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This document is extracted from the Standard Bidding document (SBD), in the event of discrepancies; the PDF
version of the SBD takes precedence

Bidder to fill out and submit all sections

May 2021
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Table of Forms

Letter of Bid..................................................................................................................................80

Bill of Quantities.....................................................................................................................84

Forms of Bid Security................................................................................................................154

Form of Bid Security - Bank Guarantee............................................................................154

Technical Bid..............................................................................................................................156

Technical Bid Forms............................................................................................................156

Technical Bid-Base Bid........................................................................................................157
Key Personnel Schedule......................................................................................................158
Site Organization.................................................................................................................163
Method Statement..............................................................................................................164
Mobilization Schedule........................................................................................................165
Construction Schedule........................................................................................................166
ES Management Strategies and Implementation Plans.................................................167
Code of Conduct for Contractor’s Personnel (ES) Form.......................................................168
Commercial Terms and Conditions...................................................................................174

Bidder’s Qualification................................................................................................................175

Form ELI -1.1: Bidder Information Form...........................................................................176

Form ELI -1.2: Information Form for JV Bidders..............................................................177
Form ELI -1.3........................................................................................................................178
Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services Form...........................................................178
Form CON – 2: Historical Contract Non-Performance, Pending Litigation and Litigation
Form CON – 3:......................................................................................................................183
Environmental and Social Performance Declaration......................................................183
Form CCC: Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress.................................185
Form FIN – 3.1: Financial Situation and Performance.....................................................187
Form FIN - 3.2: Average Annual Construction Turnover................................................189
Form FIN - 3.3: Financial Resources..................................................................................190
Financial Resources of the Reporting Firm......................................................................190
Form EXP - 4.1: General Construction Experience..........................................................191
Form EXP - 4.2(b): Construction Experience in Key Activities....................................196
Form EXP - 4.2(c): Specific Experience in Managing ES aspects...................................199
Letter of Bid

The Bidder must prepare this Letter of Bid on stationery with its letterhead
clearly showing the Bidder’s complete name and business address.

Note: All italicized text is to help Bidders in preparing this form.

Date of this Bid submission: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid submission ]
IFB No.: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Alternative No.: N/A

To: Save the Children International, Somalia/Somaliland Country Office

Address: Mansoor Area, Jigjiga Yar, Hargeisa, Somaliland

(a) No reservations: We have examined and have no reservations to the bidding

document, including Addenda issued in accordance with ITB 8;

(b) Eligibility of Bidder: We, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the
Contract, have nationalities from eligible countries and meet the eligibility
requirements and have no conflict of interest in accordance with ITB 4;

(c) Eligibility of Materials, Equipment and Services: We meet the eligibility requirements
for Materials, Equipment and Services in accordance with ITB 5;

(d) Bid-Securing Declaration: We have not been suspended nor declared ineligible by
the Employer based on execution of a Bid-Securing Declaration in the Employer’s
Country in accordance with ITB 4.7;

(e) Conformity: We offer to execute in conformity with the bidding document the
following Works: [insert a brief description of the Works] _____________________

(f) Bid Price: The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (g)
below is:
Note : Bid amounts inserted below should be obtained from Grand summary
section of Bill of Quantities

Lot Name of Contract Total Price in Total Price in words

No. figures

1 Construction/Rehabilitation of
Livestock Market Enclosures at

2 Construction/Rehabilitation of
Livestock Market Enclosures at

3 Construction/Rehabilitation of
Livestock Market Enclosures at Burao

Total Bid Value USD

(g) Discounts: The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are:

(i) The discounts offered are: [Specify in detail each discount offered.]

(ii) The exact method of calculations to determine the net price of each item and
‘Works’ (one contract/lot), and in case of multiple lots or multiple packages, net
price of each item, each lot and each package after application of discounts is
shown below: [Specify in detail the method that shall be used to apply the
discounts and ensure clarity, unambiguity, etc. in accordance with ITB 14.7];

(h) Bid Validity Period: Our Bid shall be valid for a period specified in BDS ITB 18.1 (or as
amended, if applicable) from the date fixed for the Bid submission deadline in
accordance with the bidding document, and it shall remain binding upon us and
may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;

(i) Performance Security: If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a performance

security [and an Environmental and Social (ES), Performance Security, Delete if not
applicable] in accordance with the bidding document;

(j) One Bid Per Bidder: We are not submitting any other Bid(s) as an individual Bidder
or as a subcontractor, and we are not participating in any other Bid(s) as a Joint
Venture member, and meet the requirements of ITB 4.3, other than alternative Bids
submitted in accordance with ITB 13;
(k) Suspension and Debarment: We, along with any of our subcontractors, suppliers,
consultants, manufacturers, or service providers for any part of the contract, are not
subject to, and not controlled by any entity or individual that is subject to, a
temporary suspension or a debarment imposed by the Bank or a debarment
imposed by the Bank in accordance with the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of
Debarment Decisions between the Bank and other development banks. Further, we
are not ineligible under the Employer’s Country laws or official regulations or
pursuant to a decision of the United Nations Security Council;

(l) State-owned enterprise or institution: [select the appropriate option and delete the
other] [We are not a state-owned enterprise or institution] / [We are a state-owned
enterprise or institution but meet the requirements of ITB 4.6];

(m) Commissions, gratuities and fees: We have paid, or will pay the following
commissions, gratuities, or fees with respect to the Bidding process or execution of
the Contract: [insert complete name of each Recipient, its full address, the reason
for which each commission or gratuity was paid and the amount and currency of
each such commission or gratuity]

Name of Recipient Address Reason Amount

(If none has been paid or is to be paid, indicate “none.”)

(n) Binding Contract: We understand that this Bid, together with your written
acceptance thereof included in your Letter of Acceptance, shall constitute a binding
contract between us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed;

(o) Not Bound to Accept: We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest
evaluated cost Bid, or any other Bid that you may receive; and

(p) Fraud and Corruption: We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no
person acting for us or on our behalf engages in any type of Fraud and Corruption;

(q) Adjudicator: We accept the appointment of [insert name proposed in Bid Data
Sheet] as the Adjudicator.

We do not accept the appointment of [insert name proposed in Bid Data Sheet] as the
Adjudicator, and propose instead that [insert name] be appointed as Adjudicator, whose
daily fees and biographical data are attached.

Name of the Bidder: *[insert complete name of person signing the Bid ]
Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder: **[insert
complete name of person duly authorized to sign the Bid ]
Title of the person signing the Bid: [insert complete title of the person signing the Bid ]
Signature of the person named above: [insert signature of person whose name and
capacity are shown above]
Date signed [insert date of signing] day of [insert month], [insert year]

* In the case of the Bid submitted by joint venture specify the name of the Joint Venture as
Bidder or names of all members (partners) of JV and sign on behalf of the JV and not
on behalf of only one member that has been given power of attorney.

** Person signing the Bid shall have the power of attorney given by the Bidder to be attached
with the Bid. If the Bidder is a JV, the power of attorney shall be given by the JV or by
all members of the JV.
Bill of Quantities

The objectives of the Bill of Quantities are:

(a) to provide sufficient information on the quantities of Works to be performed

to enable bids to be prepared efficiently and accurately; and

(b) when a Contract has been entered into, to provide a priced Bill of Quantities
for use in the periodic valuation of Works executed.

In order to attain these objectives, Works should be itemized in the Bill of Quantities in
sufficient detail to distinguish between the different classes of Works, or between Works
of the same nature carried out in different locations or in other circumstances which
may give rise to different considerations of cost. Consistent with these requirements,
the layout and contents of the Bill of Quantities should be as simple and brief as

Daywork Schedule

A Daywork Schedule should be included only if the probability of unforeseen work,

outside the items included in the Bill of Quantities, is high. To facilitate checking by the
Employer of the realism of rates quoted by the Bidders, the Daywork Schedule should
normally comprise the following:

(a) A list of the various classes of labor, materials, and Constructional Plant for
which basic daywork rates or prices are to be inserted by the Bidder, together
with a statement of the conditions under which the Contractor shall be paid
for work executed on a daywork basis.

(b) Nominal quantities for each item of daywork, to be priced by each Bidder at
daywork rates as Bid. The rate to be entered by the Bidder against each basic
daywork item should include the Contractor’s profit, overheads, supervision,
and other charges.

Provisional Sums

A general provision for physical contingencies (quantity overruns) may be made by

including a provisional sum in the Summary Bill of Quantities. Similarly, a contingency
allowance for possible price increases should be provided as a provisional sum in the
Summary priced Bill of Quantities. The inclusion of such provisional sums often
facilitates budgetary approval by avoiding the need to request periodic supplementary
approvals as the future need arises. Where such provisional sums or contingency
allowances are used, the Special Conditions of Contract should state the manner in
which they shall be used, and under whose authority (usually the Project Manager’s).

The estimated cost of specialized work to be carried out, or of special goods to be

supplied, by other contractors should be indicated in the relevant part of the Bill of
Quantities as a particular provisional sum with an appropriate brief description. A
separate procurement procedure is normally carried out by the Employer to select such
specialized contractors. To provide an element of competition among the Bidders in
respect of any facilities, amenities, attendance, etc., to be provided by the successful
Bidder as prime Contractor for the use and convenience of the specialist contractors,
each related provisional sum should be followed by an item in the Bill of Quantities
inviting the Bidder to quote a sum for such amenities, facilities, attendance, etc.

These Notes for Preparing a Bill of Quantities are intended only as information for the
Employer or the person drafting the bidding document. They should not be included in
the final bidding document.
Bill of Quantities
Bill of Quantities


LOT 1: DRSLPII/SL/W10/NCB/016/2020-2021
Qt Rate
Item Description Unit Amount
y (USD)
  Bill No. 01        

A Preliminaries and Generals        

1 Provide sign board for the work and fix a

visibility sign board for each project
Lump sum 1    
component as instructed by the SCI
2 Allow for mobilization and demobilization
of equipment, tools and workers. Lump sum 1  

  Subtotal for Bill No. 01      

Ite Description Unit Qty Rate Amoun

m (USD) t (USD)

  Bill No.02        

A Construction of animal troughs        

1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation to a m3 16.2    

reduced level not exceeding 30cm from the
natural ground level. This also includes clearing
the site from any objectionable material, (Mainly
animal manure)
2 Supply and backfill with 15cm thick hardcore m3 8.1    
using good hard stone, well compacted and
graded to contain sufficient small pieces to fill
all voids.
3 Supply and cast 5 cm thick blinding layer of m3 2.7    
1:3:6 on top of the hardcore layer

4 Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete slab M3 5.4    

of 10cm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone
aggregate of 25mm down), reinforced with
10mm diameter mesh @ 15cm c/c including
centering and shuttering complete.
5 Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete M3 1.38    
side beams as per the attached drawings with
cement concrete of 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean
coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm
down), reinforced with 6 Y12mm rebars and
R6mm stirrups @20cm c/c.
6 Supply and construction 20cm thick and 70cm M2 6.3    
height, hallow block partition wall with cement
sand mortar 1:3, as per the attached drawings.
Note: make 20cm wide openings on the bottom
to allow water flow between the two champers.
7 Apply two coats of cement sand plastering, 1:3 M2 41.8    
on internal and external surfaces of the partition
wall and side beams. This also includes a cement
sand waterproof floor screed.
8 Apply two coats of white wash followed by two M2 9.2    
coats of distempering on exterior surfaces
9 Supply and fix 2 inch GI inlet pipe and gate Lump 1    
valve complete with all necessary fittings, inside sum
the control chamber, refer the attached
drawings. Rate shall also include the provision
and installation of lockable steel cover for the
control chamber as per the attached drawing
and instructed by the engineer.
  Total amount for one trough      

