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With years of full-time ministry behind them, Uebert and
BeBe Angel are pioneering and leading voices in pro-
claiming the Good News of God’s grace (Euaggelion) and
the prophetic around the world. Between them, they are
best-selling authors of Spiritual Warfare, Intimacy, Prayer
Banks, Supernatural Power of The Believer, etc. Uebert and
BeBe Angel are internationally sought-after conference
speakers and as global leaders, they are highly regarded
for their vision, innovation and boldness. As the founders of
the Good News Church (Spirit Embassy), and holding the
office of the prophet they have impacted millions of lives
worldwide through their passion to win souls by bringing the
revelation of the Good News of God’s grace (Euaggelion).

Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear? .... of whom shall I
be afraid?

Many Christians around the globe know Je-

sus Christ as their SAVIOUR, which is wonder-
ful, but knowing Him as your SALVATION will
completely revolutionize your life and take
your walk with Him to a whole new level.

Observe the words of David in our opening

verse; he said, “The LORD is my light and my
salvation; whom shall I fear?” As your sav-
ior, you’re hoping that He will “deliver” you
from something, perhaps, your enemies; but
as your salvation, you transcend that arena
where He rescues you from danger or diffi-
culty; you lose your fears, because you’re in

Psalm 27:2 further shows the result of the Lord

being your salvation. It says, “When the wick-
ed, even mine enemies and my foes, came
upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.”

The Christian isn’t one who needs to be delivered from anything; you don’t need
to be bothered about your adversaries. The one who needs deliverance is the
one who doesn’t know Christ as his SALVATION. When they come out against you,
they’ll stumble and fall if you know Jesus as your salvation. He’s your Rock of de-
fense; your protection. Hallelujah! This is different from you asking Him to protect
you. Let this be registered in your spirit that you are living in the salvation of the Lord
and nothing can move or shake you in the name of Jesus

The Lord is my salvation and my strong tower. Nothing shall
move or shake me. Every area of my life is in safety in the name
of Jesus.

Psalm 61:3,Proverbs 18:10

Saturday, October 2 IF YOU CAN SEE IT, YOU CAN HAVE IT

Genesis 13:15
For all the land which thou seest, to thee
will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.

The lord told Abraham to sojourn to a land

and he said something very profound , ....”
as much as you can see, you can have it ...”
There is a visual element in faith. As much as
you can see it ,you can have it.

Don’t be limited by your circumstances or

any physical flaws within your radius.

See beyond the natural and as much as you

can see, you will surely possess it .The enemy
might try to put blinkers around you so that
you don’t see beyond the recession ,sickness
or poverty but today rise up and see beyond.

Your family is waiting for you to see beyond

and the entire generation will be saved. Your
company might be stagnant for some time
but see prosperity and expansion beyond

measure in the name of Jesus .Hallelujah.

I’m born from above and I see beyond my circumstances. I see
prosperity and peace coming to me .I’m flying higher, beyond
all the limitations of this world in the name of Jesus

Genesis 15:2


Galatians 1:10
For do I now persuade men; or God?
or do I seek to please men for if I yet
pleased men, I should not be the ser-
vant of Christ

Most people are caught in between two op-

tions, pleasing God or pleasing men. Every-
thing that they do is about “what will people
say.” Their lives are driven by the quest to
please men more than God. You see peo-
ple going for functions where their hearts are
not really settled to be, taking educational
courses which they do not want and even
getting into relationships in order to please
other people.
Today, as Apostle Paul highlighted, there is
no profit in pleasing men more than God.
Choose to please the master more than
men and make a bold decision to cut all
ties which you created out of pleasing men.
You are unique in your own way and don’t
keep yourself under unnecessary pressure by
trying to please other people or take wrong
actions for the sake of gaining people’s approval.

Let there be a manifestation of that which is hidden within you. There is greatness
which is inside of you. Go for it without hesitation and you shall see a mighty a
hand of God.

I am a child, fearfully and wonderfully made. I am unique in my
own way and today I chose to please my master and his grace
is sufficient for me in the name of Jesus!

Psalm 139:14

Monday, 4 October WE SPEAK OBJECTS

John 16:1
These things have I spoken unto you….

Many Christians are reckless with the words

they utter. The words that you speak have
power to revamp your life either in a nega-
tive or positive direction. The world we are
in was framed not by mortar and water but
words. God had to speak words to bring up
the universe.

In our scripture today ,Jesus said , “..the

things I speak..” Note the master didn’t say
the “words” but the “things” which means
every time when we speak, we are speak-
ing objects. Never use your tongue recklessly
because every time when you speak you are
framing destinies either in a positive or nega-
tive manner.

Choose your words wisely and use your

tongue to build not to destroy .The tongue in
your mouth is not just a mere mass of flesh but
an instrument to mold a glorious future. The
Bible even confirms that death and life lies on the power of the tongue which your
words are a determinant of the length of your life on this earth. When God places
you in any set up, be a giver of life by the words you speak. You might be in ministry
or in a company, use your tongue to edify not to break.

My mouth is a pen of a ready writer and my tongue is a build-
er of destinies. I speak life to every area of my life. From this
day onwards only positivity shall spring forth out of my life in the
name of Jesus.

Psalm 45:1,1Peter 3:10

Tuesday, 5 October WE HAVE A GUARANTEE

1John 5:14
And this is the confidence that we have
in him, that, if we ask any thing accord-
ing to his will, he heareth us:

It is pathetic to see some Christians wor-

shipping a God which they are not sure of
his existence or ability. Some are not sure
about where their prayers are going. I have
seen a lot of people who pray and feel like
their prayer hasn’t crossed the ceiling of their

The Bible says something very profound ,”...

this is the confidence that we have...” The
word confidence also means guarantee. We
have surety that when we talk to Papa God
he hears us. We are so sure that God is with
us and he hears us always.

Never go for feelings when it comes to his ex-

istence. God is there whether you feel like he
is there or not .Your situation might not con-
cur but remind yourself that he said he will
never leave you nor forsake you .He is with us till the end of the world in the name
of Jesus.

I have surety that my God is with me and he hears me always.
Nothing shall separate me from his love. In him I walk, live and
have my being in the name of Jesus!

1 John 5:15

Wednesday, 6 October ALL THINGS ARE YOURS

1 Corinthians 3:20 -21

And again, The Lord knoweth the
thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
Therefore let no man glory in men. For
all things are yours;

Many a time we base our faith based on our

connections ,education or influence .Apostle
Paul here reiterated that never glory in men.
This means never base your trust on men for it
is God who owns everything and if we are in
him we also own everything. Hallelujah.

The apostle went on to say ,”..all things are

yours..” The word doesn’t say some things
are yours but all things are yours .The pro-
motion that you want is yours ,the position
that you cry for is already yours .God gave
us everything that pertains to godliness and
life .You have all things at your disposal, just
see it, speak it and possess it in the name of

Today rise up and possess everything that

belongs to you, for all things belong to you.
Nothing can resist you if you know that everything is all yours.

I am born from above and all things are mine. Poverty is not my
portion. I am yielding to greatness and promotion in the name
of Jesus!

Psalm 50:1-14

Thursday, 7 October MARINATED IN LOVE

Romans 5:5
And hope maketh not ashamed; be-
cause the love of God is shed abroad
in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is
given unto us.

Love is a force that goes beyond any cir-

cumstance and where there is love there is
always liberty .Remember for even God to
save the world, he was driven by his love
towards humanity. His love for humanity
pushed him to the limits by giving his “only
begotten son”. We are standing tall today
because of unequivocal love and we are
products of his generous gift of love.

Most people when they read the Bible they

think the greatest commandment for us as
Christians is to love as Jesus mentioned in the
gospels. That word is not for us brothers and
sisters but those who were in the old cove-
nant, before Jesus died and rose from the
dead. As of you and me our word is in Ro-
mans 5 ,” ...the love of God is shed abroad
in our hearts..” we don’t love by commandment but by nature. Our hearts are
marinated in love.

Be an embodiment of love today and demonstrate love to the world for our God
is love. Love gives so don’t just expect it but be the first one to demonstrate it and
show its fruits. Hallelujah.

I’m an embodiment of love .I love not by commandment but by
nature. Today I chose to demonstrate love to my world and my
God gives me power both to will and to do in the name of Jesus.

1 John 4:8, John 3:16

Friday, 8 October WE ARE NOT HUMAN

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is
a new creature: old things are passed
away; behold, all things are become

The flesh is always weak and associated with

all manner of failures .Remember Jesus said
something very profound during his Gethse-
mane agony that ,”...the spirit is willing but
the flesh is weak..” The disciples could have
tarried with their master but the flesh was
weak and weary .

The word human comes from the word hu-

mus which means dust. This is a half-baked
description of a man. The Bible says we are
new (Greek -kainos) creature. We are not just
new but never existed type of specie .We are
born from above not from beneath and no
limitation of the flesh can touch us because
we are not of this world, we are born from
above and all the elements of the flesh can-
not touch us. Hallelujah!

You are a spirit ,possessing a soul and living in a mortal body. The real you is a spirit
and that one is more attuned to the divine .Today declare over your life that no
element of this world shall touch you because you are born from above, you are
in this world but you are not of this world. No sickness ,stagnation or poverty shall
come near you because you are a different species.

I am an ambassador of Christ, my supply is from above. I live
beyond the limits of the flesh because I’m born of the spirit. I
shall live in dominion all the days of my life in the name of Jesus!

2 Corinthians 5:20

Saturday, October 9 A HIGHER LEVEL OF PRAYER

Ephesians 6:18 (Amp)

Pray at all times (on every occasion,
in every season) in the Spirit, with all
[manner of] prayer and entreaty….”

The Amplified translation of Ephesians 6:18

makes the higher purpose of prayer clearer
than other versions .Prayer is very import-
ant. Oftentimes, when we talk about prayer,
what comes to people’s mind is asking God
for things, making entreaties and requests;
that’s all they’ve known about prayer.

Yes, such a prayer has its place, where you

make requests, but prayer has higher purpos-
es than asking God for your needs. Praying
for material needs, that is, asking God for
something for yourself is actually the low-
est kind of prayer. When you pray like that,
you’re praying at the babyhood stage;
it’s the prayer of spiritual babies. Someone
could pray, “Oh God, I need a job,” or “Lord,
I need some money,” or “Dear Father, give
me a car, a wife, a husband, a house etc.”;
but that’s the lesser purpose of prayer.

There’re higher purposes of prayer. One of them is fellowshipping with the Father
through the Spirit. Another higher purpose of prayer is the privilege to exercise our
authority in Christ. There, you take your place of authority and cause things to
happen within the ambits of the power given to you by Christ Jesus. Thirdly, prayer
helps us to activate and walk in the consciousness of the divine presence. Fourthly,
through prayer, we enforce the will of the Father in the earth.

I have the word of God in me and my prayer is according to the
will of God. I shall not pray amiss for God himself gives me the
power to will and to do. My prayer life is taking a new shape in
the name of Jesus!

Luke 18:1


1 Corinthians 3:21-22
Therefore let no man glory in men. For
all things are yours;
Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas,
or the world, or life, or death, or things
present, or things to come; all are yours;

It sounds awkward when I say you have pow-

er over death or life. You can choose either
of the two. Now the biggest question ringing
in your mind right now is ,”..are those all rela-
tives of mine who passed on chose to die?”

Get what the scripture is saying. The bible

says all things are yours, not some things .It
went on to say whether death or life, it’s all
yours. This means everything is under your
power or jurisdiction. You can either choose
death or life. In Deuteronomy, God said I
place before your life and death, choose
life. It seems it’s all by choice because can-
not say chose life if it’s not by choice.

Go for life today and allow every area of

your life to be filled by a life giving spirit. Death and life lies in the power of your
tongue. Speak life in you. physical body, ministry, family ,business and all in the
name of Jesus.

I have a spirit giving life in me and my tongue is a source of life.
I decree and declare, long life filled with joy and prosperity in
the name of Jesus!

Deuteronomy 30:15-20,Proverbs 18:21


1 Thessalonians 5:5,
For ye, are all children of the light, and
children of the day; and are not chil-
dren of the night, and children of dark-

The sun and the moon have a wonderful re-

lationship. The moon isn’t a light; it’s a very
black substance, and yet it reflects the light
it gets from the sun. So sometimes, we say
we’re like the moon, while Jesus gives us light
to reflect. This is a powerful idea, but it’s not
the best. God doesn’t regard us as the moon
that reflects the light of the sun. Yes, the Bible
says Jesus Christ is the Sun of righteousness
(Malachi 4:2), but who are we?

In the verse above, the Spirit, writing through

the Apostle Paul, was addressing Christians;
He’s talking to you, and He minces no words
in describing you. He says you’re light! You’re
born of God, of His Word, which is light, so
you’re the offspring of Light. The Spirit ex-
presses the same thought in Ephesians 5:8. It
reads, “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as chil-
dren of light” (NIV). How interesting this is! It doesn’t say you were in the darkness;
it says you were darkness, but now, you’re light. This means you can also declare
with audacity, as Jesus did, “As long as I’m in the world, I’m the light of the world!”

When those in the world say “there is light at the end of the tunnel”, as for you child
of God you shall say I’m the light in the tunnel and I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me. If you wait for the light at the end of the tunnel, the darkness
in the tunnel will swallow you (John 1:4).

I am the light of the world. I shine forth effusively, illuminating
my world with glory and virtue. Through me many are turning to
Christ, are transferred from darkness into God’s marvelous light,
and from the power of Satan unto God. Praise God!

Matthew 5:14-16

Tuesday, 12 October NO LONGER A VICTIM

Acts 16:25
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed,
and sang praises unto God: and the
prisoners heard them.

Some of the situations that befall us in life are

meant to distract our focus from the source
of life. I have seen many who have their
communion with God determined by the cir-
cumstances around them.

When there is money streaming from their

businesses, they can easily worship but when
things go in a wrong way even their worship
or prayer life dwindles. Apostle Paul and Silas
learnt not only to pray but to worship, even
when they were in chains (Ephesians 6:19). It
doesn’t matter what situation you face in life,
don’t allow your experience to dictate your
mood or interfere with the joy of the Lord in
your heart. In your life, see challenges as op-
portunities to manifest the glory of God; that
way, you’ll always be full of joy.

Learn to worship your way out of challenges and situations that may seem or ap-
pear to be stubborn like Apostle Paul and Silas. They didn’t say we will not pray
and worship God because we are in chains, they still found time for God. Confuse
the enemy by praising your God even when things are not so good. God remains
God whether we are facing challenges or not, so today let your spirit bubble forth
in joy and praises. Hallelujah!

From today nothing has the power to distract me from worship-
ping and serving my God. I am no longer a victim to circum-
stances of life. My God remains God in the midst of all circum-
stances. Hallelujah! 

Ephesians 5:18-19

Wednesday, 13 October SPEAKING TO YOURSELF

Ephesians 5:18-19
And be not drunk with wine, where-
in is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs, singing and
making melody in your heart to the Lord.

The fact that you received the Holy Spirit at a

specific time does not mean you will always
be filled with Him. Being filled with the Holy
Spirit has to be a daily experience, in the
same way you drink water every day. You
don’t get filled with the Spirit simply by say-
ing, “I’m now filled with the Spirit.” There are
things to do that get you filled with the Spirit.

As a child of God, you should always enjoy

His presence every day. In the verse above,
there is a clear outline of how to live a life of
being constantly filled with the spirit. He lets
us know the way to do it is by “…speaking
to yourselves…” For those without light this
seems to be a high level of madness, but that
God for the bible says God uses the foolish
things of this world to confuse the wise. Hallelujah!

