The 5th Zone Sales Video Script Draft

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(NOTE: - how do we transition into the 5 different types of zones

And I discovered that there are actualy 5 different types of zones that

Hi, this is Marni . . .

And even though I’m betraying my entire sex by doing it . . .

In this short, controversial webinar presentation (which I’m only leaving up for 24 hours)
I’m going to teach you a dangerous secret of female psychology which will allow you
to wrap any woman (even women who are way too hot for you or have ignored you for
years) around your nger in seconds without saying a word, without using cheesy
pickup lines and without feeling like you’re doing any work at all.

This secret I’m about to reveal (a secret which unhooks the rational center of a woman’s
mind so she feels overwhelming emotional, physical and mental attraction to you) will
have gorgeous women chasing you, seducing you and giving themselves to you
absolutely even if you’re short, fat, ugly, broke or old.

Using this simple secret I’m going to explain in the next 6 minutes you’ll be able to have
the woman who thinks of you as “just a friend” suddenly fantasizing about you, irting
with you, writing your name in her notebook like she’s in high school again, dumping her
boyfriend for you and begging you (and only you) to take her to bed . . .

You’ll be able to absolutely control how women react to you when they rst meet
you . . . (you’ll be shocked when beautiful women suddenly start acting nervous around
you and competing for your attention like you’re a movie star without you changing a
thing about who you are or how you act.)

Your ex-girlfriend (wAcho won’t even talk to you now) will suddenly nd herself
BEGGING to have you back . . .

And you’ll be able to have your pick of almost any

woman you want for sex, love or even romance . . .

And this secret where you control how a woman thinks and feels about you is so
powerful that she’ll actually THANK YOU for using it on her because she’s simply never
been more attracted or happier with a man than she is with you.

Plus, make sure you stick around until the end of this webinar where I’m going to
explain how to create incredible sexual connection with a woman simply by making eye
contact .
Before I do, though let me explain who I am, why I care so much about you getting laid
and getting amazing beautiful women and why I’m risking everything to teach this to
you today . . .

My Name Is Marni Kinrys . . .

And even though I’m a “hot chick” now who’s helped thousands and thousands of guys
become absolute masters with women . . .

(You’ll learn some of their shocking stories in just a second) . . .

Inside I’m secretly a nerd. A dweeb. A geek.

Inside, I’m a lot like you.

(Pic of Marni in High School)

This is picture of me at 14 years old.

Back then I wasn’t a “relationship” expert with a column in Men’s Health, a podcast
listened to by thousands of guys and men lining up around the block to either learn what
I have to say or beg me for a date (or even just a roll in the hay.)

Back then I was skinny teenager who was scared of girls . . . who didn’t “get” women
and who became tongue tied whenever a pretty girl said hello.

It’s not that I’m a lesbian (though I certainly gave it a try in college) it’s that I fell for the
same lies about women most guys fall for.

I put women on a PEDESTAL, I thought “pretty girls” and popular girls were
unapproachable. I thought beautiful women knew something the rest of us didn’t (before
I became a beautiful woman myself and learned the simple truth . . . that most girls have
NO IDEA the impact they have on men and are just waiting for a “Nice guy” to actually
get up the con dence to say hello.)

Heck, I still remember sitting in my room for HOURS trying to think of that ONE perfect
sentence to say to Sarah Henderson, the prettiest girl in school.

I knew if her and I became friends it would change everything for me.

I walked up to her ready to make some funny joke about New Kids On The Block.

And when she smiled at me, I froze like a deer in the headlights. I swear she probably
saw drool running down my chin. And when she walked away (laughing under her
breathe about how “weird” I was) I felt this rush of anxiety and anger because I just
wanted girls to LIKE me and I had no idea how to do it.

So I went back to the geek table where all my friends were guys who were as scared of
girls as I was.

But that wasn’t the worst part.

The worst part was when my ANXIETY about talking to women . . . impressing
women . . . wanting women to LIKE me almost killed me . . .

I don’t Remember Much of What Happened . . .

I was 20 years old and working as a camp counselor when I had the stroke that
changed my life forever (and lead to the amazing system that’s going to change your life

To this day nobody knows what happened.

The guy I was dating for a year and I had just broken up.

I’d developed an eating disorder.

And I was all these problems dealing with and relating to all the other girls in my unit.

Even though I was a girl myself, they still seemed like ALIENS to me.

And somehow all the anxiety and the anger and the desperation welled up in me until
something in my brain just SNAPPED one day while was walking back to my cabin to
pick up a bunch of kids.

I woke up two days later in the ICU at the hospital.

They thought I’d had a concussion, but it was much, much worse than that.

Even though I was only 20 years old, not knowing how to deal with WOMEN had given
me a stroke.

For the next year (my sophomore year of college) the whole left side of my body didn’t

I’d go out dancing and would end up dancing in circles.

I’d talk to people thinking I made total sense just to have them look at me with this
quizzical expression on their face.
And that’s when I made the discovery that changed
my life (and the lives of thousands of guys like you)
forever . . .
After I’d nally recovered I looked myself in the mirror for maybe the rst time ever. And
I discovered something that seemed so incredibly shocking and weird to me.

I discovered that even though all my friends were guys that I was HOT GIRL.

I was a “geeky dude” in a beautiful woman’s body.

And I discovered that that gave me a POWER that no guy could ever have. The
POWER to nd out what women are really like, to ask questions no guy could ask, to
nd what women really want.

Over the the next few years everything about my life changed.

