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Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95

Linguistic and neuropsychological deficits in crossed

conduction aphasia. Report of three cases
Lisa Bartha,a,* Peter Mari€en,b,c Werner Poewe,a and Thomas Benkea
Universitaetsklinik fuer Neurologie, Anichstrasse 35, Innsbruck A-6020, Austria
Department of Neurology, AZ Middelheim, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Department of Linguistics, Free University of Brussels, Belgium

Accepted 17 June 2003


This study describes the linguistic and neuropsychological findings in three right-handed patients with crossed conduction
aphasia. Despite the location of the lesion in the right hemisphere, all patients displayed a combination of linguistic deficits typically
found in conduction aphasia following analogous damage to the left hemisphere. Associated cognitive deficits varied across the three
patients. In addition, all cases showed deficits classically attributed to non-dominant hemisphere damage (visuoperceptual deficits
and reduced figural memory). As a result, lesion–behaviour relationships in our study sample indicate both dominant and non-
dominant qualities of the right hemisphere.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Conduction aphasia; Crossed aphasia; Short-term memory

1. Introduction reduced auditory–verbal short-term memory (Shallice &

Warrington, 1977), sentence construction deficits
In 1874, Carl Wernicke introduced the concept of (Caramazza et al., 1981), ideomotor apraxia (Benson
conduction aphasia as a distinct type of aphasia. The et al., 1973), and impaired numerical processing (Del-
cardinal features of this syndrome consist of dispro- azer & Bartha, 2001; Girelli, Bartha, & Delazer, 2002).
portionately affected repetition and relatively intact Studies on the neuroanatomical basis of conduction
comprehension, word-finding difficulties, and parapha- aphasia have identified lesions in the supramarginal
sic errors in spontaneous speech (Benson et al., 1973; gyrus (Brodmann area 40), the primary auditory corti-
Caramazza, Basili, Koler, & Berndt, 1981; Goodglass, ces, the insular cortex and the adjacent white matter
1992; Rothi, McFarling, & Heilman, 1982). Speech (Axer & Berks, 2001; Benson et al., 1973; Damasio &
disruptions in conduction aphasia are predominantly of Damasio, 1980), as well as lesions in the temporo-oc-
the phonological type (omissions, substitutions, trans- cipital region (Bartha & Benke, 2003) of the language
positions, or insertions of sounds or syllables), but may dominant hemisphere; in some but not all cases a lesion
be semantic as well for certain lexical categories (e.g., of the arcuate fasciculus is found (Damasio & Damasio,
numbers and functors). Patients with conduction apha- 1980; Palumbo, 1992; Tanabe et al., 1978; Wernicke,
sia are generally aware of their speech problems, which 1874).
often leads to repetitive self-corrections (conduites In genuine dextrals, aphasia caused by a right-hemi-
d’approches). Regarding the cognitive dysfunctions that sphere lesion is uncommon. This condition, first termed
may accompany conduction aphasia, the literature is ‘‘crossed aphasia’’ by Bramwell (1899), is currently de-
only sparsely documented. Single case studies report fined as a clear-cut language disorder due to a lesion in
the right hemisphere in a natural right-hander with a
Corresponding author. structurally intact left-hemisphere and with no familial
E-mail address: (L. Bartha). antecedents of left-handedness or a history of early

0093-934X/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
84 L. Bartha et al. / Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95