Firstly, you have to learn to speak to yourself Psalms, these are spiritual poems
sung or spoken to God in worship. Secondly you have to learn to speak to yourself
Hymns, these are songs of thanksgiving and praise directed to or about God. Spir-
itual songs are prophetic songs of God’s Word that come to you from the realm
of the spirit, sometimes in other tongues. Fourthly learn to “make melody in your
heart to God,” the melody might not sound nice to someone else who hears it, but
you will get blessed as you sing to the Lord. This might not make sense but to God
it makes faith. When you feel like singing don’t resist the spirit just spring forth in the
direction of the spirit. Everything might be out of key in the realm of the natural
but you are edifying yourself in a special way. As you read this prophetic word for
today, let your spirit spring forth in tongues, songs and hymns in the name of Jesus.

All things are working together for my good and my lines have fallen for
me in pleasant places. I can never be disadvantaged in life for I operate
from a mountain top perspective in the name of Jesus!

FURTHER STUDY : 1 Samuel 30:6, 1 Chronicles 16:9-10, Acts 4:31

Thursday, 14 October THE WORD IS POWER

Ecclesiastes 8:4
Where the word of a king is, there is

One aspect about our Lord Jesus Christ was

that he reigned and functioned as a king
even before he was crucified. Even in the
face of adversity, standing before Pilate
Jesus knew he was a king; John 19:10 Then
Pilate said to Him, “Are You not speaking to
me? Do You not know that I have power to
crucify You, and power to release You?” 11
Jesus answered, “You could have no power
at all against Me unless it had been given
you from above. Therefore, the one who de-
livered Me to you has the greater sin.”

The only reason why Jesus had to be cruci-

fied was for the prophecies of the prophets
of old to be fulfilled. He could have called
ten thousand angels to destroy the world
and set him free, but he chose not to. He
clearly knew that Pilate had no power over
him. Whatever Jesus uttered would come to

Do you know that we are kings? The bible tells us that Jesus washed us from our sins
with His blood and made us kings (Revelation 1:5-6). The power of a king is not only
on his crown but his words. As kings and priests we have power to decree and de-
clare things into being and it shall be established. The word of God in your mouth
is a force, use it to create a better future, glorious ministry and a fruitful destiny.

From today, whatever you bless shall be blessed, and whatever you curse shall be
cursed. Whatever mountain you shall command to move, shall be moved (Mark
11:23). The power of life and death is in your tongue. Use your words to chart the
course of your life, speak only those things that are consistent with God’s word
concerning you.

The word of God on my lips brings healing, prosperity and de-
liverance. I walk in victory today. I decree and declare love,
peace and prosperity in the name of Jesus Hallelujah!

Proverbs 18:21

Friday, 15 October THE ABILITY OF GOD IN ME

Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through Christ
which strengthens me.”

If you believe you are a failure, you have

already failed before you even started. As
a child of God you should know that God’s
ability is at work in you. Rather than living the
rest of your life in misery, defeat and weak-
ness, begin to speak and utter God’s grace
over your own life. His grace is made perfect
in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9) Through
the power of the Holy Spirit, you are filled with
an unfailing strength.

Romans 5:6 says, “for when we were yet with-

out strength, in due time Christ died for the
ungodly.” You might have been weak and
timid before you received the good news of
Jesus Christ, but now in Christ you live, move
and have your being. You would easily give
up when confronted with the situations of
life, but when the gospel came, and you
embraced it, you were turned from within by
his divine power. From today be bold and courageous, be audacious in faith; you
can face any crisis and win. Be resolute to do big things for the Lord. God has
granted you the ability in Christ. Failure is not an option for you, beloved of God.
No matter what you face today, and you may be facing seemingly impossible
obstacles in your life, you can boldly declare, “my ability is of God; the greater
One lives inside of me.”Hallelujah .

The Spirit of God lives in me. My ability is of God, and I can do
all things through Christ who strengthens me. Nothing shall be
impossible for me today! and I boldly declare I will never be a

Acts 17:28-30


1 Corinthians 15:57
But thanks be to God, which giveth
us the victory through our Lord Jesus

God can turn water into wine, but cannot

turn your whining into winning. As a child
of God when you go through challenges,
don’t complain! The Lord knew there’d be
challenges, but He gave us the assurance
that we will be triumphant always: “Now
thanks be unto God, which always causeth
us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest
the savour of his knowledge by us in every

In the face of adversity learn not cry, learn

not complain but be like Apostle Paul as
in our opening scripture who gave thanks
to God, who was the guarantor of victory.
Apostle Paul even thanked God for victo-
ries that were to come. He had cultivated
a winning mentality, he knew that he could
achieve and do anything through Christ who
strengthened him. Don’t think of defeat, failure or weakness, be thankful to God
for past and present victory and have gratitude for the deeds God is already do-
ing in your life. A person who is filled with gratitude is a person of constant victory.

Be conscious of the fact that God’s intent for your life is to give you victory. The
word giveth is the Greek word DIDOMI [to supply, furnish, to give something to
someone to his advantage] Your victory is a settled fact. Nothing is, and can ever
be to your disadvantage. The victory that comes from the LORD will leave no
trace of the enemy’s presence in your life. IT IS A PERMANENT VICTORY. Child of
God walk in that reality and you will not be perturbed by the challenges of life.

Grace has put me in a place of advantage and I have been
positioned for permanent victory and success in life. Even as
the world battles a downturn, with major economies failing, I
still have the advantage because I am a child of grace. I am
walking in permanent victory and the devil has nothing on me.

Romans 8:28, 2 Corinthians 2:14

Sunday, 17 October SPEAK IN TONGUES

1 Corinthians 14v 18
I thank my God, I speak with tongues
more than ye all:

Apostle Paul had gotten a revelation about

speaking in tongues that no one had. Re-
member this apostle was not even part of
those who physically walked with master
Jesus, he was one of the least when we talk
of time of venturing in ministry but somehow
he had a revelation of the word that even
confounded other disciples. The span of his
ministry was filled with deep revelation of
the word, miracles, signs and wonders. What
was his secret? The secret is in our scripture
above; he spoke in tongues more than all of

Tongues are a spiritual language that goes

beyond our natural senses. Your mind can
even argue with you simply because it
doesn’t understand them but as you speak
you change your environment and the pow-
er to effect change is generated. The bible
says when you speak in tongues you edify yourself, this is like recharging a battery.
As you are reading this prophetic word, bubble forth in tongues and edify your
spirit. When your spirit is nourished, it will affect your natural world.

Praying in tongues positions your spirit for greatness and sets your life as an anten-
na for heaven. Apostle Paul in this scripture has actually identified a fault in believ-
ers today. We pray more with our earthly language instead of tongues. Today start
Praying in tongues more and watch as power well up in you and catapult you to
higher dimensions.

Today I build myself up in my most holy faith by praying in the
Holy Ghost. My spirit is ignited and more attuned to the divine in
the name of Jesus!

Jude 1v 20

Monday, 18 October SET ON A HILL

Matthew 5 v14
Ye are the light of the world. A city that
is set on a hill cannot be hid.

The scripture says you are the light of the

world and you cannot be hidden. What a
bold declaration? The Lord is saying you are
the light not you shall be light which means
right now no matter the situation you are
a divine illumination. The devil might try to
bring a dull cloud unto you but don’t be per-
turbed, reflect the light of God’s spirit which
is inside of you.

When you have light, you cannot be hid-

den. No words or power can hide your gift,
talent or vision. You have all what it takes
to change the course of your life. Arise and
shine for thy light has come. In you there is
no room for failure because God has already
set you on a place of effectiveness. You are
set on a hill where nothing shall obstruct your
illumination. The enemy might try with all his
might but he will never win over you.

I am a city set on a hill and I cannot be hidden. My influence
shall get to places because I can never be ignored. I am a force
to the world in the name of Jesus.

1 Tim 4v 15

Tuesday, 19 October FOCUS ON YOUR MISSION

Matthew 20:18-19
Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the
Son of man shall be betrayed unto the
chief priests and unto the scribes, and
they shall condemn him to death,
And shall deliver him to the Gentiles
to mock, and to scourge, and to cru-
cify him: and the third day he shall rise

The reason for your existence is your mission.

Like a soldier in the army, when your assign-
ment lapses you have no reason to stay.
Jesus had an effective ministry though he
ministered on this earth for a very short time.
The impact of his ministry is forever seen. He
was more attached to his assignment and
mission. When you know your assignment,
you won’t be distracted by anything. Hatred,
contempt or words cannot shift you from
your purpose. According to our scripture for
today, Jesus always uttered his mission that
the son of man shall come, betrayed, cruci-
fied but rise on the third day. When he finished that mission, he had no reason to
stay but to check out. Nothing took him away before his mission because his focus
was so clear. He was here for the redemption of mankind through the cross.

Don’t let anything distract you from your purpose. You carry a higher assignment
of God and it needs no turning back. The world is waiting for you and eagerly
waiting for your manifestation. Never allow the echoes of this world to disturb you.
Stick to the mission and you shall see the mighty hand of God. Hallelujah.

I’m set on the course and I must follow. Nothing shall be able to
move me from my vision and calling in the name of Jesus.

John 18:37

Wednesday, 20 October FAITH IS NOT SILENT

Mark 11:23
For verily I say unto you, That whosoev-
er shall say unto this mountain, Be thou
removed, and be thou cast into the
sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but
shall believe that those things which he
saith shall come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith.

Christianity is a confession of our faith, which

means it has something to do with uttering
some words of courage and faith. When you
are endowed with the power from on higher,
you can’t help but speak. When you need
your victory at all cost, learn the art of speak-
ing. You are where you are because of the
words you said or the ones you didn’t utter.

Jesus said if you have faith, you can, you can

say to this mountain. This means it was a spe-
cific mountain which was being addressed
through the spirit of Faith. Right now as you
read this word, you have your own mountain
which might be sickness, educational failure, ministry and all but change your sit-
uation by speaking to your mountain through the spirit of faith. Faith should be
demonstrated for it to produce results in our life. We have to be bold enough to
speak to our situations and effect change.

We are meant to live by faith because it has power to effect change. Now the
just shall live by faith (Hebrews 10 vs 38). Faith is a possessor, when you speak faith
-filled words, trouble will run, disease will varnish and no obstacle will stand in your
way. Speak bolts through the spirit of faith and cast away every mountain stand-
ing before you.

By faith I remove every obstacle in my way. I speak endless
victories in everything I do in the mighty name of Jesus.

Romans 10:10

Thursday, 21 October MILLIONAIRE MINDSET

Genesis 13:9 KJV

Is not the whole land before thee? sep-
arate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if
thou wilt take the left hand, then I will
go to the right; or if thou depart to the
right hand, then I will go to the left.

Poverty is not the absence of resources; it’s

the absence of an imagination. You see, fi-
nancial prosperity requires a particular mind-
set. Without that mindset, you can’t be rich
or enjoy lasting success. Abraham, who was
rich, is a good example of such a mindset,
a millionaire’s mindset. When squabbles rose
between him and his nephew’s workers, he
told the young man to choose the land he
saw fit to move to. It was obvious Lot would
choose the land that looked most fertile;
and that’s exactly what he did. On the other
hand, for Abraham to give him the first op-
tion to choose it’s because he knew that he
had a mindset that transforms any location.

Abraham believed and was so convinced

that he would make it in any location. Do you see that? A millionaire mindset sees
possibilities and believes all things are possible. It believes it can generate some-
thing good out of any environment. Your situation might be harder and seemingly
unchangeable but start to effect a change. You have the inherent power of God
inside you, use it to alter your circumstances. Decree a thing and it shall be es-

Understand one important fact, “it is impossible for you to think anything that is
impossible!”. As long as your mind can contain it, your hands shall touch it.Today
believed that you have the mind of Christ and you function exactly like him .Noth-
ing shall be impossible for you.

I have a millionaire mindset. I discard all limiting mentalities and
embrace the realm of possibilities. I am a success!

Job 22:24-25

Friday, 22 October YE ARE “gods”

Psalm 82:6 KJV

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you
are children of the most High.

God made a bold claim about us; He

calls us gods. As a child of God, you
possess an extraordinary being possess-
ing extraordinary capabilities. We are
new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians
5:17) and can function like God func-
tions. Remember you were created in
his image which is the look and his like-
ness which is functionality. You have to
function like Papa God.

When God saw darkness hovering

upon the face of the earth, he didn’t
not cry, he just spoke what he wanted.
He said,” let there be light “and there
was light. What-so-ever thing you desire
in your life is determined by what you
say as a God. Create a life that shows
that you are in the world but you are not of this world. Your ministry, fam-
ily and your business are waiting for you to create a glorious end. Create
it by speaking the word.

I am a god. I live a supernatural life. Earthly circumstances are
no match to my superhuman abilities. I am a sign and a wonder!

2 Samuel 23:8-23

Saturday, 23 October MEDITATION

Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out
of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest
observe to do according to all that is
written therein: for then thou shalt make
thy way prosperous, and then thou
shalt have good success.

When one hears the word meditation, they

immediately think of Eastern religious practic-
es. The picture they have makes them avoid
the topic altogether fearing that they might
be dabbling in the demonic. But meditation
is one of the most important and necessary
Christian practices.

Our text shows that it is through meditation

that we can have good success. This implies
there is bad success.

Bad success is having a good house but liv-

ing under fear of bank repossession; having
a good car with no fue or a marriage devoid of peace, joy
and understanding.

But we are to have good success through meditation. The word meditate is the
Hebrew word “hagar” which means to mutter, muse or growl. So you take The
Word of God and constantly speak it to yourself. You deeply ponder the words you
are speaking until you get lost in their reality. By so doing, your mind-set changes to
align with God’s glorious thoughts for you. The treasures in you are unleashed and
you become fruitful in all you do.

I have The Word of God in me. As I habitually meditate, I garner
good success in business, in marriage, in ministry and in all I do!
My life is progressing and is a reflection of God’s goodness.

Psalm 1:1-3


Leviticus 25:21 KJV

Then I will command my blessing upon
you in the sixth year, and it shall bring
forth fruit for three years.

GOD is supernatural. It’s amazing how peo-

ple tend to doubt His miracles and disbelief
what contradicts their knowledge. You can-
not approach God with logical reasoning;
He is a miraculous being. And most of the
times His acts can’t be explained in accor-
dance with human logic (1 Corinthians 2:14).
He uses the foolish things of this world to con-
fuse the wise.

Imagine what He says here in Leviticus. He

tells the Israelites that in one harvest sea-
son, they will reap enough food to last three
years! That’s supernatural financial provision.
There is Grace resting upon your life that for
very small effort you shall have a great har-

I tell you, it’s possible for you to eat food and

have it never run out (1 Kings 17:16). Phenomena like this and miracle money
which the Lord has graced me to constantly move in, are proofs of this. They are
signs of the limitless financial possibilities in God. May you enjoy His supernatural
provision in every area of your life in the name of Jesus.

My God doesn’t know lack or insufficiency. I shall live in abun-
dance, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life.

Matthew 14:17-2

Monday, 25 October HEAVILY PRESERVED

Psalm 32:7
Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt
preserve me from trouble; Thou shalt
compass me about with songs of deliv-
erance. Selah.

Most manufacturers add a preservative to

their products. The preservative acts as a
buffer against anything that is known to at-
tack the product. Because of a preservative,
a product lasts longer and maintains its qual-
ity & potency. Sometimes a product might
be exposed to harsh conditions but it will still
maintain its potency because of a preserva-

Now, The Bible says God will preserve you. He

will protect and guard you against all possi-
ble harm. That means inside you is something
that acts as a buffer against enemy attacks.
So no matter what the devil throws at you, it
can’t destroy you. God knew it beforehand
and designed you to overcome it! No weap-
on fashioned against you shall prosper.

