Patriot Letter

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Hi, this is Dr. Lane Sebring . . .

And in the next 7 minutes I’m going to basically spit in the face of all the crooks, liars,
government toadies and greedy pharmaceutical companies who have been sucking cash out of
your pocket and forcing you to pay completely unfair prices for the pain killers, NSAID’s and
other dangerous “wonder drugs” they say you “need” just to feel “good enough” to get
through the day . . .

Show you the real reason you feel so tired all the time (waking up with a grunt every morning
often more exhausted than when you went to bed — If insomnia doesn’t keep you up all night
in the rst place) . . .

Why your joints and muscles ache constantly so even playing with your grandkids hurts so
badly . . .

And why it’s so hard to do all the activities you love and gave your life meaning that were so
easy just a few short years ago but seem impossible now. . .

And just to be extremely clear . . .

No matter what the young punk doctors you’ve been seeing have been telling you (when they
can even bother to spend a minute listening to you instead of rushing to their next appointment
. . . instead of treating you like a chore instead of a human being) . . .

The Pain . . . Exhaustion . . . Memory loss . . . “Brain fog” . . . Digestion Problems . . .

Persistent “Grumpiness” and even lack of Libido that are getting worse each and every
day are not just “A part of getting older” . . .

In fact if you simply do what I say in this short video and put it into action like (XX,492 hard
working older Americans have before you . . .

You’ll learn why “getting older” and “feeling old” have absolutely nothing to do with each
other . . .

How you can keep your independence and total control over your life well into your 80’s, 90’s
or beyond . . .

And will be shocked at how within just 30 short days from hearing what I have to tell you you’ll
not only sleep like a baby but wake up each and every morning

And burst out of bed with more energy, drive and focus than you had when you were a
teenager . . .

Honestly, I can’t wait for you to experience what it’s like to feel comfortable and alive in your
body again . . .
To have that spring in your step you thought was gone for good . . .

To have your grandkids scurrying along saying “Grandpa, Grandma, wait!” as they hustle to
keep up with you . . .

And realize you can actually enjoy the years you have left on this planet instead of just “get
through them” like so many older folks who never hear the secret to “lifelong youth” you’re
about to learn . . .

Who The Heck Am I To Make Such A Huge Promise?

Like I said, my name is Dr. Lane Sebring . . .

I’m a (X) year-old lifelong conservative . . .

A “gun nut” who treasures the 2nd Amendment . . .

A US Air Force Veteran . . .

A board examiner for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine . . .

A doctor in private practice in Wimberley, Texas where my patients include tennis superstars,
world-leading doctors and even former Governors . . .

And, most importantly, a husband to my beautiful wife of X years, NAME . . .

And a father to (X) incredible children . . .

And over the last (X) years I’ve helped over (BIG FREAKING NUMBER) hard-working, older
Americans just like you escape the prison your body can become (completely unnecessarily)
as you get older . . .

And feel . . .

And think . . .

And act like you again . . .

The vital, passionate, ALIVE you you see every time you close your eyes . . .

A far cry from the “old man” or “old woman” who looks nothing like you . . .

But who stares at you like a stranger every time you look in the mirror . . .

I’m going to reveal the simple (and completely reversible) real cause of almost all of your “Age-
Related Maladies” in just a minute . . .
But before I do, I hope you won’t mind if I tell you why I care so deeply about helping you live
the healthy, active, happy life you have worked so hard for for so long (while the “medical
establishment” insists that “old people” should be shuf ed off to retirement homes . . .
“warehoused” and ignored . . .

WARNING: The Story I’m About To Tell You Is Extremely Personal And May Be Upsetting.
But If You Can Simply Listen And Truly Understand It Could Change Your Life Forever . . .

“When Did I Get So OLD?,” The American Hero Whispered In

A Hoarse Voice As He Watched
His Hands Shake Just Inches From His Face . . .

WORK IN THE COAST GUARD STUFF. We need this moment either at his of ce or a family
gathering where Grandpa can’t pick up his granddaughter or something like that. It needs to be
about Lane seeing SHAME in his father’s eyes - shame at not being able to really be the man
he had always been up until now.)

I felt my gut clench and tears form in my eyes as I looked at him . . .

The man I admired more than anyone else in this world . . .

The man who had taught me what it meant to really be a man in the rst place . . .

The man I grew up thinking was immortal . . .

Invulnerable . . .

Unstoppable . . .

My Dad . . .


(He’d joke about “being an old man” but I could see in his eyes how much it bothered him . . .
how much it killed him inside to lose so much of what had made this proud, amazing man who
he is . . .)

“It’s OK, son. It happens to everyone. If you’re lucky, it’s going to happen to you too.”
That Night I Lay Awake For Hours Next To (NAME) Staring At
The Ceiling And Feeling My Heart Constrict In My Chest . . .
Feeling The Sharp, Constant Ache Of My “Bum Knee” . . .

Was Dad right?

Was pain and exhaustion and constipation and choking down handfuls of toxic pills really
what “getting older” had to be about . . . as inevitable as death and taxes?

Did I really have to watch my father suffer like this?

Was I looking at the suffering that was coming for me too?

I tossed and turned all night thinking . . .

Thinking of my beautiful daughter, NAME and the grandkids I hoped she would have . . .

I’d always pictured myself taking my grandkids hunting . . .

Teaching them right and wrong . . .

Arming them to be good, Patriotic men and women in this dif cult world . . .

But what if I couldn’t?

What if I was too tired?

What If I was “too old?”

Lying There, Feeling My Wife’s Warm Body Curled Up
Against Me I Knew I Could Do One Of Three Things . . .
1. I could ignore the thoughts and the fear swirling in my mind . . . I could watch my proud,
powerful father fade to be replaced by a shadow with his face . . . I could watch my own
body betray me as the years went on . . .