brain damage or epilepsy (Mari€en, Engelborghs, Vig- 1985; Yamadori, Yoshida, & Sugiura, 1992; Yarnell,
nolo, & De Deyn, 2001). The estimated incidence of 1981, C2). However, detailed neuropsychological ex-
crossed aphasia in dextrals varies between 0.4 and 2.0% amination is rarely reported, and follow-up testings are
of the aphasic population (Bakar, Kirshner, & Wertz, not available. Thus, less is known about associated
1996; Brown & Hecaen, 1976). The exact neurological cognitive deficits and the outcome of crossed conduction
mechanisms underlying this uncommon condition are aphasia.
still unknown. A wide variety of explanations have been During the past two decades, two issues have been
proposed such as absence of decussation of cortico- the primary focus of interest in crossed aphasia. First,
spinal tracts (Souques, 1910), a familial strain of sinis- aphasia symptoms and lesion location have been studied
trality (Ardin-Delteil, Levi-Valensi, & Derrieu, 1923), to address the question whether or not crossed aphasia
involvement of phylogenetically older subcortical reflects classic lesion–aphasia relationships holding for
structures (Habib, Joanette, Ali-Cherif, & Poncet, 1983), standard, uncrossed aphasia. In this respect, review
a simultaneously acquired invisible small left-hemi- studies (Alexander, Fischette, & Fischer, 1989; Coppens
sphere lesion (Castro-Caldas, Confraria, Paiva, & & Hungerford, 1998) have shown that 65% of the
Trindada, 1986), inhibitory metabolic repercussions of cases display lesion–aphasia relationships comparable
the right-hemisphere lesion on left-hemisphere func- to those following an analogous lesion in the left
tioning (Schweiger, Weschler, & Mazziota, 1987), and hemisphere (mirror-image cases), while 35% of the
natural variation in functional brain organization due to cases (anomalous cases) violate classically expected
the presence or absence of one single gene (Annett & lesion-aphasia relationships. The second issue concerns
Alexander, 1996). To these, Brown and colleagues dissociations among neuropsychological symptoms that
(Brown & Wilson, 1973; Brown & Hecaen, 1976) added accompany language deficits in dextrals with right-
the hypothesis that crossed aphasia is the product of hemisphere lesions, such as a dissociation of language
incomplete lateralization of language functions in the and praxis, i.e., the presence of intact limb praxis in
left hemisphere during maturation. crossed aphasia (Henderson, 1983; Mendez & Benson,
The initial view of the semiology of crossed aphasia 1985), and, conversely, crossed limb apraxia in patients
has changed dramatically over the past years. Whereas with intact linguistic functions (Marchetti & Della Salla,
early reports (e.g., Joanette, Puel, Nespoulous, Rascol, 1997). Functional dissociations like these suggest that
& Roch Lecours, 1982; Puel et al., 1982) tended to view crossed aphasia may be the source of more detailed in-
crossed aphasia as an atypical, non-fluent type of formation about the functional organization of the
aphasia with relatively intact language comprehension cognitive system (Berndt et al., 1991). The present study
and a favourable recovery, the more recent literature addresses both issues. We describe three new cases of
presents not only atypical, non-fluent patterns (Gomez- crossed conduction aphasia, documented by formal
Tortosa, Martin, Syxhra, & Dujovny, 1994), but also neurolinguistic and neuropsychological assessments and
classic non-fluent aphasic syndromes like BrocaÕs neuroimaging. The aim of this study is to analyse lin-
aphasia (Rey, Levin, Rodas, Bowen, & Nedd, 1994), guistic and neuropsychological functions, as well as le-
transcortical motor (Raymer et al., 1999), and global sion location in patients with crossed conduction
aphasia (Ozeren, Mavi, Sarica, & Karatas, 1998), as well aphasia and to compare these findings with ÔclassicÕ
as classic fluent types like WernickeÕs (Giovagnoli, 1993; conduction aphasia following left-hemisphere lesions.
Trojano, Balbi, Russo, & Elefante, 1994), transcortical Since longitudinally documented cases of crossed
sensory (Nedelec-Ciceri et al., 1996), and anomic aphasia are rare (Roebroek, Promes, Korten, Lormans,
aphasia (Basso, Capitani, Laiacona, & Zanobio, 1985) & van der Laan, 1999), and since the outcome of crossed
with a variable outcome. Thus, crossed aphasia came to conduction aphasia is unknown, we reinvestigated all
be viewed as more consistent with the classical taxon- patients in the chronic phase.
omy of aphasia in the last years.
We found 21 cases of crossed conduction aphasia
described in the literature (Annett & Alexander, 1996, 2. Methods
C8; Assal, 1982; Basso et al., 1985, C5; Berndt, Mit-
chum, & Price, 1991; Endo, Kurashima, Yanagi, Tsuk- Language was examined by means of the Aachener
ada, & Makishita, 1982, C5; Foroglou, Assal, & Zander, Aphasie Test (AAT) (Huber, Poeck, Weniger, & Will-
1975; Gomez-Tortosa et al., 1994; Haaland & Miranda, mes, 1983), the Innsbrucker Benenntest (IBT) (Bartha,
1982; Henderson, 1983, C1; Lano€e et al., 1992; Lozano Delazer, & Benke, 2001), a 1-min semantic verbal flu-
& Clark, 1976; Mari€en et al., 2001, C5 & 9; Mendez & ency task, and a German adaptation of Gallaher and
Benson, 1985; Osmon, Panos, Kautz, & Gandhavadi, CanterÕs test (1982) tapping syntactic comprehension.
1988; Perani, Papagno, Cappa, Gerundini, & Fazio, Memory was evaluated by means of the Wechsler
1988, C1; Puel et al., 1982; Stefanis, Desmond, & Memory Scale (Wechsler, 1945), the CorsiÕs Block-
Tatemichi, 1997; Sugimoto, Hashimoto, & Yamaguchi, Tapping task (Milner, 1971), and the Rey Osterrieth
L. Bartha et al. / Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95 85