I used a secret trick I made up (a trick I’ve shared with thousands of guys) to totally
eliminate my approach anxiety so I could suddenly talk to any girl I want (I’ve used this
to strike up conversations with TV stars in LA so they were begging for my number.)

I learned how to instantly become con dent just by telling using a “embodiment” trick
that caused even the toughest girl to suddenly become compliant and submissive in my

I stealthily in ltrated groups of beautiful women so I could nd out WHY they acted the
way they did . . . why they put good guys like you in the “Friend Zone,” why they fell for
assholes and jerks . . . how to talk to them . . . how to get past the “bitch shield” so
many women have to put up (which I had to put up myself), how to SEDUCE women so
they actually THANK you for it (I accidentally used this technique on a beautiful waitress
and had her slipping me her phone number with the check at the end of the meal).

And so much more.

And the more I learned the more I started to teach guys . . .

Guys like . ..


Since then I’ve become kind of “Famous” for being the one woman in the whole world
who really tell the TRUTH to guys about women . . .

And that whole time I’ve been secretly creating a step-by-step system that gives any
guy the POWER to have absolute control over how women see him, how women react
to him and what women want from him on a deep and primal level.

A System I Call “The Fifth Zone: How To Have

Absolute Control Of Your Relationship With Women.”
Why do I call it “The Fifth Zone?”

Because over the last decade of secretly studying how women react to men (and a lot
longer being a woman myself and realizing what kind of guys I responded to and what
kind of guys I push away) I discovered that there are 5 “Zones” women totally
unconsciously put men into . . .

And once you’re in one of these “zones” it’s almost impossible to get out . . . unless you
know the almost “magical” tricks you’ll learn in the “Fifth Zone?”

So What Are The 4 Different Zones That Women Put

You In And How Do You CONTROL What Zone You
End Up With So You Can Get What You Really Want
From Women?

You already know the rst zone: The Friend Zone.

Heck you probably know it too well. That feeling of being invisible to a girl. That
nauseous tightness in your stomach when a girl treats you like her gay best friend and
tells you all about the ASSHOLE she’s dating while whining that all she really wants is a
nice guy.

What you probably don’t know is that if you’re in the “Friend Zone” with a woman, it’s
because SHE thinks you actually WANT to be there and actually thinks you’re happy to
just be her “pal” who she talks to about other guys.

In “The Fifth Zone” you’ll learn how to actually be a woman’s friend without getting
“boxed” into the “no sex / gay best friend” category you might be in now. You’ll even
learn how to be any girl’s “Friend With Bene ts” without any of the baggage of a
relationship if that’s what you want.
QUICK WARNING: If you think acting like her lap dog and “waiting around” for her to
wake up to the fact that you like her / love her or just want to bang her brains out is
going to work you’re 100% percent wrong.

The Second Zone is the zone guys THINK they want to be in . . . The Strictly
Sexual Zone . . .

Yes, women have guys they JUST want to have sex with . . .

Hell, you’ve seen these guys and the way women react to them. You’ve found yourself
getting PISSED off when your female “friends” MELT around these guys while you’re
right there.

When you’re in the “Strictly Sexual” zone with a girl it means you’ve triggered something
PRIMAL in her lizard brain that causes her to stalk you like a tigress, rip your clothes off,
use you, abuse you and beg you for her own sexual satisfaction.

In “The Fifth Zone” I’ll teach you how to trigger this response in any woman instantly
and often without saying a word. PLUS I’ll show you how to get a woman to think of you
as MORE than just a “Sex Object” so she actually likes you, pursues you and brags
about you to her friends.

The Third Zone is “The Player Zone” . . .

This is the only zone “Pick up artists” are able to tell you anything about. The “Player
Zone” is all about SHORT TERM romantic entanglements. When you’re in “The Player
Zone” you can make a woman your “girlfriend for the night” and create passionate
SHORT TERM mental, emotional and physical connections.

The downside to “The Player Zone” is the fallout that comes afterwards. If you’re in “The
Player Zone” she’ll never see you as “Boyfriend material” no matter how hard you try
and you’ll have to deal with the almost nuclear fallout when short term “player”
relationships go south.

And The Fourth Zone is “The Boyfriend Or Husband Zone.”

When you’re in the “Boyfriend / Husband” zone a woman loves you, adores you, thinks
of you as hers and only hers . . .

This is the zone where you wake up and she’s made you pancakes in the morning and
where she feels safe and secure with you.

It’s also the zone where where the SPARK dies fast . . . where you go weeks at a time
without getting laid . . . where you have to EARN affection and sex and where a lot of
guys end up acting like whipped puppies just looking for her affection.
But Then There’s The Fifth Zone: The Zone Where You
Have Absolute Control Over How Women Feel About
You And How Women React To You . . .

The “Fifth Zone” is a zone only a small group of guys have learned to be in so far. It’s
the zone where you know how to trigger INSTANT sexual ADDICTION in a girl, so she
sees you as her ultimate sexual fantasy and where her entire buddy literally VIBRATES
with desire as soon as you get into the room.

It’s the the zone where a woman thinks of you as her REAL FRIEND who she trusts
implicitly and wants the absolute best for (even if that means introducing you to her
hottest female friends.)

It’s the zone where you can keep the energy and the fun of “being a player” going with a
girl for weeks, months, years or as long as you want.

It’s the zone where you can get a girl to commit to you 100% body, mind and soul so
she can’t even think about another guy . . . But where she NEVER develops the
“contempt” so many women have for their boyfriends and husbands.

When you’re in “The Fifth Zone” with a girl, it’s literally impossible for her to even think
about cheating on you because even a male model looks like a homeless bum next to
what she has at home.

