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Waiter: Welcome to the Seafood Restaurant. Have you booked

a table madam?

Customer: Yes, I made a reservation for one.

Waiter: That’s wonderful, under what name?

Customer: The surname’s Frost

Waiter: Yes, that’s great, Frost, a table for one at 8:30pm. How about a quiet table in the
corner with a sea view?

Customer: Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you.

Waiter: Here’s a menu. Would you like something to drink while you are reading the menu?

Customer: Yes, I’d like a glass of the house red please.

Waiter: Certainly madam. Today’s special is grilled salmon with a summer salad. I’ll be back to
take your order in a minute.

Customer: Thank you.


Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Customer: Yes, thank you. For a starter I’d like the avocado salad with a dressing of lemon and
coriander on the side. And for the main, as I’m not too keen on salmon, I’d like to order the
seafood spaghetti with a side order of green beans.

Waiter: OK. So that’s the avocado salad with a lemon and coriander dressing and a seafood
spaghetti. Would you mind if I take your menu.

Customer: Not at all, here it is.

Waiter: Here is your food. I hope you enjoy your food.


Waiter: How was everything?

Customer: Delicious thanks. Please pay my compliments to the chef.

Waiter: Of course madam. Would you like anything for dessert?

Customer: No thank you. Would you mind bringing me a coffee and the bill please?

Waiter: Certainly. I’ll bring you your coffee immediately.

Role Play at a Restaurant

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