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P. M. Avdonin, A. D. Krasnoslov, T. G. Klimova
Relay Control and Automation of Electrical Power Systems, National Research
«MPEI», Moscow, Russia


One of issues of current importance is the possibility of using phasor

measurements unit (PMU) for the relay protection functions implementation. The
main objective remains developing efficient ways of meeting the requirements for
a high-performance of relay protection when receiving data from PMU. As known,
PMU are used to collect technological information and to control the power grid.
The possibility and prospects of using PMU in Russia are under active discussion
According to the leading experts, who have already discussed this issue [1],
such devices will help to significantly increase the assessment of the state of the
power grid, by obtaining data from PMU in the online mode and transferring them
directly to dispatch centers, as it is done by foreign system operators. The
advantages of the PMU are their higher information update rate compared to
telemetry, the accuracy of these measurements and time synchronization with
global navigation satellite systems, which make it possible to compare
measurements from different parts of the power grid. Without a doubt, PMUs are
the most convenient and accurate way of obtaining information on current vectors
(the effective values of the fundamental harmonic of the phase current force Ia, Ib,
Ic and the absolute current angle δIa, δIb, δIc) and voltage (the effective values of
the fundamental harmonic of the phase voltage Ua, Ub, Uc and the absolute voltage
angle δUa, δUb, δUc) at a particular point in the power system. In modern devices,
the output of vector parameters is formed 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 times per

978-1-5386-6799-6/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE RPA 2018

second. According to [2], the data reporting rate should be 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200
frames per second in each PMU.

PMU Standard requirements

The analysis of the possibility of using PMU for the implementation of the
functions of high-speed relay protection devices is carried out with the example of
busbar differential protection (BDP) and line differential protection (LDP). When
analyzing the use of the PMU for implementing the functions of high-speed relay
protection devices, it is especially important to compare their dynamic
characteristics with the requirements for the speed of implemented relay protection
algorithms. For the relay protection tasks the value of the reaction time and the
delay in the transmission of measurement results are especially important.

Table 1. Requirements for the dynamic characteristics of class P

PMU class P
№ PMU dynamic characteristics Reporting rate, frames per second
10 25 50 100 200
25 10 5 2,5 1,25
1 Reaction time
ms ms ms ms ms
Delay in the transmission of 200 80 40 20 10
measurement results ms ms ms ms ms

Reaction time is defined as the time interval between the moment, when the signal
with instantaneous (abrupt) amplitude change, which is applied to the input of the
PMU, and the measurement time when the variable parameter reaches a value
equal to half of the amplitude of the change.
Delay time in the transmitting of the measurement results is the time period from
the moment of occurrence of the event to the moment of its reflection in the
measurement data.
The delay in the delivery of measurement results depends on the following
factors: the size of the signal processing window (reporting time), the method of
measurement, the type and settings of the filter, the time of data processing in the
PMU, and the moment of instantaneous change of the parameter relative to the
reporting time of the PMU. In fact, these parameters depend on the accuracy class
of the PMU and the data reporting rate. The delay time for the output of the PMU
data is defined as the maximum time interval between the time of the message
preparation, by the time stamp, and the time when the data is available at the
output of the PMU.
According to the standards [2,5], the time characteristics presented in the
Table 1 were obtained with an abrupt change in the amplitude and phase of the test
signal by ±10%. It can be shown (Fig. 1) that the response times and the
transmission delays are independent of the amplitude of the jump in the measured
parameter (linear mode).

Fig. 1 – Response time and delay in the transmission of measurement results in

the PMU
Moreover, there are requirements for the dynamic characteristics of the PMU in
[5], namely, to the response time and the measurement delay time (reaction time).
Measurement response time is the time to transition between two steady-state
measurements before and after a step change is applied to the input. It shall be
determined as difference between the time that the measurement leaves a specified
accuracy limit and the time it re-enters and stays within that limit when a step
change is applied to the PMU input. The input signal shall be held at a steady-state
condition before and after the step change. The only input signal change during
this test shall be the parameter(s) that have been stepped.

Fig.2 - Example of step change measurements using a magnitude step, illustrates

response time and delay time [5]
Measurement delay time, as described above, is defined as the time interval
between the instant step change is applied to the input of a PMU and measurement
time that the stepped parameter achieves a value that is half way between the initial
and final steady-state values. The input signal shall be held at a steady-state
condition before and after the step change. The only input signal change during
this test shall be the parameter(s) that have been stepped.
The purpose of evaluating the measurement delay time is to verify that the time
tagging of the synchrophasor measurement (measurement time) has been properly
compensated for the filtering system group delay. It is expected that the time tag as
provided by the PMU has been properly compensated for the filtering system
group delay, so that the delay will be near zero.