2. I could get mad and bitter . . . rage against God at how unfair it is to have so much taken
from us just when we get the wisdom and experience to really contribute to the world and enjoy
our lives . . .

Or I could make the choice I did . . .

The choice to discover the truth about the real cause of “age-related” insomnia, exhaustion,
digestive problems and pain . . .

The choice to give my father his life back (and give my daughter her grandfather back) . . .
The choice to wake up every morning knowing I had done everything in my power to help the
men and women who have worked for a lifetime and deserve to live a life as free of pain as
humanly possible . . .

The Next Morning I Read An Article That Started Me On A

Journey That Changed My Dad’s Life And MY Life Forever . . .
And Will Change Your Life Too If You Give It A Chance . . .
Like all great discoveries this one happened when I was in the bathroom . . .

In my house we call the bathroom “The Library” because we keep a bunch of magazines in
there for when you “do your business” . . .

And that morning I felt my heart jump into my throat as I read a 14-page article in Time
Magazine that revealed the “Aging Lie” that had been damning millions of older Americans to a
life of pain, exhaustion and suffering . . .

According to this article (and the months of intensive research I did afterwards) the root cause
of nearly every symptom of “old” age that can cause seniors to lose their independence isn’t
“getting old” at all . . .

Now, you probably know that in ammation plays a big role in nagging joint pain or a “bad” back
(you’ve probably even taken anti-in ammatories and suffered through the side effects for just a
“break” from the pain” . . .

But according to recent studies, in ammation has been shown to affect the health of the heart
and arteries . . .

The nerve cells . . .

The brain . . .

Heck, it may even effect cellular growth (WHAT DOES THAT MEAN AS FAR AS RESULTS?)

In other words . . .

“In ammation may be the engine that drives many of the most common symptoms of middle
and old age.”

Did you get that?

Did you get what it MEANS?

It means that the reason so many seniors “feel old” . . .


The reason you get tired so easily . . .

The reason your muscles and joints hurt . . .

Isn’t because you’re “Getting old” at all . . .

And if all of these terrible symptoms, medical problems and diseases aren’t just a “part of
getting older” . . .

That means they can be treated . . .

That means they can be reversed . . .

That means you can get your LIFE back . . .

I Rushed To My Of ce With My Heart Pounding, A Smile

Spreading Across My Face And Fireworks Going Off In My
Brain . . .
I dove into my medical books, called on my (X) years of experience in medicine . . . scoured
medical journals for studies and papers revealing the truth about in ammation . . . what it is . . .
how to combat it naturally and without drugs . . .

And Then I Got To Work Like A Man Possessed And

Discovered A Secret That Has Seemingly “Turned Back The
Clock” For Over (X,000) Seniors All Over This Great
Country . . .
After digging through more medical papers than I think is strictly healthy and examining dozens
of studies I discovered that the secret to combatting in ammation isn’t exercise or anti-
in ammatory drugs (drugs that do nothing to reduce your in ammation long term and just make
you an “addict” for Big Pharma) . . .

Nope. The REAL secret to reducing or even eliminating your in ammation is completely
natural . . .

In fact “all it takes” to radically reduce your in ammation is a speci c group of alkaline-rich
fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, apples and kale . . .

That’s the good news.

The bad news? To get “enough” of these “Miracle Foods For In ammation” you’d have to eat a
LOT of them . . .

I thought of my dad, who’d always been a “Steak and Potatoes” guy munching down on a kale
salad and I knew that simply wasn’t going to work . . .

So I called my friend Jeff Reagan . . .


My Dad Looked At Me Like I Was Crazy The First Time I Had

Him Drink This “Crazy Green Stuff” . . .

I still remember how he held his nose and steeled himself for the “awful taste” he expected . . .

And the smile that exploded across his lips as he said “Tastes kind of like (X) juice.”

Within a month he was (STUFF)

Within 3 months he was carrying his granddaughter around on his shoulders and playing
“Horsey” in a way I thought he never would again . . .

That was the rst indication that I was “onto something” with this “weird green concoction” . . .

Next I Sent My New “Miracle Powder” To A Bunch Of 50-Plus

Men In The San Diego Coast Guard . . .
(STORY - they didn’t want to take it. But when they did.)

In fact, one 30-year Coast Guard Vet wrote me and said “Doc, I got a name for you. You should
call this ‘Patriot Power Greens’ because it’s green, and it gives us the energy and power to keep
up with these young bucks. I can’t thank you enough.”


After Hearing The Incredible Results From The Coast Guard I

Decided To Share My Secret With A Few Of My Patients . . .

I admit I was nervous at rst . . .

Creating something that worked for “tough guys” like my dad and the men in the coast guard is
one thing . . .
But could this really work for my oldest and sickest patients?

Could it really work to “turn back the clock” for almost anyone?

I spent six days fretting and worrying . . . constantly refreshing my email and waiting anxiously
to hear what happened . . .

And then . . .

Suddenly . . .

The ood gates opened . . .

Ken B., an (X) year-old Air Force Veteran from Del Rio, Texas took Patriot Power Greens for just
a week said:

“I was a bit skeptical it would help much. The muscle pain has been slowly consuming me,
making it dif cult to concentrate through the pain at work . . . but after one week of Patriot
Power Greens the pain has been cut in half. Thank you for making a product that is so easy to
take. I know it’s helping my body ght through the damage it has endured.”

Tony W. from Nashville, TN said . . .

“My wife and I are in our late 50’s and have worked with our hands our entire careers. Within 2
weeks of the PPG regimen, the amount of joint pain, swelling and subsequent stiffness is
reduced to almost zero! We are both experiencing less fatigue with a noticeable sense of well
being that we enjoyed in our 30’s”

And Nanci B. from Clear Spring, MD wrote me to say . . .