And just as preservatives are meant to protect a product from damage for a par-
ticular period, you too are covered in this current age until our Lord returns in glory.
You have nothing to be afraid of at all; you shall not die prematurely.
You shall live to declare the works of the Lord.

I`m designed to overcome everything thrown against me. I live
without fear. I am adequately preserved and succeeding in
what I was born to do.

Psalm 140:4

Tuesday, 26 October RICH GOD

Psalm 50:10
For every beast of the forest is mine,
and the cattle upon a thousand hills

We serve a very rich and extravagant God; a

God who covers His streets with gold. He is so
wealthy that there is no unit of measure that
can measure His wealth. It’s important to
know this about God. When you worship him,
don’t act as if you are pitiful about him. He
has it all and it’s a Privilege to be called his.

There is a problem where many believers

tend to feel like they shouldn’t ask too much
from God. They feel like they are bothering
Him and being a nuisance. That’s a wrong
understanding of His loving nature. He is
more than willing to lavish wealth on you.

His supply is limitless and will never diminish

no matter how much He gives out! He really
yearns to prosper you beyond your wildest
imagination (Ephesians 3:20). So break those
barriers in your mind and increase your de-
mand. He calls you to come boldly unto the throne grace. He owns cattle on a
thousand hills. He is rich! Receive your portion now!

My God is rich! I am His child and an heir of the same wealth. I
refuse to struggle and live a beggarly life. I declare prosperity is
mine today! My ideas are flourishing and am attracting resourc-
es from all angles!

Phillipians 4:19

Wednesday, 27 October LANGUAGE OF ZION

Isaiah 33:24 KJV

And the inhabitant shall not say, I am
sick: the people that dwell therein shall
be forgiven their iniquity.

The Bible says that you shall decree a thing

and it shall be established unto you (Job
22:28). What-so-ever you say by your mouth
shall manifest as it is. Take good care of
your tongue because it has power to build
or destroy your life. The bible says that we
are come unto my mount Zion; unto an in-
numerable number of angels. Let it stick in
your mind that you are a resident of Zion
and in Zion there is a language of Zion. Our
language is not a language of failure even
when things are not looking so good. We
maintain our positive utterances.

I am a citizen of Zion; for this the Bible says,

in Isaiah 33:24, “And the inhabitant shall NOT
say, I am sick”; therefore, I do not say I am
sick. This is the master recipe of all time when
God says “they shall not say I’m sick ...” The
idea is not on the sickness but on what you say before and after the coming of a

Choose your words wisely for in them there is life for you and your offspring.

I’m blessed beyond measure and I’m filled with a life-giving
spirit. Nothing shall be lacking or missing in my life. Hallelujah.

Psalm 103:1-3

Thursday, 28 October FUNCTION LIKE PAPA GOD

Genesis 1:26
And God said, let us make man in our
image, after our likeness: and let them
have dominion over the fish of the sea

God said let us make man in our own image

and likeness. God’s intention when he creat-
ed man was to extend his jurisdiction to the
earth realm. watch this, there are two main
words used in God’s idea behind the cre-
ation of a man which are “image” and “like-
ness”. when we talk of image we are talking
of the looks and the outward appearance
but likeness is functionality.

You were born to function like Papa God.

when God saw that there was darkness
he didn’t complain about darkness but he
called out what he wanted .as you function
like papa God don’t complain about the
negativities around you but frame the world
that you want through your words.

Today don’t hesitate to exercise your authority and begin to call things into exis-
tence. That disease and that issue which was giving you sleepless nights confront
it through the same power hidden in you.

I am a unique species, born to function like Papa God. There is
power in me to frame the life that I want and nothing can resist
me in the name of Jesus!

2 Corinthians 5:17


Ephesians 1:18
The eyes of your understanding be en-

Your imaginative ability is your creative abili-

ty. It is so difficult to create or achieve some-
thing before you imagine it.

All the greatest inventions which we are

seeing today, they started as imaginations
before they developed into reality. The scrip-
ture demands us to have an enlightenment
in our minds and our imaginations. The word
“understanding” in Greek is the word “dia-
noia” which means imagination. As long as
your imagination is dead, you can never cre-
ate anything valuable.

The word you feed on everyday has pow-

er to affect or shift your imaginations and
when your imagination is changed it will af-
fect your outside world which includes your
health, business, education and all

It’s high time that you begin to imagine yourself at better levels of life. Regardless
of your current circumstance just begin to imagine everything about you flourish-
ing based on the word of God.

I see myself on top of everything, my life is unique for I am born
for a sign and wonder. My future is too bright!

Daniel 5:12

Saturday, 30 October THE SPEED OF THE SPIRIT

1 Kings 18:46
And the hand of the LORD was on Eli-
jah; and he girded up his loins, and ran
before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel

There’s such a thing as the speed of the Holy

Ghost, where you achieve and accomplish
things supernaturally. It’s part of the ministry
of the Holy Ghost in our lives: He causes us
to accomplish feats that are beyond human
comprehension, and in record time.

For EXAMPLE, after the Holy Ghost came on

the Apostles, on their first day of evangelism,
three thousand souls were won and added
to the Church (Acts 2:41)! During their next
outreach, 5000 men (women and children
not counted) were added to the Church
(Acts 4:4). These were supernatural achieve-
ments and divine speed operation.

Today, it’s even greater, because the Bible

says the glory of this latter house shall surpass
the former (Haggai 2:9). We’re moving with
the speed of the Holy Ghost to accomplish extraordinary results for the Kingdom.
Romans 9:28 says, “For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness…”
(Rom 9:28). If you have a project to accomplish, do it with God’s power and
speed. You say, “Father, I have this project; I’m going to do it by the power of the
Holy Ghost; it’ll be excellent, it’ll be on time, and it’ll create more opportunities for
me and others to accomplish greater things for the Kingdom, in the mighty Name
of Jesus!”

It’s a new day; it’s the day of the Lord’s power, and great things are happening
with us, to us, and through us. We read in our opening verse that Elijah outran
Ahab’s chariot. Those horses were the most sophisticated but still Elijah overtook
him because he was now moving in the dimension of the above and nothing of
the natural was going to challenge him.

The glory of the Lord in my spirit is placing me far ahead of my
detractors, competitors, and adversaries. Blessed be God! Hal-

2 Corinthians 5:20

Sunday, 31 October VISUALIZATION

Joshua 6:2
See, I have given into thine hand Jer-
icho, and the King thereof, and the
mighty men of valour.

The importance of visualization is that you SEE

things before they happen. The very founda-
tion of Christianity is about visualization. God
Himself saw the world first before he made it.
In today’s scripture, Joshua is told by God
that the battle he was about to engage in
was already won – he just had to ‘see’ it!

You see, the devil wants you to only see what

is wrong about your life, to see only the bad
and the more you focus on this negativity the
more it takes root in everything around you.

2 Corinthians 4:18 says; “we look not at the

things which are seen we are looking at the
things which are not seen”.

So take your eyes away from the wrong

things. Visualize yourself healed, visualize
yourself wealthy, visualize peace and joy in your home.
See yourself travelling yet you’ve been denied that visa.

You have already won!

I see the best in everything around me. I see myself soaring
above every negative situation. Every battle has already been
won, I am untouchable - Thank you Lord Jesus!!

2 Kings 6:17

Monday, 1 November I AM THE APPLE OF GOD’S EYE

Deuteronomy 32:10
He found him in a desert land, and in
the waste howling wilderness; he led
him about, he instructed him, he kept
him as the apple of his eye.

God is the quintessential Lover, and He de-

sires intimacy with you. When you under-
stand this, as you look at His Word, you will
recognize that it is God’s love letter to you.
He uses words such as our scripture for today
to express and communicate to you the un-
fathomable depths of His love for you. You
are “the apple of His eye,” which is a Hebrew
idiom that can be translated literally as “the
little man of the eye.” You are not ignored;
you are not invisible. God, who sits in the
Heavens with the Earth as His footstool, con-
stantly has His eyes on you. Hallelujah!

The Bible says that the eyes of the Lord are

too pure to behold anything evil. That means
as He beholds you, He sees nothing evil
about you. He only sees what is right and
beautiful about you. He sees His very own righteousness in you. You are the one He
loves and cherishes above all else. You are the image He sees reflected in the very
centre of His eyes. And like a true lover, He also wants to be the image or apple of
your eyes. He wants to see Himself reflected in your eyes. But how do you lovingly
gaze at the invisible God? You do that by looking into His Word. As you gaze at the
Word, you are gazing at the beautiful image of your darling Lover.

I am shielded, guarded, and protected by God. Anyone who
touches me, touches the apple of God’s eye. When He looks
at me, He sees everything that is good and pure and beautiful
about me. I am deeply loved and cherished by Him above all

Habakkuk 1:13; 2 Corinthians 5:21

Tuesday, 2 November THE FORCE OF FAITH

Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood
of the Lamb, and by the word of their
testimony …

There is a law in physics that says for every

action, there is an equal and opposite reac-
tion. However, there is a law that is superior
to the laws of physics or any other natural
law. It is the law of faith. That law says that
there is an action you can take in the natu-
ral – a force you can apply – that will cause
a greater spiritual reaction. Faith makes it
possible. When you believe what the Word of
God says about you, there is a correspond-
ing action you can make in the natural that
will force a spiritual reaction and give you
your miracle.

The Bible tells us that we overcome by the

word of our testimony. Many Christians miss
the revelation in this. They understand that
verse to mean that you testify after you have
overcome that difficulty or challenge that
you are facing. But that is not what it says. It says that you overcome by the word
of your testimony. You see, faith is not reactive. It is proactive. It is a force that,
when applied, prevails over every obstacle. That means you do not have to wait
until the pain is gone to testify of your healing. You do not need to wait until you
see millions in the bank before you declare yourself rich. You can testify of your
permanent residency in the country of your choice before you ever see the phys-
ical visa. Apply the law of faith and force your miracle into manifestation by the
word of your testimony.

I decree and I declare that my miracle is in my mouth. By faith,
I step into my future and claim every blessing that has my name
on it. Success is mine. Riches are mine. Healing is mine. Peace
is mine. Victory is mine right now, in the mighty Name of Jesus!

Mark 9:23; Romans 10:8

Wednesday, 3 November CHOOSE JOY

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about its own

You are not ordinary. In fact, there is nothing

ordinary about you. Ordinary people are
employed to work in days. Your days, how-
ever, are employed to work for you. Ordinary
people go to bed at night anxious about
what will happen tomorrow. They wake up
the next morning worried about what will
happen that day. But that is not the life for
you. The scripture for today tells you that your
tomorrow is employed by God to do all the
worrying for you.

That leaves only today, and today has also

been given its assignment. It is created by
God to be a container for your joy. The Bible
tells us that this is the day that the Lord has
made. Your duty is to rejoice and be glad in
it. This day exists to provide a space in time
for you to rejoice in. Not one second of to-
day is allocated for worry, fear, or doubt. When you look at the clock, no longer
see it as minutes ticking by in your day. Instead, face each day knowing that you
have 86,400 seconds of joy to experience and explore.

God has created this day as a container for my joy. I will not
waste a moment of it on fearful or anxious thoughts. Worry is
far away from me, and I will never catch up to it. I live a life of
expected joy. I choose joy now and every second of this day.

Psalm 118:24; Philippians 4:4


Genesis 1:2-3
And the Spirit of God moved upon the
face of the waters. And God said, Let
there be …

The Bible tells us that in the beginning, the

Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
deep. That word moved means to flutter in
constant imagination of an outcome. You
have been endowed with the same divine
superpower. You also have the ability to flut-
ter in constant imagination of an outcome.
Your fluttering looks like muttering. That is
what true meditation does. You see, what
the Holy Ghost was doing was meditating.
He was thinking deeply about the outcome
He desired. Through the agency of His imagi-
nation, He framed it like a picture in His mind.
Then He declared the things He saw and
brought them into being.

As Christians, we have a superior way of

meditating. We do not empty our minds as
we meditate as the world does. Instead, we
fill our minds with the Word of God that pertains to the future or outcome we want
to create. Then we mutter, speaking to ourselves - the face of the deep - the things
we want to see, do, and become. Your mind is the vision board of your future. No
matter how extraordinary that thing you desire seems, if you can think it up, you
can bring it down. Take a picture of your future using the lens of the Word. Frame it
in your mind using your imagination. Then speak it into existence.

I am endowed with the supernatural ability to see the future I
desire, frame it in my prophetic imagination, and speak it into
existence. If I can conceive it in my mind, I can create it in my

Joshua 1:8; Ephesians 3:20


Luke 8:35
Then they went out to see what was
done; and came to Jesus, and found
the man, out of whom the devils had
departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus,
clothed, and in his right mind …

Did you know that every world-class airline

carries salt on board? If you have ever flown
in an aeroplane, you have seen it, but you
may not have realized what you were see-
ing. When you fly economy, as you board
the plane, you pass through a certain area
where only a select few are allowed to trav-
el. It is called first class. In that area, every-
thing looks different. The fabric and arrange-
ment of the seating are of superior quality to
that in economy. The accessories and ac-
coutrements are designed with a person of
class in mind. First class is designed for the
person with a certain style and flavour. That
person is you.

We always say that Spirit Embassy the Good

News Church is a church of class. There is something about us that sets us apart
from the rest, a certain revelation that we have understood, that the demoniac in
our scripture for today also understood. Before his encounter with Jesus, this man
was running around looking ragged. The way he carried himself reflected his spir-
itual condition. But after his deliverance, he had become salt. And the first thing
that changed about him was his fashion, the way he dressed. When you have an
encounter with Jesus, there should be a visible transformation. How you look on
the outside ought to reflect the change that has taken place on the inside. You
are no longer an “economy” person. You are first class, the one people pass by
and desire to become.

My life is being upgraded right this minute. My eyes are opened
to see the quality of life that is suitable for me as a child of God.
I copy quality without compromising the management of my
finances. I am salt. There is nothing tasteless about my life. I am
the flavour, and my style changes now.

Matthew 5:13

Saturday, 6 November BETTER THAN CHOCOLATE

Matthew 18:2-4
Then Jesus called a little child to Him,
set him in the midst of them, and said,
“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are
converted and become as little chil-
dren, you will by no means enter the
kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever
humbles himself as this little child is the
greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

You have the potential to be as rich or rich-

er than Mark Zuckerberg. It does not require
you to take on a new side hustle or work
more hours. You have all the resources you
need right now to do it. It is a superpower
that you possess that, for many people, is un-
derutilized. Yet, it is a God-given grace that is
available for you to take advantage of. This
Kingdom asset is a visible trademark of every
Christian. In fact, it is impossible to be filled
with the Spirit and not be rich in this way.
What is this superpower that can make you
richer than Mark Zuckerberg every single day
of your life? It is a smile. Did you know that children smile as many as four hundred
times a day? It is virtually impossible to be around a smiling child and not be filled
with joy. A study found that it is very difficult to frown when looking at someone
who smiles. Smiling is contagious. Smiling is such a powerful stimulant to the plea-
sure centre of your brain that even if you fake a smile, it releases feel-good hor-
mones throughout the body that help you feel better. Chocolate, a well-regarded
pleasure inducer, cannot match the power of your smile. British researchers found
that one smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2,000 bars
of chocolate. The same study found that smiling is as stimulating as receiving up
to £16,000 in cash. That’s nearly $25k a smile. Become as a little child by enriching
your life every day with a smile.

The Spirit of God in me enriches my spirit with joy, restores my
soul, and infuses my physical body with strength. My smile is
proof of my greatness. My smile is a good news carrier. As I
smile, I release the joy of the Lord and infect my environment
with His presence. My immune system is being boosted, my de-
fence is fortified, and I confuse the devil.