Research of the real PMU dynamic characteristics

Results of the experimental modelling in accordance to the recommendations of

the Standard [5] at the RTDS (Real Time Digital Simulator) can be seen at Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 - The response of the PMU of the class P and M with the stepwise input
voltage, reporting rate 50 frames per second
The circle (1) marks the reaction time of the PMU, defined by the Standard [5],
it is the same for the class P and M. Moreover, it is not possible to estimate the real
high-speed performance of the device from its value. At the same time, the
impression appears that the response appears before the applied influence. Hence,
we can conclude that the Standard describes the requirements for the mathematical
model, and not for the physical. In reality, the time to reach half the voltage jump
for the PMU of different classes differs significantly (in Fig.3, the curly bracket (2)
shows the reaction time of the PMU of class P, (3) - PMU of class M).
Experiments were also carried out with short-circuit simulation for which the
results of measurements of PMU were estimated. As can be seen from the Fig. 4,
the PMU of class M is very far behind in the accuracy of measurements from the
PMU of class P. Moreover, the PMU of class P produces a reliable signal in time

up to 50 ms. The experiments were conducted with the PMU forming 50 points per
second. These times take into account the delay in the reporting of the PMU.
Short circuit, ph.A

Short circuit, ph.B

Short circuit, ph.C

Fig.4 - Simulation results for short circuit currents simulation.

As can be seen from the picture above, only PMU 1 (class P) quickly and
accurately generates a signal. The green curve is the test signal. In the top figure
the result of PMU 1 practically coincides with the test signal. Class M PMUs show
large distortion of the short circuit currents, due to incorrect operation of the input
transducers for large current jumps.

Relay protection requirements

To investigate the possibility of PMU applications for relay protection, it is

necessary to determine the various requirements for high-speed relay protection
characteristics, depending on the voltage class of the equipment. Relay protection
devices must ensure the fastest possible disconnection and isolation of the
damaged equipment [4].
The exact response time of the relay protection devices can be determined taking
into account the type of the protected object and the type of protection.
The standard [2] describes the technical requirements and the functional test
program for all types of protection for a voltage of 6-750 kV. Thus, it is possible to
roughly estimate the necessary response times of relay protection in power grids of
different voltage classes: in ultrahigh voltage grids (≥330 kV), the algorithm must
run for less than 0.06 s, in high voltage grids (35-220 kV) this time is about 0.1 s,
and for the distribution grids (6-10 kV) - 0.2 s.
For example, requirements for the high-speed performance of the BDP
according to the standard of "FGC UES" [3] is less than 3 periods of the industrial
frequency when the short circuit passes from the external fault to the internal fault
and no more than 30 ms at the internal one.
As for LDP, according to the same standard, requirements for the high-speed
performance are 25 ms at the internal fault and when the external fault goes to the
internal one, with the presence of saturation of the current transformers, less than
60 ms.
Use of the PMU for the implementation in the BDP algorithms
A busbar with 12 connections was simulated to investigate the possibility of
using PMU for the implementation in the functions of the BDP (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 – Investigated bus diagram

With the help of simulation, instantaneous values of currents and voltages
(sinusoids) can be obtained for any kind of fault at any place in the circuit, both in
secondary values and in primary ones. The most dangerous mode is the three-phase
short circuit on the bus, which is associated with the highest value of current
flowing. Further research is based on the basis of this mode.
The signal to be investigated is the differential current, which is obtained by
vector addition of the currents from all connections (Exp. 1).

= , (1)

where Idif − total differential current,

Ii − instantaneous value of the current from the i-th connection.

During the simulation, the possibility to fit the requirements of the standards
[2,5] is verified by using the existing values of the delay times for the transmission
of measurement results and the acceptable data reporting rate is selected (Table 2).
Response time dependence of the proposed BDP algorithm on the signals given by
the PMU is investigated for different settings of the PMU device in the software
complex MATLAB: Simulink. Furthermore, the dependence of the output PMU
signal on the processing window (reporting time) and the number of points over
the period (reporting rate) is determined.
Table 2. The test results of the PMU with the different settings
The algorithm response time, ms
Data reporting rate in
Reporting time 4 Reporting time 1
1 second
periods periods
200 55 20
100 60 20
50 60 20
25 80 40
10 100 100
1 >1000 >1000

Based on the measurements obtained by means of the PMU, for different types
of settings defined the actual operation of the BDP algorithm. According to the
results of the experiment, it turned out that the response time directly depends on
the described above parameters. As the processing window increases, the response
time increases too. With a decrease in the number of samples per period the
obtained result is similar. The most favorite setting of the PMU is the maximum
possible number of samples per period (data reporting rate) and the minimum
possible processing window (reporting time).

