage rural communities based on development.

The mass media serves as a watch dog over the government and the way they run things so has
to see if what they are doing is for the growth and development of the community or doing other things
which will bring about the down fall of the community. The mass media are also there to keep a close
watch over the community so has to report what is happening in the community so that those who in

charge of making or bringing about positive changes through the write ups of the media can look for
possible solutions.


To bring into a mutual relation or dependence. It is the work of the media to gather the
component of the society in making a response to the society in making a response to the environment.
The society on the other hand will assist its members as an agreement about how to react to events that
threaten this environment.

This is also when the media after gathering the information, analyzing the informating then they
give the community what they (the media) has been able to find meaning to or what the real outcome
of the situation is all about to the community.


It is the function of the media to communicate knowledge, values, and social norms from one
generation to the other or from one member of the group or society to another. The existence of a
community depends on the ability of its members to share common values and to agree on what
constitute acceptable behaviour in the community.

Transmission of cultural values or heritage is a function which one mass media must be able to
carry out effectively because most of the cultural values in our present time are dieying away but if the
media shows or talk about such issues it will be known in the community and will be passed across from
generation to generation,


Daramola also refer to persuasion as an important function of mass media. He wrote "As a
communicator, our aim is to change people's behavior and thinking about a particular way of life".
Persuasion is an act of trying to change one's opinion, believe, or view of something therefore trying to
make he/her see reasons why he should believe your own point of view on a particular issue or topic.

The media try to persuade the people to change their opinion about some certain issues in the
community so has to make the community a better place.


According to American Heritage Dictionary, mass media is a means of public communication

reaching a large audience.

Mass media according to Jennifer Akin (2005) it is referred to as "the group of corporate
entities, publishers, journalists and other who constitutes the communication industry and profession.

Mass media is use to target majority of people in the community. Therefore mass media is of
different types which are print media, electronic media and new age media under which we have others.

Print Media

They as a means of passing information and it includes newspapers, magazines, booklets and
brochures, magazine an house organs, newsletters, handbills, or flyers, billboards, books and press

Electronic Media

They are the kind of media which requires the user to make use of an electronic connection to
access it. It includes television, internet, radio, computers, telephones etc. It is also known as "Broadcast

New Age media

They are the newest and high in technology mass media, which is not only fast but also very fast
compared to the old ones, but, also has a wide spread rage. They include computers, internet and


The media has been seen as a means of passing across information, educatung and entertaining
a large audience at the same time. But the big question is has the media been able to carry out its work
effectively thereby bringing about development in rural communities.

This takes us to the point where we ask how influential has the media been and has it influence
the community positively or negative? In other to find out, certain points have been chosen to show
how it influence us positively and negatively in the community.


1. Opinion-The opinion of the people in a particular community really maters if there is a need for
development. The mass media has given the people of rural communities to air their minds
views, and opinion on what is happening in the community stating what they want the
government to do for them and what the government are doing that they (the community) da
not like. It has also given the government the opportunity to hear the views and complains of
the people on their administration and also knows, what they want so has to find solution to
them urgently.

2. Technological Development - The media i.e. internet has helped in bringing people close in
terms of communication and interaction. Opportunity to talk or chat with those people who
have travelled out of the country for every long time, the media now serves as an avenue for
reaching out to them and felling close to them.

3. Awareness- The media serves as a means of keeping the people informed of what is happening
in Nigeria. Awareness to the masses through mass people at the rural areas are being notified of
what is happening in the world, around them and within their community.

4. Mass Media also has its influences on the youths or teenagers of the communities. What they
see or ear to what they would put into practices or Programmes on education, sports, comedy,

the way people talk or promote works etc. When seen would want to be emulated which will
push them to work hard because of cours they would know that get their will not be a small job
or a day wok.

These is nothing that has advantage that those not have disadvantages which to the negative and
positive side.


1. Just as the youths and teenagers can learn good things from the media so also they pick up the
negative side of it which they put into practices, What they see or hear on television or radio for
example, smoking, people carrying guns, men beating women, films that contains immoral acts
etc. Are been copied and put into practices in the society today.
2. The new age media serves its positive and negative impact on the community. In a situation
whereby people focus more of their attention on the internet media, leaving television, radio
because on the internet you can do more thing at the same time unlike television on radio
where you can only view a particular station at a time. It’s not every person that can operate the
internet as the old in the community cannot operate it and they might as well not have other
means of getting informed of what is happening in their community.
3. Conclusively from the information above, it can be drawn that mass media has helped in making
sure that the rural communities get information and also bring about development in the


