Landlord Resources Draft 2

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Project: Landlordresourses.

Format: Web site home page and sub pages.
Copywriter: Chris Haddad
Draft: 2
Delivery Date: 3/6/2006
Tone: Excited but not hypey. We can stand strongly behind the product. We’ve
got facts.

<Home Page>
<Note: While I like using the rotating testimonial box, I’m also going to include
testimonials in the main body copy here.>

“Are you paying retail prices for paint, appliances,

carpeting and carpet cleaning for your investment
property? Then you’re paying too much.”
As a Landlord Resources Association Member today and you’ll save up to
60% on the supplies and services that you have to buy as a landlord.

Fact: Being a landlord is expensive. The cost of doing business as a landlord

climbs year after year, and rents just aren’t keeping up.

FACT: Paint, paint Supplies, carpets, appliances and carpet cleaning are some
of the biggest reoccurring costs eating up your profits as a landlord today.

FACT: Big landlords and property management companies have had an unfair
advantage for years, receiving large, volume-based discounts on expensive
products and services; discounts small and medium landlords have just never
had access to.

FACT: By becoming a Landlord Resources Association Member, you’ll spend

less and keep more of your hard earned rent money. You’ll save up to 60% on
the on the products and services you have to buy as a landlord and will keep
more of your money where it belongs: in your pocket, or in another investment
property, earning you money.

<JOIN NOW Button>

From: Scott Johnson, Landlord and Founder of Landlord Resources Association

Seattle, Washington

To my fellow landlords:
I’ve been a landlord for over ten years now and I’ve noticed something: “Getting
rich,” or even just making a living as a landlord? It just isn’t a easy as it used to

Rents are moderate, vacancies are high, and turnover costs—the cost of having
to fix up a unit, paint, repair or replace appliances, replace carpet and make a
rental into a genuinely good place to live have just about gone through the roof.

Did you know?

-Raw material costs for paint are up 30% over the last two years.
-Carpet costs have soared almost 25% in the last 12 months alone.
-Retail costs on carpet cleaning are at an astounding .35 cents per square

Carpet and paint are both petroleum-based products, just like the gas in your car.
Their prices are going up and they won’t be coming back down.

That’s the bad news. The good news? Every dollar you’re able to save on all
these rising costs is another dollar you get to keep in your pocket. And by
becoming a Landlord Resources Association member, you’ll save quite a few

"Our Landlord Resources Association Membership has been great. It's

easy to use and even in just the few months we've been members we've
saved a considerable amount of money." - D & S Carter

Who is this guy and how is he going to save me money?

My name is Scott Johnson, and I’ve been a landlord for ten years. I currently
own four investment properties in the Greater Seattle area, though in the past
I’ve owned up to seven at a time. My father was a landlord too, and over all the
years I spent growing up, watching him manage his investment properties, he
drilled one message into my head over and over again:

“Scott,” he said “If you want to make any money as a landlord you need to figure
out how to spend less and keep more.”

But a few years ago I noticed a problem. I noticed that as a small landlord with
just a few units, spending less and keeping more was getting harder and harder
to do. I knew that big landlords—landlords with hundreds of units—were getting
massive volume discounts on paint, floor coverings, appliances, carpet cleaning
and more and I wanted to find a way to get those discounts.

So I did what any profit-minded landlord would do: I formed a company.

What is Landlord Resources Association?

Landlord Resources Association (or “LRA” as I like to call it) is a club. But it’s not
like any real estate association club you’ve seen or joined before. LRA doesn’t
hold meetings, give advice or publish a newsletter. Our members don’t get
together on message boards to discuss our favorite TV shows, organize trips or,
really, even talk to each other. I know it sounds boring, but LRA is still a club I
think you’re going to want to join. Why?

Because LRA only does one thing, and it does that one thing very, very well.
LRA saves you money on the products and services you have to buy

"I'm constantly buying materials and appliances, and with your service, I
got my membership fee back on my very first paint order. Even better, I'm
now getting higher quality paint at the same price I used to pay for a mid-
level grade from a "big-box" warehouse. Count me in from here on out."

-Tod Johnson
Managing Partner, Cooper-Johnson Enterprises

By forming Landlord Resources Association, I was able to

negotiate discounts—big discounts—with many of the best-
respected vendors of real estate supplies and services in the
nation. Discounts that can add up to thousands of dollars of
savings every year. Discounts you’re just a few clicks away from
enjoying yourself.
When I founded LRA and signed up my first few members I gained what the big
landlords have always had: bargaining power. No longer was I just one guy with
half a dozen units. Suddenly I was representing an organization worth hundreds
of thousands of potential dollars of business.

Did name brand vendors respond to the chance to gain LRA members as
customers? You bet they did. And in a big, big way.

