My Fair Lady (Dragged) 6

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232 : No.26 I’ve Grown Accustomed To Her Face (Cue: HIGGINS: She's an owl sickened by a few days of my sunshine! Very well! Let her go! I can do without her! I can do without anybody! I Raye my own soul! My own spark of divine fire! MRS. HIGGINS: Bravo — Eliza! (Curtain) Zz SI vw. Furioso sy bee PE Piano 4 (ratti} = (Timp) HIGGINS: entering in great rage. cera in great ase) A Moderato Damn!! Damn!! Daman! Ive grown accustomed to her face! > ew, = a Sin) S cantabite 233 con tenerezza (tenderly ) She al- mos ke ee or) She, Sl-most makes the day be - gin. (atpeinerTroo) Fic, ES P. Str) (cl., Ive grown ac - cus-tomed to the whis-tlesnight and noon. Her on r , ® — smiles, her frowns, her —ups, ‘her downs Are sec-ond na-ture to me now;— Str) er “umn = ¢ PL colla voce = 4 . 7 Twas Likebreath - ing out and breathing in (opvinal Vin.B) rt a 234 Sure- ly 1 cus - tomed HPisi., ww, Bs cus - tomed could to to de - al- ways F her her pend - ent and con - tent be thet way (Vin. A} cus - tomed (ww, Tole Bisset be- fore a - gain we mets (rr, Hp) tts and yet ve grown ac - ) ___ (sotovin,) to her voice: 2; HIGGINS: Marry Freddy! What an infantile idea! What a heartless, wicked, brainless thing to do. But shell regret it, It's doomed before they even take the vow! @ Allegro molto T can see her ; sus Fred- dy Eyns-ford Hill, (Stew) Hp) <3 —_ vt PP. wretch - ed lit- tle flat a- bove = . oe bill col- lec- tor —beat-ing at the =a 236 @ (arpeeo try te teach the + (ste, WW) ene _—————— in - stead; ——______ (TrptLHn.D Beg- ging for her : a While her _ ——— (ste, ww) 4 ae : : hus - band has his break - fast in r @ 237 Meno mosso so, when shes pre - ma-ture-ly gray, And the —— cheek has turned to chalk, —__ Shell come yvia.a) aed bP (+ Tebas.) @ and Hell have upped and run a - way, ne oo. — is . hy asi recitativo so - cial-climb- ing heir-ess from New {Poor B- = 238 How simp- ly fright - fal! “(rutti) mil- i - at ing! How de - light- ful! (Soto Vin) ——__ tf be "Shs “fee @ Allegro molto (Vins,) HIGGINS: How poignant it_will be | on + @ piacere pp (a0 Bs.) ‘at Inevitable night when she hammers on my doar i tears and rags. Macrabie (c1). ta 7) > FTF | ELF ls Ft 239 OD seu toviy, repentant and conte, Will Tt ber tno turl oer at fore 2 (Str, pizz.) , tir , 7 : (Bs) — . = the wolves? Give her_—=skinduess, or =the ~—treatment «she deserves? — oe Gt _. Tranquillo Tm a most forgiving man, The sort who ($$ —————_ \ (cued in Vin.A) (str) (Hp) er could, ev- er would “Take a pos- i-- tion and staunch-ly nev - er aa ee (ewW.) 240 budge. FST. a = cw.) str. WwW.) a Gg Tt fF (Vin, A voice cue) Allegro vivo nev- er take her — back!(WW,, If she were Xylo?. eee mfstx) (Bsa) ° " " er ea erawl- ing on her 241 B® prom-ise to her shi- ver, Let her moan! =I will = (Cls. sust.) hell- eat freeze! et ‘wma Das (Bsn, Celio;Bs.) Se sca nIRESEESSSS = SOTESSSESESEDSOT= > SCORIESEESOTEEDOCEEL G&S) Appassionato e rubato -- ss es ww shag (t.) (Hs, Trbns., ae dim, motto Hp.) 242 Moderato con tenerezza (tenderly) But Im: so used to hear her say > # is) Fests ww, Hp.) es morn - ing” ev - ’ry day. ? colla voce d ? er lows, \Are sec - ond na- ture to me now; 7 (vin, Cello) (str. WW, Hp.) ke breath - ing out and breath - ing ie Ed via B! i Tin (Ob., Vin.) ver- y grate al-ways break and d yet, I've grown ac 7 fe (Vin, solo) @ tempo some-thing in the air; Ac - cus - tomed ? mmurendo 243 ful shes a ———— @ = cus-tomed to the trace = 5 tr to her = = pp eresc. multo (Br,, Has. WW.) 244 (curtain) @ _ Listesso tempo “stesso tempo ste, funga Sf rai) > > > (curtain) y @ v V V (Hns.Trbn Tf Cello.Be, Hp. | Timp) "= A gD a a (Tutti) | A

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