Complex Figure Test (Osterrieth, 1944; Rey, 1941; Vis- conduites dÕapproches, and word-finding difficulties.
ser, 1973). Visuoperceptual and visuospatial functions Furthermore, some minor paragrammatic errors regard-
were assessed by means of a selection of the Visual ing inflections and verb forms were observed, while per-
Object and Space Perception Battery (VOSP) (War- severations or neologisms did not occur. In formal testing,
rington & James, 1991), the Visual Searchboard (Kim- (Table 1) repetition was the most impaired linguistic
ura, 1986), a Letter and Symbol Cancellation Task function (123/150); errors included phonemic parapha-
(Caplan, 1985), and a Line Bisection Test (Diller et al., sias (e.g., Haust€ ur [front door] ! harstur), conduites
1974). The Raven Progressive Matrices Test (Raven, dÕapproches (e.g., Hallenhandballweltmeisterschaft
1960) was administered to measure conceptualization of [worldÕs championship in handball] ! hallen.. hallenpart..
spatial design and non-verbal problem solving (numer- hallenwelt.. hallenbadweltmeisterschaft), and phonose-
ical relationship). Buccofacial praxis was investigated mantic blends (e.g., Hund [dog] ! Hut [hat]). Auditory
for single, two-, and three-sequential oral and tongue and reading comprehension of words and sentences re-
movements (Mateer & Kimura, 1977). Imitation of fin- vealed only minor deficits (43/60 and 47/60, respectively);
ger and hand position was tested on the basis of De however, the patient performed worse on the Token Test
RenziÕs apraxia test (De Renzi, Mozzi, & Nichelli, 1980). (30 errors/50), where longer commands were significantly
To evaluate comprehension and production of mean- more impaired than shorter ones. In addition, syntactic
ingful, non-linguistic pantomimed actions, the New comprehension was impaired (40/58). Naming revealed
England Pantomime Test (Duffy & Duffy, 1984) was word-finding difficulties, phonemic paraphasias, condu-
administered. Object use was assessed in three consec- ites dÕapproches (e.g., Schraubenzieher [screwdriver] !
utive steps by means of an experimental test battery schreib.. schraubenzieher), and semantic errors (e.g.,
consisting of 10 every-day objects. This required the Schuhl€ offel [shoehorn] ! fußschemel [stool]) (106/120).
patients to: (1) pantomime the use of a verbally named Reading was intact and writing showed some phonemic
object, (2) to pantomime the use of a visually presented paragraphias (18/30). Verbal fluency was reduced.
object, and (3) to handle the real object. Objects used in Neuropsychological testing revealed intact visual
these tests were a toothbrush, comb, shaving brush, working memory and intact figural long-term memory,
glass, saltpot, hammer, electric bulb, lemon squeezer, whereas verbal–auditory working memory was mark-
scissors, and bottle opener. One point was given for each edly impaired (Digit Span forward 3, backward 2). G.S.
correct response. Arithmetical functions were assessed had intact visuoperceptual basic functions like spatial
using the reduced form of the EC301R battery (Deloche location and position discrimination but presented a
et al., 1994). mild deficit in visuo-perceptual matching tasks requiring
knowledge of objects (object recognition 15/20). He
displayed severe ideomotor apraxia as evidenced by
3. Case reports poor imitation of finger and hand positions (left hand
31/72, right hand 46/72), poor pantomime recognition
3.1. Case 1 and expression (32/40 and 194/345, respectively), re-
duced pantomimed object use (16/20), and impaired
3.1.1. History orofacial sequential movements (1/6). Numerical abili-
In August 2000, G.S., a 40-year-old monolingual ties were intact.
electrician with 9 years of formal education acutely de- Twelve weeks post-onset, G.S. substantially recov-
veloped aphasia and paresis of the left arm. He was fully ered from his conduction aphasia, but still exhibited
right-handed as formally assessed by the Edinburgh mild word-finding difficulties and paragrammatic
Handedness Inventory (EHI) (Oldfield, 1971) which re- errors in spontaneous speech. In formal aphasia testing,
vealed a laterality quotient (LQ) of +100. He had no the patient still showed mildly reduced language com-
history of left-handedness in his family and had not prehension. Verbal fluency was also compromised.
sustained brain damage prior to this insult. Three days However, repetition, naming, reading, and writing nor-
after the stroke, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of malized. In addition, G.S.Õ verbal–auditory working
the brain disclosed a right temporo-parieto-occipital memory improved to normal. Furthermore, he recov-
infarction (Fig. 1). In-depth neurolinguistic and neuro- ered from apraxia and obtained normal results on oro-
psychological examinations were performed on the facial movements, finger and hand positions, and object
fourth and fifth day post-onset (Table 1). The patient use tasks.
was re-examined 12 weeks after the onset of neurologi-
cal symptoms. 3.2. Case 2

