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The East Northamptonshire Initial Teacher Training College: Graduate Teacher Training Programme

Lesson Observation Proforma

School Higham Ferrers Infants School Lesson time 1.45-2.45

Date 07/10/2010 Year group Y2
Teacher Mrs C.Campbell Subject ICT
Number of student numbers 28 M 15 F 13
Student ability Mixed Other adults in the room Only myself
Focus of observation ICT – Data handling

Establishing the learning environment (Routines: entry, registers, distributing equipment, dismissal)
Children came into class very noisily and C.C made them go back outside and line-up again. After a dressing down the children came
back into the classroom and sat quietly on the carpet. Children were then quiet but it seemed they were very un-happy and un-
comfortable. After instructions, C.C had the children come and collect a piece of paper but they all came to her at once, which was a little

How the teacher gains the students’ attention

Voice projection, volume mainly. Raised voice when more instructions were to be given.

Explanation of learning objectives and success criteria

Learning objectives and steps to success clearly written on the board. L.O was to collect and sort data. Steps to success were 1) i can
collect data, 2) i can analyse data, 3) i can show data on a pictogram, 4) i can think of another, easier way to present my data. Steps
relating directly to final presentation were linked with ICT. Students also had to collect data, this wasn’t involving ICT.

Evidence of a three part lesson: a starter, main task(s) and a plenary

Starter: Brief introductory instructions then students had to return to their desk and draw a colour picture of their eyes. Drawings then
collected and stuck on the whiteboard for all to see. Talking partners used to discuss the differences of the pictures, C.C honed in on
differences re eye colour. Main: Students then sorted the data (pictures) into various categories, group decided on colour categories.
This section was teacher-led and involved alot of sitting and watching & listening on the carpet. C.C modelled making a graph on the IWB
as the lesson evolved into one big plenary. I understand the children will be doing this part of the lesson independently the next time they

Teaching and learning strategies; subject knowledge

Session implemented talking partners, individual creative work, carpet discussions, teacher instructions and teacher modelling.
The East Northamptonshire Initial Teacher Training College: Graduate Teacher Training Programme

Behaviour management strategies

C.C drew an un-happy face on the whiteboard and added names next to the face for repeat “offences”. This came with the added threat
of missing 2mins of afternoon playtime. By the end of the lesson there were a few names on the board but, generally, this worked well
and helped maintain good levels of behaviour throughout the lesson.

Assessment methods
C.C completed... observations of the eye colour pictures as they were collected and shared on the board... Joined in with talking partners
to draw out ideas and extend learning... Implemented careful Q&A sessions within the group while sitting on the carpet. ‘Formal’
assessment of the childrens data handling work will be completed when they formulate their graphs etc next lesson.

Use of other adults in the room and how this affects the dynamics of the lesson
N/A – No teaching assistant in the room. However i assisted a few groups with the drawing pictures of their eyes. This was because
some students were thinking this was a main part of the lesson and worrying about the quality of their work.

Relationships with students

Children respect C.C and the relationship is good considering C.C is cover teaching this lesson.

What the students learnt in the lesson (were the learning objectives and success criteria met?)
I think the students were able to attain the steps to success, but the nature of the lesson didn’t lend itself to having any formal ‘proof’ of
this in terms of finished work by the students. I’d be very keen to observe the next lesson of this sequence, but timetables do not permit.

Any other relevant points noticed in the lesson

ICT specific content: Software = Infant ToolKit 2, 2 graph programme.

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