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APR|L 15, 1998 VOL. 2 NO.


l f A n s w e r T h i niks

i n d e e da " g i a n t

brain,"as CTO

A [ l a nF r a n k

d e s c r i b e si t , t h e n

F r a n ks i t s s q u a r e t y
in the frontal

l o b e .H e b e t i e v e s
h e i s b u i t d i n gt h e

firm of

t h r o u g ht h e

m e t h o d o l o g yo f

o p e r a t o r sa n d a
m a r k e tv i s i o no f

the "extended

e n t e r p r i s e .S" e e

whatyou think.

EDITOR'S NOTE: AnswerThink
Group based on contributions to the
o talk with Allan Frank, chief techni- Miami,FL knowledgebase and that kind of
cal officer ofAnswerThink Consult- (30s)37s-800s thing.
ing Group, is to let a torrent of ideas
sweepyou along. The thoughts come fast and It soundslike a keything you hadto
furiously, with concepts from mathematics, Founded:April1997 do wascastoff traditional notions
information theory, businessstrategy,and pop Employees:401 of corporate turf-building within
culture all colliding and blending to build Keyexecutives:TedFernandez, CEO;AtlanFrank,
CTO; AnswerThink.
imagesof thoughts and theones. UlyssesKnotts,executiveVf salesandmarketing The value propositions for us in
In early 1997 Nlan Frank, Ted Fernandez, Key vendor partners: Aurum Software,Oracle, solutions is to provide more
and Ulysses Knotts, three of the most influen- PeopleSoft,SunMicrosystems value through more experience.
tial partners in KPMG Peat Marwick, walked Corecompetencies:Process improvement,project You want repeatability. If I've
out on the same day. The company they manaSement, lT strategy,
technologyarchitecture dorre something five times
formed, AnswerThink Consulting Group, is andintetration,networkdesign, applicationdevel- befbre, and I can bring to the
now plowing some of tle same professional- opment,database implementation table experience of how I've
servicesfields as their alma mater-but with an Biggestmanatement challenge:To grow as an done it well and not well, that's
approachthat is unique to the younger fum. integratororganizedalonS strateSichorizontat, a solid value proposition.
Senior Editor Curtis Franklin recendy sat ratherthanvertical,competencies N{ost integrators focus on
down with Allan Frank to discussthe struc- *'hirt clients do at the physical
tures that make AnswerThink a model for something else, our clients are much like a laver. Their svstemslook at the
the IT-services companies of tomorrow, and web ofinterrelated value chains. functions and then lsk how systemsenhance
what the three founders hope to achievewith The extended-enterprisemodel provides them. That set of intellectual Lego blocks
their creation. a ger.reric paradigm for how we help our has nothing to do u'itl.r people; it has to do
clients deal with these new problems. with what people do-functions.
Youmentionedbeingexcited I'll give you an examplein BPR [business
about forminga companywith a particularvision. ls this oystalline structurereflectedin the organi- process re-enginecringl. The first year,
What makesthis so exciting? zationalstructure of what you'rebuilding,or are everybody played rvith tl.ris from the big,
AilanFrank:There are so many dimensionsto you following a moretnditional model but with a high-impact side-hou'can we make more
the excitcment. Having been in consulting different intellectualoverlay? money, rightf Let's cnhrnce the revenue-