The “Fifth Zone” is where you get to decide how a woman reacts to you and thinks
about you . . . where you’re in absolute control . . . where you feel like you’ve got a
video game controller hooked directly into her libido and her emotions.

Where you can get the “girlfriend” you want so much in shockingly little while being an
absolute MASTER with women.

Here’s Just A Tiny Taste Of What’s Going To Happen

When You Enter “The Fifth Zone” and get absolute
control over your relationships with women . . .
If you’re fast and lucky enough to enroll in the program, you’ll discover . . .

* “How to create a “Desire Bomb” in a woman’s mind . . . an insidious “thought trap”

that draws her unconscious back to you again and again for hours or even days after
you meet her . . even if your interaction seemed TOTALLY INNOCENT at the time. Do
this one simple trick (any guy can do it) and you’ll actually be able to enter a woman’s
dreams so she wakes up sweaty, panting and craving you. You’ll be shocked at the
TEXTS you get at 8 in the morning after you use this technique.

Pranav used this technique and said . . .

“Hey Marni, fuck I can’t believe it, lol! I got a new girlfriend . . . within a day? That’s
insane right! I wanna thank you for your help. Keep up with the good work. Stay
awesome! =-)”

* The “FWB” Technique . . . not interested in dating a girl but want to be her “Friend With
Bene ts?” You’ll learn EXACTLY what to say to get any girl you’ve been lusting after
for days, weeks or years to ask YOU to go to bed with her with “No strings attached.”
(WARNING: Do NOT use this technique if you want a girl to be your girlfriend.)

Josh says . . .

Hi Marni,

Thanks to your advices my sexual life has been revamped. After using your stuff I went
on "approach" mode, and I can con dently say that I can now approach any girl I want
without fear of rejection, while displaying my personality with a touch of spicy. In the
past 3 months I've been in bed more times than the last 2 years combined and your
words are truly magical. 

* You’ll learn my “Escape Velocity” trick for getting out of the “Friend Zone” with a girl no
matter how long you’ve been there. Simply do this and she’ll suddenly “wake up” to
the amazing guy who’s been under her nose this entire time . . .

Use the “advanced” version of this technique and she’ll suddenly feel like you put HER
in the friend zone . . . and will claw and ght to get you to notice HER. (If you’ve never
been CHASED by a woman, you’re in for an incredible treat.)

* I’ll teach you the “Panty Dropper Note” technique . . . I had a guy use this on me once
and found myself back at his place just a few hours later. Just slip this note into a girl’s
hand to send a magical thrill through her body so she CRAVES you more powerfully
than she has any man before.

* How to play a woman’s emotions like an organ . . . you’ll discover how to stop jealousy
from a woman in it’s tracks . . . how to have a crying girl almost magically cheer up . . .
how to create subconscious attraction deep in her lizard brain so she’s drawn to you
even if she doesn’t “want to be.”

* You’ll learn why women don’t care how good looking you are . . . and how you can get
in the “5th Zone” with a girl even if you’re fat, ugly, covered in scars and have ears as
big as Dumbo’s (I’ll teach you the “Emotional Adonis” trick that makes women
completely ignore how you look and see you as her own personal sensuality god.)

“To be honest, I wasn’t expecting results so quickly. Even after week one I couldn’t
believe how different I felt. Women were looking at me differently and responding to me
in a totally different way. I’ve done programs run by men before, but honestly just having
the female feedback made a world of difference.” - Jason

* 1 Simple trick to break through the “Perfect Man List.”

You probably already girl has a “List” . . . a stupidly detailed list of EXACTLY what she’s
looking for in a guy. If you can’t check off EVERY box on that list women will ignore you,
unless you learn this one simple trick that causes her to throw the whole list out the
window because of how you - and only you - are able to make her FEEL.

* Why women fall for “Bad Boys,” “Jerks” and “Players” and how to create incredible
attraction without becoming an asshole.

Matt says . . .

“Marni, you are changing men’s THINKING . . . which is the most valuable thing you can
ever do for us. I have screwed up - failed - and bombed in different ways with women
since I was 16 and now I am 67!

But what really matters is I found you and your material while I still have many years to
become the Alpha male guy you are so good at describing.”

* The TRUTH about what women say when you’re not around . . . and how to subtly
plant seeds in a woman’s mind so she actually BRAGS about you to her friends and
CONVINCES HERSELF to fall for you, even if you’re “not her type” or have been in
her friend zone for years.

* Ever been told to “just be con dent” with women? It’s totally true that women LOVE
con dent men, but there’s no “magic switch” that can make you con dent. At least
there wasn’t until now. I’ll teach you my “Instant Con dence” method to obliterate
anxiety in seconds.

Ryan Young says . . .

“Hi Marni, Your explanation of what really goes on in a woman’s mind is amazing. I
learned so much. Especially when de ning what being con dent really means. Many of
my friends that are girls always tell me to be con dent, but don’t know how to explain it.
Just that one tip alone paid for the price I paid for this. Thanks!”
And Shawn says . . .

“Thanks for the “Self Con dence in a box!”

* How to force women to objectify you and nd you to be the single most physically
attractive man they've ever seen in their lives . . .even if you're fat, bald and broke. You'll
use this "Rose Colored Glasses" technique to project her image of the perfect man
directly onto her mind and libido just by making this one tiny shift.

Hi Marni,

3 months ago I started going out with a girl who I had met 2 years ago. We are now
officially in a relationship and are very happy!

