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Test Booklet No: 3 0 1 0 0 3 Test Booklet Code: 3

Roll No.

Candidate must write the

code on the title page of the

Class XII
English Core

Maximum Marks: 40 Time Allowed: 90 Minutes

General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections.
2. Section A-READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per specific
instructions for each question.
3. Section B-WRITING SKILLS has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per specific
instructions for each question.
4. Section C-LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions for
each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.

7. This question paper has 17 printed pages.

8. 20 minutes time has been allotted for reading the question paper.

I. Read the passage given below:

I. As per a NASSCOM survey, during the previous year, piracy increased by 2%, from 61%,
and losses due to software piracy were close to Rs.1,100 crore. Every year, piracy accounts
for billions of dollars’ worth of revenue losses for software vendors like Microsoft and
Adobe. No matter who the perpetrators of piracy are, it is causing the cash reserves of
software vendors to dwindle by the day.

II. Despite possessing the purchasing power, consumers in India lack the maturity to buy
software from legal sources. This is mainly because a majority of Indians have seen a sudden
flood of software in the country but have no clue about its origin. In developed nations,
companies make the extra effort of creating awareness about the development stages and
resources of software products. In return, consumers are more than willing to pay for the
value of the product.

III. Also, the channels for facilitating the purchase of software are not conducive to legal
purchase. For example, if an end-user can buy software worth a mere couple of dollars like
WinZip as easily as a piece of hardware, the end-user is more likely to develop such a habit
of buying. What actually happens is that because it is available almost for free (as part of the
package when buying the hardware), the software is taken for granted. Soon, using pirated
versions of software becomes a habit. "People in India don’t like to pay for the software
because it is available with the hardware they purchase. All that we can do is mail legal
notices and educate both the end-users and retailers against using them," says the channels
manager, Adobe India.

IV. Another factor detrimental to the purchase of genuine software is the high initial cost of
software and the fact that newer versions keep appearing every now and then. But price
should not be an issue if one looks at the purchase as a long-term investment. Besides,
upgradation requires a much smaller amount to be shelled out. Price becomes an issue only
when you consider the usage of the product. According to Adobe, people pay next to nothing
for a pirated version of Adobe software and make huge returns especially in the print and
advertising media. For Adobe, a large pool of revenues comes from people wanting to
continually upgrade. "Piracy is our biggest competition in India. We support people and give
them valid reasons for buying legalized or authorized copies of our products. As far as
pricing is concerned, we also give people choices on their purchases like individual boxes or
elements or a collection, based on their requirements," says Craig Tegel, MD, Pacific and
South Asia, Adobe.

V. At Adobe, the rate of piracy is as high as 90%, which means for every 10 users of Adobe
products, nine use pirated versions. Lesser returns on investments might not affect
companies like Microsoft and Adobe to a large extent but could prevent small-time
developers who mostly make utility software from coming out with innovative versions.
Also, with most non-English speaking countries like India seeking localization of software,

piracy acts as the biggest obstacle in their attracting foreign investment from the likes of
Microsoft and Adobe.

VI. Levels of Piracy will remain where they are or decline if at all, only slightly, for the next few
years. But in the initial stages, consumers in India should acquire the habit of purchasing
software. Given that price is a major determinant, companies should be able to provide the
users with more choices, and buyers in turn should be willing to make the purchase.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any 8 out of the 10 questions by
choosing the correct option.

1. Companies like Microsoft and Abode can play a role in curbing piracy by:
A. Giving their software packages for free.
B. Giving more choices so that the buyers can purchase what they want, keeping their
budget in view.
C. Educating all the users by personally getting in touch with them over the phone.
D. Minimizing choices so that the buyers are forced to buy whatever is offered.

2. The author feels that Indians are not being open to the idea of purchasing software
because of:
A. Their limited monetary capacity.
B. Their inability to appreciate the research efforts.
C. The availability of expensive legal versions.
D. The software comes free with the hardware.

