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Final Internship report


Name of Intern(s) ID No’s

1. ZELALEM WEGAYEHU-------------------------------------CESR/0794/09
2. GENET MESERET---------------------------------------------CESR/0337/09
3. HANNA TUFA--------------------------------------------------CESR/0387/09
4. REDINT FIKADE-----------------------------------------------CESR/0620/09
5. TEKUAM TESEFA----------------------------------------------CESR/0718/09
6. MARTA TELAHUN---------------------------------------------CESR/0499/09
April 2013

First of all we are grateful to GOD ALMIGHTY for without His graces and blessings this report would
not have been possible. Thanks are extended to the Chemical and construction input industry for
writing a supportive letter for EPI to accept us for internship and Ethiopia plastic Industry for accepting
us as intern student and releasing Mr.-------------a company adviser to help, guide and coordinate us
during the internship period. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to for those electrical engineers
-------------, -------------------, --------------------- in our hosting company for their understanding and co-
operation during the course of our project work.

Thanks, are extended to our university advisers Mr. --------- for his support and endorsement of the original
report and the role He played by giving His encouraging ideas, expertise and advice.

Finally, we would like to acknowledge the entire administrator, human resource, workers, technicians,
securities, cleaner’s cafe workers and operators for having and treating us during the internship period.

Thanks for their cooperation, teamwork and patient.

Executive Summary
This is an overall view of the whole report that we have been working for the period of two months.
Through our 2 months of practice, we have acquired an immense amount of knowledge and experience
from difference professionals in the factory. It shows about what we have been doing, what we have
learnt including brief history of the company, mission, vision, objectives, organizational structure,
work flow, customers, products and overall 5 sections of the company with their principle operation
and function also the Challenges we faced and the successes we have achieved during the period of the
program working for two months. There were many challenges and solutions to those problems
through different techniques and evaluations.
This report also include the meaning, operating principle and how three phase induction motor is
repaired in winding section of the company, machine starting and control mechanisms with overall
control unit of the company which includes programmable logic controller and relay logic system and
some basic electrical protective and control devices with other electrical equipment’s. We have also
been able to relate our theoretical knowledge with the real world application; we developed our team
playing, interpersonal, leadership and communication skills, which hopefully will make the rest of our
academic year very effective and more understandable than before
Contents Pages

Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................8
1. BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY..................................................................................................8
1.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................8
Ethiopian plastic industry..................................................................................................................10
1.2. Vision, Mission and Objective of EPI.............................................................................................10
1.2.1 Vision.......................................................................................................................................10
1.2.2 Mission.....................................................................................................................................10
1.2.3 Objective...................................................................................................................................10
1.3 Overall organizational management and work flow........................................................................11
1.3.1 Organizational Structure...........................................................................................................11
1.3.2 Work Flow................................................................................................................................12
1.4 Key Stakeholders of EPI..................................................................................................................13
1.5. Production Process of EPI..............................................................................................................13
1.5.1 Main Products of Ethiopian plastic industry.............................................................................13
1.5.2 Major Customers or end users of EPI.......................................................................................13
1.5.3 Major supplier for EPI..............................................................................................................14
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................14
2. Overall Internship Experience...............................................................................................................14
2.1 Objectives of the Internship.............................................................................................................14
2.1.1 General Objective.....................................................................................................................14
2.1.2 Specific objectives....................................................................................................................15
2.2 How we did get to the Company......................................................................................................15
2.3 Work tasks that we observed in EPI................................................................................................16 Blow molding machine..............................................................................................................21
2.3.2 Pipe factory...................................................................................................................................24
2.3.3 Poly and printing factory..............................................................................................................31
2.3.4 Composite factory.........................................................................................................................33
2.4.1 Control unit of the plant................................................................................................................36
2.4.2 Protection and Control Devices....................................................................................................38
2.4.3 Maintenance Section.....................................................................................................................46 Induction motor.........................................................................................................................46 Three Phase Induction Motor Rewinding..................................................................................47
2.4.4 Other electrical devices.................................................................................................................48
2.4.5 Power supply of the company.......................................................................................................49
2.5 Major Duties of the Intern...............................................................................................................50
2.6 Challenges Faced and Measures......................................................................................................50
2.6.1 Challenges we faced.....................................................................................................................50
2.6.2 Measures Taken to Solve the Challenges......................................................................................50
CHAPTER THREE...............................................................................................................................51
3. Benefits Gained from the Internship..................................................................................................51
3.1 Theoretical knowledge and practical skills......................................................................................51
3.1.1 The theoretical Knowledge...........................................................................................................51
3.1.2 Improving practical skills.............................................................................................................52
3.2 Team playing skills..........................................................................................................................53
3.3. Interpersonal Skills.........................................................................................................................54
3.4 Leadership Skills.............................................................................................................................54
3.5. Work ethics.....................................................................................................................................55
3.6 Entrepreneurship Skill.....................................................................................................................55
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................56
4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................56
4.1 CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................56
4.2 RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................................................57
4.2.1 Recommendation for EPI..............................................................................................................57
4.2.2 Recommendation for the industrial linage....................................................................................58
4.2.3 Recommendation for the COE......................................................................................................58

List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Organizational structure of EPI..............................................................15
Figure 2.1: Injection molding machine....................................................................20
Figure 2.2: Raw materials of IMM............................................................................20
Figure 2.3: Process description of IMM...................................................................21
Figure 2.4: Process flow chart of IMM.....................................................................22
Figure 2.5: Products of IMM....................................................................................22
Figure 2.6: Blow molding machine...........................................................................23
Figure 2.7: Process description of BMM..................................................................24
Figure 2.8: Process flow chart of BMM....................................................................25
Figure 2.9: Products of BMM...................................................................................25
Figure 2.10: Pipe factory..........................................................................................26
Figure 2.11: Process description of PVC machine....................................................29
Figure 2.12: process flow chart of section 1............................................................30
Figure 2.13: process flow chart of section 2............................................................31
Figure 2.14: Products of pipe factory.......................................................................31
Figure 2.15: Process flow chart of PPF.....................................................................33
Figure 2.16: Products of PPF....................................................................................34
Figure 2.17: Composite machine.............................................................................34
Figure 2.18: Products of CM....................................................................................35
Figure 2.19: Product of PSF......................................................................................36
Figure 2.20: Components of PLC..............................................................................38
Figure 3.1: Star Delta starter....................................................................................53

List of Acronyms
AC……………………..Alternating current

BMM…………………..Blow molding machine

CCII…………………...Chemical and Construction Input Industry

CM…………………….Composite factory

CPU…………………...Central processing unit

DC…………………….Direct current

EPI…………………….Ethiopian plastic industry

FDRE………………….Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

LDPE………………….Low density Polyethylene

LED …………………..Light Emitting Diode

IMM…………………..Injection molding machine

I/O ……………………Input Output

METEC………………Metals and Engineering Corporation

NC……………………Normally closed

NO……………………Normally open

PLC…………………...Programmable Logic Circuit

Plc……………………..Private limited company

PF……………………..Pipe factory

PPF……………………Poly and printing factory

PSF……………………Profile and selling factory

PVC…………………...Polyvinyl chloride

PWM…………………..Pulse Width Modulation

HDPE………………….High density Polyethylene

PPR……………………Polypropylene Resin


KV…………………….Kilo Volt

VFD…………………...Variable Frequency Drive

°C………………………Degree Centigrade



Figure1. 1 Ethio-engineering group logo

Ethio-engineering Group (formerly METEC) is a Government owned industrial enterprise established

under the laws of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia /FDRE/ by the decree of the council of
ministers. The main aim to establish EEG has been to make a fundamental difference through a lead
role in the industrialization of Ethiopia. It is working under a free market norms and standards with
special commitments that enable domestic and foreign investors to enjoy partnership and cooperation.

