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Saint Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences


The students will be able to:
• Evaluate the client’s current physical condition
• Detect early sign of developing health problem
• Establish a baseline for future comparisons
• Evaluate the client’s responses to medical and nursing interventions

• Clean gloves
• Tongue depressor
• Gauze pad
• Flashlight or penlight
• Nasal speculum


1. Prior to performing the procedure, greet and To build rapport between the nurse
introduce self to the client. and the patient

2. Verify the clients identity using two (2) patient To recognize the correct patient

3. Explain to client what you are going to do, why it To enhance patient’s cooperation
is necessary, and how he or she can participate.
Discuss how the result will be used in planning
further care or treatment

4. Perform hand hygiene and observe appropriate To prevent transfer of

infection control procedures microorganism

5. Provide for client privacy To provide comfort and safety

6. Position the client comfortably, seated if



7. Inspect the outer lips for symmetry of contour, To identify deviations from normal:
color and texture: pallor or cyanosis of lips; blisters,
• Ask the client to purse the lips as if generalized or localized swelling,
attempting to whistle fissures, crust, or scales (may result
from excessive moisture, nutritional
deficiency, or fluid deficit); inability to
purse the lips may indicate facial
nerve damage

8. Inspect and palpate the inner lips and buccal To check for: pallor, leukoplakia
mucosa for color, texture, moisture and presence (white patches), and bleeding;
of lesions excessive dryness; mucosal cyst,
• Apply clean gloves irritations from dentures; abrasions,
• Ask the client to relax the mouth ulceration; nodules
• Pull the lip outward and away from the
• Grasp the lip on each side between the
thumb and the index finger

9. Inspect the teeth and gums while examining the The condition of the teeth and gums
inner lips and buccal mucosa is an index of a person’s general
• Ask the client to open mouth health. This step will help to check
• Using a tongue depressor, retract the for: missing teeth; ill-fitting dentures;
cheek brown or black discoloration of the
• View the surface buccal mucosa from top enamel (may indicate staining or
to bottom and back to front presence of caries); excessively red
• A penlight will help illuminate the surface gums; receding and atrophied gums.
• Repeat procedure on the other side
10. Inspect the gums around the molars. Observe The condition of the teeth and gums
for bleeding, color, retraction, edema and lesions: is an index of a person’s general
• Assess the texture of the gums by gently health. This step will help to check
pressing the gum tissue with a tongue for: missing teeth; ill-fitting dentures;
depressor brown or black discoloration of the
enamel (may indicate staining or
presence of caries); excessively red
gums; receding and atrophied gums.

11. Inspect the dentures if any. Ask the client to To check for: ill-fitting dentures;
remove complete or partial dentures. Inspect their irritated and excoriated areas under
condition, noting for broken or worn out areas dentures.


12. Inspect the surface of the tongue for position, To check for: tongue deviation from
color, and texture. Ask the client to protrude the the center (may indicate damage to
tongue hypoglossal nerve); excessively
trembling tongue; smooth red
tongue (may indicate iron, vitamin
B12 or B3 deficiency); dry furry
tongue (associated with fluid deficit);
white coating (may indicate oral
yeast infection); nodes, ulceration,
discoloration; areas of tenderness.

13. Inspect tongue movement. Ask the client to roll To check for restricted mobility of
the tongue upward and move it from side to side the tongue (may indicate damage to
hypoglossal nerve).
14. Inspect the base of the tongue, the mouth floor
and the frenulum. Ask the client to place the tip of
the tongue against the roof of the mouth.
15. Palpate the tongue and the floor of the mouth
for any nodules or lumps:
• To palpate the tongue, use a piece of gauze
to grasp its tip, and with the index finger of
the other hand, palpate the back of the
tongue, its borders and its base


16. Inspect the oropharynx for color and texture: To check for the presence of lesions,
• Inspect one side at a time to avoid eliciting plaques, or drainage.
the gag reflex
• To expose one side of the oropharynx,
press a tongue depressor against the
tongue of the same side about halfway back
while the client tilts the head back and
opens the mouth wide.
• Use penlight if needed.

17. Inspect the tonsils for color, discharge and size To check for discharges,
inflammation or swelling:

• Grade 1 (normal): The tonsils

are behind the tonsillar pillars.
• Grade 2: The tonsils are
between the pillars and uvula.
• Grade 3: The tonsils touch the
• Grade 4: One or both tonsils
extend to the midline of the

18. Elicit the gag reflex by pressing the posterior

tongue with a tongue depressor



19. Inspect the external nose for any deviations in
shape, size, or color and flaring or discharge from
the nose.
20. Lightly palpate the external nose to determine
any areas of tenderness, masses and displacement
of bone and cartilages.
21. Determine patency of both nasal cavities: This will reveal any obstruction
• Ask patient to close the mouth which is later explored using the
• Exert pressure to one nares and breath nasal speculum.
through the opposite nares
• Repeat the procedure to assess patency of
the opposite nares.
22. Inspect the nasal cavities using flashlight or
nasal speculum:
• Hold the speculum in your right hand to
inspect the client’s left nostril and your left
hand to inspect the client’s right nostril
• Tip client’s head back
• Facing the client, insert the tip of the closed
speculum (blades together) about 1
centimeter up to the point at which the
blade widens
• Stabilize the speculum with your index
finger against the side of the nose. Use the
other hand to position the head and then to
hold the light
• Open pressure as much as possible and
inspect the floor of the nose (vestibule), the
anterior portion of the septum, the middle
meatus and the middle turbinate
• Inspect the lining of the nares and the
integrity and the position of the nasal
• Observe for the presence of redness,
swelling, growths and discharges
• Inspect the nasal septum between the nasal
23. Palpate the maxillary and frontal sinuses for
tenderness :
• Begin by pressing your thumbs over the
frontal sinuses below the superior orbital
• Palpate the maxillary sinuses below the
zygomatic arches of cheekbones.
• Observe the client for signs and symptoms
of discomfort
24. Percuss the maxillary and frontal sinuses for
25. Perform handwashing
26. Document findings in the client’s record

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