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YAYASAN KARYA MISERICORDIA RS. PANTI WALUYA SAWAHAN ‘TERAKREDITAS! PARIPURNA COMPANY PROFILE Date (24 SEPTEMBER 2021 ‘Company's Name RS. PANTI WALUYA SAWAHAN Address Office: JL. NUSAKAMBANGAN 56 MALANG ~___| Country: INDONESIA Postal Code: 65117 Phone (0341) 362017,366033 Fax: (0341) 3014708 | : = E-maillwebsite : riz pantwaluya@ymailcom Factory: YAYASAN KARYA MISERICORDIA ‘Country = INDONESIA Postal Code : 65117 Phone : (0341) 361507 EXT. 152 Fax: (0341) 358720 E-mailiwebsite | Business Activity KESEHATAN [Board of Directors 1 dr. LINDA NURTJAHJA WIJASA, MARS 2 dr KRISNA ARIAPUTRA, Sp KK | 3 Sr. CLARETA DEKATINI, Misc i [Contact Person 1 MARIA LOUISA —_|2 aa] [Products 1_ KESEHATAN (RAWAT JALAN, RAWAT INAP, PENUNJANG | — [2 PENUNJANG LAINNYA (AMBULANCE DLL) [Production Capacity 200 BED | ‘Tumover Sales (last 3 years) 40% (BOR) | { Sales (l - ‘Number of years in the business ‘92 TAHUN. = — | [Supporting Data SIUP/TDP No. = P2T/9/03.22/01/VIW2017 | —______ | NPWP No. 01.236. 100.2-651.000, _ | — NPPKP No. - aa | [Payment Payment Terms » 30 HARI Bank Name | MANDIRI ‘Account Number - 144.0.072000018 | [ Branch | MERDEKA ‘Address: JL. MERDEKA BARAT NO. 1, MALANG, JAWA TIMUR Name of Account | RS. PANT! WALUYA _ Currency: IDR 0 7 1 AD-MEDIKA _: Contact Person ( Yelp ( | [top 4) 2 BPIS ‘Contact Person ( )Telp ( y] { 380s Contact Person (_— } Telp ( | L 4 ‘Contact Person ( YTelp ( ) ? 3. Nusakambangan No. 56 Po. Box 99 Malang 65117 ‘Telp. (0341) 366033, 361507, 362017, Fax (0341) 3014708 Website : nttp://, e-mail:

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