Hiding From God: Lesson

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Year A
Hiding From God
1st Quarter
Lesson 4 GRACE Grace is God’s love for us.

Genesis 3:1–21; Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 52–62.

Memory Verse
“The Lord is good and his love endures forever” (Psalm 100:5, NIV).

The children will:
Know God loves them even when they do wrong.
Feel glad that God loves them all the time.
Respond by celebrating their love for God.

The Message

 od loves us all the time, even when we do wrong.


Getting Ready to Teach

The Bible Lesson at a Glance God’s acceptance of us is not
Adam and Eve disobey God by eating determined by our behavior. He loves
fruit from the forbidden tree. When God all of us unconditionally—even when
calls them, they try to hide from Him. we sin. He is always available to us and
God loves them so much that He looks is always ready to forgive us when we
for them until He finds them. Because do something wrong. His love never
they chose to disobey, they had to leave dies.
the garden. But God still loves them, and
He takes care of them. Teacher Enrichment
“To Adam, the offering of the first
This is a story about grace. sacrifice was a most painful ceremony.

Program Outline

ongoing Greet students at door;
hear pleased/troubled

1 Readiness up to 10 A. Fig-Leaf Coat

leaf pattern on p. 141; large paper
Activities grocery sacks or butcher paper;
 leaves or green paper; scissors; glue
B. Hide-and-Seek blankets (optional)
C. Choices small wrapped gifts, such as
stickers or pencils

* Prayer and up to 10 See page 46.

Praise* *Prayer and Praise may be
used at any time during the program.
2 Bible Lesson up to 20 Experiencing the Story none

Bible Study Bible

Memory Verse Bible

3 Applying up to 15 paper, crayons or markers,

the Lesson wastebasket

4 Sharing up to 15 fig-leaf illustration (see p. 141);

the Lesson finger paint or stamp pad; scissors;
optional magnetic tape; baby
wipes or water and paper towels

His hand must be raised to take life, gression, which nothing but the death
which only God could give. It was the of God’s dear Son could expiate. And
first time he had ever witnessed death, he marveled at the infinite goodness
and he knew that had he been obe- that would give such a ransom to save
dient to God, there would have been the guilty. A star of hope illumined the
no death of man or beast. As he slew dark and terrible future and relieved it
the innocent victim, he trembled at of its utter desolation” (Patriarchs and
the thought that his sin must shed the Prophets, p. 68).
blood of the spotless Lamb of God.
This scene gave him a deeper and more Room Decorations
vivid sense of the greatness of his trans- See lesson 1.


Teaching the Lesson

Welcome children at the door. Ask how their week has been—what
they’re pleased/troubled about. Have a special welcome “badge” for the
visitors. Encourage the children again to invite a friend if they weren’t suc-
cessful this week. Have them begin the Readiness Activity of your choice.

1 Readiness Activities
Select the activity or activities that are most appropriate for your situation.

A. Fig-Leaf Coat
Cut a paper sack according to the diagram on page 141 or trace an out-
You Need: line of a coat on butcher paper. Provide either leaves or green construction
paper that the children can tear into pieces to resemble leaves. Allow the chil-
q fig leaf
dren to glue the “leaves” onto the paper to make a fig-leaf coat.
pattern on
p. 141
q large paper
Allow response time as you ask: Would you like to have a coat like
this? Do you think that it would be very warm? Would it cover
bags or
you completely? In our story today we will learn about two peo-
ple who did something wrong. They tried to hide by making
clothing out of fig leaves. Do you think fig leaves would hide
q scissors
them very well? Remember:
q leaves
or green
God loves us all the time, even when we do wrong.
Say that with me.
q glue

B. Hide-and-Seek
Ask the children to hide in the room and then look for them. If your
You Need: room is not suitable for hiding, consider providing blankets for the children
q blankets
to hide under or hiding something for the children to find. If appropriate,
(optional) you may want to consider hiding outside.

Allow response time as you ask: Who had the best hiding place? Was it
easy to find the others? When we do things that are not nice, some-
times we feel like hiding. Can you think of a time when you wanted
to hide? The people in our story today did something they knew was
wrong, and then they tried to hide from God. God knew what they
had done. He was sad when they tried to hide, but He still loved
them. Remember this:


God loves us all the time, even when we do wrong.

