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Plastijoint S{ canstructive

?land applied fl€xable bituminous putty Properties

Fom: Stifiputty
Col0ur: Black
Plastijointi$ refomnlended for sealing joinl$, particul.jrly Movement
vertical and inclinedjoints, in most types of water retaining accommodataon
structLtres. factor BS 6093: 1!196for butt joints
I Sewage dispnsal works Application 5'C to 50'C (Plastiiointheated to
r Culverts temperatl.tre: 45"C to 55'C)
: Sea walls Chemical Dilute acid$ resistanl
r Retainingwails (brickwo* and concrete) resistance to Dilute alkalis reslslatt
0ecasional Petroleilm solvants non resistanl
r Sutrways and basement structlire{t
spillage: f\4inefaloils non resistafil
Vellefabic oils non resist.rnl
Biological Plastilointis resistantto the asrobic
t Designed for permanent immersion in \ryater reststance: and anaercbic conditions normally
I Tough, weather resistant oc,:uiling in sewage treatment works
I Excellent slump resistance $olidscontent: 100%
r Fasily applied by hirnd
Application instructions
t Suitablefor joints up to 40 mnr wide
r Re$istrintto bacteriologic,ilatlack Preparation

is appliedby hand aftet it has been h€ated to

Description 45'C to 55'C by placingin a Jieldoven or in ttoilingtvaterfor
Plastijointis a thermoplasticbitumen based putty which t hour. When using waler, the \,vaterlevsl
requires heaiing lo nlake it workable.On cnoling it gives a should only come alnost to the top of the tin (leave the lid
slump*free,flexible seal. on). Plastijointmust not be subjectedto direct heating.

Plastijointis suitable for inrmers*d ioints including those Joint preparation

wh()re biological aolivity occurs. Ensure that the joint surfacesare completelydry, clean and
Flastijointis suitable for sealing joints, includinglow frost-fre9.Remove all dirt, dust" laitanceand lo{rse mi}terial
ffroveF]entexpansion joints, iri n]t,iiningwall$ ijnd by fiEorouswire hrushing.Remove all rust, scale and
basements. lt is also suitablefor sealing around pipe or protectivelacquem from mei6l surfaces.Remove any oil or
cable entries into buildings. grease with Fosroc EquipmentCleaner. In expansion
joinls, Plastiiointmu$t always li() supporled hy a nrrrl
Plastijointnray be applied to joints between 20 and 40 mm backing vr'hich allows lree movenrent. Where a pafticularly
vride. In most cases it is advisableto form a sealing slot neat finislr is reLluired,cover face edges of joint with
approximatelysquare in cross-section. rnaskingtarfiebefore prirriingarid rernove inrmedialL'ly.ifler
Where expansionjoints are subject to hydrostatichead, sealin.qlvork is completed.
Plastijointseals require support from a compressiblefillel Friming porous surfaces
silch as Hydrocell. .
On concrete,stone, blickworkand timber, Fosroc Primer 3
is required.The applied prir]rershould be icuch dry freiore
s e a l rn g .
Pfiming non-porous surfaces

Primer not nornrallyrequired.Ferrous metals should h'e

trcated vr'ith an anti-corrosion primel.

Take a convenientquantityof materia'fIofil the tin and
nrould in gloved hand irilo a $kip. Wh'kr stili tut, pLishtiis
well clown into the cavity to illl all crevices,onsuringgood
contactwith the sides and base of the ioint. lf necessary
caulk home with a fliece of damp wood.

]L ',
Tqtr.:2IO 6667929
__lI I


Note: lf lhere is honeycombed concrete in the immediate Storage

vicinityot the joint, tlrere is tlre risk that water under
Shelf life
pressure may per$)lale behind the seal and pass into the
joint. In sulh ca$es, prime the area conoemed ahd apply 2 yeafs stored in cool dry conditionsin unopened original
additionalsealant,working well into all cavitiesto give a contatnerS.
Joints subject to flowing water should
ile finisheii flu$h or slightly concave. Precaulinns

Finishing l{ealth and $afety

Heat a strippingkfiife .jnd, working aiong lhe joint. cut away For furth()r infornlation reler to appropriate Product S,ifety
excess nraterial lo present a neat finish. In cold weather a Data Sheet.
Sjas bloMorch may be run down the seal before lrimnting. Fo$roo prinrer 3 is highly flammarbls.$ee rn.ii{}ri?ll
Pla$tijointrequires no special tools, but the use of a
data sheet for details.
caulking iron is recnnrrriendod fDr easy c{il1$olidationand
t0 give a neat finish t0 the sea'.
Clean eqilipment imnediately after use with Fosroc
Equiprnent Cleaner.


Guide to Plastijoint quantities

Joint Litre Metre Joint Litre Metre
size per per size per Per
- l_rg:*-ilrr
r**.-..........T-?ire ..n"ks 9lig9'
2 Ax ? A 0.40 13.0 30 x 50 1.50 3.3
25 0.50 10.0 35 x 25 0.88 5-7
' 1. 10
30 0.60 8.3 30 4.8
25x20 0.50 10.0 40 1.40 3.6
25 0.63 8.0 50 1.80 2.8
30 0.75 6.r 40 x25 1.00 5.0
40 1.00 5.0 30 1.20 4.2
3 0x 2 5 0.75 6.7 50 2.00 2.5
40 1.2A 4.2

Plastiiointis avaiable in 5litre containers.

1 litre ol Filsroc Primer 3 is sufficient for 75 metres of j$int.
Yiglds are theoreticaland no allowancehas been made lcr
va[iations jn joint dimensions,$ubstrateor wastage.


ni.isfials 4nd fi3rufa[irts lnd are soirsuhie.l l. i!lla.drrd C]otciions tur lB Slopl!.i
.h lrav tnr ()htafrel on ^:+8it lt/hiist$ e.d4rvDr rs lo et:]/i: lhal .nv a.!ae emlnmsncai ofi,

X OP OMON OT IKH ab: iryeitferdfellly D. tilri:ctvailiillli a,({r lin, irsi: dlis ttrD.i{ls.,sh(lherf.ilho$rtnnr){tllh iriy

Tntr.:2106667929 fax:
+44 ifr) 1A?7 262444

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