3. Piracy, inadvertently, can affect small vendors by:

A. Discouraging their innovations.
B. Preventing their non-English version from coming to the market.
C. Forcing them to win over the big organisations.
D. None of the above.

4. The price of the software package should not be a major hindrance if:
I. It is regarded as a long-term investment.
II. After an initial high investment, further upgradation of the same is cheap.
III. Newer versions are costlier than the original product.
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Both II and III
D. Both I and II

5. The term, “localization of software” in the context of the passage means:

A. Decentralized purchasing of packages.
B. Videsi-versions of packages.

C. Vernacular packages
D. Indigenously developed packages.

6. A probable mistake from the seller’s side that can indirectly push customers towards
purchasing an illegal product is:
A. Keeping the customers in the dark regarding hidden costs associated while purchasing
illegal products.
B. Not educating the retailers about the negative consequences of buying original products.
C. Making customers look forward to freebies being offered with every purchase of
D. Selling cheap and fake hardware.

7. Piracy affects non-English speaking developing countries, in the long run, by:
A. By attracting foreign investments from the likes of Microsoft and Adobe.
B. By increasing the cash reserves of various bigwigs.
C. By not attracting foreign investments from the likes of Microsoft and Adobe.
D. By dishonouring the legal notices and mailers from the likes of Microsoft and Adobe.

8. What is the largest source of revenue generation for Abode?

A. Upgradation of the software packages.
B. The high initial price of the software packages.
C. Advertisement
D. Cost oriented trial periods of the software packages.

9. At Adobe, the rate of piracy is as high as 90%, which means?

A. For every ten users of Adobe products, seven use pirated versions.
B. For every ten users of Adobe products, ten use pirated versions.
C. For every ten users of Adobe products, one uses pirated versions.
D. For every ten users of Adobe products, nine use pirated versions.

10. Select the option that lists what we can conclude from the text:
1) Levels of Piracy will remain where they are or decline if at all, only slightly, for the next few
2) Consumers in India should acquire the habit of purchasing software.
3) Companies should be able to provide the users with more choices.
A. Only statement 1
B. Only statement 2
C. Only statement 3
D. Statements 1, 2 and 3

II. Read the passage given below:
I. Family and domestic violence is a common problem in India, affecting an estimated 20
million people every year; as many as one in four women and one in nine men are victims
of domestic violence. Virtually all healthcare professionals will at some point evaluate or
treat a patient who is a victim of domestic or family violence. Domestic and family violence
includes economic, physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse of children, adults,
or elders. Domestic violence causes worsened psychological and physical health, decreased
quality of life, decreased productivity, and in some cases, mortality. Domestic and family
violence can be difficult to identify. Many cases are not reported to health professionals or
legal authorities. This activity describes the evaluation, reporting, and management strategies
for victims of domestic abuse and stresses the role of team-based interprofessional care for
these victims.

II. During the first four phases of the COVID-19-related lockdown, Indian women filed
more domestic violence complaints than recorded in a similar period in the last 10 years. But
even this unusual spurt is only the tip of the iceberg as 86% women who experience domestic
violence do not seek help in India.

III. In 2020, between March 25 and May 31, 1,477 complaints of domestic violence were made
by women. This 68-day period recorded more complaints than those received between
March and May in the previous 10 years.

Figure 1

IV. About 86% women who experienced violence never sought help, and 77% of the victims did
not even mention the incident(s) to anyone. The table shows that women who were subjected
to both physical and sexual violence seek help relatively more than those who suffer from
only one form of abuse.

Figure 2

V. Among the 14.3% of victims who sought help, only 7% reached out to relevant authorities
— the police, doctors, lawyers or social service organisations. But more than 90% of the
victims sought help only from their immediate family.

Figure 3

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any 6 out of the 8 questions by choosing
the correct option.

11. Select the correct inference with reference to the following:

“During the first four phases of the COVID-19-related lockdown, Indian women filed more domestic
violence complaints than recorded in a similar period in the last 10 years.”

