Camellia Feat Nanahira Can I Friend You On Bassbook Lol Bassline Yatteru LOL

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Hey you, mega-cute girl over there~

I'm totally not hitting on you, yo ♂

I'm hitting on you, but I'm not!


No, wait, don't go!

I'm sorry..

Yes... I sincerely apologize for my actions. I'll also have it written...

Hey, wait up!

You free rn? Perhaps you could..

-have some tea with big sis by any chance?

You can't??


You're gonna burn down Oda Nobunaga's castle after this??

You for real?

That's, like, fightin' the power, right?

Anyhow, I'm going to sing my feelings for you, if you don't mind!

Tonight, this ~PARTY~'s about to get ☞ turnt up ☜

♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬

I'll drop the bassline anytime!

TBH, my sole target is those eyes of yours..

♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬

First things first, Imma aim for your digits, girl

This party's lit every second

♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬

Max vibes on this bassline!

But for real though, there's a limit to what I can do in the moment..

♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬

For starters, can you drop the phone you're about to call the police with??

Hey girl, I'm not a bad person~~

Aren't you a bit distant~? No need to be afraid~~

Shall we dance together?

If you can't dance,

damn, are you that heartless?

Ba- ☆ ★ ☆ ★

☆ ☆ Ba- ☆ ★

☆ ★ ☆ ★ Ba-

You droppin' that bassline?



Line ♭ Line ♭ → Line ↘

Line ♭ Line ♭ → Line ↗

Yeah ~ Yeah ~ Yeah ~! Yeah ~!

Bass! L-L

(Line) (o), (o) (Line)

(Fuwa ↗ Fuwa ↔ Fuwa ↖Fuwa)

(Fuwa ↖ Fuwa ↔ Fuwa ↗ Fuwa)

(Fuwa ↗ Fuwa ↔ Fuwa ↖Fuwa)

(Fuwa ↖ Fuwa ↔ Fuwa ↗ Fuwa)

☞ Bass ↗

/ ~ / Line / ~ / line / ~ / line / ~ /

ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª

º Yeah º º Yeah º º Yeah º º Yeah º º

ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª

º Yeah º º Yeah º º Yeah º º Yeah º º

Bass ~

L-L Line Line

Fuwa Fuwa


Hey, am I annoying? I see no problem there!

I wanna hold you for real right now,

Hold me tight, hold me tight!

Tonight it's party night until dawn

There's not

- not - not

- not enough to drink!!

Got ahead of myself, ended up in the street

How embarrassing..

The wheels on the subwoofers go? ZOOM DOKO DOMB

♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬

Dance to the bassline, party people!

Gonna be real with you, my feelings only have one direction!

♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬

Super-duper straightforward to you!

We interrupt this bassline party with a breaking news announcement.

This afternoon, a woman, suspected to have creepily approached a girl on top of

passing out drunk promptly after..

Was arrested and and charged with the misdemeanors of talking to girls and sleeping
on the road -

Self-proclaimed romantic candidate, Hirata Nanami was apprehended by the


Suspect testifies the following: "Alright, I admit I was creepy, but even I want to
talk to a cute girl!"

"I want to! I want to! I want to! It's not fair!! It's not fair!! It's not fair..
*pouting*"- It is believed that the suspect pleads guilty to her suspected crimes..

This concludes the report.

Man.. that was horrible.. I was forced to write apologies a LOT of times..

I also got punched by a girl..

But TBH I just can't stop approaching her!

♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬

Onward, to conquer! On the offensive!!


♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬
Max vibes on this bassline!

But to be honest, there's a limit to what I can do in the moment..

♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬

Can you stop trying to call the police already!!?

Wow! hey hey hey H ~ ey !!! I found you again~~!

Wait don't hit me! Please! I apologize!

Shall we dance, this time around?

If you can't dance,

Damn, are you heartless?

Ba ☆ ★ ☆ ★

☆ ☆ Ba ☆ ★

☆ ★ ☆ ★ Ba

You droppin' that bassline?



Line ♭ Line ♭ → Line ↘

Line ♭ Line ♭ → Line ↗

ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª

º Yeah º º Yeah º º Yeah º º Yeah º º

ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª ª Yeah ª

º Yeah º º Yeah º º Yeah º º Yeah º º

☆ Bass! ☆ L-L

(Line) (o), (o) (Line)

(Fuwa ↗ Fuwa ↔ Fuwa ↖Fuwa)

(Fuwa ↖ Fuwa ↔ Fuwa ↗ Fuwa)

(Fuwa ↗ Fuwa ↔ Fuwa ↖Fuwa)

(Fuwa ↖ Fuwa ↔ Fuwa ↗ Fuwa)

☆ Bass! ☆

Line @ Line ㅁ Line ㅁ ~!

Line @ Line @ Line ㅁ ~!

Line @ Line @ Line @ ~!

Yeah ☆ Yeah ☆ Yeah ☆ Yeah ☆

Yeah ☆ Yeah ★ Yeah ☆ Yeah ★

Yeah ★ Yeah ★ Yeah ★ Yeah ★

Bass ~!

L-L Line Line

Fuwa Fuwa


Everyday~ Everynight~ what I require is YOU!

This never-withering sensation! What people call love!

If I were to say I'm far or I'm close, I'd have to say I'm far..

But the come here with the power of the beat!

Put your hands up high!


Tonight, let's party again!

♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬

I'll drop the bassline anytime!

To be honest, your eyes are my sole target!

♬ YAY ♬ ♬ YAY ♬

This forceful bassline that rejects all rejections!

Woah ~ Woah ~

マジ卍(maji manji~)

HEY ~!

maji manji~

Once again !!

Woah ~Woah~マジ卍~(maji manji~)


I've already told you to drop that phone!!

To think she rejected me.. she also punched me a lot..

(that was satisfying..)

No! That's not what I meant..But still, TBH, I won't give up.. !

Hey you~~ yes you, the super cute girl..

I'm not hitting on you or anything..

I'm hitting on you, but I'm not hitting on you! *creepy laugh*


Just.. once more..

*passes out*

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