Department of Mechanical Engineering Cie - Iii: Academic Year 2021-2022 (Odd Sem)

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Academic year 2021-2022 (Odd Sem)


Date & Time 25th January 2022, 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM Maximum Marks 10 (Q) +50 (T)
Course Code 18ME73 Duration 2 Hrs
PART A Max Marks: 10
Q Questions M BT CO
1.1 The force vector due to internal heat generation is given by -----------and that 2 2 1
due to convection is given by -----------
1.2 With usual notations, the consistent mass matrix for 1D bar element is ---------- 2 1 2
1.3 In thermal problems, the internal heat generation and surface convection are
2 2 3
respectively analogous to -------- and ------------vectors of structural problems
1.4 In dynamic analysis the Eigen values give the --------------and Eigen vectors give the
2 3 3
---------------of vibration.
1.5 The consistent mass matrix for a cantilever beam element after
2 1 1
application of boundary conditions is ----------------
PART B Max Marks:50
Q Questions M BT CO
2. For the axial vibration of the copper bar shown in fig, determine the natural
frequencies and mode shapes. Take E for copper as 121 Gpa and density of copper as
8960 kg/m3.

15 5 3

3. Evaluate the eigen values and the corresponding eigen modes for the Cantilever beam
shown in Fig.

15 4 4

4. A composite wall consists of 3 layers as shown in fig. Determine the temperature

distribution across the walls. The thermal properties are as below;

k1 = 25 W / moC , k2 = 35 W / moC , k3 = 55 W / moC 10 3 4

h = 25 W / m − C , T = 800 C , To = 20 C , Area A = 1 m
2 o 0 0 2
Academic year 2021-2022 (Odd Sem)

5 Determine the temperature distribution in the fin shown in fig taking two elements for

10 4 4

BT-Blooms Taxonomy, CO-Course Outcomes, M-Marks

Marks Particulars CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
Distribution Q+T Marks 4 2 14 40 4 14 12 20 10 ---


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