FURTHER STUDY : Isaiah 12:3; Galatians 5:22-23

Sunday, 7 November GOD IS MY BEST FRIEND

John 15:15
Henceforth I call you not servants; for
the servant knoweth not what his lord
doeth: but I have called you friends; for
all things that I have heard of my Father
I have made known unto you.

It is possible to be God’s friend. Not only is it

possible, but it is also a right afforded to you
exclusively as a child of God. This verse gives
us a potent key to understanding the secret
of friendship with God, and it is given to us by
God Himself in the person of Jesus. He tells
His followers, “I have called you friends; for
[because] all things that I have heard of my
Father I have made known unto you.” God
says you’re My friend because I make my
Word known to you.

Do you see how easy it is to be called God’s

friend? His friend is the one who is ready to
hear what He has to say, the one with whom
He shares His secrets. The Church at large has
grasped the revelation that God is love (agape). We must also understand that
out of His agape love, He pours out His friendship love (phileo) in our hearts. He
demonstrates His affection for you by sharing His Word with you. And when you
give attention to the Word of God, you are demonstrating your readiness to be His
friend and to receive His affection. You are taking an interest in what interests Him,
and what interests God more than anything is that His Word is heard and believed.
Even as you are reading this Good News today, you are being a friend of God.

The Lord finds rest with me. I am His trusted friend in whom He
confides His secrets. I receive His affection by receiving His
Word with joy. I am always ready to hear whatever He wants to
share with me. I am God’s bestie.

1 John 4:8; Romans 5:5; 1 Corinthians 2:10

Monday, 8 November SKIP THE STRUGGLE

Philippians 1:7
Even as it is meet for me to think this
of you all, because I have you in my
heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds,
and in the defence and confirmation of
the gospel, ye all are partakers of my

There are two ways you can become suc-

cessful in this life: you can struggle to the
top, or you can start at the top. Every person
who has pioneered a dimension of success
has the scars to prove it. They will tell you of
their struggles and their failures. They will talk
about their mistakes and their disappoint-
ments. Their success was an uphill journey,
and although they eventually succeeded, it
was a hard-fought victory. You can choose
to go that way, but there is a better way.

Mentorship is a proven prototype. Jesus used

the model of mentorship when He called
twelve disciples, as well as you and I, to fol-
low the path that He has set. A mentor is a
shortcut to your success. With a mentor in your life, you do not have to start at the
bottom. Their ceiling becomes your floor. You gain the benefits of their success
without any of the struggles. This is what the Apostle Paul refers to as being “par-
takers of my grace.” Today, grace is imparted to you to identify that set person
whose revelation you live by, that person who has achieved that level of success
that you desire whose grace will be the slingshot to catapult you to the top!

The grace of supernatural speed is activated in my life. What
takes others years or months to accomplish, I achieve in record
time. My eyes are open to see my helpers, and I walk in a pre-
pared path. I will not miss an instruction or fail to honour the one
who has been sent to lead me into prosperity.

James 4:6

Tuesday, 9 November PROPHETIC TIMING

Romans 13:11
And that, knowing the time, that now it
is high time to awake out of sleep: for
now is our salvation nearer than when
we believed.

There is a three-letter word that is more pow-

erful than any problem you are experiencing
right now. It has the ability to shift your per-
spective from lack to abundance, failure to
victory, sickness to healing, and disappoint-
ment to hope. It is a word that many people
associate with delay. But it is endowed with
expectation, abundant in anticipation, and
pregnant with possibility. It is the power of
“yet.” I like the way the prophet Habakkuk
put it. He said, “Although the fig tree shall
not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines;
the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields
shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off
from the fold, and there shall be no herd in
the stalls: YET I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy
in the God of my salvation.” Hallelujah!

What gives you the audacity to be expectant even when it seems nothing is mov-
ing in your life, when you’re surrounded by failure, when there’s nothing to show
for your hard work, when the economy is down, when there are nay-sayers all
around you? It is the God of your salvation! He is a good Father, and His desire for
you is only good. As long as He is in your life and you have access to hearing His
word, you can and should expect everything good. Whatever looks like an impos-
sibility is a lie. Only believe, and you will see and testify of the goodness of the Lord.

I am not limited by my present circumstances because I am
a child of the limitless God. Therefore, I expect good things to
happen to me every day. I will never miss the right opportuni-
ties, and I will never be denied access to what is mine by divine
right. I am a possibility thinker and an impossibility doer, and my
God will go beyond anything I expect Him to do.

Habakkuk 3:17; Romans 10:8,10

Wednesday, 10 November GRACE AT WORK

1 Corinthians 15:10
But by the grace of God I am what I am:
and his grace which was bestowed
upon me was not in vain; but I laboured
more abundantly than they all: yet not
I, but the grace of God which was with

I am about to give you a secret that will rev-

olutionize the way you do business, ministry,
relationships, and life in general. We believe
in being diligent in business, and the Lord
Himself commands us to do business until He
comes. But there ought to be a difference
in the way we do business as Christians and
how the world conducts its business affairs.
Why should we be praying for what the world
gets without prayer when there is a resource
that gives you the right to work from a posi-
tion of rest? There is a supernatural advan-
tage available to you that puts you over in
life. It is the advantage of grace.
Apostle Paul puts it this way: I laboured more
abundantly than all of them, but it was not
me, but the grace of God. Hallelujah! You
can employ grace to work for you. The Word of God says that as you make
Kingdom business your priority, “all grace (every favour and earthly blessing)” is
available to you. As a giver, you position yourself so that every kind of grace –
every favour and earthly blessing – is working for you. There is grace to receive
profitable business ideas, grace to get clients, grace to take your business to an-
other level, grace for marketing, grace for your products and services to be liked,
purchased, and recommended grace for expansion, grace to dominate in your
industry, grace to find a good spouse, grace to conceive. There are all kinds of
grace! Every grace is appropriated by faith. You need only believe and speak
the grace you want to see operating in your affairs. Whatever the need, there is
grace for it.

I refuse to struggle. By the grace of God, I function from a position
of rest. I am anointed for excellence and influence in the market-
place. I am a magnet for resources. Favour attracts the right re-
lationships to me. I have the grace for fruitfulness; there is no bar-
renness in my life. My products are in demand, my services are
essential, business contracts begin to locate me, I get customers
with ease, and money stampedes towards my bank account.

2 Corinthians 9:7-8 AMPC; 2 Corinthians 4:13; Hebrews 4:16

Thursday, 11 November WORD CURATOR

Hebrews 11:3; 2 Corinthians 4:13

Through faith we understand that the
worlds were framed by the word of
God, so that things which are seen
were not made of things which do ap-
pear. We having the same spirit of faith,
according as it is written, I believed,
and therefore have I spoken; we also
believe, and therefore speak.

An art gallery is filled with select works of art

that cannot be found everywhere. That is
why people will travel from afar just to stand
and gaze at them hanging on a wall. It is the
duty of a curator to carefully identify, select,
and collect the best quality pieces, then ar-
range them so that the presentation carries
the intended theme. In a similar way, God
has given you the power to curate your life.
How do you do that? By carefully identifying,
selecting, and collecting quality words, then
arranging them so that the presentation of
your life is what you want it to be.

Your words frame your life. That is why it is paramount that you be conscientized
– aware of and intentional – about what you say. Don’t talk too much. Instead,
carefully identify and select words that bring you the most benefit. There are things
that a Christian ought to say, and things a Christian ought never to say, because
what you say, you create. Right now, your life is the product of words that you
spoke and words you “gazed at” and believed. If your life is not all that you desire
it to be, the good news is you can change it. Become a word curator. Right now,
as you read these words, you are receiving grace – an anointing – to discern
which words are suitable for the gallery of your life and which are not.

I am a word curator. My words are intentional and powerful.
When I speak, I speak as God does and bring into being the
things I desire. Therefore, before I speak, I exercise the mind of
Christ in me, and carefully identify, select, and frame in my mind
words that benefit me and those around me. My life is a work of
art, and my success is guaranteed.

FURTHER STUDY : John 6:63; Colossians 4:6

Friday, 12 November POSSIBLE PEACE

Romans 12:18
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you,
live peaceably with all men.

There are some people who are, and will

be, difficult to deal with. They are by nature
cantankerous and seem to thrive where this
is discord. No matter what you do or do not
do, they find a way to be miserable and to
malign others with their words. Our verse for
today alludes to the fact that it is not always
possible to live peaceably with everyone. But
there is a key that lets us know what part we
must play as Christians. First, we must under-
stand something about what it means to live

Living peaceably means to make peace, to

cultivate or keep peace, and to be at or live
in peace. The first two meanings require the
involvement of at least one other person. The
fact is, you can desire peace, but the other
person may not. That is why Apostle Paul in-
terjects the key phrase, “as much as lieth in
you.” You cannot control what other people do or how they respond to situations.
But you have complete control over how you choose to respond. You can always,
and without exception, be at peace. It is your nature and right to do so. Misery,
they say, loves company. But misery will never be comfortable in the company of
those who choose peace.

I love everybody because love is my nature. I do not speak
evil of anyone because I refuse to relinquish my power or my
peace. No matter what negative words are spoken about me,
I will not respond in kind. I refuse to be troubled by the words or
actions of others. I choose to live in peace because peace is
my inheritance.

John 14:27; Galatians 5:22; 1 Peter 3:11

Saturday, 13 November BETTER THAN A VAULT

Matthew 10:31
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more
value than many sparrows.

Fort Knox is considered the most heavily

guarded place on Earth. If you could some-
how get past the 30,000 soldiers guarding
the outside, you have to figure out how to
get through the walls. The walls are made of
granite, four feet thick, and held together by
750 tons of reinforcing steel and concrete.
It is built to withstand any kind of attack. In
fact, it is believed that the walls are so well
fortified they could withstand a direct hit by
an atomic bomb. Inside, if you manage to
find your way through the maze of locked
doors, you will be confronted by a 22-ton
vault door to which a few people each hold
a piece of the combination. No one person
knows the entire combination. It is protected
by the most advanced security technology.
All of this and more to protect the gold inside.

Gold cannot think, speak, or see. It has no

spirit or soul. It has no feelings, and it cannot love. Yet, it is guarded and protected
to those extremes. How much more you? The God who created gold has deemed
that no amount of gold is worthy of being compared to how precious and valu-
able you are to Him. If man can go through such extremes to protect inanimate
objects, know that your Heavenly Father has not left you unguarded or unprotect-
ed. You are His most prized possession, and you shall never be moved.

Every danger that I am facing, I am winning that battle in the
Name of Jesus! Nobody will dethrone me from where God has
put me. I can never be demoted. I continue to rise, and nobody
can remove me from what He has raised me to be.

Romans 8:31-39

Sunday, 14 November YOU’RE ALREADY THERE

1 Timothy 6:16
Who only hath immortality, dwelling in
the light which no man can approach
unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can
see: to whom be honour and power ev-
erlasting. Amen.

The religions of the world have one thing in

common. They all teach that there is some-
thing you have to do in order to get to God.
Christianity is not like that. The tenets of our
faith teach that it is impossible for you to get
to God by your own efforts. Our scripture for
today plainly tells us that no man can ap-
proach Him. He lives in an unapproachable
light that no man can see or has seen. God,
in that sense, is inaccessible to man. This
might sound disappointing, but for the Chris-
tian, it is the most exciting news.

You see, God did something better than al-

lowing us to approach Him. He approached
us. Knowing that He is in a form you cannot
touch, He came in a form that you can
touch in the Person of Jesus. We could not
look at Him in His real form, so He emptied Himself into a human body and de-
clared “I am the Light” that we could look upon. Jesus is the extension of God’s
love for you. He is not preventing you from approaching that light. The only way
you can approach it is from in Him. The Bible says that your life is hid with Christ in
God. Once you are in Christ, you are no longer approaching that unapproach-
able light. You are in it.

I function from a place of illumination. My understanding is en-
lightened, causing me to have perfect comprehension, reten-
tion, and recollection. I am infused with light, and the life and
energy of God are permeating every cell, displacing sickness
and disease from my physical body. Hallelujah!

Acts 17:28; Colossians 3:3


Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but
be ye transformed by the renewing of
your mind …

Some think financial prosperity isn’t for Chris-

tians. They are wrong. God identified Himself
with three people in the Bible – Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob – and each of them was
super wealthy. In Exodus 3:6, God said to Mo-
ses, “… I am the God of thy father, the God
of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God
of Jacob.” Genesis 13:2 tells us that Abraham
“was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.”
The Bible says of his son Isaac, “And the man
[Isaac] waxed great, and went forward, and
grew until he became very great: for he had
possession of flocks, and possession of herds,
and great store of servants: and the Philis-
tines envied him.” (Genesis 26:13-14). Jacob,
too, had a similar testimony. The Bible says,
“And the man [Jacob] increased exceed-
ingly, and had much cattle, and maidser-
vants, and menservants, and camels, and
asses.” (Genesis 30:43).

God’s prosperity is not for a select few; it’s for all who follow and live by, His Word.
He said in 3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest pros-
per and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” If you have struggled all your
life in lack, want, and penury, what you need is a new orientation, a new mind-
set. Change your language, consciousness, and thinking, and your situation will
change. Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye trans-
formed by the renewing of your mind.” Think and talk prosperity until your whole
mentality isn’t just overhauled but supplanted by the possibilities of a prosperous

It is God’s will for me to be rich, not only in revelation but also
in money and financial assets. I am an heir of God and joint-
heir with Christ. I am born into the wealthiest family on Earth,
and prosperity is my birthright. Therefore, I have and maintain
the consciousness of sufficiency and superabundance. All the
wealth in this world belongs to me!

FURTHER STUDY: Psalm 112:1-3; Romans 8:17; 1 Corinthians 3:21

Tuesday, 16 November NO RETURNS

2 Peter 1:3-4
According as his divine power hath
given unto us all things that pertain
unto life and godliness, through the
knowledge of him that hath called us
to glory and virtue; Whereby are given
unto us exceeding great and precious
promises: that by these ye might be
partakers of the divine nature, having
escaped the corruption that is in the
world through lust.

I remember sitting with my wife in the first-

class lounge at Heathrow Airport in London
a few years ago, and, to my surprise, a
headache got to my head. Words rushed
immediately out of my spirit, demanding to
be spoken. I declared out loud, “He took!”
My wife, responding to my sudden outburst,
said, “Took what?” I realized it was the spir-
it of faith speaking through me. I answered,
“The Bible says, ‘He took our infirmities.’ Is
‘took’ the past tense of ‘take?’” My wife an-
swered in the affirmative. Then I said, “So, it’s taken. Headache, you are taken!”
Divine health is the birthright of every child of God. Jesus took every sickness, dis-
ease, and infirmity in His own body when He died on the cross. And when He res-
urrected from the grave, He did not bring any of them back with Him. Any sickness
or infirmity you are dealing with right now is the result of an illegal transaction.
Every evil work that God removed from your life, through the finished work of Jesus
Christ, is illegal to be returned to you. Jesus paid for your good health with His own
blood, and it is a non-refundable transaction. God has given you the gift of divine
health. Refuse to accept the evil gift of sickness. Fill yourself with the knowledge
of what the Word of God says about your right to divine health so that when the
devil tries to convince you of sickness or any infirmity, that Word will rise up in your
spirit and declare, “No returns!”

I am a citizen of Zion, born again with the God-kind of life. The
law of sin and death is null and void in my life. Therefore, I am
not susceptible to sickness and disease, failure, or poverty. The
Law of the Spirit of Life is at work in my members and in my mind,
in the Name of Jesus.