  Grand Total for four water troughs (Total NO  4   

amount for one trough x 4NO

Ite Description Unit Qty Rate Total

m (USD) Amount
  Bill No. 03        
Construction of Elevated water tank and        
distribution pipeline
A Construction of Elevated Water Tank        
1 Clearing the site by cutting, removing and m 35    
disposal of all trees, shrubs and any other
objectionable material. This includes, clearing
the site from any left-over construction
materials after the completion of the work.
2 Earth work in excavation for isolated pad m3 34.992    
footings in all kinds of soils including the
dressing of the bottom and sides of the
excavation and subsequent backfilling around
the footings with a layers of 200mm watered
and well rammed. Excavation dimensions:
3 Supply and cast 6 RCC isolated footings with m3 7.68    
cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 proportions
reinforced with 14mm bars @ spacing of 15cm
c/c. This includes polythene sheet under all
concrete footings. Footing dimensions:
4 Supply and cast 6 RCC columns with cement m3 8.544    
concrete of 1:1.5:3 proportions, reinforced with
4Y14mm and 4Y16mm as main reinforcement
and R8mm stirrups @ 20cm spacing c/c. The
columns should be cured well using wet gunny
bags at least 4 days.
5 Construction of random rubble stone masonry m3 4.8    
foundation wall of 40cm thick bedded and
jointed with cement sand mortar of 1:4
proportions. The wall should be kept moist at
least 4 days. The minim height of the wall
should be 30cm above the ground level and
30cm below the ground level.
6 Backfill the plinth area with selected material. m3 14.4    
The backfill material shall be spread uniformly in
layers, levelled, watered and then compacted to
95% of its optimum density in layers not
exceeding 200 mm.
7 Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete m3 3.84    
grade beam with cement concrete ratio of
1:1.5:3 proportions (M20), reinforced with
4Y16mm and 2Y14mm with R8mm stirrups
@20cm c/c. Beam section dimension to be
8 Supply and cast plain concrete floor slab of m3 2.4    
10cm thick and 1:2:4 proportions well cured by
forming sand dikes around the perimeter at
least 10 days.
9 Supply and cast four RCC beams, two middle tie m3 15.36    
beams and roof slab beam with cement
concrete of 1:1.5:3 proportions (M20), reinforced
with 4Y16mm and 2y14mm and R8mm stirrups
@20cm c/c. The beams should be kept moist at
least 4 days. Beam section dimensions:
10 Supply and cast 20cm thick RCC slab for the m3 7.992    
tank base floor proportions of 1:1.5:3 mix ratio.
Reinforced with double mesh of Y12mm
@150mm c/c.
11 Supply and cast 10cm thick RCC roof slab for m3 5.208    
the caretaker room and for the tank cover slab
with proportions of 1:1.5:3 mix ratio. Reinforced
with a mesh of Y12mm @150mm c/c.
12 Supply and cast 20cm thick RCC walls with m3 8    
cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 cement sand and
aggregate. Reinforced with double mesh of
Y12mm @20cm c/c.
13 Provide and fix 2 inch diameter Inlet and outlet No. 4    
GI pipe class C with valves 2inch , Over flow pipe
2 inch as well as pressure pipe complete with all
the fitting necessary for the full fictional
plumbing work
14 Supply and install 4cm*4cm box steel external Ls 1    
access ladder to the tank and including all
supports to the concrete base and skeleton of
the tank, painting with two coats of oil paint on
one prime coat. The ladder should be firmly
fixed to the tank.
15 Supply and install galvanized steel manhole lid Ls 1    
(0.6x0.6m) for the tank upper access and
painting with one prime coat, and two oil coats.
16 Supply and apply two coats 12mm plastering on m2 230.4    
the internal and external surfaces of the tank,
columns ,Slab bottom surface, cover slab upper
surface and beams
17 Two coats of White washing and distempering m2 214.4    
on the external faces of tank, beams and
18 Supply and paint on the tank walls with the Ls 1    
visibility signboard showing the SCI and donor
19 Supply and fix railings made out fully welded Ls 1    
3cm*3cm MS SHC, rails should be 60cm height
all around the perimeter of the tank, refer the
drawings and Engineer instructions. Rate shall
include, installation cost, removal of rust and
tow coats of oil paint.
Sub Total Cost- Construction of the water tank USD    
B Caretaker Room        
A Supply and construction of room walls using M2 55.2    
20*40*20cm hallow concrete blocks, with a
cement sand mortar mix ratio of 1:4.
B Supply and cast R.C.C. lintels of M3 0.24  
20cmx20cm*560cm with cement concrete 1:2:4
(1 cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone
aggregate of 25mm down), including high yield
deformed 4 numbers 12mm dia steel bars and
8mmdia stirrups @ 20cm c/c including
centering and shuttering complete.
C Apply 25mm thick plastering on external and M2 110.4    
internal faces of Walls with cement sand mortar
of 1:3 gauged in three coats including surface
  Sub-total (1) in USD      
A Supply and lay 40cm*40cm proclaim tiles with M 24    
10cm height skirting thought the perimeter of
the internal walls
  Sub-total (2) in USD      
A Provide and apply two coats of white-washing M 110.4    
on all wall faces and ceiling with 1:275
lime/white glue ratio on all interior wall surfaces
to be smoothed thoroughly before paint
B Provide and apply two coats of distempering on M2 110.4    
all wall faces both exterior and interior of wall
surfaces. Color of paint to be identified by SCI
  Sub-total (3)      
4 DOORS & WINDOWS and fittings        
A Windows        
1 Providing and installing new high quality No. 1    
casement metal window (1.2m*1.m) made out
of MS 4cm*4cm boxes and metal sheets.
B Doors        
1 Provide and install metal door (1.1m*2.15m) No. 1    
complete with all aldrop and mortise locks.
  Sub-total (4)      
  Total cost for the construction of the caretaker      

C Water distribution pipeline        

1.0 Earthwork in excavation and clearance for the m 97.5    
pipeline trenches 0.3m wide and 0.65m deep in
all kinds of soil. A total distance of 500m this
includes subsequent backfill of the pipeline
2.0 Supply and install 2 inch uPVC pipes schedule ML 500    
80 manufactured by (NFP Saudi Arabian) as per
the AST D 1785. Pipeline installation should be
complete including but not limited to: pipe
laying including all piping works laid, jointed
and completely with all required fittings (bends,
tees, sockets, couplings and others).
3.0 Supply and install none-return valves and air PC 2    
valves after every 200m for the pipeline.
4.0 Water meter 2 inch with flanges/nuts. each 2    
Sub Total Cost- of pipeline system USD    
Total Cost for the Elevated Tank, Caretaker room USD    
and Pipeline System

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Total


  Bill No. 04        

Construction of cattle/camel and goats auction

A Earthworks (Excavation and backfill)
1 Clearing the site by cutting, removing and
disposal of all trees, shrubs and any other
objectionable material. This includes taking
away collected animal manure in the site
m2 525    
carting away as directed by the SCI engineer.
Also clearing the site from any leftover
construction materials after the completion of
the work.
2 Earth work in excavation for 4inch CHS post
footings (60cm*60cm) in all kinds of soils 6.80
(from existing natural ground level) and not 4
exceeding 65cm deep.
  Subtotal A        
B Concrete Works

1 Supply and cast 5cm thick plain concrete

blinding layer of 1:2:4 mix proportions under m3    
all footings.
2 Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete
footings, reinforced with Y12mm mesh @15cm 3.88
c/c for 4 inch G.I posts with cement concrete 8
of 1:2:4 proportions.
  Subtotal B      
C Steel works

1 Supply 4 inch GI CHS, class B pipes for the

No. 29    
shed columns
2 Supply and erect holding yard shed roofs using
king post design trusses fabricated from fully
welded 40mm*80mm*3mm tie beams and
rafters and 30mm*60mm*3mm purlins spaced
@80cm c/c. Also provide and fix good quality
pre-colored corrugated GI roof sheets 0.5mm m2 384    
thickness (trapezoidal profiled) properly fixed
to steel purlins with self-tap bolts. Rate shall
include removal of rust, two coats of lead oxide
and tow coats of oil paint for all mild steel
  Subtotal C      
Subtotal for the construction of one auction shed
(Cattle/Goat and Camels)
Total cost for the construction of three auction sheds ( NO 3
Total cost for one shed x 3)

Qt Rate
Item Description Unit Amount
y (USD)
  Bill No. 05        
A Maintenance works        
1 Allow for the rehabilitation of the existing
steel gates, 6m wide and 7 in number. The
gate are made of 4cm*4cm SHS and 4 inch
MS CHS. Rate shall include replacement of
Pcs 7    
all broken parts and provision of new parts,
provision of heavy duty mortise lockset,
applying two coats of oil paint and making
good all damages parts.
2 Allow for the rehabilitation of existing Lump 1  
loading ramps and sheds. Rate shall
include replacement of broken 2 inch GI
rails and 4-inch posts with new ones and sum
making good for damaged stone masonry
Total Amount for maintenance works

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Total

(USD) Amount
  Bill No. 06        
Construction of livestock loading        
A Earthworks (Excavation and Backfill)        
1 Clearing the site by cutting, m2 900    
removing and disposal of all trees,
shrubs and any other objectionable
material. This includes taking away
collected animal manure in the site
carting away as directed by the SCI
engineer. Also clearing the site from
any leftover construction materials
after the completion of the work.
2 Earthwork in excavation for strip m3 24.48    
foundations in all kinds of soils
(from existing natural ground level)
and not exceeding 60cm deep.
3 Earthwork in excavation for the 4- m3 3.744    
inch CHS post footings in all kinds
of soils (from existing natural
ground level) and not exceeding
65cm deep.
4 Earthwork in excavation for 3-inch m3 3.96    
CHS post footings in all kinds of
soils (from existing natural ground
level) and not exceeding 55cm
5 Backfilling with hardcore using m3 117    
good hard stone, well compacted in
20cm thick layers, watered and
graded to contain sufficient small
pieces to fill all voids.
6 Supply and backfill with 5cm thick m3 7.65    
river sand on the hardcore surface
to receive the concrete.
7 Supply and place 500 gauge DPM m2 153    
polythene sheets on top of the river
Subtotal A        

B Concrete Works
1 Supply and cast 5cm thick plain m3 1.125    
concrete blinding layer of 1:2:4 mix
proportions under all footings.
2 Supply and cast plain concrete m3 4.144    
footings (40cm*40cm*35cm) for 3-
inch G.I posts with cement concrete
of 1:2:4 proportions.
3 Supply and cast reinforced cement m3 1.8    
concrete footings, reinforced with
Y12mm mesh @15cm c/c for 4-inch
G.I holding shed posts with cement
concrete of 1:2:4 proportions.
4 Supply and cast reinforced cement m3 6    
concrete strip foundation with
cement concrete of 1:2:4
proportions and reinforced with
Y10mm @ 15cm c/c
5 Supply and cast reinforced cement m3 2.85    
concrete six columns with cement
concrete of 1:2:4 proportions and
reinforced with 8Y12mm and R8mm
@ 20cm c/c.
6 Supply and cast 15cm thick m3 22.95    
reinforced cement concrete slap for
the ramp with cement concrete of
1:2:4 proportions and reinforced
with Y10mm @ 20cm c/c.
  Subtotal B        
C Masonry works
1 Supply and construct dressed m3 30    
random rubble stone masonry
foundation wall of 50cm thick
bedded and jointed with cement
sand mortar of 1:4 proportion (1
cement: 4 clean sand). Face of the
wall should be in plumb and must
be kept moist at least 4 days.
  Subtotal C        

D Steel works
1 Supply 3-inch GI CHS class B pipes. No. 30    
2 Supply 2 inch GI CHS, class B pipes. No. 175    

3 Supply 4 inch GI CHS, class B pipes No. 16    

for the shed columns
4 Fabricate by fully welding ramp Lump 1    
railings and holding yard fence as sum
per the attached drawing and
directed by the SCI engineer. Rate
includes the cost of transportation,
erecting, apply two coats of lead
pain on all welded joints, loading
and offloading and any necessary
provisions for executing good
5 Supply and erect holding yard shed m2 147.6    
roofs using king post design trusses
fabricated from fully welded
40mm*80mm*2mm tie beams and
rafters and 30mm*60mm*2mm
purlins spaced @80cm c/c. Also
provide and fix good quality pre-
colored corrugated GI roof sheets
0.5mm thickness (trapezoidal
profiled) properly fixed to steel
purlins with self-tap bolts. Rate shall
include removal of rust, two coats
of lead oxide and two coats of oil
paint for all mild steel frames.
  Subtotal D        

Subtotal for one loading ramp

Total Cost for two loading ramps (Total No 2

amount for one ramp x 2)

Total Amount
Bill No. Summary Of Hargeisa Market Enclosure
 1. Preliminaries and Generals  

2. Construction of 4 animal troughs  

3. Construction of Elevated water tank, Caretaker room

and distribution pipeline
4. Construction of 3 cattle/camel and goats auction
 5. Maintenance works

6. Construction of 2 livestock loading ramps

Total Hargeisa Livestock Market Enclosure


LOT 2: DRSLPII/SL/W10/NCB/016/2020-2021
Qt Rate
Item Description Unit Amount
y (USD)
  Bill No. 01        

A Preliminaries and Generals        

1 Provide sign board for the work and fix a
visibility sign board for each project
Lump sum 1    
component as instructed by the SCI
2 Allow for mobilization and demobilization
of equipment, tools and workers. Lump sum 1  

  Subtotal for Bill No. 01      

Uni Rate unt
Item Description Qty
t (USD) (USD

  Bill No.02        

A Construction of animal troughs        

Earthwork in excavation for foundation to a

reduced level not exceeding 30cm from the
1 natural ground level. This also includes clearing m3 16.2    
the site from any objectionable material,
(Mainly animal manure)
Supply and backfill with 15cm thick hardcore
using good hard stone, well compacted and
2 m3 8.1    
graded to contain sufficient small pieces to fill
all voids.
Supply and cast 5 cm thick blinding layer of
3 1:3:6 on top of the hardcore layer m3 2.7    

4 Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete M3 5.4    

slab of 10cm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4
(1 cement : 2 clean coarse sand: 4 stone
aggregate of 25mm down), reinforced with
10mm diameter mesh @ 15cm c/c including
centering and shuttering complete.
Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete
side beams as per the attached drawings with
cement concrete of 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean
5 1.38    
coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm
down), reinforced with 6 Y12mm rebars and
R6mm stirrups @20cm c/c. M3

Supply and construction 20cm thick and 70cm

height, hallow block partition wall with cement
6 sand mortar 1:3, as per the attached drawings. 6.3    
Note: make 20cm wide openings on the
bottom to allow water flow between the two
champers. M2

Apply two coats of cement sand plastering, 1:3

7 on internal and external surfaces of the 41.8    
partition wall and side beams. This also includes
a cement sand waterproof floor screed. M2

8 Apply two coats of white wash followed by two 9.2    

coats of distempering on exterior surfaces M2
Supply and fix 2 inch GI inlet pipe and gate
valve complete with all necessary fittings, inside
the control chamber, refer the attached
9 drawings. Rate shall also include the provision Lu 1    
and installation of lockable steel cover for the mp
control chamber as per the attached drawing su
and instructed by the engineer. m

