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Gathering rumors, searching an abandoned Work with GM to decide When another character opposes you in a skill
0 room the attr+skill combo for test, they roll their d20 dice after buying any
your assist action. Add extras. The number of successes they generate
Shooting a target at close range, picking
1 simple lock
your # of successes to the
becomes your difficulty.
primary roller's result
breaking reinforced door, treating basic If you equal or exceed their successes, you win
count. Can only add
2 injury the opposed test. Any extra successes are
successes if primary rolled
identifying unknown person, deactivating at least 1 success of their converted to AP.
3 robot from behind own. You can score crits & If you fail, you do not succeed and your
complications while opponent gains the difference in AP (usually the
hacking complex computer, disarming
4 assisting, but your d20 GM).
landmine does not count toward the Target number for each roll is based on the
Talking down a hostile enemy, shooting a limit of 5. character's skill level (Characteristic+Skill)
5 target far away on stormy night


Some actions are riskier and warrant inreased The group (or GM) # of success - difficulty = AP generated. CAP OF 6
complication range. selects a leader, who Buy d20s - buy bonus d20s for a single test.
rolls as usual (can buy up 1d20=1AP, 2d20=3AP, 3d20=6AP
1 20 normal to 3d20 with AP). Then,
each player rolls 1d20 Obtain Info (1AP) - ask the GM a single question
based on their own about the situation based on your test. VAGUE
2 19-20 risky
attr+skill. As long as the Reduce Time (2AP) - halves the time it takes for a
leader rolled at least 1 test to be attempted and resolved.
3 18-20 perilous
success, everyone adds Additional Major Action (2AP) - 1 extra major
theirs to the pool. If action. Any skill test +1 diff. Only 2 majors/round.
4 17-20 precarious enough success results
Additional Minor Action (1AP) - 1 extra minor
are generated, the group
action. Only 2 minors/round.
5 16-20 treacherous passes test. All players
can gain crits or Extra damage - +1 d6 per AP, up to 3. gain an equal
complications as usual. amount of dmg on melee / thrown wpn atk.

Character Initiative = PER + AGI + bonuses USING & GAINING LUCK

Creature Initiative = Body + Mind Lucky Find - find an important item, your preferred
ammo, a small detail, etc. GM can suggest it, veto it,
Combat p24 or require multiple luck points.
Stacked Deck - spend 1 point before a test to use
Character is Starving +1 difficulty to STR tests Healing p33
LUCK as the base attribute for the test if your LUCK
is higher than the standard attribute for the test.
Environment &
Dim Lighting / Darkness +1 difficulty to PER tests p36
Zones Lucky Timing - at the start of a round, or after
another character's turn, spend 1 point to take your
Character lacks proper SPECIAL & Skills p42
+1 difficulty to END tests turn now. Cannot gain 2 turns per round
Mods & Miss Fortune - spend 1 luck to reroll 1d20 or up to
Equipment 3d6. Each die can only be rerolled once. Must use
NPC holds a grudge new result. Can spend multiple LUCK this way.
+1 difficulty to CHA tests
against the player Consumables p149
Luck is only regained at GM discretion if quest
Scavenging & milestones are reached, or if a new major quest is
Knowledge is particularly p195 begun. Luck points cannot exceed LUCK attr.
+1 difficulty to INT tests Loot Tables
complex or experimental
Crafting p209
Character is in the middle
+1 difficulty to AGI tests
of a storm NPCs p332
If PRONE, you crawl. The MOVE action becomes a major action and WEAPON RANGE
you cannot take the SPRINT action. close medium long extreme
Enemies at MEDIUM range or farther add +1 difficulty to any Close
0 +1 +2 +3
attacks against you. (same zone)
Enemies at CLOSE range reduce difficulty of attacks against you by Medium
+1 0 +1 +2
1, to a minimum of 0. (adjacent zone)
While PRONE, you may reroll any cover d6s you have. +2 +1 0 +1
(2 zones)
+3 +2 +1 0
(3+ zones)


Foliage, Wood 1CD PER tests that rely on vision and all ranged
Poor Lighting /
Rubble, Ruined Brick Walls, Metal Fencing 2CD attacks increase in difficulty by +1, +2, or +3,
Concrete Walls, Steel Barricades 3CD depending on light level
PER tests that rely on vision and all ranged
DIFFICULT TERRAIN & OBSTACLES Mist or Fog attacks increase in difficulty by +1 when the
TERRAIN OR OBSTACLE AP COST target is at medium range or further.
thick mud, loose sand, stairs 1AP Ranged attacks with energy weapons, and
Swamp, unstable rubble 2AP Rain Survival tests, increase in difficulty by +1 or +2,
Steep slope, fast-flowing water 3AP depending on how heavy the rain is.
waist -height jump / short jump 1AP
Any creature not in shelter suffers 2CD radiation
chest-height jump / jump with run-up 2AP Radstorm
damage at the start of each turn.
Taller than PC / long jump 3AP


