Diabetes Destroy - Upsell

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Upsell #1

Hi, it’s David Andrews

Congratulations, and
welcome to the Type 2
Diabetes Destroyer
You’ve just taken the first steps to freeing
yourself from the chains of Type 2 Diabetes;
In just a moment, we’ll start on the first step
of the plan, but first I have a huge
opportunity I can only let a few people take
advantage of…
It’s one thing to reverse Type 2
Diabetes… It’s another thing entirely
toreverse and recover from the damage
your disease has already done to your
But I’m going to show you how…
Now, the question I get asked most often from new enrollees of Diabetes Destroyer is…

“How do I see results NOW? I need the

FASTEST way to start getting results
It’s a fair question. Getting your Type 2 Diabetes under control as fast as possible won’t just feel
amazing… it could save your life.

Because the sad truth is…

Type 2 Diabetes has been ravaging your
body for years.
Here’s what your disease has likely already done to you:
● Dry, cracked skin…
● Kidney problems…
● Stomach complications…
● Nerve damage…
● High blood pressure…
● Increased risk of heart disease…
● Cataracts and Glaucoma…
● And more terrible effects, all throughout your body.
But listen: there is a solution.
That’s why I’m giving new enrollees in Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer an accelerated method that
both accelerates your Type 2 Diabetes reversal… and helps your body reverse the years of
● Imagine, you’ll feel healthier than ever before, like you could run a marathon and
still have energy! Your anxiety about the future will turn to hope and excitement as
your risk of diabetes health complications shrinks to almost nothing.
● Imagine your next vacation with your family, and going out on the town, or
exploring nature – enjoying all those activities you used to find exhausting.
● Imagine never again seeing that look of pity on your friends’ faces when they see
you turn down your favorite foods because of high blood sugar.
● How many times have you pricked your finger to test your blood glucose? How
many times have you stuck yourself with insulin injections? Now think about how
it will feel to watch those calluses and scars fade away to healthy, attractive
skin as your blood sugar naturally regulates itself.
How is all this possible? Because I’m giving you immediate access to my most advanced health
The Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer
Advanced Program

I tested countless strategies and techniques until I figured out the KEY secrets to accelerate and
intensify the power of the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer regular program…

…and help your body recover from years of abuse at the hands of your disease…

…and I collected these techniques into this Advanced Program to generate FASTER and
EASIER results.

You’ll crush your Type 2 Diabetes as quickly as possible, start your body healing, and then build
a brick wall between you and your disease, so it can never harass you again.

This advanced program takes even LESS time, LESS work, and LESS effort from you…

…but it brings EMBARASSINGLY POWERFUL results, almost IMMEDIATELY…

…and those results virtually last FOREVER!

This program is packed full of all the ultra-powerful healing factors andaccelerators that go
leaps and bounds beyond what I could include in the regular program.
After hearing what it does, I’m sure you understand why this is an advanced health program.
It’s not that the program is complicated… the step-by-step plan is actually astonishingly simple,
and can be used by anyone who can read a newspaper.
The program is advanced because it’s so powerful. Because using these techniques will
normalize your blood sugar as fast as possible, sharply reducing or eliminating your need for
diabetes medication at an astonishing speed, and helping reverse the damage done by your
The Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer Advanced Program is an in-depth series of video courses…
The first is a 7-day advanced meal plan to jumpstart your insulin production ASAP.
We took the theories behind the Diabetes Destroyer regular program temporary meal plan, broke
them down to their basics, then built them back up into an ultra-powerful system that amps up
your pancreas so you’ll get your Type 2 Diabetes under control faster than you dreamed possible.
The second section is packed full of my advanced techniques to supercharge your
This will send your insulin absorption through the roof. These strategies are only for people
100% committed to showing their Type 2 Diabetes who’s boss. Use them tonight, and right away
you’ll start to feel a difference.
Next, you’ll watch as an expert nutritionist walks you through recipes to jumpstart your
This section of the video course will give you delicious ways to start reversing your Type 2
Diabetes on overdrive, and help your body heal.
Finally, I’m sending you video courses on getting fit as a diabetic.
You’ll get simple, 10-minute workouts you can do from home, without equipment, that will keep
your blood sugar low for up to 24 hours, and boost your metabolism, which will help long term
to fix your blood sugar.
Plus, these advanced video courses are supplemented by detailed text guides.
With the Diabetes Destroyer Advanced Program, you’ll destroy your Type 2 Diabetes even
faster, and you’ll keep it away for good. You’ll open up a whole world of exploration and
discovery that you thought was behind you.
And best of all…
I designed this with you in mind. I know you’re busy, and your time is valuable.
That’s why the advanced program doesn’t take months, weeks, or even days…
You can start getting results in hours!
I mean it, start using this program, and then check your blood sugar tonight! You’ll be shocked
at the results.

