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Roll No. : Time -

Date : MM - 34

What are natural magnets? 1

Ans : Natural magnets are the pieces of magnetite ore. It is found in nature in quite irregular
and odd shapes, which are magnetically not strong enough.

2. Write two factors on which the strength of magnetic field of an electromagnet depends. 2

Ans : The strength of magnetic field of an electromagnet depends on:

(i) number of turns of winding in the solenoid, and
(ii) magnitude of current through the solenoid.

3. How can you increase the strength of an electromagnet? 2

Ans : The strength of an electromagnet can be increased by increasing the

(i) number of turns of winding in the solenoid, and
(ii) current through the solenoid.

4. Give advantages of an electromagnet over a permanent magnet. 2

Ans : Advantages of an electromagnet over a permanent magnet:

(i) An electromagnet can produce a strong magnetic field.
(ii) The strength of the magnetic field of an electromagnet can easily be changed by
changing the number of turns of winding in the solenoid or by changing the current.
(iii) The polarity of the electromagnet can be reversed by reversing the direction of
current in the solenoid.

What do you mean by the: (i) pole (ii) magnetic length and (iii) geometrical length of magnet? 3

Ans : (i) Magnetic property is not uniformly exhibited all over the surface of the magnet. Poles
are the regions, where magnetism is pronounced. There are two poles of equal strength
being observed in a magnet. These are not situated exactly at the ends of the magnet
but they are located slightly inside.
(ii) Magnetic length is the distance between its two poles.
(iii) Geometrical length of the magnet is the distance between its end points along its
length. Magnetic length is approximately 7/8th of its geometrical length.

6. State the properties of magnetic field lines. 4

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Test Generator

Ans : The following properties of magnetic field lines are:

(i) These lines are closed and continuous curves.
(ii) These lines are directed from the N-pole towards the S-pole of the magnet.
(iii) These lines never intersect one another. If two field lines intersect, there would be
two directions of magnetic field at that point, which is not possible.
(iv) The tangent at any point on a magnetic field line gives the direction of magnetic field
at that point.
(v) The parallel and equidistant magnetic field lines represent a uniform magnetic field.
(vi) These field lines are crowded near the poles of magnet, where the magnetic field is
strong and are far separated near the middle of magnet and far from it, where the
magnetic field is weak.
(vii) These field lines behave like stretched elastic rubber strings.

7. Describe briefly the earth’s magnetic field. 4

Does the earth possess magnetic field? Explain the concept “earth as a magnet”.

Ans : The earth behaves like a huge magnet and its magnetic field varies from place to place
on its surface and up to a height of 3 × 107 m can be exhibited by the following
(i) If a magnet is suspended freely in a horizontal plane, it always rests pointing nearly in
the geographical north-south direction with its north poles towards geographical north
and south pole towards geographical south.
(ii) If a soft iron bar is buried under the ground in northsouth direction, it is found that
after a few days, the bar
acquires the property of a magnet, and the end, towards the geographical north,
acquires the north polarity and the other end, towards geographic south, acquires the
south polarity.
Earth’s magnetic field has a simple form, which resembles that of a small magnet
imagined to be placed at the centre of the earth with its south pole at the geographic
north pole and north pole at the geographic south pole and whose axis is inclined at
about 20° to the axis of rotation of the earth.
As the north pole of a magnetic needle points towards the geographical north, so the
south pole of the earth’s imaginary magnet must be pointing towards the geographical
north and its north pole must be pointing towards the geographical south. Magnetic
dipole axis of earth and earth’s polar axis makes an angle of about 20° towards west of
north but this angle slightly changes from year to year over a period of thousands of

8. State six differences between an electromagnet and a permanent magnet. 4

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Test Generator

Electromagnet Permanent Magnet

Ans :
1. It is made of soft iron. 1. It is made up of steel.
2. It produces temporary magnetic 2. It produces a permanent
field, which vanishes as soon as magnetic field.
the current in the circuit is
switched off.
3. The magnetic field due to an 3. The magnetic field of a
electromagnet can be very strong. permanent magnet is not so
4. The strength of the magnetic 4. The strength of the magnetic
field can be changed. field cannot be changed.
5. The polarity of an 5. The polarity of a permanent
electromagnet can be reversed. magnet cannot be reversed.
6. It can be demagnetised easily 6. It cannot be demagnetised
by switching off the current. easily.

9. Give six uses of electromagnets. 4

Ans : (i) In many electric devices like electric motor, loudspeaker, microphone, telegraph,
electric bell, electric train, etc.
(ii) To study the magnetic properties of a substance in a magnetic field.
(iii) For removing iron pieces from wounds.
(iv) For separating iron pieces from debris and ores, e.g. for separating iron from the
crushed copper ore in copper mines.
(v) For loading furnaces with iron.
(vi) For lifting and transporting.

10. Explain: 4
(i) Why are the pole pieces made cylindrical?
(ii) Why is a soft iron core used within the coil?

Ans : (i) To keep the plane of the coil always in the direction of magnetic field lines, the pole
pieces are made cylindrical.
(ii) Soft iron core, kept at the centre of the coil, intensifies the magnetic field and makes it
radial by concentrating the field lines due to its high permeability.

11. What are artificial magnets? Show diagrammatically its different types. 4

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Test Generator

Ans : An artificial magnet is a piece of iron magnetised in a particular way. Some forms of the
artificial magnets are: bar magnet, ball ended magnet, horseshoe magnet, magnetic
needle and compass, etc.
(i) A bar magnet is the magnet of a bar of rectangular or circular cross-section.
(ii) A ball ended magnet is a cylindrical rod having two spheres fixed at its two ends. Due
to large size of the spheres, its pole strength is very large. This is why, it is equal to a bar
magnet of large strength.

(iii) Horseshoe magnet is a bar bent in U-shape.

(iv) Magnetic needle is in the form of a bar tapered from the centre towards the ends and
pivoted at its centre on a stand.

(v) Magnetic compass or compass needle is a small magnetic needle pivoted at the
centre of a small brass box with a glass top. Its north pole is painted red. The end of the
needle, which points towards the north is called the north pole and the one, which points
towards the south is called the south pole.

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