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Student:Luminar (Mares) Teodora Maria

Specializare: Marketing ID, anul II

Coordonator: Lect. Dr. Greavu Arina.


1. Here is a definition of marketing. Complete it inserting the following verbs in the gaps.

design develop identify influence modify persuade

Marketers have to (1) identify or anticipate a consumer need; (2) develop a product or service
that meets that need better than any competing products or services; (3) persuade target
customers to try the product or service; and, in the long term, (4) modify it to satisfy changes in
consumer needs or market conditions. Marketers can (5) design particular features, attractive
packaging, and effective advertising, that will (6) influence consumers’ wants. Marketing thus
begins long before the product or service is put on the market; it combines market research, new
product development, distribution, advertising, promotion, product improvement and so on.

2. Match up the words or expressions on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. distribution channel a. all the companies or individuals

1-a. involved in moving a particular
good or service from the producer to
the consumer
2. to launch a product b. an idea for a new product, which
2-i. is tested with target consumers
before the actual product is
3. market opportunities c. attributes or characteristics of a
3-f. product: quality, price, reliability.
4. market research d. dividing a market into distinct
4-h. groups of buyers who have different
requirements or buying habits
5. market segmentation e. goods are sold to the public –
5-d. shops, stores, kiosks, market stalls,
6. packaging f. possibilities of filling unsatisfied
6-j. needs in sectors in which a company
can profitably produce goods or
7. points of sale g. someone who contacts existing
7-e. and potential customers, and tries to
persuade them to buy goods or
8. product concept h. collecting, analysing and
8-b. reporting data relevant to a specific
marketing situation (such as a
proposed new product)
9. product features i. to introduce a new product onto
9-c. the market
10. sales representative j. wrappers and containers in which
10-g. products are sold

3. For each definition choose the correct word or phrase.

1. The activity of moving goods from the producer to the consumer.

a. selling b. distribution c. orientation

2. The proportion of the total market which one company controls.

a. dominion b. market place c. market share

3. To launch a product on the market is

a. when the product is taken off the market b. when a product is tested before being sold
c. when a product is first released onto the market

6.The marketing mix consists of

a. product, people, place, promotion b. product, price, place, promotion c. product, process,
place, promotion d. product, packaging, place, people

4. Think of a product that you bought recently. Describe it in terms of the 4Ps.
Product: hydrating cream.
Price: 56,90lei.
Place: Pharmacy - Stanciu.
Promotion: Dermatologists’ recommendations.

5. Read the following text on advertising and answer the following questions (source:
MacKenzie, Ian. English for Business Studies. Cambridge University Press, 2004).

Advertising informs consumers about the existence and benefits of products and services, and
attempts to persuade them to buy them. The best form of advertising is probably word-of-mouth
advertising, which occurs when people tell their friends about the benefits of products or services
that they have purchased. Yet virtually no providers of goods or services rely on this alone, but
use paid advertising instead. Indeed, many organizations also use institutional or prestige
advertising, which is designed to build up their reputation rather than to sell particular products.
Although large companies could easily set up their own advertising departments, write their own
advertisements, and buy media space themselves, they tend to use the services of large
advertising agencies. These are likely to have more resources, and more knowledge about all
aspects of advertising and advertising media than a single company. The most talented
advertising people generally prefer to work for agencies rather than individual companies as this
gives them the chance to work on a variety of advertising accounts (contracts to advertise
products or services). It is also easier for a dissatisfied company to give its account to another
agency than it would be to fire its own advertising staff.
The client company generally gives the advertising agency an agreed budget; a statement of the
objectives of the advertising campaign, known as a brief; and an overall advertising strategy
concerning the message to be communicated to the target customers. The agency creates
advertisements (the word is often abbreviated to adverts or ads), and develops a media plan
specifying which media - newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cinema, posters, mail, etc. -
will be used and in which proportions. (On television and radio, ads are often known as
commercials.) Agencies often produce alternative ads or commercials that are pre-tested in
newspapers, television stations, etc. in different parts of a country before a final choice is made
prior to a national campaign.
How much to spend on advertising is always problematic. Some companies use the comparative-
parity method - they simply match their competitors' spending, thereby avoiding advertising
wars. Others set their ad budget at a certain percentage of current sales revenue. But both these
methods disregard the fact that increased ad spending or counter-cyclical advertising can
increase current sales. On the other hand, excessive advertising is counter-productive because
after too many exposures people tend to stop noticing ads, or begin to find them irritating. And
once the most promising prospective customers have been reached, there are diminishing returns,
i.e. an ever-smaller increase in sales in relation to increased advertising spending.

1. What is the best kind of advertising?

Answer: word-of- mouth.