Just ask Donny from Maryland, who said…

“The Diabetes Destroyer Advanced Program looked like exactly what I needed, but I was a little
hesitant, since I thought maybe the regular program was enough excitement for one day. But I
decided I wanted the strongest,fastest results possible. I wanted to kick my Type 2 Diabetes to
the curb. And let me tell you, this Advanced Program did exactly that. I’m so glad I decided
to get it. I feel healthier and more full of energy than ever. I haven’t needed insulin injections for
months. In fact, I’m about to head out on my first diabetes-free vacation in years! I won’t have to
worry at all about my blood sugar… I can finally relax and enjoy life. Thanks so much for
showing me the Diabetes Destroyer Advanced Program!”

I get emails like that every day.

Whether your biggest goal is needing fewer insulin injections, having more energy, or being able
to go out and enjoy life without feeling chained down by your disease, the Advanced Program is
your blueprint for blazing fast, ultra-powerful success.
And right now only, I’m also including 13 bonus health reports, each one packed full of
information to help you live a happier, healthier life. You’ll get info on…
● Effortlessly improving your memory…
● Alleviating anxiety…
● Reaching new levels of relaxation…
● And 10 more reports jam-packed with life-changing information.
I’m throwing them in as an extra bonus to help you fully enjoy your new diabetes-free life. For
more details on each one, check out the descriptions beneath this video.
Remember, this program is only available right here on this upgrade page…
It’s only available to you… a new enrollee in the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer.
And it’s only available right now. Once you leave this page, you can’t return. Your opportunity
to enroll in the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer Advanced Program will be gone forever.
So take a moment to relax, take a deep breath, and think seriously about your decision.
I’m only offering this to an exclusive group of people – those who have shown they’re
committed to beating their disease. And I only have a limited number of spots, and I’m saving
one for you, but you have to claim it right now.
This is your one chance to supercharge and accelerate your journey to destroy your diabetes.
Now, the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer Advanced Program is not available in any stores, but if it
was, a premium program like this would retail for about $249.
And each one of the 13 bonus health reports would be about $27, for a combined value of $351.
So all total, I’m offering you a total value of over $599.
But you’ve already proven that you’re committed to your health. You’ve already said “yes” not
just to the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer, but to living a long, fulfilling life… free from the stress
and anxiety of constantly managing your blood sugar.
So I’m going to give you this one single chance to enroll in the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer
Advanced Program, not for $599, not for $399, or even $99, but right now only – while this
page is still open – you’ll get it for a simple add-on fee of just $69.
(Discount price for new Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer Enrollees Only. Offer expires immediately
upon leaving this page.)
It’s my way of saying thank you for helping me change the face of Type 2 Diabetes treatment,
and for taking the initiative to invest in your own health.
So you’ve seen what this advanced program will do for you, and it’s time for that decision. The
Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer Advanced Program and 13 bonus health reports worth $599 for just
$69, less than most people pay for one month of cable TV, or one month of their cell phone bill.
Isn’t a lifetime of healthy blood sugar worth more than a month of reruns.
And for your peace of mind, the Diabetes Destroyer Advanced Program is backed by the
sameNo-Questions-Asked, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee as the regular program. For any
reason at all, just let me know and I’ll refund your money 100%.
That’s 60 full days to experience this life-changing program before committing to the extremely
affordable price. That sounds like a fantastic deal… because it is.
Here’s what to do next…
Scroll down this page to quickly review everything included in this advanced program, then click
the “Add to Order” button and you’ll have instant access to everything you’ve seen here today.
Again, I’m offering a limited number of spots for people to claim their Advanced Program.
But if for whatever reason you’ve decided you don’t want to accelerate your results and start
your body’s healing process, then simply continue on knowing that your spot will go to someone
So click the “Upgrade” button below, and start your new life today.
IMPORTANT: The Diabetes Destroyer
Advanced Program Is Not Available At
Any Other Time
At Any Price.
I know I’m probably repeating myself, but I want to make sure that you’re fully of what’s at
stake here.
I’ve received many emails from both men and women, mere days, even hours after they’ve
declined this offer, pleading me to make an exception and allow them to enroll, even at the full
price of $599. (FYI I’m offering you a one time discounted price on this page)
And as much as I wanted to say yes, we’ve had to turn them away in order to be fair to the
enrollees who seized the opportunity to grab this offer when it was presented the first time.
If you add all of these incredible
programs together, it comes to just over
$599. But just for today, you’ll be able to
take advantage of our “Action Takers
Discount” and get all of these programs
for a low price of just $69! (Works out to
be $3.17 for each program)
Yes David, Please add this incredibly generous offer as an upgrade
to my
order right away for just $69 more…
(These programs will automatically be added to your previous orders)