Total amount for one trough
Sub-Total for two water troughs ( Total amount
  No   2  
for one trough x 2)
Item Description Unit Qty Amount
  Bill No. 03        
Construction of Elevated water tank and
distribution pipeline
A Construction of Elevated Water Tank        
1 Clearing the site by cutting, removing
and disposal of all trees, shrubs and any
other objectionable material. This
m2 35    
includes, clearing the site from any left-
over construction materials after the
completion of the work.
2 Earthwork in excavation for isolated pad
footings in all kinds of soils including the
dressing of the bottom and sides of the
excavation and subsequent backfilling m3 23.328    
around the footings with layers of
200mm watered and well rammed.
Excavation dimensions: 1.8m*1.8*1.8m
3 Supply and cast 4 RCC isolated footings
with cement concrete of 1:1.5:3
proportions reinforced with 14mm bars
@ spacing of 15cm c/c. This includes m3 5.12    
polythene sheet under all concrete
footings. Footing dimensions:
4 Supply and cast 4 RCC columns with
m3 5.696    
cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 proportions,
reinforced with 4Y14mm and 4Y16mm as
main reinforcement and R8mm stirrups
@ 20cm spacing c/c. The columns should
be cured well using wet gunny bags at
least 4 days.
5 Construction of random rubble stone
masonry foundation wall of 40cm thick
bedded and jointed with cement sand
mortar of 1:4 proportions. The wall
m3 3.36    
should be kept moist at least 4 days. The
minim height of the wall should be 30cm
above the ground level and 30cm below
the ground level.
6 Backfill the plinth area with selected
material. The backfill material shall be
spread uniformly in layers, levelled,
m3 7.2    
watered and then compacted to 95% of
its optimum density in layers not
exceeding 200 mm.
7 Supply and cast reinforced cement
concrete grade beam with cement
concrete ratio of 1:1:5:3 proportions
(M20), reinforced with 4Y16mm and m3 2.24    
2Y14mm with R8mm stirrups @20cm c/c.
Beam section dimension to be
8 Supply and cast plain concrete floor slab
of 10cm thick and 1:2:4 proportions well
m3 1.2    
cured by forming sand dikes around the
perimeter at least 10 days.
9 Supply and cast four RCC beams, two m3 8.96    
middle tie beams and roof slab beam
with cement concrete of 1:1.5:3
proportions (M20), reinforced with
4Y16mm and 2y14mm and R8mm
stirrups @20cm c/c. The beams should be
kept moist at least 4 days. Beam section
dimensions: 0.4m*0.4m
10 Supply and cast 20cm thick RCC slab for
the tank base floor proportions of 1:1.5:3
m3 4.752    
mix ratio. Reinforced with double mesh of
Y12mm @150mm c/c.
11 Supply and cast 10cm thick RCC roof slab
for the caretaker room and for the tank
cover slab with proportions of 1:1.5:3 mix m3 2.992    
ratio. Reinforced with a mesh of Y12mm
@150mm c/c.
12 Supply and cast 20cm thick RCC walls
with cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 cement
m3 5.6    
sand and aggregate. Reinforced with
double mesh of Y12mm @20cm c/c.
13 Provide and fix 2 inch diameter Inlet and
outlet GI pipe class C with valves 2inch ,
Over flow pipe 2 inch as well as pressure
No. 4    
pipe complete with all the fitting
necessary for the full fictional plumbing
14 Supply and install 4cm*4cm box steel
external access ladder to the tank and
including all supports to the concrete
base and skeleton of Ls 1    
the tank, painting with two coats of oil
paint on one prime coat. The ladder
should be firmly fixed to the tank.
15 Supply and install galvanized steel
manhole lid (0.6x0.6m) for the tank upper
Ls 1    
access and painting with one prime coat,
and two oil coats.
16 Supply and apply two coats 12mm m2 206.4    
plastering on the internal and external
surfaces of the tank, columns ,Slab
bottom surface, cover slab upper surface
and beams
17 Two coats of White washing and
distempering on the external faces of m2 202.4    
tank, beams and columns.
18 Supply and paint on the tank walls with
the visibility signboard showing the SCI Ls 1    
and donor logos.
19 Supply and fix railings made of fully
welded 3cm*3cm MS SHC, rails should be
60cm height all around the perimeter of
the tank, refer the drawings and Engineer Ls 1    
instructions. Rate shall include,
installation cost, removal of rust and two
coats of oil paint.
Sub Total Cost- Construction of the water
B Construction of Caretaker Room        

Supply and construction of room walls
using 20*40*20cm hallow concrete
blocks, with a cement sand mortar mix
1 ratio of 1:4. M2
Supply and cast R.C.C. lintels of
20cmx20cm*560cm with cement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4
stone aggregate of 25mm down),
including high yield deformed 4
numbers 12mm dia steel bars and
8mmdia stirrups @ 20cm c/c including
2 centering and shuttering complete. M3
Apply 25mm thick plastering on external
and internal faces of Walls with cement
sand mortar of 1:3 gauged in three coats
3 including surface smoothing. M2
  Sub-total (2) in USD      
Supply and lay 40cm*40cm proclaim tiles
with 10cm height skirting thought the 12
1 perimeter of the internal walls M
  Sub-total (4) in USD      
Provide and apply two coats of
whitewashing on all wall faces and ceiling
with 1:275 lime/white glue ratio on all 96
interior wall surfaces to be smoothed
1 thoroughly before paint applied. M2
2 Provide and apply two coats of M2 96
distempering on all wall faces both
exterior and interior of wall surfaces.
Color of paint to be identified by SCI
  Sub-total (5)      
d DOORS & WINDOWS and fittings        
1 Windows        
Providing and installing new high quality
casement metal window (1.2m*1.m)
No. 1
made out of MS 4cm*4cm boxes and
a metal sheets.
e Doors        
Provide and install metal door
(1.1m*2.15m) complete with all aldrop No. 1
1 and mortise locks.
  Sub-total (6)      

  Total amount

C Water distribution pipeline        

1.0 Earthwork in excavation and clearance for

the pipeline trenches 0.3m wide and
0.65m deep in all kinds of soil. A total m3
distance of 300m this includes
subsequent backfill of the pipeline trench. 58.5
2.0 Supply and install 2 inch uPVC pipes
schedule 80 manufactured by (NFP Saudi
Arabian) as per the AST D 1785. Pipeline
installation should be complete including
but not limited to pipe laying including
all piping works laid, jointed and
completely with all required fittings
(bends, tees, sockets, couplings and
others). ML 300
3.0 Supply and install none-return valves and
air valves after every 200m for the
pipeline. PC 2
4.0 Water meter 2 inch with flanges/nuts. each 2

Sub Total Cost- of pipeline system USD    

Total Cost for the Elevated Tank,

Caretaker room and Pipeline System

Rate Amount
Item Description Unit Qty
  Bill No. 04        
  Construction of Toilets Block        
A CESSPOOL        
Earthwork in excavation in all kinds of soil and
rocks for latrine cesspool (3.5m*5.5m) and 5 96.25    
1 meters deep M
Supply and cast four RCC ring beams, bottom,
two in mid and top (20cm*20cm) with cement
and concrete 1:2:4 including high yield 2.88    
deformed bars 4Y12mm and R6mm links @
2 20cm c/c. M3
Supply and cast eight RCC columns
(20cm*20cm) with cement and concrete mix of
1:2:4, including high yield deformed bars
3 4Y12mm and R6mm links @ 20cm c/c. M3
Supply and cast 15cm thick RCC slap (4m*6m)
with cement and concrete mix of 1:1.5:3,
including Y12mm diameter reinforcement
4 mesh @ 15cm c/c. M3

Supply and construct wall lining with cement 90    

5 sand mortar mix of 1:4 and good quality M
hallow concrete blocks of 20cm*20cm*40 size.
  Sub-Total (A) in USD      
B Toilet Block        
Clearing the site by cutting, removing and
disposal of all trees, bushes, shrubs, grass,
weeds, other vegetation, anthills, rubbish and
all other objectionable material. This includes 80    
clearing the site from any leftover materials,
e.g.; Nails, cement, stones, blocks etc. after the
1 completing the construction. M2
Earthwork in excavation for foundation walls
(60cm deep and 40cm wide), in all kinds of soil
including dressing of bottom and sides of 18.96    
trenches. Stack excavated soil clear from
2 edges of excavation at least 1m. M3
Earthwork in excavation for four footings
(80cm*80cm and 100cm deep) in all kinds of
soil including dressing of bottom and sides of 2.56    
trenches. Stack excavated soil clear from
2 edges of excavation at least 1m. M3
Supply and construct random rubble stone
wall in foundation, 40cm thickness bedded
and jointed with cement sand mortar of 1:4
proportion (1 cement: 4 clean coarse sand).
Face of the wall should be in plumb. All the
gaps between stones shall be filled with 22.12    
cement mortar. Minimum Depth of the
foundation wall below the Ground Level is
50cm and minimum 40cm above Ground Level
in the highest corner. Make a provision for the
4 extra volume due to slope levelling. M3
Supply and cast four RCC pad footings
(80cm*80cm*40cm) with cement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 clean coarse sand: 4 stone
aggregate of 25mm down), including Y14mm
reinforcement mesh @15cm centers including
  centering and shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast R.C.C. (40x20)cm plinth beam
with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean
coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm
down) , including 6 numbers of Y12mm dia
steel bars and 8mm stirrups @20cm centers
5 including centering and shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast sixteen R.C.C. (20x20)cm
columns with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement
: 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of
25mm down) , including 4 numbers of Y12mm 2.24    
dia steel bars and 8mm stirrups @20cm
centers including centering and shuttering
6 complete. M3
  Sub-Total (B) in USD      
Supply and construction of 20 cm thick Hallow
Concrete Block walls including the gable ends
of the roof and parapet walls (using 195    
20cm*40cm*20cm hallow block walls), with a
1 cement sand mortar mix ratio of 1:4. M2
Supply and cast R.C.C. continues lintels
(including window sill) of 20cmx20cm with
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean
coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm
down), including high yield deformed 4
numbers 12mm dia steel bars and 8mmdia
stirrups @ 20cm c/c including centering and
2 shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast R.C.C (1:2:4 mix) roof band
lintel 15cm depth and 20cm wide, each with
4NO.Y12 re-bars & R6 links @250mm c/c to
3 be tied to roof trusses M3
Apply 25mm thick plastering on external and
internal faces of Walls with cement sand
mortar of 1:3, in three coats including surface
4 smoothing. M2
  Sub-total (C) in USD      
D ROOFING        
Roofing as in design kingpost roof, with # 28-
gauge iron corrugated sheets and timber roof
trusses @ 2m c/c. All roof trusses anchored
with 6 mm dia. bars casted in the roof Lintel.
In addition, all joints of roof trusses and
purloins to be tied together with a flat metal
strip. Dimensions; tie beam 2”x6”, Rafters;
2”x4” Purloins ;2”x3”;King
post;2”x6”,Bracing;2”x3”. All timbers should be
single pieces with no joints created by smaller
pieces fastened together. This includes the
fascia board 20cm wide with all fittings,
fixtures, bolts etc. complete. make provision
1 the additional area for the roof pitch M2
Supply and install ceiling with 4mm plywood
2 ceiling panels. M2
Supply and cast 10cm thick RCC caretaker
room roof slab with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone
aggregate of 25mm down) , including Y12mm
dia reinforcement mesh @15cm c/cm
3 including centering and shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast veranda roof slap beams
(30*20cm) with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone
aggregate of 25mm down), including high 0.6    
yield deformed 6 numbers 12mm dia steel
bars and 8mmdia stirrups @ 20cm c/c
4 including centering and shuttering complete. M3
  Sub-total (D) in USD      
Backfill the plinth area with 25cm thick
hardcore. The backfill material shall be spread
uniformly in layers, levelled, watered and then
compacted to 95% of its optimum density in
layers not exceeding 200 mm, and subsequent 13.75    
backfilling around masonry in layers of 15cm,
watered and well-rammed. Surplus earth, if
any shall be removed as directed by the SCI
1 engineer. M3
Supply and place 5cm thick sand blinding
2 layer well compacted and watered. M3
Supply and place 5000 D.P.M polyethene
3 membrane on top of sand blinding.  
Supply and cast 10cm thick PCC concrete floor
slap with cement concrete of 1:2:4 1 cement :
2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of
4 25mm down) M3
Supply and lay 40cm*40cm*1cm proclaim
floor tiles and wall tiles up to 2.3m high as 184    
5 instructed by the engineer. M
  Sub-total (E) in USD      
1 Provide and apply two coats of whitewashing M 390    
on all wall faces and ceiling with 1:275
lime/white glue ratio on all interior wall
surfaces to be smoothed thoroughly before
paint applied.
Provide and apply two coats of distempering
on all wall faces both exterior and interior of
wall surfaces. Color of paint to be identified by
2 SCI Engineer. M2
Provide and apply two coats of Red Oxide
paint on the roof of the building, including 2 55    
3 coats of oil paint on facial board. M2
Paint the visibility logos of the SCI and Donor
LS 1    
4 as instructed by the SCI engineer.
  Sub-total (F)      
1 Windows        
Providing and installing metal casement
window 1m*1m, made of box 4cm*4cm frames
and G.I sheets complete with hinges, holdfasts No. 1    
and aldrops. Fully welded and painted with
a decorative paints.
Providing and installing fixed ventilator
railings as per the attached designs and the
instruction of the engineer. Railings should be No. 10    
made of box 3cm*3cm, fully welded and
b painted with two coats oil paint.
2 Doors        
Provide and install metal door (0.8m*2.1m)
No. 10    
a complete with all aldropes and mortise locks.
Provide and install metal door (1m*2.1m)
complete with all aldropes and mortise locks.
Doors should be partially paneled to allow No. 4    
ventilation and lighting as instructed by the
b Engineer
3 Plumping works        
Provide and place 1 cubic meter volume,
No. 1    
a plastic water tank. Gamuur brand is preferable.
Supply and install water supply for each toilet
using 1/2 inch ppr pipes and 1/2 water taps,
complete with all necessary fittings including
LS 1    
but not limited to control gate valves, elbows,
nipples, unions, socks. As per Engineers
b instructions
Supply and install good quality Arabian
squatting pans and connect each toilet with
separate chamber using 4 inch PVC pipes and No. 8    
6 inch PVC pipes to connect to the cesspool as
c instructed by the Engineer.
Supply and install good quality europian toilet
seat set and connect each toilet with separate
chamber using 4 inch PVC pipes and 6 inch No. 2    
PVC pipes to connect to the cesspool as
d instructed by the Engineer.
  Sub-total (G)      
  Sub-Total amount for Toilet block      

Item Description Unit Qty Amount

  Bill No. 05        

Construction of cattle/camel and goats

auction sheds
A Earthworks (Excavation and backfill)
1 Clearing the site by cutting, removing and m2 525    
disposal of all trees, shrubs and any other
objectionable material. This includes taking
away collected animal manure in the site
carting away as directed by the SCI engineer.
Also clearing the site from any leftover
construction materials after the completion
of the work.
2 Earth work in excavation for 4inch CHS post
footings (60cm*60cm) in all kinds of soils
m3 6.804    
(from existing natural ground level) and not
exceeding 65cm deep.
  Subtotal A        
B Concrete Works

1 Supply and cast 5cm thick plain concrete

blinding layer of 1:2:4 mix proportions under m3 0.486    
all footings.
2 Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete
footings, reinforced with Y12mm mesh
m3 3.888  
@15cm c/c for 4 inch G.I posts with cement
concrete of 1:2:4 proportions.
  Subtotal B      
C Steel works