Currently, EEG is comprised of 10 semi-autonomous, and integrated manufacturing industries that are
operating in more than nine different sectors. In addition to supporting the key stakeholders in the
public sector, the EEG companies were established for developing their respective private sector value
chains and accelerating the technological capacity of the country. Most of the EEG companies are
situated in the Addis Ababa, Adama corridor where higher education institutions, R&D, manufacturing
and the supplier ecosystem are forming industry pre-clusters and clusters that are conducive for
innovation. The company’s headquarter is located in the Mexico Square area of Addis Ababa and its
plant facilities are located in the Gerji neighborhood of Addis Ababa.
METEC changes its name into EEG to star afresh and to build customers trust and also to make
The National Industrial Engineering Corporation includes:
 Adama Agricultural Machinery Industry
 Akaki Basic Metals Industry
 Bishoftu Automotive Industry
 Corporate R&D center
 Ethiopia Power Engineering Industry
 Hibret Manufacturing and Machine Building Industry
 Hi-tech Engineering Industry
 Infrastructure Machinery Engineering Industry
 Metals and Fabrication Industry

 Ethiopian Plastic Industry

From those industries our hosting company is Ethiopian Plastic Industry (EPI), which is our internship
program held on.

1.1.1Ethiopian plastic industry

Ethiopia plastic industry was established in 1960 by a group of five entrepreneurs. In 1973 the military
government took ownership of the major share in the company, leaving the remaining to the original
owners. Consequently, in 1978 the military government nationalized the company. Renamed Ethiopia
plastic industry (EPI) the company was incorporated into the Ethio Engineering group (formerly
METEC) in 2011. The companies headquarter and its plant facilities are located in Addis Ababa Gerji
area. EPI produces a wide range of plastic materials PPR pipe and fittings, HDPE pipes and fittings,
PVC pipes and fittings, polyethylene products, such as packaging film, shrinking wrap and shopping
bags, irrigation hose products, bus seat, sprinkler and military plastic products. This industry is
developing and constructing plastic and fiber manufacturing factories for both private and public sector
associations all over Ethiopia in favor of young producer.
1.2. Vision, Mission and Objective of EPI
1.2.1 Vision
 To develop Ethiopia's economy in plastic sector.
 To be a leader in product quality and customer service within the plastic sector.

1.2.2 Mission
 Develop, design and produce military, commercial products and services.
 Develop local production capabilities and create industrial network.
 Increase production capacity of strategically important plastic products.
 Substitute imports with locally produced products.
 Develop and design plastic machinery from sister company and transfer to micro and small

1.2.3 Objective
The main aim of the company is to produce and deliver plastic related:
 Construction materials
 Wrapping and packaging materials
 Different house and utensils up to the maximum satisfaction of its customers in economically
viable and financially profitable manner.

1.3 Overall organizational management and work flow

1.3.1 Organizational Structure

There are different interrelated task managements in Ethiopian plastic industry.
 Formulate and ensures the implementation of quality policy.
 Provides necessary resources to maintain and improve the system.
 Appropriate internal communication process.
 Ensures if customer interests are handled appropriately.
The management system of Ethiopian plastic industry is subdivided by different staff management as
explained below and all are governed by the executive director

Accounting Quality Quality Maintenance

and finance check and check and supply and
manager assurance assurance utility
manager manager manager

Injection and
blow molding Composite Profile and
Poly sheet Pipe factory
manager factory ceiling
manager manager
manager factory

HDPE and PPR PVC and conduit

Pipe factory pipe factory

FIGURE1. 2 Ethio-engineering group logo
1.3.2 Work Flow
Everyone employee in Ethiopian plastic industry is responsible for safety of the machineries and
products, their work and to operate in conformance with all workers to make appropriate
notification when problems with system exist. Ethiopian plastic industry has applied methods for
monitoring the production and applicable measurement for the quality management system.
These methods demonstrate the ability of the process to achieve planned results and create a
check and balance between the upper class and the working labor. Correction & corrective action
are taken appropriately when planned results are not achieved to ensure conformity of the

Some measurements of the process may include:-

 Quality of product

 Conscious efforts of waste and cost reduction

 Check effectiveness and efficiency of workers.

 Capabilities

 Yield of production

1.4 Key Stakeholders of EPI

The military government took ownership of 55% of the company, leaving the remaining 45% to
the five Italian entrepreneurs but in 1978 the military government nationalized the whole

1.5. Production Process of EPI

1.5.1 Main Products of Ethiopian plastic industry

There are different plastic products from EPI:

 PVC pipes and fittings, HDPE pipe and fittings.                  
 PVC profiles, windows and doors, ceiling.
 Flexible and rigid conduits.
 PPR pipes
 Injection and blow molding products :- some are military materials like rifle butt house
hold equipment’s different size plastic containers like caps and boots, construction
materials like safety hats and fittings and so on.        
 Energy meter body, Sprinklers.
 Poly roll bags and sheet products like packaging films.
 Composite products like power cases for electrical transformer and also shield for Ethio
telecom. Industrial boots and junction boxes.         

1.5.2 Major Customers or end users of EPI

The company supplies its products mainly to the local market and in a small percentage to
external market. The Company produces many products which having different quality
parameters based on the customer needs. Some of the major customers are:
 Addis Ababa Housing Development Project Office
 Addis Home Depot.
 Amhara National Regional State Housing Development Office.
 Construction and Construction Materials Production Enterprises.
 Dire Dawa Housing Development Project Office.
 Ethio Agro-Safe.
 Mageron Construction and Trade plc.
 Oromia National Regional Development Housing Development Office.
 Sur Construction plc.
 Southern Peoples Nations and Nationalities Regional Housing Development Office.
 TekleBirhan Ambaye Construction plc.

1.5.3 Major supplier for EPI

 Techno Service
 Thai Plastic
 Quantum Chemical
 Wenter
2. Overall Internship Experience
2.1 Objectives of the Internship
2.1.1 General Objective
The objective of the internship is to make us qualified, motivated and practiced oriented.
Internship should provide us with valuable insights into the professional and industry oriented
side of our field of study. It should enable us to put into practice the skills, techniques and
knowledge acquired in our university through lectures that are important for success in our future
endeavor. In addition:

 It will explore students to be a potential employer.

 To develop Work ethics.
 Students will develop skills and techniques directly applicable to their
 Creating the opportunity to develop attitudes conducive to effective Inter
personal relationships.
 Put theory into practice.

2.1.2 Specific objectives

 To develop an understanding of an organization's various management and technical
Skills, the communications techniques and the decision-making processes.

 Provide students with the soft skills needed in work place and in leadership positions.
 To builds professional networks.
 Internship students will Gain experience and increase marketability.
 Students learn how a professional workplace operates.
 Students will expand philosophy and knowledge in the field.
 Identify personal strengths and weaknesses.
 Develop the initiative and motivation to be a self-starter and work independently.
 To develop smooth interaction with co-workers.
2.2 How we did get to the Company
The country’s minister of education of Ethiopia states that any technology student should be sent
to different companies to accomplish the internship program. Our institute-Industrial linkage
plays a mandatory role and makes a suitable situation for all technology students to get into
different areas depending on the stream we choose.