As an LRA member:
-You’ll save up to 60% on high-quality, name brand PAINT (LINK NEW
WINDOW). Paint that goes on thick in just one coat unlike the cheap stuff you get
at the big box store. You’ll save time, effort and expense of hiring a crew.
-You’ll save up to 45% on tougher, more stain resistant CARPET (LINK –
NEW WINDOW). Carpet you’ll have to replace less often at prices lower than you
pay for the cheap stuff now.
-You’ll save up to 45% off the average retail price of professional CARPET
CLEANING (LINK – open in new window). You’ll get deeper cleaning from a
trained professional, freeing you up to spend your time how you want, enjoying
your life.
-You’ll save 25% on long-lasting, high quality appliances. Appliances that
add to the value of your property, increase renter retention and satisfaction and
last for years and years.

And more. You’ll have access to an ever-expanding list of discounts from local
Northwest Vendors. Higher quality at a lower price, that’s the LRA promise. A
promise you can see in action on our Vendors Page (link.)

You can’t possibly lose as a LRA member.

As a landlord, there’s nothing I hate more than spending money I don’t have to.
So I understand why you might be reluctant to pay even this small LRA
membership fee. So let me make this easy for you. How? With the Landlord
Resources Association 30-day 100% money back guarantee.

Sign up as an LRA member. Use my hard negotiated discount accounts, and if

you aren’t completely satisfied, simply cancel your membership within 30 days
and I’ll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked. No explanation

Is this a chance for you to get something for nothing? Is this a chance for you to
get deep discounts at absolutely no risk to you? Absolutely.

But I know that once you become an LRA member—once you get used to
saving up to 60% on the items you have to buy as a landlord--you’re going to
want to keep your membership active. In fact I guarantee it 100%.

OK, Scott, I’m ready to save. What do I do?

Glad you asked. Simply go to our join now page and enter you’re credit card

Pay your $149.95 activation fee and you’ll become a Landlord Resources
Association member in good standing granting you immediate access to
our ever-growing list of discount accounts.

Your activation fee will let you save for 2-full years, after which you’ll pay just
$34.95 per year to maintain your savings. That’s about .09 cents a day.

That’s it. There are no forms to fill out, no hassles and no delays. You’ll find
everything you need to save right there for you in our Members Only area.

So, what are you waiting for? Become an LRA member and get back to spending
less and keeping more.

Scott Johnson
Landlord and founder of Landlord Resources Association.

P.S. Why am I offering LRA membership for just $149.95 for two years and
$24.95 per year after when you stand to save thousands and thousands as a
member? Why am I offering an iron clad 30-day money back guaranty? Purely
selfish reasons, I assure you. I like having customers for life and I know that once
you become a member, you’ll pass along the story of your savings—and the
location of this website—to your investment property owning friends.
<Rotating Testimonials Box – Clicking on this box should take us to a
testimonials page.>
We want to thank you for creating a truly helpful company in Landlord
Resources. The first time we used your service, we bought some appliances and
the savings on just this one purchase more than paid for our membership. We'd
highly recommend your company to anyone who values both service and

-Michael and Sandra Allison

"Our Landlord Resources Association Membership has been great. It's easy to
use and even in just the few months we've been members we've saved a
considerable amount of money." - D & S Carter

"I joined Landlord Resources Association in hopes that I could save some money
on the ever increasing maintenance and repair costs for my property. It seems
like everything is getting more and more expensive these days. I was able to
save quite a bit on the very first purchase I made as a Landlord Resources
member and expect to save much, much more in the future. Thank you for
creating your unique service. I look forward to doing business with you for a very
long time. Every dollar I save as a landlord counts, and you're helping me save
quite a few dollars." - M. Henry

"If the next few years turn out to be like the last few months since I joined
Landlord Resources, I'll be thrilled. Finally, someone has put meat on the bones
of servicing landlords with national brands and services with great discounts.
With 23 homes and multi-family units to take care, I'm constantly buying
materials and appliances, and with your service, I got my membership fee back
on my very first paint order. Even better, I'm now getting higher quality paint at
the same price I used to pay for a mid-level grad from a "big-box" warehouse.
Count me in from here on out."

-Tod Johnson
Managing Partner, Cooper-Johnson Enterprises

<Join Now Box>

Ready to start saving? Join Now.

<Members Only Box>

Already a Landlord Resources Association Member? Your savings are just a
click away.
<Sign Up Page>
<This page will include a sign up form and will, process the user’s credit card and
will grant them access to LRA discounts.>

Yes, I’m ready to stop overpaying for paint, carpet, floor covering,
appliances and all the other creeping costs of doing business as a
landlord, and start getting the deep discounts that the big guys have been
enjoying for years.

For just $149.95 I’ll become a Landlord Resources Association member in good
standing, granting me access to the LRA members only section and discounts of
up to 60% from some of the best-respected vendors of paint, floor covering,
appliances and cleaning services in the nation. Not to mention a constantly
growing list of local vendors.

My $149.95 activation fee will grant me two full years of LRA membership, after
which I’ll pay just $24.95 per year to keep my discounts active.

