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Hey, it’s Mike . . .

When my best friend Adam told me he was in love with a woman who lived 3,000 miles
away from him I told him he was doomed.

That it was too much distance.

That it would never work.

But 2 years later there I was standing on the altar in a tuxedo, looking him in the eye
(and holding back the tears) as the minister at his wedding . . .

I thought long distance relationships could NEVER work . . .

Until I saw Adam’s incredible system.

If you’re in an LDR (or even if you’re just forced to spend time apart) you HAVE to go
hear Adam’s story . . .

And learn the 3 simple secrets he reveals to creating a long distance relationship that’s
as close (or closer) than any “Near distance” relationship I’ve ever seen.

SCRIPT _ brainstorm alt opens.


They all laughed and said I was a fool when I told them I was in love with . . . that I
had an incredible, relationship with . . . an amazing woman who lived over 3,000 miles
away . . .

Even my best friend told me I was doomed. That long distance relationships never
work. That one of us was going to cheat. That it was too hard. That our relationship
wasn’t “real” because we didn’t see each other every day.

But they weren’t laughing a few short years when they saw her walk down the aisle in
her wedding dress. They were gasping. Shocked. Apologizing. Amazed that we’d made
it work. Amazed how strong our love had become. That we’d made it look so easy. That
it can be so easy for you too.

Hi, my name is Adam Rabin . . .

And if you’re in a long distance relationship (or if you’re in a relationship where you’re
forced spend lots of time apart) . . .

If you’re depressed . . . angry . . . afraid, that the distance between you and the man or
woman you love is going to destroy that special connection you have . . .

If your friends, your family, EVERYONE is telling you that you’re doomed . . .

If you can feel him getting distant . . .

If you can feel her slipping away . . .

If it feels like it’s all becoming too much.

Then this is going to be the most important video you ever watch. The video that
actually changes your life forever.


Because in the next 7 minutes I’m going to teach you the three simple secrets no one
has ever told you before to creating an . . .

Unbreakable Long Distance Relationship.

A long distance relationship that lasts forever with almost no effort at all . . . where you
feel truly connected, satisfied, wanted, loved, secure.

Where you have absolute trust in the man or woman you love.

Where you wake up everyday warm and happy and content.

Where your friends in “near distance” relationship don’t just stop trying to tear you down
but are actually jealous of you because they see what you have that they can’t seem to
create even though they see their boyfriend or girlfriend every single day.

I’ll teach you the three secrets you can use to transform your Long Distance

Before I do though . . .

I Need To Tell You The Story Of How I Met The

Woman Of My Dreams . . . And How I Almost Let Her
Go Forever . . . (AMP THIS SUBHEAD UP MORE. More
punched in gut)
I’ll remember the moment I met Eliza until I breathe my last breath.

I was living in LA at the time. She was an old friend of my downstairs neighbor, come
3,000 miles to visit from the East Coast.

Mark introduced us in passing on the way out the door. He had some audition (it’s LA,
remember?) and wanted me to “babysit” his friend while he was gone.

And when I saw her I didn’t need any convincing.

As soon as he drove off it was like electricity for both of us. She smiled and I felt a
shock down my spine. We shook hands and it was like fire.

We spent the week orbiting like two planets. Talking until the early hours of the morning.
Making out like teenagers. Falling deeper and deeper into something neither of us was
ready yet to call love.

And dreading like anything that drive to the airport.

I dropped her off and held her close and kissed her right there in front of some cop
yelling at me to leave.

I drove home clenching my jaw so I wouldn’t cry on the freeway. I thought that was it. I
thought it was over. I thought dating someone that far away was stupid. That it would
never work.

I thought I’d never see her again . . .

But our connection . . . that thing we just couldn’t call love was too powerful.

It started with emails . . .

Then chatting over IM . . .

Then long, incredible phone calls . . .

And before we knew it we were . . . something.

Without even talking about it we’d both stopped seeing other people. Without even
talking about it we’d started thinking of ourselves as “Boyfriend and girlfriend.”
When we finally had “the talk” to define what we had it was like loosening a kink in a fire
hose. All this emotion pouring out of us. All this joy and relief to find out she felt the
same way about me that I felt about her.

I had never felt such an incredible connection with anyone. I couldn’t wait to tell my
friends and my family how happy I was.