3.1.2. Neurolinguistic and neuropsychological findings 3.2.1. History

In the acute phase, this patient presented fluent spon- W.K., a 56-year-old, monolingual right-handed man
taneous speech with frequent phonemic paraphasias, with an LQ of +100 (Oldfield, 1971) and no history of
86 L. Bartha et al. / Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95

Fig. 1. Patient G.S. Ischemic right temporo-occipital lesion including posterior part of the temporal lobe, lateral occipital area, supramarginal and
angular gyrus, and posterior insular cortex.

familial left-handedness or prior brain damage had 12 specimen revealed an anaplastic astrocytoma grade III.
years of formal education and worked as a computer Seven days after the operation a second neurolinguistic
scientist. In April 2000 he had a grand mal seizure. MRI examination was conducted (Table 1). The patient was
of the brain showed a tumour in the right temporal lobe re-examined again 4 months later. W.K. did not receive
(Fig. 2A). One month after the epileptic fit the patient speech therapy before or after tumour resection. A re-
developed word-finding difficulties. According to his peat MRI was performed 5 months after the operation
wife, his language deficits progressively increased. In (Fig. 2B).
August 2000 the patient was referred to our laboratory. A
detailed neurolinguistic and neuropsychological exami- 3.2.2. Neurolinguistic and neuropsychological findings
nation was carried out on two consecutive days (Table 1). post-operative
W.K. presented fluent speech output with intact articu- Seven days post-operatively this patient showed fluent
lation and prosody, evidenced word-finding difficulties, spontaneous speech with phonemic paraphasias, word-
phonemic paraphasias, and conduites dÕapproches. Au- finding difficulties, and minor paragrammatic errors. As a
ditory and reading comprehension were good for single result of the word-finding difficulties, W.K. frequently
words but sentence comprehension was slightly dis- produced idioms and paraphrases that preserved the
rupted. Repetition tasks revealed phonemic paraphasias meaning. There were neither perseverations nor semantic
at the sentence level. Confrontation naming, reading, and or phonemic neologisms. Formal aphasia testing
writing were normal. In addition, W.K. presented intact disclosed markedly impaired repetition with phonemic
mnestic functions as well as normal praxis. paraphasias (e.g., Hepatitis [hepatitis] ! hipatitus),
Eight days after this examination the tumour was conduites dÕapproches (e.g., Vormundschaftsgericht
totally resected. Histologic examination of a tumour [guardianship-courts] ! v€ur.. vormand.. vormandschuft..
L. Bartha et al. / Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95 87

