BSF Matthew Lesson 8 Answer

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Focus Verse: “But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” – Matthew 9:6a
FIRST DAY: Read Lesson 9 Notes.
1. Use this space to record how you have seen God’s activity during the week. How has He provided, answered,
comforted, restored, guided, etc.?

2. What from the notes, lecture, group sharing, or personal study impacted you most in the past week?

SECOND DAY: Read Matthew 9:1-8.

Jesus forgave and healed a paralyzed man.
3. Whose faith did Jesus acknowledge in this miracle? What lessons might you learn from this? See also Mark 2:3-12.
>>The four men and the paralysed men
Be faithful and be healed.
Jesus can forgive sins

4a. What did Jesus say and do that demonstrated His deity – that He is God?
>>He can forgive sins.
other people said that the only one that can forgive other people's sin is only God

4b. How did the various people in this scene react to Jesus’ words and actions?

4b-I. The teachers of the law:

>>Contempt on each word. They said that Jesus was blaspheming

4b-II. The man who was healed:

>>Got up and got home

4b-III. The watching crowd:

>>in awe and started praising God

5. What does it mean to you personally that Jesus can say, “your sins are forgiven”?
>>relieved i guess

THIRD DAY: Read Matthew 9:9-17.

Jesus called Matthew to follow Him and answered questions.
6a. What stands out to you in Jesus’ call to Matthew, who wrote this account?
>>tax collector minding his business, got called and left straightaway.
Matthew wrote this account

6b. Why might Matthew have included his story within his accounts of Jesus’ miracles and healing?
>>he wants Jesus to be remembered?

7a. What did the Pharisees ask, and why might they have asked this question?
>>Why does Jesus ate with the tax collector?
Why he want to eat with corrupt people.

7b. How did Jesus answer? What did He mean? See Hosea 6:6.
>>it is not the healthy that needs a doctor but the sick
Jesus desire mercy than offering

7c. How might Matthew 9:12-13 challenge Christians to go out of their comfort zone – beyond Christian circles? See
also Matthew 28:19-20; John 17:14-19; and 1 Peter 3:13-17.
>>mercy not offering
go and baptize all nations
dont be afraid - good intentions usually wont get harmed

8a. What did John the Baptist’s disciples ask?

>>why the disciples and the Pharisees fast but jesus do not

8b. What did Jesus communicate in His answer and the examples He gave? See Isaiah 43:18-19.

8b-I. The wedding guests:

>>bridegroom should not mourn when the bridegroom is with the guest. it is only when he is taken away when people
should fast
8b-II. The patched garment and wineskins:
>>unshrunk pouch should not be sown to old garment. it will make the tear even bigger

FOURTH DAY: Read Matthew 9:18-26.

Jesus raised a young girl from the dead and healed a suffering woman.
9. Two miracles are intertwined in these verses. What similarities do you see? What differences?
>>Faith can heal maladies either directly or indirectly

10. What details about these miracles are particularly significant to you?
>>Having faith is important for healing

11. What do you learn about Jesus and how should you respond?
>>He knows when his garment is touched from behind by sick lady

12. What need in your life is drawing you to Jesus today?


FIFTH DAY: Read Matthew 9:27-34.

Jesus healed the blind and mute.
13a. What did the blind men call Jesus, and what did they ask of Him? See also Matthew 1:1; 22:42.
>>Son of David
asked Jesus to heal them

13b. How did Jesus respond? What did He ask of them?

>>Do you believe i can do this?
Not to tell of this to anyone

14. Read Isaiah 35:3-6. How did Jesus fulfill this prophecy?
>>He made the blind see and the mute speak.
when he does that, people will praise Him

15a. What were the two responses when the demon-possessed man began to speak?
>>People: nothing like this has ever happened before
Pharisees: only the prince of demons can drive demons away

15b. Why does the reality of Jesus and His authority create such a dividing line between people today?
>>people have different biases

15c. How do you respond when people speak negatively about Jesus or your faith in Him?
>>No need to get angry. people are entitled to their opinions.
if they got agro then it is a different story.

SIXTH DAY: Review Matthew 9:1-34.

Jesus’ power to forgive sinners and overcome death proves His authority.
16. What truth about Jesus from this passage will you apply to your life this week?

17. Passage Discovery (homiletics, word study, etc.) for group and administrative leaders: Matthew 9:1-34

Copyright © Bible Study Fellowship (Note: BSF class members are encouraged to print and use this material pursuant
to BSF class guidelines.)

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