Code of Ethics

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Code of Ethics Policy

Mohawk Students’ association provides opportunities for student engagement that create context for student
learning and build a strong sense of the community among its students, faculties and staff. Mohawk students’
association is committed to provide services to students in a manner which maintains the highest of ethical
standards. All employees must review and abide by the Mohawk students’ association’s Code of Ethics in its
most current form.
Ethics: Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral

Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Self-Respect: A feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity. Pride and confidence in oneself.


At Mohawk Students' Association, we strive to protect all our employees, vendors, customers, and the company
itself from any illegal or damaging actions committed by individuals either knowingly or unknowingly.

The company will not tolerate any wrongdoing or impropriety and will immediately take appropriate disciplinary
action to correct the problem.

A. Educational Development
A portion of MSA’s activities should reflect the mission of the Mohawk Students’ Association. An
intentional effort should be made to enrich each member's educational development through the
activities, programs, and priorities of the student association.

B. Individual Behaviour
The personal behaviour of each member impacts both the organizations and the college community. This
makes it imperative for the individual to always act ethically, including the demonstration of integrity and
self-respect. All students, including organization members, are required to adhere to the MSA Conduct

C. Community Relations
The impression made by an MSA on the student community reflects upon the college. All members shall
conduct themselves to support a positive relationship with the community.

D. Health and Safety

Members shall take basic precautionary measures to ensure individual and group safety through
implementation of risk management.

E. Leadership Development
The continued success of a student association requires a regular succession of effective leaders.
F. Legal Responsibility
All members have a responsibility to know and uphold, all relevant federal, provincial including local laws
and MSA policies.

G. Non-Discrimination
The community of MSA aspires to behave as an inclusive, collaborative community. Consistent with
stated MSA values, we encourage the recognition, awareness and respect for persons of varying
backgrounds and perspectives as well as support authentic employees and board members.

H. Self-Governance:
Each department shall have a policies and operating procedures that will allow board members and staff
to effectively uphold the standards of this code. Activities under MSA shall be consistent with the
approved policy.

Unethical Behaviour

 Mohawk Students' Association will not be party to the intent or appearance of unethical or
compromising practices in its business relationships.
 Violence, harassment, or discrimination will not be tolerated.
 Improper use of company trade secrets (as outlined in the confidentiality agreement) will not be
 Employees shall not use corporate assets or business relationships for personal use or gain.

If an employee violates this policy, Mohawk Students' Association will employ disciplinary measures that reflect
the severity of the offence up to and including termination of employment.
Reporting Violations
To report any violation of this policy, please contact
Acknowledgment and Agreement 

I, (employee name), acknowledge that I have read and understand the Code of Ethics Policy of Mohawk
Students' Association. I agree to adhere to this policy and will ensure that employees working under my direction
adhere to this policy. I understand that if I violate the rules set forth by this policy, I may face disciplinary action
up to and including termination of employment. 

Name:                ____________________________________ 
Signature:        ____________________________________ 
Date:                ____________________________________ 
Witness:        ____________________________________ 

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