1 Supply 4 inch GI CHS, class B pipes for the

No. 29    
shed columns
2 Supply and erect holding yard shed roofs
using king post design trusses fabricated
from fully welded 40mm*80mm*3mm tie
beams and rafters and 30mm*60mm*3mm
purlins spaced @80cm c/c. Also provide and
fix good quality pre-colored corrugated GI m2 384    
roof sheets 0.5mm thickness (trapezoidal
profiled) properly fixed to steel purlins with
self-tap bolts. Rate shall include removal of
rust, two coats of lead oxide and tow coats of
oil paint for all mild steel frames.
  Subtotal C      
Total Amount for the construction of one auction shed (Cattle/Goat and
Item Description Unit Qty Amount

  Bill No. 06        

Construction of livestock loading ramps        

A Earthworks (Excavation and Backfill)        

1 Clearing the site by cutting, removing

and disposal of all trees, shrubs and any
other objectionable material. This
includes taking away collected animal
manure in the site carting away as m2 900    
directed by the SCI engineer. Also
clearing the site from any leftover
construction materials after the
completion of the work.
2 Earthwork in excavation for strip
foundations in all kinds of soils (from
m3 24.48    
existing natural ground level) and not
exceeding 60cm deep.
3 Earthwork in excavation for the 4-inch
CHS post footings in all kinds of soils
m3 3.744    
(from existing natural ground level) and
not exceeding 65cm deep.
4 Earthwork in excavation for 3-inch CHS
post footings in all kinds of soils (from
m3 3.96    
existing natural ground level) and not
exceeding 55cm deep.
5 Backfilling with hardcore using good
hard stone, well compacted in 20cm
thick layers, watered and graded to m3 117    
contain sufficient small pieces to fill all
6 Supply and backfill with 5cm thick river
sand on the hardcore surface to receive m3 7.65    
the concrete.
7 Supply and place 500 gauge DPM
polythene sheets on top of the river m2 153    
Subtotal A
B Concrete Works

1 Supply and cast 5cm thick plain

concrete blinding layer of 1:2:4 mix m3 1.125    
proportions under all footings.
2 Supply and cast plain concrete footings
(40cm*40cm*35cm) for 3-inch G.I posts
m3 4.144    
with cement concrete of 1:2:4
3 Supply and cast reinforced cement
concrete footings, reinforced with
Y12mm mesh @15cm c/c for 4-inch G.I m3 1.8    
holding shed posts with cement
concrete of 1:2:4 proportions.
4 Supply and cast reinforced cement
concrete strip foundation with cement
m3 6    
concrete of 1:2:4 proportions and
reinforced with Y10mm @ 15cm c/c
5 Supply and cast reinforced cement
concrete six columns with cement
concrete of 1:2:4 proportions and m3 2.85    
reinforced with 8Y12mm and R8mm @
20cm c/c.
6 Supply and cast 15cm thick reinforced
cement concrete slap for the ramp with
cement concrete of 1:2:4 proportions m3 22.95    
and reinforced with Y10mm @ 20cm
  Subtotal B        
C Masonry works

1 Supply and construct dressed random m3 30    

rubble stone masonry foundation wall
of 50cm thick bedded and jointed with
cement sand mortar of 1:4 proportion
(1 cement: 4 clean sand). Face of the
wall should be in plumb and must be
kept moist at least 4 days.
  Subtotal C        
D Steel works

1 Supply 3-inch GI CHS class B pipes. No. 30    

2 Supply 2 inch GI CHS, class B pipes. No. 175    
3 Supply 4 inch GI CHS, class B pipes for
No. 16    
the shed columns
4 Fabricate by fully welding ramp railings
and holding yard fence as per the
attached drawing and directed by the
SCI engineer. Rate includes the cost of
transportation, erecting, apply two 1    
coats of lead pain on all welded joints,
loading and offloading and any
necessary provisions for executing
good works.
5 Supply and erect holding yard shed
roofs using king post design trusses
fabricated from fully welded
40mm*80mm*3mm tie beams and
rafters and 30mm*60mm*3mm purlins
spaced @80cm c/c. Also provide and fix
good quality pre-colored corrugated GI m2 147.6    
roof sheets 0.5mm thickness
(trapezoidal profiled) properly fixed to
steel purlins with self-tap bolts. Rate
shall include removal of rust, two coats
of lead oxide and two coats of oil paint
for all mild steel frames.
  Subtotal D        
Sub-total for construction of one loading ramp
Rate Amount
Unit Qty
Item Description (USD) (USD)

  Bill No. 07        

Construction of boundary wall        

A Boundary Wall A (500m)        

Earthwork in excavation for foundation walls
(65cm deep and 50cm wide), in all kinds of soil
including dressing of bottom and sides of 110    
trenches. Stack excavated soil clear from edges of
1 excavation at least 1m. M3
Supply and cast 5cm thick PCC blinding layer with
2 cement and concrete mix of 1:3:6. M3
Supply and cast 20cm thick and 40cm wide RCC
strip foundation with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate
of 25mm down) , including 6Y12mm 40    
reinforcement @15cm centers to the technical
drawings attached. Including centering and
3 shuttering complete. M3
Supply and construct random rubble stone wall in
foundation, 40cm thickness bedded and jointed
with cement sand mortar of 1:4 proportion (1
cement: 4 clean coarse sand). Face of the wall
should be in plumb. All the gaps between stones
shall be filled with cement mortar. Minimum
Depth of the foundation wall below the Ground
Level is 40cm and minimum 30cm above Ground
Level in the highest corner. Make a provision for
4 the extra volume due to slope levelling. M3
Supply and cast R.C.C. columns (25x20)cm placed
at every 4 meters, with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 20.9
of 25mm down) , including 4 numbers of Y12mm 38
dia steel bars and R6mm stirrups @20cm centers
5 including centering and shuttering complete. M3
Supply and construction of 20 cm thick Hallow
Concrete Block walls (using 20cm*40cm*20cm
hallow block walls), with a cement sand mortar
6 mix ratio of 1:4. M2
Supply and cast 10cm thick and 20cm wide PCC
coping on top of block wall with cement and 10    
7 concrete mix of 1:2:4. M3
Apply 25mm thick plastering on external and
internal faces of Walls with cement sand mortar of    
8 1:3, in three coats including surface smoothing. M
Apply two coats of white washing and two coats
of distempering on both exterior and interior    
9 faces of the wall and columns. M
Supply and fabricate by fully welding box
3cm*3cm to make boundary wall railings as per
the attached design and instruction of the
engineer. Rate shall include, removal of rust and
painting with oil paint as well as fixing the railing
10 using strong holdfasts. Ls
  Subtotal A      
B Boundary Wall B (200m)        
Earthwork in excavation for foundation walls
(65cm deep and 50cm wide), in all kinds of soil
including dressing of bottom and sides of 50    
trenches. Stack excavated soil clear from edges of
1 excavation at least 1m. M3
Supply and construct random rubble stone wall in
foundation, 40cm thickness bedded and jointed
with cement sand mortar of 1:4 proportion (1
cement: 4 clean coarse sand). Face of the wall
should be in plumb. All the gaps between stones
shall be filled with cement mortar. Minimum
Depth of the foundation wall below the Ground
Level is 40cm and minimum 30cm above Ground
Level in the highest corner. Make a provision for
2 the extra volume due to slope levelling. M3
Supply and cast 20cm thick and 50cm wide RCC
strip foundation with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate
of 25mm down) , including Y12mm reinforcement 16    
@15cm centers to the technical drawings
attached. Including centering and shuttering
3 complete. M3
Supply and construction of 20 cm thick Hallow
Concrete Block walls (using 20cm*40cm*20cm
hallow block walls), with a cement sand mortar
mix ratio of 1:4. Make an expansion joint at every
4m with a pair of block columns as instructed by
4 the Engineer. M2
Apply 25mm thick plastering on external and
internal faces of Walls with cement sand mortar of 360    
5 1:3, in three coats including surface smoothing. M
Apply two coats of white washing and two coats
of distempering on both exterior and interior 360    
6 faces of the wall and columns. M
7 Subtotal B        
C Storm Water Openings        
1 Earthwork in excavation for pad footings M3 21    
(1.2m*1.2m) and 1.55m deep. In addition, apron
slab in all kinds of soil including dressing of
bottom and sides of trenches. Stack excavated
soil clear from edges of excavation at least 1m.
Supply and cast 5cm thick PCC blinding layer with
cement and concrete mix of 1:3:6 under pad    
2 footings and apron slab. M
Supply and cast RCC pad footings
1.2m*1.2m*0.5m, with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement: 2 clean coarse sand: 4 stone aggregate of
25mm down), including Y14mm reinforcement 3.6    
@15cm centers to the technical drawings
attached. Including centering and shuttering
3 complete. M3
Supply and cast 15cm thick RCC slab apron with cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone
aggregate of 25mm down) , including Y10mm 3.69    
reinforcement @15cm centers to the technical drawings
4 attached. Including centering and shuttering complete. M3
Supply and lay well compacted and graded 20cm
5 thick hardcore. M3
Supply and cast RCC columns (0.3*0.6m) with
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 clean coarse
sand: 4 stone aggregate of 25mm down), 3.87    
including 8Y14mm and R8mm links @ 20cm c/c.
6 Including centering and shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast 0.3*0.3cm RCC tie beam, with
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean coarse
sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm down) , 1.08    
including 6Y12mm and R8mm links @ 20cm c/c.
7 Including centering and shuttering complete. M3
  Subtotal C      

  Subtotal for five storm water openings      

D Main Gates        
Provide and install entrance gates 6m wide made
of 2-inch GI pipes and expanded metal net
No. 3    
complete with hinges 3 in number for each side,
1 mortise lock and all necessary fixtures.
2 Earthwork in excavation for gate ramp slab. M3 28.8    
Supply and fill 20cm thick well-compacted,
3 watered and graded hardcore layer. M3
4 Supply and cast 5cm thick blinding layer 1:3:6 M3 3.6    
Supply and cast 15cm thick trowel finished RCC
ramp slab, with cement concrete mix of 1:2:4,
reinforced with Y12mm high yield deformed bars
5 @20cm c/c M3
Supply and cast RCC columns (30cm*30cm) to
support the gate, with cement concrete mix of
1:2:4 and reinforced with 6Y12mm and R6mm @ 2.53
20cm c/c. This also includes RCC column footings 8
(60cm*60cm*30cm) reinforced with Y12mm @
6 15cm c/c. M3
  Subtotal D        
Total amount for the construction of Boundary


Bill No. Total Amount (US$)
 1. Preliminaries and Generals  

2. Construction of 2 animal troughs  

3. Construction of Elevated water tank, Caretaker

room and distribution pipeline
4 Construction of Toilets Block

5. Construction of One cattle/camel and goats

auction sheds
 6. Construction of One livestock loading ramps

7. Construction of boundary wall

Total Amount for Construction of livestock market

Enclosure in Borama
LOT 3: DRSLPII/SL/W10/NCB/016/2020-2021
Item Description Unit Qty Rate Total
(USD) Amount
  Bill No. 01        
A Preliminaries and Generals        
1 Provide sign board for the work and fix a visibility Lump 1    
sign board for each project component as sum
instructed by the SCI Engineer.
2 Allow for mobilization and demobilization of Lump 1  
equipment, tools and workers. sum

3 Allow for demolition of existing sheds to create a Lump 1

space for the new sheds. The demolition work will sum
mainly refer with simple shed structure having weak
roofs and supporting MS pipes.
  Subtotal for Bill No. 01      

Rate Amount
Item Description Unit Qty

  Bill No.02        

A Construction of animal troughs        

Earthwork in excavation for foundation to a

reduced level not exceeding 30cm from the
1 natural ground level. This also includes clearing m3 16.2    
the site from any objectionable material, (Mainly
animal manure)
Supply and backfill with 15cm thick hardcore
using good hard stone, well compacted and
2 m3 8.1    
graded to contain sufficient small pieces to fill all
Supply and cast 5 cm thick blinding layer of 1:3:6
3 on top of the hardcore layer m3 2.7    

Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete slab

of 10cm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate
4 5.4    
of 25mm down), reinforced with 10mm diameter
mesh @ 15cm c/c including centering and
shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete side
beams as per the attached drawings with cement
concrete of 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean coarse sand :
5 1.38    
4 stone aggregate of 25mm down), reinforced
with 6 Y12mm rebars and R6mm stirrups @20cm
c/c. M3

Supply and construction 20cm thick and 70cm

6 height, hallow block partition wall with cement 6.3    
sand mortar 1:3, as per the attached drawings.
Note: make 20cm wide openings on the bottom
to allow water flow between the two champers. M2
Apply two coats of cement sand plastering, 1:3 on
internal and external surfaces of the partition wall
7 41.8    
and side beams. This also includes a cement sand
waterproof floor screed. M2
Apply two coats of white wash followed by two
8 9.2    
coats of distempering on exterior surfaces M2
Supply and fix 2-inch GI inlet pipe and gate valve
complete with all necessary fittings, inside the
9 1    
control chamber, refer the attached drawings. Lump
Rate shall also include the provision and sum
installation of lockable steel cover for the control
chamber as per the attached drawing and
instructed by the engineer.
  Total amount for one trough      
Total amount for six water troughs ( Amount of
  No  6   
one trough x 6)