Say it with me.

C. Choices
Prepare the gifts in two ways so they appear noticeably different. For half You Need:
the gifts, wrap just one item, but pad it with newspaper or tissue paper so it
appears to be significantly larger than it really is. For the other half, wrap two q small
of the items together, but wrap them so they appear to be significantly smaller wrapped
than the single items. Save some unwrapped items for use later in the activity. gifts, such
Say: I have a present for each of you. You may choose whichever as stickers
one you want. or pencils
Allow the children to choose and unwrap their items, then discuss the
differences between how the package looked and what was really inside.

Are you happy with your choice? Do you wish you had made a
different choice? Sometimes we make bad choices, but no matter
what choices we make,

God loves us all the time, even when we do wrong.

Say that with me.

Distribute an additional item to each of the children who chose a package

with only one item.

* NOTE: Prayer and Praise appears on page 46.


2 Bible Lesson
Experiencing the Story was still alive! She gathered some fruit
As you tell the story, make the motionsand gave it to Adam. (Pretend to talk to
and sounds indicated in italics and invite the
children to imitate you. Adam listened to Eve’s story, and he,
too, decided to disobey God. (Pretend to
Adam and Eve loved their beauti- take a fruit and take a bite.)
ful garden. God Himself showed them After Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they
around their new home and pointed felt terrible. For the first time they knew
out all the special things He had made what it felt like to sin. (Hang your head in
for them. Then God pointed to one shame.) They were so ashamed that they
tree in the middle of the garden. wanted to cover up and hide. So they
“You may eat from any tree in the decided to sew some fig leaves together
garden except that one,” God told and put them on.
Adam. God pointed to one tree in the That evening God came to walk
middle of the garden. (Pretend to point to in the garden with Adam and Eve. But
an imaginary tree.) “If you eat from that when they heard God calling them,
tree, you will die.” they hid from Him.
One day Eve found herself standing “Adam,” called God. (Put your hands
by the tree from which God had told up to your mouth, as if calling.) “Where
them not to eat. are you? Eve! Adam! Where are you?”
Suddenly she heard a voice: “Did God (Put hands up over eyes, as if looking.
really say you can’t eat from this tree?” Invite the children to call for Adam and
Who was that? Eve looked around. Eve with you.)
(Look around, as though for an unseen Finally Adam answered. “I heard
speaker.) She and Adam were the only you calling, and I was afraid, so I hid.”
ones there. Who was speaking to her? God knew what had happened. “Did
Then she saw it, up in the tree. The you eat fruit from the tree I told you not
voice was coming from a beautiful to eat from?” He asked.
serpent! Eve was fascinated. She took a It was so hard to admit to God that
step closer. “We can eat the fruit of all they had done what He had told them
the trees in the garden except this one,” not to do. First Adam blamed Eve, then
she answered. “God said we mustn’t Eve blamed the serpent. (Point to first
even touch it or we will die.” one child and then another.) But blaming
“You won’t die,” said the serpent. someone else didn’t change the fact
(Hiss like a snake.) “God is just trying that they had chosen to disobey.
to keep something very special from God was very sad. (Pretend to wipe
you. Go ahead. It really is very good.” away a tear.) He told Adam and Eve be-
Eve looked at the beautiful fruit. cause they chose to disobey they would
The serpent was eating the fruit and he have to leave their beautiful garden
seemed perfectly fine. She chose to home. But God wanted them to know
believe the serpent and disobey God. He still loved them very much.
Eve took the fruit. (Pretend to take God took two animals and made
a fruit and look at it closely.) She was coats for Adam and Eve to wear. God
touching it, and she hadn’t died. She told them that He still loved them, and
took a bite. (Pretend to take a bite.) She that someday His Son would die to