I wanted to remind you of the one of your emails you had sent me when we were
working together. You asked me “Do you feel sexy?” I thought about it for a while
and then I came up with an answer, which was YES. I didn’t realize until that
moment that in fact I was and could be sexy. Not for women but to myself.

Since then I always get attention from girls. I am not super good looking but not ugly

I am so thankful to you for your support!


* How to get a girl to “Facebook Stalk” you . . . and the 5 photos and posts to have on
your Facebook pro le to immediately have a woman thinking of you as a man she’d be
lucky to spend the rest of her life with.

But most of all you’re going to learn how to have your pick of amazing women . . . to
have girls lining up around the block to be with you . . . to be totally in control over
whether a woman becomes your Fuck Buddy, your girlfriend, your friend or your wife . . .

And how to keep things hot, sexy, connected and amazing for as long as you want with
no drama, no blow ups and no bullshit.

Barry says . . .

“Thanks Marni,

I have been working with your stuff for about a month now. After 11 years of marriage
and way too many opportunities blown, it nally “clicked.” We had the hottest sex of our
marriage last night. Spontaneous, playful, sweaty sex. So good.



I am married to a very smart, hot, competitive woman. Thanks to walking through your
material I have nally stopped competing for and ‘earning’ my position as the man and
am just acting like one. We are both WAY Happier. You Rock!!”

Here’s a FACT . . .

Most women have no idea what they REALLY want from a guy. Most women have no
idea what they’re REALLY attracted to. Most women have no idea WHY they react to
some guys and not others.

Ask most women what they want and they’ll just say “A nice guy.”

But you know that’s a lie.

You know that no matter how nice you’ve been . . . no matter how sweet you’ve been,
no matter how long you’ve waited for a girl and no matter how honest you were when
you told her how you felt that it takes a lot more than “Niceness” to create that
intoxicating attraction a woman can’t resist.

And THAT is what you’ll learn in the 5th Zone. How to create amazing attraction in

So I’ve got a really important question for you . . .

How much is it worth to you to have absolute control over your relationships with

To have your pick of the litter of the hottest, most beautiful, most passionate women in
the world . . .

To know that every time you leave the house you could come back not even a half hour
later with another beautiful woman on your arm . . . a woman who can’t believe how
lucky SHE is to have met a guy like you . . .

How much is it worth to have your ex girlfriend (the one who broke your heart, said you
weren’t present enough or even left you for another guy) desperately apologizing and
feeling like letting you go was the biggest mistake of her entire life?

If you’re like most guys I know the answer is “a lot.”

Heck, I surveyed a bunch of men about this recently. I asked them “If you could have
guaranteed results with women . . . if you could suddenly understand women better than
they understand themselves . . . if you could be the guy women lust after, dream about,
rave about to their friends and give themselves too, what would that be worth?
And guy after guy said it would be worth thousands, tens of thousands or even

Heck, before I created “The Fifth Zone: How To Have Absolute Control Of Your
Relationships with Women” the only way to learn these incredible techniques was by
doing personal coaching with me.

That cost ($X) for just one hour of my time . . .

And guy after guy said it was a bargain, a steal, that they would have gladly paid $5,000
for the results they were able to get just by putting what I said into place.

I’m going to tell you about the shockingly low price of “The Fifth Zone” (and WHY it’s so
low . . . and WHY it’s probably going to double or TRIPLE soon) in just a second . . .

Plus I’m going to explain a weird trick of female psychology you can use to stop a
woman dead in her tracks or even get her to get up from a table, leave her boyfriend
there and come over to talk to you.

But rst let’s talk about some of the other things you can d o to try to “get good” with

First you could try to “get in shape.”

You can kill yourself at the gym every day, try to get muscles like those guys on the
Jersey Shore, drink “Muscle Milk” and other crap like that and do everything you can to
turn into some kind of “He Man” because that’s what stupid magazines tell you you
should do.

That’ll cost you THOUSANDS of dollars at least . . . and it’ll be a total waste of time
since most women nd “muscleheads” about as attractive as a cardboard box and are
actually REPULSED by big muscles.

If you just want a girlfriend you could try some “Matchmaking service.” You’ll shell out
hundreds or more . . . and then nd yourself wanting to slit your wrists as again and
again you get sent out on dates with women who aren’t hot enough, aren’t interesting
enough and aren’t anywhere near what you’re looking for.

You could spend a bunch of money on clothes, read a bunch of “pick up” books, pay for
expensive seminars (usually run by guys who don’t know a damned thing about women
anyway) or even do what a lot of guys do and try to shower girls with gifts thinking that’s
suddenly going to make us like you.
And if you do all that you’ll be broke. And alone. And still won’t have what you really
want . . . the power to get any girl you want, any time you want and have her
THANKING you for it.

When I interviewed some of the thousands of guys I’ve helped over the years about
“The Fifth Zone” program there was a FIGHT . ..

Rohit who’s now dating a model told me that the MINIMUM I should even THINK about
charging for the program was $497.

Mark hadn’t had a date in 2 years when he rst worked with me (and now has girls
lining up around the block to be with him) said I’d be STUPID not to charge at least

And Sam used this material to get his ex-girlfriend to actually DUMP her Fiancee and
beg to have him back said I shouldn’t sell it at all . . . that this stuff was so powerful I
should lock it away and should only teach this stuff to my high-priced consulting clients.

And you know what, they’re right. I SHOULD charge hundreds or even THOUSANDS
for this.

But I’ve got a mission.

And that mission is to nally give regular guys like you what you need to be with
amazing, hot beautiful women.