“My heartburn and indigestion were driving me bonkers. Since Patriot Power Greens my
symptoms have improved greatly. Also, my husband has some respiratory problems and said he
has noticed he’s breathing better and has more energy.

I had my doubts, thought this product may be useless like so many others I’ve tried. I was
pleasantly surprised: It actually does what it says!”

And That Was Just The Beginning . . .

From there I started sharing my “Patriot Power Greens” with older people all over the
country . . .

And again and again, the results were the same . . .

People from 50 to 90 wrote in to me to say “THANK YOU, DOC! and describe in heartbreaking
detail how Patriot Power Greens had given them their lives back . . .
Eventually Jeff, my dad and my beautiful wife, NAME, ganged up on me and told me I HAD
share my formula with the world . . .

There were too many hard-working folks out there who NEEDED what this incredible formula
could do for them . . .

So after MONTHS of hard work perfecting the formula, perfecting the taste and sourcing the
absolute-best ingredients possible . . .

Patriot Power Greens was born . . .

Which brings us to now.

And brings us to you experiencing the life-changing effects of Patriot Power Greens as well . . .

So . . .

Are you ready to remember what it’s like to feel young, unstoppable and truly alive again?

Are you ready to banish the toxic in ammation that has crippled your body and left you
listless, overweight, tortured by constant aches and pains and looking years older than you are?

Are you ready to have the energy to go out and truly live your life instead of worrying about
whether you’ll “get too tired”? 

Are you ready to have your mind and your curiosity back . . . sharp as a tack and 100%
present instead of the hazy “brain fog” you have to struggle through now?

Are you ready to look in the mirror and for the rst time in years or even decades see you

The real you . . .

The powerful, vibrant you who you always see when you close your eyes . . .

Instead of the almost-unrecognizable “old man” or “old woman” who looks back at you every
morning now?

If you’re still watching this it means the answer is yes, yes, yes.

The Patriot Power Greens formula is the result of four backbreaking months of non-stop,
intensive, absolutely-obsessive research, testing, formulating, reformulating and seemingly-
endless work . . .

Work I did so you never have to . . .

See, when I decided to share the secret of Patriot Power Greens with the world I set myself a
goal as big and lofty as climbing Everest . . .
To transform the lives of ONE MILLION older Americans and free you from the terrible trap of
premature aging brought on by in ammation . . .

And to reach that goal I knew Patriot Power Greens had to accomplish THREE things . . .

1. It had to be EASY to take . . .

As a doctor I know that when a treatment is a pain to do, it doesn’t get done . . . it’s just
human nature.

That’s why I made Patriot Power Greens as easy as drinking a glass of water . . .

No pills to choke down . . . 

No expensive and complicated ingredients to mix yourself . . . 

I know the last thing you need is another “chore” to do every day, which is why I’ve made
Patriot Power Greens as close to “Done for you” as possible.

Simply add one scoop of Patriot Power Greens to (X oz) of water every day to instantly ood
your body with 21 life-saving fruits and vegetables (far more than you could ever eat the “old
way” on your own) . . .

10 different probiotic strains . . .

And 6 Digestive Enzymes in each and every serving . . .

Let me ask you, would you rather take this every day . . .

(PIC Of Patriot Power Greens)

Or this . . .?

(Pick of 21 fruits and vegetables, pro biotic bottles, enzyme bottles.)

2. It had to be DELICIOUS . . .

I’m old enough to remember when for something to be “good” for you, it had to taste awful . . .

Luckily those days are long gone . . .

When I created Patriot Power Greens I made a promise to myself that it wouldn’t have the
“grassy” taste of so many green powders . . .

In fact, I promised myself I wouldn’t release Patriot Power Greens to the world unless it tasted
so good my beautiful 5-year-old Granddaughter would beg to have a glass every day . . .
3. It had to not just “mask” the symptoms of age-related-maladies . . . it had to be scienti cally
proven to actually make you healthier, happier, more energetic and feeling like you’ve
turned the clock back 20 years overnight . . .

And after months and months of work, paying money out of my own pocket, working my
ngers to the bone, testing my formula on mature, digni ed men and women just like you

Here we are at the top of Everest . . .

Here’s Just A Tiny Sample Of The Incredible, Life-Changing

Results Over (X,000) Older Men And Women Have Already
Experienced (And Raved About) With Patriot Power Greens . .

And That You’ll Get To Experience Too, Just By Drinking

This Delicious Superfood Cocktail Just Once Per Day (And At
A Special “Senior Discount” You’re Not Going To Believe)

Remember: These are actual results thousands and thousands of Patriot Power Greens
customers are experiencing right now all over the country (and in Canada too.) . . .

Within 30 days of “trying out” Patriot Power Greens at the special discounted rate . . .

1. You’ll Have The Gut Of A Teenager . . . Able To Eat Almost

Anything You Want Without Ever Having To Worry About
The Pain And Embarrassment Of“Digestion Problems”
Ever Again . . .
You’ve probably been told that bad digestion, bloating and constipation are just “part of getting
older” . . .

But after helping so many people, I can tell you that’s 100% a lie . . .

See, according to the Mayo Clinic, the true cause of constipation, diarrhea and stomach trouble
isn’t “age” . . . it’s INFLAMMATION in your intestines from eating too many acidic foods that
don’t agree with your body . . .

Am I saying you have to “give up” the foods you love to feel better?

Not at all . . . you deserve to eat whatever you want . . .
Which is why I’ve packed Patriot Power Greens with TEN strains of probiotics and 6
digestive enzymes that will immediately go to work reducing in ammation in your intestines
and gut . . .

And instantly-boosting the amount of digestive “good” bacteria in your stomach . . .