2. Why do most companies use advertising agencies?

Answer: the advertising agencies tend to have more knowledge in this area and also it
easier for a dissatisfied company to give the account to another agency rather than to fire
its own adevrtising staff.

3. When a company hires an advertising agency, what are the roles of both parties?

Answer: the company has to give the agency an agreed budget and the agency has to make
sure that the buget is met and used accordingly – develops a media plan specifying which media
will be used and in which promotions.

4. What is a media plan?

Answer: it is an advertising strategy in which the agency determines which media will be
used and in which promotions (tv, radio, mail, newspapers, magazines etc.)
5. Why does advertising become ineffective after a certain point?

Answer: excessive advertising is counter-productive because after too many exposures

people tend to stop noticing ads, or begin to find them irritating and even tend to stop noticing
the ads.

5. 1. Find the terms in the text which mean the following:

1. free advertising, when satisfied customers recommend products to their friends: word-of-

2. advertising that mentions a company’s name but not specific products: institutional/
prestige advertising;
3. companies that handle advertising for clients: advertising agencies;
4. a contract with a company to produce its advertising: advertising accounts;
5. the amount of money a company plans to spend in developing its advertising and buying
media time or space: buget;
6. the statement of objectives of an advertising campaign that a client works out with an
advertising company: media plan;
7. the advertising of a particular product or service during a particular period of time:
8. a defined set of customers whose needs a company plans to satisfy: the target customers;
9. the people who choose where to advertise, in order to reach the right customers:
advertising people;
10. choosing to spend the same amount on advertising as one’s competitors: sales revenue;
11. advertising during periods or seasons when sales are normally relatively poor: counter-
cyclical advertising.

6. Choose the correct answer.

1. A public notice in a newspaper, magazine or free sheet whose purpose is to sell a product
is a/an
a. commercial b. advertisement c. announcement d. article

2. An advertising film or message broadcast on television or on the radio is a/an

a. movie b. account c. campaign d. commercial

3. A person or a company whose job is to develop advertisements is a/an

a. advertiser b. developer c. director d. marketer

4. ………… plays an important part in the advertising of goods.

a. packing b. conditioning c. padding d. packaging

5. A …. is an article sold below cost price in order to attract shoppers.

a. leading loser b. dead loss c. loss leader d. losing leader

6. Kodak is a famous ….
a. nickname b. brand name c. surname d. namesake

7. The oldest form of advertising is .......

a. by way of mouth b. by word of mouth c. from mouth to mouth d. from mouth to ear

7. Think of a well-known company. Use the terms in this chapter to describe how it
promotes its products.

La Roche Posay

La Roche Posay is a French dermato-cosmetic brand that is known in many countries as a good
one for skin problems. The brand has products of several types such as: skin care, make-up, hair
care products. They have a wide range of products for both women, men and children. Their best
known skin care products.
The appearance of the products is carefully selected with warm colors, the information is easy to
find about how to use the products.
They promote their products through TV commercials, social media, with the help of influencers
even in pharmacies. Because their products are quality based, one of the best and effortless
advertisement is by word-of-mouth, and the fact that they are highly recommended by

8. Which of the following claims do you agree with and why?

• Advertising is essential for business, especially for launching new consumer products.
TRUE- Advertising is essential in launching products, because it helps the public to know
the market better and even to buy products.
• Advertising often persuades people to buy things they don’t need. TRUE- Advertising
plays its role very well to attract customers, trying any means of advertising that would
bring them profit and new customers.
• Advertising often persuades people to buy things they don’t want. FALSE- I do not think
that this is possible, through advertising we try to attract customers to buy what they want
or to find out information about a certain product.
• Advertising does not present a true picture of products. TRUE- the role of advertising is
to publish any image of a product to look good, but sometimes the reality is the other way
around, often what is published in images does not look like the product in reality.
• Advertising has a bad influence on children. TRUE – Advertising is a negative influence
on children's lives because it can affect their thinking as they are more vulnerable.
9.Match the following words with their definitions:

1. Service - f 6. Generic product - e

2. Clone - c 7. Perishables - a
3. Consumer durable - d 8. Manufacturing - h
4. Sell-by date - g
5. Fast moving consumer goods-b

a) Natural products, usually food, that will go bad after a certain period of time
b) Products sold in very large quantities, such as groceries. They are bought often and move
through stores quickly.
c) A new product, especially in the high technology sector, which is almost the same as a
successful one made by a famous manufacturer.
d) Long-lasting products produced and sold in large quantities.
e) Products which are not known by a brand name, e.g. pharmaceutical products like
paracetamol for headaches.
f) Specialist expertise or advice to help companies or individuals, e.g. in legal matters,
g) A time suggested for reasons of safety by which perishable goods should be used.
h) The actual making of products or components for products.