Rate Total
Item Description Unit Qty (USD Amoun
) t (US$)
  Bill No. 03        
Construction of Elevated water tank and distribution
A Construction of Elevated Water Tank        
1 Clearing the site by cutting, removing and disposal of all
trees, shrubs and any other objectionable material. This
m2 35    
includes, clearing the site from any leftover construction
materials after the completion of the work.
2 Earthwork in excavation for isolated pad footings in all
kinds of soils including the dressing of the bottom and
sides of the excavation and subsequent backfilling m3    
around the footings with layers of 200mm watered and
well rammed. Excavation dimensions: 1.8m*1.8*1.8m
3 Supply and cast 6 RCC isolated footings with cement
concrete of 1:1.5:3 proportions reinforced with 14mm
bars @ spacing of 15cm c/c. This includes polythene m3 7.68    
sheet under all concrete footings. Footing dimensions:
4 Supply and cast 6 RCC columns with cement concrete of
1:1.5:3 proportions, reinforced with 4Y14mm and
4Y16mm as main reinforcement and R8mm stirrups @ m3 8.544    
20cm spacing c/c. The columns should be cured well
using wet gunny bags at least 4 days.
5 Construction of random rubble stone masonry
foundation wall of 40cm thick bedded and jointed with
cement sand mortar of 1:4 proportions. The wall should
m3 4.8    
be kept moist at least 4 days. The minim height of the
wall should be 30cm above the ground level and 30cm
below the ground level.
6 Backfill the plinth area with selected material. The backfill
material shall be spread uniformly in layers, levelled,
m3 14.4    
watered and then compacted to 95% of its optimum
density in layers not exceeding 200 mm.
7 Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete grade beam
with cement concrete ratio of 1:1.5:3 proportions (M20),
reinforced with 4Y16mm and 2Y14mm with R8mm m3 3.84    
stirrups @20cm c/c. Beam section dimension to be
8 Supply and cast plain concrete floor slab of 10cm thick
and 1:2:4 proportions well cured by forming sand dikes m3 2.4    
around the perimeter at least 10 days.
9 Supply and cast four RCC beams, two middle tie beams
and roof slab beam with cement concrete of 1:1.5:3
proportions (M20), reinforced with 4Y16mm, 2y14mm,
m3 15.36    
and R8mm stirrups @20cm c/c. The beams should be
kept moist at least 4 days. Beam section dimensions:
10 Supply and cast 20cm thick RCC slab for the tank base
floor proportions of 1:1.5:3 mix ratio. Reinforced with m3 7.992    
double mesh of Y12mm @150mm c/c.
11 Supply and cast 10cm thick RCC roof slab for the
caretaker room and for the tank cover slab with
m3 5.208    
proportions of 1:1.5:3 mix ratio. Reinforced with a mesh
of Y12mm @150mm c/c.
12 Supply and cast 20cm thick RCC walls with cement
concrete of 1:1.5:3 cement sand and aggregate. m3 8    
Reinforced with double mesh of Y12mm @20cm c/c.
13 Provide and fix 2 inch diameter Inlet and outlet GI pipe
class C with valves 2inch , Over flow pipe 2 inch as well as
No. 4    
pressure pipe complete with all the fitting necessary for
the full fictional plumbing work
14 Supply and install 4cm*4cm box steel external access
ladder to the tank and including all supports to the
concrete base and skeleton of Ls 1    
the tank, painting with two coats of oil paint on one
prime coat. The ladder should be firmly fixed to the tank.
15 Supply and install galvanized steel manhole lid (0.6x0.6m)
for the tank upper access and painting with one prime Ls 1    
coat, and two oil coats.
16 Supply and apply two coats 12mm plastering on the
internal and external surfaces of the tank, columns ,Slab m2 230.4    
bottom surface, cover slab upper surface and beams
17 Two coats of White washing and distempering on the m2 214.4    
external faces of tank, beams and columns.
18 Supply and paint on the tank walls with the visibility
Ls 1    
signboard showing the SCI and donor logos.
19 Supply and fix railings made out fully welded 3cm*3cm
MS SHC, rails should be 60cm height all around the
perimeter of the tank, refer the drawings and Engineer Ls 1    
instructions. Rate shall include, installation cost, removal
of rust and two coats of oil paint.
Sub Total Cost- Construction of the water tank
B Caretaker Room        
Supply and construction of room walls using 20*40*20cm
hallow concrete blocks, with a cement sand mortar mix 55.2    
A ratio of 1:4. M
Supply and cast R.C.C. lintels of 20cmx20cm*560cm with
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4
stone aggregate of 25mm down), including high yield
deformed 4 numbers 12mm dia steel bars and 8mmdia
stirrups @ 20cm c/c including centering and shuttering
b complete. M3
Apply 25mm thick plastering on external and internal
faces of Walls with cement sand mortar of 1:3 gauged in 110.4    
C three coats including surface smoothing. M
  Sub-total (1) in USD      
Supply and lay 40cm*40cm proclaim tiles with 10cm
A height skirting thought the perimeter of the internal walls M2
  Sub-total (2) in USD      
Provide and apply two coats of whitewashing on all wall
faces and ceiling with 1:275 lime/white glue ratio on all
interior wall surfaces to be smoothed thoroughly before
A paint applied. M2
Provide and apply two coats of distempering on all wall
faces both exterior and interior of wall surfaces. Color of 110.4    
B paint to be identified by SCI Engineer. M
  Sub-total (3)      
4 DOORS & WINDOWS and fittings        
A Windows        
Providing and installing new high quality casement metal
window (1.2m*1.m) made out of MS 4cm*4cm boxes and No. 1    
1 metal sheets.
B Doors        
1 Provide and install metal door (1.1m*2.15m) complete No. 1    
with all aldrop and mortise locks.
  Sub-total (4)      
  Sub Total Cost- Construction of the Caretaker Room      
C Water distribution pipeline        
1.0 Earthwork in excavation and clearance for the pipeline
trenches 0.3m wide and 0.65m deep in all kinds of soil. A
total distance of 500m this includes subsequent backfill
of the pipeline trench. 97.5    
2.0 Supply and install 2 inch uPVC pipes schedule 80
manufactured by (NFP Saudi Arabian) as per the AST D
1785. Pipeline installation should be complete including
but not limited to pipe laying including all piping works
laid, jointed and completely with all required fittings
(bends, tees, sockets, couplings and others). ML 500    
3.0 Supply and install none-return valves and air valves after
every 200m for the pipeline. PC 2    
4.0 Water meter 2 inch with flanges/nuts. eac 2
Sub Total Cost- of pipeline system USD    
Total Cost for the Elevated Tank, Caretaker room and
Pipeline System

Item Description Unit Qty Amoun
t (US$)
  Bill No. 04        
  Construction of cattle/camel and goats auction sheds        
A Earthworks (Excavation and backfill)
1 Clearing the site by cutting, removing and disposal of
all trees, shrubs and any other objectionable material.
This includes taking away collected animal manure in
m2 525    
the site carting away as directed by the SCI engineer.
Also clearing the site from any leftover construction
materials after the completion of the work.
2 Earthwork in excavation for 4inch CHS post footings
(60cm*60cm) in all kinds of soils (from existing natural m3    
ground level) and not exceeding 65cm deep.
  Subtotal A        
B Concrete Works

1 Supply and cast 5cm thick plain concrete blinding layer 0.48
of 1:2:4 mix proportions under all footings. m3    
2 Supply and cast reinforced cement concrete footings,
reinforced with Y12mm mesh @15cm c/c for 4-inch G.I m3  
posts with cement concrete of 1:2:4 proportions.

  Subtotal B      
C Steel works

1 Supply 4 inch GI CHS, class B pipes for the shed

No. 29    
2 Supply and erect shed roofs using king post design
trusses fabricated from fully welded
40mm*80mm*3mm tie beams and rafters and
30mm*60mm*3mm purlins spaced @80cm c/c. Also
provide and fix good quality pre-colored corrugated GI m2 384    
roof sheets 0.5mm thickness (trapezoidal profiled)
properly fixed to steel purlins with self-tap bolts. Rate
shall include removal of rust, two coats of lead oxide
and two coats of oil paint for all mild steel frames.
  Subtotal C      
Subtotal for the construction of one auction shed (Cattle/Goat
and Camels)
Total cost for the construction of four auction sheds (Total No 4
amount for one shed x 4)

Rate Amount
Item Description Unit Qty
  Bill No 05        
  Construction of certification offices        
Clearing the site by cutting, removing and disposal
of all trees, bushes, shrubs, grass, weeds, other
vegetation, anthills, rubbish and all other
objectionable material. This includes clearing the 80
site from any leftover materials, e.g.; Nails, cement,
stones, blocks etc. after the completing the
1 construction. M2
Earthwork in excavation for foundation walls (60cm
deep and 40cm wide), in all kinds of soil including
dressing of bottom and sides of trenches. Stack 11.52
excavated soil clear from edges of excavation at
2 least 1m. M3
Supply and cast R.C.C. (40x20cm) strip foundation
beam with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
clean coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm
down) , including 6 numbers of Y12mm dia steel
bars and 8mm stirrups @20cm centers including
3 centering and shuttering complete. M3
Supply and construct random rubble stone wall in
foundation, 40cm thickness bedded and jointed
with cement sand mortar of 1:4 proportion (1
cement: 4 clean coarse sand). Face of the wall
should be in plumb. All the gaps between stones
shall be filled with cement mortar. Minimum Depth
of the foundation wall below the Ground Level is
50cm and minimum 40cm above Ground Level in
the highest corner. Make a provision for the extra
4 volume due to slope levelling. M3
Supply and cast R.C.C. (40x20)cm plinth beam with
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean coarse
sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm down) , including
6 numbers of Y12mm dia steel bars and 8mm
stirrups @20cm centers including centering and
5 shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast nine R.C.C. (20x20)cm columns with
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean coarse
sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm down) , including
4 numbers of Y12mm dia steel bars and 8mm
stirrups @20cm centers including centering and
6 shuttering complete. M3
  Sub-Total (A) in USD      
Supply and construction of 20 cm thick Hallow
Concrete Block walls including the gable ends of the
roof and veranda parapet wall (using 144
20cm*40cm*20cm hallow block walls), with a cement
1 sand mortar mix ratio of 1:4. M2
Supply and cast R.C.C. continues lintels (including
window sill) of 20cmx20cm with cement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone
aggregate of 25mm down), including high yield 1.92
deformed 4 numbers 12mm dia steel bars and
8mmdia stirrups @ 20cm c/c including centering
2 and shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast R.C.C (1:2:4 mix) roof band lintel
15cm depth and 20cm wide, each with 4NO.Y12 re-
bars & R6 links @250mm c/c to be tied to roof
3 trusses M3
Apply 25mm thick plastering on external and
internal faces of Walls with cement sand mortar of 288
4 1:3, in three coats including surface smoothing. M2

  Sub-total (B) in USD      

C ROOFING        
1 Roofing as in design kingpost roof, with # 28-gauge M 49
iron corrugated sheets and timber roof trusses @
2m c/c. All roof trusses anchored with 6 mm dia.
bars casted in the roof Lintel. And all joints of roof
trusses and purloins to be tied together with a flat
metal strip.
Dimensions; tie beam 2”x6”, Rafters; 2”x4” Purloins;
2”x3”; King post; 2”x6”, Bracing; 2”x3”. All timbers
should be single pieces with no joints created by
smaller pieces fastened together. This includes the
fascia board 20cm wide with all fittings, fixtures,
bolts etc. complete. make provision the additional
area for the roof pitch
Supply and install the best quality gypsum celling
board, complete with all necessary accessories, 49
2 leveled and tightly fixed to the roof truss. M
Supply and cast 10cm thick RCC verenda roof slab
with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean
coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm down) , 0.944
including Y12mm dia reinforcement mesh @15cm
3 c/cm including centering and shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast verenda roof slap beams (30*20cm)
with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean
coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm down),
including high yield deformed 6 numbers 12mm dia
steel bars and 8mmdia stirrups @ 20cm c/c
4 including centering and shuttering complete. M3

  Sub-total (C) in USD      

Backfill the plinth area with 25cm thick hardcore.
The backfill material shall be spread uniformly in
layers, levelled, watered and then compacted to 95%
of its optimum density in layers not exceeding 200
mm, and subsequent backfilling around masonry in
layers of 15cm, watered and well rammed. Surplus
earth, if any shall be removed as directed by the SCI
1 engineer. M3
Supply and place 5cm thick sand blinding layer well
2 compacted and watered. M3
Supply and place 5000 D.P.M polyethene membrane
3 on top of sand blinding.  
Supply and cast 10cm thick concrete floor slab
reinforced with Y8mm dia steel bars @20cm c/c in
every direction, including centering and shuttering
4 complete. M3
Supply and lay 40cm*40cm*1cm proclaim tiles with
10cm height skirting thought the perimeter of the 56.65
5 internal walls. M2

  Sub-total (D) in USD      

Provide and apply two coats of whitewashing on all
wall faces and ceiling with 1:275 lime/white glue
ratio on all interior wall surfaces to be smoothed
1 thoroughly before paint applied. M2
Provide and apply two coats of distempering on all
wall faces both exterior and interior of wall surfaces. 288
2 Color of paint to be identified by SCI Engineer. M2
Provide and apply two coats of Red Oxide paint on
the roof of the building, including 2 coats of oil 55
3 paint on facial board. M
Paint the visibility logos of the SCI and Donor as
LS 1
4 instructed by the SCI engineer.