A. The last ten years have seen no incidents of domestic violence.

B. The last five years have seen excessive incidents of domestic violence.

C. In the first four phases of the COVID-19 lockdown, Indian women were more resolute to
report domestic violence complaints than the last ten years.
D. In the first four phases of the COVID-19 lockdown, very similar to the last ten years, Indian
women demonstrated zero tolerance to domestic violence.

12. In reference to paragraph I and Figure 1, how many complaints of domestic violence
were made by women?
A. 1,200 complaints
B. 1,477 complaints
C. 1,500 complaints
D. 1,107 complaints

13. Select the central idea applicable to paragraph III:

A. Alarming rise in domestic violence.
B. Alarming rise of the cases of COVID-19.
C. Alarming rise in expenses due to pandemic situation.
D. Domestic Violence is under control.

14. Select the option that reflects the true statement with reference to Figure 2:
A. More than 61% of women who were subjected to both physical and sexual violence never
sought help from anyone.
B. More than 80% of women who were subjected to sexual violence reported the cases to
C. More than 79% of women who were subjected to both physical and sexual violence
reported the cases to their immediate family members.
D. All of the above.

15. Select the option that reflects the false statement with reference to Figure 3 [Paragraph
A. Among the 14.3% of victims who sought help, 90% of the victims sought help only from
their immediate family.
B. Among the 14.3% of victims who sought help, 90% of the victims sought help only from
concerned authorities.
C. Among the 14.3% of victims who sought help, only 7% reached out to relevant authorities
D. The relevant authorities are: police, doctors, lawyers or social service organisations.

16. What is the principal theme of paragraph V:

A. Under reporting
B. Proactive reporting
C. Fear of police
D. Ignorance and casual attitude.

17.Read the two statements given below and select the correct option:
(1) About 86% women who experienced violence never sought help.
(2) 77% of the victims did not even mention the incident(s) to anyone.

A. The victims enjoyed family and domestic violence, therefore, felt no urge to sought help or
report the incidents.
B. Both the statements are true. It reflects the pathetic picture of domestic violence, the
victims have to endure.
C. Both statements are false and are not connected to reality.
D. Statement 1 is not related with Statement 2.

18. The phrase, ‘interprofessional’ in paragraph I means:

A. Collaborative
B. Extraprofessional
C. Intra-professional
D. Solo

III. Answer any four out of the five questions given, with reference to the context below:

You are Rekha /Ramanuja, President of the Cultural Society of your school. You are planning to
organise a cultural programme on music and dance. You have to put a notice on the school
noticeboard inviting names of students willing to participate.

19. Language of notice should be:

A. Ornamental
B. Simple and formal
C. Confusing
D. Very informal

20. Where is the designation of the issuing authority written?

A. Just above the signature.
B. Just below the signature of the issuing authority.
C. On the top right-hand side corner.
D. Outside the box.

21. Select the option with the information points to be included in the body of the notice:
1) Date, venue and details of the timing of the cultural event.
2) Details of complaints about previously arranged events.
3) Details of time.
4) Details of refreshments during the event
5) Types of Items that can be performed.
6) Last date of entry.
7) Details of the contact person for further information.
8) Details of the expenses of the event.

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 5 and 6
C. All except 2, 4 and 8

D. 7 and 8

22. Select the appropriate title for the notice:

A. Golden Opportunity for the Promising Artists

B. Stamp your authority
C. Become the nightingale
D. Mesmerizing chance to hypnotize us

23. The notice must be enclosed in a:

A. Bracket
B. Box
C. Circle
D. None

IV. Answer any six of the seven questions given below, with reference to the context:

24. Which part of an article should be catchy and thought provoking?

A. Title
B. Body
C. Question Statement
D. Concluding sentence

25. What should be the form of input and output in an article?

A. Verbal. Descriptive
B. Visual, Descriptive
C. Verbal, visual
D. Both A and B

26. What should be the proper sequence of ideas in an article writing?

A. Introduce−Analyse−Conclude−Suggest
B. Introduce− Suggest−Analyse− Conclude
C. Introduce− Analyse−Suggest− Conclude
D. Introduce− Analyse− Conclude