rescue them from the wrong they had Bible Study

done. Adam and Eve were happy to Open your Bible to Genesis
know that God still loved them even 3. Point to verses 1–21 and say:
You Need:
though they had disobeyed Him. And Today’s story is found here in q Bible
God still loves you when you do some- God’s Word, the Bible. Read se-
thing wrong. He is always ready to lected verses, paraphrasing as necessary.
forgive you. Just ask Him. Ask: Who did something wrong?
Did God still love them? When
Debriefing does God love you? (all the time)*
Explain that the serpent was some-
thing like the snakes we have today, but Memory Verse
was more beautiful and did not crawl Open your Bible to Psalm 100:5.
on the ground. Allow response time as Point to the verse and say: This
You Need:
you ask: What would you think if is where our memory verse q Bible
a serpent talked to you? What do is found in God’s Word, the
you think Eve should have done Bible. Point to each word as you read
when the serpent spoke to her? the verse aloud. Then divide the class into
How do you think Adam felt when two groups and proceed as follows:
Eve told him what she had done?
What would you have done if you Teach the first group to say and do:
were Adam and Eve and you heard The Lord Wave hands above
God calling? How did God feel is good their heads.
about Adam and Eve when they
disobeyed Him? Remember: Second group responds:
And his love Wrap arms around
God loves us all the time, endures their bodies as if
even when we do wrong. forever. hugging themselves.

Say it with me. Both groups clap while they say together,
Psalm 100:5.

Repeat several times. Have the

groups switch roles and repeat again.

*You may wish to have the children sing the follow-

ing words to the tune “Jesus Loves Me” at this point:

Jesus loves me when I’m good,

When I do the things I should.
Jesus loves me when I’m bad,
Even though it makes Him sad.

Yes, Jesus loves me,
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me,
The Bible tells me so.



Report the children’s joys and sorrows (pleased and troubled) as reported
to you at the door (as appropriate). Give a special warm greeting to visitors
and introduce each by name. Acknowledge birthdays or special events.
Suggested Songs
“And God Said” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 66)
“God Made Me” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 164)
“Creation” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 68)
“God Made Our World” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 71)
“God Made the Sun and Moon and Stars” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 165)
Say: There are many people who don’t know that God loves
them even when they do things that are wrong. Here is a story
about someone who knew (or found out, etc., as appropriate to the story)
that God loves us all the time. Use the story from Children’s Mission.
Use the same offering container you used last week. Say: When we give
our offering, it helps to teach people that no matter what they
may have done, Jesus loves them.
Ask: Have you ever done anything that you were sorry for
afterward? Allow time for the children to respond, but prompt them if
necessary. Perhaps they were mean to a sibling or disobeyed a parent. If
you don’t think you will be able to remember all the things they said, write
them down as the children mention them.
Say: Let’s ask God to forgive us for all these things and thank
Him for loving us all the time, even when we do wrong. When you
pray, thank God specifically for loving the children even when they (name
the things they mentioned). After prayer, say: Remember:

God loves us all the time, even when we do wrong.

Say that with me.

* Prayer and Praise may be used at any time during the program.


3 Applying the Lesson

Distribute paper do things like this? Let’s take
You Need: and art supplies and all these nasty things and throw
ask the children to them away. (Get each child to
q paper
draw a picture of crumple up their paper and throw it
q crayons
something they know in a wastebasket.) That is just what
or markers
that it is wrong to God does. Does God stop lov-
q wastebasket
do. You may need to ing you when you do something
prompt them by mentioning some of wrong? Remember:
the things they named at prayer time.

God loves us all the time,
Allow response time as you ask:
even when we do wrong.
When you do things like this,
how do you feel inside? How do Say it with me.
you think God feels when you

4 Sharing the Lesson

Provide a photocopied or traced obeyed Him? (no) When does
illustration of the fig leaf for each child. God love us? Allow response time. You Need:
(See page 141 for pattern.) Provide God loves us all the time, even
q copies of
scissors so they can cut it out. Allow the when we do wrong. Whom
children to dip their finger into finger would you like to tell that God
paint or onto the stamp pad and then loves them? You may need to
(see p. 141)
use their finger to “color” in the fig leaf. prompt the children. Encourage
q green
If desired, attach a piece of magnetic strip them to give the fig leaf to someone
finger paint
to the back. Clean up with baby wipes or else this week and tell that person
or stamp
water and paper towels.
God loves us all the q scissors
Debriefing time, even when we q optional:
Who used fig leaves in our do wrong. stick-on
story today? (Adam and Eve) Why?
(To try to cover themselves) Did God Say that with me one more
love them any less after they dis- time.
q baby wipes
or water
and paper
Closing towels
Close with a prayer thanking God for loving us all the time,
even when we disobey. Pray that the children will tell someone
that God loves them all the time and that they will share that
message in the coming week.