FURTHER STUDY: Matthew 8:16-17; Romans 8:2, 11

Wednesday, 17 November MONITOR YOUR MIRACLE

Luke 17:14-16
And it came to pass, that, as they went,
they were cleansed. And one of them,
when he saw that he was healed,
turned back, and with a loud voice glo-
rified God, and fell down on his face at
his feet, giving him thanks.

We have seen countless miracles take place

during our services. People have received
notifications of miracle money being depos-
ited in their bank accounts, credits being
added to phone lines, money appearing in
people’s pockets, and credit scores increas-
ing. The miracles that happen are undeni-
able and are usually responded to with tears
of joy or shouts of praise unto the Lord. But
those people would not be aware of the mir-
acle that took place if they had not checked
their pockets, purses, or wallets or checked
their credit scores. The same is true when
healings take place. The receiver will be in-
structed to do something they could not do
before. There was one particular woman
who received a tremendous healing miracle. Her stomach was distended as if she
were pregnant. When healing was ministered to her, she did not even realize that
a miracle had taken place. Someone had to point out to her that her stomach
was now flat.
What is true of miracle money, miracle credit scores, and healing, is true of any-
thing that you have focused your faith to receive. You must monitor your miracle.
The ten lepers in our scripture for today all received a miracle, but we are told that
only one of them “saw that he was healed.” It did not say he felt or heard anything
spectacular. He was simply paying attention to what might be happening in his
body – looking for a change – and he saw it. Do not miss the manifestation of your
miracle because you are waiting for the spectacular to take place. As soon as
you receive the Word concerning your issue, start looking for any signs that some-
thing is taking place. Even if the initial signs seem to go against the result you are
expecting, start giving God the glory, thanking Him for the miracle that has taken
place, and you will surely come back with a testimony.

Things are changing in my life right now. I am making the Word
of God come to fruition, and I decree and declare life to every
dead situation.

FURTHER STUDY: Luke 17:11-19


Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things
hoped for, the evidence of things not

Faith is temporary. Most Christians have not

been taught that. As a result, those Christians
have been trying to get results with faith that
is no longer working. The Bible tells us that
faith is the substance of things hoped for. It
is the substructure that makes the main build-
ing stand for those things you want to have
that you have not yet seen with your physical
eyes. Once you have seen it, you no longer
need faith for it. Faith is temporary on that

The main thing you need to know about

faith is that you cannot use yesterday’s faith
today, and you cannot use today’s faith to-
morrow. Faith has to be now. Our scripture for
today says “faith is,” not faith “was” or faith
“will be.” And according to Romans chapter
10, verse 17, that faith “cometh” by hearing.
Faith has to keep coming, and it can only keep coming as you keep hearing. Faith
does not come by hearing the Word of God. It comes by a hearing faculty, the
process of hearing. That process of hearing comes by the Word of God. In other
words, the Word of God comes in and produces hearing in you, and that type of
hearing produces faith. Take time to hear the Word. It is for you to help you now.

I am a Word practitioner. I not only hear the Word, but I go be-
yond hearing to act upon what I have heard. Faith is my life-
style. I am endowed with dynamic power to cause changes
and overcome any circumstance of life.

Romans 10:17; 1 John 5:4

Friday, 19 November A VENGEANCE-FREE LIFE

Romans 12:19
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves,
but rather give place unto wrath: for it
is written, Vengeance is mine; I will re-
pay, saith the Lord.

As Christians, we do not rejoice over the

downfall of those who oppose us or those
who set themselves against us. That would
not reflect the character of Christ in us. In-
stead, rejoice that you are known by God
and in Him, and His nature is at work in you.
In ministry, we have experienced people
persecuting us for no reason, saying all sorts
of things about us. What they do not realize
is that we are motivated, activated, and
controlled by love. When love controls you,
it makes you a master in life. Nothing moves
you. Nothing causes you to get perturbed.

When the children of Israel came out of

Egypt, they plundered the wealth of the
Egyptians. They lived in Egypt as paupers, but
they came out prosperous and persecuted.
As a child of God, you are destined to prosper, and with prosperity comes perse-
cution. But when persecution comes, do not retaliate in kind. Speak evil of no one.
When your enemies chase you, maintain your focus and keep moving forward.
Just like God removed the wheels from the chariots of those who were chasing
the children of Israel, your God is able to reduce the speed of the enemy. He is
Jehovah Gmolah, the God who repays. Anyone who fights you is fighting the God
who prospers you, and that is a fight they can never win.

Longevity is mine, in the Name of Jesus. I will not die. The Spirit
of God chases every destroyer aimed at destroying me. Every
giant that stands in my way is dispersed right now. Any enemy –
whether it be financial, sickness, or anything that seeks to stand
in the way of my progress – is removed right now in the Name
of Jesus!

Exodus 14:21-25; Proverbs 24:17

Saturday, 20 November THE LADDER OF FAITH

Jude 1:20
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves
on your most holy faith, praying in the
Holy Ghost

On a previous day, we talked about how

faith is now, and how faith that “cometh”
by hearing requires us to keep hearing the
Word of God concerning the thing we desire
to change. We stand under that Word until
we see the manifestation. Even though you
cannot use yesterday’s faith today, there is a
way to raise your faith to a certain level and
never come down. That way, when your next
faith target is set, you do not have to start all
over again at the bottom building up your
faith. You can start at the last level of faith
you reached.

Faith is like a ladder that has no top. There is

no limit to how high you can go, and it is the
Holy Ghost who helps you move from one
level of faith to the next. As you pray in the
Holy Ghost, He props you up – boosting you
to another level – with tongues, words that cannot be uttered in articulate speech.
As you pray in tongues, you wedge your faith in place at the level of the Word or
revelation you just received. It is like wedging a window open; your faith cannot
be lowered. Find a time to pray. And as you pray in tongues, be conscious that
you are wedging your faith – tell yourself you are at a higher level of faith. As you
read our books, after you read a chapter, pray in tongues. As you listen to the mes-
sages we teach and preach and receive revelation, pray in tongues. As you do
so, you wedge your faith at another level and lock that revelation into your spirit.

My faith is moving to another level. As I pray in the Holy Ghost, I
pray with confidence knowing that I am praying from a superior
level of faith. I am rising like an edifice, higher and higher. I am
unstoppable, a world changer, and my exploits shall also be
recorded in Faith’s Hall of Fame.

Romans 1:17

Sunday, 21 November LUNCH WITH GOD

2 Corinthians 13:14
… The intimate friendship of the Holy
Spirit, be with all of you.

The Holy Spirit is the most misunderstood Per-

son of the Godhead, yet He is the One most
present with us here on Earth. He is often rel-
egated to the status of “it,” or objectified as
power or fire. He is often thought about only
when people want something extraordinary
to take place, like a thing to be used. Yet, the
Word of God clearly shows that the Holy Spirit
is a Person. He speaks, He has feelings, and
what’s more, He yearns for a relationship just
as you yearn for a relationship. He longs to
have a relationship with all Christians. More
importantly, He wants to have a relationship
with you. He wants to talk to and discuss
things with you. He wants to be included
in your conversations and involved in your
day-to-day activities. And it hurts His feelings
when He is ignored. Though the Holy Spirit is
God, you do not pray to Him. Instead, you
pray with Him. He is your greatest and most
reliable prayer partner. When you pray, tell the Holy Spirit, “Let’s pray together.”
That’s what it means to pray in the Spirit or to pray in the Holy Ghost. Praying with
the Holy Ghost does not mean you feel the Holy Ghost around you. Praying with
the Holy Ghost means you literally tell Him, “You are my Partner, my Companion,
my Friend. Come let’s pray together.” When you eat, don’t ask the Holy Spirit to
bless the food. Instead, invite the Holy Spirit to eat with you, then pray over and
bless your food. He does not bless the food. He eats the food with you. When you
shop, ask His opinion about what you should buy. Every morning, smile at Him
and say, “Good morning, Holy Spirit!” Greet Him in the afternoon. Talk with Him
throughout your day. And when you lie down at night, tell Him, “Good night, Holy

Holy Spirit, you are my best Friend, and I do not do anything without
You. I am committed to cultivating my relationship with You. Be-
cause of You, I am never alone. You are always with me and near
me. I confidently move through life because You teach me every-
thing I need to know to attain the highest level of success. Thank
You, Holy Spirit, for loving me and helping me in all I do. I love You!

FURTHER STUDY: John 16:7; John 14:26


Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold fast the profession of our
faith without wavering; (for he is faithful
that promised;)

There is a difference between confession

and affirmation. Confession is when you de-
clare something that you want to be true.
Affirmation is when you declare something
that you know to be true. You do not affirm in
order to get. You affirm because you already
got. The Bible speaks of the profession of our
faith, but the word actually means affirma-
tion. It is an acknowledgement of what you
already possess. When you affirm something,
it is more than just words coming out of your
mouth. When you affirm something, you in-
volve your body, you engage your emotions,
and you speak from your spirit. Your entire
being is involved, spirit, soul, and body. You
are rich. That is a reality. When you affirm
that you are rich, you don’t just announce
it like you are stating the time on the clock.
No! You force your body and soul to come
into alignment with the truth of the Word. You
smile because of how rich you are. You sense the pleasantness of what it is like to
be rich as you make your affirmation.
Muhammad Ali touted himself as the greatest boxer of all time. While he was un-
deniably a great boxer, his stats prove he was not the greatest. His final record
was 56 wins out of 61 fights, stats that were bested by other boxers. But as far as
he was concerned, he was the greatest of all time, and no one could convince
him otherwise. He consistently affirmed it. Win or lose – and there were times he
did lose – nothing could get him to change or stop his affirmation. That is how you
must be with the Word which tells you the truth about who you are and what you
have. Go with the Word consistently. Never let anything stop you from affirming
who you are and what belongs to you.

I see holy angels around me every day. I sense angels around
me. I can never walk alone. I am always with Jesus. I am a
multi-millionaire. I am rich. I am prosperous. I can never go
down. I can never be broke. I can never be poor. I am bigger
than anything that has ever happened. I am the best thing to
happen to the Earth!

FURTHER STUDY: Romans 10:17

Tuesday, 23 November THE WAIT IS OVER

Acts 1:8
But ye shall receive power, after that
the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and
ye shall be witnesses unto me both in
Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in
Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of
the earth.

A lot of Christians are asking God for power.

The truth is, no matter how much they fast,
pray, declare, or cry out to God, He is not
going to give them the power they are ask-
ing for because it was already given to them.
The problem is, they do not know the power
that they already have. You have been giv-
en power, dunamis, which translated from
the Greek means inherent power – power
that is residing in a thing by virtue of its na-
ture. This is not power that you need to try to
receive. As a Christian, you already have it.
This power resides inside of you, but it will not
do you or others any good unless you under-
stand what you have.

Dunamis power – the power you have – is power for performing miracles. It is moral
power and excellence of soul. It is the power and influence which belong to riches
and wealth. It is power and resources arising from numbers. And it is the power
consisting in or resting upon armies, forces, or hosts. The power you have inside you
is miraculous power, ability, abundance, strength, and might. You are not waiting
for power. You are a walking, talking powerhouse ready to take on any challenge
and fulfil any mission.

I am an end-time emissary of the Kingdom of God sent to cause
changes in this world. I am here on a mission, and that mission
will be accomplished without fail. I am endowed with power
which makes me a person of influence, excellence, and ability.

1 Corinthians 4:20; 2 Peter 1:3

Wednesday, 24 November YOUR FUTURE IS IN YOUR MOUTH

Romans 10:6,8
But the righteousness which is of faith
speaketh on this wise … The word is
nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy
heart: that is, the word of faith, which
we preach.

Everything you desire is already here. The

car you want, that four-bedroom house you
drive by and look at every evening, all the
cash you can carry, you name it. God is not
sending any of that down from His dwelling
place or sending angel Gabriel to deliver it
to your door. He has already given you every-
thing you need. But you say, I need money. I
need healing. I need my marriage restored.
I need my permanent visa. Where has God
given me everything I need? The answer is
simple: the Word is all you need.

People want me to prophecy a house or a

visa, but you have something better than
me prophesying to you. You have the Word
of God, which the Bible says is a more sure
word of prophecy. In fact, prophets who are
of God speak the Word of God. The biggest condition of a word spoken to you by
a true prophet is that you stay in the Word. The Word in your mouth is better than
Jesus coming down from Heaven. That is the expression of your faith, and for those
who deal with faith, the Word is enough. Only believe the Word of God and speak
it in faith. Then, you would never need a prophecy.

I live a prophesied life. Armed with the Word of Truth, I decree
things and bring them into being. I am not at the mercy of cir-
cumstances; I control them. As I speak in faith, the parliament
of Heaven is backing me up, and the grace that is at work in my
life will cause none of my words to fall to the ground.

2 Peter 1:19

Thursday, 25 November BE INDISPENSABLE

2 Corinthians 9:7
Let each one [give] as he has made up
his own mind and purposed in his heart,
not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under
compulsion, for God loves (He takes
pleasure in, prizes above other things,
and is unwilling to abandon or to do
without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to
do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giv-

There is a difference between being import-

ant and being valuable. We are all valuable
to God, but we are not all important. The Bi-
ble tells us that God sent His Son to die for
the whole world. That is how valuable every
single person is to God. But some manage to
increase their value from God’s perspective
and graduate from being valuable to being
important to Him. Today’s scripture gives you
a simple formula for getting on God’s VIP –
Very Important Person - exclusive list. There
is something God prizes above all other
things: above preaching, above prophesy-
ing, above prayer, even above soul-winning,
and that is a cheerful giver. You see, money is a tool for moving God’s Kingdom
agenda forward. God Himself declared that money causes His cities to be spread
abroad, not prayer, not preaching, not prophesying – money! Jesus spoke more
about money than about Heaven and Hell combined. So, how do you make your-
self a VIP to God? Be a giver who does not only give because the preacher asks
you to give, but one who gives as the Holy Spirit leads at any given opportunity.
And when you give, be joyful and quick to do it. He delights in the one who rec-
ognizes the privilege of partnering with Him to fulfil His purposes in the Earth and
who takes joy in doing it. God dearly loves, is well pleased with, and is unwilling to
abandon or do without such a person. Your attitude in giving can become your
best insurance policy. It can guarantee you a permanent position on God’s VIP

I have purposed in my mind and heart to be a giver. I am anoint-
ed to give, and as I do so, I am aligning my purpose with Heav-
en and fulfilling my priestly order. I bring joy to my Father’s heart
and cause the Gospel to reach the ends of the Earth. I am God’s
VIP, and I go anywhere without fear because God is unwilling to
do without me, His prompt, cheerful giver.

FURTHER STUDY: Zechariah 1:17


1 Corinthians 3:21
Therefore let no man glory in men. For
all things are yours.

Quite a few countries have their own credit

scoring systems. It is a system by which an in-
dividual’s financial information is disclosed to
certain lending institutions to determine how
good or bad of a financial risk you are. Credit
scores can impact the amount and terms of
loans, the cost of insurance, and how much
money is required for a deposit on housing,
utilities, or other things. If your credit score
is low, you are left with the least favourable
options, if any at all. If your credit score is
high, more financial options are available to
you and at better rates. That is why miracle
credit scores have become one of the most
sought-after miracles in our ministry. But there
is something even better than miracle credit
scores. It’s called grace.

God did not check your credit scores in order

to determine what He would give to you. He
does not look at your past or present performance to decide whether you are
good enough to qualify for the things that you want. He has qualified you with
His own goodness and placed you in perfect standing with Him by giving you His
own righteousness. The only collections on your record are goodness and mercy.
Through His grace, He has made it possible for you to access whatever you desire.
Do not fall into the trap of thinking God’s response is linked to your performance.
Society might have put you down and said that you were not good enough, but
God has raised you up. You are qualified by His grace, and all things are yours.