Table 1
Neuropsychological test results
Cognitive functions G.S. 1 G.S. 2 W.K. W.K. W.K. C.M. C.M. C.M. Maximum
pre post 1 post 2 pre post 1 post 2 possible
Time post-onset/post-operatively 4 89 7 120 11 225
Mini mental state orientation 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Aachener Aphasie Test
Token test (errors) 30 20 5 32 21 0 22 14 50
Auditory comprehension
Words 24 28 30 22 25 30 20 21 30
Sentences 19 23 20 24 24 30 24 26 30
Written comprehension
Words 26 24 22 24 24 30 28 28 30
Sentences 21 26 23 23 29 30 20 22 30
Sounds 30 30 30 30 30 30 28 30 30
Words 29 30 30 30 30 30 20 29 30
Foreign words 28 30 30 27 28 30 21 28 30
Compounds 21 29 27 20 20 30 13 22 30
Sentences 15 26 24 16 21 30 10 21 30
Objects 28 30 30 27 28 30 18 29 30
Colours 30 30 30 29 29 30 10 30 30
Objects (compounds) 26 28 30 24 26 30 4 20 30
Situations 22 23 30 22 23 30 16 23 30
Reading 28 30 30 27 29 30 24 30 30
Composition of letters and words 24 30 26 5 24 30 23 30 30
Writing 18 30 26 7 23 30 23 29 30
IBT naming 43 49 44 37 48 n.d. n.d. 45 50
Syntactic comprehension 40 43 52 37 40 n.d. n.d. 53 58
Verbal fluency 9 13 20 9 17 15 4 13
Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure
Copy 33 33 31 n.d. 32 36 30 35 36
Long delay free recall 21 27 26 20.5 14.5 8 11.5 36
Wechsler Memory Scale
Digit span forward—raw score 3 5 5 3 4 6 5 5
Digit span backward—raw score 2 4 4 3 3 4 4 4
Corsi Block Tapping 6 6 6 6 6 n.d. n.d. 7
Screening 20 20 n.d. n.d. 20 n.d. n.d. 20 20
Object recognition 15 20 19 20 20
Position discrimination 20 20 20 20 20
Number location 10 10 9 9 10
Items found in visual fields n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Left 8 11 12 11
Right 12 9 8 9
Average searching time (s)
Left 7.0 6.3 4.4 6.0
Right 7.8 9.1 5.8 8.4
Cancellation (omissions) 0 0 n.d. n.d. 0 0 3 0
Line bisection n.d. n.d. 0 n.d. n.d. 0
Raven Progressive Matrices
Set A 3 6 5 6 6 5 2 6 12

Orofacial Copying
Single movements 17 17 17 17 17 17 10 17 17
88 L. Bartha et al. / Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95