1. Bell, D. (1979) communication technology, for better, for worse, Harvard Business. Review
57(95) 4.
2. Alegbeleye G.O and Aina I.O (1988) library challenge for Nigeria rural public libraries. Library
review 52 (3). 125- 131
3. Diso, L.I (1994) in formation polices and government guidance in Nigeria; what hope for
Communities Resource Sharing and information Networks 92): 141-151.
4. Issa, A.D. (1998). The information needs for rural dwellers in Kwara state. In Tijani A. Nigeria
perspectives. Zerla. Nalics.
5. Diso. LI (2005) information production and government guidance in Ngeria. Resource sharing
and information nelworks 92): 141-151.
6. Goke Raufu G. (2003) mass media & society Onikolobo Abeokuta. Meek Associations P.R.
7. Bola Ojenike (2005) The Nigerian Press Highland Publisher, Dugbe, Ibadan. Pg. 52-54,



For the purpose of this study, survey research method is employed to obtain data needed for
the study. According to Gbolagunte and Popoola (2005), the survey technique to the most community
used by behavioral scientists.

This approach involves drawing up a set of questions on various aspect of a subject to which selected
members of population one required to react.

According to Decqueline and Marlcia (1970), as quoted by Adepoju (2003), survey research is
defined as a method for collecting and analyzing social data, via highly structured and often very
detailed interviews or questionnaires in order to obtain information from large numbers of respondent
presumed to be representative of a specific population.

According to Kerlingers, Research is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived
so as to obtain answer to research questions and to control variance.

Nkemakolan et al also has the assertion to make on research design ‘as process involved in
determining in advance the population, sample technique, the data collected method as well as
technique and procedures for analyzing data to be collected. These varieties mentioned in Nkemakolan's
definition as in population, sample techniques are part of what this chapter of this research work
intends to highlight, so as to bring out the light of the plans, structure and process this research work
made use of investigating the success rate based on the role of mass media in the community.

This chapter interviews and also have a broader view examine some other elements of research
designs, including population, sample and sampling method, data collection and data analysis


The population of the study consists of the residents of Eruwa Community in Ibarapa East Local
Government of Oyo state. It's of a medium population of both old and young, and their view on the
influence of mass media in the community is to be known.


For sampling purpose, the sample size of this study is100 respondents who are positively
selected from Eruwa in Ibarapa Local Government. Using are sample random, sampling method, which
people who are qualified will be randomly selected. This sample size for this research is a technique
which has to do with selecting people who are capable and qualify.


The data collection instrument employed for this study is the questionnaire. The questionnaire
according to Gbolagunde and Popoola (2005) is describe as an important instrument use for obtaining
information from people about their perceptions, opinions, attitudes and behaviors in survey studies.
Also, the questionnaires is the questions appropriately to facilitate data processing through easy coding.
The questionnaire is sectionalized into personal and research data. The personal data focuses on

determination of the demographic characteristics of the respondents such as sex, age, education
qualification, working experience and occupation. The research data section on the other hand contains
other questions which will be able to supply answer to the influence of mass media.


The administration and the distribution of the questionnaire to investigate the variables of this research
work was carried out within the interval of two weeks and wap distributed to the rural dwellers and
community of Ernuwa in Ibarapa Local Government in Oyo state.


Gbolagunte and Popoola (2005), Research method and Precision journalism, Ibadan:
Publication P.25.

Adepoju T. (2003) Mass Communication Research: an introduction Ibadan scepter limited P.86.


This study is aimed at revealing the influence of mass media in rural community as a
social development tool.
As earlier mentioned the data for this study were obtained from the copies of the
questionnaires distributed to the respondents. Also in this chapter attempts is made to classify
responses according to sex, age, occupation, level of education and working experiences also
the various opinions of the respondents on the topic of this research work just as the
questionnaire was sectionalized into personal and research data.


This section of the questionnaire focuses on the demographical characteristics of the
respondents. Each item in this section is presented in tables below:

Table 1: Sex

Sex No of Respondents Percentage

Male 60 60%

Female 40 40%

Total 100 100%

From the above table, it could be observed that the number of male respondents
surpasses that of female that of female. This however was not deliberate as respondents were
randomly selected.

Table 2: Age

Age No of Respondents Percentage
10-15yrs - -

16-20yrs 20 20%

21-25yrs 30 30%

26-30yrs 21 21%

31-35yrs 10 10%

36-40yrs 14 14%

41yrs Above 5 5%

Total 100 100%

As the category of age is connected, it is obvious from the table that the adults who are
in the age bracket (25-25) constitute the largest category of the respondents, they are 30
corresponding to 30% out of total 100 respondents surveyed for the study while those in the
age bracket (41 above) constitute the lowest category of the respondents.