I decree a thing and make it so by the Grace which is at work in
my life. I am at the top and moving to greater heights. No man
can disqualify me because God has qualified me. Therefore,
there are no closed doors in my life, for the Grace of God has
granted me access, and I will not be denied.

Romans 8:32

Saturday, 27 November COPY QUALITY

1 Corinthians 11:1
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am
of Christ.

There are many trends but not many trend-

setters, because it is a difficult thing to set a
standard that other people want to follow.
It takes a certain grace to do that. For ex-
ample, if you know that fashionable dress-
ing is not your forte, the best thing is to find
a mentor – someone who has mastered the
art of fashion – and copy their style. See how
they put things together, how they stand,
how they move, how they walk, even how
they speak. You do not need to reinvent the
wheel and try to figure out how to start a new
trend. The same is true in the financial realm.
When you want to excel in a certain area of
business, find someone who has conquered
money and reached a certain level of finan-
cial dominion. Learn the best from the best,
because quality is copied.

The same is true in ministry. That is why Apos-

tle Paul could boldly say, follow me as I follow Christ. He knew that he was carrying
a certain grace that no one else had. He was mentored personally by the Lord Je-
sus Christ, and he had a certain way of presenting the Gospel, a certain style and
manner of speaking. The main reason churches don’t grow is there are ministry
leaders who put their own personality into the ministry when it was their mentor’s
personality that originally attracted the people. We do not have much time left
before the rapture takes place. Now more than ever, you must take advantage of
the grace that has been made available. Copy your mentor. Believe in him whom
God has sent. Do what your mentor does, and you’ll get your mentor’s results.

The unction that is upon my man of God’s life, my woman of
God’s life, their family’s lives, the millionaires in our ministry, that
unction that caused them to excel is upon me. The grace for
healing that is in this ministry is upon my life. The grace to spread
that is upon this ministry is upon my life. Every unction to function
is with me now in the mighty Name of Jesus!

Ephesians 5:1; Acts 4:13

Sunday, 28 November AVAILABLE FAITH

2 Corinthians 4:18
While we look not at the things which
are seen, but at the things which are
not seen: for the things which are seen
are temporal; but the things which are
not seen are eternal.

There is a paradox that exists in the life of

many Christians. From a strictly factual stand-
point, they appear to be broke. They look
at their bank accounts, and there is not one
comma in their bank balance to speak of.
There is only as much as a trinity of numbers.
That’s a fact. The reality, however, is it is im-
possible for you to be broke as a Christian.
But until you have awakened to this reality,
it is like a man entering a shop with multiple
millions in the bank but is unaware of it. He
moves around thinking he lacks resources to
get what he desires, when in truth, he could
own the whole store and the street it sits on.
It is important for you to understand that
there is a difference between facts and re-
ality. Facts are based on temporal circum-
stances, things we see that can be changed. But truth is by definition constant
and unchanging. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing. Hearing, in turn,
comes from the Word of God which is truth – constant and unchanging. Faith is
always available in the life of a Christian. That means you always have what you
need to change your circumstances. Faith is the currency of the spiritual realm,
and you are never without it. It is a gift given to you by God, and He will never
remove it. You can never bankrupt faith.

I have everything I need to get my miracle. By my faith, I get
my healing. I speak in faith and resurrect anything that appears
dead in my life. By faith, I call money into being, pass my ex-
ams, get a new house, obtain a new building, grow my church
or cell group, get a spouse, secure my marriage, and receive a
child. I am not hopeless or helpless. I am too rich in faith, and it
is impossible for me to go broke.

Hebrews 11

Monday, 29 November THE PHYSICS OF GRACE

Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through
faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the
gift of God: Not of works, lest any man
should boast.

In the Olympics, one of the most gruelling

competitions is the triathlon. It combines
swimming, distance running, and sand-
wiched in the middle is cycling. In the cycling
leg of the race, competitors use an interest-
ing strategy called drafting, a principle of
physics that reduces resistance. The basic
principle of drafting is the closer you get to
the cyclist in front of you, the less air resis-
tance you encounter. All of the resistance
you would encounter is negotiated by the
lead cyclist who is ahead of you. As a result,
you work less, use less energy, and gain the
advantage because of the work of the cy-
clist ahead of you.

Grace, like the lead cyclist or captain in a

bike race, came to give you the advantage.
It clears a path of least resistance for you. If you find yourself getting worn out and
expending unnecessary energy, that is a sign that you are doing all the work when
grace should be working for you. Rather than trying to do everything on your own,
use the physics of grace to your advantage. Physics is all about how things move
and the forces that make them move. In the physics of grace, the Holy Spirit is your
Coach – He will give you the best strategies; the Word of God is your compass giv-
ing you direction; faith is your bike – it is what you use to move towards your goal,
and angels are on your team ready to serve and assist in whatever way you need.
Stay close to the message of grace; keep it ever in front of you, and you will find
yourself winning with ease.

The finished work of Jesus Christ guarantees my victory in every
arena. I am focused on the finish line, set on the course that
I must follow. By the grace of God, I push down my enemies
and trample any obstacle that rises up against me. Indomitable
grace is at work in me, and everything I am involved in prospers.

Philippians 2:13

Tuesday, 30 November MONEY IS A TOOL

Ecclesiastes 10:19
A feast is made for laughter, and wine
maketh merry: but money answereth
all things.

Most people attend churches to get a mir-

acle that money can fix. In fact, ninety per
cent of prayer requests would disappear
if the requesters simply had enough mon-
ey. The Bible says that money answereth all
things. That means wherever you see people
struggling and arguing, the subject of mon-
ey has been introduced. Everything is tied
to money. The problem is many Christians
who need money the most are the ones who
speak most negatively about it.

Many Christians are uncomfortable talking

about money because they were taught
that money is inherently evil. It is not. Money
is spiritual. It takes the form of its owner and
listens to its owner. For example, the money
of a drug addict becomes drug money. The
money of a savvy business person becomes
an investment that makes more money. The money of a giver becomes seed.
Christians are the most qualified people to have money. We are the designated
caretakers of the wealth of this world. You are supposed to have money, you and
your generations. Learn to be comfortable talking about money in a positive way,
especially if you want more of it. Practice, and keep talking about it. As you keep
talking, money will answer.

Money will never be a problem for me. I have conquered mon-
ey. I can get it at any time. When there is no money, I create
it. My wallet has money. My bank account has money. I call
money into being. Money comes to me from everywhere, in the
Name of Jesus!

Proverbs 13:22

Wednesday, 1 December POWER OF THE WORD

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and pow-
erful, and sharper than any two-edged
sword, piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit, and of the
joints and marrow, and is a discerner
of the thoughts and intents of the heart

As we get into the festive season, it’s so im-

portant for you as a Christian to understand
and value the biggest GIFT you possess,
which is the word of God. You might be go-
ing through the toughest time of your life and
you’re struggling to see a way out, but I have
good news for you: the Word of God can lift
you from where you are to your next level of
glory and success. In today’s scripture, we
are reminded of the efficiency of this weap-
on we possess. So how do you make the
word work in that situation right now?

First, personalise the word. Personalising it

means you take it as God’s Word to you per-
sonally, and then act accordingly. The word
becomes a personal letter written to you by your father with full proof of every
benefit that belongs to you. The Word won’t work for you just because it exists in
the pages of the Bible; you have to work it out. Use the Word to create and sustain
your victories in life. Every time you study, hear or meditate on the Word, take
possession of it; make it yours, and it’ll become a force in your spirit that causes
you to be a powerhouse.

The Lord Jesus said, “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask
what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7). This means that with the
Word in you, you can ask anything you want, and even if it doesn’t exist, it’ll be
created hallelujah! The Word in your mouth is a creative force; it brings miracles!

The word in me is my strongest weapon. I can speak anything
into existence, and I always have a way out through the word. I
shall never lose - forward ever, backward never!

Philippians 2:12

Thursday, 2 December I AM ALL THAT!

Philemon 1:6
That the communication of thy faith
may become effectual by the ac-
knowledging of every good thing
which is in you in Christ Jesus

Today’s scripture touches so many people

reading this right now. How many negative
things have you said about yourself over the
years? For your faith to be effective, you must
acknowledge every good thing that’s in you,
in Christ Jesus. A lot of Christians only look for
and acknowledge negative things in their
lives. Statements like; “I have a bad temper.
I never get anything right. I’m just a nobody;
I don’t know what is happening to me....”
Talking yourself down like that will make your
faith defective and ineffective. Instead, look
and see the perfections of Christ in you.

Acknowledge every good thing in you in

Christ Jesus. Never voice your seeming inabil-
ities, disabilities, or frustrations; rather, affirm
the Word and the good things in you. There
are good things in you. If you don’t know what they are, then look into the Word to
find out. Galatians 5:22 highlights some of the good things in you: love, joy, peace,
patience, gentleness, goodness and faith. These are features of your recreated
human spirit. Acknowledge that you’re loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, gentle,
good and meek; otherwise, even with these virtues in you, they’ll not work.

If you don’t acknowledge who you are and what you have in Christ Jesus; you
walk in darkness, living like ordinary men even though God has declared us to be
gods. You are the God-kind. You’re sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. The excellence
of the Spirit is in you. Acknowledge and affirm this. Keep telling yourself that you
are all that!!

I am born of God therefore excellent. I see and say only the best
about me. God has already told me who I am, and it shall re-
main so! I am excellent, I am successful, I am full of knowledge
of the word, I am loved, I am a champion and I shall NEVER fail
– I am ALL THAT!

Matthew 12:35; Psalm 82:5-7

Friday, 3 December I AM A VICTOR

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work to-
gether for good to them that love God,
to them who are called according to
his purpose

As a Christian, you can never be a victim of

circumstances. You may have been evicted,
you may have lost your job, business, and ev-
erything you once had but it shouldn’t make
you a victim. The fact that you went through
terrible ordeals because your parents aban-
doned you while you were young shouldn’t
be an excuse for you to live as a victim. Face
life’s circumstances head-on, with the smile
of a victor and the attitude of a king, be-
cause greater is He that’s in you, than all the
troubles in the world. The Word of God says,
“And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God, to them
who are called according to his purpose”
(Romans 8:28). This isn’t addressed to ev-
erybody in the world, but to those that love
God—the new creation—they’re the ones
for whom this will work. Everything in life has been programmed to work in your
favour. There isn’t anything that could happen on this earth to your disadvantage.

A Christian can only be defeated by his own choice, permission, or ignorance.

God said my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. We’re so blessed of
God that even in the face of our own mistakes and errors, He doesn’t blame us. He
always has a way out. He’s wisdom personified. When you’re in any predicament,
even if self-inflicted, right there in that trouble, in humility, say, “Lord, how do I get
out?” “What do I do?” and in love, receive His guidance. He’ll answer you faster
than you would imagine. His love for us is what compels Him to relate with us that
way. Therefore, no matter what happens to or with you, refuse to be a victim or be
intimidated; you’re a victor in Christ Jesus. Put the word to work today as a victor.

By the Spirit of God in me, I can never be disadvantaged. All
things are working in my favour because I love God. I am a
champion; I am a victor, I am a success, I am excellent – Glory
be to God.


Saturday, 4 December FEEDING ON GOOD NEWS

Matthew 4:4
...It is written, Man shall not live by
bread alone, but by every word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of God...

There has never been a time when the world

was so health conscious as it is now. Even
major food companies are now lessening
the content of sugar or salt in popular food
items in a bid to help people stay ‘healthi-
er’. But with all this effort, still, there are those
who from eating all the wrong things, have
put their health in jeopardy.

It’s the same thing spiritually. As a Christian,

you must feed on the right information. You
must feed your faith with the Word of God.
Some Christians would rather feed their fears
than feed their faith. You feed your fears
when you give attention to wrong informa-
tion. When you pay too much attention to
negative things people say or keep the com-
pany of people who will never have anything
good to say, you kill all the nutrients your spirit
has gained through the right word which is the good news of Jesus Christ.

You see, the effect of feeding on wrong information may not be seen overnight;
it can take time for one to start noticing that they’re getting weaker and weaker
spiritually. Before long, he’s no longer as fervent in spiritual things as he used to
be. Then, his life takes a completely different turn from God’s original plan. Give
attention to the right information. Fortify and energize your spirit for success with
God’s Word. As you feed your spirit with the Word, you’ll be able to produce every
good thing you.

I am encouraged in the Word as I keep my eyes stayed on Him.
I shall not be moved by the wrong news – I am motivated purely

Matthew 4:4

Sunday, 5 December I AM A MASTER SOUL WINNER

Luke 15:7
I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be
in heaven over one sinner that repen-
teth, more than over ninety and nine
just persons, which need no repen-

In this era of social media, it’s so easy for

Christians to give attention to things that
aren’t so important. A lot of people strive to
be famous and gain human recognition, but
this is not what God wants. When you even-
tually stand before the Master, He won’t ask
for your degree or the awards you received
from men or the wealth you amassed while
on earth. Rather, He’ll be interested in what
you did with the Gospel in saving souls. It’s
clear from our scripture what God is after; He
wants you to love Him and live for Him as His
partner in soul winning.

Living for the Lord and partnering with Him to

win the lost is the highest calling and greatest
honour! Every soul on earth is valuable to God. He ransomed all men with the
precious blood of His Son, Jesus. That’s why when one sinner repents, there’s joy
in heaven. We therefore have the responsibility of taking His Gospel to the ends of
the earth; the salvation of souls should be our passion.

Plan a personal soul-winning outreach during this Christmas period. The birth of
Jesus has reconciled even the worst sinner to God. Talk to your schoolmates, tell
your work colleagues, your hair stylist, your taxi driver - everyone you come in con-
tact with.
Become a master soul winner!

I understand my purpose on earth: to be your light, a minister of
reconciliation, pointing men to the good news of Jesus Christ.
Thank you Lord for making me a master soul winner.

John 3:16

Monday, 6 December SEE

1 John 3:1
Behold, what manner of love the Father
hath bestowed upon us, that we should
be called the sons of God: therefore the
world knoweth us not, because it knew
him not.

I would like you to notice something in to-

days’ scripture. It begins with the word “Be-
hold,” which means, “See!” The same word is
used in 2 Corinthians 5:17; it says, “Therefore
if any man be in Christ, he is a new crea-
ture: old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new.” Now that you’re in
Christ, you ought to “see” that all things are
now new.

If that isn’t what you’re seeing, it means

you’re looking at the wrong thing. You’re not
supposed to see the old, weak, sickly, poor
and struggling “you”; that person doesn’t ex-
ist anymore. You must see yourself differently
now. Even if you gave yourself to Christ just
last night, that ‘old’ you doesn’t exist any-
more. You might live in the same house or in the same job, it doesn’t change the
fact that you’re no longer the same. You’re now the God-Kind.

This kind of sight means to see from a spiritual standpoint, to see with the eyes of
the Spirit. He wants you to “see” that you’re righteous, prosperous, and sound. See
that God has lavished His love on you and has accepted you. See that God is with
you, and in you everywhere you go.

I am worthy, I am righteous, I am not sickly nor am I poor. I see
what God sees. Everything He said about me is the only truth I
choose to see in the name of Jesus!!

2 Corinthians 4:17-18


Ephesians 6:13
Wherefore take unto you the whole ar-
mour of God, that ye may be able to
withstand in the evil day....

Some Christians think the evil day

spoken of in today’s scripture is some
judgement day that will take place on
the earth that will be so evil. It is not so.
The evil day is when all hell breaks loose
against you; it’s when you receive an
eviction notice, it’s when the doctor
breaks the worst news you weren’t ex-
pecting! The evil day is when challeng-
es suddenly arise at work; it’s a figura-
tive expression for the day of crisis.