I understand that I may cancel my LRA membership at any time, and that if I
cancel within 30 days of activation, Landlord Resources Association will
refund my fee in it’s entirety, no matter how much money I’ve already
saved as an LRA member.

<Add purchase form below.>

<List of Companies Page>

<Members Only Page>

<FAQ Page>

How much does Landlord Resources Association membership cost?

Your membership activation costs just $149.95, which includes two years of
unlimited access to all of our discounts. Once those two years are up, you’ll be
charged a low $24.95 fee annually in order to keep your account active.

Many of our members have seen their membership pay for itself in just days. If
you’re ready to save up to 60% on paint, carpets, flooring and more, join now.

Is my Landlord Resources Association membership tax deductible?

Yes, as a cost of doing business, your membership fee should be 100%
deductible, but be sure to check with your accountant to be sure.

Will I be charged any additional fees from Coit, Sherman Williams or the
other companies who are providing discounts?
No. Your membership fee grants you unlimited access to all our available
discounts with no additional cost from our service providers.

Is there a limit to the number of times I can use my LRA discounts?

No. As an LRA member in good standing, you have unlimited access to all of our
discount accounts.

What if I’d like to cancel my membership? Is there a money back

You can cancel your membership with LRA at any time with no additional costs
to you. And if you cancel within 30 days of sign up, we’ll gladly refund 100% of
your activation fee.

How long is my LRA membership good for?

Your account activation fee includes two full years of membership. After that,
your membership continues as long as you remain a member in good standing
as outlined in our rules of membership.(link).

How hard is it to use my LRA service and accounts?

It’s actually very, very easy. Once you become an LRA member, you’ll simply
need to give a participating service provider your LRA discount number and your
bill will reflect your LRA discount. We’re not involved in your transaction in any
other way.

When I use an LRA account, who gets the bill? Who do I pay?
LRA accounts are set up as “cash accounts,” meaning you pay for products or
services at the time the service is provided or the product is received. Credit
cards and checks are accepted by most service providers.
Do I have access to all accounts set up by LRA?
Yes. As a member in good standing, you have access to every discount we offer.
And since we’re constantly adding to our list of accounts, you’re LRA
membership becomes more valuable every day.

To learn more about Landlord Resources Association, please visit our home
page or look through our list of accounts.

If we haven’t answered your question, please feel free to contact us.

(Link Boxes on the right side of the home page will take us here. PUT ALL OF
THIS ON ONE PAGE, But depending on how you link to it you’ll start at a
particular section.)


What’s on your walls?

Did you know that just over the last two years, the price of paint has gone up by
over 30%?

But not to worry. As an LRA member, you’ll receive discounts up to 60% on

Sherwin Williams paint. And a 25% discount on painting equipment and

That means that instead of paying $19.35 for a gallon of Property Management
flat, you’ll pay $8.40. And again, this is quality paint from the most respected
paint supplier in the country. You’ll notice the difference in quality between this
and what you buy at the “big box” store right away. Plus you’ll get the added
benefit of Sherwin Williams’ staff’s expertise and access to the companies state
of the art color matching system. With your LRA membership, you’re not just
saving money, you’re getting a higher quality product.


Carpet and Floor Coverings

Carpet costs over the last three years have risen almost 40%. Carpets are a
petroleum-based product, and I’m sure you’ve seen the high price of gas—a
price not likely to come down anytime soon.

Your LRA membership includes up to a 45% discount on carpet, tile, vinyl and
hardwood floors bought through Sherwin Williams.

Sherwin Williams and LRA offer a complete selection of name brand carpet,
vinyl and tile available to you at a price you could simply never get anywhere
else. Plus, your membership entitles you to a discount on carpet installation and
removal. And Sherwin Williams’ huge buying power means most products are
available right away.


I think every landlord has done it at least once: bought a used appliance,
installed it and listened in horror just a few weeks later as a tenant describes how
her “new” fridge or washing machine has already given up the ghost.

LRA members enjoy a 20% discount on appliances bought through Sears

Contract Sales.

Sears has the largest selection of Energy Star Appliances available, helping you
cut down on wasted electricity and also offers discounts on delivery and
installation. As an LRA member, you’ll be able to rest easy, knowing that your
appliances were built to last and are covered by the best maintenance team


Carpet Cleaning

Shaw Industry recently reported findings on a test they did on carpet cleaning
equipment at the Professional Testing Laboratory in Dalton, Georgia.

Their tests revealed:

-That truck-mounted Hot Water extraction such as the cleaning done by
Coit removed more than 90% of the soil ground into carpet while smaller rental
unit machines removed on 15% of the soil.
-And those small cleaning machines you can buy at the department store?
They only removed only 6% of ground in soil, leaving carpets dirty, dirty, dirty.

As an LRA member, you’ll save up to 45% off the average retail cost of carpet
cleaning. And you’ll gain access to the experienced staff at Coit. Once again, as
an LRA member, you’re not just getting cheaper service, you’re getting better

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