To Deliver Spatial Concepts by Using A Misconceptions

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To deliver spatial concepts by using a


The progress of technology improves living standard of human, bringing conveniences to

their daily life. Following the technological advancement, geomatic development is rapid in past
few years. ‘Geographic information systems (GIS), wireless communication’ (Mathias, 2011,
p.11) are the tool to measure geomatic-related data. Map could be used for urban planing. It
demonstrates ‘transport, building maintenance and farming’ (Mathias, 2011, p.12) area by using
3D or 2D spatial dimensions, which is more effective to convey spatial concpets than tabular
data and textual descriptions. However, map misleads the readers by using tricky points. This
article will discuss both effectivity and misconceptions of the map.

Effectiveness of map in conveying spatial concepts

There are many definitions about spatial concept. Oracle (2009, p. 1.2) mentions that
spatial concept is the general idea about the position, location and sizes, while tabular data are
data ‘arranged in form of table’ . In addition, textual descriptions are the format using numerous
of words to describe.

1.Easier to understand by the public

Since spatial concept is a kind of logical thinking, ideas are easier to be transferred by using a
graphic map involving prictures rather than mess texts. Compared to tabular data or textual
description , graph and image are easier to be remembered and captured. The meaning of
subjects could be elaborated simply. ‘ Most systems provide a standard set of primitive analytical
functions that are accessible to the user in some logical manner ’ (Buckley, p. 20-22 , 1997). A
map turns the conceptual ideas to the reality, observing spatial distribution through a real life
representation. For example, ‘the maps using advanced geo-visualisation tools’ (Kraak & Brown,
2001 ,p.23) In addition, a map uses boundaries to separate different geographical locations which
can show the shape of an area in a small size. For example, a map shows the distirbution of 18
districts in Hong Kong can express the shape of an area by using a graph.
( 2011Population census, Districts profiles, 2011)

A map can turn abstract contents into simplier images which is easiler to understand by
general public. Therefore, a map delivers spatial concepts more efficient than data and

Perhaps mere textual description can explain the spatial data into detail, it may be difficult
for general public to capture the idea of location thoroughtly . For example, a person wanted to
know the location of National Stadium, Bird’s nest in Beijing. Quite a large amount of
descriptions , such as, turning left or right , going straight forward or describing the appearance
of Bird’s nest need to be elaborated in wording by using textual descriptions approach to express
spatial concepts. However, map can show the location by using simple symbols or showing the
virtual location. Digital map can ‘mark the site of interest by drawing a polygon and one can trail
a path’ (Mathias, 2011, p.20-26) which is more convenient than using words to portray locations.
Therefore, it is easy for readers to understand the route by using a map.
Color can distinguish the features, which is easier for readers to understand. In a map,
different color represents different type of feature. When readers want to find the location on the
map, they only need to focus on a specific color. Therefore, they can find the location faster. For
example, green color is used to represent green areas in maps. Since the general public has the
idea that green color stands for the natural environment, they can find the location even if they
have not used a map to find a place. Krygier (2011, p. 227-232) mentions that using color
correctly is helpful in express some geographical concepts in maps. A colorful map draws
readers’ attention and they a willing to watch a map rather than mess textual descriptions.
Therefore, people would like to use maps to obtain the idea of spatial concepts.

Color can distinguish the quantitative data on map, which explains the data clearly by using
few words. Color is used to show the value or degree on maps. Color intensity increases with
increasing value or degree. Readers can summaries by using common sense that the largest
percentage of value is corresponding to the color in highest intensity. Therefore, they can
understand the content shown in the map. Krygier (2011, p. 234-242) agrees that color intensity
is useful when expressing the quantitative data. It is a clear method for readers to know the
distribution of investigative subject in different areas. Spatial concepts, therefore, can be express

2.Transfering spatial ideas more accurately

Compared with the accessibility to convey spatial concepts, map is more effective than
mere tabular and textual descriptions. Tabular data method is a progressive method of textual
description which use less words and flow charts to delivery the location message to readers.
However, the spatial concepts may not be fully conveyed and forming unclear to readers because
of the short illustration of ideas and without graphic description. Eischeid mentions that tabular
layout is hard for readers to summarizes the relationships of the data in the table ( Eischeid T.
M., 2007). As a result , spaital concepts are better conveyed in map rather than tubular and
textual descrptions.
Apart from transferring spatial concepts thoroughly, map express the location of a place
more accurate. When opening the Global Positioning System (GPS) in digital map, such as,
google map, the device can detect users’ position and use a dot to show the location they are. Dot
moves if user walks or changes the position. Mathias (2011, p.85-89) mentions that mobile
GIS ,which is small, light electronic map, is linked with a main server without wire. The location
of users can be showed even though they keep walking which is useful for users to reach
destination point. As technological progression, the photogrammetry changes from analogue and
analytical photogrammetry to digital photogrammetry which is more trustworthy and accurate

In contrast, tabular data and textual description are traditional approach which express the
spatial concepts less accurate. Since tabular and textual data are the writing description without
GIS or GPS. It is difficult for textual data, which show the general idea of a place to locate the
position accurately. As a result, map can transfer the spatial concepts more effectively.

Map is used to explain the phenomena. For example, population of world, production of
food, energy consumption (Mathias, 2011, p.11). Since the phenomena are about the global
development and planning, map is expected to be precise and without any mistakes. However,
map is a white fairy tale and some readers are lied by improper map process.

Misconception of map
Scale is one of the common components of map deceived the readers. Although the
technological advancements make the measurement be more accurate, it is impossible to
measure the size of an area without error. However, a map assumes the actual area equals to
multiply the area on map with map scale. Monmonier (1996, p.5) mentions that ‘the units must
be same’ so ratio of 1:5000 states that a 1 cm line on the map stands for a 5000 cm stretch of
road in the reality. Nevertheless, the stretch is not equal to 5000 cm in reality and the actual
length can be higher or lower than 5000 cm. Therefore, most of the readers believe the scale of
map who are deceived by the maps.