That means no more struggling and straining in the bathroom . . .

No more embarrassing gas, bloating or diarrhea . . .

And no more anxiety, worrying how close the nearest bathroom is every time you leave the
house in case you have an “urgent emergency . . .

2. Sick Of The DREAD You Feel Every Time You Have To

Check Your Cholesterol Or Blood Pressure? You’ll Be
Amazed At How These Critical Numbers PLUMMET When
You Take Patriot Power Greens For One Full Month . . .

Did you know that The Harvard School of Public Health has shown that people who eat eight or
more servings a day of fruits and vegetables are a whopping THIRTY PERCENT less likely to
have heart concerns than those who don’t? (By the way, Patriot Power Greens has 21 servings
of fruits and vegetables in every glass.)

Or that The British Medical Journal has shown that the pure, natural nutrients from fruits and
vegetables can improve your blood pressure . . .

While antioxidants like carotenoids and avonoids can keep your cholesterol in check?

Even better, a recent study by the American Heart Association showed that daily doses of the
probiotic L. reuteri (one of the TEN probiotics I’ve packed into Patriot Power Greens) improved
total cholesterol in study participants by 9.1%?

How can probiotics reduce your cholesterol?

Well, Dr. Mitchell L. Jones, M.D., the head researcher of the probiotic study said that the
probiotics “broke up the bile salts, leading to reduced cholesterol absorption in the gut and less
LDL cholesterol in your blood (LDL is the “bad” cholesterol that can cause heart
conditions and even death.)
3. Say Goodbye To A Lifetime Of Constant Pain With
Astonishing, Natural Muscle And Joint Pain Relief From
Patriot Power Greens . . . Plus You Can Finally Give Up
Dangerous NSAID’s For Good! 

Nothing destroys your quality of life like chronic pain . . .

If you suffer from a “bad back” a “bum knee” or crippling pain conditions like Fibromyalgia you
know pain doesn’t just limit what you can do with your life . . .

It changes and even destroys who you are . . .

Most doctors (even in the face of insurmountable evidence) will still tell you that stiff, creaky
joints and aching muscles are just part of getting older . . .

But they’re dead wrong!

The truth is the real cause of pain is rampant INFLAMMATION in your body . . .

And a recent double blind study at The University Of Michigan has shown that a completely
natural oral enzyme (exactly like the 6 types of enzymes in Patriot Power Greens) is actually
BETTER at providing lasting pain relief than a Nonsteroidal anti-in ammatory (NSAID) . . .

What does THAT mean?

It means with Patriot Power Greens you can nally “manage” or even eliminate your chronic
pain quickly and naturally . . .

And without pumping your body with dangerous drugs that cause diarrhea, stomach bleeding,
high blood pressure, kidney problems and a host of other terrible “side effects” . . .

In every glass of Patriot Power Greens you’ll get the healing power of acid protease,
amyloglucosidase cellulase, amylase, protease and lipase . . .

I don’t expect you to remember those names (or even pronounce them) . . .

But you’ll smile with delight a few weeks after starting Patriot Power Greens as you see your
pain and stiffness drain away like water down a drain . . .

And regain the independence and strength to open a jar, button your own shirt, play with your
grandkids or do anything else you want without pain and without the humiliation of having to
ask for help . . .
4. Stop Memory Loss And “Senior Moments” Dead In Their
Tracks And Keep Your Mind Sharp As A Tack This Easy Way .
One of the most painful experiences of my life was watching my independent, brilliant
Grandfather, (NAME) struggle to remember simple things like where he left his keys or the code
for the garage door . . .

And I know there’s nothing more terrifying or humiliating than losing your memory . . .

Which is why I was so dedicated to making sure Patriot Power Greens does everything humanly
possible to keep your mind razor sharp . . .

By including an incredible Japanese “Deep Ocean Secret” For Massively Improved Brain Health

For years doctors have marveled at how Japanese folks stay so mentally sharp into their 70’s or
even 80’s . . .

At rst they thought it was something genetic . . .

But a 2011 study published by UC Davis revealed that the real cause of this stunning mental
acuity comes from a Japanese sea vegetable called Spirulina . . .

According to medical researcher Robert Henrikson “spirulina causes actions in the central
nervous system to counteract oxidative stress and in ammation that occur as a consequence
of aging. It also aids in the regeneration of the brain.

That’s why I’ve added spirulina and three other brain-boosting sea vegetables to every serving
of Patriot Power Greens . . .

You’ll be amazed how spirulina, wakame, nori and kombu combine forces to almost-instantly . . .

Give you the powerful, detailed memory you had in your 20’s and 30’s . . . where you never
forget names, faces or important dates . . .

Sharpen your mind so even “dif cult” card games, crosswords and puzzles suddenly seem
“easy” . . .

Improve your concentration so you never again go into a room and forget why you went in
there . .

Stay mentally alert at work, out with friends or at home . . . nally banishing the lethargic “brain
fog” that has you feeling so “fuzzy” much of the time now . . .
5. Glowing, Younger Skin Without Dangerous Botox
Injections Or Surgery . . .
Do you ever wonder why some people look 10 or 20 years older than they should . . .

While others seem to be “eternally youthful?”

It turns out that in ammation releases nasty proteins in your body that destroy the precious
collagen that makes your skin elastic, rm and youthful . . .

In ammation that can be completely neutralized with Patriot Power Greens . . .


Every serving of Patriot Power Greens contains heaping amounts of . . .

* Kale - loaded with the crucial nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin . . .both of which absorb and
neutralize the skin-destroying free radicals created by UV light . . .

* Beet Juice - An incredible source of antioxidants that can prevent the appearance of unsightly
wrinkles . . .