Table 3: Education Qualification

Education Qualification No of Respondents Percentage

WAEC 30 30%

NECO 26 26%

OND 39 39%

HND 5 5%

B.Sc - -

Others - -

Total 100 100%

From the above table, it can be seen that majority of the respondents are more of OND
qualification followed by those with WAEC results and more for B.Sc.

Table 4: Occupation

Occupation No of Respondents Percentage

Trader 10 10%

student 50 50%

Civil servant 30 30%

Self employed 10 10%

Total 100 100

Fifty percent (50%) of the respondents are students which is the majority while thirty
percent (30%) are civil servant, while means more of the respondents are students.

Table 5: Working Experiences

Working Experiences No of Respondents Percentage

5-10yrs 75 75%

11-15yrs 25 25%

16-20yrs - -

21yrs Above - -

Total 100 100%

From the table, those between the working years of 5-10 are majority with 75% of the
100 questionnaire distributed. While 25 from 11-15years and none from 16-20 and 21 above.


This section focuses on the views and opinion of the respondents in order to ascertain
the influence of mass media in the community.

Table 1: Do you have a television set?

Response No of Response Percentage

Yes 25 25%

No 75 75%

Total 100 100%

From the responses of the question, it could be seen that large percent of the
respondents do not have television set while few have it. It could be said that the reason been
that they could not afford to buy one and they do not have one to watch.
Table 3: Do you have a Radio?

Response No of Response Percentage

Yes 75 75%

No 25 75%

Total 100 100

From the response it is seen that 75% which is the majority of the respondents have
radio while 25% do not have it, which is due to the fact that they have television set and those
who have radio is because it appeals to sense of hearing.
Table 5: Do you aware of the existence of mass media in the society?

Option No of Response Percentage

Yes 100 100%

No - -

Total 100 100%

The table clearly reveals that 100% of the respondents were aware of the existence of
mass media in the society.
Table 7: What do you watch or listen to most?

Option No of Respondents Percentage

Informative programmes 20 20%

Educative programmes 18 18%

Entertaining programmes 25 25%

All of the Above 37 37%

Total 100 100%

The table above shows that 37% of the respondents watch or listen to informative,
educative, and entertaining programmes. While 20% of them watch informative programmes
and 25% watch or listen to entertaining programmes while the remaining 18% went for
educative programmes.
Table 8: do you think the media stations have educative, entertaining and informative

Option No of Response Percentage

Yes 100 100%

No - -

Total 100 100%

From the above table we see that a total of 100% of the respondents went for yes. It
shows that the media stations have been carrying out all the programmes.
Table 9: Has the media been of any influence to you?

Option No of Response Percentage

Yes 90 90%

No 10 10%
Total 100 100%
The table shows that 90% which is the majority of the respondents have been
influenced by the media through what they watch or listen to. While 10% has not been
influenced by the media. Those that have been influenced said the positively while few of them
said negatively.

Table 10: In what way?

Option No of Response Percentage

Positively 70 70%

Negatively 30 30%

Total 100 100%

The table shows that 70% of the respondents agreed to have been positively influenced
while 30% have been negatively influenced.
Table 12: Has the media been helping in terms of passing across information about the

Option No of Response Percentage

Yes 10 10%

No 90 90%

Total 100 100%

It is seen that the respondent do not think the media has been helping in passing
information to the community because from the respondents 90% went for NO only 10% went
for YES.
Table 13: Do you think the media station have helped in bringing about development?

Option No of Response Percentage

Yes 10 10%

No 90 90%

Total 100 100%

The table shows that 90% of the respondents do not believe that the media stations
have bring about development in the community while 10% believe they have brought about
Table 14: Do you think mass media can do more in bringing about development in rural

Option No of Response Percentage

Yes 100 100%

No - -

Total 100 100%

It is very clear that 100% of the respondents think the media can still do more when it
comes to developing the rural community.
Table 15: What is your opinion on mass media?

Option No of Response Percentage

Poor 10 10%

Good 50 50%

Fair 40 40%

Total 100 100%

From the result above, it shows that 50% of the respondents have good opinion of the
mass media. 40% of them have fair opinion while 10% of the respondents have poor opinion on
mass media.
Table 16: How can the functions of mass media be improved so as to enhance its role in
the society?

Option No of Response Percentage

Positive 65 65%

Negative 20 20%

Undecided 15 15%

Total 100 100%

The result here clearly shows that 65% gave positive suggestions on how the functions
of mass media can improved upon, so as to enhance its roles in the society. This according them

can be achieved through training and seminars, free access to information etc. 20% specify on
its negatively while only 15% of the respondents were undecided.
Table 16: How can the functions of mass media be improved so as to enhance its role in
the society.

