220113-Matthew Lesson 11

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Focus Verse: “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” – Matthew 10:39
FIRST DAY: Read Lesson 10 Notes.
1. Use this space to record how you have seen God’s activity during the week. How has He provided, answered,
comforted, restored, guided, etc.?

2. What from the notes, lecture, group sharing, or personal study impacted you most in the past week?

SECOND DAY: Read Matthew 9:35-38.

Jesus felt compassion for people following Him.
3a. What motivated the compassion Jesus felt for the gathering crowds?
>>He saw the crowds:
1. Harassed
2. Helpless

3b. How do the following verses help you understand the great compassion of our Good Shepherd?

3b-I. Psalm 23:1-3:

>>1. lie down on green pastures,
2. lead me beside quiet waters,
3. refreshes my soul,
4. lead me to the right pass for
His Name sake

3b-II. Isaiah 53:6:

>>we are sheep that have lost our way but the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all

3b-III. Ezekiel 34:5-16:

>>1. He will held the non working shepherds accountable for the flock,
2. God Himself will look for us in various places,
3. Lead the sheep to good pastures,
4. Make the lie down,
5. Bind up the injured and strengthen the weak,
5. The sleek
and strong, He will destroy.

3b-IV. John 10:11-15:

>>1. Lay down His life for the sheep.
2. He will know the sheep

3b-V. 1 Peter 2:24-25:

>>He will bore our sins

3c. What moves you toward compassion for the spiritual needs around you?
>>Compassion is supposed to be the standard.
Spiritual needs or not is each people's journey

4. Why are there “few” workers if the harvest is “plentiful”?

>>There are always avenue to spread the Gospel?

5. What stands out to you in Jesus’ call to prayer?

>>Ask the Lord of the harvest to send to his harvest field

THIRD DAY: Read Matthew 10:1-15.

Jesus called His 12 disciples and sent them out with specific instructions.
6. From verse 1, what did Jesus give the disciples He called to join Him in His work?
>>1. Drive out impure spirit
2. Heal every disease and sickness

7a. To whom did Jesus send His 12 disciples? Where were they not to go at that time?
>>Find: Lost sheeps of Israel.
Avoid: The Gentiles and The Samaritans

7b. Read Matthew 28:19-20; John 4:22; Acts 1:8; Romans 1:16; 2:9-11. How do these verses help you understand
Jesus’ command?
>>Matthew: Make disciple of all nations
John: Worship that we do know. not like the Samaritans, who worship things
that they do not know.
Acts: Holy spirit is power... then you must become witness
Romans: power of God brings
Romans: God does not show favourtism

8. What other instructions did Jesus give the apostles?

>>1. Dont take money
2. Dont take stuff like sandals and clothes
3. Look for a deserving home in the town. 4. If they
dont welcome you, just go out of the house or town

9. Why would those who rejected Jesus’ messengers face judgment more unbearable than Sodom and Gomorrah?
Read Genesis 18:20; 19:24-25.
>>Well, that is the deal...

10. What lessons can you learn and apply from this passage as you follow and serve Jesus?
>>preach to those who are willing to listen, if not then just chill

FOURTH DAY: Read Matthew 10:16-31.

Jesus explained the opposition and persecution awaiting His followers.
11a. What kind of trouble should Jesus’ followers expect?
>>1. sent out to the wolves
2. handed to local council and be flogged
3. prosecuted infront of kings and governors

11b. How do Jesus’ followers face similar opposition today?

>>well, people think religion is stupid nowadays

11c. In what ways has following Jesus been costly to you?

if you keep it to yourself its ok...

12a. What reasons did Jesus give to explain why His followers should not be afraid?
>>1. every hair is counted
2. worth more than many sparrow. and God wont even let a sparrow fell to the ground

12b. How are you personally encouraged by the watchful care of your Heavenly Father?

13. Which command or promise that Jesus gave is particularly meaningful to you?
>>be shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

FIFTH DAY: Read Matthew 10:32-42.

Jesus calls His followers to self-denial and promises eternal rewards.
14. What principles or truths did Jesus teach in these verses?

15. Why must commitment to Christ be stronger than even family bonds?

16. What does it mean for a believer to “take up their cross”? See also Luke 14:25-35 and John 12:24-26.

17. How have you experienced that what you counted loss in this world actually brought spiritual gain?

SIXTH DAY: Review Matthew 9:35–10:42.

Following Christ means sacrificing a comfortable, carefree life for the sake
of the gospel.
18. How has this week’s study challenged your commitment to Christ?

19. Passage Discovery (homiletics, word study, etc.) for group and administrative leaders: Matthew 9:35–10:42

Copyright © Bible Study Fellowship (Note: BSF class members are encouraged to print and use this material pursuant
to BSF class guidelines.)

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