27. Here is an extract from an article:
Our freedom is taken away from us when terrorism strikes in us the fear of loss of freedom. Today,
terrorism has become an international problem which has affected almost all nations directly or
indirectly. As we experience a systematic breakdown, the need of the hour is for the world to unite
as one in fighting for a cause which affects the entire humanity.

What should be the appropriate title of this extract?

A. Threat of terrorism
B. Terrorism− a great menace to humanity
C. Voice against terrorism
D. How to eradicate terrorism

28. A satisfactory ending in an article will

A. repeat and reinforce what was said in the introduction
B. make readers reflect on what they have read
C. summarize the main points of the article
D. will emphasize on the title of the article

29. If you do not meet the word count after completing an article, what would be the best
option before you?
A. Add a few quotations
B. Write a filler paragraph, repeating what you have already written.
C. Add adjectives before every noun.
D. Elaborate a few key points.

30. How can you develop a cause-effect relationship in an article?

A. Limit and control what you plan to discuss
B. Use facts to support the claims
C. Give examples to support the views
D. Both B & C


This section has sub-sections: V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. There are a total of 30 questions in the
section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.

V. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

This morning, Saheb is on his way to the milk booth. In his hand is a steel canister. “I now work in
a tea stall down the road,” he says, pointing in the distance. “I am paid 800 rupees and all my
meals”. Does he like the job? I ask, His face, I see, has lost the carefree look. The steel canister
seems heavier than the plastic bag he would carry so lightly over his shoulder. The bag was his. The
canister belongs to the man owns the tea shop. Saheb is no longer his own master!

31. What is paid to Saheb at the tea stall?

A. 850 rupees only
B. 800 rupees and all his meals
C. Only his meals
D. 850 rupees and his lunch.

32. Of the four meanings of ‘carefree’, select the option that matches in meaning with its
usage in the extract:
A. Jaunty
B. Heavy-hearted
C. Depressed
D. Stressed

33. Why steel canister seemed heavier than the plastic bag in reference to the extract?

A. The steel canister seemed heavier because it was made of steel.

B. The steel canister seemed heavier than the plastic bag because the bag was his whereas the
steel canister belonged to the man who owned the tea shop.
C. The steel canister seemed heavier because Saheb likes to carry heavy objects.
D. None of the above.

34. Select the option that displays a cause – effect set:

A. Cause Effect
“I am paid 800 rupees and Saheb is happy as he got a
all my meals”. job of a clerk in an
accountant’s office

B. Cause Effect
‘Saheb is no longer his own Saheb is not happy. He is
master!’ working as a servant at a tea
stall, he has to obey the
orders given by the owner of

the tea shop. He has no free

C. Cause Effect
‘Saheb is no longer his own Saheb is not happy. He got
master!’ enrolled in a school,
therefore, cannot be a master.

D. Cause Effect
Saheb is on his way to the Saheb is happy. He prefers to
milk booth. In his hand, stay at home doing nothing.
there is a steel canister. He is the master of his own
free will.

35. Who is author of the extract?

A. Annes Jung
B. Kamala Das
C. Collin Dexter
D. Susan Hill

VI. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follows.

‘Each time the instructor relaxed his hold on the rope and I went under, some of the old terror
returned and my legs froze. It was three months before the tension began to slack. Then he taught
me to put my face under water and exhale and to raise my nose and inhale. I repeated the exercise
hundreds of times. Bit by bit I shed part of the panic that seized me when my head went under water.
Next he held me at the side of the pool and had me kick with my legs. For weeks I did just that. At
first my legs refused to work. But they gradually relaxed and finally I could command them.’