* Broccoli - Bursting with Vitamin C to help you produce more collagen, and Vitamin E to guard
your skin against UV radiation . . .

* Carrots - Pumping you full of Beta Carotene, an antioxidant that converts to Vitamin A in
your body and protects your skin from sun damage.

All of this adds up to you looking brighter, healthier and younger than anyone else your age . .

(Oh, and as a guy I can tell you, this isn’t just for women. You’ll be amazed at the looks
women suddenly give you as you begin to radiate a healthy, powerful glow.)

6. Shrink Your Belly Without Ever Having To “Diet” Again . . .

You’ve probably been told that you get “fat” by eating too much . . . (and have beat yourself up
for failing to lose the weight no matter how hard you try) . . .

But a recent study by The Harvard School of Public Health has revealed a secret, hidden cause
of weight gain . . .

Our old friend INFLAMMATION . . .

I don’t want to get too “technical” here, but the short version is that in ammation begins in your
fat cells . . .

And as your fat mass expands, your in ammation increases . . .

Putting you on a “in ammation and fat” rollercoaster that’s almost impossible to get off . . .

Patriot Power Greens ghts in ammation by ooding your body with 21 fruits and vegetables
in every serving . . .

Each specially chosen for their in ammation-neutralizing powers . . .

Allowing you to nally get off the depressing “diet roller coaster” and nally lose the weight while
eating what you want.

7. Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally (And Incredibly Quickly)
You probably already know that managing your high blood sugar means avoiding foods high in
carbohydrates and sugar . . .

And that’s a great start.

But recent research has shown that in ammation brought on by canola oil and other foods
loaded with dangerous Omega 6’s (the “bad” Omega’s) can cause in ammation in your cells . . .

And trigger massive blood sugar swings, weight gain or even heart problems.

Once again, the 21 servings of fruit and vegetables in every glass of Patriot Power Greens will
neutralize the dangerous in ammation and put you in control of your blood sugar and your life.

8. Experience A Roaring Libido Into Your 70’s, 80’s And

Beyond . . .

OK, I’ll admit it . . .

When I created “Patriot Power Greens” improving your sex life wasn’t even on my radar . . .

But just a few months after I started selling it, success stories started to pour in from men and
women saying their sex drive had not just been “rekindled” but in some cases was stronger than
it had ever been . . .


Well, as near as I can tell the 21 fruits and vegetables combined with the 10 probiotics is the
main reason for the “Surprise” bene t . . .

See, the 21 fruits and vegetables are crucial to “cleaning up” the free radicals that are swarming
in your body . . .

This “cleaning” process can increase Nitric Oxide levels in your body . . .
Which in turn can increase your testosterone . . .

The 10 powerful probiotics in Patriot Power Greens then swoop in and help rid your body of
excess estrogen, allowing libido-boosting testosterone to take the front seat . . .

And giving you a ravenous, powerful sex drive no matter your age.

9. Get Back The Incredible, Boundless Energy You Had 20 or

Even 40 Years Ago . . .
I feel like a broken record, but if you’re always drinking coffee and energy drinks to get through
the day . . .

And STILL feeling worn out and exhausted all the time . . .

The cause is, once again, INFLAMMATION . . . especially in the mitochondria of your cells .

Your mitochondria is the “power plant” of your body . . . giving your cells the energy they need . .

But when you’re in amed, your mitochondria simply can’t keep up . . . it’s like trying to run a
body designed for 6 D batteries on a single AA . . .

Leaving you feeling sluggish, exhausted and just counting down the moments until you can
crawl back into bed for your afternoon nap . . .

Patriot Power Greens oods your mitochondria with the energy-boosting foods your body so
desperately needs and rapidly reducing the in ammation that’s leaving you so exhausted now . .

PLUS the 10 different pro biotics in Patriot Power Greens will improve your digestion . . .
allowing you to absorb nutrients with the same powerful ef ciency you had as a kid . . .

That means incredible, almost BOUNDLESS energy even if you can barely get out of bed every
day now.

And like I said, that’s just a TASTE of what’s happened for so many men and women with
Patriot Power Greens . . .

In fact . . .

Here’s My Promise To You . . .

Simply “Try Out” Patriot Power Greens and you’ll be shocked at how quickly your
energy, mental focus, digestion, in ammation and health improve, seemingly
overnight . . .
How you suddenly feel 10, or even 20 years younger . . .

How that mischievous sparkle appears in your eye again . . .

How that constant fog of sadness lifts and your mood improves almost instantly
causing a wide, cheek-aching smile to spread across your face . . .

How your mind suddenly feels so much sharper . . .

How your memory feels strong and reliable again . . . no more of that frustrating
feeling of not quite being able to remember a word, the small details of a conversation
or even a person’s name . . . .

How you nd yourself laughing full bodied and joyful instead of holding it, terri ed that
truly letting yourself laugh will send screams of agony down your “bad back” or “bum
hip” . . .

How, for the rst time in as long as you remember, you look down and can see your
belly SHRINKING instead growing and growing with each and every year . . .

How you literally jump out of bed every morning feeling youthful, refreshed and alive
in a way you haven’t in decades . . .

Instead of waking up bleary eyed . . .

Dreading the day . . .

Grunting, groaning and wincing with every move and breath as you ght your way to
your feet . . .

Trying and failing to ignore the sharp pains and dull aches as your body rebels at the
very idea of being asked to move . . .

But don’t take my word for it . . .

Instead, listen to what just a few ecstatic seniors who have “tried out” Patriot Power Greens
have to say . . .

(Oh, and just to be clear these and every other testimonial you’ll nd on this site are 100% real .
. . sent in by real people who have seen incredible real results with Patriot Power Greens.)