The industry linkage has contacts with different companies and organizations that are accepted
the internship program and the students also allowed searching for appropriate internship
company which is nearest to their home town by themselves to make suitable condition for
internship period but we cannot find companies that are suitable for us.
FDRE Chemical and Construction Input Industry is one of the institutes that have contacts with
the industrial linkage. This institute gives ten positions for electrical and additional positions for
mechanical, chemical and hydraulic student .so we apply for it.
After some time based on their criteria they selected 7 students from electrical department and
send us to CCII. Then the institute provides different industry that are available for our area then
we choose EPI since it becomes one of the huge profitable & unlimited Customer demand in
plastic industries due to the fact that it used modernized electrical technologies to make its
production rate and quality easier. That is why we had Preferred to spent our internship time at
this company. Finally when we finish the process we start working.
The Ethiopian plastic company’s members treated us kindly as much as possible to makes us to
be familiar with company’s principles and activities. We work in process carrying out, starting
from injection molding to the plastic production through different processes and machines. The
working situation is smooth and workers are too kind to help us in case of whatever questions we
raised. We have been working in different of Ethiopian plastic factory sections such as profile
and ceiling, injection and blow molding, poly sheet, composite factory.
As electrical engineering students, our interest was working in an industry which can help us to
upgrade our theoretical knowledge to practical. We worked for three months and we have seen
many practical works and problems that the factory was faced and we were able to improve our
problem solving skill by putting our theoretical work to practical (by using simulation) and to
have knowledge from experienced persons in the industry through our three months of work.
2.3 Work tasks that we observed in EPI
Among from different working sections of the factory we have been working mainly in three
factories including injection and blow molding factory, pipe factory and poly sheet factory and in
addition to this we were also involved to some extent in the composite factory, profile and textile
factory and motor maintenance section. In the next section of this chapter we will try to explain
the process, raw materials, electrical equipment’s and also flow diagrams about each factory that
we are observed in EPI.

Figure 2.1: Injection molding machine

Raw materials of IMM

 PPR: This is a thermoplastic polymer used in a wide variety of applications including

packaging and labelling also to produce plastic parts. The ability of polypropylene resins
to fill molds relates to their molecular weight properties and generally is referred to as
melt flow.
 HDPE injection grand: This is a high density poly ethylene, which is used for production
of heavy task films and materials. In this case it is used as a raw material melted inside
the injector.
 Master batch: is a solid or liquid additive for plastic used for colouring plastics.

Figure 2.2: Raw materials of IMM

Process description of IMM

Raw materials are loaded into the hopper in regular intervals, either manually or via a pumping
device (Auto loader) which is connected to 220V Ac electric supply. These raw material flows
into the barrel with the combined effect of gravity and the rotation of the reciprocating screw due
to hydraulic motor .The barrel is heated by five electrical heating bands which take 220V Ac
each. Contactors control each heater band is by accepting signals from thermoregulatory which
contain k-type temperature sensor to measure each heater band temperature. The part of the
barrel closest to the mold contains molten plastic as the heater band wrapped around the barrel
warm up the plastic material. When the mold is closed due to hydraulic piston and the barrel
nozzle align with the sprue (passage for molten plastic from the barrel to mold cavity), the screw
begins to rotate with the hydraulic motor again .when the screw rotates the plastic inputs are
moved forward and gradually melt by the time they reach the front of the barrel then it will be
pushed into the mold and at the same time it grabs newly entered plastic input from the hopper
toward the barrel.

At the completion of the rotation process, the screw is pushed forward like a syringe with a
hydraulic piston to compress the material inside the empty part of the mold which is called cavity
image (mold). By using timer it will wait some time to cool the product before opening the mold
to harden the plastic product.
When the mold is opening, the injection unit is pulled to the non-operating position by another
hydraulic piston. At the same time, the screw is pulled back by the large hydraulic cylinder on
the injection unit. While the screw is being pulled back, the rotation of the screw pushes the
plastic material forward to compensate the space generated by the pulling screw. Finally this
process repeated again.
Figure 2.3: Process description of IMM

Process Flow chart of IMM

Figure 2.4: Process flow chart of IMM

Productions of IMM
Some of the Main products of Injection molding machines are:-

 Cups
 Electric monitor coverage
 Plastic boots
 Switch box
 Fittings

Figure 2.5: Products of IMM Blow molding machine

Blow molding is a manufacturing process that is used to create hollow plastic parts by inflating a
heated plastic tube until it fill same old and forms the desired shape. The raw material in this
process is a thermoplastic in the form of small pellets or granules, which is first melted and
formed into a hollow tube, called the parson. The parson is then clamped between the mold valve
sand inflated by pressurized air until it conforms to the inner shape of the mold cavity lastly,
after the path is cooled, the mold valve separated and the part is ejected.

Figure 2.6: Blow molding machine

Raw materials of BMM

HDPE blow molding: - This is also a high density polyethylene which is also used for production
of heavy task film and materials in this case it is used as a raw material melted and directed to
blowing machine

HDPE injection grand: - This is a high density poly ethylene which is used for production of
heavy task films and materials. In this case it is used as a raw material melted inside the injector.

Master batch: is a solid or liquid additive for plastic used for coloring plastics.

Production process of BMM

First as the injection machine the raw material is prepared according to the ratio from the quality
and inspection workshop. Then the sucker will suck the raw material to the Hooper. In the raw
material if there is a color preference by the customer Master Bach will be added. Then the
Hooper guides the raw material to the heating zones of the blow molding machine then
depending on the temperature arrangement the temperature sensor control each five heater band
by sending signal to thermo regulators which is connected to solid state relay to control supply
voltage and also to adjacent fans to cool the heater band then the raw material will be melted
( this whole process is similar to IMM) and guide to the vertical arrangement due to
reciprocating screw which is moved by main motor containing the blow pin of the plunger and
accumulator die head then the blow pin will blow the raw material directing vertical and the
plunger will help to plug and support the shape of the product additionally thickness of the
product will be maintained by PLC by controlling the screw revolution per minute it also control
the movement of cutter (one way or two way) then the plunger directly guide to the mold then
frame of the mold are move toward the parison due to hydraulic system which is controlled by
cylinders then the air (which is controlled by pneumatic system) pumped raw material to get its
shape. Finally after getting its shape it will eject the product.

Notice: hydraulic piston controlled by different actuator to control the pathway of oil from oil
tank to the cylinder in order to control the movement.
Figure 2.7: Process description of BMM

Process Flow chart of BMM


Products of BMM

Usingblowmoldingmachine,wecanproducemilitarymaterialslikemilitarybottle,chair,riflebutt and
construction materialslikesafety hats, fittingsandsoon.


2.3.2 Pipe factory

Pipe factory is one of the factories that are found in the Ethiopian plastic industry. This factory
produces different size pipes and PVC plastics for different purposes like for irrigation purpose
for sanitation and the like. Specifically, it produces four types of pipes, using two different
sections. In the first pipe sections there are two types of pipe product HDPE pipes and PPR
pipes. In the other pipe section, it mainly produces PVC pipes and Conduit for different purpose
like sanitation and drainage systems and others for irrigation and water transportation purpose
plus to that conduit for wiring purposes.


Raw materials for PF

PVC risen- This compound is a very strong temperature resistance compound called poly vinyl
chloride with a good strength. It is a thermoplastic polyolefin which is easy to process into pipes
& fittings with superior chemical & physical properties.

PPR- is a poly propylene compound and a thermoplastic polymer used in a wide variety of
applications including packaging and labelling also to produce plastic parts.

HDPE- is a high density poly ethylene. This is used for production of heavy task films and
materials having high temperature resistivity.

Additives that are added in the production process

Filler (CaCo3)-for increasing strength

TiO2-for solar energy resistance
Steric acid-for physical appearance
Lubricant-for decreasing friction
Pigment-for colouring purpose
SMS stabilizer-for homogenized those chemicals and for temperature stabilization.

Section 1: In this section there are two types of pipe product PVC pipes and conduit pipes
produced by using different combination of Raw material.

Process description of section 1


It is a process of mixing raw materials used in the production of PVC. This machine mixes PVC
resign powder, PVC stabilizer powder, calcium carbonate powder, Titanium dioxide powder,
carbon black solid. In order to mix the raw material 120 degree Celsius is required, it achieved
by friction heat which is created by high wattage ac motor . After reaching the required
temperature, the blends automatically turn off.