See, for years I’ve been fed up and tired of hearing my girlfriends complain about guys.
Hot, amazing girls who keep falling for “Douchebags.” Beautiful women who say again
and again that there “aren’t any good guys out there.”

I know there are tons of great guys out there. Guys just like you. Guys who are totally
invisible to women right now because you’ve been fed lie after lie by pickup artists,
scammers and stupid magazines about what women want and what it really takes to
trigger massive attraction and even love in our minds.

Which is why I’m not going to make you pay $997 to enroll in “The Fifth Zone.”

I’m not going to ask you for $497.

Hell, I’m not even going to have you invest a measly $97.

Nope, as a special market test I’m willing to let a limited number of quali ed guys get
the complete “The Fifth Zone: How To Have Absolute Control Of Your Relationship With
Women” plus a crazy 19 advanced training bonus programs . . .
For just one single payment . . .

Of $67 . . .

Just $67 to get out of the “Friend Zone” for good.

Just $67 to be the guy who women BEG to be their “Friend With Bene ts.”

Just $67 to be able to make almost any woman you want your girlfriend, your lover or
even your wife (if that’s what you want. If you can give up the variety and the fun that
being single is going to be once you learn what I have to teach.)

Can you imagine what that’s going to feel like?

Can you imagine the smile on your face when you put this material into action, feel that
incredible con dence running through your body, know you’ve got the one fool-proof
system for being the ULTIMATE MAN women can’t resist (without actually having to
“change” who you are at all.)

Would that feel good?

Would that feel amazing?

I’m doing this because I want the regular guy like you to nally have the women you

And all you have to do is enroll, listen and let me do all the heavy lifting to get such
incredible results.

OK, So About Those 19 Bonus Training Programs

You’ll Get If You Enter “The Fifth Zone” program now .

As a special market test I’m willing to give a limited number of guys not one, not two, not
three but 19 of my most powerful trainings absolutely free just for “trying out” The Fifth
Zone Program to guarantee your results and get you “good” with women faster than you
ever thought possible.

WARNING: I reserve the right to remove these bonus trainings at any time and I’m
only going to guarantee you’ll get these bonus trainings if you enroll in “The Fifth
Zone” today . . .
So, what are the bonuses?

1. First I’ll give you my “Instant Emotional Trigger” training . . .

Do you know there’s one word you can say to ANY woman to have instantly feeling an
overwhelming FLOOD of emotions all directed 100% at you?

Saying this word in the wrong context can have devastating effects . . . but if you use it
correctly, say it the right way, in the right tone and at the right moment a woman will feel
an overwhelming desire to be close to you, to be understood by you, to be “possessed”
by you and to connect with you (and only you) more deeply than she has with any man

I can’t tell you what this word is now (it’s not what you’re thinking and has nothing to do
with “love”) but in the “IET” training I’ll show you exactly how to use it for devastating
and powerful effect.

2. “The Irresistible Compliment:” (Real Compliment)

If you’re like most guys you have no idea how to compliment a woman. I’ll tell you right
now, if you approach a woman and start complimenting her eyes, her ass, her breasts
or any of the things most guys do, you’ll instantly shrink her attraction.

But there is a way to give a woman compliment in a way that sneaks past her defensive
shields, makes her feel powerfully attracted to you (without even knowing why, since
there was nothing sexual about your compliment at all) and even blush like a school girl
(no matter how cool, calm or even “bitchy” she was before.)

In “The Irresistible Compliment” I’ll give you a guided tour of the psychology of
compliments and show you how and when to compliment a woman to rapidly multiply
her attraction to you.

3. Next you’ll get “The Shadow Game.”

Sounds mysterious? That’s because it is. “The Shadow Game” is a simple exercise you
can use to stay calm, powerful and grounded no matter what a woman says to you.

With “The Shadow Game” you’ll have absolute control of your own emotions and how
you react to women. Instead of coming across as needy, desperate for attention or
“trying to get in her pants,” women will suddenly see you as the most powerful and in
control man in the room. The man who’s attention they CRAVE like water or love and
who they’ll do ANYTHING to impress.

4. “Vocal Seduction.” - (Voice Tonality)

In “Vocal Seduction” I’ll introduce you to the power of your own voice. I’ll explain the
evolutionary reasons women respond to certain types of voices in different ways and
how to use your voice as a “emotional and sexual remote control” for women, where
you can turn her on, calm her down or make her feel something very close to LOVE
simply by controlling the tone and rhythm of your voice.

Using this technique you’ll suddenly be able to seduce and connect with women you’ve
never even met just by spending a few short moments on the phone.

5. “The Gaze: How To Use Eye Contact To Create Instant Connection With
Women.” (look at me fool)

You ever notice how some men are able to “ x” a woman in place like deer in

In “The Gaze” I’ll teach you a technique for establishing eye contact so powerful the
whole world seems to disappear for a woman and the only thing she can think about or
focus on is you.

Plus you’ll learn how to read a woman’s reaction to your gaze so you know EXACTLY
what to say to her when she walks up to you (you’ll almost never have to make the rst
move once you use this technique.)

Once Tom learned the gaze his whole world changed.

“Marni, I can’t thank you enough for your “The Gaze” training. I went out and practiced it
on women downtown today. I couldn’t believe how girl after girl reacted or how many
numbers I got. I almost got in trouble when I used it on a smoking hot woman who was
sitting on a bench with her boyfriend. She totally ignored him and even licked her lips
when she was looking at me. Amazing!”

