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Grade 10

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Define The lens Equation
2. Derive lens equation using the result of ray diagrams
3. Solve word problems using the lens equation/
A. Topic: The Lens Equation
B. Reference: Science 10 Learner’s Module, Science 10 Teacher’s Guide
C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Manila Paper, Improvised white board
and marker.

Teacher’s Activity

A. Prayer
Before we start with our class for today, let us pray first. May I request hakim to the
front and please lead the prayer.

B. Checking of attendance of the students

Please raise your right hand and say present if your name is called.

C. Review
We have discussed about refraction of light in lenses in our previous meetings, right?
it includes the types of lenses, images formed by lenses, and the three most useful
rays in lenses. But before those, we have discussed about reflection of light in mirrors
that includes, multiple images, the types of reflections, reflection on spherical mirrors,
images formed by curved mirrors, and the mirror equation.

D. Motivation
Before we proceed with our lesson for today, let us have an activity. Tell whether the
statement describes the mirror equation or not. Clap your hand once if it as Mirror and
twice if is not. Is that clear?

E. Discussion

Like spherical mirror, there is a quicker way to determine the characteristics of the
image formed in the lenses. This is through analytic method using the lens equation.

F. Application
Solve the following word problems.

G. Generalization

What is the equation of the lens equation? Is lens equation similar or identical to
spherical mirror?


5-10 items Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter on a
separate sheet of paper.


Choose 1 word problem out of 10 problems and solve it in a ½ sheet of paper.

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