No thanks, just take me to the next step

(Warning: If you choose this option, you may never see this special discount opportunity ever

Upsell #2
*Wait! Your order is
almost complete.*
(Attention: Do not close this page. Complete your order by choosing an option below.)

Please read everything

on this page because I
have a special surprise
for you…
What I’m about to share with you is absolutely vital if you want to destroy your diabetes for

I’ve put together a specialized course that

could make or break your success with
Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer…
And I can only offer this course to a select few, but you must claim their reserved copy while this
page is still open.
I recommend everyone use this alongside the main program…
In fact, I almost insist that you use this.
Here’s why:
This specialized course is all about how to…

Effortlessly Erase Stress From Your Life.

Right now you might be asking:
“I hate stress as much as the next person, but what’s that got to do with my Type 2 Diabetes?”
Well, when you’re stressed, your body produces a hormone called “cortisol.” Doctors call
cortisol the “stress hormone.”
When you’re pacing restlessly, worrying, and feeling anxious, your body is teaming with
Here’s the bad news…
Cortisol is a stress hormone that decreases your insulin sensitivity. The more cortisol in your
system, the harder time your body has managing your insulin levels.
So if you fix your Type 2 Diabetes, but don’t erase your stress,
you’re practically running in place!
It’ll be like closing your front door to get rid of a draft… while leaving all your windows open!
To permanently reverse Type 2 Diabetes, your stress has got to go.
But stress is tough to solve. You’ve probably heard a million suggestions for dealing with it.
Read a good book. Take a hot bath. Go for a walk.
The problem is, common strategies like this only get rid of stress while you’re doing them.
Once you finish, the stress usually comes right back. And you can’t just spend all day going for
walks, or lying in the bathtub.
If you want to get rid of stress for good to keep away your Type 2 Diabetes, it’s going to take
something more.
I decided this was something I had to solve, so I decided to figure out the real, scientifically
proven answer to curing stress for good.
Well, here’s what I discovered…
Psychology researchers at UCLA discovered a 3-step system to
permanently erase your stress… and lower the levels of cortisol in
your body.
(And remember: Less cortisol equals higher insulin sensitivity, which equals lower blood sugar.)
In fact, when people with depression or anxiety used this system, it worked just as effectively as
prescription medication.
That’s right, you don’t need any supplements or prescription medication to say goodbye to stress
forever. You just need this 3-step system.
I worked with the same brilliant people who helped me put together Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer
to take what these UCLA researchers discovered, and turn it into an easy-to-follow course.

