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Kolehiyo ng Pantukan


Juan A. Sarenas Campus
Kingking, Pantukan, Davao de Oro


A Written Report
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A Written Report in Assessment in Learning 1Educ 6



Chapter 1: Rationale ……………………………………….

Chapter 2: Content

Chapter 3: Examplars

Chapter 4: Reflections

Chapter 5: Concluding Remarks


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A Written Report in Assessment in Learning 1Educ 6

“ Quotable Quotes”

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A Written Report in Assessment in Learning 1Educ 6

Chapter 1: RATIONALE

The topic that I can demonstrate is the Program for teacher education,

specific program outcomes in the different which bas is characterize by the Policies,

standard and Guidelines. the following statement are the program for teacher

outcome for teacher education in 2017 Philippines. Articulate the rootedness of

education in philosophical social cal, sociocultural, historical and political contexts.

In this statement show that a graduate of the teacher education you are a well-

spoken or a knowledgeable about the wisdom of education, history and different

aspect of teaching from the classical teaching base from the culture of diversity.

Demonstrate mastery of subject matter / discipline. After graduating you must be

wet master your degree and become they having a expertise in Demonstration of

your degree matter and the mastery of discipline, *Facilitate Learning using a wide

range of teaching methodologies and delivery mode appropriate to specific Learners

and their environment. In this statement stated that as a teacher you can use your

Learning to teach using a easy and under stable teaching base in what kind of

student and resources. you have and their environment. *Develop Innovative

curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches and resources for diverse

Learners. *Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promo quality,

relevant, and sustainable educational practices. To promote in the you can Students

that utilize your skills in ICT to develop some first scale and applicable and

sustainable educational practices.

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A Written Report in Assessment in Learning 1Educ 6

Chapter 2: CONTENT

Propose of the Program Outcomes for Teacher education to show and aware

those student the specific Course or degree Policies, standards and Guidelines of

educational that but the son that with en. she or he taken. When the student who

take the educational course for teacher is already awaere. The Policies, standards

and Guidelines after they read the Program outfimer for teacher education will be

start to undertord and the student start to internalize what they ready, imagine

conceptualize. that they can do to apply those polices, storderd and guidlines.

After the students internalise and Bag Imagine they starty searching Se à data

and information.extdent gather see the student gather some philusopical and downs

that cause, restorin's bappametly history cal happened, sociocultural toay of

teaching, pp and psycholog way of a thinking and also political context.

*Demostrate a variety of thinking skills in plaming monitoring, assessing and

reporting Learning processes and outcomes. After graduate you must inhiret the

spirit of a teacher and others can see your expertise in skills ton in planning,

monitoring, assesing reporting learning process.

*Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the Local,

National, and global realities. it means you must perform otten the characteristic of a

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A Written Report in Assessment in Learning 1Educ 6

professiona ancl ethical standards delicately aware of the other attitudes realieties in

Local National and global.

*Pursie lifelong learning for personal and profesional growth trough vareid .

experiential and the field based opportunities. It mears that contined your learning

even you are alreadh graduate and become a teacher. Doe an action to experience

more in the field to growth your Personal and professional aspect

The student apply their mastery in real life as a teacher who can pre (on give a

firt-class knowledge to their son student using a stardent variety of thinks

Educational practices and showing here or his experties in terms of p planning to do

in term of planning How the lesson goes on, mity ther or stolen-sent assissing her or

his student to col cathe up their topp monitoring the out comes his or her student.

The students Use it are the like the last part Assesment blue print when they

continering Practice the pobe ethical standard of teaching Pursue lifelong Learning

for personal and professional growth through experientin Dip field base experience.

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Chapter 3: EXEMPLARS

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The Programs outcomes for teacher Education is aim to aware these students

like me who want to becomes as future educator odd taking the educational Course

degree. the Programs Outcomes for thencher Education awere me the guidlines

standard and Policies of my scourse than I will be taken, its Indicate How to become

a good and effective Education in the fueture by showing some word and sentence

that can I use as a key to become good educator.

The result of this study is very usefull on me and also for those student who

take the educational course. It can help us to b understand deeply what we had have

taken and also what det do we have in a fecture. it is very effective topic and the

result of this study is very usefellin me and also for those student who take the

educational course. It can help us to b understand deeply what we had have taken

and also what dety do have in a fecture. it is very effective topic and the result is

good to it help my self to be aware and ready my self for the feture feild experience.

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As a result of my to study the Programs outcomes for teacher edcation can

give a big Impact in jouney of student who taken the edevaational Coverses. ther

fore the student most be study and internalize the given guidlines, Standard and p

and polices to be ready their self for the feild experient P experience, it can help to

became a education that posses a effective teacher that can teach their in deffirent fed

feild of koordieg different way of teaching even kl knowolge using the de diverse innovative

of He methock or In By this way you Can do good and it is a the classical method of the

teaching, your duty efficently couse at the start of start your study until to the feild a you

already practice the idea of how the teacher become effective.

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