And that’s just a TINY taste of the messages I get every single day from the over (NUMBER)
active, energetic seniors who have “Given Patriot Power Greens a try” and found themselves
shocked and ecstatic at how this “green powder” transformed their lives.

But you know what?

Just to prove how much I care about you and your family I want to be really generous here and
give you THREE FIVE valuable bonuses just for “trying out” Patriot Power Greens risk free . . .

(These bonuses are yours to FREE TO KEEP even if you decide that Patriot Power Greens
aren’t for you.)

Free Gift #1: Your Very Own 16 oz. Patriot Power Greens
Shaker Bottle ($5.95 Value)
Just pour your Patriot Power Greens in this handy, spill-proof bottle every morning, add a little
bit of water, shake it up and you’re good to go, no fuss, no muss.

Your Patriot Power Greens bottle is BPA free and 100% dishwasher safe. Plus when people ask
you what that “green stuff” you’re drinking is, you can just point at the side of your cup.

Free Gift #2: “No More Pills! How To Get Off Prescription
Drugs For Good” ($19.95 Value)
Did you know that prescription drugs are actually the #4 cause of death in America?

Or that being on more-than-three prescription medications puts you at a signi cantly-higher

chance of suffering a debilitating or even crippling fall?

Not to mention the awful side effects like nausea, insomnia and brittle bones . . .

Or the hassle of having to remember to choke down these pills every day . . .

We’ve been taught that “taking your pills” is just part of getting older in America, but as I doctor I
can tell you the absolute best thing you can do for your health and your life is nd a way to
safely reduce or even eliminate the number of drugs you’re taking . . .

That’s why I partnered with my good friend Jeff Reagan to write “No More Pills! How To Get
Off Prescription Drugs For Good” . . .

In “No More Pills!” you’ll discover . . .

• the 38-cent spice you can buy off the shelf at your local supermarket that has been proven in
6 different University studies to be just as effective as Celebrex for managing your pain (at
1/X,0000 the price!)
• The 3 “Healthy” foods any senior can give up to almost-instantly eliminate pain from
Alzheimers, Osteoarthritis and even “untreatable” Fibromyalgia . . .

• Why every man and woman over 60 NEEDS to eat more steak, eggs and butter . . . and
how gorging on these “fatty” and “bad” foods is the secret to quickly and permanently
lowering your blood pressure without NSAID’s or other dangerous medications . . .

• Has your urologist recommended you get your prostate removed? Tell him “No Way” and
show him the undeniable proof that you can drop your PSA number in just a couple
weeks . . . simply by following this almost-stupidly-simple diet . . .

And MUCH, MUCH more . . . you’ll be shocked at how many “Pharmaceutical-Grade” health
problems can be solved simply, quickly and cheaply with nothing but regular trips to Costco or
your local grocery store.

Free Gift #3: “9 Powerful Food Cures For Pain” ($19.95 Value)
In this slim but life-changing report you’ll learn . . .

• The spicy Chinese root that relieves both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis pain
(Scienti cally proven by the globally-renowned Arthritis Journal.)

• The “Secret” sweet fruit juice that has been shown to decrease pain-creating-in ammation
just as well as NSAID’s without the ulcers, stomach pain or dizziness that are all too common
side effects.

• The “Magic” brand of Cranberry juice that eliminates ulcer pain . . .

• How 200mg of Tumeric can reduce pain BETTER than drugs . . .

But that’s not all . . . 

Because you’ve lent me your valuable time and watched this video I also want to give you two
additional gifts, just as my way of saying Thank You . . .

WARNING though: I can only offer these gifts to you for a brief time. If you leave this page and
come back later please don’t be surprised if these gifts are no longer available and if you’re
forced to settle for just 3 gifts like everybody else.

Free Gift #4: Free Shipping On 3 Or 5 Canisters of Patriot

Power Greens ($8.95 Value)
If you’re like me you’ve felt your blood boil when you found what seemed to be a great deal
online, only to nd out they’re sticking you with the shipping without even telling you . . .
I don’t agree with that at all. So if you buy 3 or 5 Canisters of Patriot Power Greens (which will
save you up to $X.XX off the single canister price) I’ll RUSH ship your order to your door and I’ll
pay shipping out of my own pocket so you don’t have to worry about a thing.

Free Gift #5: We’ll Donate A Canister Of Patriot Power Greens

To Our Active Duty Military In Your Name

Your FIFTH gift isn’t actually a gift for you, it’s a gift to our young men and women in
uniform given in your name and showing your patriotism and support for the troops . . .

LISTEN: I’ll admit it, I have “Ulterior Motives” for creating Patriot Power Greens . . . I want to
help our soldiers around the world have the health, energy and alertness they need to defend
this great country of ours.

So, if you order 3 or 5 canisters of Patriot Power Greens today I’ll donate a canister to our Active
Duty Military . . .

That means by investing in your own health you’re also investing in the health (and possibly
even saving the life) of a serviceman or servicewoman somewhere in the world.

I don’t know about you, but I know I sleep better at night doing my part to support those brave
young men and women.

Before we go any further, let me ask you an important question . . .

Can you feel that?

Your heart beating in your chest . . .

The dryness in your mouth . . .

That incredible desire to feel the life-changing nutrients and vitamins of Patriot Power
Greens humming through your body . . .

Turning back time . . .

Giving you back the active, vibrant life you worked so hard for . . .

But that you’ve been forced to watch slip away year after year after year . . .

How much is it worth to you to have real control over your

life and your body back?
How much is it worth to wake up every morning and know with 100% certainty you are
doing the single most-important thing for your life and your health?

To have strangers, children and even doctors be legitimately shocked at how “old” you
are because of the energy and vibrance that emanate off you like a 10,000
candlepower spotlight . . .

To stay strong and independent for years and years when so many others are forced
to simply endure life instead of truly live it?