We call it The Stress-Proof Life

The Stress-Proof Life System includes…

● The “Anti-Stress Blueprint” Video Guide…

● My “Science Behind Erasing Stress” special report…
● The “Never Get Sick, Never Feel Stressed” Video Course…
● And dirt-simple, step-by-step instructions that guide you by the hand to your new
Stress-Proof Life.
I’m giving you the secrets to permanently erase your stress, lower your cortisol levels, and
keep your Type 2 Diabetes away forever.
Here’s what Mary from Arizona had to say:

“I used to think stress was just a normal part of life, and that I just had to get used to it. When I
heard about the Stress-Proof Life, I thought that maybe there was something more. Well, I’ve
been using what I learned in this course for almost a year now, and I haven’t felt stressed at all. I
sleep great, I smile more, and my family loves being around me. Next to reversing my Type 2
Diabetes, erasing my stress is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

And Mary’s just one of thousands of people who are enjoying a life without stress, thanks to the
system taught in this course.
Now, this course is tailor-made for people recovering from Type 2 Diabetes.
That’s why I’m only offering it to new enrollees in the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer program.
And it’s not available anywhere else.
But you’ve shown you’re committed to a new life, so I know you’ll be committed to this
You’re one of a select group of people with your own reserved copy, but it’s only available
while this page is open.
And remember, you can’t get a detailed course like this anywhere else. If you add together all the
time spent doing the research, analyzing the results, and transforming the findings into
something you can use at home… well, it’d be hours and hours.
In fact, if we charged just $1/hr for our time, this course would cost over $1000.
But you’ve already proven that you see how important this is. That’s why we’re dropping
the price to only $49.
Plus, we’re throwing in 18 bonus health reports. You’ll get premium advice from medical
professionals, on topics ranging from waking up with tons of energy, to getting rid of headaches,
to accelerated fat burning. We hand selected these specific reports so once you’ve destroyed your
Type 2 Diabetes, you can also get rid of your other ailments.
Each one has a retail value of $27.
That means, that for the bonus report alone, the full price would be $486.
But you’re getting all of that for free, and we’re slashing the price of the Stress-Proof Life to
only $49, saving you over 90%.
And again, this comes with the same ironclad guarantee. If you’re not satisfied for any reason
– or even if you just changed your mind – just let me know in an email and we’ll refund you
Remember, once you leave this page, you may never again have the chance to live a stress-free
I don’t want you to finish this video and go straight back into a life of stress and anxiety.
So please, scroll down to review this course and the bonus health reports, and then hit the button
below to claim your exclusive copy of the Stress-Proof Life.
It’ll be the best decision you make this year.

If you add all of these incredible

programs together, it comes to $486. But
just for today, you’ll be able to take
advantage of this special discount and get
all of these programs for a low price of
just $49!(Works out to be $2.72 for each
Yes David, Please add this incredibly generous offer as an upgrade
to my
order right away for just $49 more…

programs will automatically be added to your previous orders)
No thanks, just take me to the next step
(Warning: If you choose this option, you may never see this special discount opportunity ever

Upsell #3


Customization STEP***
(Attention: Do not close this page. Complete your order by choosing an option below.)

Is Diabetes Your Only

Problem? Of Course
Naturally Reverse All
the Aches, Pains, and
Annoyancesof Aging
With My Complete
Anti-Aging Library:
21 Methods to Feel 21
Hi, it’s David Andrews again.
First off…
Make sure to stay on this page and do NOT hit the “back” button, as it could cause errors in your
I’m sure you can’t wait to dive into the program, but first I want to make sure you have all the
tools you need to be healthier and happier than you’ve ever been… as soon as possible.
You already know that with Diabetes Destroyer, you have the secret to effortlessly reverse your
Type 2 Diabetes.
But if you’re like I was, diabetes is only one of the problems slowing you down.
You might also be dealing with…
● Love handles and other extra fat…
● Wrinkles and other skin problems that make you look older…
● Memory loss, anxiety, and insomnia…
…And all sorts of other aches, pains, and annoyances making you feel old.
But how can you reverse all these aging problems?
Well, I don’t give this chance to all my clients, but since you’ve invested in Diabetes Destroyer,
you’re obviously someone who knows that when you discover the secrets to health… you also
discover the secrets to happiness.
And that means you understand the value of what I’m about to offer you.
I’ve combined my 21 most effective tools into one package called 21 Methods to Feel 21
Again: Natural Programs to Lose Weight, Cure Your Ailments, and Reverse the Aging
This is my total health library, and now I’ve opened up spots for a select handful of people. Since
you’ve shown you’re serious about your health, I’d like to offer you one of these limited spots.
But it’s only available while this page is still open.
The library starts with two premium video courses:

