CCT - Definition

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Creative and Critical Thinking


Critical thinking adalah berpikir secara kognitif Creative thinking adalah berpikir untuk

dan rasional. Dengan menggunakan pemikiran memunculkan ide-ide baru yang berguna,

yang tepat, sistematis, berlogika, dan serta menghasilkan berbagai alternatif secara

sebagainya kreatif.

Critical thinking is a complex process of The critical element in calling some product

deliberation which ir creative is that it be new. Two important

involves a wide range of skills and attitudes. elements: novelty and value

Cottrell (2005) Weisberg (2006)

It Includes : There are two aspects of novelty that

identifying other people's positions, must be separated: novelty for the person

arguments and conclusions; versus novelty for the world.

evaluating the evidence for alternative The creative process or creative thinking

points of view; comprises the thought processes that

weighing up 0possing arguments and bring about products that are novel for an

evidence fairly; individual.

being able to read between the lines; A creative product—or an innovation—is

recognising techniques used to make one that is novel for an individual

certain position more appealing than A creative person is one who produces

others; such products.

reflecting on issues in a structured way; In order for an invention to be called

drawing conclusion about whether creative, it must carry out the task for

arguments are valid and justifiable; which it was designed (has value)
presenting a point of view in a structured,

clear, well-reasoned way that convince


Which is more Important

Critical or Creative Thinking?
equally important. We need CREATIVITY to come up with
The short answer is that they are

ideas to solve problems, but we also need CRITICAL thinking to evaluate and improve
these ideas. They complement each other, and we need both to survive and to prosper
(Joe. Y. F. Lau, 2011)


To make better and more informed Creativity is not just for artists and

decisions about whether something is scientists, we need creativity to solve

likely to be true, effective or the countless problems we encounter

productive in our workplace and in our daily life

To identify the obvious and the hidden Generating new and useful ideas that

messages more accurately, can lead to an innovation.

To understand the process by which Developing creative thinking habits.

an argument is constructed

Improved ability to identify the key

points in a text or other messages

rather than becoming distracted by

less important material

A typical DEFINITION has two parts.

The Definiendum ( The term being defined)

University = A place to learn

The Definiens (The words that define the definiendum)

(Lau 2011)

The Term : Referring expression in a language made up of one or more

words (Ex : University)

The Referent : The set of things a term to is known as refers to the

extension of the term (Ex : State University, Private University, lecture,
Type of
The Concept : Associated with a term is an idea that encapsulates our
understanding of the term (Ex : Dosen / Lecture, kantin / cafetaria). They

have different spelling & pronunciation, but they have the same meaning

and concept.

(Lau, 2011)

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