I’d been through a devastating breakup the year before and I thought they’d all be
excited for me that I’d found someone so incredible who made me so happy.

I expected encouragement, excitement, congratulations and questions about this

amazing woman that I just couldn’t wait to answer.

But that’s not what I got from my friends and from my family . . .

What I Got Felt Like A Punch In The Stomach . . .

Instead of encouragement I got jokes and bitterness and pity . . .

Instead of congratulations I got warning and lectures about how “Long Distance
Relationships” never work . . . or how “Long Distance Relationships” aren’t REAL

And I got questions . . . but not the ones I wanted . . .

Even my best friends in the world asked me . . .

“What are you THINKING?”

“You know she’s not REALLY your girlfriend, right?”

“Are you CRAZY?”

“It’ll NEVER work.”

“I tried long distance once and it blew up in my face.”

And again and again, I didn’t know what to say.

I knew what I felt. I knew how RIGHT it felt how I knew she was the woman for me. How
I wanted to BE with her however I COULD be with her forever.

And I couldn’t believe they couldn’t understand.

I was devastated. I was depressed.

And I started to doubt myself and my relationship and the love that I knew was growing
between us.

All I wanted to do was call Elize and have her tell me it was OK.

I reached for the phone, but I stopped myself.

What if Eliza was telling her friends and her family. What if they were all telling her the
same thing?

What if she believed them?

I was so sad and devastated and angry I didn’t even want to talk to her.

When the phone vibrated in my hand and I saw her number on caller ID I almost didn’t

And then I heard her voice.

She said it didn’t matter what anyone else said or that no one supported us because we
didn’t need their support. We only needed one thing for our relationship to work and
that was each other.

It didn’t matter if the world was against us (if it was her and I against the world I knew
full well WE were going to win.)

Right there on the phone we talked and laughed and decided that nothing as simple and
petty as negativity or geography could keep us apart.

But we knew that just loving each other wasn’t going to be enough.

If we wanted (if we NEEDED) to make this work we were going to have to carve our
own path to make our long distance relationship work.

We decided to throw out all the old rules and start making our own . . .

And in the 2 long years we dated with a continent between us we discovered 3 simple
secrets that kept us together . . . that kept us in love . . . that saw us last when so many
other couples (even couples who see each other every single day) didn’t . . .

So what are the secrets?

The first secret is that Long Distance Relationships and and Near Distance
Relationships succeed and fail at EXACTLY the same rate . . .

I know, I know, everybody TELLS you that Long Distance Relationships are DOOMED
and that you need to see each other every day to have a “real” relationship. But that’s a
flat out LIE.

The fact is that “distance” isn’t the most important factor in whether a relationship is
loving and sexy and wonderful and satisfying at all. Heck, it barely even makes the top

Eliza and discovered that as long as stayed connected, intimate, part of each other’s
lives and focused on each other how “far apart” we were barely mattered at all.

Secret Number 2 is that while Distance isn’t the most important factor to the
success of your relationship, who you spend your time with when you and your
love can’t be together will make or break your relationship.


Some of the most important time in you LDR actually happens when you’re doing
things that seem to have NOTHING to do with your relationship at all. And doing
those things with people other than your partner. Doing the right things, with the
right people and avoiding the “wrong” things and especially the wrong people is
so important. Knowing which is which was which was a challenge but once
figured it out our relationship improved immedietly . . . and we were able to avoid
some of most dangerous Long Distance Relationship traps.

And the third secret is the whammy . . . it’s the one that once I really
UNDERSTOOD it changed everything about my long distance relationship (and
will change everything about yours too.)

What is it?

Secret Number Three Is That You Can “Spend Time Together” even if you’re not
in the same space . . .

That you can have “dates” while 3,000 miles away . . .

That you can “make love” without ever touching skin . . .

That you can actually be intimate without even setting eyes on each other or
hearing each other’s voice.


(I would talk about how you can be in the same place but not actually together,
taking each other for granted and drifting apart, but that with the right focus you
can actually be and feel closer emotionally, relationshipwise and even physically
in a long distance relationship)

Of course those secrets are just the start.

In our 2 years of being thousands of miles apart, Eliza and rewrote the rules of how to
have a GREAT long distance relationship. In fact, we turned it into a game with points
and souveneirs (my favorite being a scrapbook Eliza made me of some of our best
email conversations.)