Use of the PMU for the implementation in the LDP algorithms
The tests are carried out on the model of a real-operating 220 kV power line
(Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 – Equivalent circuit of the simulated 220 kV grid

On the basis of the simulated energy system equivalent circuit, in the
mathematical modelling software complex MATLAB: Simulink, an imitation
model of the object was created, in which all the required parameters were set and
the necessary current values were obtained.
The circuit provides a sequence of test modes and conditions corresponding to
the standard [3] (Table 3).
Table 3. Conditions and modes of PMU testing for usage in LDP algorithms
Test № 1 - protection checking and three-phase autoreclosing with an unstable
short circuit on the line.
Test conditions:
• Short circuit: the beginning of the line (at substation «A»)
• Switching phase Ua: 0 °
• Type of fault: K(3)ABC
• Transient resistance in the fault location: 0
• The location of the protection - substation B
Sequence of modes:
• Normal load mode
• The occurrence of a fault
• Three-phase tripping of the line with protection from both sides
• Disappearance of the fault in 0,3 s

• Three-phase autoreclosing from substation A side due to lack of voltage (setting
tAPV = 1,5 s)
• Three-phase autoreclosing on the side of substation B with synchronism control -
switching on in transit after 200 ms after switching on the first end (three-phase
autoreclosing with a time: phases A, B – close together, phase C – closes after 10
Test № 2 - protection checking and three-phase autoreclosing with sustainable
short circuit on the line.
Test № 3 - Sustainable external non-symmetrical short circuit with its
Test № 4 - Transition of an external non-symmetrical short circuit to a
symmetrical internal fault.
Test № 5 - External non-symmetrical short circuit with power reverse on a parallel
line, passing into a symmetrical one at the same point before the second circuit-
breaker is disconnected.
Test № 6 - External non-symmetrical short circuit with power reverse on a parallel
line, passing into a symmetrical internal one before the second circuit-breaker is
Test № 7 - Asynchronous mode on the line as a consequence of the appearance of
an external fault and its transition to the internal one.

During the experiments, the characteristics of the PMU were variated:

● Reporting time - 1, 2 and 5 periods of industrial frequency;
● Data reporting rate in one period – 1 and 4.
The results of the experiments confirmed the experimental data obtained during
the testing of the PMU in the BDP algorithm. Moreover, it is managed to
determine that the PMU with data reporting rate less than 50 per second is
uniquely unsuitable for the implementation of relay protection algorithms due to
the slow response of the algorithm. Determine for sure the exact response time of
the algorithm when using PMU is not possible, because depending on the
differential current form and PMU settings it is possible to get to any step of PMU
output signal (Fig. 7). It is safe to say that this time will definitely be more than
time, while using the classical algorithm.
Evaluation of operating time accuracy
Fig. 7 shows the results of the experiment, demonstrating the results, depending on
the settings of the PMU.

Fig. 7 – The output signal of the PMU with a reporting time 4 periods: the red line
- 1 sample per period, the black line - 4 samples per period. The green dashed line
shows the triggering of the algorithm. The yellow line indicates the selected set for
the differential current.
Depending on the setting of the PMU, the output measurements will be
different, which means that the algorithm response times will differ (Table 2).

Fig. 8 – The set point crossing between the start and end of the step
In the case under consideration, the setpoint crossed the output of the PMU
signal in the middle of the stage (for the black line). The maximum value of the
error can be estimated by considering the worst case. This error is an exceptionally
random - it is impossible to determine in advance which part of the step will be
crossed. When considering the worst case, it is necessary to take the setpoint value
at which the next step will begin at the next sampling step. Thus, the maximum
error depends only on the width of the step and is calculated from the expression:
20 1000
∆ = = , (2)

where nfpp - number of frames per period,

nfps - number of frames per second.
The above error must be taken into account when calculating the response time
of the algorithm. Table 4 shows the errors calculated according to the expression 2
for the PMUs with different settings.

Table 4. Random errors values
Data reporting rate in
Maximum error, ms
1 second (fps)
200 5
100 10
50 20
25 40
10 100
1 1000

Random errors have large values, which will adversely affect the high-
performance of the algorithm.
The possibility of using P-class PMU was estimated in this paper.
● To ensure an acceptable response time, the device must generate at least
100 measurements per second, providing a total value of reaction times
and a delay of transmission of measurement results of less than 22,5
milliseconds, which could be acceptable in some modes of the grid.
● In order to be able to use PMU for relay protection purposes, according to
preliminary estimates, these numbers can reach up to 200.
● Uniquely, PMU with a data transfer rate of less than 100 frames per
second is definitely not suitable for relay protection purposes.
Perhaps in the near future there will be new devices that will meet the above
technical requirements. Given the reliability of the microprocessor-based relay
protection terminals, namely their hardware and logic parts, the PMUs will not be
able to remove them for a long time to implement in relay protection algorithms.

[1] Digital substation. Edition 8. 2017 year. «Perspectives of syncronized vector
measurements application».
[2] STO 59012820.29.020.011-2016 // Relay protection and automation standart.
Syncronized vector measurements devices. Standarts and requirements.
[3] STO 56947007 - // Technical requirements for
microprocessor-based relay protection and automation devices.
[4] Rules for the electrical installations – Edition 7. Section 3. Chapter 3.2.
[5] IEEE C37.118.1-2017 // Standard for Synchrophasor Measurements for Power


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