  Sub-total (E)      
F Doors, Windows and Electrical works        
1 Windows        
Providing and installing new high quality overall
aluminum sliding windows (1.2m*1.m):-2mm thick
Aluminum frame, metal grills, misquote net with
No. 6
10cm aluminum frame, & 6mm thick glasses with
all their accessories such as hinges, locks, rubbers
2 etc;
3 Doors    
Provide and install metal door (1.m*2.1m) complete
No. 3
4 with all aldropes and mortise locks.
Electrical works
Provide and install electrical wiring using 2mm2
LS 1
Saudi Arabian wire, fix switches, ceiling fan, light
  bulbs and sockets as instructed by the engineer.
  Sub-total (F)    
Total amount for the construction of certification
Rate Amount
Item Description Unit Qty
  Bill No. 06        
  Construction of Toilets Block        
A Cesspit        
Earthwork in excavation in all kinds of soil and
rocks for latrine cesspit (3.5m*5.5m) and 5 meters 96.25    
1 deep M
Supply and cast four RCC ring beams, bottom,
two in mid and top (20cm*20cm) with cement and
concrete 1:2:4 including high yield deformed bars
2 4Y12mm and R6mm links @ 20cm c/c. M3
Supply and cast eight RCC columns (20cm*20cm)
with cement and concrete mix of 1:2:4, including
high yield deformed bars 4Y12mm and R6mm
3 links @ 20cm c/c. M3
Supply and cast 15cm thick RCC slap (4m*6m)
with cement and concrete mix of 1:1.5:3, including
Y12mm diameter reinforcement mesh @ 15cm
4 c/c. M3
Supply and construct wall lining with cement sand
mortar mix of 1:4 and good quality hallow 90    
5 concrete blocks of 20cm*20cm*40 size. M2
  Sub-Total (A) in USD      
B Toilet Block        
Clearing the site by cutting, removing and
disposal of all trees, bushes, shrubs, grass, weeds,
other vegetation, anthills, rubbish and all other
objectionable material. This includes clearing the 80    
site from any leftover materials, e.g.; Nails,
cement, stones, blocks etc. after the completing
1 the construction. M2

Earthwork in excavation for foundation walls 18.96    

2 (60cm deep and 40cm wide), in all kinds of soil M
including dressing of bottom and sides of
trenches. Stack excavated soil clear from edges of
excavation at least 1m.
Earthwork in excavation for four footings
(80cm*80cm and 100cm deep) in all kinds of soil
including dressing of bottom and sides of 2.56    
trenches. Stack excavated soil clear from edges of
2 excavation at least 1m. M3
Supply and construct random rubble stone wall in
foundation, 40cm thickness bedded and jointed
with cement sand mortar of 1:4 proportion (1
cement: 4 clean coarse sand). Face of the wall
should be in plumb. All the gaps between stones
shall be filled with cement mortar. Minimum
Depth of the foundation wall below the Ground
Level is 50cm and minimum 40cm above Ground
Level in the highest corner. Make a provision for
4 the extra volume due to slope levelling. M3
Supply and cast four RCC pad footings
(80cm*80cm*40cm) with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement: 2 clean coarse sand: 4 stone aggregate of
25mm down), including Y14mm reinforcement
mesh @15cm centers including centering and
  shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast R.C.C. (40x20)cm plinth beam
with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean
coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm down) ,
including 6 numbers of Y12mm dia steel bars and
8mm stirrups @20cm centers including centering
5 and shuttering complete. M3
6 Supply and cast sixteen R.C.C. (20x20)cm columns M3 2.24    
with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean
coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm down) ,
including 4 numbers of Y12mm dia steel bars and
8mm stirrups @20cm centers including centering
and shuttering complete.
  Sub-Total (B) in USD      
Supply and construction of 20 cm thick Hallow
Concrete Block walls including the gable ends of
the roof and parapet walls (using 195    
20cm*40cm*20cm hallow block walls), with a
1 cement sand mortar mix ratio of 1:4. M2
Supply and cast R.C.C. continues lintels (including
window sill) of 20cmx20cm with cement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone
aggregate of 25mm down), including high yield 3    
deformed 4 numbers 12mm dia steel bars and
8mmdia stirrups @ 20cm c/c including centering
2 and shuttering complete. M3
Supply and cast R.C.C (1:2:4 mix) roof band lintel
15cm depth and 20cm wide, each with 4NO.Y12
re-bars & R6 links @250mm c/c to be tied to roof
3 trusses M3
Apply 25mm thick plastering on external and
internal faces of Walls with cement sand mortar of 390    
4 1:3, in three coats including surface smoothing. M2
  Sub-total (C) in USD      
D ROOFING        
Roofing as in design kingpost roof, with # 28-
gauge iron corrugated sheets and timber roof
trusses @ 2m c/c. All roof trusses anchored with 6
mm dia. bars casted in the roof Lintel. In addition,
all joints of roof trusses and purloins to be tied
together with a flat metal strip. Dimensions; tie
beam 2”x6”, Rafters; 2”x4” Purloins; 2”x3”; King 51    
post; 2”x6”, Bracing; 2”x3”. All timbers should be
single pieces with no joints created by smaller
pieces fastened together. This includes the fascia
board 20cm wide with all fittings, fixtures, bolts
etc. complete. make provision the additional area
1 for the roof pitch M2
Supply and install ceiling with 4mm plywood
2 ceiling panels. M2
Supply and cast 10cm thick RCC caretaker room
roof slab with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :
2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm
down) , including Y12mm dia reinforcement mesh
@15cm c/cm including centering and shuttering
3 complete. M3
Supply and cast veranda roof slap beams
(30*20cm) with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :
2 clean coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm
down), including high yield deformed 6 numbers
12mm dia steel bars and 8mmdia stirrups @ 20cm
4 c/c including centering and shuttering complete. M3
  Sub-total (D) in USD      
Backfill the plinth area with 25cm thick hardcore.
The backfill material shall be spread uniformly in
layers, levelled, watered and then compacted to
95% of its optimum density in layers not
exceeding 200 mm, and subsequent backfilling
around masonry in layers of 15cm, watered and
well-rammed. Surplus earth, if any shall be
1 removed as directed by the SCI engineer. M3
Supply and place 5cm thick sand blinding layer
2 well compacted and watered. M3
Supply and place 5000 D.P.M polyethene
3 membrane on top of sand blinding.  
Supply and cast 10cm thick PCC concrete floor
slap with cement concrete of 1:2:4 1 cement : 2
clean coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate of 25mm
4 down) M3
Supply and lay 40cm*40cm*1cm proclaim floor
tiles and wall tiles up to 2.3m high as instructed 184    
5 by the engineer. M2
  Sub-total (E) in USD      
Provide and apply two coats of whitewashing on
all wall faces and ceiling with 1:275 lime/white
glue ratio on all interior wall surfaces to be
1 smoothed thoroughly before paint applied. M2
Provide and apply two coats of distempering on
all wall faces both exterior and interior of wall
surfaces. Color of paint to be identified by SCI
2 Engineer. M2
Provide and apply two coats of Red Oxide paint
on the roof of the building, including 2 coats of 55    
3 oil paint on facial board. M2
Paint the visibility logos of the SCI and Donor as
LS 1    
4 instructed by the SCI Engineer.
  Sub-total (F)      
1 Windows        
Providing and installing metal casement window
1m*1m, made of box 4cm*4cm frames and G.I
sheets complete with hinges, holdfasts and No. 1    
aldrops. Fully welded and painted with decorative
a paints.
Providing and installing fixed ventilator railings as
per the attached designs and the instruction of
the engineer. Railings should be made of box No. 10    
3cm*3cm, fully welded and painted with two coats
b oil paint.
2 Doors        
Provide and install metal door (0.8m*2.1m)
No. 10    
a complete with all aldropes and mortise locks.
b Provide and install metal door (1m*2.1m) No. 4    
complete with all aldropes and mortise locks.
Doors should be partially paneled to allow
ventilation and lighting as instructed by the
3 Plumping works        
Provide and place 1 cubic meter volume, plastic
No. 1    
a water tank. Gamuur brand is preferable.
Supply and install water supply for each toilet
using 1/2 inch ppr pipes and 1/2 water taps,
complete with all necessary fittings including but LS 1    
not limited to control gate valves, elbows, nipples,
b unions, socks. As per Engineers instructions
Supply and install good quality Arabian squatting
pans and connect each toilet with separate
chamber using 4 inch PVC pipes and 6 inch PVC No. 8    
pipes to connect to the cesspool as instructed by
c the Engineer.
Supply and install good quality European toilet
seat set and connect each toilet with separate
chamber using 4 inch PVC pipes and 6 inch PVC No. 2    
pipes to connect to the cesspool as instructed by
d the Engineer.
  Sub-total (G)      
  Total amount for the construction of toilet blocks      

Total Amount
 1. Preliminaries and Generals  

2. Construction of 6 animal troughs  

3. Construction of Elevated water tank, Caretaker

room and distribution pipeline
4. Construction of 4 cattle/camel and goats auction
5. Construction of certification center offices

6. Construction of toilets block

Total Burao livestock market enclosure
Grand Summary

Contract Name: Construction/rehabilitation of three livestock market enclosures in

Hargeisa, Borama and Burao Somaliland
Contract No.: DRSLPII/SL/W10/NCB/016/2020-2021
General Summary Page Amoun Page Amoun Page Amoun
t t t
Bill No. 1:
Bill No. 2:
Bill No. 3:
Bill No. 4:
Bill No. 5:
Bill No. 6:
Bill No. 7:

Subtotal of Bills (A)

Bid Price (Carried forward to Letter of
Section IV – Bidding Forms 77

Forms of Bid Security

Form of Bid Security - Bank Guarantee

[Guarantor letterhead or SWIFT identifier code]

Beneficiary: Save the Children International, Somalia/Somaliland Country Office

Invitation for Bids No: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Alternative No.: N/A
Date: [Insert date of issue]
BID GUARANTEE No.: [Insert guarantee reference number]
Guarantor: [Insert Guarantor’s name and address of place of issue, unless indicated in
the letterhead]

We have been informed that [insert name of the Bidder, which in the case of a joint
venture shall be the name of the joint venture (whether legally constituted or
prospective) or the names of all members thereof] (hereinafter called "the Applicant")
has submitted or will submit to the Beneficiary its Bid (hereinafter called "the Bid") for
the execution of [insert description of contract] under Invitation for Bids No. [insert
number] (“the IFB”) and Open Competitive Bidding (National)/Limited Competitive
Bidding (LCB) No DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the Beneficiary’s conditions, Bids

must be supported by a Bid guarantee.

At the request of the Applicant to issue this guarantee, we, as Guarantor, hereby
irrevocably undertake to pay the Beneficiary any sum or sums not exceeding in total
an amount of [insert amount in letters] (insert amount in numbers) upon receipt by
us of the Beneficiary’s complying supported by the Beneficiary’s statement, whether
in the demand itself or a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the
demand, stating either that the Applicant:

(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of Bid validity specified by the
Applicant in the Letter of Bid (“the Bid Validity Period”), or any extension
thereto provided by the Applicant; or

(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Beneficiary during the
period of Bid validity, (i) fails to execute the contract agreement or (ii) fails to
furnish the performance security and, if required, the Environmental and Social
(ES) Performance Security, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders (“ITB”)
of the Beneficiary’s bidding document.
Section IV - Bidding Forms

This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Applicant is the successful Bidder, upon our
receipt of copies of the contract agreement signed by the Applicant and the
performance security and, if required, the Environmental and Social (ES) Performance
Security, issued to the Beneficiary in relation to such contract agreement; and (b) if
the Applicant is not the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy
of the Beneficiary’s notification to the Applicant of the results of the Bidding process;
or (ii) twenty-eight days after the end of the Bid Validity Period.
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us
at the office indicated above on or before that date.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010
Revision, ICC Publication No. 758.


[Note: In case the Applicant is a Joint Venture indicate the name of the Joint Venture
or names of all members of the Joint Venture that submitted or will submit the Bid]

Note: All italicized text is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from
the final product.
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Technical Bid
Technical Bid Forms

- Technical Bid-Base Bid

- Key Personnel Schedule

- Equipment

- Site Organization

- Method Statement

- Mobilization Schedule

- Construction Schedule

- ES Management Strategies and Implementation Plans

- Code of Conduct (ES)

- Others
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Technical Bid-Base Bid


[Note for information of Bidder: Bidders shall demonstrate compliance with the
Employer’s requirements and Technical Specifications as described in Section VII of
the Bidding Documents. Any departures or deviations from the required Technical
Specifications shall be highlighted and if there are none, full compliance shall be

The Bidder shall provide the Technical Bid for the Base-Bid complete in all respect
including Technical information and standards, codes, designs and specifications, of
Works offered along with all documentation mentioned in ITB 16 and Section VII of
the Bidding Document. This will include relevant literatures, data or drawings, test
results and other supporting documents, including all information requested in the
Bidding Document and as may be necessary to establish conformity with the
Employer’s Specifications and requirements.

Any deviations in the technical standards, codes, designs or specifications or other

requirements from those stated in the Bidding Documents shall be explained
indicating their impact on the performance requirements, characteristics or
parameters of the works. To this end, for any such deviations to be acceptable, Bid
shall establish to the satisfaction of the Employer substantial responsiveness to the
required technical specifications by explaining and documenting for the offered
works, equivalency with or improvement to the required technical standards, codes,
designs and Specifications.

Any Major deviation from the Employer’s requirements shall be the cause for
rejection of the Bid. Any deviation which in the Bidder’s opinion is considered
minor, the Bidder shall provide evidence to this effect including evidence of any
monetary implications caused by such deviation. The Employer’s evaluation shall be
independent of Bidder’s opinion on such matters and shall be final]
Section IV - Bidding Forms


Key Personnel Schedule

Bidders should provide the names and details of the suitably qualified Key Personnel
to perform the Contract. The data on their experience should be supplied using the
Form PER-2 below for each candidate.

Key Personnel

1. Title of position: [Insert title]

Name of candidate:

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this position
appointment: will be engaged]
Time commitment: [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled for
for this position: this position]
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach high
schedule for this level Gantt chart]

2. Title of position: [Insert title]

Name of candidate:

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this position
appointment: will be engaged]

Time commitment: [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled for
for this position: this position]

Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach high
schedule for this level Gantt chart]

3. Title of position: [[Insert title]

Name of candidate:

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this position
appointment: will be engaged]
Time commitment: [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled for
for this position: this position]
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach high
schedule for this level Gantt chart]

4. Title of position: [Insert title]

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Name of candidate:

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this position
appointment: will be engaged]
Time commitment: [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled for
for this position: this position]
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach high
schedule for this level Gantt chart]

5. Title of position: [Insert title]

Name of candidate

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this position
appointment: will be engaged]
Time commitment: [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled for
for this position: this position]
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach high
schedule for this level Gantt chart]

6. Title of position: [insert title]

Name of candidate

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this position
appointment: will be engaged]
Time commitment: [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled for
for this position: this position]
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach high
schedule for this level Gantt chart]
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form PER-2

Resume and Declaration - Key Personnel

Name of Bidder

Position [#1]: [title of position from Form PER-1]

Personnel Name: Date of birth:


Address: E-mail:

Professional qualifications:

Academic qualifications:

Language proficiency: [language and levels of speaking, reading and writing skills]


Address of employer:

Telephone: Contact (manager / personnel officer):


Job title: Years with present employer:

Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical and
managerial experience relevant to the project.

Duration of
Project Role Relevant experience
Section IV - Bidding Forms

[main [role and

[describe the experience relevant to this
project responsibilities on the [time in role]
details] project]


I, the undersigned Key Personnel, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,
the information contained in this Form PER-2 correctly describes myself, my
qualifications and my experience.
I confirm that I am available as certified in the following table and throughout the
expected time schedule for this position as provided in the Bid:

Commitment Details

Commitment to duration of contract: [insert period (start and end dates) for which this
Key Personnel is available to work on this contract]
Time commitment: [insert the number of days/week/months/ that this
Key Personnel will be engaged]

I understand that any misrepresentation or omission in this Form may:

(a) be taken into consideration during Bid evaluation;
(b) my disqualification from participating in the Bid;
(c) my dismissal from the contract.