And as we got closer and closer . . . as we discovered new ways of staying close . .
.connected . . . in love . . . no matter what challenges got in our way . . . as we started
helping other couples who felt cursed that the person they loved was so far away . . . we
realized we were onto something special.

Finally, my friend Michael Fiore came to me and said he was amazed at what we’d
done that nobody else had been able to. He told me I HAD to share this material with
the world . . .

So after MONTHS of hard work writing the material . . . shooting video . . . testing
EVERYTHING on as many couples as I could find and seeing incredible levels of
success . . .

The Unbreakable LDR System Was Born . . .

(IMage on box should be a couple weathering the storm . . . things are trying to break
them up but it doesn’t work.)

The Unbreakable LDR system is a complete, step-by-step program designed to answer

every question burning in your heart and give you EVERYTHING you need to have an
incredible relationship with the man or woman you love no matter how far from each
other you’re forced to be and no matter what challenges the world (or even your
“friends”) throw in your way . . .

And I’ve designed it from the ground up to be EASY to use . . . (if you passed third
grade and know how to make a phone call, you’ve got everything you need) . . .

When you enroll in the “Unbreakable LDR” program today you’ll discover . . .

(CUT SOME OF THESE FROM VID VERSION - keep for flat copy)
The “LDR’s Are Doomed” myth you’ve been force fed since you were a kid . . .why the
RIGHT KIND of long distance relationship is actually stronger . . . better and more
passionate than most “near distance” relationships . . . and exactly how to establish
UNBREAKABLE LOVE with your boyfriend or girlfriend that nothing and no one can

Sick of having friends and family (everyone you know) telling you that your LDR will
never work? I’ll give you my famous “Eleanor Roosevelt” answer that shuts down
doubters and haters FAST . . . (just say this once and you’ll do giddy backflips at the
crazy look that appears on their face . . . how they never doubt your relationship again.)

How to “cheat proof” your long distance relationship . . . and the one simple thing to say
every time you and your boyfriend or girlfriend get off the phone that actually makes it
impossible for them to cheat.

The “Magic LDR Money” secret . . . how to almost magically discover the money you
need so you and your love can spend time together . . . without going into credit card
debt, working extra shifts or worrying about how much it costs at all.

Ever wake up late at night in a panic that your LDR will fail? I’ll give you the “Anxiety
Defuser” mantra that will calm your heart and reinforce your love in seconds flat . . .

You’ll also get the “LDR Commitment Roadmap” . . . this one simple tool will remove all
your doubt about the future and give you a guaranteed path to amazing LDR success
(simply do what it says and don’t be surprised if you and your long distance love are
walking down the aisle just a few short months or years from now.)

Not all LDR’s are perfect . . . I’ll show you the 5 real THREATS to a great LDR . . . how
to identify “toxicity” in your long distance relationship (even if you think everything is
“great” now) and how to nip problems in the bud so you keep the love you deserve.

Distance Destroyer Questions . . . simple (but powerful) questions that create incredible
closeness with you and your partner and give you the intimacy and romance you need
to keep distance from killing your love. (Even if you’re NOT in a long distance
relationship these simple questions will change your love life forever.)

The “Sizzle Secret” you can use to have an incredibly satisfying, overwhelming,
incredible sex life with your love even if you’re thousands of miles away. (This is so
powerful you might not even WANT to have “actual sex” when you see each other
because you already feel so passionately, carnally connected.)

The “Crazy High School Health Teacher” secret to dirty talk . . . exactly what to say to
have your girlfriend or boyfriend feeling sexually addicted to you and ignoring
EVERYONE else they see because you’re the single most sexually attractive person
they can imagine.
Why Love and Misery have nothing to do with each other . . .how to stop “suffering” like
Romeo and Juliet and actually be happy, energetic and ecstatic in your LDR.

The “Love Killer” phrase you’re probably saying every time you talk to your boyfriend or
girlfriend that’s wearing down your love like water in the grand canyon. (You might think
this 3 word phrase is GOOD for your LDR. You’re wrong and I’ll show you what to say

EXACTLY how to handle it if your boyfriend or girlfriend is worried about YOU cheating .
. .just say this phrase and watch as all his doubt drains away.