36.The given lines show that the instructor was...

1. Patient
2. clever
3. pessimistic
4. dedicated
5. domineering
6. understanding

A. 2,3and 6
B. 1,4 and 5
C. 1,4 and 6
D. 2, 3 and 4

37. Pick the idiom that does not describe the author’s efforts to learn swimming.
A. Go the extra mile
B. Make head away
C. Bolt from the blue
D. Burn the candle at both ends.

38.Based on the given context, choose the option that illustrates when a person ‘freezes’ like
the author ‘froze’.
A. The low temperature of the person froze her.
B. She suffers from the problem of frozen shoulder and is taking physiotherapy.
C. She froze up and refused to say a word.
D. A sudden terrible shriek froze the passenger to the spot.

39.The given extract does not talk about....

A. the expertise of the instructor.
B. the dedication showed by the author.
C. the expertise gained by the author.
D. the process of removing fear.

40.Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below.
Statement 1: Bit by bit Douglas shed part of the panic that seized him when his head went under
Statement 2: The instructor taught Douglas to inhale and exhale in water.
A. Statement 1 is the effect of statement 2.
B. Statement 1 is not related to statement 2.
C. Statement 1 is the cause of statement 2
D. None of the above.

VII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

“And yet, for these

Children,these windows, not this map, their world,
Where all their future’s painted with a fog,
A narrow street sealed in with a lead sky
Far far from rivers,capes, and stars of words.”

41. The lives of the children are confined in:

A. Elementary school
B. Shakespeare’s world
C. Narrow streets of the slum
D. Tyrolese valley

42. What is the actual life of these slum children?
A. Beautiful homes.
B. Beautiful pictures and maps
C. Full of hopelessness and sufferings
D. Natural scenic beauty all around.

43. What do the words ‘future’s painted with fog’ imply?

A. No affection and care
B. The future is bright but not clear
C. Classroom wall painted long ago
D. Bleak future with no scope for improvement

44. The literal meaning of the expression: ‘lead sky’ refers to polluted sky. What does it’s
figurative meaning refer to?
A. The life of the slum dwellers is bright. They own the sky and can escape.
B. The life of the slum dwellers is confined in the restricted area of the slum from where they
can never escape.
C. The life of the slum dwellers is poverty stricken but they have indomitable urge to fight
and escape
D. None of the above.

45. What all things are a distant dream for these children?
A. Beautiful natural surroundings
B. Modern Cities with all amenities
C. Bright future
D. All of these

VIII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

“I turned into Grand Central from Vanderbilt Avenue, and went down the steps to the first level,
where you take trains like the Twentieth Century. Then I walked down another flight to the second
level, where the suburban trains leave from, ducked into an arched doorway heading for the subway
— and got lost. That’s easy to do. I’ve been in and out of Grand Central hundreds of times, but I’m
always bumping into new doorways and stairs and corridors. Once I got into a tunnel about a mile
long and came out in the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel. Another time I came up in an office building
on Forty-sixth Street, three blocks away.”

46. Where did the author get lost?

A. Vanderbilt Avenue
B. Second Level
C. Going for subway
D. None of the above

47. Select the option that lists the feelings and attitudes corresponding to the following
Statement 1: ‘That’s easy to do.’
Statement 2: ‘I’ve been in and out of Grand Central hundreds of times, but I’m always bumping
into new doorways and stairs and corridors.’
A 1) Access to Grand Central is easy.
2) Visiting Grand Central is the favourite pass-time for
the narrator.
B 1) Getting lost in the Grand Central station is easy.
2) Author has visited the Grand Central many times.
C 1) Finding new friends in the Grand Central station is
2) Author frequently visited the Grand Central to
experience train rides like that of the 20th century.
D 1) Playing the game of lost and found is easy in the
Grand Central station.
2) Author usually visits the Grand Central to discover
new places.