Table 1 (continued)
Cognitive functions G.S. 1 G.S. 2 W.K. W.K. W.K. C.M. C.M. C.M. Maximum
pre post 1 post 2 pre post 1 post 2 possible
Sequential movements 1 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 6
De Renzi
Imitation of finger/hand position
Left hand 31 69 69 70 72 72 66 71 72
Right hand 46 70 69 71 72 72 67 71 72
New England Pantomime Test
Recognition A 43 46 46 n.d. 44 n.d. n.d. 46 46
Recognition B 32 39 40 35 40 40
Expression 194 312 300 287 323 345
Object Use
Pantomime after verbal command 16 20 20 n.d. 20 n.d. n.d. 20 20
Pantomime with visual stimuli 16 20 20 20 20 20
Real object use 20 20 20 20 20 20
Numerical processing
EC 301 R
Number sequences 6 6 n.d. 6 6 6 6 6 6
Dot counting 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Writing Arabic numbers from 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 12
Reading Arabic numbers 12 12 8 12 12 12 12 12
Mental calculation 16 16 14 10 16 16 16 16
Number positioning on a vertical 10 10 10 16 10 10 10 10
Number comparison
Arabic numerals 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Written verbal numbers 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Spoken numbers 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Written calculation
Addition 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4
Subtraction 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4
Multiplication 7 7 3 5 7 7 7 7
n.d., not done.

vermundschaftgerechts), phonosemantic blends (e.g., was reduced: W.K. presented substitutions in number
Umleitung [diversion] ! anleitung [guidance]), and writing and semantic paralexias in number reading, minor
paraphrases (123/150). Auditory and reading compre- difficulties in addition and subtraction facts, and more
hension, as measured with the AAT, showed only minor consistent failure in multiplication facts. In the latter task,
deficits (46/60 and 47/60, respectively). However, perfor- errors consisted of operand and non-table errors.
mance on the Token Test (32 errors/50) and syntactic Four months later, W.K. still displayed a conduction
comprehension tasks (37/58) was significantly reduced. aphasia. Additionally, chronic deficits were obvious
Naming (102/120) revealed word-finding difficulties, in auditory–verbal short-term memory and number
phonemic paraphasias (e.g., Schnecke [snail] ! sch- processing.
neuke), conduites dÕapproches, and semantic paraphasias
(e.g., Harfe [harp] ! cello) closely related to the target 3.3. Case 3
word. Reading was intact, but written language produc-
tion was significantly impaired as evidenced by compo- 3.3.1. History
sition of words and sentences (5/30), and writing to C.M., a 29-year-old, monolingual right-handed wo-
dictation (7/30). The patient produced fluent written man with an LQ of +100 (Oldfield, 1971) and no family-
language characterized by frequent phonemic paragra- history of left-handedness or prior brain damage, had 12
phias with omissions, transpositions, and insertions of years of formal education and worked as a bank em-
graphemes. Neuropsychological testing revealed reduced ployee. From December 1998 to February 1999 she
verbal–auditory working memory (Digit Span forward 3, developed a series of epileptic seizures. Anticonvulsive
backward 3), but intact verbal and figural long-term therapy was started in February. One month later, MRI
memory functions, intact visuoperceptual abilities, and of the brain showed a tumoural mass in the posterior
normal praxic functions though some difficulties occured right temporal lobe (Fig. 3A). Preoperative neurolin-
in pantomime recognition (35/40). Numerical processing guistic assessments did not disclose linguistic deficits
L. Bartha et al. / Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95 89

Fig. 2. (A) Patient W.K., preoperative MR-study. Cortico-subcortical space-occupying lesion extending from the inferior angular gyrus to the
posterior infero-temporal region. (B) Patient W.K., post-operative MR-study. Area of tumor resection surrounded by edema. Post-operative lesion
includes posterior part of medial and superior temporal gyrus, angular gyrus, and underlying white matter.