It is an intermediate storage which sac the blend from cooling chamber by the help of a small
induction motor called sac motor then, feed the blend to extruder by the help of feed motor. Each
sac and feed motor speed is controlled by plc. Before the blend reaches the extruder, temporarily
stored in the hopper thus, the feed motor feed into extruder.


The extruder has temperature controlled zoned barrel in which rotate precious screws which is
governed by main dc motor. The performance requirement of the extruder is being successfully
met the desired-out puts are being attained, with adequate resin melting and melt homogeneity at
a constant discharge pressure and melting temperature. The dry blend is metered into the barrel
and screws which then convert the dry blend into the required melt state by heat, pressure and
shear. In the extruder the thermocouples are connected in order to sense the current temperature
of the mixture and it would be visible in controlled display center. In the extruder, fans are used
to cool the temperature when it is above the set value and the contactor becomes open. When the
temperature is below the set value the contactor closed and heat supplied into the mixture.

Die and Mandrel

The die shaped the extrude malt according to the size of the pipe and flow characteristics of the
molten plastic. Dies are used to molding purpose raw materials and give a definite shape of
pipes. Dies adjust the external diameter of the pipe, but mandrel issued to adjust the internal
diameter of the pipe. In this part the die uses electrical heater and thermocouple with temperature
controller in order to control the temperature of theDie. Dies are designed to compensate for
effects of shrinkage when a melt solidifies.
Vacuum Tank
Vacuum tank (pressure calibration system) used to for maintaining the shapes of the pipe by
sacking the air out of the stainless steel tank which have a great role in keeping the vacuum
inside. Vacuum shaping water tank is provided with a mobile device that moving left and right
with regulating manually or automatically by using device controller.
Bath (cooling)
Bath is used to harden the exterior layer of the PVC and hold the pipe diameter during final
cooling in the controlled water-cooling section and it contains water pump which is used to
pump cool water by using small. It is a part of processing system that is used to cool the pipe by
spraying water when the pipe that comes from the vacuum tank that is not cooled. The purpose
of cooling is used to protect them from bending and to gain definite or appropriate shape of the

The turning of the marking wheel is achieved by contact between the pipe or cable and the upper
driving wheel. Therefore, the marking speed is the same as extrusion speed which is
accomplished by synchronize the two motors. The tape coming from a roll slides between the
stamps and the pipe; the marking wheel is heated by resistance heater allowing hot stamping by
means of stamps.

Haul off

A machine used to pull the pipe at constant speed but, the pulling speed is appropriate with feed
speed. Thus, the two speeds have to be synchronized. It is basically work with forward reverse
controlling methods. Speed control is very important when this equipment is used because the
speed at which the pipe is pulled will affect the wall thickness of the finished product. In these
machines a series of chains are used to pull the pipe. Haul off units are easy to set up due to
pneumatic clamping. These are highly appreciated due to synchronization with extruder and
feature of encoder system.

Cutting Machine

A motor-driven circular saw cutter enables high-speed cutting operation of the pipes. A chamfer
tool is also incorporated along with the cutter. It’s processing system that is used to cut the pipe
automatically with a length setting by the operator. The cutting system is controlled by PLC
(programmable logic control).In front of the cutter machine there is a rotor encoder that is used
to measure the length of the pipe. This pipe length is sense by position sensor that is controlled
by PLC. And also, there are many switches like limit switch, proximity switch to sense the
position of the pipe and also the cutting machine.

A machine used to make a joint for connecting two or more pipes. It is a processing system that
is used to bell the corner part of the pipe.

Notice: production of conduits is almost the same as PVC production except it does not use

 Marking and belling system.

 PLC system.
 Raw material.


Process flow chart of section 1


Section 2-there is two types of pipe product HDPE pipes and PPR pipes produced by HDPE
and PPR Raw material.

Process description of section 2

Material is fed to the extruder hopper either automatically or manually. Start the extruder and
increase the speed to get the required thickness and adjust the temperature of extruder barrel to
get proper melting and homogeneity of pipe molten material. Feed the fitted molten material to
the vacuum tank. Hook the pipe to the lead line and start the haul off. Set the haul off speed to
control the pipe thickness and vacuum. Adjust vacuum of vacuum Tank to get proper roundness,
smoothness of pipe surface. Set the length of pipe to be cut and cutter cuts the pipe after sensing
the length set automatically. The printer is set on the pipe to print the pipe details on the pipe.
The cut pipes are collected and bundled.

Process flow charts of section 2


Products of PF
The factory has the following products:
 PVC pipes
 HDPE pipes
 PPR pipes
 conduit pipes


2.3.3 Poly and printing factory

Poly and printing factory is the main and crucial factory that exists in Ethiopia plastic industry. It
produces different film products like poly sheet and poly amid. Different poly sheet product is
the major domestic export product in PPF.

One of the most common methods of film manufacture in EPI is Blown Film (also referred to as
the Tubular Film) Extrusion. Blown Film Extrusion is an established process which is used to
manufacture a wide range of commodity & specialized plastic films for the packaging industry.

Raw Material for PPF

Materials Polyethylene (HDPE and LDPE) are the most common resins in use, but a wide variety
of other materials can be used as blends with these resins.

Process description of PPF

First the raw material is mixed according to the required ratio and manually loaded to hopper
then the extrusion process will start. The plastic that is entered through the hopper will melt by
ten adjacent heater band then the main motor will move the screw to push the plastic material
forward. Thermocouples sense each heater band temperature and send signal to contactors to on
and off the heater supply, which is 220V.Plastic melt is extruded through an annular slit die,
usually vertically, to form a thinwalled tube. Air is introduced via a hole in the center of the die
to blow up the tube likea balloon by using small compressor; a high-speed air ring use single
phase motor as a fun to blow onto the hot film tocool it. The tube of film then continues
upwards, continually cooling, until it passes through nip rolls by the help of collapsing frame
where the tube is flattened to create what is known as a ' lay-flat' tube of film. This lay-flat is
then taken back down the extrusion 'tower' via more rollers.The lay-flat film is then either kept as
such or the edges of the lay-flat are slit off to produce two flat film sheets and wound up onto
reels. Regulation of film width and thickness by controlling the volume of air in the bubble,
output of the extruder and the speed of the haul off.

Process flow chart of PPF

Products of PPF
Typical products are like:

 Industry packaging’s e.g. shrink film, stretch film, and bag film or container liners.
 Poly amid.


2.3.4 Composite factory

Composite machine produce different long lasting product by combining two or more materials –
often ones that have specific different physical or chemical properties, when combined it produce
a material with characteristics different from the individual components which give unique
properties. Where one of the materials is reinforcement (fiber) and the other material is a matrix
(resin). The combination of the fiber and matrix provide characteristics superior to either of the
materials utilized alone.


Process description of CM
Paste reservoir dispenses a measured amount of specified resin paste onto a plastic carrier film.
This carrier film passes underneath a chopper which cuts the fibers onto the surface. Once these
have drifted through the depth of resin paste, another sheet is added on top which sandwiches the
glass. The sheets are compacted and then enter onto a take-up roll, which is used to store the
product whilst it matures. The carrier film is then later removed and the material is cut into
charges. Depending on what shape is required determines the shape of the charge and steel die
which it is then added to. Heat and pressure act on the charge and once fully cured, this is then
removed from the mold as the finished product.
Products of CM
 Composite tables.
 Compact sub stations.
 Power factor cabinet.
 Roof panel.
 Door lock.