Hiding From God
Genesis 3:1–21; Have you ever done something so naughty that you were ashamed? A long time ago
Patriarchs and Adam and Eve did just that.
pp. 52–62 Adam and Eve really liked the Garden hide. When they disobeyed God, they
of Eden home God had made for them. lost their robes of light. So they sewed
Memory Verse Every day they learned something new. some fig leaves together and covered
“The Lord is good One day Eve found herself in the themselves. Later that day God came to
and his love en- middle of the garden beside a beautiful walk with them. But when they heard
dures forever” tree. She knew that was the only tree in God calling, they hid from Him.
(Psalm 100:5, the garden whose fruit God said they “Adam,” called God. “Where are
NIV). were not to eat. you? Eve! Adam!
Suddenly she Where are you?”
The Message heard a voice. Finally Adam
“Did God really answered. “I
God loves us say you cannot eat heard You calling,
all the time, from any tree in
the garden?”
and I was afraid,
so I hid.”
even when we Who was that? God knew
do wrong. Eve looked up. what had hap-
There in the tree pened. “Did you
branches she saw eat fruit from the
a beautiful serpent, tree I told you not
and it was talking to eat from?” He
to her! “We can asked.
eat the fruit of the It was hard
trees in the gar- to admit to God
den,” Eve that they had dis-
answered. “But obeyed Him. First
not the fruit of this Adam blamed Eve;
tree, or we will then Eve blamed
die,” she added. the serpent.
“You will not die,” said the serpent, God was very sad. He told Adam
who was really Satan. “God is just trying and Eve that because they chose to
to keep something special away from you. disobey, they would have to leave their
Go ahead. Try it. It really is very good.” beautiful garden home. But God still
Eve looked at the fruit. It did look loved them. He used animal skins to
good. So she decided to believe the make clothes for them. And He promised
serpent and chose to disobey God. She them that someday His own Son would
took some fruit and ate it. Then she die to rescue them from their sins.
picked more and gave some to Adam. God truly loved Adam and Eve and
Adam also decided to disobey God. He loves you and me too. Even when
He quickly took the fruit and ate it. we do something wrong, He still loves
Suddenly they were so ashamed that us. He is always ready to forgive us if we
they wanted to cover themselves and are truly sorry for what we have done.


Do and Say
Sabbath or her in your arms. Reinforce the idea that God loves
Visit a park or garden and review the lesson story us even when we do wrong.
together. Help your child give the fig leaf made in
Sabbath School to someone and tell that person about
Adam and Eve’s sin. Reinforce the idea that God still Wednesday
loved Adam and Eve, even after they had done wrong. Move the hands on a
Sing “Jesus Loves Me” together. clock to different times. Ask:
What do we do early in the
morning, at lunchtime, and
Sunday so forth? At each time ask,
Review the story together. “When does God love you?”
Ask: How do you think Adam Emphasize that God loves us
felt when Eve came with the all the time.
fruit?* How did God feel Sing “Jesus Loves Me,”
when Adam and Eve hid then thank Him for His love.
from Him?†
Sing “Jesus Loves Me”
together (see page 63 in the Thursday
study guide) and thank God Help your child draw a picture of Eve eating the
for loving us, even when we do fruit. Explain that when we are disobedient, God is
wrong. sad. Then help your child draw a heart around the
picture. Emphasize that when we do wrong, God still
loves us. Thank Him for His love that never ends.
Show your child where the lesson is found in
Genesis 3. Read together verses 1–13, 21–24. Friday
See page 61 in the Bible study guide to review or Read Genesis 3 to review the Bible story. Help your
teach the memory verse during worship. family act out the story. Emphasize that God loves us
all the time, good or bad, every day.
Sing “Jesus Loves Me.” Thank God for His love.
Play hide-and-seek together. Have your child hide *See Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 56.

and pretend to be Adam or Eve while you are God You might enjoy reading chapters 3 and 4 of Patriarchs and

looking for him or her. “Find” your child and take him Prophets.


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