Name of Key Personnel: [insert name]

Signature: __________________________________________________________

Date: (day month year): _______________________________________________

Countersignature of authorized representative of the Bidder:

Signature: ________________________________________________________

Date: (day month year): __________________________________

Section IV - Bidding Forms

The Bidder shall provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that it has the capability to meet
the requirements for the key equipment listed in Section III (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria). A
separate Form shall be prepared for each item of equipment listed, or for alternative equipment
proposed by the Bidder. The Bidder shall provide all the information requested below, to the extent
possible. Fields with asterisk (*) shall be used for evaluation.

Type of Equipment*

Equipment Name of manufacturer, Model and power rating


Capacity* Year of manufacture*

Current Status Current location

Details of current commitments

Source Indicate source of the equipment

oo Owned oo Rented oo Leased oo Specially manufactured

The following information shall be provided only for equipment not owned by the Bidder.

Owner Name of owner

Address of owner

Telephone Contact name and title

Fax Telex

Agreements Details of rental / lease / manufacture agreements specific to the project

Site Organization
[insert Site Organization information]
Section IV - Bidding Forms
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Method Statement

[insert Method Statement]

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Mobilization Schedule

[insert Mobilization Schedule]

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Construction Schedule

[insert Construction Schedule]

Section IV - Bidding Forms

ES Management Strategies and Implementation Plans



(i) The Bidder shall submit comprehensive and concise Environmental and
Social Management Strategies and Implementation Plans (ES-MSIP) as
required by ITB 11.1 (k) of the Bid Data Sheet. These strategies and plans
shall describe in detail the actions, materials, equipment, management
processes etc. that will be implemented by the Contractor, and its
(ii) In developing these strategies and plans, the Bidder shall have regard to
the ES provisions of the contract including those as may be more fully
described in the Works Requirements in Section VII.
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Code of Conduct for Contractor’s Personnel (ES) Form


Note to the Employer:

The following minimum requirements shall not be modified. The Employer may add
additional requirements to address identified issues, informed by relevant
environmental and social assessment.
The types of issues identified could include risks associated with: labor influx, spread of
communicable diseases, and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment
(SH) etc.
Delete this Box prior to issuance of the bidding documents.

Note to the Bidder:

The minimum content of the Code of Conduct form as set out by the Employer shall
not be substantially modified. However, the Bidder may add requirements as
appropriate, including to take into account Contract-specific issues/risks.

The Bidder shall initial and submit the Code of Conduct form as part of its bid.


We are the Contractor, [enter name of Contractor]. We have signed a contract with
[enter name of Employer] for [enter description of the Works]. These Works will be
carried out at [enter the Site and other locations where the Works will be carried out ].
Our contract requires us to implement measures to address environmental and social
risks related to the Works, including the risks of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and
sexual harassment.

This Code of Conduct is part of our measures to deal with environmental and social
risks related to the Works. It applies to all our staff, laborers and other employees at
the Works Site or other places where the Works are being carried out. It also applies
to the personnel of each subcontractor and any other personnel assisting us in the
execution of the Works. All such persons are referred to as “Contractor’s Personnel”
and are subject to this Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct identifies the behavior that we require from all Contractor’s
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Our workplace is an environment where unsafe, offensive, abusive or violent behavior

will not be tolerated and where all persons should feel comfortable raising issues or
concerns without fear of retaliation.

Contractor’s Personnel shall:
1. carry out his/her duties competently and diligently;
2. comply with this Code of Conduct and all applicable laws, regulations and
other requirements, including requirements to protect the health, safety and
well-being of other Contractor’s Personnel and any other person;
3. maintain a safe working environment including by:
a. ensuring that workplaces, machinery, equipment and processes under
each person’s control are safe and without risk to health;
b. wearing required personal protective equipment;
c. using appropriate measures relating to chemical, physical and biological
substances and agents; and
d. following applicable emergency operating procedures.
4. report work situations that he/she believes are not safe or healthy and remove
himself/herself from a work situation which he/she reasonably believes
presents an imminent and serious danger to his/her life or health;
5. treat other people with respect, and not discriminate against specific groups
such as women, people with disabilities, migrant workers or children;
6. not engage in Sexual Harassment, which means unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual
nature with other Contractor’s or Employer’s Personnel;
7. not engage in Sexual Exploitation, which means any actual or attempted
abuse of position of vulnerability, differential power or trust, for sexual
purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or
politically from the sexual exploitation of another;
8. not engage in Sexual Abuse, which means the actual or threatened physical
intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or under unequal or coercive
9. not engage in any form of sexual activity with individuals under the age of 18,
except in case of pre-existing marriage;
10. complete relevant training courses that will be provided related to the
environmental and social aspects of the Contract, including on health and
safety matters, and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), and Sexual
Harassment (SH);
Section IV - Bidding Forms

11. report violations of this Code of Conduct; and

12. not retaliate against any person who reports violations of this Code of
Conduct, whether to us or the Employer, or who makes use of the grievance
mechanism for Contractor’s Personnel or the project’s Grievance Redress
If any person observes behavior that he/she believes may represent a violation of this
Code of Conduct, or that otherwise concerns him/her, he/she should raise the issue
promptly. This can be done in either of the following ways:
1. Contact [enter name of the Contractor’s Social Expert with relevant experience in
handling gender-based violence, or if such person is not required under the
Contract, another individual designated by the Contractor to handle these
matters] in writing at this address [ ] or by telephone at [ ] or in person at [ ];
2. Call [ ] to reach the Contractor’s hotline (if any) and leave a message.

The person’s identity will be kept confidential, unless reporting of allegations is

mandated by the country law. Anonymous complaints or allegations may also be
submitted and will be given all due and appropriate consideration. We take seriously
all reports of possible misconduct and will investigate and take appropriate action.
We will provide warm referrals to service providers that may help support the person
who experienced the alleged incident, as appropriate.
There will be no retaliation against any person who raises a concern in good faith
about any behavior prohibited by this Code of Conduct. Such retaliation would be a
violation of this Code of Conduct.


Any violation of this Code of Conduct by Contractor’s Personnel may result in serious
consequences, up to and including termination and possible referral to legal


I have received a copy of this Code of Conduct written in a language that I

comprehend. I understand that if I have any questions about this Code of Conduct, I
can contact [enter name of Contractor’s contact person with relevant experience ]
requesting an explanation.
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Name of Contractor’s Personnel: [insert name]

Signature: __________________________________________________________

Date: (day month year): _______________________________________________

Countersignature of authorized representative of the Contractor:

Signature: ________________________________________________________
Date: (day month year): ______________________________________________

ATTACHMENT 1: Behaviors constituting Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and behaviors
constituting Sexual Harassment (SH)
Section IV - Bidding Forms





The following non-exhaustive list is intended to illustrate types of prohibited behaviors:

(1) Examples of sexual exploitation and abuse include, but are not limited to:
 A Contractor’s Personnel tells a member of the community that he/she can get them
jobs related to the work site (e.g. cooking and cleaning) in exchange for sex.
 A Contractor’s Personnel that is connecting electricity input to households says that
he can connect women headed households to the grid in exchange for sex.
 A Contractor’s Personnel rapes, or otherwise sexually assaults a member of the
 A Contractor’s Personnel denies a person access to the Site unless he/she performs a
sexual favor.
 A Contractor’s Personnel tells a person applying for employment under the Contract
that he/she will only hire him/her if he/she has sex with him/her.
(2) Examples of sexual harassment in a work context
 Contractor’s Personnel comment on the appearance of another Contractor’s
Personnel (either positive or negative) and sexual desirability.
 When a Contractor’s Personnel complains about comments made by another
Contractor’s Personnel on his/her appearance, the other Contractor’s Personnel
comment that he/she is “asking for it” because of how he/she dresses.
 Unwelcome touching of a Contractor’s or Employer’s Personnel by another
Contractor’s Personnel.
 A Contractor’s Personnel tells another Contractor’s Personnel that he/she will get
him/her a salary raise, or promotion if he/she sends him/her naked photographs of
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Commercial Terms and Conditions


[Bidder shall specify any deviations to the provisions of the Bidding Document (other
than Technical Specifications) in particular those specified in Part 3 of the Bidding
document including General and Particular Conditions of Contract. If “None” it shall
be confirmed accordingly]
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Bidder’s Qualification

To establish its qualifications to perform the contract in accordance with Section III
(Evaluation and Qualification Criteria) the Bidder shall provide the information
requested in the corresponding Information Sheets included hereunder
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form ELI -1.1: Bidder Information Form

Date: ___________________________
OCBN No. and title: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Page __________of ________pages

Bidder's name

In case of Joint Venture (JV), name of each member:

Bidder's actual or intended country of registration:

[indicate country of Constitution]
Bidder's actual or intended year of incorporation:

Bidder's legal address [in country of registration]:

Bidder's authorized representative information

Name: _____________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Telephone/Fax numbers: _______________________
E-mail address: ______________________________

1. Attached are copies of original documents of

 Articles of Incorporation (or equivalent documents of constitution or association),
and/or documents of registration of the legal entity named above, in accordance with
ITB 4.4.
 In case of JV, letter of intent to form JV or JV agreement, in accordance with ITB
 In case of state-owned enterprise or institution, in accordance with ITB 4.6
documents establishing:
 Legal and financial autonomy
 Operation under commercial law
 Establishing that the Bidder is not under the supervision of the Employer
2. Included are the organizational chart, a list of Board of Directors, and the beneficial
ownership. [If required under BDS ITB 47.1, the successful Bidder shall provide
additional information on beneficial ownership, using the Beneficial Ownership
Disclosure Form.]
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form ELI -1.2: Information Form for JV Bidders

(to be completed for each member of Joint Venture)

Bidder’s Name: ______________

Date: _______________________
JV Member’s Name__________
OCBN No. and title: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Page ________f _______ pages

Name of the Reporting Firm_____________________

JV Information of the Reporting Firm

Bidder’s Joint Venture name:

JV member’s name:

JV member’s country of registration:

JV member’s year of constitution:

JV member’s legal address in country of constitution:

JV member’s authorized representative information

Name: ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________
Telephone/Fax numbers: _____________________
E-mail address: _____________________________

1. Attached are copies of original documents of

 Articles of Incorporation (or equivalent documents of constitution or association), and/or
registration documents of the legal entity named above, in accordance with ITB 4.4.
 In case of a state-owned enterprise or institution, documents establishing legal and
financial autonomy, operation in accordance with commercial law, and is not under the
supervision of the Employer, in accordance with ITB 4.6.
2. Included are the organizational chart, a list of Board of Directors, and the beneficial
ownership. [If required under BDS ITB 47.1, the successful Bidder shall provide additional
information on beneficial ownership for each JV member using the Beneficial Ownership
Disclosure Form.]
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form ELI -1.3

Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services Form
(to be completed by the Bidder)

Bidder’s Name:_____________
Date: _______________
OCBN No. and title:
Page ______of ______ pages

Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services: In compliance with ITB 5, provide the following
information for all Materials, Equipment and Services included under the Contract. Instead of
listing each and every item, broad categories are listed below. Include all items in these
categories unless any item to be supplied is not covered by any one of them in which case
list them separately.

1 2 3 5
S. Description of Broad Estimated Estimated Countries
No. Category of Quantity- Aggregate of Origin
Materials/Equipment and [State: “All Value (US
Services quantity as Dollar
required” or Equivalent)
quantity by
y of items]
1 All Construction and
Testing Materials
including raw materials,
Cement, Steel, Timber,
Lime, Sand, Aggregates,
Plastics, Bitumen, Oils,
Lubricants, etc. as per
2 All types of Plants,
Equipment including
Laboratory and Testing
Equipment, All types of
Vehicles, Furniture,
Fittings and Fixtures,
Pipes, Tools, Steel and
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Other Structures,
Utensils, Computers and
Other IT Equipment, etc.
as per specification
3 All Types of Services
including Construction,
Installation, Assembly,
Inspection, Supervision,
Care of Sites, Labor
(Skilled and Unskilled),
Drilling, Mapping,
Transportation and
Insurance, etc. as per

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form CON – 2: Historical Contract Non-Performance,

Pending Litigation and Litigation History
[The form shall be filled in for the Bidder, and each member of a Joint
Venture, if Bidder is a JV]

Bidder’s Name: ____________________________

Date: _______________________________________
Joint Venture Member’s Name____________
OCBN No. and title: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Page _______________of _______________pages

Name of the Reporting Firm__________________

Historical Contract Non-Performance, Pending Litigation and Litigation

History of the Reporting Firm
Non-Performed Contracts in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification
 Contract non-performance did not occur since 1st January [insert year] specified in
Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Sub-Factor 2.1.
 Contract(s) not performed since 1st January [insert year] specified in Section III,
Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, requirement 2.1
Year Non- Contract Identification Total Contract
performed Amount (current
portion of value, currency,
contract exchange rate
and US$
[insert [insert amount Contract Identification: [indicate complete [insert amount]
year] and contract name/ number, and any other
percentage] identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full name]
Address of Employer: [insert street/city/country]
Reason(s) for nonperformance: [indicate main
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Pending Litigation, in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
 No pending litigation in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification
Criteria, Sub-Factor 2.3.
 Pending litigation in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria,
Sub-Factor 2.3 as indicated below.