2.3.5 Profile and selling factory

Profile and sealing factory are one of the factories in the Ethiopian plastic industry, which
produce main frames made of plastic material which can be used for producing doors, windows,
partitions and other fitting materials. Mainly produce different PVC doors and windows as well
as PVC selling’s.
Process description of PSF
First raw material is gathered and measured according to the mixture (mixing) ratio. This is done
depending on the needed product which can be profile or selling. After the row materials are
mixed inside the mixer there is a heating and cooling process in order to mix the row materials
before going to the main process these is a dry mixing process. Entering to the main process first
there is Hooper which is used to store the row materials. then the heat will be turned on to warm
up these heat bands are arranged in increasing order and these heaters can raise the temperature
from 150 to 230OC then when the temperature is reached before the row material inter the main
process cleaner will be inserted to clean other impurities from the previous process and Master
Bach is used for coloring purpose.

After that using heat band the row material is heated step by step there is a temperature
increment from one band to other band and the temperature is measured and monitored using
temperature sensor and the heated material is passed from one band to the other using a screw
like structure inside the temperature zone used to push the molten raw material. After the heat
band there is a die, the die is used to shape the molten material from the heater. Then the molten
is pass through water bath by hand until it rich the roller, before the roller here is an air pump
used to cool the material again the pull roller roll the shaped profile material to cutter then the
cutter will cut the profile(solid)in its adjusted size.

Products of PSF

 Windows, doors and other fitting materials.

 Different PVC doors and windows as well as PVC selling’s.


2.4 Overall System Components and Operations

2.4.1 Control unit of the plant

It is the main part of the plant because the overall operating system is controlled and governed by
this unit. Every machine in the company can be controlled in two ways. This are relay system
and PLC system. The relay system is a bulky and an absolute because it is a mesh manual
connection of switches. The PLC is smallest sized equipment that was invented to replace the
necessary sequential relay circuits for machine control and works by looking at its input and
depending up on their stating turning ON /OFF its outputs. EPI uses PLC for most of its machine
and relay system for old machinery like injection molding machine.

 Programmable logic circuit

Programmable logic controller is a special form of microprocessor-based controller that

continuously monitors the states of devices connected as input. It is a specialized computer used
to control machines and processes. It shares common terms with typical personal computers like
central processing unit, memory, software and communications. Based up on a user written
program, stored in memory, it controls the states of devices connected as output.
PLC system has five basic functional components these are central processing unit, power supply
unit, input output module, interface module, and Programming Device.
1. Power supply: - PLCs are generally powered from AC mains and power supply system
converts ac voltages to required Dc provide a constant voltage levels to the I/O
modules required for internal operation of PLCs (mainly±5V Dc or ±12V Dc).It is typically non-
redundant. Hence a failure of the power supply can cause the control system to fail.
2. Input/ Output Section:-The input section or input module consists of devices like
sensors, switches and many other real world input sources. The input from the sources is
connected to the PLC through the input connector rails. The output section or output module can
be a motor or a solenoid or a lamp or a heater, whose functioning is controlled by varying the
input signals.

3. Memory: - The memory function of the CPU stores programs and data that the CPU needs to
perform various operations. It stores the results of the logical operations performed by the
4. Central processing unit: -The processor (CPU) is the “brain” of the PLC. The CPU controls
all PLC activity and is designed to enables the user can enter the desired program inrelay ladder
logic and other programming languages. It organizes all control activity by receiving inputs,
performing logical decisions according to the program, and controls the outputs.

5. Programming Device: - It is the platform where the program or the control logic is written. It
can be a handheld device or a laptop or a computer itself.


Working principle of PLC
Basics of a PLC function are continual scanning of a program. The scanning process involves
three basic steps.
Step 1: Testing input status
First the PLC checks each of its input with intention to see which one has status on or off. In
other words it checks whether a switch or a sensor etc., is activated or not. The information that
the processor obtains through this step is store in memory in order to be used in the following
Step 2: Program execution
Here a PLC executes an instruction based on the program and the status of the input has obtained
in the preceding step, and appropriate action is taken. The action might be activation of certain
outputs and the results can be put off and stored in memory to be retrieved later in the following
Step 3: Checking and Correction of output status
Finally, a PLC checks up output signals and changes are performed based on the input status that
had been read during the first step and based on the result of the program execution in step two
following execution of step three. PLC returns a beginning of the cycle and continually repeats
these steps.
Uses of Programmable Language Controller:

 Simple and low maintenance cost.

 Low power consumption.
 Smaller, cheaper and more reliable than corresponding relay control system.
 Easy to couple with the process computers simple programming.
 Very fast and Easy to change logic i.e. flexibility.
 Facilities in fault finding and diagnostic.
 Programming changes without system intervention.
 Capable of handling of very complicated logic operations.
 Reliable due to absence of moving parts.
 Easy maintenance due to modular assembly.

2.4.2 Protection and Control Devices

 Push buttons
Push button is a device that provides control of equipment by pressing a button. These contacts
are operated by a button. Two sets of contacts one normally open (NO) and another normally
closed (NC) when the contacts of push buttons are double type. When the push button pressed by
applying a force the NC contact opens and NO contact closes. The push button stays in hold
condition at as long as it is held pressed. When the pressure on the push button is released a
spring inside the push button brings the contacts back to their position. Push buttons is used for
a motor start operation and so on.
 Circuit breaker
A circuit breaker is a protective device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents
under normal circuit conditions. Also capable of making and carrying for a specified time
and breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions, such as those of a short
circuit. It also a device designed to open and close a circuit by no automatic means, and
to open the circuit automatically on a predetermined over current without damage to itself
when properly applied within its rating.
Operation of circuit breaker: In order to allow power to pass through the breaker, the operating
lever is placed in the ON position. This mechanically closes the contact in the breaker. When
current pass through the device; a magnetic field is developed in the bar. The intensity of this
fields focuses through a large piece of metal at the end of movable arm. When the current existed
as predetermined amount, the magnetic field will pull to the right, releasing the lever and the trip
mechanism, allowing the spring to pull contact open.
Function of Circuit breaker
Circuit breakers as over current protection: Circuit breakers provide a level of safety against
over current conditions in electrical circuits.
Circuit breakers as switch: Switches (pass but do not consume electrical energy) are
considered as being control devices, thus one may also say that a breaker is a control device, or a
controller. A circuit breaker can control and protect an electrical circuit.
Circuit breakers as a short circuit: circuit breaker must be able to respond to a short circuit,
which can present a large current flow in a short period of time.
 Relay
A relay is a simple electromechanical switch made up of an electromagnetic coil and a set of
contacts. An electric signal (Voltage) gets sent to the coil creating a magnetic field,
closing the armature, which closes Normally Open (NO) and opens Normally Closed (NC)
Contacts. Relays tend to be of lower capacity and are usually designed for both normally
closed and normally open applications. Relays can be electromechanical or solid state .
Operation principle of a Relay

When a voltage of the correct value is applied across the coil terminals, the resulting
current flow through the coil produces a magnetic field similar to a bar magnet. The armature
is attracted by the magnetic field and so moves a small distance. This movement operates the
contact(s). The pole piece is magnetically soft. When current flow through the coil ceases,
the pole piece loses its magnetism and the armature returns to its re-energized position.
This allows the contact(s) return to the de-energized or normal state.

 Over load relay

Overload relay is a device that can protect a motor from damage overloads, over currents, phase
failure and phase imbalances. It is used with contactors and can be found in motor control
centers and motor starters. Based on the principle of operation they are classified into thermal
and electronic overload relay. EPI use thermal OLR for protection of motors, compressors.

Operation of OLR

A thermal overload relay works in the principle of electro-thermal properties in a bimetallic strip.
It is placed in the motor circuit in such a way that the current to the motor flows through its
poles. The bimetallic strip gets heated up by the current directly or indirectly and when the
current flow exceeds the set value, it bends.

They are always working in combination with contactors. When the bimetallic strips heat up, the
trip contact is activated that in turn breaks the power supply to the contactor coil, de-energizing it
and breaking the current flow to the motor. This tripping time is always inversely proportional to
the current flow through the OLR. Hence higher the current flow faster shall it trips. Therefore,
thermal overload relays are referred to as current dependent and inversely time-delayed relay.