Why sharing EVERYTHING about your life is a intimacy destroyer . . . and exactly what
details to share to have your boyfriend craving you like a tiger craves steak.

LONG DISTANCE FIGHTS . . . how to keep an argument from becoming a break up no

matter how bad things seem.

How to keep your girlfriend from making her miserable while she “tries to make you
happy . . .” . . .

And much, much (much more.)

Listen, I could list out EVERY tool, trick and detail of the system.

But instead . . .

Here’s My Personal Unbreakable Promise To You . . .

Simply follow the Unbreakable LDR System . . . read the material . . . do the exercises .
. . use the “Done for you’ scripts . . . and you’ll be shocked at how it transforms your
Long Distance (or even your close distance relationship) literally overnight. How you
feel that anxiety drain away. How the STRESS and FEAR and DOUBT you’re feeling
right now evaporate like rain on a sunny day. How you feel close, connected, loved,
desired, wanted and SECURE for maybe the first time ever . . .

But you know what? Just to make this a real “No Brainer” for you, I want to be really
generous here and give you THREE valuable bonuses just for “trying out” the (NAME
OF PROGRAM) program. (These bonuses are yours FREE even if you ultimately
decide the program isn’t for you.)
Bonus #2: The “Unbreakable” Long Distance Date
(Step by step long distance date that will have your woman swoon or your man thinking
he has the greatest girlfriend in the world. ADD COPY)

Bonus #3: Long Distance Texting Interview With

Michael Fiore PLUS “Done For You” Long Distance
Have you heard of Michael Fiore?

He’s without a doubt the world’s foremost expert on using text messaging to create
incredible closeness with the person you love.

And in this 1 hour video he lays out EXACTLY what to say to to make your boyfriend or
your girlfriend feel like they’re right there next to you, even if they’re thousands and
thousands of miles away.

So How Do You Get Started?

By now you’re probably wondering how much it costs to invest in the NAME program.


(Not to mention the OTHER bonuses I haven’t told you about yet that you’ll get just
because I like to drastically over deliver.)

Honestly, I’ve done a LOT of research and there’s really no other program like this in
existence . . .

So let’s just think about the alternatives you could try (or that you’ve tried already) only
to throw your hands up in frustration and heartbreak when you feel you and the love of
your life being torn apart by the distance between you (and all your “friends” telling you
it’ll never work) no matter how hard you try or how much you’ve wanted things to work.

You could try to the “pretend” Long distance relationship so many people make the
mistake of falling into.
That means texting, IMing, emailing and calling your girlfriend or boyfriend like crazy
every hour of the day, saying “I love you” so much it starts falling on numb ears and
desperately trying to make sure they don’t “forget about you.”

But I can tell you from experience that never works . . . that it actually pushes your love
away and rushes you towards the break up you want to avoid at all costs.

Next you could be “weekend lovers” . . . paying out the nose for plane tickets or gallons
and gallons of gas just to spend a few awkward hours a week with your love.
That’ll cost you thousands of dollars over the course of year . . . and it’ll do the opposite
of what you want . . . making your “relationship” into a part time commitment that you
can feel slipping through your fingers as the bitterness, resentment and responsibility

I’m going to tell you the shockingly low price for the program in just a second . . .

Before I do, though, I’m going to do something kind of weird . . .

Before I do, though, I’m going to do something kind of

weird and Tell You Why This Might Not Be For You . . .
If you’ve watched this far into this video I think you can feel how powerful this stuff is . . .
how it really might be the only chance you have to keep you and the person you love
together (maybe forever) no matter how far apart you are or how tough things get.

And I’ll tell you right now, you’re right. It IS powerful.

In fact, this material is designed to set you on a path to a love and a commitment that
lasts you the rest of your life (and that you love every minute of.)

So if you just “kind of like” this person? Then you should probably get off this page right

In fact, even though I might be shooting myself in the foot here, I only want you to grab
this program if you’re shooting for REAL love that lasts years . . . decades . . . forever.

I’m not saying you have to be completely “in love” now . . .but you have to feel deep in
your heart and in your bones that this man . . . or this woman . . . is THE one for you.

Otherwise you’re just wasting my time and wasting your time too. If you can’t make that
kind of commitment in your heart this just isn’t for you.
But if you can . . .

