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Communication Skills

Listening Skills

Dr. Mohamed Abdalla Khalil

Assistant Professor, Comp Science Dept, UofK
What is Listening?

 Listening (ILA, 1996): the process of receiving,

constructing meaning from, and responding to
spoken and/or nonverbal messages; to hear
something with thoughtful attention.
 Effective communication is 2-way
 depends on speaking and listening

Listening vs. Hearing

 Hearing- physical process; natural; passive

 Listening- physical & mental process;

active; learned process; a skill

 Listening is hard!
You must choose to participate in the process of

 Listening Is With The Mind
 Hearing With The Senses
 Listening Is Conscious.
 An Active Process Of Eliciting Information,
Ideas, Attitudes And Emotions

Fast Facts

 We listen at 125-250 wpm, think at 1000-3000

 75% of the time we are distracted, preoccupied
or forgetful.
 20% of the time, we remember what we hear.
 More than 35% of businesses think listening is a
top skill for success.
 Less than 2% of people have had formal
education with listening.
Percentage of Time We Spend on
Each Type of Communication

Mode of Formal Years Percentage of

Communication of Training Time Used
Writing 12 years 9%

Reading 6-8 years 16 %

Speaking 1-2 years 30%

Listening 0-few hours 45%

Listening is the most powerful
form of acknowledgment

…a way of saying to your

customer, “You are important.”

Basic Communication Skills Profile
Communication Order Learned Extent Used Extent Taught

Listening First First Fourth

Speaking Second Second Third
Reading Third Third Second
Writing Fourth Fourth First

Fallacies about Listening
▪ Listening and hearing are the same
▪ Good readers are good listeners
▪ Smarter people are better listeners
▪ Listening improves with age
▪ Thinking about what we are going to say
rather than listening to a speaker

Fallacies about Listening
▪ Talking when we should be listening
▪ Hearing what we expect to hear rather
than what is actually said
▪ Listening skills are difficult to learn

Barriers to Active Listening
 Environmental barriers
 Physiological barriers (hearing impairment,
tiredness, pain)
 Psychological barriers (Own anxiety, anger)
❖Result in:
❖ SelectiveListening
❖ Negative Listening Attitudes
❖ Personal Reactions

❖ Poor Motivation
How to Be an Effective Listener
▪What You Think about Listening ?
❖Understand the complexities of listening
❖Prepare to listen
❖Adjust to the situation
❖Focus on ideas or key points
❖Capitalize on the speed differential

How to Be an Effective Listener (cont.)

▪What You Feel about Listening ?

❖Want to listen
❖Delay judgment
❖Admit your biases
❖Don’t tune out “dry” subjects
❖Accept responsibility for understanding

How to Be an Effective Listener (cont.)

▪What You Do about Listening ?

❖Establish eye contact with the speaker
❖Take notes effectively
❖Be a physically involved listener
❖Avoid negative mannerisms


Stages of the Listening Process
1. Hearing
2. Focusing on the message
3. Comprehending and interpreting
4. Analyzing and Evaluating
5. Responding
6. Remembering

Improving Listening Comprehension
 Listening comprehension is the act of
understanding an oral message
 It involves speech decoding,
comprehending, and oral discourse

1. Speech Decoding
 Sound Perception and Recognition
(Recognising sounds and sound patterns
accurately, recognising the way sounds
combine to form syllables and utterances)

1.Speech Decoding (Cont..)
 Word recognition
( Recognising words accurately,
understanding the definitions of the words
being use, recognising the way words are
used in context)
 Accent recognition
( recognise stress, identify pauses, hesitations)

 Comprehending a verbal message involves
the ability to:
• Identify the central theme, main ideas and
supporting details;
• Concentrate and understand long speeches
• Identify the level of formality
• Deduce incomplete information
• Deduce unfamiliar vocabulary
3.Oral Discourse Analysis
 Is the process of identifying relationships
among different units within the speech or
oral message:
 Attitude analysis
 Inferential skills

Listening to Structured Talks
 Pre-listening analysis-determining the
purpose, knowing your speaker
 Predicting about the content of a
verbal message using
 Background knowledge
 Intensive listening

Intensive Listening
1. Listening to the introduction?
• What is the position, knowledge, background,
experience of the speaker?
• What is his credibility?
• What is the overall purpose of the talk?
• What is the central idea or theme?
• What is the overall structure?
• What does the speaker intend to do?
• What are the main points of the talk?
Intensive listening (Cont…)

2. Listening to the Body

• Contains the main message-pay attention
• Concentrate on verbal signposts
• Recognise main supporting details of the oral
• Concentrate on visual aids

Intensive Listening ( Cont..)
3. Listening to the conclusion
• Understand the main themes of the verbal message
• Recognise the speaker`s focus of the talk
• Concentrate on what the speaker wants the
listener`s to do, or remember

Signal Phrases
Purpose of the speaker Signal phrases
* Introduces a topic Today, I`d like to talk about…,
What I am going to discuss is…
* Develops an idea If we critically examine the
situation.., The most significant
point is…
* Emphasizes a point I am sure you will agree with
me.., I`d like to emphasise..
* Contrasts several ideas On the other hand., In
* Shows transition of ideas My next point is…
* Concludes Finally.., I`d like to sum up
Logical Connectors and
Transitional Signals
Purpose of the Logical connectors
Adds a point Moreover, in addition
compares Similarly, likewise
contrasts In contrast, However,
Shows segmentation Right, OK, And, Now, That`s all

Exemplifies In other words, For instance

Temporal Eventually, For the time being, Before
Explains Therefore, Thus
1. Stop Talking.
2. Put The Talker At Ease.
3. Show Him That You Want To Listen.
4. Remove Distractions.
5. Empathize With Him/Her.
6. Be Patient.
7. Hold Your Temper.
8. Go Easy On Arguments And Criticism.
9. Ask Questions.

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