This is the reason why, as a Christian, it’s

so important that you learn the Word of
God in the days of peace, and have
it inside you, so that in the day of crisis,
you’ll be untouchable. You see, in the
day of crisis, it’s only what you have inside you that’ll carry you over to
the other side unscathed. If you don’t have substance of the Word in
you, then the evil day will be just that to you – pure evil.

You can win every day by simply acting on God’s Word.

I’m an overcomer in all things because your Word has infused
me with the ability to do the impossible. The word is at work in
me and producing results. I am ready for any evil day as I can
withstand it through the word.

Colossians 3:16

Wednesday, 8 December MY WEALTHY PLACE

Psalm 18:19
He brought me forth also into a large
place; he delivered me, because he
delighted in me

A common problem among some

of God’s people is this never-end-
ing mindset of thinking God is happy
seeing them living from pay-check to
pay-check. As a Christian, you should
have no sense of lack, disadvantage,
or limitation. Whatever you’re looking
for, be it spiritual or material, you have
an abundance of. “A large place”
as pointed out in the scripture above
means a wealthy place. Being born
again, you’re the seed of Abraham,
and a joint heir with Christ. Essentially,
this means the whole world belongs to
you. It’s too late for you to be poor or
be counted as the poor. The only way
you can be poor is by choice or igno-
rance, because God has already brought you out of poverty into your
wealthy place.

God is delighted in you. Not because of what you’ve done but be-
cause of what Jesus Christ has done for you. You’ve already been de-
livered and brought into ‘a large place’ that knows no lack. Walk tall
today knowing all things are yours. You’ve been delivered and brought
into the land of milk and honey.

Today I am going to produce results. Everything I touch shall be-
gin to flourish more than ever before. Thank you Lord for bringing
me into my wealthy place.

2 Peter 1:3

Thursday, 9 December SHOUT OF VICTORY

Psalm 47:1
O clap your hands, all ye people; shout
unto God with the voice of triumph

The kind of shout described here is not

just any shout for the sake of it, it’s a
shout of victory. Some people shout
out of fear, but in Christianity we shout
in victory. We shout unto the Lord with
the voice of triumph. It’s like the shout
the children of Israel gave in conquer-
ing Jericho. As they journeyed to the
Promised Land, they got to Jericho, but
the city was fortified with thick and im-
posing walls (Joshua 6:1).

The Lord, however, gave Joshua the

strategy to conquer Jericho. It was the
“shout strategy”. Some people don’t
understand it when we shout; it’s spiri-
tual. The Bible tells us about Jesus, that
He “...shall descend from heaven with
a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:
and the dead in Christ shall rise first:” (1 Thessalonians 4:16).
There’s no victory without a shout. When you face challenges, shout,
not in exasperation, but in triumph. Even when you’re not happy, shout!
Even now, shout aloud with the voice of triumph; it’s an act of faith.
Shout and declare that you’ve won. The future can depend on your
shouting; so don’t keep quiet; shout your victory.

As I shout a victory shout, everything that was standing in my
way today is null and void in Jesus name. Thank you Lord Jesus
– I have won!!

Psalm 5:11

Friday, 10 December I AM GUARDED!

Proverbs 4:23
Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out
of it are the issues of life.

As a Christian, you are to constantly

read and meditate on God’s Word so
it can abide in your hearts. When your
heart is filled with God’s Word, you are
protecting yourself from everything
opposite of what the Word tells you.
Guarding your heart is keeping you
away from false doctrine, deceit, and
unbelief. Your actions come directly
from the things you think and believe.
If your heart is overflowing with the right
things, you will surely have the God-
kind motives and you will move in that
direction. Likewise, if your heart is over-
flowing with the wrong things, you will
have bad motives and head down the
wrong path.

What you listen to, and watch has a tremendous impact on your ac-
tions. Therefore, it is extremely important to load your heart with God’s
Word. What you speak over your life determines what is in your heart.
“The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will
eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21).
Your heart holds the concerns of your life when you don’t load up on
God’s Word and this is why it is very hard to live a joyous life. Jesus said,
“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more
abundantly.” (John 10:10). When you find yourself in a bad situation,
you can guard your heart by meditating on what God says about you.

As I guard my heart with His Word, nothing shall remove me from
my course. My eyes, heart and mouth are fixed on Jesus. Praise
the Lord, I am full of His Word!

Mark 7:20-23

Saturday, 11 December DECEPTION IMMUNITY!

James 1:22
But be ye doers of the Word, and not
hearers only, deceiving your own

The type of deception in this verse is not

owned by the devil. Actually, you deceive
yourself when you just hear the Word and
then go about your business. When you im-
plement the Word, you get God-kind results.
Some people believe that hearing the Word
from their leader on Sunday’s is enough. This
is an error. You must load yourself with the
Word and then go do it. You may not hit the
ball out of the park the first time, but practice
produces confidence. You can never fail to
execute the Word!

Jesus will never tell you to do something

that you cannot do. The Bible tells us that “I
can do all things through Christ Jesus who
strengthens us. “(Philippians 4:13). The Word
is a fail proof system, but you must work it
for it to work. Hallelujah! If you want to lose
weight, work the Word. If you want to make more money, work the Word. You are
unstoppable with the Word!

You will not have victory from just hearing the Word. Change your strategy today
if you know you need to implement the Word better. Going forward expect what
the Word says you can have and do not settle for anything else. Keep working the
Word even when it seems like nothing is changing because the situation must bow
to the Word. Cheer up, the Word works!

I will hear and do what the Word says I can do. I am a proof pro-
ducing Christian. I will never be deceived. Everything that was
held up in my life is now released because of the Word working
in me! Thank you Lord Jesus for the victory!

Luke 6:46-48

Sunday, 12 December ABUNDANT KINDNESS!

Ephesians 4:32
And be ye kind one to another, ten-
der-hearted, forgiving one another,
even as God for Christ’s sake hath for-
given you.

Forgiveness is part of your DNA. Normally

when someone is being rude or disrespectful,
it is because they have an ought or grudge
against that person. Christians must be kind
and forgive others because Christ forgave
us. This is not the easiest thing to do because
forgiving someone seems like they are get-
ting off the hook. Not so! When you align your
character with the Word, you become more
Christ-like and eventually forgiveness will be

Being tender-hearted is a strength, not a

weakness. People will try to test you but since
you are Christ-like, you will always pass your
test. The Bible tells us that, “Only by pride
cometh contention; but with the well ad-
vised is wisdom” (Proverbs 13:10). Wisdom will
keep you on the ‘kindness, tender-hearted and forgiveness’ road. Keep walking
on that road and you will disarm all contentious situations.

When you feel like you need to give someone a piece of your mind, remember
what Christ has done for you. Being kind and forgiving people adds value to you,
even if it doesn’t feel like it. Visualize yourself treating everyone with kindness and
forgiveness. You will be amazed at how fast you grow spiritually. Practice kindness
and forgiveness today, you will have a brighter future because you did.

Christ has forgiven me, and I will forgive others. I will be kind to
everyone. I will never hold a grudge or have unforgiveness. I am
free in Christ Jesus!

Colossians 3:12-13

Monday, 13 December JOINT HEIRS WITH CHRIST!

Galatians 4:7
Wherefore thou are no more a servant,
but a son; and if a son, then an heir of
God through Christ.

The moment you received the life of Christ,

you became an heir of God. You are no
longer a servant but a child that has access
to all of the Father’s benefits. Regardless of
where you are in life, you are joint heirs with
Christ. A servant begs for something but not a
son or a daughter. Praise the Lord! You do not
have to wait in line for anything, you have full
access and authority. Keep rehearsing this
daily and let it get deep down in your spirit.
You are a child of God, the God-kind heir!

It may be difficult to see yourself as a joint

heir with Christ. We must say what God says
about us. When you are struggling with being
a joint heir with Christ, make sure you are ex-
ercising this scripture, “Casting down imag-
inations, and every high thing that exalteth
itself against the knowledge of God, and
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians
10:5). Never let your circumstances or past dictate who God says you are.

When you know you are a joint heir with Christ, your step and speech will be a
witness. You are born from royalty and greatness lives in you! Never live beneath
your God-kind benefits. Go and function as an heir with boldness. Nothing and no
one can stop you. Shout because you are no longer a servant but an heir of God
through Christ.

I am a child of God. I know I am a joint heir with Christ. Nothing
will change my mind about who I am through Christ. Hallelujah!

Romans 8:17

Tuesday, 14 December YOU ARE DIFFERENT!

1 Peter 1:16
Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am

Holy is not a spiritual word that you must try

to live up. The word holy simply means “to be
separate”. Put that revision into the scripture
and you will get, “Be ye separate; for I am
separate”. Jesus is in a class all by himself. He
has no competition. The word “be” is not a
commandment but a more of a reminder of
who you are. You do not become holy; you
are automatically holy because God is holy.

You are not of this world. Once you have re-

ceived the life of Christ you were removed
from corruption and born of the incorruptible
seed. This is good news! Read the Word daily
to become more confident in who you are.
You do not go to the places that you used to
because of your works but because of the
goodness of the Lord! He is far from any other
god and so are you. Being separate is not a
weakness. You stand out among the crowd
when you do what the Word says you can do. People will be amazed and wonder
how you obtain your results outside of the worldly system.

When you do it God’s way, you get God-results. Begin to produce what the Word
says you can do. Nothing can prevent you from making a mark on this earth. You
have the Holy God backing you up and the Host of Heaven. You are victorious
through Christ Jesus! You are not an average person; you are the God-kind.

I am holy because God is holy. I will always make an impact
wherever I go. I am different from the world because of Jesus.
Praise the Lord!

John 17:14

Wednesday, 15 December THINK LIKE GOD!

Philippians 2:5
Let this mind be in you, which was also
in Christ Jesus.

Did you know that you have the ability to

function exactly like Jesus did on earth? You
do. The same mind which was also in Christ
Jesus is the same mind that He wants to be
in you. Nothing short of it. This mind will cause
you to dominate in every area of your life.
This mind will have you walking and talking
exactly like Jesus. Amen! You can have what
the Word says you can have because you
think like Christ.

The Bible teaches, “Do not be conformed

to this world, but be transformed by the re-
newing of your mind, so that you may prove
what the will of God is, that which is good
and acceptable and perfect,” (Romans
12:2). You do not have to create any strate-
gy on your own because the Word is already
perfect. Trust and believe the Word, it will al-
ways work. When you think like Christ you will
overcome evil with good.

Renew your mind by consuming the Word daily. You will not be associated with
any worldly customs or values, but you will be loaded with Kingdom purpose. You
will never question who you are or why you were put on this earth to do again. You
have the mind of Christ. Shout because you have everything you need to fulfil the
call on your life. Hallelujah!

I have the mind of Christ. I think like Christ, speak like Christ and
function like Christ. I know the will God has for my life. Thank
you Lord!

1 Corinthians 2:16

Thursday, 16 December NEW CREATURE!

Colossians 3:3
For ye are dead, and your life is hidden
with Christ in God.

Do not worry about what you used to be.

Your life now is hidden in Christ. You do not
respond to things the way you did before
because you are dead to that old person.
When Jesus rose with all power, your new
identity was included. This new life is not
based on your age, skin color or gender.
It is simply based on the goodness of God.
Your behaviour or speech might not change
immediately but over time you will see the
progress. You are hidden in Christ, old things
have passed away, behold, all things have
become new.

Your mind still has some memories of the old

person, but you must believe and confess
that you are a new creature in Christ. Re-
member, you are dead, and your life is hid-
den with Christ in God. Confess who you are
everyday until you no longer need remind-
ers. The Lord is with you and in you. Glory be to God! Set your mind on the things
above and receive His endless supply of love. You cannot stay the same when you
totally surrender to God.

Christ is your life. He must be demonstrated each and every day. The more you
practice the Word the more you realize that your life is hidden with Christ. You were
placed into the realm of God where you are one with Christ. The life you now live,
you live for Jesus Christ.

I am a new creature in Christ. Christ in me the hope of Glory.
My identity is in Christ Jesus. I live because He lives. Glory be
to God!

Galatians 2:20

Friday, 17 December ROOTED IN JESUS

Luke 6:43
For a good tree bringeth not forth cor-
rupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree
bring forth good fruit.

In the text, the trees mentioned are spiritual

trees. Every tree started out as a seed. If you
did not know it, words are seeds. Overtime,
anyone will be able to tell the seeds you
invested in by the fruit it produces. Corrupt
fruit is of the flesh. Good fruit is of the Spir-
it. To be rooted in Jesus you must have His
Word planted in your heart. When your heart
is changed your actions will change. Mem-
orizing the Word is not enough. You need to
become one with the Word to produce the
fruit of the Spirit.

If we take this scripture in the natural sense,

ask yourself,” Could someone live off of the
fruit that you produce? “Will it cause corrup-
tion or bring goodness to their life. It is always
good to take inventory of your fruit. Produc-
ing bad fruit may be understandable as a
new believer, but a mature Christian should produce good fruit. When you are
really rooted in Jesus, you will always produce good fruit.

You can rejoice knowing that you are rooted in Christ. Even if you had some bad
apples here and there, you will produce good apples going forward. Praise the
Lord! Practice the Word daily to identify any weak areas so you can produce
good fruit. We are told by the Bible that, “The Sower went forth to sow and some
fell into good ground, and brought for the fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold
and some thirtyfold.” (Matthew 13:8). Shout for your hundredfold!

I am rooted in Christ Jesus. Every seed that was not planted by
Jesus is uprooted now. I will only produce the fruit of the Spirit! I
am good ground. Thank you Jesus.

Psalm 1:3

Saturday, 18 December PRIDE DETECTOR!

Proverbs 13:10
Only by pride cometh contention; but
with the well advised is wisdom.

Pride is one of the things that God hates. As a

Christian, you want to make sure you stay far
away from operating in pride. Nothing good
comes from operating in pride, just take a
look at the devil. Pride will have you think
that you know everything and that you can
do no wrong. This is very dangerous. When
you get into any conflict or argument know
that pride is at the root. You do not need to
explain yourself in any contentious situation
because it will only escalate.

Wisdom is the only solution when there is con-

tention. You may need to walk away quickly
or focus on something else before you regret
saying or doing something. When wisdom
is part of the equation, you can guarantee
that humility will be present. Humbling your-
self seems like the hardest thing to do but
know that you are glorifying God when you
operate in humility. When you resist the devil, he will flee from you.

It is not worth getting into a shouting match with anyone. Study the Word to help
you identify those triggers in your life. Pain will teach you what pride prevented
you from learning. Do not learn the hard way, there is no need to. Be the one who
will deescalate any situation because you have the wisdom of God.

I will humble myself before God. Contention is not my portion. I
will only operate in wisdom. Praise Jesus!

James 4:6

Sunday, 19 December GREATNESS DWELLS IN YOU!

1 John 4:4
Ye are of God, little children, and have
overcome them because greater is
He that is in you, than he that is in the

You have God living on the inside of

you. That alone gives you victory over
every situation. You may not realize
that you are an overcomer because of
who lives in you, but you are. The devil is
very bad and will constantly try to con-
vince you of the total opposite of who
God says you are. The devil is a liar. The
one who created the heavens and the
earth, the one who is madly in love with
you lives on the inside of you. Glory be
to God! You will never fail with the King
of Glory dwelling in you.

You are of God so that makes you the

God-kind. Dogs make dogs, cats make cats and God makes gods! De-
feat is not in your story. Depression is afraid of you. Lack has been kicked
out of your blood line. Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the
world. The devil can never overcome you. Jesus already overcame the
devil. Rejoice because you are more than conquerors through him that
loved us (Romans 8:37).