Imagine that for a second . . .

Keep it solid in your head . . .

And then tell me . . .

What do you think would be a fair price for you to “try out”
“Patriot Power Greens” and see if it’s truly for you?
If you’re being completely honest with yourself, I bet you’d say $197 a canister or more for this
powdered “fountain of youth” would be totally fair to turn back the clock on your body and
change your life forever . . .

(Heck, I bet you’d think that was cheap to never have to feel so worn out, achy and “old” ever
again . . .

But if I’ve learned anything in my own journey creating Patriot Power Greens and helping over
(X,000) men and women around the world . . .

If there’s one thing I’ve learned to truly admire about the generation that preceded mine . . .

It’s how sel ess you are (Unlike the younger folks today who only seem to care about
themselves) . . .

How so many seniors give everything to their kids and their grandkids . . .

But feel somehow “guilty” for spending even one red cent on yourself . . .

Even when you know you deserve it . . .

Even when you know being generous to yourself and giving yourself the energy, focus and
independence that should yours is the best thing you can do for yourself, your family and your
entire country that needs your wisdom and experience . . .

Which is why I’m going to do something kind of risky

here . . .
Not a risk to you . . .

But a big risk to me . . .

See, my mission in life is to give regular older men and women like you energy and control
over your life . . .

The energy to live your life on YOUR terms . . . to live your life out in the world instead of shut in
like so many of our seniors . . .

The energy to play with your grandkids and, for the rst time, having them working to keep up
with you . . .

And the control to make your own decisions and to be in command of your own life for as long
as humanly possible . . .

Because if you keep trying to use “Medicine” to solve the problems they say are just “part of
getting older” you already know what’s going to happen . . .

In fact I bet sometimes you lay awake at night (when insomnia and an urgent bladder has you
staring at the clock at 3 in the morning) thinking about it . . .

Thinking about the long hospital stays that are probably in your future . . .

The expensive and dangerous surgery . . .

And the crippling loneliness and loss of control as you get swallowed into an idiotic medical
system that insists on treating older Americans like you — Americans we should be
worshipping for what you have done for all of us . . . for everything you have endured — like
children . . .

How much is it worth to you to know you are doing everything you can to keep yourself healthy
and vital and youthful all the way into old age?

How much is it worth to you to know that you’ll still be able to go out garden, work, hunt, bowl,
play darts, watch football or any of the other things that have given your life joy and
meaning . . .

While everyone else your age nd themselves trapped in the cage of their own unnecessarily
failing body?

And how are you going to feel a few years or a few decades from now . . .

Laying in bed and realizing that you had the opportunity right here, right now to give yourself
the kind of active, amazing retirement our parents could never even dream of . . .

But didn’t take it?

I don’t want a few bucks or a feeling of “guilt” about doing “splurging” on yourself force you to
make the wrong decision . . .

Force you to do something that will eat at you as you wonder if you made the right choice . . .

So, because I want this for you so badly, I’m not going to ask you to pay $199.95 for Patriot
Power Greens or anything close to it . . .

For you, I’m going to set the price of a canister of Patriot Power Greens (plus all your bonuses)
at the low and affordable price of $99.95 . . .

Less than the cheapest “generic” medication but with effects that won’t just “handle” a single
medical problem but will actually give you the overwhelming health you deserve . . .

And if you take action right now I’ll give you a whopping 50% off . . .

And let you experience the transformational effects of Patriot Power Greens for just $49.95 a
canister . . .

That’s just $1.67 a day to radically improve your energy, your health and to get back the feeling
of youth and power you had not so long ago . . .

A HELL of a lot cheaper than what those greedy pharmaceutical companies charge for their
“life-saving” drugs . . .

But, You Know What? Because You’ve Been So Generous To

Give Me Your Time Today I Want To Do Something VERY
Special For You . . .
Here’s the deal . . .

If you act right now I’ll go against my 38-year-old “marketing guy’s” wishes (freaking punk kid)
and give you FIVE canisters of Patriot Power Greens for the already-discounted price
everybody else has to pay for THREE canisters . . .

That Means You’ll Get All The Life-Changing, Natural Results

Over (X,0000) Men And Women Have Already Experienced . . .

For less than a single dollar a day!

That means you’ll get FIVE bottles of Patriot Power Greens ($499 Real World Value) . . .

PLUS FREE Shipping ($8.95 Value)

PLUS your FREE Shaker Bottle ($4.95 Value)

PLUS your FREE “No More Pills! and “9 Powerful Food Cures for Pain” reports ($19.95 Value
Each . . . though the information inside will easily save you THOUSANDS of dollars) . . .

PLUS your FREE donation of one canister of Patriot Power Greens to our active-duty military
($99.95 Value) . . .

$652.75 of literally life-changing value . . .

All for just $149.00.

Since I put up this special offer I’ve been happy to see that a whopping 8 out of 10 customers
have seen the incredible deal they’re getting and pounce on my offer of FIVE canisters of
Patriot Power Greens for less than $150 . . .

But If You Want This Incredible Deal (Instead of Having To
Pay Full Price Like Everyone Else) You Have To Act Right
Now . . .

I know what it’s like to hem and haw and think about it . . . .
But like I said my “marketing guy” who knows all about this online stuff is telling me that I’m
being a fool for giving away Patriot Power Greens so cheaply . . .

He was already furious at me for insisting that we spend the money to get the highest-quality
ingredients in existence (instead of the “good enough” stuff used by most green powders) . . .

And he says we’re going to go broke if we keep giving away two canisters FREE like this to
every senior who stumbles onto this video . . .

Which means I have no idea how much longer I’m going to be able to give you this deal . . .

If you’re still seeing this page it means he hasn’t forced me to cancel your 50% discount . . .

