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Event Recorder for IKI-30

The Event-Recorder is an optional feature for IKI-30X1. The Event-Recorder is only available for IKI-

1) Scope
The event recorder integrated in the IKI-30 records up to 16 events comprising following information:
a) event number (#)
b) settings of the DIP-switches and jumpers during the event: DIP A, DIP B, DIP C, Jumper
c) measured current at each phase (IL1, IL2, IL2, ILE) in Ampere during the event
d) reason for the event:
phase-overcurrent 'I>' or 'I>>', earth-overcurrent IE>> (only for IKI-30E), or External-trip ('Ext.')
The concerned phase is also displayed e.g. for phase 1: I>1
e) elapsed time since the event occurred until the event was downloaded from the IKI-30
Hint: for events older than 24 h the elapsed time is recorded with '>24:00'

Event Example: # 01
000000110000 10111 1111111111 0010 0
IL1 IL2 IL3 ILE reason
0000 0000 0116 0116 I>3
Elapsed time (h:m): 01:36

Remark: The information of the auxiliary bit AUX is irrelevant

2) Download
Event download from IKI-30 to PC:

a) For downloading the events a PC must be connected to the IKI-30 by means of an interface- cable
(Art-No 2501047).
The cable offers a serial-connector for the IKI-30 and a USB-connector to be plugged into the PC.
The cable is based on the FTDI-TTL-232RG generic cable and may require USB drivers, available
free from, which are used to make the FT232R in the cable appear as a
virtual COM port (VCP). Herewith the user can communicate with the USB interface via a standard
PC serial emulation port (for example TTY). A virtual COM-Port will be provided for the USB-Cable.
To find out which one is used, please refer to windows device manager (Picture 1). The connector
has to be plugged into the IKI-30 carefully to avoid damages at IKI-30 or cable. The marking on the
IKI-30-side of the interface cable has to face upwards.
b) At the PC a terminal program has to be installed and started.
(e.g. a standard program like ´Hyper-Terminal´ or freeware like ´Putty´; for download please refer to By start of e.g. Hyperterminal, choose the correct COM-Port (Picture 2).
c) After starting the terminal program the interface-port must be configured. Please use the
Settings: baud rate 19200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Use the virtual COM-Port of the
interface cable. (Picture 3)
d) If an alarm is pending in the LED indication of the IKI-30 it has to be reset by Test/Reset-button.
e) When the cable is connected and the connection between the PC and the IKI-30 is established, the
test-button of IKI-30 has to be pushed until the IKI-30 responds. All events are downloaded and
shown at the PC (Picture 4).
Remark: The test-button has to be pushed and hold. If it´s only pressed shortly the self-test is

Kries-Energietechnik GmbH&Co KG
D-71334 Waiblingen, Sandwiesen 19
Telefon ++49 (0) 7151 96932-0
Telefax ++49 (0) 7151 96932-16
Internet 1
Picture 1: Device Manager with virtual COM-Port

Picture 2: Setting of COM-Port

Kries-Energietechnik GmbH&Co KG
D-71334 Waiblingen, Sandwiesen 19
Telefon ++49 (0) 7151 96932-0
Telefax ++49 (0) 7151 96932-16
Internet 2
Picture 3: Com-Port Settings

Picture 4: Read-out of event recorder

Kries-Energietechnik GmbH&Co KG
D-71334 Waiblingen, Sandwiesen 19
Telefon ++49 (0) 7151 96932-0
Telefax ++49 (0) 7151 96932-16
Internet 3
f) The event recorder replies:
first line: status message with the release version of the IKI-30 device: e.g. ' IKI-30 (Rel. 016)
second line: number of stored events and number of critical trips is displayed.

(Remark. Critical Trip = Trip with I>> crititcal current flow. Critical current I>>crit. = 630A. The
counter of critical trips is cut at 99 crtitical trips. Example: ' 16 event(s) recorded,
#I>>crit.: 99'.)
If there are already more than 16 events occurred, then the next line shows the message ' >= 16
events'. The oldest event is overwritten by the latest event, therefore only the last 16 events are
In the next lines, the data of the stored events are listed.

g) If the events should be erased it has to be performed in between 10 seconds after downloading by
entering the character 'e' on the PC keyboard. The middle green LED and the right red LED are
blinking alternately until the 10 seconds are elapsed. Then the connection is closed by the IKI-30 by
a kindly 'Bye'. The conversation can be started again like described in item f).
During the 10 seconds, the measurement function of the IKI-30 is blocked, and the device does not
react to overcurrent conditions.

- It is recommended to download the events and e.g. copy the text to a text editor for documentation.
- The counter of critical trips is also cleared, when the events are erased.

IKI-30 with open

front panel

Serial interface Push and hold the Test-Button

for event download until the IKI-30 replies for event
from event-recorder download from event-
to PC recorder to PC

IKI-30 (Rel. XXXX) Kries Energietechnik

No events !
Marking on Bye
interface cable

USB-plug PC with USB-port

Kries-Energietechnik GmbH&Co KG
D-71334 Waiblingen, Sandwiesen 19
Telefon ++49 (0) 7151 96932-0
Telefax ++49 (0) 7151 96932-16
Internet 4

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