since the 1970s, I now have the opportunity That's why I said it is so exciting-it's multi- generatingprocess.So th$'$,ent around and
to create something. It's almost like a crys- dimensional. Even the intellectual overlay has said, "Let's give even'body a laptop."
talline structure: If it has the proper symme- multiple dimensions. Competitive advantage Somehow. then. sales-fbrceautomation
try to it, that crystal will grow with that in today's world has to come from under- was born out of this rvhole notion. And what
symmetry. Similarly, if you build a flawed, standing that the experienceof working with did it really dol Contact management.Yes,
asymmetricalstructure, the degree of error us provides profoundly different outcomes they could log in and look at inventory sta-
gets worse and worse. In a larger organiza- for our clients. Our only lasting competitive tus quicker. Yes, they could maybe pull down
tion so much energy gets applied to organi- advantage comes liom how we think and some data. But the last time I checked, these
zational inertia, whether it's politics or just integrate knowledge. So the other part of have nothing to do with closing a sale.
dealing with the issuesof the day. AnslyerThink is this notion of how we think Closing a sale is all about knowing your
We're effectively a giant brain. We offer about a problem, how we kind of fold around customer, understandir-rg the customer's
the combined intellectual capital, experi- a solution, and then how we execute. business,and being able to articulate how the
ence, and knowledge of the people in Very early on we invested a significant product or service can add value. What's real-
AnswerThink, either from the basic skills amount of money in a technology infrastruc- ly going on is much more inside his head. If
and competencies that they bring to the ture. The Big Six were always early adopters I could press a button and have the system
table or from having done problem-solving of Lotus Notes and similar kinds of things, give me the answersto the questions inside
for similar clients in the past. We wanted to and it made a lot of sense.But if you read all my master salesman'shead, then I could take
create an intellectual framework that provid- the industry rags about knowledge manage- him under my arm and that would help me
ed us with some consistency around ment, you will hear that the one big impedi- close the sale.So we've created this thought-
"extended enterprise." ment is culture-the behavior of people and processlayer.
We have a clear vision of our competitive the desire to share. We've created a set of generic thought-
advantage-a world-view of where our If the entire intellectual capital of the expe- process operators for ourselvesto allow us to
clients sit. That world-view is centered on rience of the individuals in AnswerThink can work on this level. Once I write them down
the notion of the extended enterprise.The be focused on every problem, that's powerfiil. in litde pictures, I can say "That's what it
industrial business model is dead. The So the other key differentiator is what we looks like! Boy, that's ugly." Then I can apply
receivable of one company is the payable of would call a knowledge-enabled delivery operatorsof refinement on it.
the other, and whether you use phrases like process.Even our compensation model-our Well, how do you optimize thought
"supply chain," business," or reward system-was right from day one: Drocessif vou don't write it down! So we

