Information Week Hire One

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KPMG PeatMarwick
wick consultants go to a
client's office, they take
75,000 professionalswith
them. That may sound a
little cramped, but we're talking in
virtual terms.
Over the past few years Peat Mar-
wick has been crafting a "knowledge
base" that allows its consultants to
get a helping hand from their col-
leagues around the world. The com-
puter system that supports Peat Mar-
wick's information access needs is
called Ihowledge Manager. It lets
employees make use of a vast store of
information and experiences about
practically everything associatedwith
the company's accounting and con-
sulting business."Down
Big plans: there on the battlefield, Frankhelpeddirectfirm'sassetsdownto a singlepoint.
Xiitf ; every professional that
.' '1. ., -*.\-r'-.r-, stands in front of the At the heart of Ihowledge Manag- access,present, and share informa-
, , c l i e n t i s P e a tM a r w i c k , "
.rrri er is FirstClass,a groupware system tion. FirstClass,which is being rolled
:(lnlrc'cr says Allan Frank, a Rad- from SoftArc Inc. in Markham. On- out nationwide, is a client-server
75,ooo nor, Pa.-based partner in tario. Peat Marwick also plans to application that runs on a Macintosh
clllplolccs charge of enabling tech- 's
incorporate Microsoft forthcoming server and supports Mac, Windows,
nologies. "We direct the Exchange Server and Internet access DOS, OS/2, and Unix clients. A Win-
combined intellectual assets of the technology into l(nowledge Manager dows-basedserver is currently in beta
firm down to a single point." to give employees a variefy of ways to tests.
The groupware system combines is part of our culture to help each
electronic messaging, private and other." TBcsNoLocY SxepsHor
public bulletin boards, database Knowledge Manager was key to
access,forms processing,and con- helping John Klaffl<y,a partner in KPMGPEATMARWICK
nectionsto public networks.It usesa Peat Marwick's Washington office,
file-based structure. rather than a seal a major technolog;rdeal with a Hoadquarleru:
databasearchitecture.Connectionsto national real estateorganization.The Bmlnest:Professional
FirstClassserverscan be made via group was looking for a way to inter- firm
IPX,AppleTalk,or TCP/IPprotocols. connect real estate agents nation- Ilumber ol omployeesworldwide:
But the technology provides more wide and help clients searchfor prop- approximately75.000
than just a place to house data at erty anywhere in the United States.
PeatMarwick. "It is multiple piecesof Consulting firms that wanted the TochnologygoahToincreaseemployees'
information linked together with job had two weeks to respond to a abilityto
golden threads,"saysFrank."We are requestfor proposalslast year. group
l(eyroftwrre: SoftArcFirstClass
the quintessential knowledge organi- ware;Microsoft Exchange Server(betah
zation. We don't sell widgets.We're Gustomized
Proposal Lotuscc:mail
the product." Peat Marwick needed a blend of l(eydatabaser:FirstClass
And to say Frank is excited about skills in real estate,technologyinte- 0racle7 forfinancial
sharing knowledge would be an gration, and business planning,
llrrdwore platforns: C/lenfs:
understatement.Ask him to define a among other areas,to bid on the job. PowerBook 180s,520s,540s, Macll, Mac
knowledgebaseand he'll describeit I(affky used Knowledge Manager to 0uadra, PowerMac,IBMThinkPads,
as 'h dynamic organism," "a way to tap expertiseworldwide. Within days Toshiba portables,IBMValuePoint desk
synchronize neural patterns," and a team from Vancouver, Chicago, tops.,9eruers;Macintosh 0uadra840AV
"planets orbiting around concepts Washington,and other cities started andCompaq ProLiant
and ideas."Whatever metaphor you putting all the piecestogether. ilotwo*llnlr: Privatenetworkwith
prefer, it's all about responding to "We didn't want to put out a boil- dedicated T1and56Klines;Cisco4000
clients faster and better. er plate proposal,"saysKlaffky."Itrowl- routers;Netware3.1protocols include
A little over a year ago, PeatMar- edgeManagerhelpedus put together lPX,lP andAppleTalk
wick began aggressivelyrolling out a very customizedproposal."
