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Consultingfirms wane amid dot-commeltdown
PETER KEY ing office.
STAFF WRITER Since then, he sai4 the companies that
There was a time last year when the were the consulting firms' clients "have
Philadelphia region appeared primed to be- learned how to do a lot of the Internet tech-
come a hotbed of Internet and e-business nologies ... themselves. They've gotten
coruulting. wiser in purchasing, they understand what
Fast-growing Internet consulting firms they can and can't do better than the con-
U.S. Interactive Inc. and Omnient Corp. sulting firms and they can bring in-house
had their headquarters in the area. And whatever they want."
Breakaway Solutions Inc. and Alswerthink One result, he said, is that the market
Inc., although based elsewhere, had pur- for Internet-related technolory jobs is still
chased area companies that they planned the same size, but the jobs are in different
on making a big part of their e-business locations. Rather than being with the con-
consulting efforts. sulturg firms, they're with the companies
Then came the dot+om meltdown Now, that used to be the consulting firms'
U.S. Interactive is banJarupt and gone from tomers.
the area, Omnient is gone, period, and Another result is that many of the con-
Breakaway and Answerthink have reduced sulting firms that were poorly run or had
their work forces by 30 percent and 8 per- ruurow specialties or client bases have ei-
cent, respectively. ther failed or are struggling to survive.
What does all that mean for the area? Ctrief among those are the socalled Inter-
Not a lot economically but plenty in terms net professional service firms, such as US
of lost prestige. Also, the firms that have Finding new ways to consult Answerthink lnc. PresidentAllan Frank. Interactive and Omnient. Their specialties
made it through face a radically changed think still employ about 120 and 200 peo- firms to do; it's just not the same kind of initially were in designing the so-called
market. ple, respectively, in their Conshohocken of- business that many were doingbefore. front end of Web sites, which is what visi-
On the other hand, these problerrs are fices. Jeff Zinser, a vice president with technol- tors to a Web site interact witlr.
urriversat so it's not as though some sort of Finally, although a lot of pure Internet ogy recruiting firm TexceL/Iriad Group, When Web sites contained mostly infor-
Lnternet+onsulting-services gap has opened companies have gone away, the Internet, said that although the shakeout among In- matiorl that was fine. But as they became
between Philadelphia and other places. For and the willingness of businesses to use it, ternet and e-business consultants seeurs more e{onrmerce and e-business oriented,
example, U.S. Interactive competitors Ra- has not. As a result, although Internet-re- unique because of its size, it's typical of it became a problern Customers no longer
zorfish Inc., which is based in New Yorlg lated information-technolory spending has what happens when a technolory becomes wanted their Web sites to look nice; they
and MarcMirst Inc., which has based in slowed considerably, there's still plenty of mainstrearn wanted them to be able to accesstheir data-
Chicago, have seen their stock prices plum- it. Back in about 1992 "Internet technolory bases and, in many cases, the databases of
met from above $55 to around $2. That means two things: First, most of the belonged to the technologist, which essen- customerb and suppliers as well.
Also, the troubles experienced by both people laid off by consulting firms as a re- tially meant that if you warrted to irrcorpo- "Ttrey need to be able to connect the en-
Breakaway and Answerthink haven't sult of the dotcom downturn should have rate the Internet into your business, you tire supply chain from front to back office,"
caused the companies to alter their commit- little trouble finding jobs. Second, there is had to go to a consulting firrq" said Zinser, said Michael Fliedenberg, publisher of In-
ment to the area. Breakawav and Answer- still plenty of business for IT consulting who heads Texcel/Iriads Plvmouth Meet- SeeCONJULTING, PageBl8
Consulting "Even at the peak and heyday (of the In-
ternet boom), dot+oms were never more
than 15 percent of our business," said
mid-1998. problems - it decided to exit some un
Breakaway, which is based in Boston, itable business areas last quarter and
may not be as bullish on the Philadelphia an $89.5 million after-tax charge as
Frank, who works out of the company's area, as Answerthink, however. When it sult - but they didn't stem from the b
formation Week magazine. Consultants Conshohockenoffice. arurounced plaru to lay off an additional ing of the Internet bubble.