(Table 1). In addition, praxis and memory testing sia testing, C.M. displayed significantly reduced repeti-
showed normal results. Eleven days after neurosurgical tion (92/150) with phonemic paraphasias and conduites
resection of an anaplastic astrocytoma (grade III) dÕapproches (e.g., Strumpf [sock] ! schurp.. schlumpf..
neurolinguistic examinations were performed. Post-op- strumpf). Language comprehension, measured with the
eratively, C.M. received one session of speech therapy AAT, was only mildly reduced (auditory comprehension
per week, for a total of 10 weeks. Five months post- 44/60, written comprehension 48/60), and syntactic
operative, repeat MRI was performed (Fig. 3B). Seven comprehension was intact. However, on the Token Test
months after the operation cognitive functions were she obtained a below normal score (10 errors/50).
reinvestigated. Naming (48/120) showed word-finding difficulties, pho-
nemic paraphasias, conduites dÕapproches (e.g., Sch-
3.3.2. Neurolinguistic and neuropsychological findings raubenzieher [screwdriver] ! sch.. schraub.. strahl..
post-operative schraub.. schtraub.. schraufe.. strauben.. schrauben..),
Eleven days after tumour resection, this patient dis- and semantic errors with close semantic relationship to
played fluent spontaneous speech with intact articula- the target (e.g., Zahnb€urste [tooth-brush] ! zahnpasta
tion and prosody, contaminated with frequent phonemic [tooth-paste]). Writing was intact, whereas in reading
paraphasias, conduites dÕapproches, and word-finding some phonemic paralexias occurred (24/30).
difficulties. Furthermore, C.M. presented semantic pa- The neuropsychological examination revealed intact
raphasias in spontaneous speech which were closely re- verbal–auditory and visual working memory; however,
lated to the target. There were neither perseverations figural long-term memory was impaired (8/36). Fur-
nor semantic or phonemic neologisms. In formal apha- thermore, C.M. presented mild left visuo-spatial neglect.
90 L. Bartha et al. / Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95

Fig. 2. (continued)

The patient made some omissions on the left side in a surgical intervention, as the patient was linguistically
cancellation task and deviations to the right side in a line unimpaired pre-operatively. In contrast, W.K. showed
bisection task. In praxis testing, C.M. exhibited intact already some linguistic deficits prior to operation. All
imitation of finger and hand positions but showed patients under consideration were right-handed, with
apraxia for single and sequential orofacial movements no family-history of left-handedness, and had no history
(10/17 and 2/6, respectively). of brain damage or epilepsy. Thus, our patients can
Seven months post-operatively, C.M. displayed per- be classified as representatives of crossed aphasia in
sistent conduction aphasia. However, further cognitive dextrals.
deficits initially present in the acute phase, including
figural memory deficits, neglect, and apraxia, receded 4.1. Language profile
during follow-up.
In the acute phase, all three patients displayed lin-
guistic deficits similar to those found in conduction
4. Discussion aphasia after left-hemisphere lesions (Bartha & Benke,
2003; Goodglass, 1992). Spontaneous speech was
This report analyses linguistic and neuropsychologi- characterized by phonemic paraphasias, conduites
cal deficits in three patients with crossed conduction dÕapproches, and word-finding difficulties, whereas
aphasia. One patient (G.S.) developed conduction conversational language comprehension was only mildly
aphasia after a focal right-hemisphere stroke, and two reduced. On formal aphasia testing, all patients dis-
patients developed conduction aphasia in association played the same quality of errors, but to a different de-
with a tumour of the right temporal lobe (W.K. and gree. Repetition was the most impaired language
C.S.). In C.S., conduction aphasia arose after neuro- function. Auditory and written language comprehension
L. Bartha et al. / Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95 91

Fig. 3. (A) Patient C.M., preoperative MR-study. Cortico-subcortical, space-occupying lesion comprising the posterior temporal gyri, and lower
parts of the angular and supramarginal gyrus. (B) Patient C.M., post-operative MR-study. Area of tissue resection including posterior temporal and
inferior parietal areas roughly corresponding to preoperative lesion extension.