FirstClasscompanywide.Nearly 12000 Peat Marwick provided the pro- opment environment that Notes is,
copiesofthe groupware have already spectiveclient with partner resum6s, says company co-founder Scott
been installed and the company firm qualifications, specific real- Welch, but it provides many of the
doesn't plan to stop until all.of its estateproject information, and other most popular features of Notes-
professionalsworldwide are using. data that representedIGMG'scollec- group conferencingand E-mail.
tive resourcesfor handling the pro- There's a familiar saying around
HelpAt Hand ject. The entire proposalwas com- SoftArc:"FirstClassis like Noteswith
From their PCs,Macintoshes,or pleted in four days, without the better E-mail, minus comDlexwork-
laptops,consultantscan click on a geographically dispersed groups flow management."It's a mouthful,
number of different folders to gain meeting face-to-face.In fact, it wasn't but it rings true.
accessto hundredsofGbytesofinfor- until the team did a live presentation Analysts and users applaud First-
mation. Folders contain detailed for the client that some of the part- Classfor its easeof installation and
information on client experiences, ners met eachother. administration, and its low cost.Serv-
proposals,resum6s,methodologies, "Knowledge Manager helps us er soft\4/are costs$95,and client soft-
best practices,vendors,demos,and bring the best ideasfrom all over the ware is $79. Lotus recently slashed
more. "Help Wanted" is one of the world to one individual client," says the price of Notesto $275from $330
popular folders on the system.Here, Klatriry,who notes that a day doesn't and rolled out a run-time client with-
any consultantcan post a requestfor go by without him using the system. out applications developmentcapa-
help on a particular project. "People "It really gives us a competitive ad- bilities for $155.
usually get feedbackon their ques- vantage," he says. "Groupware is But that's only part of the cost,
tion within an hour," savsFrank. "It something that is fundamental to says David Coleman, author of an
our business." upcoming book on groupwareand a
Many of Peat Mar- principal at CollaborativeStrategies
wick's competitors have Inc., a consultancyin San Francisco.
recognizedthe value in "Buying Notes is the least of the
sharing information and cost," he says.'Administration and
have implementedLotus support aswell as training and main-
Notes-the de facto stan- tenance is greater than the initial
dard in groupware and a cost per seat."
competitor to FirstClass. Frank thinks Peat Marwick not
'vllhile FirstClassand only chose a cost-efflectiveplatform,
Notes don't offer an but a more open one as well. "We
absoluteapples-to-apples don't want to have to put everything
comparison, the two into a Notes database,"he says.
companies are playing "Quite the opposite.We want users
on the same turf. First- to be able to tap into multiple data-
$howingtheway:0pening screen Manager Class is not the full-
ofKnowledge bases,file servers,CD ROMs,etc."
fledgedapplication devel- Peat Marwick isn't the only con-
sulting firm that has discoveredFirst-
Class. Booz-Allen & Hamilton has
used it for about three years."First-
Classis a low-cost groupware solu-
tion that requires little or no train-
ing," says Paul Lenk, groupware
manager at Booz-Allen,in Mclean,
Va. "We feel it has given us a compet-
itive advantage."
But Noteshas becomepart of the
corporatefabric for other consulting
firms. Price Waterhouse,Coopers&
Lybrand, and Andersen Consulting
are three of the biggest Notes users
in the country.
At Chicago-based Andersen,Notes
is the cornerstoneofAndersen'sl(nowl-
edge-Xchange, an information man-
agement system that allows consul-
tants to exchangeand sharedata.