6. Next I’ll teach you “The Panty Dropper Smirk.” (the smirk)

OK, this one is dangerous. As you’ll learn in “The Fifth Zone” a “smile” will often have a
woman put you immediately in the “Friend Zone” . . .

But mastering the “Panty Dropper Smirk” will give you the ability to instantly have a
woman feeling hot, bothered, playful and horny in moments before you’ve even said a

In “The Panty Dropper Smirk” I’ll teach you exactly how to create your own seductive
smirk (the same type of smirk famous seducers and movie stars have been using for
years) to project incredibly con dence and sexual attractiveness.

7. “The Drilling Effect” . . . .

In “The Drilling Effect” I’ll teach you how to immediately kill any approach anxiety you
have (no matter how hot a woman is or how many other guys have bombed with her) so
you feel calm and collected when you walk up to a girl.

8. “PullIng Conversation Out Of Thin Air” . . .

For years I got emails from guys asking what they should actually talk about with girls.
In “Pulling Conversation Out Of Thin Air” I’ll teach you a fool-proof system for creating a
“Connecting conversation” with a woman out of absolutely nothing at all. A fork, a
lampost . . . you’ll be able to use absolutely ANYTHING as a conversational launching
pad that demands her absolute attention and will never feel tongue tied or awkward
talking to a girl again.

9. “Day In Her Shoes.”

Ever wonder what it’s like in a woman’s mind? In A “Day In Her Shoes” I’ll basically
“install you” into a woman’s mind so you can see exactly what women experience every
day when interacting with men.

You’ll learn what women actually think and feel when they get hit on, WHY women react
to some men so powerfully, why women put up “boundaries” and “shields” and how to
be the ONE guy they let in, trust and want to spend time with.

FACT: The one thing EVERY woman wants is to be UNDERSTOOD by a man. With the
“Day In Her Shoes” training you’ll be the only guy she’s ever met who actually knows
what it’s like to be a beautiful woman.

10. “How To Touch A Woman” . . .

In this exercise I’ll teach you exactly when and how to touch a woman to increase her
attraction to you and ick on her libido like a light switch.

Wait too long to touch a woman and she’ll assume you’re not interested. Touch her too
much and she’ll feel like you’re pushy. I’ll tell you exactly what to do to maximize
attraction and leave her panting for more.

And that’s just the rst 10 bonuses . . .

When you enroll in “The Fifth Zone” as part of this special offer today you’ll also get . . .

* “The Seductive Walk” . . . how to use your walk to project power with every step.
* “The Self Talk Reframe” . . . where I teach you how to completely shut negativity out of
your mind and think of yourself as the attractive man you are . . . a man any woman
would kill to be with.

* “Noticing Your Gremlin” . . . Ever notice that little voice in the back of your head calling
you a loser and telling you you aren’t good enough? This exercise is like an emotional
shotgun, killing that little asshole off for good.

* “Check Out My Passions” - NOTHING is more attractive to a woman than a

passionate man. You’ll learn how speak PASSIONATELY about your life that turns a
woman’s emotional temperature to 11.

Plus 5 more bonuses so sneaky and so powerful I can’t even tell you what they are

All for just one single, solitary payment of $67 if you act right now.

Listen: I know, you might be wondering “Marni, why are you wiling to give me so much
for such a tiny price.”

And that’s a great question.

And the fact is I may HAVE TO take most or even all of these bonuses out at any
moment or even raise the price dramatically.

See, even though thousands of men have already gotten incredible results with “The
Fifth Zone” and the 19 bonus trainings I include with the program, I still get emails every
day from guys saying they just can’t believe they can get such amazing results -
complete mastery with women - for such a tiny price.

And like I said before, I’m on a mission to help guys like you nally step up and get the

And even though it sounds weird, in order to help the most possible guys I’m probably
going to HAVE to double or even TRIPLE the price of “The Fifth Zone” in just a few days
and cut out most or even all of the bonuses.

Which means if you want results like THIS you have to act right now . . .

Hi Marni,

“I’m writing this email to give you my testimony about your program. Before I got your
book about “How to become the man woman want” I was shy! I mean I was so shy that I
needed someone to start a conversation so I can continue and still I couldn’t get the
conversation going. At one point I was so bad at woman that when I spoke to one girl all
that came out was a screaming “HELLO!” I felt so humiliated!

I had to put an end to this so I got your book and started working through it. I took my
time on the getting to know me, and what I want in life. I got to the taking action part. I
live in a small town so meeting new people was hard but I got it done. I started talking to
new people and it did get easier.

I had woman who met me and later came back looking for me. Woman who I previously
failed with is now asking me to go out with them to go dancing! I just walk in the street
and women would smile at me. I love this new con dence I have! I am at the point
where I am able to talk to any woman. There was a lady at the gym struggling to get a
treadmill to work. I saw her getting frustrated. I told her she should watch out I hear
machines take revenge and asked can I help her. I would never do that!! I am now at
the point where I can choose which woman I want to date.

I would really recommend this program to anyone!

Thank you,”


I Want To Make This A “No Brainer” For You . . . Which

Is Why I’m Going To GUARANTEE Your Results With
The Fifth Zone . . .
Listen: As a woman myself who sees my hot, gorgeous amazing female friends falling
for DOUCHEBAGS again and again, I WANT more great guys like you to actually get
GOOD with women.

That’s why I’m going make this a total “No Brainer” for you and take all the “risk” on

Just click the button below and enroll in “The Fifth Zone: How To Have Absolute Control
Of Your Relationships With Women.”

Start going through the program. Learn the secrets of female psychology and sexuality
that only I can teach you.