Option No of Response Percentage

Positive 65 65%

Negative 20 20%

Undecided 15 15%

Total 100 100%

The result here clearly shows that 65% of the respondents gave positive suggestions on
how the functions of mass media can be improve upon so as to enhance its role in the society.
This according to them can be achieved through freedom of the press, adequate training and
seminars, free access to information etc. 20% specify on its negativity while only 15% of the
respondents were undecided.



Chapter deals with the summary and concluding parts of this research work. It also gives
recommendation to round the research work.

Therefore this chapter is the summary of all that has been written and this research project on the topic:


This research work was done basically to know THE INFLUNCE OF MASS MEDIA ON RURAL
noted during the research finding that the highest percentage of respondent disagree that mass media
has a role in social development of rural communities.

Also, this research shows that mass media has a greater influence on the individuals in terms of
keeping them informed, entertaining them and educating them.

However, terms of the community development, the respondents do not see any way on which the
media has been of any influence.

Moreover, the highest percentages of respondents believe that the media can still be of more help
towards the positive development of the rural communities.


that mass media still has a long way to go in the social development of rural communities.

It was noted during the research work that mass media can be improved so as to enhance the roles in
the society and this according to the research can be achieved through the freedom of press, adequate
training and seminars, free access to information without direct or indirect control from government,
i.e. manipulation of information.

In as much as it has been noted in this research work that majority of respondents are aware of
the existence of mass media in the society and that they serve as a watch dog in the society so as to
inform, educate and entertain the audience, the opinion of the people in a particular community should
be in consideration by the media men, to enhance development especially in rural communities.

This study can therefore be concluded on the premise that mass media still has a lot of role to play when
it comes to the developments of rural communities. In a nutshell. Mass media should learn to seek
opinion and learn on their mistakes.

Also the media can be said to be favorable to some extent because according to some of the
respondents, it provides news and entertainment.


It can be said that the media are not totally perfect due to some circumstances beyond their capacity
such as the following

1. Poor payment of staff by the owners of the media house

2. Lack of freedom of the press

3. Government interference

Therefore, government should make sure that they pay the salaries of their staff at the right time and
government should also allow freedom of press for the journalist.

More so, government and private owned media houses should avoid the saying "he who pays
the piper dictates the tune, that is journalist should be able to stand for what is Tight and not which is
bad. They should know that supporting the government over people will not bring about development.

Most importantly, the society should relate with the media by serving as wider of news events,
important issues, which the government have refused failed to look into.

For mass media to have the capacity of supporting the development of rural communities, it
must be able to take up the responsibility of telling the government the needs of the people, even when
the government decides to ignore these needs. They should be able to fight for the society, as they
serve as the spokesman of the people to the government.


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Dear respondents,

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the completion and attainment af National Diploma (ND)
certificate, I Ayinde Titilope Omowumi, a student of Adeseun Ogundoyin Polytechnic, Eruwa is saddled
with the responsibility or carrying out a research with the problem “The influence of mass media on
rural community as a social development tool".

This research is purposely to ascertain the real action of rural communities about the mass
media influence in their community development. I therefore appeal to you to fill this questionnaire as
honest as possible for your sincere comments will serve as basis for data analysis. Your co-operation in
respect of this research will be appreciated.


Mass communication student

Please tick ( ) before whichever option of your choice.


Sex: Male [ ] Female [ ]

Age: 10-20yrs [ ] 21-30yrs [ ] 31-40yrs [ ] 41yrs above [ ]

Educational qualification: WAEC [ ] NECO [ ] OND [ ] HND [ ] [ ] others [ ]

Working experience: 5-10yrs [ ] 11-20yrs [ ] 21yrs and above [ ]

Occupation: trader [ ] student [ ] civil servant [ ] self-employed [ ]


1. Do you have a television set? Yes [ ] No [ ]

2. If no, state reason

3. Do you have a radio? Yes [ ] No [ ]

4. 1f no, state reason

5. Are you aware of the existence of mass media in the society? Yes [ ] No [ ]
6. If no, state reason

7. What do you watch or listen to most? Educative programmes [ ] Informative programmes [ ]

Entertaining programmes [ ] all of the above [ ]
8. Do you think the media sections have educative, entertaining and informative programmes?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

9. Has the media been of any influence to you? Yes [ ] no [ ]

10. If yes, in what way

11. If no, why?

12. Has the media been helpful in terms of passing across information about the community?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

13. Do you think the media station have helped in bringing about development? Yes [ ] No [ ]

14. If no, state reason

15. Do you think mass media can do more in bringing about development in rural community?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

16. What is your opinion on mass media? Good [ ] Poor [ ] Fair [ ]

17. How can the functions of mass media be improved so as to enhance its roles in the society?


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