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Can there be knowledge that is independent of culture?

Knowledge and culture are two concepts that are interconnected, there are some types of

knowledge that are dependent on culture, and some that are not. The most optimal way of

thinking about it is a spectrum, where one side is completely dependent on culture and the other

is completely independent. All types of knowledge fall somewhere in between the two sides,

depending on how influenced by culture it is. To answer the question, however, there are two

perspectives. One answer is yes, knowledge can be independent of culture. If there is a

mathematician that discovers a new formula, that is completely independent of culture. On the

other hand, knowledge also cannot be fully independent of culture. If there is a historian that is

writing about a historic event, they might be more inclined to make their culture seem better than

the other. To conclude, whether knowledge can be independent of culture is fully dependent on

the area of knowledge (and how much personal biases are involved) and the person creating this


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