USE this stuff to nally get that one girl who’s been ignoring you for months or years to
fall for you HARD (she’ll even CHASE you and BEG you go out with her.)
USE this stuff to nally feel what it’s like to be WANTED by women . . . to have women
BEGGING you to be their boyfriend (or at least their boyfriend for the night.)

USE this stuff to nally feel like you’ve got sexual seduction super powers . . . where
you can have love, sex whatever you want from women and have them THANKING you
for it in a way you never thought possible before.

If you go through the program, do what it says and aren’t 110% satis ed that this
revolutionary training program is worth at least DOUBLE the tiny amount you’re being
asked to invest today . . .

Just contact my customer support folks (you don’t even have to tell us why) and we’ll
get you a full and complete refund within a few short days (it takes a couple days to

That means you’re not risking a damned thing. Heck, if you wanted to you could even
enroll in the program, go through the entire thing, see amazing results and STILL get a
refund . . .

But I don’t think you’re going to.

With the thousands of testimonials (and you’ve only seen a tiny number of the success
stories I get every day) I’ve gotten I know guys like you are fundamentally honest . . .

And I know that when you see the RESULTS you can ONLY get once you enter “The
Fifth Zone” you’re going to feel like the couple of bucks you’re investing in yourself
today was just a tiny drop in a very big bucket.

Here’s Who SHOULDN’T Enroll . . .

You should NOT enroll in “The Fifth Zone: How To Have Absolute Control Of Your
Relationships With Women” . . .

1. If you’re one of those guys who hate women and want to use this material to
manipulate them or “Get revenge.” The techniques, tricks and facts about female
psychology I teach you in “The Fifth Zone” are extremely powerful and could be
DANGEROUS to women in the wrong hands. If you hate women get off this page
now and do NOT enroll in the program.

2. If you can’t follow simple instructions. Everything I teach you in “The Fifth Zone” is
EXTREMELY easy to do and has been tested by thousands of guys. But it only works
if you do EXACTLY what I say. If you’re going to half ass this, then this isn’t for you.
Getting results with “The Fifth Zone” is as easy as doing a connect-the-dots designed
for 5 year olds, but it ONLY works if you actually do what I say.
OK, Now That We’ve Gotten That Out Of The Way It’s
Decision Time . . . And It’s Going To Be Easiest
Decision Of Your Life . . .
If you’ve watched this far through this webinar it means you WANT this . . . you WANT
to know what it’s like to be truly excellent with women . . . to have women pounding
down your door . . . to have the magic power to make a woman feel better (physically,
emotionally) than she ever has . . . to basically be a DRUG women can’t get enough of
just by learning a few simple techniques even a fth grader could do (which would be
pretty weird.)

Right now you’re at a fork in the road.

And you’ve really just got two options.

Option one is to leave this page or to “wait” for a while before making a decision.

You can do that if you want. You can close this webinar, go sit on your couch and try to
forget everything you’ve learned about women from me today.

You can go back to spending your Friday nights playing Xbox with your girlfriendless

You can go back to feeling that ANGER well up in you when that one girl (the one who
thinks of you as “her best guy friend” comes CRYING to you when another 6’5”
douchebag breaks her heart.

You can go back to “settling” for ugly girls, fat girls, dumb girls because “in a desert any
drink will do.”

Hell, you can even go back to “peacocking” yourself and trying to be a pick up artist . . .
feeling that crazy anxiety when you walk up to a girl . . . feeling your testicles crawl up
into your body and your face ush red when she sees right through your “lines” and
“games” and ignores you or even laughs in your face.

You can spend every day for the next ten years regretting not taking this opportunity
when you had it . . .

Or . . .

You can risk absolutely nothing, enroll in “The Fifth Zone: How To Have Absolute
Control Of Your Relationships With Women” and learn the simple, proven, easy way to
have all the sex, all the love and all the success with women you’ve wanted since you
were a 14 year old kid lusting after cheerleaders in math class.
I know “The Fifth Zone” works because I’ve seen it work for thousands of guys already.
Guys who are shorter than you, poorer than you, uglier than you, dumber than you,
older than you and with a smaller dick than you have.

NONE of that matters to a woman if she feels connected and attracted and safe with

NONE of it.

And I’ll show you how you can be her ULTIMATE man (without changing a thing about
who you are or feeling like you’re doing any work at all) who can have any woman you
want (whether you just want sex or want a girlfriend or want a wife) if you’ll just click the
button below and enroll in The Fifth Zone now.

But you have to do it RIGHT now. This special offer is coming down soon and if you wait
you’ll have to pay full price and will lose ALL of the bonuses.

(10 second pause.)

Still Here?
If you’re still here (if you haven’t clicked the button below and taken your one chance to
enroll in The Fifth Zone while you can still get the huge discount and all the bonuses) it’s
probably because you’ve got a nagging question in the back of your mind that’s keeping
you from taking action.

(That hesitation is the same thing that’s keeping you from having the success with
women that you really want. As you already know, women are never attracted to
indecisive guys - and you’ll learn how to have absolute con dence in your decisions
once you join the program.)

But that’s for later. For now let me answer some of the big questions you might have
about “The Fifth Zone: How To Have Absolute Control Of Your Relationships With
Women” so you get started and start getting results.
Question 1: “Why should I learn how to get good with women from you instead of
from a pickup artist? After all, those guys have slept with THOUSANDS of women
and you haven’t . . . have you?”

You should learn this from me for one really simple reason.

I’ve got these (non-naked pic of Marni’s breasts) and pick up artists don’t.