48. Why did the author say that it was easy to get lost in Grand Central?
A. Grand Central has three levels
B. Grand Central has two levels
C. Grand Central was huge
D. Grand Central was like a maze
49. How can you say that the author didn’t come out of expected exits?
Statement 1: Once he came out near Roosevelt Hotel
Statement 2: Once he came out on Forty-sixth Street
Statement 3: Twice the underground tunnels led him far away
A. Only statement 1
B. Only statement 2
C. Only statement 3
D. All the statements
50. From where the narrator turned into Grand Central?
A. Roosevelt Hotel
B. Vanderbilt Avenue
C. Forty-sixth Street
D. None of the above.

IX. Attempt the following:

51. Statement 1: The children’s eyes are more adjusted to the dark than to the light outside.
Statement 2: The boys and girls end up losing their eye sight before they become adults.
A. If Statement 1 is the cause, Statement 2 is the effect.
B. If Statement 1 is the effect, Statement 2 is the cause.
C. Both the statements are the effects of the common cause.
D. Both the statements are the effects of independent cause.

52. Classify (1) to (4) as fact (F) or opinion (O), based on your reading of The Third Level.
1. First day covers are never opened. 2. Grand Central is growing like a tree.
3. President Roosevelt collected stamps. 4. Sam was Charley’s psychiatrist.
A. F-1,3,4; O-2
B. F-2,3; O-1,4
C. F-2; O-1,3,4
D. F-3,4; O-1,2

53. What statement does Neruda make about wars?

A. Wars are of varied kinds – internal, green wars, wars with gas, with fire etc.
B. Wars are wasteful and cause irrecoverable loss and damage to property and life.
C. Wars never yield any winners, and the loss is far greater than what can be measured.
D. Wars are unavoidable in the enduring struggle for human dignity and power.

54. “I never saw him look so tall.” Which of the following best captures M. Hamel on the last
day of school?
A. Cranky, miserable, dedicated, resigned
B. Patient, dignified, emotional, courageous
C. Calm, nostalgic, disappointed, patriotic
D. Proud, reproachful, persistent, heroic

55. ‘This map becomes their window and these windows that shut…’—the two windows in the
extract serve very different purposes
A. window to the world and windows denoting constriction
B. window leading to a narrow alley and windows shutting children in like a dungeon
C. window highlighting pleasures to be enjoyed and windows highlighting limitation
D. window to the world and windows leading to a narrow alley

56. The couple’s first sight of Tom made them experience a multitude of emotions.
i. Confusion ii. Compassion iii. Curiosity iv. Anger v. Indifference vi. Vindication
Pick the emotions that CANNOT be associated with the couple
A. i, ii & iii
B. iv, v &vi
C. ii, v & vi
D. i, iii &v

57. Select the option that lists the qualities of Douglas’ trainer.
1. Adventurous 2. Generous 3. Patient 4. Methodical 5. Encouraging 6. Courageous
A. 1 and 6
B. 2 and 5
C. 1, 4 and 6
D. 3, 4 and 5

58. ‘The birds were chirping at the edge of the woods and in the open fields back of the
sawmill the Prussian soldiers were drilling’
Which of the following sentences can be said as true after reading the given lines?

A. Alsace bordered Prussia and so Franz could hear the drilling.

B. The Prussian soldiers had started to construct their official building.
C. The people of Alsace like Franz were attracted to the sound of drilling.
D. Prussia had won over Alsace and Lorraine and thus were practicing to settle their authority.

59. ‘Charley I got to wishing that you were right. Then I got to believing you were right’
What does the writer wish to believe?

A. That the third level does exist.

B. That Charley was not stable.
C. That the write was there in Galesburg.
D. That the tunnel does exist under the city.

60. Pick the quote that best describes the theme of the story, ‘The Enemy’.

A. World belongs to humanity, not this leader, that leader or that king or prince or religious
leader. World belongs to humanity.
B. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are
dirty, the ocean does not become dirt.
C. The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.
D. To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.


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