Or your TWO free canisters of Patriot Power Greens yet.

But please, if you come back in a few hours or tomorrow and you can’t get this deal
anymore . . .

Please don’t write me begging . . . if you pass it up now there’s simply nothing I can do for you.

And just to take away every excuse you might have not to give this to yourself . . .

Here’s Why Your Order Of Patriot Power Greens Is Basically

Free (Actually, It’s Better Than Free)
Listen, I know money might be tight for you right now and I want you to feel 100% con dent
about trying out Patriot Power Greens and joining our over (X) thousand ecstatic, raving
customers today . . .

That’s why I’m going to “go out on a limb” here and offer you not one but TWO kind of “crazy”
guarantees so you know you’re risking absolutely nothing by trying out Patriot Power Greens
today . . .

Patriot Power Greens “I Take All The Risk” Guarantee #1:

The “You’ll Love Patriot Power Greens Or You’ll Get DOUBLE

Your Money Back” Guarantee
(See, I told you it was a little crazy . . .)

I’m so con dent in the results you’re going to get with Patriot Power Greens (and that you’re
going to be downright GIDDY with how Patriot Power Greens change your life) that I’m willing to
not just refund your money if you’re not happy . . .

I’m willing to pay you DOUBLE.

Here’s how it works . . .

Order Patriot Power Greens (1, 3 or 5 canisters . . . it’s up to you but 5 canisters is DEFINITELY
the most cost effective) today . . .

Use one full canister over the next month . . .

If you don’t feel younger, more energetic, happier and more focused . . .

If your spouse, your friends, your grandchildren and everyone else you know doesn’t notice a
tremendous CHANGE in you . . .

If you don’t feel that nagging pain that has haunted you for so long fade to almost nothing or
even disappear completely . . .

Just send back the unused part of your order and I’ll give you DOUBLE your money back, no
questions asked and we’ll part as friends.

Why am I willing to give you such a generous guarantee?

Because I WANT this for you.

I WANT you to experience what it’s like to truly have your energy and your verve back . . . to
truly have YOURSELF back in a way you probably thought was impossible until now . . .
Plus, after helping over (X,000) seniors all over the world and receiving tens-of-thousands of
testimonials, I know just how powerful and effective Patriot Power Greens truly are . . .

And that I’m not really “risking” anything at all by standing behind such a tested, proven and
effective product with such an astonishing track record of transforming the lives of people just
like you . . .

Now, most folks would say that my DOUBLE guarantee is

enough, but I want you to know you’re in good hands . . .

So I also want to back everything up with my SECOND

guarantee . . .
Patriot Power Greens “I Take All The Risk” Guarantee #2:

100% Money Back Lifetime Guarantee

Order Patriot Power Greens today. USE it. If at ANY time you don’t feel like Patriot Power
Greens was worth at least FIVE times what I’ve asked you to invest today . . .

Even if you’ve used ALL of it and barely have half a scoop left . . .

Just send the empty canisters back to me and I’ll refund your money happily and with no
questions asked.

Oh, and like I said before, even if you get a refund you STILL get to keep your free gifts just for
giving us a try.

Is it possible that some unscrupulous people will use my guarantee to take advantage of me?


But after (X) years on this planet I know that most people are fundamentally honest.

And If I have to take as small risk to to take away any anxiety you may have that is completely
worth it to me.

And all you have to do to get started is click the “Start My

Order” button below . . .
Whether you’re on your phone, your tablet or your computer you’ll be brought through our easy
and 100% Secure ordering process and we’ll RUSH your order to you asap.

Ok, it’s time for action . . .

Listen, I don’t want to pressure you here but if you think about it . . .
You’ve Got A Really SIMPLE Choice To Make . . .
Right now, as you watch this video, you’re at a crossroads that’s going to effect not just
your life, but the life of your family and everyone who you love and who loves you
too . . .

And when you think about it, you’ve really just got two options . . .

Option 1: Do Nothing. Let this video end. Leave this site behind and keep feeling tired all the

Pretend that you’re “OK” with getting older and slower . . . pretend that it doesn’t bother you to
give up everything that made you passionate . . . everything that gave your life meaning.

Watch helplessly as your body betrays you . . . as you get weaker, slower, more exhausted. As
you feel like you’re not living your life as much as surviving it . . .

If you’ve watched this far through this video it tells me something very important . . .

It tells me that you’re not going to “give up” like so many seniors do . . .

It tells me that you want to truly LIVE for as many days and years as God gives you on this
planet . . .

It tells me that “doing nothing” is simply not in your genetic makeup . . . After a lifetime of joy and
suffering “Giving up” is something you simply don’t do . . .

Which is why I think you’re going to want to take Option 2.

Option 2: Let ME Take All The Risk For You. Do what over (X,000) seniors have done already
and discover just how much your health, your memory and your life can improve with Patriot
Power Greens. Choose to really LIVE the years you have left on this planet with energy and
passion most “young folks” could never muster . . .

Like I said, I have no idea how long I can keep this 5

canisters for the price of 3 deal going . . .
But I do know that I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve managed to create with Patriot Power
Greens . . .

I know I go to bed every night with a smile on my face after reading the incredible testimonials
so many of our customers have sent us . . .

(Testimonials you’ll see as soon as you click the “Start My Order” button below . . .

And I know if you just click the button below and give Patriot Power Greens a try, you will be
very, very happy that you did.

My name is Dr. Lane Sebring, M.D.

Thank you so much for your valuable time. Please, for you, “try out” Patriot Power Greens risk
free today . . . and when you start feeling the incredible results of this life-changing nutritional
super-cocktail please send me an email at so I can add you to
our long-and-growing list of very satis ed customers.

God Bless America. I can’t wait to hear about your results.


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