was only mildly reduced. Yet, in G.S. and W.K., the bal–auditory short-term memory rather than to a glo-
Token Test revealed a more profound impairment, bal language comprehension deficit (Bartha & Benke,
probably due to the requirement of auditory–verbal 2003; Caramazza et al., 1981). The present study adds
short-term memory functions for this particular test. to this evidence, as both patients with auditory–verbal
Reading was intact in G.S. and W.K., but mildly re- short-term memory impairment (W.K. and G.S.) dis-
duced in C.M. Writing was severely impaired in W.K., played significantly reduced syntactic comprehension
whereas only minor writing deficits were found in the abilities. By contrast, the patient who exhibited normal
other two patients. Thus, comparing the deficits of our short-term memory functions performed flawless on the
patients with descriptions of uncrossed conduction syntactic comprehension task. Comprehension of
aphasia (Bartha & Benke, 2003; Benson et al., 1973; words and sentences, however, was only mildly reduced
Caramazza et al., 1981; Goodglass, 1992; Rothi et al., in all three cases. Additional cognitive deficits were
1982), the language profiles of our study sample appear found in ideomotor praxis and visuoperception (G.S.
quite consistent with the classic combination of lin- and C.M.), numerical processing (W.K.), and figural
guistic deficits found in common conduction aphasia. memory (C.M.). Ideomotor apraxia and deficits in
numerical processing are typically manifestations of
4.2. Cognitive deficits accompanying language impair- conduction aphasia (Benson et al., 1973; Delazer &
ment Bartha, 2001; Girelli et al., 2002) but visuoperceptual
deficits and figural memory impairment, as found in
Various authors attributed deficits in syntactic the above cases, are uncommon following left temporo-
comprehension in conduction aphasia to reduced ver- parietal lesions.
92 L. Bartha et al. / Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95

Fig. 3. (continued)

4.3. Outcome of crossed conduction aphasia language functions in G.S. were not fully lateralized in
the right hemisphere.
Conduction aphasia is generally known as a rela-
tively mild variant of language impairment, and it is 4.4. Brain lesions in crossed conduction aphasia
reported that many patients return home and continue
their former work (Benson et al., 1973). However, as MRI studies showed that crossed conduction aphasia
evidenced in this study, crossed conduction aphasia in our three patients was caused by focal cortico-sub-
may result in chronic linguistic deficits. Although G.S. cortical lesions in the right hemisphere (Figs. 1–3). No
showed some improvement he still exhibited language coexisting left-hemisphere lesion was found. This lesion
deficits, while conduction aphasia persisted in both pattern was relatively consistent across the three subjects
other patients. Additionally, W.K. still presented nu- including posterior temporal, inferior parietal, and lat-
merical and short-term memory deficits. In this case eral occipital regions. With respect to lesions found in
study, we found no transformation of conduction uncrossed conduction aphasia (Axer et al., 2001; Bartha
aphasia into other aphasic syndromes (ÔSyndromen- & Benke, 2003; Damasio & Damasio, 1980; Palumbo,
wandelÕ, Leischner, 1987). Notably, C.M.Õs and W.K.Õs 1992), the lesion sites appear as being located in the
outcome, who both had undergone a tumour exstir- homologous, right-hemisphere brain areas.
pation, was worse than G.S.Õ, who developed conduc-
tion aphasia following an ischemic infarction. A 4.5. Lesion lateralization and cognitive deficits: Mirror-
possible explanation for this finding is that surgical image or unique pattern?
interventions in the human brain cause more perma-
nent damage to the tissue involved than ischemic The findings of this study suggest that language and
lesions. Furthermore, it can be hypothesized that auditory–verbal short-term memory of the three patients
L. Bartha et al. / Brain and Language 88 (2004) 83–95 93

were lateralized to the right hemisphere. The underlying and underlines the need for a detailed assessment of
lesions were located in brain areas which are typical for each cognitive domain.
conduction aphasia, with the exception that they were
located in the right hemisphere. Thus, linguistic deficits
and lesion locations of our patients demonstrate a mir- Acknowledgments
ror image pattern of standard conduction aphasia.
Ideomotor apraxia, when present, was also crossed. A The authors gratefully thank Dr. Armin Muigg for
different pattern was found for accompanying cognitive referring the patients W.K. and C.M., as well as Dr.
impairments, such as visuoperception and figural Thomas Erlacher for referring the patient G.S. The
memory. Since neuropsychological studies (e.g., Benton, paper was prepared during a tenure of a project grant to
1985; Jones-Gotman, 1992) have identified these func- the first author from the O€ sterreichische Nationalbank
tions as typical right-hemispheric abilities, the most Jubil€aumsfonds Nr. 8741.
stringent explanation for the present findings is that the
crossed conduction aphasia patients in this study have
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