If you KNOW you want this person (need this person) . . . that you’re right for them like
they’re right for you . . .

Then I can’t wait for you to experience that amazing feeling of contentedness . . of
happiness . . . of real love that comes from having a “Long Distance Relationship” that
truly WORKS.

So let’s get to brass tacks.


The regular retail price of the (NAME OF PROGRAM) program is . . .

Just $97 . . .

Which everybody who’s actually USED the program tells me is a total steal . . .


Because it’s the only program in existence that actually shows you how to make your
“long distance” relationship really WORK (instead of just “suffering through it” like so
many other “experts” tell you to.

That will give you the chance you need to make your relationship LAST forever.

Which should make $97 seem like a total bargain.

But you know what?

I’ve been right where you are. I’ve felt that anxiety and that fear and that heartbreak.

And I don’t want a couple of bucks to be what keeps you from getting the love you

Honestly, with the incredible amount of material (and the “Done for You, here’s
EXACTLY what to do” nature of the program) the absolute least I can really afford to
give you the program for is . . .

Just $67 . . .

But because you’ve made a promise to me and to yourself that you truly want this . . .
that this love and longing you feel is real . . . that you’re going to use this stuff for the
RIGHT reasons . . .
I want to go one better for you.

I want to offer you the FULL program (PLUS the bonuses) valued together at (BIG

For just . . .

$47 if you act RIGHT NOW . . .

But I’m not done . . .

I can’t do this for everybody (and I have to take this down soon) but if you act RIGHT
NOW I’ll also give you . . .

Lifetime Upgrades And “Secret” Material Just For My

Best Customers . . .

Are you wondering how to “transition” a relationship from long distance to “close
distance?” Do you want to know the real secret that made my marriage to my beautiful
wife not just inevitable but actually MAGICAL?

Enroll now in the program and I’ll give you lifetime upgrades to the program every time I
add to it AND I’ll give you my advanced “Commitment Creator” training that brought my
wife and I closer and closer no matter how far apart we got and made our wedding day
wonderfully inevitable from the first moment we said “I love you.”

This is advanced and PRIMAL material and it’s JUST for you if you act now.

And all you have to do to enroll is click the button below. You’ll immediately be brought
to our secure order site where you can safely enter your credit card information and will
have access to the full program just 2 short minutes from right now.

(In fact, you’ll be able to use your first technique from the program RIGHT AWAY and
will be astonished at the reaction you get. I can’t wait to hear about it.)

Oh, and . . .

Here’s Why You 100% Can’t Lose Once You Make The
Choice To Enroll In This Program Today . . .
Listen, I know money might be tough for you right now and I want you to feel 100%
confident about grabbing the NAME program today.

That’s why I’m going to “go out on a limb” here and offer you my 100% satisfaction
“You’ll have the relationship you want” guarantee.

Here’s how it works . . .

Simply enter your email address and click the “Add to Cart” Button right below this

Grab your copy of the NAME OF PROGRAM program. Dig into the material. Go through
the lessons. Start using the scripts, long distance dates and ideas I lay out for you.
Experience for yourself how much better your long distance relationship becomes . . .
how CLOSE to your boyfriend or girlfriend you feel. How HAPPY you are.

If you aren’t 100% satisfied . . . if you can’t say with absolute certainty that this material
transformed your long distance relationship at any time in the next TWO MONTHS,
simply get in touch with my customer support and we’ll refund your tiny investment right
away with no questions asked.

Listen: As somebody who’s been in a long distance relationship myself, I don’t think I
deserve your money unless I OVER DELIVER on my promises and unless I get you
astonishing results.

Plus I know from experience that once you USE the material you’ll prove for yourself
how powerful this material is and you’ll be thrilled with your decision.

Again, all you have to do to get started is click the big, shiny, inviting “Add To Cart”
button below . . .

But you really do have to act NOW. I’m offering the complete (NAME OF PROGRAM)
program for just $47 now as a market test, but I’m probably going to have to RAISE the
price (or even DOUBLE it) in the near future.

See, my friends and I have a little bet going. And if I lose, you lose too.

They keep telling me that at $47, UNBREAKABLE LDR is TOO CHEAP . . . and that
people aren’t going to believe the answer to all your long distance woes can really cost
less than a pair of shoes or a video game.