Falling Debris 3CD physical damage MAJOR MINOR
Falling 3CD stun physical dmg per zone AIM: reroll 1d20 on the 1st
Open flame 2CD energy damage attack roll this turn.
Raging fire 3CD persistent energy dmg COMMAND NPC: choose 1 major action DRAW: draw 1 item on your person, or
Electrical discharge 3CD stun energy damage for NPC. If it requires test, you pick up an item within reach.
automatically assist using CHA+speech if
Toxic chemical (spill) 2CD poison damage person, CHA+survival if creature, INTERACT: open door, push
Toxic chemical (immersed) 3CD persisten poison dmg INT+science if robot button, etc
Irradiated water 2CD persistent radiation dmg DEFEND: AGI+athletics, diff=1. if MOVE: move up to 1 zone, to
Irradiated air 3CD piercing radiation dmg pass, +1 def. 2AP=+1 def any position within MED range.
Close proximity to irradiated FIRST AID: INT+medicine, diff= Or, stand up from prone.
5CD radiation damage
waste or materials number of injuries CHEM: use chem on yourself or
RALLY: END+survival (or others) willing person within reach.
VARIABLE INITIATIVE to prepare yourself / allies Must DRAW first if not in-hand
Each character rolls CD equal to their initiative score and notes the SPRINT: move up to 2 zones, to
total. If one side or the other has a significant advantage, such as anywhere within Long range
am ambush, they may add +1 to each pool for each Effect rolled.
The scores are then noted, with characters acting in order from
greatest to least. If a PC and NPC roll the same score, the PC goes Clear trail difficulty 1
first. Large landmarks difficulty 2
small landmarks difficulty 3
known direction difficulty 4
gut feeling difficulty 5
Roll on the disease chart if:
STR -dmg from animal's claws or teeth
-drank dirty water or ate raw meat
PER -breathed noxious or toxic fumes
-within Reach of a diseased person
END -slept on rough ground instead of a bed


-generate 1 fewer AP per point of FTG,
down to 0. If you begin a scene with FTG,
you lose 1 max HP per 2 points of FTG.

-If you sleep 1hr, -1 on sleep table.

-If you sleep 6+hrs, become rested &
lose all FTG if you had no other sources
of FTG (hunger, thirst)

-If you Eat raw/prepacked food, -1

hunger state. If you Eat cooked food, -2
hunger state

-If you drink, -1 thirst state. If you drink

Purifed Water, -2 thirst state
Standard item value when selling is 25% listed value. Can Haggle Rarity is determined by the location. Sometimes GM may require
using CHA + BARTER opposed test. If you succeed, gain 10% availability test. Roll a number of d6 equal to your LUCK. The
discount if buying or 10% price increase if selling. Spend 2 AP to number of effects generated is the maximum available rarity under
gain a total bonus of 20%. Failure could result in the opposite.
Complications could lead to problems with the NPC.
that vendor. TRADING: p85
If you take the AIM minor action, spend up to 3 AP Attack hits one additional target within close range
Accurate to gain +1d6 per AP spent on your dmg pool. If you Burst of primary target per EFFECT rolled. Each additional
do, you cannot spend ammo for added dmg. target spends 1 extra unit of ammo.
Target a zone, not a single enemy. This atk has a Per EFFECT, reduce number of d6 provided by
Blast base difficulty of 2, adjusted for range. If you Breaking target cover by 1, permanently. If no cover, reduce
succeed, dmg everything. If you fail, 1/2 dmg DR of location struck by 1, according to dmg type
Close no difficulty increase for using this weapon within target suffers weapon damage again on next turn,
Quarters reach of an enemy. Persistent for # of turns equal to EFFECTs rolled. Major action
unnoticeable unless wielding. Can be found via to remove effect, diff = # of EFFECTs rolled.
thorough search and diff2 PER+survival test. Ignore X points of the target's DR for each EFFECT
Piercing X
the difficulty of treating any injuries inflicted by this rolled, where X is rating of the dmg effect.
weapon is increased by +1. Per EFFECT, target also suffers 1 point of radiation
ammo spent at 10x normal rate. If you spend 1 Radioactive damage. This damage is totaled and applied
Gatling ammo (10) for dmg increase, gain +2d6 per 10-shot separately, after normal attack damage
burst. Max bursts = weapon's fire rate Per EFFECT, attack inflicts 1 extra hit on target. Each
cannot benefit from the AIM minor action. A Spread hit inflicts half the rolled damage (rounded down)
Inaccurate and always hits a random location.
weapon cannot be both Accurate and Inaccurate.
becomes Dangerous Object when primed. Damages Target cannot take normal actions on next turn.
Mine anyone who comes within Reach of it (and more, if Stun Target may spend AP to take additional actions as
it has Blast) normal.
When you take the AIM minor action, you ignore
Night Vision Vicious Attack inflicts +1 damage for each EFFECT rolled.
any difficulty increases due to darkness.
spend 1AP to add +1 to your Defense against an
incoming melee attack. SCAVENGING
when you take the AIM minor action, mark the DEGREE DIFFICULTY
Recon target you aimed at. Next ally to attack it may reroll Untouched 0
1d20 on their attack test. Partly Searched 1
During a combat encounter, ignore the FIRST Mostly Searched 2
Reliable complication you roll on a test involving this Heavily Searched 3
an enemy does not notice an atk from this weapon Tiny safe, cabinet, trunk 1 min
Suppressed unless they are hit by it, or pass a diff2 PER+survival Small single room, vehicle 10 min
check. Average small shop/home, multiple rooms 30 min
Thrown (C) ideal range: close. Thrown (M) ideal Large several homes, large building 2 hours
Thrown range: Medium. Requires AGI+throwing test,
depending on type. SCAVENGING: CRB,P195 / GM kit,P17
Two- requires 2 hands. Attempting to use 1 hand
Handed increases difficulty of attack test by 2.
Increase the complication range when attacking
Unreliable with this weapon by 1. A weapon cannot be both
Reliable and Unreliable.

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