10. Change each word in bold type to a related word which fills the gap in the sentence

Ex: We sell a very large range of goods, including fast moving consumer goods such as
canned foods, cleaning materials and cassettes.


1. Of course, we also sell perishable goods like milk, cheese and meat, which need to be
sold within a short time.


2. It is not only food products which have a very short shelf life. Fashion items quickly
become out of date.


3. For large consumer durable, like music systems and TVs, we provide an after-sales

4. An important aspect of marketing goods like computers is possible added value, such
as free software, Internet access and technical support.


5. The business of a retailer is to sell products.


6. A service industry is one that offers specialist expertise or advice. Lawyers,

marketers, translators and financial consultants all do this.


7. If you are not completely satisfied with any product purchased in this store, you may
return it and receive a complete refund or exchange it for a different item.


8. A patent gives one person or company the right to make a particular product for a
period of time. The inventor may sell or lease it to a manufacturer.


9. A product which was expensive to develop, manufacture and launch, and which does
not have the sales that the manufacturer expected can be described as a flop.


11.Complete each sentence with the correct word or phrase from the following list:

brand identity, brand name, brand image, own-brand, intangible assets, brand loyalty,
premium brand, brand valuation, unbranded.

1. Coca Cola, Sony, Mercedez Benz: each of these is a famous brand name.
2. Deciding a financial value for a brand name is called brand valuation.
3. Consumers usually expect to pay less for products that are unbranded.
4. Producers like Chanel or Christian Dior have a brand identity which is more glamorous
than that of many less well-known competitors.
5. In the 1990s most supermarkets began to sell own-brand products.
6. A brand name is valuable not only for the main products that are represented by the name,
but also for the range of intangible assets that accompany that name.
7. A key concern for marketers is to establish brand loyalty among their customers so that
they do not buy similar products made by other companies.
8. Consumers are often prepared to pay a high price for a premium brand which they believe
represents high quality.
9. A new product must create a brand image so that it is easily recognized and associated
with specific qualities.

12. Choose the correct answer

1. Several products, often distinguished by brand names, e.g. a range of soap powders, or of
toothpastes, make up a
a. product class b. product line c. product mix d. product category

2. A company’s items, brands and products constitute its

a. product mix b. marketing mix c. product line d. product range

3. Natural products, usually food, that will go bad after a certain period of time are
a. durables b. clones c. fast moving consumer goods d. perishables

4. Products sold in very large quantities, such as groceries, which are bought often and move
through stores quickly are
a. durables b. clones c. fast moving consumer goods d. perishables

5. A time suggested for reasons of safety by which perishable goods should be used
a. deadline b. sell-by date c. warranty d. guarantee

6. A new product, especially in the high technology sector, which is almost the same as a
successful one made by a famous manufacturer is a
a. durable b. clone c. fast moving consumer good d. perishable

7. Long-lasting products produced and sold in large quantities are

a. durables b. clones c. fast moving consumer goods d. perishables

8. The actual making of products or components for products is called

a. manufacturing b. fabrication c. processing d. delivery

9. The degree to which people know a brand is called

a. brand awareness b. brand promise c. brand loyalty d. brand image

10. When consumers like and buy one brand rather than other competing brands, this is
a. brand awareness b. brand promise c. brand loyalty d. brand image

13. Think of a product you know well and describe it.

Ivapur hidra is a cream for moisturizing the skin. The content of the cream is for all skin types.
Provides good hydration for dry skin in general. Moisturizes the skin throughout the day, apply
twice a day after the skin is cleansed.
I personally use this cream, I recommend it to all people who want hydrated skin. The texture of
the cream is a fluid one and does not load or fatten the skin, it is perfect to apply in any season.

14. Match the words (1-9) with the definitions (a-i)

1. break-even point- h a. the prices wholesalers and

distributors pay to the producer for
2. discounting- f b. a pricing strategy based on low
pricing and low unit profits
3. factory gate price- a c. an illegal and secret agreement
between competitors to fix higher
prices to boost their profits.
4. inelastic demand- e d. the day-to-day costs of running
a business
5. overheads- d e. sales of a product do not change
much with variations in price
6. penetration strategy- b f. reducing the price of goods in
return for bulk sales or to a
favoured customer
7. price sensitive buyers g. a product sold at a specially low
-i price, perhaps at a loss, in the
expectation that customers will
spend money on other goods
where margins are high.
8. loss leader- g h. the point in the development of
a product when sales begin to
exceed the investment.
9. cartel- c i. consumers who are very
attentive to price changes and look
for lower-priced items.