Which means I might have to RAISE the price and charge everyone else more just to
get this out to as many folks as possible.
But you can still grab NAME OF PROGRAM at the drastically discounted price if you act
right now.

Listen, I don’t want to pressure you here, but . . .

You’ve Got A REALLY Simple Choice To Make . . .
Right now, as you watch this video, you’re at a crossroads that’s going to affect you for
the rest of your life.

In fact, 20, 30, 40 years from now, when you look back on your life, you’re going to
remember this as one of the most important moments of your life.


Because this is the moment you decide if you’re going to truly go after love . . . have the
long distance relationship that makes your “near distance” friends jealous . . . build the
real partnership and love affair you want so deep in your bones that lasts decades . .
.that lasts forever.

Or if you’re going to give up.

If you’re going to let that special connection you have with that one amazing man or
woman die because you don’t have the guts to do what it takes to keep that amazing
love in your life.

When you think about it, you’ve really just got three options . . .

1. Do nothing. Let this video end. Leave this site behind. Keep listening to your “friends”
who tell you you don’t have a “real” relationship. Let the anxiety and the fear chew
you up inside wondering who your boyfriend is with . . .what your girlfriend is doing.
Let yourself be just another statistic. Let your love die.

2. Take what you learned in this video and try to “figure out” your own system for having
a truly great long distance relationship.

Honestly? You can try this, but I can tell you from experience it’s not a good idea. It took
me years to figure out the “Formula” for a truly great, passionate, secure, committed,
amazing long distance relationship . . .
And I still wake up in cold sweats some nights wondering what could have happened . .
. how I could have lost the woman who became my wife forever . . . if I’d just made one
mistake. If I’d just done one more thing wrong.

I’m sure you know from friends who’s long distance relationships crashed and burned
how easy it is to mess this up. And no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you
want this, it can still blow up in your face if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing.

Which brings us to option 3 . . .

Let ME take all the risk for you. Do what so many other men and women just like you
have done before. Trust ME to show you the exact formula for creating a truly
“Unbreakable” long distance relationship. Whether you and the man or woman you love
are forced to be apart for a few weeks, a few months or even years, I’ll show you
EXACTLY what to do to have more trust, more love, more closeness than any couple
you know who sees each other every day.

To build an incredible love that truly goes the distance and that no one can destroy.

Like I said, the price of the Unbreakable LDR program will be going up soon. If you
leave this site and come back later, don’t be surprised if you see the price has doubled
over the low, low discount price I’m offering you today.

And with my generous 60 day guarantee, there’s really no way you can lose.


Just enter your email address and click the “Add To Cart” button below that you see
below. You’ll be brought to our secure order page and will be able to enroll in the
Unbreakable LDR program . . . PLUS all the bonuses at at whopping discount right


Listen, when it comes down to it, this is only about one thing.

It’s about your happiness. It’s about your future. It’s about you keeping that man in your
life . . . it’s about you keeping that woman in your arms where she belongs.

For me, there’s no better feeling in the world than knowing I helped a couple “weather
the storm” and stand up to the BS you’ve been fed about Long Distance Relationships
being “impossible.”
That’s why I’m so passionate about getting this incredible program into your hands
today . . . so you can feel what it’s like to let go of all that anxiety and fear and REALLY
experience what a long distance relationship is SUPPOSED to be like. To know what
it’s like to feel truly loved and connected to your partner in a way most people just never
get to experience.

I can tell you from my own experience it’s a pretty great feeling.

But the only way I can help you is if you let me. If you take action RIGHT NOW and click
the big “Add To Cart” Button you see below.

I can’t wait to hear from you after you get into the Unbreakable LDR program, dig into it
and find out for yourself how simple and easy it is to have a truly GREAT long distance

Just click the “Add To Cart” button below. I personally guarantee you’ll be happy that
you did.

Still Here? Let Me Just Answer Some Of The

CommonQuestions I Get About The Unbreakable LDR
Program . . .

Q And A . . .

My husband just got sent away to war. Will this program work for us?

My wife is away a lot for business, what do I do?

Why do so many people say long distance can’t work?

(Because they’re jealous. BEcause it didn’t work for them. Because they didn’t have the

Again, my name is Adam Rabin. And whether you take me up on this generous offer to
have an incredible relationship no matter how far apart you are or not, I want to thank
you for your time.

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