Map is a miniature of a place or even the world, not all the features being included.
Therefore, only the significant features can be shown in map. A falsehood is formed due to the
deletion of some landmarks. It is common to observe that the feature on the real site but it cannot
find in the map. Since small-scale maps show greater details, ‘small-scale maps have a smaller
capacity for truth than large-scale maps’ (Monmonier, 1996, p.6). As a result, readers cannot find
the insignificant landmarks in small-scale maps. It is assumed that symbols can represent all the
landmarks on the map. ‘Map symbols allow us to put just about anything on a map’ (Krygier,
2011, p. 171). However, some of the landmarks are not be shown by symbols. Therefore,
Monmonier (1996, p.4-10) concluded that all map tell a fairy tale about the earth.

Map symbol is another type of map elements, which misleads the readers easily. According
to Monmonier (1996, p.18), map key means a graphic symbol for storing and retrieving data in a
two-dimensional geographic map. It is suggested that different map types use their own symbols
to represent the information. Monmonier (1996, p.18-24) mentions that there is a standard
symbolic system for geologic maps to follow. However, some maps are constructed under
careless map making process use improper symbols to represent. ‘quantitative differences, size is
more suited to showing variation in amount or count’ (Monmonier, 1996, p.19), such as, the
population of minor group in 18 districts of Hong Kong but some map makers use unsuitable
symbols to represent. ‘Some visual variables are unsuitable for small point symbols’
(Monmonier, 1996, p.20) which cause the readers to capture unclear concepts and get the wrong
meaning of the map.

Apart from improper symbols, it is common for careless map process using double
symbols. One symbol is used to represent one concept on map for clarification but some map
using double symbols to indicate one concept. For example, a map using both shape and size to
represent the population of the elderly in Hong Kong would mislead the readers. They might
confuse whether shape or size is used to represent the precentage of elderly population.
If the mapmaker wanted to use shape as symbols, he should use different shapes in same size. It
is easy for readers to have an idea that the percentage of the elderly is higher in larger size of a
shape. As a result, an error map deceives them.

A map tells a lie that there are some generalizations on map which are not one-hundred
percents equal to reality. After generalization, map is easier to obverse by human being in order
to capture the information on the map. Monmonier (1996, p.25-38) states that map inhibit the
real situtation in order to help the readers find what they need and therefore generalization is
FIGURE 3.3. Elementary geometric operations in the generalization of point features and map labels.
(Monmonier, 1996, p.29)

There are several generalizations in order to simpify the map. Selection, simplification,
displacement, smoothing, enhancement, aggregation, dissolution, segmentation, point conversion
and line conversion are the common options in generalization of features (Monmonier, 1996,
p.26-42). In order to let readers observe different locations nearby easily, displacement is
involved in the map. There is no boundary mark in the reality. In addition, aggregation is used to
glue the separated parts together so as to help the readers to obverse what they need. Since each
map represents one topic, selection is used to show the significant locations, omitting the useless
positions. As a result, it is easy to conclude that map always tells lies with readers.

It is common for a map midleading readers by man-made mistakes. Since map is made by
human, it would not be one-hundred percent correct. Readers are misleaded by ‘incompatible
sources, misspelled place-names, and gray tone symbols changes by poor printing or poor
planning’ (Monmonier, 1996, p.43-48). Some map producers need to hand in the final graph on
time for publishing. They are in the hurry and do not have time for double check whether the
map is misplaced the features or missing some important landmarks. Therefore, some readers are
deceived by map and cannot find the visual land features on map. It is often to receive an error
map in the old day. ‘Inaccurate maps in a war zone can be deadly’ (Monmonier, 1996, p.45).
One of the historical fact is that unexpected barriers slowed the northern army's progress in 1862
because of inaccurate map. Therefore, it is in a commonplace to misplace, misspelled the
features in careless map making process.

Map could be a strategy in advertising and misleads the readers. It is common for
advertisers to draw map in exaggeration of favorable factors. Using transportation ad as an
example, it often overstates the standard in transportation., it often overstates the standard in
transportation. Monmonier (1996, p.59) mentions that maps are treated as tools in marketing by
ad business.
(Monmonier, 1996, p.60)^6

Figure 5.2 illustrates the advertising and timetable map of the Helter, Skelter and Northern
Railway which is involved in modification of original map. The railway is straightened and Khan
Junction is shifted to locate at the centre (Monmonier, 1996, p.58-61). Someone who has not
seen the original map before is misled easily and has a wrong concept that the railway is
constructed in straight line.

In conculsion, this acticle investigates the effectivness of map in coveying spatial conveys
and explains the misconceptions of maps in details maps make a contribution in conveying
spatial concepts, which is more effective than tabular data and textual descriptions. It is a
systematic and logical method so the readers can understand the spatial concepts by symbols or
keys located on maps. Using different colors to separate different land features or land uses can
help make readers summarise where the location is step by step. In addition, map can convey the
spatial concepts more accuratly. Owing to the technological advanced, there are more geological
information for map makers to make a map. Using GIS or GPS, digital maps can show the
locations that readers found more accuratly. Therefore, it can deliver spatial concepts in effect.
Although maps are one of the convenient method for human, there are some misconceptions on
map in order for us to find a location. There are some generalizations, such as, selection,
simplification, on map and the size of an area on map is not one-hundred percents equal to
reality. In addition, some advertising map would exaggerate the favorable factors by
enlargement, which misleads the readers. Neverthless, map is important in human lifes.

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