15. Choose the correct answer

1. Goods which are sold at a very low price and are aimed at the lower end segment of the
market are
a. premium goods b. cheap goods c. budget-priced goods d. fast moving consumer goods

2. The price offered by wholesalers to producers of goods is the

a. factory-gate price b. retail price c. market price d. wholesale price

3. The price the market will accept for a given product is the
a. factory-gate price b. retail price c. market price d. wholesale price
4. The price offered by retailers to wholesalers is the
a. factory-gate price b. retail price c. market price d. wholesale price

5. The price offered by consumers to retailers is the

a. factory-gate price b. retail price c. market price d. wholesale

6. The point in the development of a product when sales begin to exceed the investment is
called the
a. point of no return b. break-even point c. point of sale d. despatch point

7. Reducing the price of goods in return for bulk sales or to a favoured customer is called
a. discounting b. giving away c. sharing d. offering

16. Match each term in the box with a set of words in italics in the newspaper extract (for
unknown words see the glossary of terms at the end of this chapter). Then write the
number after the term.

chain stores cold calling

commission door-to-door selling
e-commerce franchises
hypermarkets Internet service providers
large multiples (ISPs)
mail order companies mail order
specialist retailers purchasing power
warehouses telesales staff

(1) Mail order companies sent out through the post normally have (2) warehouses from where
the goods are despatched. (3) Large multiples have (4) purchasing power where manufacturers
are concerned. Small shops do not have this. (5) Franchises often benefit from increased
business, since the name is a powerful advertisement.
(6) Door-to-door selling, is a highly labour-intensive type of sales operation. This type of work
is normally paid on the basis of a (7) commission. Another type of selling is by (8) mail order.
This may be complemented by (9) telesales staff, trained to deal with customers' calls. Another
kind of telephone selling is through (10) cold calling. The idea is to get your prospective
customer to agree to buy your products or receive a home visit for a demonstration. A variation
on this - popular with banks and the financial services industry - is to call existing customers and
offer them new products.
(11) Hypermarkets have had a serious effect on business for smaller, city centre shops. (12)
Specialist retailers can survive better than small shops which try to compete directly with the
larger outlets and other (13) chain stores. In recent years (14) e-commerce has become much
more common. Customers order and pay for goods or services by accessing a website from a
home or office computer. Companies wanting to trade over the Internet need access to the world
wide web (WWW) which is provided by one of the (15) Internet service providers. (source: Test
Your Professional English- Marketing, by Simon Sweeney, Penguin Books, 2002)

17. Fill in the blanks with the right words from the list below:
producer, place, services, intermediary, customer, provider, user, goods, distribution

Shipping, or shipment, in the marketing or selling sense, means the despatch of (1) goods
from the (2) producer to the (3) customer, or to an (4) user. The entire process of moving
goods or (5) services from the producer or (6) provider to the customer or (7) intermediary is
described as the (8) distribution process. It is also known as (9) place one of the four Ps.

18. Replace each underlined word in the text with a word from the list below that has a
similar meaning.

Consumers – 2. costumers despatch – 7. shipment systems

e-business – 11.selling over the internet
Mail order - direct selling by post middlemen- 4. intermediaries multiples -9. chains
Producer – 1. manufacturer retailers-3. distributors sales forces- 5. sales teams
Sales representatives- 6. Reps. Wholesalers- 8. Dealers.

Dear Sara,

As the (1) manufacturer, we obviously must ensure that products reach (2) customers with
maximum efficiency.
At present we use independent (3) distributors, but we should consider better alternatives.
The following changes need urgent consideration:
- cutting out (4) intermediaries- this would bring cost savings.
- Larger (5) sales teams.
- Many more (6) reps.
- Improved (7) shipment systems.
- Closer relations with (8) dealers.
- More links with (9) chains.
- More use of (10) direct selling by post.
- Using our website for more (11) selling over the internet.
Please call me to discuss these points as soon as possible.

19. Choose the correct answer

1. A large building full of goods from where the goods are despatched is called
a. supermarket b. hypermarket c. warehouse d. store

2. Retail outlets which pay a licence fee to trade under a famous brand name, which is a
powerful advertisement are called
a. franchises b. stores c. subsidiaries d. branches

3. Small shops offering a personalized and highly specialized service are called
a. supermarkets b. hypermarkets c. warehouses d. specialized retailers

4. Selling over the Internet is known as

a. e-banking b. e-commerce c. e-shopping d. e-invoice

5. Companies that provide access to the net are called

a. internet service providers b. internet companies c. dotcoms d. i-companies

20. What do you think about the future of small shops?

In my opinion, I tend to believe that small shops offer a good organization of products and
more. I personally shop in both big and small stores. Given the pandemic situation, small shops
have suffered due to the reduced flow of people and restrictions, many of them temporarily
closed, and some have gone bankrupt.
I believe that small shops can be the future because of the structure they offer, the information
but also the facilities they have.
In conclusion, small shops are a necessity in everyday life.

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