that can't help them do that, Friedenberg That was still enough to cause the 200 people in December, it attributed its 'We did see a little bit of a slowing
said, "will have a tough time surviving." Miami-based company some pain Its stock problems, in part, to a dry-up in business in all companies in implementing indu
The same is true for consulting firms is around $6 per share, significantly off from companies in which Wayne.based In- specific solutioru, but I don't think
that depended on dotcoms for much of from the 52-week high of $AO.S8it reached ternet Capital Group Inc. has a stake. had the drastic effect that a lot of
their business. By now, nearly all the ones around this time last year. Also, in Decem- ICG, which owns a stake in Brealaway, companies have had because we're
that are left have tried to switch their ber, the company laid off 150 of its 1,800 responded a few weeks later by providing dot+om company and our focus hasn't
focus to helping big bricks-and-mortar com- people, including about 25 in the Philadel- the company with secured financing, on the dotroms," said Kristine Gro
panies deal with the Internet. phia area, bringing its employment here to though neither company would reveal the public relations specialist \Mith the firm
Some, Iike Omnient, made the switch too about 200. amount of the financing. That arurounce- The slowdown that Unisys saw ha
late. But even those that made the shift in StiU FYank said, Answerthinkis pressing ment helped boost Breakaway's stock price, fected all IT firms, not just those
time to survive face fierce competition be- ahead with plans for its global center for which had been trading below $1 to slightly cializing in the Internet or e-busi
cause all their competitors made the same technolory services training and educatiorq above $2. One reason for it was that as dot<
shift. Additionally, because of the size of which will be part of the Millenrdum com- One reason Breakaway's local operations appeared out of nowhere by the d
the customers they are chasing, they find plex being built by O'Neill Properties escaped the job+uts ax was because they traditional companies felt they ha
themselves competing against giant con- Group in Conshohocken focus on systems integration. That is ex- get on the Internet quickly and s
sulturg firms, such as Chicagobased Accen- In fact, the dotcom downturn may wind pected to remain a hot area as comparries furiously to do so.
ture (formerly Andersen Consulting), up making the center larger than it other- seek to tie more areas of their operations With many dot<oms dying by the
which have a much larger portfolio of ser- wise would have been. Frank said that together, as well as to the Internet and side, traditional comparries are now
vices. some markets in which Answerthink was their suppliers and customers. more cautious in their Internet spen
Although it's relatively new, Answer- thinking of opening up offices it now has That should bode well for the region, But while everyone agrees the gold
think is in a good position to win those decidedto serve from this area. which has a number of small to midsize in- days for Internet and e-businesscons
kinds of battles, because it was founded by "The growbh we have will focus more into tegration shops, including several that are firms is over, few doubt that spending
former partners of KPMG Peat Marwick the Philadelphia region than others," he making pushes to go national, such as business will stabilize and resume gro
to be a full-flavor IT consulting firrn As a said- Berwyn-based esdvio and West Chester- albeit at a slower clip.
result, said Answerthink President Allan Breakaway was mum on its plans for based Visalien Lrc. "The market for e-business consultt
Frank, although the company took a hit Philadelphia. But the company didn't lay It also, of course, is home to Blue Bell- still the opporttrnity that everyone s
when the dotcoms faltered, it's in much off any of the roughly 120 employees at its based Unisys Corp., which decided about said Tom Rodenhauser, who runs Co
better shape than many of its more special- Conshohocken office, which it obtained two years ago to shift its focus to e-busi- ing Information Services LLC, w
ized peers. when it bought WPL Laboratories Inc. in ness. The company since has run into some tracks the consulting industry. e

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