"We use it to manage knowledge
and leveragepeople,"saysAndersen
CIO Charlie Paulk, who remembers
the days at Andersen when everyone
knew everyoneelse in the firm. "Peo-
ple knew if they had an insurance
question they could call me," Paulk
says.With 33,000people now work-
ing for the company,that's no longer
a feasibleoption, he says.
Paulk touts Andersen's global
reach as its competitive advantage.
"To the best of my knowledge, we
have the largest global implementa-
tion," he says."Our strategyis to say
that if we have a consultant in Kuala
Lumpur who is talking to a banker,
that consultant should have neces-
sary knowledge available."
Regardlessofthe platform the con-
sulting firms use, it is clear that Teamwork: KPMG PeatManruick s Klaffky
wona client
byusingKnowledge Manager.
groupware has become a critical
ingredient to the firm's success. 'A
ture," saysColeman. lot of group- repository of information. "We are
"Time and intellectual reasonare all ware users have a tough time with building an architecturethat is exten-
they have to sell, and groupware it." sible,"saysFrank.
helps leveragethose resources,"says But many of the consulting firms Key to its future plans will be
Coleman."It's absolutelycritical to today are providing employee incen- Microsoft Exchange,a scalable,NT-
their bottom line." tives and rewards for those who based client-servermessagingplat-
Adds Andersen's Paulk, "Clients share what they know form that will provide groupware and
today expect deeper competence. "Peopleusedto horde information, replication capabilities.PeatMarwick
They want accessto the experts." but now they are recognizedfor shar- is currently testing Exchange,which
ing," saysLenk. will likely take the place of the Lotus
In Gulture Also, groupware has helped flatten cc:Mail electronic-mail software now
'vVhilegroupware has helped con- the organization, says Lenk. "Our used at PeatMarwick. "We don't see
sultants avoid re-inventing the wheel firm is made up of pockets of exper- [cc:Mail] as a long-term strategy,"
every time they get a new client, it tise where everyoneholds a piece of Frank says.
has also changedthe corporate cul- the puzzle. The interactive chat fea- Exchangeisn't expectedto be com-
ture of the firms. Traditionally, con- ture allows our junior staff to com- mercially available until later this
sultants were rewarded for their per- municate with senior management. year, but Frank saysthe architecture
sonal contributions and projects. It's used as an electronic meeting is flexible enough to start planning
They guarded their data carefully. place.The advantageis that it allows for it now.
But using groupwaremeans shar- us to get to the heart of the issues." Internet accesstools will also be
ing the work and the credit (IW May Peat Marwick hopes to keep a key to Peat Marwick's future. A
24, 7994,p. 52). "It's not easyto try competitive edge by providing new research and development team is
and change the organizational cul- ways to navigate through its vast working on ways to use HTML(hyper-
text mark-up language),a formatting one of the consultantson a project, look at an index hierarchically."
and hypertext linking technology,to the user could then get more detailed With FirstClass, Microsoft Ex-
navigate across Internet databases information and open a link to a fold- change, and Internet accesstools,
and World Wide Web home pages. er that contains information on that Peat Marwick consultants will have
consultant'squalifications.It's access numerous wavs to collaborate and
Access to information that is invaluable. share informition. Says Frank: 'As
Peat Marwick users will soon be "The way we view Mosaic and knowledge gets placed into the
able to use the Mosaic Web browser IITMI is it gives users the ability to knowledge base, anyone can drink
as a front-end interface to Knowledge representknowledgein the sameway ffom it."
Manager.A consultant could open a we build linkages in our brain," says And ifall goesas planned for Peat
folder on best practicesin the trans- Frank. "It will point to the samedata- Marwick, there will be a lot of con-
portation industry. basesFirstClassdoes.But it wil be like surtants
rining rl;,lli|fi,?r,n
By double-clicking on the name of going into a library and not having to "p "r

Copyrighto1995by CMP Publications,Inc., 600 CommunityDrive,Manhasset,NY 11030.Reprintedfrom INFORIVIATlONWEEK

with permission.

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