wlrr'.solutiontittegretor.c0m april 15, 1998 solutions inregrator

EDITOR'S NOTE: AnswerThink
Group based on contributions to the
o talk with Allan Frank, chief techni- Miami,FL knowledgebase and that kind of
cal officer ofAnswerThink Consult- (30s)37s-800s thing.
ing Group, is to let a torrent of ideas
sweepyou along. The thoughts come fast and It soundslike a keything you hadto
furiously with concepts from mathematics, Founded:Aprit1997 do wascastoff traditional notions
information theory, businessstrategy,and pop Employees:401 of corporate turf-building within
culture all colliding and blending to build Keyexecutives:TedFernandez, CEO;AttanFrank,
CTO; AnswerThink.
imagesof thoughts and theones. UlyssesKnotts,executiveVBsalesandmarketinS The value propositions for us in
In early 1997 Nlan Frank, Ted Fernandez, Key vendor partners: Aurum Software,Oracle, solutions is to provide more
and Ulysses Knotts, three of the most influen- PeopteSoft,SunMicrosystems value through more experience.
tial partners in KPMG Peat Marwick, walked Corecompetencies:Process improvement,project You want repeatability. If I've
out on the same day. The company they manaSement, lT strategy,
technologyarchitecture dorre something five times
formed, AnswerThink Consulting Group, is andintetration,networkdesign,applicationdeve[- before, and I can bring to the
now plowing some of the same professional- opment,database implementation table experience of how I've
servicesfields as their alma mater-but with an Biggestmanatement challenge:To grow as an done it well and not well, that's
approachthat is unique to the younger fum. inteSratororganizedalong strategichorizontat, a solid value proposition.
Senior Editor Curtis Franklin recendy sat ratherthanvertical,competencies Most integrators focus on
down with Allan Frank to discussthe struc- *'hirt clients do at the physical
tures that make AnswerThink a model for something else, our clients are much like a laver. Their systems look at the
the IT-services companies of tomorrow, and web ofinterrelated value chains. functions and then ask l-rowsystemsenhance
what the three founders hope to achievewith The extended-enterprisemodel provides them. That set of intellectual lrgo blocks
their creation. a ger.reric paradigm for how we help our has nothing to do t'itl.r people; it has to do
clients deal with these new problems. with what people do-functions.
Youmentionedbeingexcited I'll give you an examplein BPR [business
about forminga companywith a particularvision. ls this cystalline structurereflectedin the organi- process re-enginecring]. The first year,
What makesthis so exciting? zationalstructureof what you'rebuilding,or are everybody played u'ith this from the big,
AtlanFrank:There are so many dimensionsto you following a moretnditional model but with a high-impact side-hou'can we make more
the excitement. Having been in consulting different intellectualoverlay? money, rightf Let's enhrrnce the revenue-
since the 1970s, I now have the opportunity That's why I said it is so exciting-it's multi- generating process.So theY $,ent around and
to create something. It's almost like a crys- dimensional. Even the intellectual overlay has said, "Let's give everybody a laptop."
talline structure: If it has the proper symme- multiple dimensions. Competitive advantage Somehow. then. sales-fbrceautomation
try to it, that crystal will grow with that in today's world has to come from under- was born out of this rvhole notion. And what
symmetry. Similarly, if you build a flawed, standing that the experienceof working with did it really dof Contact management.Yes,
asymmetricalstructure, the degree of error us provides profoundly different outcomes they could log in and look at inventory sta-
gets worse and worse. In a larger organiza- for our clients. Our only lasting competitive tus quicker. Yes, they could maybe pull down
tion so much energy gets applied to organi- advantage comes fiom how we think and some data. But the last time I checked, these
zational inertia, whether it's politics or just integrate knowledge. So the other part of have nothing to do with closing a sale.
dealing with the issuesof the day. AnslyerThink is this notion of how we think Closing a sale is all about knowing your
We're effectively a giant brain. We offer about a problem, how we kind of fold around customer, understanding the customer's
the combined intellectual capital, experi- a solution, and then how we execute. business,and being able to articulate how the
ence, and knowledge of the people in Very early on we invested a significant product or service can add value. What's real-
AnswerThink, either from the basic skills amount of money in a technology infrastruc- ly going on is much more inside his head. If
and competencies that they bring to the ture. The Big Six were always early adopters I could press a button and have the system
table or from having done problem-solving of Lotus Notes and similar kinds of things, give me the answersto the questions inside
for similar clients in the past. We wanted to and it made a lot of sense.But if you read all my master salesman'shead, then I could take
create an intellectual framework that provid- the industry rags about knowledge manage- him under my arm and that would help me
ed us with some consistency around ment, you will hear that the one big impedi- close the sale.So we've created this thought-
"extended enterprise." ment is culture-the behavior of people and processlayer.
We have a clear vision of our competitive the desire to share. We've created a set of generic thought-
advantage-a world-view of where our If the entire intellectual capital of the expe- process operators for ourselvesto allow us to
clients sit. That world-view is centered on rience of the individuals in AnswerThink can work on this level. Once I write them down
the notion of the extended enterprise.The be focused on every problem, that's powerfiJ. in litde pictures, I can say, "That's what it
industrial business model is dead. The So the other key differentiator is what we Iooks like! Boy, that's ugly." Then I can apply
receivable of one company is the payable of would call a knowledge-enabled delivery operatorsof refinement on it.
the other, and whether you use phrases like process.Even our compensation model--our Well, how do you optimize thought
"supply chain," business," or reward system-was right from day one: Drocessif vou don't write it down! So we april 15, 1998 solutions inregrator