5 Lifestyle Hacks to Reverse Aging…

The Ultimate Anti-Aging Meal Plan.
These are super-simple, done-for-you plans to be as healthy as a teenager. All you have to do is
press “play,” and then follow the advice.
The 21 health guides are divided into 3 sections:

Section 1: Dirt-Simple Tricks to Lose Up

To 40 Pounds In 6 Weeks
(8 Volumes)
Section 2: The Done-For-You Guide to
Looking & Feeling 30 Years Younger (7
Section 3: Natural Strategies to Instantly
Reverse the 6 Worst Side Effects of Aging
(6 Volumes)…
That’s 21 total volumes, each with fool-proof strategies to help you feel younger.
When you arm yourself with these advanced tactics and strategies, you’ll easily erase everything
making you feel “old,” and discover the secrets to looking and feeling like you’re 21 again.
Think of it like this:
If Diabetes Destroyer reverses your Type 2 Diabetes to help you feel normal again…
Then 21 Methods to Feel 21 Again virtually reverses the aging process to help you feel even
better than normal.
These are the most advanced strategies that I teach my students, and are the single best
investment you can make in your future.
Each is effective enough to transform your life, so if you purchased all 21 individually, the total
would be $565.
But since you’ve invested in Diabetes Destroyer and shown that you’re serious about improving
your health…
I’m offering you the once-in-a-lifetime chance to get all 21 of these advanced programs for only
It’s my way of saying thank you for trusting in me, and for taking the initiative to invest in your
own personal health.
If you scroll down this page, you’ll see a more detailed explanation of how each of these 21 tools
will improve your life.
Remember, if you bought each program individually, the total would be $565. But right now –
while this page is still open – I’m offering you all 21 Methods to Feel 21 Again for only $67.
You’ll only pay a measly $3.19 each… a total savings of $498.
Again, once you leave this page, this offer is gone forever.
So grab them while you can, because my students who use these tools quickly feel healthy
enough to fully enjoy their lives.
In fact, I’m so confident that this advanced package will transform your life, that I’m including
a60 Day No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee.
If for any reason you’re not satisfied, simply contact me at support@diabetesdestroyer.com, and
you’ll get a full, 100% refund immediately.
You’ll even get to keep the entire package.
I’m taking on 100% of the risk, because I want you to find out how close you really are to living
your dream life with excellent health and vitality.
Here’s how to get started: Simply scroll down the page, have a look at what all 21 volumes will
do for you…
And then click the “Yes! Upgrade My Order” button at the bottom of the page.
Again, you can take it for a “test drive,” then if it’s not for you, just take advantage of the 100%
money-back guarantee.
Remember, this health library is not available anywhere else. And you’re one of only a few
people who I’m offering access.
So claim your spot now, or I’ll be forced to give it to someone else.
Once you move on to the next step of your ordering process, your chance to save $498 will
Now, before I let you go, take a second to think about how amazing your life will be once
you’re using both Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer and 21 Methods To Feel 21 Again. You’ll be
free of the diseases and ailments that hold you back, and you’ll feel happier and healthier than
you have in years.
What would you do if you felt 21 again?
Are you picturing it?
With that in mind, go ahead and scroll down, take a look at what each volume will do for you,
and then click the “Yes! Upgrade My Order” button.
If you add all of these incredible
programs together, it comes to $351. But
just for today, you’ll be able to take
advantage of this special discount and get
all of these programs for a low price of
just $39!
(Works out to be $3.00 for each program)
Yes David, Please add this incredibly generous offer as an upgrade
to my
order right away for just $39 more…

(These programs will automatically be added to your previous orders)

No thanks, just take me to the next step

(Warning: If you choose this option, you may never see this special discount opportunity ever

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