 Electrical Fuses

Is a device that carries a metal element, usually tinned copper, which will melt and break the
circuit when excessive current flows. Its essential component is a metal wire or strip that melts
when too much current flows, which interrupts the circuit in which it is connected. Short circuit,
overloading, mismatched loads or device failure are the prime reasons for excessive current. It is
placed in series with the circuit to be protected, and automatically breaks the circuit when over
loaded appears.

 Contactor

A contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching an electrical power circuit and
it is typically controlled by a circuit which has a much lower power level than the switched
circuit, for example a 24-Volt coil electromagnet controls a 380 Volt motor switch. . A contactor
does not provide overload protection. Contactors are used to electrically turn on or off high
current, non-motor loads or in motor loads where overload protection is separately provided. A
contactor has three components these are power contacts, Auxiliary contacts and Contact springs.
Working principle of contactor

When a current is passed through the contactor coil, the electromagnet starts to build up and
produce a magnetic field. Hence, the core of the contactor starts to wind up. This process helps in
energizing the moving contact, the moving and fixed contact make a short circuit. Thus, the
current is passed through them to the next circuit. Thus completing a circuit (when the load is
wired to Normally Open contacts), or breaking a circuit (when the load is wired Normally Closed

 Ac driver

Ac drive utilize a solid-state adjustable frequency inverter which adjusts voltage and frequency
of the power supplied to the ac motor In order to maintain proper power factor and reduce
excessive heating of the motor, varying the speed, conventional fixed speed AC motor.
AC drives basic function:

1. AC drives are used to steeples speed control of squirrel cage induction motors mostly
used in process plants due to its ruggedness and maintenance free long life.
2. AC drive control speed of ac motor by varying output voltage and frequency through
sophisticated microprocessor controlled electronics device.
3. AC drive consists of Rectifier and inverter units. Rectifier converts AC in DC voltage
and inverter converts DC voltage back in AC voltage.
AC drive operation principle

AC drive operation requires understanding three basic section of AC drive: the Rectifier unit, DC
Bus and the Inverter unit. The supply voltage is firstly pass through a rectifier unit where in gets
converted into AC to DC supply, the three phase supply is fed with three phase full wave diode
where it gets converts into DC supply. The DC bus comprises with a filter section where the
harmonics generated during the AC to DC conversion are filtered out.

The last section consists of an inverter section which comprises with six IGBT where the filtered
DC supply is being converted to quasi sinusoidal wave of AC supply which is supply to the ac
motor connected to it.

As the AC drive provides the frequency and voltage of output necessary to control the speed of
an AC motor, this is done through PWM VFDs. PWM drives produce pulses of varying widths
which are combined to build the required waveform. A diode bridge is used in some converters
to reduce harmonics. PWM drives produce a current waveform that more closely matches a line
source, which reduces undesired heating. PWM VFD have almost constant power factor at all
speeds which is closely to unity. PWM drives can also operate multiple motors on single VFD.

Benefits of AC drive

 High power factor

 Reduced noise and vibration level.
 Large energy savings at lower speed.
 Lower KVA
 Reduction of thermal and mechanical stresses.

 Rectifier

It is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which periodically reverses
direction, to direct current (DC), which flows in only one direction. The process is known
as rectification. Physically, rectifiers take a number of forms, including semiconductor diodes,
silicon controlled rectifiers and other silicon-based semiconductor switches. Rectifiers have
many uses, but are often found serving as components of DC power supplies.
 Temperature Regulator:

It is an instrument used to control temperatures, mainly without extensive operator involvement.

It accepts a temperature sensor such as a thermocouple as input and compares the actual
temperature to the desired temperature or set point. It will then provide an output to a control
element for instance contactor, solid state relay.

Figure 2.21: Thermo regulator

 Electrical timer

Timers mostly used in the industries for making the control logics for the process control and
various controlling purpose which needs a time gap. It also plays an important role in the saving
of the energy. Timers also used in the household appliances like Air-conditioner or washing
machines and microwave ovens etc.

Working principle

When we give the supply to the coil of the timers it energizes the coil. The timers have three
basic contacts that is- NO (normally open), NC (normally closed) and sometimes common. The
coil voltage given on the two terminal of the timer is ‘2’and ‘7’. These contacts have changed
their states after the time has reached to their preset time. Once the timer coil energizes it starts
counting time from 0 to the preset time or preset time to 0 according to the on delay timer and off
delay timer. When accumulated time and the preset time are equal timer interchange their
contacts. The contacts like NC which closed the circuit in the starting and NO which break the
circuit in the starting when time of the timer has completed they change their status from NC to
NO and NO changes to the NC.

Types of timer

There are two types of the timers are available:

1. ON Delay Timer
2. OFF Delay Timer

1. ON-Delay Timers: are used to switch ON the appliances or equipment’s after certain delay of
the time. When the coil of the timer energizes the timer starts counting from 0 to the preset time.

2. OFF Delay Timers are used to switch off the appliances or devices after the certain interval of
the time. When coil of the timer energizes it start counting the time from preset to 0.When the
preset time and accumulated time is equal. The contacts of the timer have changed their status.

 Transistor

A transistor is a three-terminal device, where the voltage or current applied to one terminal
controls the current flow between the other two terminals. In EPI Transistor switches can be used
to switch a low voltage DC device (e.g. LED’s) ON or OFF by using a transistor in its saturated
or cut-off state.


A sensor is an electronic device that can transform energy from one form to another form. So, it
is also called a transducer. The main function of the sensor is to identify and communicate with
physical quantities such as temperature, heat, pressure, distance, moisture, gas, and so on and it
provides output in the form of electrical signal to connected control systems.
List of electrical sensor that has been used in EPI:-

a. Temperature sensor

Temperature sensor uses to detect the temperature and heat energy and convert it into an
electrical signal (in form of voltage or current). In our hosting company k-type thermocouple is
mostly used to sense the heater temperature.


Thermocouple sensor measures the thermals, which are composed of the two different metal
alloy wires joint at the end connected to a thermocouple thermometer or other thermocouple
capable device at the other end. By combining the two different metals will generates the strong
voltage which is the same capacity as a temperature. In general, the thermocouple vast
measurement ranges and they are worked by using the See beck effect. The See beck effect
invested for changing the temperature in the electrical circuit. The sensor reads the temperature
by taking the measurement of voltage output.

b. Pressure sensor

A pressure sensor detects the pressure of air, gas, water and provides electrical signal to the
controller to control the level of pressure. Pressure sensors are used in many systems like
pneumatic, hydraulic, vacuum systems, etc.

Gauge pressure sensor

It is the measurement of pressure relative to the current atmospheric or barometric pressure.A

gauge pressure sensor has the back of the sensing element open (or ‘vented’) to provide a
reference to atmospheric pressure.

c. Proximity sensor

Proximity sensor can easily detect nearby objects without any physical touch even if the object is
not actually touching the sensor. Proximity switches open or close an electrical circuit when they
make contact with or come within a certain distance of an object. Proximity switches are most
commonly used in manufacturing equipment, robotics, and security systems.

Inductive Proximity Sensor

This sensor enables non-contact detection of metallic objects in machinery or automation

equipment. It uses a coil to generate a high frequency oscillating magnetic field to detect metallic
objects. When a metal target enters the sensing field, eddy currents are induced in the target,
which reduces the signal amplitude and triggers a change of state in the sensor output. EPI uses
this sensor to detect the position of movable mold in BMM.

d. Limit switch

A limit switch detects the physical movement of an object by direct contact with that object.

e. Position sensor

A position sensor is a device used for measuring the distance traveled by a body starting from its
reference position.