Year of Amount in Contract Identification Total Contract

dispute dispute Amount (currency),
(currency) USD Equivalent
(exchange rate)
Contract Identification:
Name of Employer: ____________
Address of Employer: __________
Matter in dispute: ______________
Party who initiated the dispute:

Status of dispute: ___________

Contract Identification:
Name of Employer:
Address of Employer:
Matter in dispute:
Party who initiated the dispute:
Status of dispute:
Litigation History in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
 No Litigation History in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification
Criteria, Sub-Factor 2.4.
 Litigation History in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification
Criteria, Sub-Factor 2.4 as indicated below.
Year of Outcome as Contract Identification Total Contract
award percentage of Amount (currency),
Net Worth USD Equivalent
(exchange rate)
Section IV - Bidding Forms

[insert [insert Contract Identification: [indicate [insert amount]

year] percentage] complete contract name, number,
and any other identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full
Address of Employer: [insert
Matter in dispute: [indicate main
issues in dispute]
Party who initiated the dispute:
[indicate “Employer” or
Reason(s) for Litigation and award
decision [indicate main reason(s)]
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form CON – 3:
Environmental and Social Performance Declaration
[The following table shall be filled in for the Bidder, each member of a Joint Venture and
each Specialized Subcontractor]

Bidder’s Name: [insert full name]

Date: [insert day, month, year]
Joint Venture Member’s or Specialized Subcontractor’s Name: [insert full name]
OCBN No. and title: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Name of the Reporting Firm_______________

Environmental and Social Performance Declaration of the Reporting Firm

Environmental and Social Performance Declaration

in accordance with Section III, Qualification Criteria, and Requirements
 No suspension or termination of contract: An employer has not suspended or
terminated a contract and/or called the performance security for a contract for reasons
related to Environmental, or Social (ES) performance since the date specified in Section
III, Qualification Criteria, and Requirements, Sub-Factor 2.5.
 Declaration of suspension or termination of contract: The following contract(s)
has/have been suspended or terminated and/or Performance Security called by an
employer(s) for reasons related to Environmental, or Social (ES) performance since the
date specified in Section III, Qualification Criteria, and Requirements, Sub-Factor 2.5.
Details are described below:

Year Suspended Contract Identification Total Contract

or terminated Amount (current
portion of value, currency,
contract exchange rate
and US$

[insert [insert amount Contract Identification: [indicate complete [insert amount]

year] and contract name/ number, and any other
percentage] identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full name]
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Address of Employer: [insert street/city/country]

Reason(s) for suspension or termination: [indicate
main reason(s) e.g. for gender-based violence;
sexual exploitation or sexual abuse breaches]
[insert [insert amount Contract Identification: [indicate complete [insert amount]
year] and contract name/ number, and any other
percentage] identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full name]
Address of Employer: [insert street/city/country]
Reason(s) for suspension or termination: [indicate
main reason(s)]
… … [list all applicable contracts] …
Performance Security called by an employer(s) for reasons related to ES performance

Year Contract Identification Total Contract

Amount (current
value, currency,
exchange rate
and US$

[insert Contract Identification: [indicate complete contract name/ [insert amount]

year] number, and any other identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full name]
Address of Employer: [insert street/city/country]
Reason(s) for calling of performance security: [indicate main
reason(s) e.g. for gender-based violence; sexual exploitation, or
sexual abuse breaches]
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form CCC: Current Contract Commitments / Works in

[The form shall be filled in for the Bidder, and each member of a Joint Venture, if Bidder is
a JV]

Bidder’s Name: _____________________________

Date: ________________________________________
JV Member’s Name_________________________
OCBN No. and title: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Page _________________of ______________pages

Name of Reporting Firm: _________________

Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress of the Reporting
Bidders and each member of a JV should provide information on their current commitments
on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been
received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full
completion certificate has yet to be issued. Based on value of all outstanding works and
average monthly invoicing, the Bidder and each Member to a JV shall explain how
completion by estimated time is proposed to be achieved for each contract listed. The Bidder
and each Member to a JV shall also demonstrate based on access to, or availability of,
financial resources such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other
financial means, other than any contractual advance payments consistent with information
provided by the Bidder/Each JV Member under Forms FIN--3.1, FIN 3.3 and this Form CCC
how the overall cash flow requirements for this Contract and their all other current contract
commitments will be met.

Current Contract Commitments and Cash-Flow Requirements

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
S. No. Name Employ Value of Estimat Average Estimated Cash-
of er’s Outstan ed Monthly Flow Required
Contr Contact ding Comple Invoicing for every 4
act Addres Work tion Over months= [Value
s, Tel, [Current Date/Ti Last Six under column 4
Fax US$ me in Months divided by
Equivale Months [US$/mo Months under
nt] to nth] column 5 times
complet 4]

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Name of contract Employer, Value of Estimated Average monthly

contact outstanding work completion date invoicing over last
address/tel. (current US$ six months
/fax equivalent) (US$/month)





Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form FIN – 3.1: Financial Situation and Performance

[The form shall be filled in for the Bidder, and each member of a Joint Venture, if Bidder is
a JV]

Bidder’s Name: _______________________________

Date: __________________________________________
Joint Venture Member’s Name_______________
OCBN No. and title: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Page ________________of _________________pages

Name of the Reporting Firm_____________

Financial Situation and Performance of the Reporting Firm
1. Financial data

Type of Historic information for previous _________years,

Financial information in ____ (amount in currency, currency, exchange rate, USD
(currency) equivalent)

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5

Statement of Financial Position (Information from Balance Sheet)

Total Assets (TA)

Total Liabilities (TL)

Total Equity/Net Worth

Current Assets (CA)

Current Liabilities (CL)

Working Capital (WC)

Information from Income Statement

Total Revenue (TR)

Profits Before Taxes (PBT)

Cash Flow Information

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Cash Flow from Operating


2. Sources of Finance

Specify sources of finance to meet the cash flow requirements on works currently
in progress and for future contract commitments.

No. Source of finance Amount (US$ equivalent)

3. Financial documents

The Bidder and its parties shall provide copies of financial statements for _________ years
pursuant Section III, Evaluation and Qualifications Criteria, Sub-factor 3.2. The financial
statements shall:

(a) reflect the financial situation of the Bidder or in case of JV member, and not an
affiliated entity (such as parent company or group member).

(b) be independently audited or certified in accordance with local legislation.

(c) be complete, including all notes to the financial statements.

(d) correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited.

 Attached are copies of financial statements1 for the ____________years required above;
and complying with the requirements

If the most recent set of financial statements is for a period earlier than 12 months from the date of bid, the reason for
this should be justified.
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form FIN - 3.2: Average Annual Construction Turnover

[The form shall be filled in for the Bidder, and each member of a Joint Venture, if Bidder is
a JV]

Bidder’s Name: ______________________________

Date: _________________________________________
Joint Venture Member’s Name______________
OCBN No. and title: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021

Page ________________of ________________pages

Name of the Reporting Firm__________________

Average Annual Construction Turnover of the Reporting Firm

Annual turnover data (construction only)

Year Amount Exchange rate USD equivalent


[indicate [insert amount and

year] indicate currency]

Turnover *

* See Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Sub-Factor 3.2.

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form FIN - 3.3: Financial Resources

[The form shall be filled in for the Bidder, and each member of a Joint Venture, if Bidder is
a JV]

Bidder’s Name: _________________________

Date: ____________________________________
JV Member’s Name_____________________
OCBN No. and title: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Page ________________of ___________pages

Name of Reporting Firm: ______________

Financial Resources of the Reporting Firm

Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit,
and other financial means, net of current commitments, available to meet the total construction cash
flow demands of the subject contract or contracts as specified in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification
Criteria consistent with the information provided under Form CCC.

Source of financing Amount (US$ equivalent)




Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form EXP - 4.1: General Construction Experience

[The form shall be filled in for the Bidder, and each member of a Joint Venture, if Bidder is
a JV]

Bidder’s Name: ______________________________

Date: _________________________________________
Joint Venture Member’s Name______________
OCBN No. and title: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Page _________________of ______________pages

Name of the Reporting Firm_____________

General Construction Experience of the Reporting Firm

Starting Ending Contract Identification Role of

Year Year Bidder

Contract name: ____________________

Brief Description of the Works performed by
Bidder: _____________________________
Amount of contract: ___________________
Name of Employer: ____________________
Address: _____________________________
Contract name: _________________________
Brief Description of the Works performed by
Bidder: _____________________________
Amount of contract: ___________________
Name of Employer: ___________________
Address: _________________________
Contract name: ________________________
Brief Description of the Works performed by
Bidder: __________________________
Amount of contract: ___________________
Name of Employer: ___________________
Address: _________________________
Section IV - Bidding Forms
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form EXP - 4.2(a)

Specific Construction and Contract Management
[The form shall be filled in for the Bidder, and each member of a Joint Venture, if Bidder is
a JV and Specialized Contractor, if applicable]

Bidder’s Name: ______________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________
JV Member’s Name if the Bidder is a JV ____________
Specialized Subcontractor’s Name [Insert full name if permitted]
OCBN No. and title: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Page _____________________of ___________________pages

Name of the Reporting Firm_______________

Specific Construction and Contract Management Experience of the Reporting Firm

Similar Contract No. Information

Contract Identification [insert contract name and number, if applicable]

Name of the firm that was

awarded the contract identified

Award date [insert day, month, year, e.g., 15 June 2016]

Completion date**
[insert day, month, year, e.g., 03 May 2018]
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Role in Contract identified above

[check the appropriate box.
Check box as “Prime Contractor”
if contract was awarded to the
reporting firm as a single
construction contractor. Check
Box “Member in JV” if the
contract was awarded to a JV
and was a member of the JV.
Check Box “Management Prime Member in Manag. Sub-
Contractor” if the reporting firm Contractor JV Contractor contractor
signed the construction contract   *** 
and was responsible for its
performance and completion of
works as per terms and
conditions of the contract. Also
see *** below. Check Box “Sub-
Contractor” if the reporting firm
was a sub-contractor appointed
by the main contractor who was
awarded the contract]

US$ [insert
Exchange rate and
Total Contract Amount [insert total contract total contract amount
amount in local currency] in US$

If reporting firm was a member [insert the amount the
in a “JV” or “sub-contractor”, as percentage reporting
per box checked above, it can of the total firm
claim experience only for its’ contract received or
own share of works actually amount entitled to
[insert exchange rate
performed under the contract indicated for the
and total contract
and not the entire contract. As above which works
amount in US$
such, the reporting firm shall represents performed
indicate its share as a reporting as its share
percentage of the total firm’s share in the total
Contract amount and also in under the contract
absolute amount contract amount in
performed] local
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Roles and Responsibilities [Briefly describe roles and responsibilities of the

Reporting firm under the above contract]
Employer's Name: [Insert Full Name]
[indicate street / number / town or city / country]

Telephone/fax number [insert telephone/fax numbers, including country

city area codes]
[insert e-mail address, if available]

* Refer Section III for guidance on the date and source of exchange rate.

** If contract is not fully completed but substantially completed then indicate the absolute
total value of the completed part of the contract and also the percentage completion
calculated as a percentage of the total value of the contract upon completion.

*** In claiming experience as a Management Contractor, the Bidder shall furnish copies of
the contracts signed by the Bidder demonstrating scope of construction works
performed. It should be noted that a Construction Manager is not the same as a
Management Contractor. Construction Manager is a Consultant for or agent of the
Borrower and mainly responsible for supervision of the construction works and does not
take the risks associated with the performance of the construction contracts as the
Management Contractor does. Instead of performing the works directly, a Management
Contractor contracts out and manages the work of other contractors taking on full
responsibility and risk for price, quality and timely performance as per the terms and
conditions of contracts it signs with the Employers.
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form EXP - 4.2(a) (cont.)

Specific Construction and Contract Management
Experience (cont.)

Similar Contract No. Information

Description of the similarity in accordance

with Sub-Factor 4.2(a) of Section III:

1. Amount

2. Physical size of required works items

3. Complexity

4. Methods/Technology

5. Construction rate for key activities

6. Other Characteristics
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form EXP - 4.2(b): Construction Experience in Key

[The form shall be filled in for the Bidder, and each member of a Joint Venture, if Bidder is
a JV and Specialized Contractor, if applicable]

Bidder’s Name: __________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________
Joint Venture Member’s Name__________________________
Subcontractor's Name0 (as per ITB 34.2 and 34_3): _______
OCBN/LCB No. and title: ______________________________________
Page ____________________of _______________________pages

Name of the Reporting Firm______________

Construction Experience in Key Activities of the Reporting Firm under
each contract completed or under implementation

Bidder, Members of the JV or proposed Specialized Contractors claiming experience

for key activities must complete the information in this form as per ITB 34.2 and 34.3
and Section III, Qualification Criteria and Requirements, Sub-Factor 4.2. [Provide
information for each contract separately when claiming experience by aggregating
quantities of the key activity completed in more than one contract]

1. Key Activity No One: ________________________

Contract Identification

Award date
Completion date as per Contract
Prime Membe Management Sub-
Role in Contract
Contractor r in JV Contractor contractor
   

Total Contract Amount US$

If applicable.
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Description of the key activities in

accordance with Sub-Factor 4.2(b) Information
of Section III:
[insert response to Employer’s inquiry indicated in

Quantity (Volume, number or rate Total quantity Percentage Actual

of production, as applicable for in the participation Quantity
the key activity) performed under contract (ii) Perform
the contract per year or part of (i) ed
the year. For each year indicate (i) x (ii)
quantities performed and specify
both start and end months.

[Insert extent of participation

indicating actual quantity of key
activity successfully completed in
the role performed]

Year 1 [e.g. 2016 from January to

Year 2 [e.g. 2017 from January to
Year 3
Year 4
In response to the criterion for rates
of production in 12 consecutive
months or less, if performance under
more than one contract spread over
more than one year are considered,
the Applicant shall provide
information by months for each such
contract to demonstrate which same
12 consecutive
Employer’s months meet the
Section IV - Bidding Forms


Telephone/fax number



Employer’s Name:


Telephone/fax number



Description of the key activities in

accordance with Sub-Factor 4.2(b) of
Section III:

2. Activity No. Two

3. …………………
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Form EXP - 4.2(c): Specific Experience in Managing ES aspects

[The form shall be filled in for the Bidder, and each member of a Joint Venture, if Bidder is
a JV and Specialized Contractor, if applicable]

Bidder’s Name: __________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________
Joint Venture Member’s Name_________________________
OCBN No.: DRSLPII/SL/W10/OCBN/016/2021
Page ____________________of _______________________pages

1. Key Requirement no 1 in accordance with 4.2 (c): ______________________

Contract Identification
Award date
Completion date
Role in Contract Prime Member in Managemen Subcontract
Contractor t Contractor or
 JV  
Total Contract Amount 

Details of relevant experience

2. Key Requirement no 2 in accordance with 4.2 (c): ______________________

3. Key Requirement no 3 in accordance with 4.2 (c): ______________________
4. …
Section IV - Bidding Forms 124

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