ffirgemjll --r
si exclusive
create thought operators) and the thought We startedsmall.Now, aswe speak,we're grokking, if you will, of our model waslike a
o p e r a t o r s l i n k t o b u s i n e s s p r o c e s s . more than 350 strong.It's very importantto completemind-meld.We'vebeenvery carefi:l
K n o w l e d g e -m a n a g e m e n t e n v i r o n m e n t s institutionalize.When we booted up, we did in combiningwith groupsthat get it.
deliver intellectual contact-hopefully, just this just like we would do a largetransforma- You haveto be smartenoughto package
in time-anlnvhere , anytime, in anticipation tion job. It's very interestingwhenyou starta the message in different waysand alsoto rec-
of the thought process. Because,again, it business without anybusiness to startwith. We ognize that any organizationis madeup of all
gets back to information. appliedthat time very wisely andwe broke up kinds of people-left brain, right brain, up,
the companyinto processes. We usedone of down, and the things that they do are differ-
It soundslike you areusingAnswerThink asthe lab our senior transformationleadersto help us ent. The vastmajorityof peoplethat we have
to a trcat extent. through. So we reallytried to do this right. are experienced people.The essenceof the
Yes! You got it! Our thought processdivides lVhen I talk business is reallytargetingthoseexperienced
into four pieces: targeting, architecture, con- about measuring people.Their jobs tend to be much more in
struction, and migration. I don't careifyou're what's in the the problem-solving space.
building a s\rstemor solving a problem. I love knowledgebase,
when consulting firms, particularly small ones, we measure rwo Whan yorcloseyoureyaandprcjectout,
say, "We don't have a methodology." Srhat going?
things. We mea- seeAnswerThink DoyouseeAnswerThink asan
you have then is just a bunch of people- s u r e c o n t r i b u - 80dX)-personorganizationdownthercad?
you're selling bodies. The targeting phaseis all tions,but anybody of thedrcams thatyouhavefor it?
about getting your arms around the problem can pur a nugger Well, you know, I swted by sayingthat we
space. of worthless stuff wantedto redefneconsultingandvaluepropo-
fuchitecture is not only targeting the right sition. Is there an
problem; the architecture phaseis the two-hun-
dred-thousand-foot view-"[rt's now architect
Our only lastingcompetitive endgamef I'm not
sure I seethis asan
the solution and its components." Construction
is getting it down, desigrring it, and building it.
advantatecomesfrom how we endgame. Maybe
the best way to
Migation is propagating it. All products that we
develop come from this base. When you talk
think and integrateknowledge. answer it is Ted
Fernandez, Ulysses
about a knorvledgebase,the interesting thing is ALLAN FRANK, ANSWERTHINK Knotts, and I-
that there's a relationship between the size of three of us-are the original founders. We
the knowledgebaseand how hard it is to get the in. Wealsomeasure usage.Avery simplemea- made a life decision, and that life decision came
information out. The Web is a perfect example. surementis how manypeopleacruallytouch out of a personal, profound set of common
When do you need the knowledge asa con- it, you know, and pull it down. questions that we were asking ourselves.
sultantf You need it while you build value for There was nothing fundamentally wrong
your client. So the methodology framework Obviously,whenyouwerefint startingthefirm,therc with KPMG. But we were sitting around and
provides the scaffolding for how to organize werepople who,through theirexperience,'totit'' saying,"What do we want from the businessf"
the knowledge. We grve everybody a laptop whenthis modelwasbeingdeveloped. Nowthat The institution that we came from and that
with CD-ROMs and a big, fat hard drive-we you'regrcwing, howmuchof it ishiringpeoplewho whole ilk aroseout of organizationsthat were
just have one central knowledgebasethat sits already"haveit'' andhowmuchof it istraining? built over 100 yean ago. And, yes, drey came
on the Web. And so what happensis that, as a I don't know that I cangiveyou a percentage from a different world.
byproduct of what you do, you're contributing answer.kt me try to answerfrom a coupleof We saidto ourselvesthat we wanted to create
knowledge to the knowledgebase.It's auto- angles.First of all, today AnsweiThink has a legacy.A hundred years from now it may be
matically indexed and all that other stuff. more peoplewho didn't sta:.tfrom the begin- something different, but where we came from,
We created a generic set of levels, regard- ning thanthosewho did. So,evenifthere were I'm not sure the original founden foresaw the
less of who you are. By the wa5 100 percent a small kernel of people who had a similar future or eventhe notion of consulting and what
of the people in AnswerThink-regardless of thought process,our merger-and-acquisitionit would be like. They saw themselvesasbusines
level-are owners) unlike most institutions strategyhasbeenone where an essentialfilter advison to a world that was moving from an old
with three founders, where they keep all the is basically
to seekpeoplewho already"get it." industial model to a new industrial model.
stock. For every acquisition that we make, Take, for instance,the Hackett Group I'd rather not get into the discussionof how
even if we bought a small company owned by acquisition.Greg Hackett and his group are big, in terms of quoting numbers and so forth. I
one person, we insist that the owner give the leadingtransformationconsultans in the guess I would rather leave the answer the way
away stock to every single employee regard- finance and human-resources procurement that I started. In redefining consulting, we want-
lessof level. Now, obviously, different contri- space.Peoplehavebeen trying to get Greg ed to find our greamess.Obviously, it will turn
butions warrant different stock amounts and Hackettfor years,but he choseus. He's tie into numbers and things like that, but the great-
so forth. leader in the field. And it's becausethis nesscomesfrom somethineelse. O

Copyright a 1998by IDG Channel ServicesGroup, an lnternotional Data Group Publication.

Reprinted from Solutions Intetrator, 111
SpeenStreet, Framingham,MA 01701.Reprinted by Reprint Management Services,(717)560-2001l.

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