Listen: If all you want to learn is how to trick a girl into sleeping with you once (and then
having her make fun of you and talk shit about you behind your back) then learning the
stuff pick up artists teach is great.
But The Fifth Zone is about more than that.

Do I teach you EXACTLY what to say to a girl to get her interested in you, thinking about
you and even fantasizing about fucking your brains out in “The Fifth Zone?”

Yup. (And you’ll be shocked at how easy it is to approach any girl once you’ve got my
“Opening Arsenal” in your back pocket.)

But beyond that I teach you how to connect with women . . . how to get women to RAVE
about you to their friends . . . how to have all the sex you want without having to wear
stupid hats and go out to bars every night.

In the “Battle Of The Sexes” pick up is like a toothpick while the Fifth Zone is a bazooka.
Up to you what you want to bring to the ght.

Question 2: “I’m in India and women here are very different than they are in
America. Will what you teach me work on women in my home country?”

De nitely. Like I said, I’ve helped thousands and thousands of guys all around the
world. It doesn’t matter if you’re in India, China, Italy, England, Africa or even Canada.

The fact is that the techniques and exercises in “The Fifth Zone” are based on primal
female psychology. That means this stuff works on ANY woman ANYWHERE in the

(International Testimonials)

Question 3: “Will this work if I have a very small penis?”

Your question is too easy. I’ll promise you right now The Fifth Zone works even if you
don’t HAVE a penis.

Heck, I recently got this email from a butch lesbian . . .

“Marni, I fucking love you. I watched your video and even though I’m a woman I decided
to enroll in The Fifth Zone just to see what you had to say. I used your “Approach
Accelerator” technique and couldn’t believe how women started responding to me. I
even started trying this stuff on STRAIGHT chicks and . . . well, there are going to be
some boyfriends out there who are VERY mad at me. This stuff is POWERFUL. I just
hope no other girls in my community gure it out.”

So the penis thing? Not important. Heck, once you get into “The Fifth Zone” with a girl
she’ll nd herself so sexually obsessed with you that how big (or small) your dick is is
the absolute last thing on her mind.

Question 4: “Is The 5th Zone Going To Cost Me $67 EVERY month?”

Nope. Honestly, I hate that stuff. As long as you act now (before the discount expires)
you can get LIFETIME ACCESS to “The Fifth Zone” for just ONE payment of $67.

That means you also get LIFETIME UPDATES to the program without paying a single
dime more.

I want you to trust me. I want to be the best female friend you ever had (just like I am for
thousands of other guys) that means I won’t screw around with you on this.

Question 5: “Will This Work If I’m Over 40?”

It’ll work if you’re over 70.

If you’re 45 and actually LISTEN to what I have to say you’ll have 22 year olds
absolutely creaming themselves the moment they see you (I call it the “Clooney Affect.)

Do women “care” about age . . . we care about connection and attraction.

As long as you don’t fall into the trap of trying to get girls by being their “Sugar Daddy”
(Hint: hot girls cheat on those guys and make fun of them behind their back) you’ll be
able to have any woman you want even if you’re out of shape, over the hill and dead

Question 6: “Can I get the discount and the bonuses if I come back later?”


This is a one time offer and once you leave you’ve lost your chance. If you come back
later you’ll probably have to pay full price and the bonuses will be gone for good.

And really, why would you want to wait anyway?

Every day you wait is one more day where women ignore you . . . where you go home
alone . . . where you feel that anger and that desperation welling up inside you.

I already told you about my guarantee where you get 60 full days to “try out” the
program and can still get a full refund.

So if you’re one of those guys who wants to “go think about” it you might not be right for
the program anyway. If you can’t even make this decision (when I’ve made it so easy for
you) then you might want to give up on getting good with women as well.

Question 7: “Can I Use This Material To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back?”

Yes. But you probably won’t want to.

If you recently got your heart broken I know you feel like she’s the only girl in the world
you want to be with.

But once you enter “The Fifth Zone” you’re going to see women for the Vegas-Style
buffet they really are.

You’ll suddenly have gorgeous women (models, actresses, cheerleaders . . .girls 20

years younger than you and 50 times hotter than you) available to you and begging for
your attention.

And your ex girlfriend probably won’t measure up anymore (no matter how in love with
her you feel now.)

Heck, if you’re like most guys, once you go through “The Fifth Zone” you’ll nd your ex
girlfriend suddenly acting “bratty” and begging for your attention (even though she
ignored you before). She’ll send you “weird” texts out of nowhere. She’ll suddenly ask
for your “help” or your “advice on guys.”

All in a not-so subtle way to get back the obsession and attention from you she used to
take for granted.

If you still want her back then . . . she’ll be yours for the taking. And she’ll be nicer, more
compliant, more “experimental” and more appreciative of you then she ever was before.

So there you go.

It’s decision time.

If you’re ready to FINALLY understand women . . . to feel like you’ve got a “magic
power” to have women fall for you HARD (without changing a thing about who you are
or what you want and certainly without being “whipped”) then just click the big button
below, enter your credit card information and “try out” The 5th Zone plus ALL the
bonuses for 60 days absolutely risk free.

If you’ve watched this far through this webinar then you already know you want this. You
already know I’m the one girl in the world who can teach you what you so desperately
want to know.

And all you have to do is trust your gut and trust yourself and click the button below.

I personally guarantee you’re going to love how your life changes.

In fact, you’re going to look back a few months from now and realize this one decision
was what changed EVERYTHING for you.

So click the button. Enter your credit card. And I’ll have a big surprise for you once you
get inside “The 5th Zone” . . .

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