Begin to function with boldness knowing that Christ dwells in you. The
God in you alone is greater than the devil. Now add the Body of Christ
to that. There is no other option but to win. Shout because Jesus has set
you up for success. Victory is inevitable. Dominion is guaranteed. Health
is automatic. Hallelujah!

As I declare victory, nothing can stop the plans of God over my
life. My family is blessed. My business is blessed. I can never be
defeated. Praise His Holy Name!

Colossians 1:27

Monday, 20 December CONSISTENT PEACE!

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which pass-
eth all understanding, shall keep your
hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

You will go through tough times as Christian.

Your title, age, social status, or gender does
not exempt you from life challenges. Rest
assured that Jesus understands what you go
through every single time. You have God’s
peace to carry you through every obstacle.
Whether you lost a loved one, struggling fi-
nancially or received devastating news, the
Peace of God is there for you. When life hap-
pens, it can seem like the wind is knocked
out of your chest. Never believe that there
is no hope. Always confess that Peace of
God shall keep your heart and mind through
Christ Jesus.

The Peace of God is not like man. You will not

be able to explain how you feel when you
allow the Peace of God to rule your heart
and mind. The Bible teaches, “Peace I leave
with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let
not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. “(John 14:27). l. You can have
consistent peace by receiving the Peace of God. Fear will have to go!

Jesus is more than willing to keep your heart and mind through challenges, but you
have to let Him in. He does not want you to worry or lose sleep over a situation that
you have no control over anyway. Give Him your problems today in exchange for
His Peace. You are better today because you have the Peace of God. You will
never be sad another day because you are kept by the Master.

I have the Peace of God in me. No situation can take me away
from His Peace. My heart and mind are at Peace because of
Christ Jesus. Glory be to His Holy Name!

John 16:33

Tuesday, 21 December EMBRACE THE NEW YOU!

1 Corinthians 6:11
And such were some of you: but ye are
washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye
are justified in the name of the Lord Je-
sus, and by the Spirit of our God.

As the festive season is in full swing, it’s very

important that you become even more con-
scious of the value you carry through the
birth of Jesus Christ.

Did you know that as one who’s born again,

it’s wrong for you to keep seeing yourself as
“a sinner?” Many live with this mentality and
it reveals why they’re struggling in their Chris-
tian walk. Now that you’re born again, your
life is new and divine; therefore, embrace
the picture of the new you. You’re the righ-
teousness of God in Christ Jesus; as Jesus is,
so are you in this world.

Quit saying statements like, “I’m not worthy”,

“I am not holy”, “I am not righteous” etc,
Christ is your holiness, He made you worthy
through his perfect plan of salvation. Have a greater consciousness of your new
life in Christ. That life gives you power to live above sin. You may ask, “If this is true,
why do I still do wrong things and think wrong thoughts?” It’s because you haven’t
fully yielded and subjected yourself to the dominion of the Word, to live in, and by
the Word. Recognise your new identity; see the picture of the new you and live
accordingly. Study and meditate on the Word; it shows your real glory. Embrace
the new you!

I am a brand-new creature fully immersed in the Holy Spirit. My
life is made perfect through Jesus Christ. I am the righteousness
of God in Christ Jesus!

1 Corinthians 6:9-11


Acts 20:24
But none of these things move me, nei-
ther count I my life dear unto myself, so
that I might finish my course with joy,
and the ministry, which I have received
of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of
the grace of God.

Never be bothered when you see yourself go

through tests and trials; the Lord allows them
because He knows the stuff you’re made
of. You’re more than a conqueror (Romans
8:37); you always win. You reign and rule in
union with Christ; nothing can put you down.
The fiercer the challenges you face, the
greater your victories and testimonies.

Look at today’s scripture. According to

Apostle Paul, it makes no difference, the ad-
versities we face; we stand strong and tough
in the Holy Ghost! We affirm, “None of these
things move me.” Hallelujah!

Occasionally, your commitment to Christ

and convictions about the Gospel will be tested; as someone who lives by God’s
Word, you’ll surely be persecuted. But be of good cheer, because greater is He
that’s in you than all your adversaries and persecutors put together. They may
come out against you one way, but they’ll flee before you seven ways.

Christ in you has made you tougher than you realise. Awaken to the reality of just
how powerful you are over any circumstance. The birth and resurrection of Jesus
Christ ensured that you become this creature that can never be shaken.
You shall continue to advance despite those challenges.

I tower far above persecutions. I shall not faint under pressure
whatsoever; I am strong and I am tough. I was born to rule and
rule I shall! Glory be to God!

James 1:2

Thursday, 23 December I AM LIGHT

1 Peter 2:9
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar
people; that ye should shew forth the
praises of him who hath called you out
of darkness into his marvellous light:

Because it’s Christmas time, We see an array

of so many beautiful lights lighting up and
decorating streets, homes and establish-
ments alike. So many lights everywhere you
go. What comes to mind with all these festive
lights is today’s verse.

Now the Bible lets us know that God is “Light”

and the “father of lights”; therefore, we’re
children of Light, dwelling in the light. That’s
what we read in scripture above; we’ve
been brought into God’s marvellous light;
that’s your location in the realm of the spirit;
you live in His awe- inspiring light. Therefore,
there’s no darkness whatsoever in your life.
The lights in the world have on and off switch-
es, not so with the light in Christ, it can never
be turned off.

Jesus in John 8:12; He said, “...I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall
not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” We have, and must walk in
the same light in which God dwells and functions. This means we’re to walk in His
Word, for His Word is light. Walking in His light means your mindset and perceptions
are a result of the Word; you view and live your life only from the perspective of
the Word! God’s Word should be the only light by which, and with which you see.
Under that light, you see only possibilities and victories; you see the glory of God.
Begin to walk in that light as you celebrate this season. Let His word light up your
path – you shall never be confused or lack direction again!

I have been brought out of darkness and into the Kingdom of
God’s love and light. I shall experience no evil, no sickness, no
death or corruption. I am surrounded by LIGHT! Thank you Lord

Colossians 1:12-13

Friday, 24 December WHY CHRISTMAS?

2 Peter 1:3
According as his divine power hath
given unto us all things that pertain unto
life and godliness, through the knowl-
edge of him that hath called us to glory
and virtue.

As the years go by, Christmas has become

more and more commercial than spiritual.
Big and small corporations alike take advan-
tage of the season to maximise profits. Par-
ents scramble to get presents for their chil-
dren and preparations for family meals on
Christmas day are well underway.
But what is the real reason behind Christmas?
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of
Jesus Christ. Christ, the Messiah came in the
flesh; He came to live amongst us and is now
in our hearts. Christianity is the divine life of
Christ operating in a person. To be a Chris-
tian means Christ has taken up His residence
in your spirit; you’ve become God’s dwelling
place; His living headquarters.
This is what Jesus made possible for us. He
didn’t come just to die for our sins, but to give us the God-kind of life. God made us
humans but wanted us to have His kind of life. His plan, according to the Scriptures,
was that Jesus would be the one to give us that life, and that we should receive it
through faith. This life in you is immune to infection because it’s divine. No wonder
we’re called associates of the God-kind; partakers of the divine nature.
This is what someone needs to hear today - the life of Christ, the Good News! Tell
them that life is imparted into the spirit of anyone who receives Christ Jesus as Lord.
You can become a partaker of this supernatural life right now by asking Jesus to
be the Lord of your life. That’s why He came: to give you eternal life and make you
one with God; and that’s the reason for Christmas.

The life of God is working in me; in every fiber of my being, in ev-
ery cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. That makes
me victorious and triumphant over sickness, disease, and the
negative systems of this world. I reign in life by Jesus Christ. Hal-

2 Peter 1:4


John 1:14
And the Word was made flesh, and
dwelt among us…

The Bible says in the book of Genesis chapter

3, Adam and Eve heard the voice of the Lord
God walking in the Garden, in the cool of the
day. Prophets in the Old Testament heard
a voice in their spirits, while others heard a
voice from above; they, however, didn’t see
a form or a shape to that voice.

But when the baby Jesus was born in Beth-

lehem, it was that same voice that Adam
and the prophets heard that was born in
flesh, glory be to God! Jesus was always the
Word of God in the bosom of the Father. But
now, “…the Word was made flesh, and dwelt
among us. Jesus wasn’t conceived like ev-
erybody else; He was conceived of the Holy
Ghost and became flesh. What a miracle!
The most amazing part of this intrusion into
the sense realm wasn’t only that He put on
flesh, and dwelt among men, but that He
was the Father’s unflinching, unfailing and unconditional love manifested. His
words, actions and miracles were all love-inspired. Jesus is God’s love in flesh. Love
is the totality of His personality. Jesus couldn’t choose whether to love you or not
to love you. He could only love you. This Christmas, gather your family and reflect
on Jesus as the demonstration of God’s love for you! To have given Himself as a
ransom for your sins. He said in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, than
to lay down one’s life for his friends.” He did just that for us!

If you awaken to this truth, it’ll suddenly stir up your spirit. You’ll never be discour-
aged, fearful, afraid, intimidated, or ashamed, irrespective of the challenges.

Merry Christmas!

Thank you, Lord, for demonstrating your love for me in such a
special way. I’ll forever be thankful and conscious of your love
and express the same to my world in Jesus Name!

John 15:12-13

Sunday, 26 December A PERFECT PLAN

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” de-
clares the LORD, “plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future.

If a multi-billionaire were to step into your

bedroom today, wake you up, just to tell
you he had a PERFECT plan for your life to
change for the better, what would your reac-
tion be? Many would jump up and scream or
cry tears of joy in excitement for this promise.
Now, this scripture here has been in the Bible
for thousands of years coming from someone
better than any wealthy man you can think
of. His kind of wealth supersedes just material
things, his wealth cures sickness, it cures de-
pression, it cures and restores your family. Yet
as you read the scripture just now you didn’t
jump up or scream in excitement. You see,
God has a plan for your life, an excellent one
at that! If you know how to provide for your
own family, just think what the creator Him-
self can do for you.

(AMPC) says, “For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated
in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God pre-
destined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of
time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and
made ready for us to live].”
God’s plan is the best; your role is to discover that plan and walk in the light of it. As
you study and meditate on the Word, you become more and more acquainted
with His plans for your life. Also, you must yield yourself to the ministry of the Holy
Spirit. He’s the One who helps you understand the Scriptures. He grants you insight
into the mysteries and realities of the Kingdom. He’s in you to help you fulfil God’s
plan for your life.

God’s plans for me are excellent! I speak that excellence in my
life today. Everything I touch and everything I do I SHALL SUC-
CEED in Jesus Name!

Ephesians 2:10

Monday, 27 December MORE LIKE JESUS

2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with open face beholding
as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are
changed into the same image from
glory to glory…

In this season of celebration and antici-

pation of a new year, a lot of reflection
on what the year has been can easily
go wrong. The ‘I should’ve done this’ or
‘I missed that opportunity’ lines start to
gather in one’s mind. So it’s easy to
look at yourself and not see what God
says you are. A lot of Christians are guilt
ridden having to complete another
year with mediocrity still plaguing them.

You may say “What’s really there to

celebrate? Life has been so difficult.”
When you think or talk like that, you’re
going in the wrong direction. Stop look-
ing at circumstances; look at the Word.

The scripture reminds us that we ought to move from one level of glory
to another. The image of your life has to be more like what God says
about it not what you see around you or what others say about you. The
more you look into the word, the more you become it, it should be like
a reflection in the mirror.

I shall grow more spiritually than I’ve ever done. Everyday I
spend in the word I begin to look more and more like it. My
life shall become exactly what the word says it should be. I am
blessed beyond measure hallelujah!

Ephesians 5:1-2

Tuesday, 28 December GIVER BY NATURE

Acts 20:35
It is more blessed to give than to re-

Today’s scripture speaks of and translates

itself quite adequately. It simply states - It’s
better to be a giver than to always be on the
receiving end.

If the festive season teaches us anything, it

teaches us that God the father is a giver. He
gave the ultimate gift and we are enjoying
that perfect gift for all eternity.

A true Christian who is Christ-like will never

be a stingy Christian. A true Christian is a giv-
ing Christian. One who is concerned about
the well-being of others, one who meets the
need of his church and one who gives to
those in need. Decide to be a giver by na-
ture today. Let it be a part of your character.
If you were one already, ask yourself what
you can do better this coming year through
your giving.

I am a giver by nature. It is my culture as a Christian to give.
Thank you Lord for providing the seed, I shall sow and contin-
ue to reap great harvests for the sake of the kingdom in Jesus

2 Corinthians 9:7

Wednesday, 29 December BELIEVE AND SPEAK

2 Corinthians 4:13
We, having the same spirit of faith, ac-
cording as it is written, I believed, and
therefore have I spoken; we also be-
lieve, and therefore speak

A common misconception among

Christians who have read our verse of
the day is they think if you keep saying
something you’ll end up believing it.

Faith is expressed primarily through

words, and the Bible lets us know that
we all have faith. If we didn’t have
faith, it would have been a problem,
but we have it; He gave it to us as Paul
said in Romans 12:3, “For I say, through
the grace given unto me, to every man
that is among you…according as God
hath dealt to every man the measure
of faith.” That’s the faith with which you
believed in Jesus Christ, and that faith
speaks. Tame and rule the world; reign over circumstances through your
faith proclamations. Don’t cry because of any problem; speak words of
faith. Perhaps you’ve been experiencing challenges in your job or your
health, speak and effect a change!

Your blessing is in your mouth. Declare victory only and always. Declare
this new year you’re about to step into shall be the greatest yet and
that’ll be exactly what you get.

I shall vocalise every good thing that God has already given to
me. I speak the best over my life. I speak a brilliant year ahead.
I believe and I have spoken, therefore, IT SHALL BE SO!

Mark 11:23

Thursday, 30 December A NEW WORLD

Mark 8:36-37
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall
gain the whole world, and lose his own
soul? Or what shall a man give in ex-
change for his soul?

During the festive season, it is custom for big

tech companies to launch or release a new
model of a product or device.

The moment this happens, the value of the

current one drops significantly. Commonly,
all who are interested in the product start
preparing for the new one, while losing inter-
est in the old.

Now look at the words of Jesus in our verse:

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain
the whole world, and lose his own soul?” This
world we live in has already lost its value as
a new one is about to be released. A world
that is about to be replaced with another
isn’t worth the loss of your soul, so live your life
for the Lord. Let your passion be all about the
Kingdom. Think about the Gospel of Christ—its spread around the world and how
you can help facilitate that.

The new world is about to be launched - be rapture ready!

My eyes are stayed on the new world to come. I am in this world
but I am not of it. My focus is on eternity and getting as many
souls to heaven as I can. I am a vessel that

2 Timothy 4:10

Friday, 31 December GIVE HIM THANKS

1 Thessalonians 5:18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus concerning

As New Covenant Christians, we are exhort-

ed to give thanks in everything; for this is the
Will of God for us in Christ Jesus. That means
all our prayers must be accompanied with

Philippians 4:6 says;

Be careful for nothing but in everything by
prayer and supplication with THANKSGIVING
let your requests be made known unto God.

As we draw the curtains to 2021, be thankful

you’ve come this far. You might not be in a
situation that inspires you to give thanks but
you ought to act by faith expecting that situ-
ation to turn around any minute.

Look ahead and give God thanks in ad-

vance for an amazing 2022!

Happy and Blessed NEW YEAR!

I am blessed I have come this far and am even more blessed I
am going further next year. 2022 shall be a monumental year for
me and my family. I speak only the best in the new year and it
shall be so in Jesus Name!

Psalm 75:1


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