Rotary encoder

Rotary Encoders convert rotational motion to an electrical signal that can be read by some type
of control device in a motion control system, such as a counter or PLC. The encoder sends a
feedback signal that can be used to determine position, count, speed, or direction. A control
device can use this information to send a command for a particular function.

2.4.3 Maintenance Section Induction motor

It is a common form of asynchronous motor that turns the class of input electrical form to an
output mechanical form. Basically the simplest and most rugged electric motor and consists of
two basic electrical assemblies: the wound stator and the rotor assembly. The induction motor
derives its name from currents flowing in the secondary member (rotor) that are induced by
alternating currents flowing in the primary member (stator).The combined electromagnetic
effects of the stator and rotor currents produce the force to create rotation.
Operation of induction motor

It works on the principle of Lorentz force equation i.e. whenever a current-carrying conductor is
placed in the magnetic field it exhibits some force in it. The working of a normal AC machine
with the rotating armature and stationary field winding when alternating current supply is fed to
the coil of the rotor, it experiences some force due to the law of the Lorentz force equation. Due
to this force, torque will be developed in the clockwise direction that enables the rotor to rotate.
The speed at which the magnetic field rotates is the synchronous speed of the motor and is
determined by the number of poles in the stator and the frequency of the power supply: ns =
120f/p, where ns = synchronous speed,    f = frequency and p = the number of poles. Three Phase Induction Motor Rewinding

During rewinding so many steps are worked out. Those steps are listed below.

 Step1: take the required data from the damaged motors Such as;
 Read name plating data
 Count pole pitch
 Count the number of connection
 Count the number of slot
 Count coil group
 Count the number of phase displacement
 Count the number of turn or coil
 Count the number of parallel wire
 Step2: cutting and removing of the coil inside the damaged motor;
 Step3: placed insulation paper on the cleaned motor slot;
 Step4: placed the coil inside the slot;
 Step5: placed the white insulation in slot;
 Step6: making connection of motor;
 Step7: checking the short circuit, open circuit, ground test, and input-output of the phase;
 Step8: supporting by insulation to preventing from contacting;
 Step9: varnishing or printing;
 Step 10: finally inserting rotor and making connection (star or delta)
The three phase motor should be given tests for the following defects after rewinding:
grounds, opens, shorts, and reverses.

i. Grounds: - To locate the ground, connect both test leads to the frame of the motor. If the
lamp lights, a winding is grounded. To ensure a thorough test, move the test lead to each
lead of a motor.
ii. Open circuits: - Causes due to a break in a coil or a loose connection at the splices or
jumpers. To locate the opens, connect one test lead to the starting of the motor lead and
one test lead to the ends of that motor lead. If the lamp isn’t lights, a winding is opened.
To ensure thorough test, move the test lead to each lead of a motor.
iii. Shorts: - A short is a path of very low resistance caused by two wires making electrical
contact. Shorts can occur when the coil wire is scratched during insertion or care less
handling. To locate the ground, connect one test lead to the starting or ending of one lead
of the motor and one test lead to the starting or ending of the other leads of the motor. If
the lamp lights, a winding is shorts. To ensure a thorough test, move the test lead to each
lead of a motor.

2.4.4 Other electrical devices

 Transformer
Transformer is an electrical device which is used to step up or down the voltage from the line
voltage to the control circuit voltage. In EPI step down transformers are used for supplying the
cutter machine with high current and decrease the higher KV from the Ethiopian electric utility
to 380v. The normal control power transformer is an iron core transformer. At the center of
transformer is a laminated core. The primary winding is wrapped around the center of bar of the
core and they are overlaid with the secondary windings. The windings are then covered with an
insulating material.

Operation Principles of Transformer

When the alternating current is applied to the primary coil of the transformer, magnetic
lines of force are produced through the laminated core and in the air immediately around the
transformer. At this line of force expand and contract they cut through the secondary winding,
inducing current in the secondary. The difference between the primary and secondary voltage is
determined by turn’s ratio; i.e. the ratio of the primary and secondary winding.

 Solenoid valve
A solenoid valve is an electromechanically operated valve. The valve is controlled by an electric
current through a solenoid which forces the plunger to move. There is different type of valve like
a two-port valve the flow is switched on or off; in the case of a three-port valve, the outflow is
switched between the two outlet ports. Multiple solenoid valves can be placed together on a
manifold. Solenoid valves are the most frequently used control elements in fluidics. Their tasks
are to shut off, release, dose, distribute or mix fluids. Besides the plunger-type actuator which is
used most frequently, pivoted-armature actuators and rocker actuators are also used.
 Industrial heater
Industrial electric heaters work by converting electrical energy into heat. The heat is then
transferred to the process through various forms of heat transfer like Convective, conductive and
 Compressor
A compressor takes atmospheric air or oil, compresses it and delivers at the desired pressure.
Driven by a prime mover (electric motor or diesel engine) it delivers high-pressure air or oil to
storage tanks or receiver.
 Industrial water coolant
This machine uses cooled water as a heat conduction to remove heat from an object, machine, or
2.4.5 Power supply of the company
N Class In Output Rated power of
o coming transformer
TS1(Finishing) 15KV 380V 630KVA
TS2(Lighting system) 15KV 380V 630KVA
TS3(Weaving) 15KV 380V 2500KVA
4 TS4(Spinning) 15KV 380V 800KVA

5 TS5(Spinning) 15KV 380V 630KVA


2.5 Major Duties of the Intern
Internship provides the opportunities to build a relationship with the company and
communicate with other people in the field worker and gain valuable raw experience. It gives us
the knowledge and experience we need to be confident in our career activities. We understand
that our duties include the following tasks.

 To be involved into the company at the set time.

 Obey the rules of the company: Work the given tasks in the company with the guidance
of the company supervisor.
 Write and submit weekly, monthly and final reports.

2.6 Challenges Faced and Measures

2.6.1 Challenges we faced

We faced a lot of challenges through the course of our internship duration in the company. Let’s
raise some of those challenges that we were able to observe:
 Power loss during production makes it difficult for us to see detail practical illustration of
different machineries.
 Lacks of modernized machineries on some factories prevent us from knowing modern
 Generation of high temperature in the factory due to lack of well ventilated environment.
 There is no enough manual to guide.
 Nameplates are written in Italy language.

2.6.2 Measures Taken to Solve the Challenges

Our role on solving the problem started from the selection or identification of the problem, which
is related to our stream or department and recommend it to the company, university as we did it
throughout our weekly reports and project thesis. Depending on the issues that concern our
department we have tried our best to give theoretical hints on investigating the above problems.
 We recommend it to the supervisor that the company should have a stand by generator.
 We advise to get necessary machinery for the ISO standard on some factories.
 We tell the officials to install roof top ventilators for the health of the workers and
creating a good working environment.
 We refer some of the machine from website but it does not satisfy our interest.

3. Benefits Gained from the Internship

3.1 Theoretical knowledge and practical skills

3.1.1 The theoretical Knowledge

Due to the covid-19 situation most machinery in each factories are out of work for a time being.
So we spent most of our time by asking a lot of questions to gain theoretical knowledge rather
than practical one. Beside the contribution of the internship program is not only for practical but
it also upgrades our theoretical knowledge It increases the ability to apply systematic design
procedure to open ended problem and how to analyses something technically; so it upgrades our
theoretical knowledge the same as the practical one. Internship memorizes the important
conceptual theoretical parts that we have learned among the important ones.

In this factory we observe different problems and we asked detail information about to identify
whether it’s solvable or not with company’s management. As we search what situations are in
the factory before we were attended there and we compared it with present condition, there is
little bit difference from the previous but that does not keep us stop doing something. We tried to
be familiar with some machines and different components of machines that we know
theoretically. Therefore, these industrial training can improved our theoretical knowledge which
we were taken by different courses. This practical skill makes us ready to realize, understand and
gain theoretical knowledge. Additionally we see:

 The process of a plant and its outcome.

 Familiarize more with different sensors that we learned in instrumentation.
 Design the power and control circuit of different system like motor starting
 The operation of different electric devices like transformer, contactor, and
 The power distribution of the company.
3.1.2 Improving practical skills
We were got different practical skills from our internship duration. We see working principles of
each factory practically by the workers through different working sections and also we improved
our practical skill also we became familiar with electrical equipment’s that we had not seen in
our theoretical learning experience. Before starting the practical learning we didn’t have
sufficient practical skill through process we improved our practical skill.
In working procedures, proper use of materials and identifying the right material for the right
purpose. Especially the work that, we did with in the maintenance working section and trial for
motor starting drawing and connection in motor winding section like Star Delta. This tasks
seems easy but we have high significant in improving skill and someone who perform this tasks
properly will become self-confident to improve my practical skill; we make and use the
following tasks frequently while we were in the factory.

 Analyze starting mechanism (wiring diagram), causes of failure and

troubleshooting of electric motors.
 Exchanging information with others and discussed with our friends.
 We create smooth relationships with electricians.
 We use our time perfectly.
 We take enough time to understand and ask question without hesitation.
 We respect each other’s, rules and regulations of the factory.


3.2 Team playing skills
It is one of the most requirements for the working of the good company, regardless of its
processing, services, work level, sex and heredity. So we have learned from EPI a lot how to
improve interactions with our team members. When activities are done in group the
reasonability, respectability and accuracy found to be always better than those done individually.
Therefore we really understood team work is important to strengthen the effort to accomplish the
task. Ideas that are raised in team work help us to see one thing in different angles and to be a
multi directional thinker for elaborating my knowledge regarding the given issue. During this
three months period we have developed a good playing skill with operators, mentor, electrician,
managers and with other intern students.

In EPI different workers at different team, such as management team, project team, sales team
and so on. Each team has a common mission, vision, goal beside different work style and
behavior. Team playing skills are very important for their good well-being. It also maximize
general skill such as; Good communication, Good concentration, Fast decision making, Self-

3.3. Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal communication skill is the best way of learning, exchanging ideas, gathering
information and skills. Furthermore we can establish mutual respect with all the staff members
peacefully and consideration of each other’s opinions and inputs. In the company, we tried to
develop our interpersonal communication skill by different methods such as speaking, writing
and listening For instance, when person work on the process by uncomfortable condition, it
would be beneficial to work together on this situation in order to get the information About the
process of the production. It has the following advantages:

 To improve relationship with others.

 To know the work environment in the company.
 To understand workers attitude.
 Increasing productivity of the work we do.
 To become easier to work with teammate.
3.4 Leadership Skills
We have seen the great leadership in EPI. In daily activities supervisor always control and
manage all of the workers Such as: operators, Mechanics, Electricians, Power house controller.
This person is often a well principles individual who is focused on a common goal. From this we
have to develop a deep understanding of what is valuable to us. It is also essential for us to
understand ethics. The most top managerial position in the factory is managing director but, in
this company there is a practice which transfers recommendation from top organization structure
to bottom and also vice versa. In our internship activity we have get leadership skill. Such as:

 How to initiate the workers.

 How to employ professional worker.
 How to give service for person.
 How to create the suitable environment for worker to increase production quality with
related profit.
 How to communicate with worker on working issue.

Generally, leadership plays a key role not only in the work place (company) but also as a citizen
it has a great impart in country wise.

3.5. Work ethics

Any people should have ethics not only in the work place but also in the social life. Because of it
indicates that a good personality. Work ethics is asset of values on hard work and Diligence it
also believe in normal benefit of work and its ability to enhance. Generally work ethical
employee is a key to productivity. We learn as employee we should have to be disciplined and
ethical in our working environment. Generally work ethics have broad definition. Including:
 Punctual (on time).
 Accountable and responsible.
 Respecting other worker.
 Keep the property of the company.
 Finding the development of company.
Many employers indicated that a strong work ethics ranks at the top of the Least along with
proficiency in chosen professions. Instruction to develop during work ethics Arrive the work
position on time, Put a positive spin on negative comments, Developing a strong work ethics,
Honor your commitments, Strip to do the job right the first time, Respect what others contribute
to the work environment, Got to extra time whenever necessary to ensure that your verbal and
written interaction switch others are productive. We understand work ethics is necessary to get
any information about anything and to increase productivity. When we were in EPI we learn
good work ethics to fulfill the given task.

3.6 Entrepreneurship Skill

Entrepreneur is people who sees a good opportunity for a new business and works hard to make
it grow, entrepreneur are very important for the growth off economy. He/she is the person who
perceives the market opportunity and then has the motivation drive and ability to mobilize
resources to merit.
Entrepreneurship makes entrepreneur:
 Self-confident.
 Creativity.
 Leadership ability.
 Willing to take risks.

As electrical engineering student we have to develop those characteristics to have a bright future.

Every electrical Engineering students working in such like factories can get good knowledge and
tangible information that learned theoretically in the class and can do practically in the factory.
This internship program played a great role to break the convection thought that the student and
other skilled labors. We developed our skills during this practice and confidence to deal with
problem arises in the factory, community and other technological world. The internship program
is essential for any electrical engineer in order to develop Practical skill, communication skill,
team playing skill, Work ethics and also to become entrepreneur.

During these past three months, we had been able to see different theoretical aspects,
methodologies. We can generalize that this program prepares the student for the real working
environment and it is phenomenal in producing fit and competent engineer. Other thing we need
to site is the factory's management style, which is really appreciable and very nice of damage
prevention in EPI.


4.2.1 Recommendation for EPI

During our stay in the company we have observed some encouraging things and also defects that
hold back our hosting company. In this part of our report we will try to suggest some ideas for
our internship hosting company.

 Follow the intern activities every month in cooperative with the mentor and give an
assignment to practice more.
 Communicating with the intern student and support them by telling and giving an
orientations how can the intern become oriented and adapted the general working
environment of companies before internship to be started.
 The project that has been done by the intern students should be seen and put in to action
by the companies.
 The company should available materials and facilities for the intern students.
 The company should create open relation of executive officials with intern student...
 The company should schedule permanent meeting with intern student...
 The company should make clear the working hour by dividing and giving different tasks
in every aspect rather than telling the intern students to see only.
 As the machines become malfunctioned there should be enough maintenance for the
machines. So it is better to get well trained technicians.
 We recommend that the factory should install stand by generator to precede the work
when there is a sudden power cut.
 We strongly recommend that the some factory should install a sucking device directly
contacting to the hopper because it require a high number of labour force to load the raw
material when it is done manually.
 Seeing the current actual situation of Ethiopian plastic industries, most of this industries
import their raw material from foreign countries with high cost and long shipment
procedure. So the company must try to import raw material from internal resources.
 We recommend that by using accurate temperature control
 Improve productivity.
 Reduce internal stresses in mould part.
 Ensure reproducible part properties.

4.2.2 Recommendation for the industrial linage

The university industry linkage should work with the industries more on: Preparing proper
projects with industries. Discussing ways for the internship students are to be treated concerning
the benefits the industries can obtain from the students
Generally, the benefit of this internship program for producing efficient engineers is
unquestionable if properly held. But the universities should work on creating the awareness of
the industries and other concerned people using possible means of communications including
Advertising in media and also we recommend the curriculum; PLC (programmable logic
controller) must be taken as a course.
4.2.3 Recommendation for the COE

 For the most suitability and acceptability of students, it is better to communicate and sign
agreement between two organizations, the university and the company.
 The university and hosting company should work hand to hand in every aspect not only
in internship programs.
 The university must work together with the company on problem solving situations
because they can arrive to determinant solutions.

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